I am the MASTER of Death! | Death and Taxes

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Feb 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

I kinda want to play this just to see what happens if you do a "perfect" job (basically following the rules exactly as given), but on every single question you state how much you absolutely hate doing it.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DiabloGraves 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey guys and welcome to our five of me being on the couch streaming but you won't see the fruits of that labor until like another week yeah Matthew is doing some GT not liveing before GT liveing it's true it was do teep realizing i was pre-gaming the livestream today i was pre liveing with some pre stream action oh wow that'll get disseminated at a later later date there's a vr game that you might be familiar with that we've been taking a really long time to it's a very long game and there's a very lot amount of very large amount of content that I hi guys welcome to Tuesday's dish and of GT life we are here on the couch we're sleepy I'm sleepy it's only half the couch sleep half the couch asleep oh ok Matthew is doing great I'm going I'm going hard and strong I'm here for the nap crowd great now Stephanie is representing the sleepy I'm representing the forcibly awake he gave up on trying to get sleep a long time ago and now is just coasting your life you look good while you do it oh well thank you that's sweet thank you appreciate that no problem that someone likes me Matthew's just salty because this morning Oliver wasn't as excited to see him as usual and our kid is always excited to see Matthew because he's the coolest dad it's usually much more excited to see Matthew than he is to see like mommy is like a sort of cool sometimes I feel ready super cool I feel like daddy's a hot and cold here Sunday he was like dead dead dead dead as I walked down the stairs and then Monday I I have him in the morning like Stephanie and I switch out who has him in the mornings and then Tuesday's is a Stephanie ok breakfast downstairs very good mommy Olli time Tuesday walked down the stairs and he sees me and he's like no daddy people he does he's just no no Dell no I'm hoping I'm hoping it was Stephanie reported later that he was tired and went back at like 9:30 so I'm hoping that it was purely just because he knows how high energy and exciting time with daddy is and he's like I can't handle it I tried to get him to say bye daddy and love you daddy and he was sort of like give me a teenager response yeah you legitimately gave me the leg love you like you don't you're saying words that you don't mean Oliver Matt you're saying words that you don't mean so Matthews just a little bit salty because he got he got the reject from our baby today I heard I got I got the I got to talk to the hand yeah so anyway none of that is relevant in any way shape and form playing video games we're playing a game the game is called death and taxes oh boy wait the right season for it where everybody's like doing their taxes right I hear a lot of commercials on the on like the TV or in or wherever their commercials wherever your college is consumed for like H&R Block and Jackson Hewitt and all these places to do your taxes for you so I feel like we're in we're in the right mode for this why don't they teach you how to do taxes in school they really should god right they really should it's one it's like one of the most important things that you do as an adult and you're scary and it's super scary it's a risk areas if you mess it okay if you mess it up you feel like they can like come after you do they basic well I mean they can't is it but you there's a lot of steps before they would actually come after you but they make it sound like if you check the wrong box on your tax form they're gonna come like tow away your car in the middle of the night and be like no no no you filled out your tax forms wrong this is gone this seemed to be a very antiquated system right anyway tell us about how your tax day is going it's not taxed until you're - I guess like tell us if you pay them and if it sucks I don't know I you know we're just wearing playscape I show GG live Christie lemon I'm assuming that because they're 11 I did draw it's featured heavily in the intro of this case okay a lot of lemons I feel I've hit us up in on Twitter or over in the chat where I will be hanging out on my phone we will get started here at Chris do you do your own taxes or do you do H&R Block or something I have done my own taxes I think this is going to be the first year I find someone else to do them for me yeah people who pay another person seem to pay less taxes than I do that's fair no I mean I don't know well back it back in the day when I was in theater I would do my taxes in a booth at McDonald Matthews our this was crazy because Matthew would work in like five different states and you know if you work in more than one state you have to fill out a form for each state that you work in and they're all taxed at different rate it was insult math you would do all of that by himself we both used to do our taxes honor all by ourselves it took days yeah it's really long luckily my time was worth nothing back then yeah and like literally nothing like like I was paying the theaters to have me there right you know and McDonald's I could sit there all day if I bought like a one dollar large soda ever just refill over it there were a couple of years where Matthew didn't have to file taxes as an adult because he didn't make it yeah that's like when I say my time was literally worth nothing even the government agreed where it's like wow you really may not you really need all the money like are you taking money from all of this but like you do realize that there's like unemployment and stuff that you can take and I was like no I'm employed yeah just it's not that the great low now is not my fault I mean it is my foot like that was they okay it's like I recognize it's my fault for choosing to be in theater where they don't pay you at all so so yeah I'm not gonna take it anyway different taxes that's my flood tax story all right good times now now we do not do our own taxes because as a youtuber it's very hard things are very complicated and when you have a bunch of employees and freelancers and all sorts of stuff it is very hard it is very complicated ok so it takes months in the beginning there was a demonic-looking rug cool Sara's Cerberus looking dog door someone came in oh my gosh we're in the good place knock-knock-knock fate oh thanks keeper I mean I mean sort of it sort of likes a good place it's kind of a good place don't worry you're in the good place we're missing or missing our lemons sure we want to summon things that we're out of lemons ok nice yellow feet apparently lives at 1801 very cool Oh a nice building he also likes to recreate the album video dude yeah very very nice oh we're going to the market you go shopping Oh to get some lemon but how nice buddy you can just Amazon drop that Amazon Prime oh you're so fake I would have feeling faint can't afford it I go down to the old TJ's Oh someone touched him on the shoulder he's mad oh no oh I thought that was just like maybe there was fire reflecting in his glasses because he he felt the magic of the moment Ursa so he's in line somebody taps another shoulders excuse me throw your arm back again I want a starburst Jupiter get it why do you mad just got to like move forward or something I know what's going on I'm on ok so you're in a grocery store we live in a society thank you you're right we do live in a society so fate oh oh hey it's us Grim Reaper oh hey whoa oh oh like a Medea do it oh oh dolla dolla dolla bills so nice cute well oh we got little fans action right there we're normal I want to go way trade these prisoners are really loud you gotta don't you listen you got to open the packaging to the canyon before so are you do you want to show it and probably learn with me no wait they're good aren't they so I don't eat Twizzlers the Abdullah's Muertos or dela Bill Dia de los Muertos holy but also just call it dia de Muertos right there then Oh fun oh I can tell it says we like to have fun yeah a grim reaper who has a good ol sense of humor begin to bureaucratic after bow oh man talking about death and taxes man this is rough here we go come on faint fine oh sorry stream history mom I felt momentous day I am honored to welcome you into our world spawn small spool number eight great thanks fate clearly you're an immortal being because you're in no hurry to get through your lines favourite I am the keeper of woes okay here we go which I say where am i what am i a little pleasure to meet your fate I don't care much mean you 85 can I be food I think pleasure to meet you let's just be nice yeah Oh a polite Grim Reaper for a change haha guys is a good start yeah great welcome to your new job as an overseer of Cosmopolis city subdivision for a man the son county wife oh boo she looks like but what type of grapes are we grow it in the Sun County wine region subdivision anymore what you are thinking and yes your assignment is choosing humans who have to die it was is the operative standard stuff is as opposed to isn't tiny tomato first day no try to get to know the system and do not destroy the world yes ha ha ha you see right yes like it paid for this clear I have to kill Pete uh well I get paid or whatever you say what you think well I get paid most certainly Hey oh now now simulates that every ray it's a fair sound what a good deal oh this is fine I can I can drag with that files correctly is the most in okay marking profiles correctly I feel like there was no sense in being surprised Lester about telling people right you would know okay we don't get our fee if we do in a poor job that Tara's in secondary tasks will reduce the total even if the primary task is okay great executed correctly great remember the fate of the world lies in your hands humans march towards the great diet that just death or their automatic safety turn right I think it's I think the comment that's hurling creating endless chaos we okay keep humans from falling off we established the equilibrium this guy like a fair and balanced deal I was gonna say I think he's pretty pretty straight more reason your actions will have consequences I was born to do this literally all I mean let's find out something about ourselves because someone has to okay come on go that's as good of an explanation as says Danny you know I feel like we're a skeleton Oh what this one mole thing seven-day valuation period okay when the week was seven day game not just five days seven eight seven seven Dammann at death and taxes okay week to show us what you are made of creeper I feel like that's fair yeah some days also like got it I don't think it's weird that we're that we're bumping people off you know people a lot of people have had long good lives everybody's gotta go sometime we're a skeleton we're as good a person to do it as any you got a great suit I feel like if that's the last suit that people see it's going out on a pretty good note so we got two drawers that don't have a lot in a good world it was a good pitch at spinner got a fidget spinner yes Oh spin that fidget oh hello my instructions for the day welcome gray here welcome grim here are the files on humans who are in life-threatening situations within your domain I'm granting you time to settle in so no difficult rules or requests as of today quota for the day one human has to die send me the files by fax after you've made a decision good luck on your first day love hearts to the stars just wasn't you would have to die so we only have to pick one okay cool man I'm spinning it so fast that it's breaking and reversing I have spun wow there's so much look at it go pretty spinner keep going what are you gonna do are you gonna like open a portal or something I feel like this is gonna pay off in some huge way maybe later are you ready for this it's gonna pay off ready are you ready to for the payoff okay maybe I've reached the payoff moment it's like I don't know I don't think it's gonna get any better I have a phone at least good for crass mating and scrolling through Caulker caulker called her that like like Gawker stalkers call poker flick Twitter okay clearly okay Kane read I don't think I've met anyone from these okay ten read is 37 he's a aqua farmer came farms aquatic plants mostly various species of microalgae okay great they're in ever met I mean they've never been all that interested in the fish / crustaceans side of aquaculture preferring to keep their attention unto me see we could prove helpful after all Phoebe is good for the spurt everybody basically so and then Vivian Vivian Kennedy is amazing 0:52 Vivian works with children with learning disabilities and helps them learn musical instruments alright they also sing in a choir at home Vivian takes care of four wonderful cats oh man oh those cats motherless all that said okay so we just pick one but we pick one of them to die I guess algae or someone who works with disabled kids right algae I think he's only 37 though he's got a lot more life to live whereas if he's 52 but 52 still young 52 is the new 31 it was a natural 22 yeah the work 22 so honestly yeah she's she's basically 13 right so we just need to pick one human who died uh-huh I wish they would tell you a little bit about like their current circumstances outside of life this is their job it's a bit hard I don't know she's helping kids with disabilities I have a hard time all over that I know all right let's go algae I think the guys go algae guy oh no you will die oh man you will there we go then we the button there's that back back back smock you know OOP I need to use this and the shift I will confirm these choices oh man all right oh man the world ends at the end of the seven days because we let all the algae die right I was gonna say something about the LTS gonna hurt was your first day oh it was okay alright okay good I'm curious who is the chat voting towards remember lives are on the line that was true I see exactly person perished today as Tom did you figure out the best choice today figure out the best choice the chat seems to have agreed with that except for Michelle cracker who says that was the wrong choice oh shoot I dunno Fredo six-six-six also said she's 52 she's lived long enough jeez 50 wow man I hope not cuz how old are your parents I hope not cuz I'm getting real close to that age like that age is getting a lot closer a lot faster than I would hope did you figure out the best choice uh I did the best there were only few options no he deserves that Ned to be honest I gave a simple one to begin with there was no huge chance I mean sometimes none of the options are good everyone did such as the unfortunate indisputable incontrovertible ironclad law of Cosmos it's almost like he's really emphasizing that and it's not actually that ironclad right I still don't understand what exactly I'm today I'm afraid you're on yeah Ron's not sure guidelines all right keep up the good work thank you bonia steve says seaweed i seaweed we'd go by seaweed off you go here we go day to everyone wanted us to save the cats and children except for Captain quack who says seaweed is healthy all right seaweed is healthy Oh crow new is coral reefs dying out and the unprecedented rate due to pollution and ocean acidification yeah team of ragtag oil drillers sent to outer space to counter imminent asteroid impact threats oh yeah there it is the great dying is happening it seems like okay are we seeing started with apocalypse or is it just mention okay so it is interesting right because it's one of those like is it better to help on a small scale and he's like the woman who's doing like really good work to like the 510 you know 30 people that she's touching in her medium yeah or is it better to save the person who's like maybe helping the world but also maybe not like but yeah but it is one of those oh man it's it's interesting here we go morning Graham I hope you found your accommodation saying that some people's work is better than others just because well that's exactly right yeah that sucks I know I hope that's the dilemma Stephanie that's what worth it yeah oh here are the rules for the day follow them and you'll be okay I'm handing you another simple task one human with an engineering or industrial background engineering or industrial background has to die business okay okay engineering or industrial background okay 0:38 considers masonry a formidable art a mixture of intricate design and impressive monumentality they're convinced that cosmic Cosmopolis city needs to construct a proper city wall again oh man let's build a wall that's not engineer emergency trail that's industrial scenery is industrial okay sigmund Darren 28 Sigmund lives together with their artist girlfriend they like craft beer and biking Sigmund's drew was voted best local craft beer of the Year twice okay hey he's a bar toner and then drill master brutal Billis is 43 Bruno is infamously gruff drilling expert who has been working on deep-sea oil rigs for countless years they have a tense relationship with their daughter yet have lately been attempting to reconnect and make things work so if one person has to die one human with an engineering or industrial background so it has to be either the Mason or the drill master yeah Bruno or what's her noodle or Zara so 38 verses 43 that's pretty close that's do it a whole lot he has a daughter who he's trying to wreck reconcile with I think it's I think it's less about the personal stuff and I think it's more about like what are they doing right so he's a try your personal life matters I mean sure deep-sea oil rig or [Music] that's it we don't know any building a wall we don't know anything about Zara like we don't know her personal I think she goes I think she goes you think you things are agos I'll make sure of what city needs a city wall to protect from the asteroid or something that's not gonna protect her and that do you know what direction an asteroid comes from it's it's a wall that leads to a dull I do I have inclined to protect him though because I think deep-sea oil rigs he's a drilling expert yeah gruff drilling an expert or or is this like a you're drilling into the planet in it yeah but if it's not a drilling expert then you're gonna get someone who's crummy at drilling and who's going to destroy the water right confirm sorry Zara sorry hey there you go how was the second day on the job it's a very easy job I know I mean like did you follow you really do mark the paper I get to be damping I did I did I did yeah great you good everything looks to be in order see a proper employee couldn't see you there we're such a good rule follower I know we probably but we can do everything I know I bet there I bet there's multiple endings where it's like you kill everyone you save everyone right disobey orders you don't kill someone I hope I get to know more people know something yeah what's a pause I want to stay positive state seems like a good boss right look it's fine what's month might as well okay see you soon great day three everyone says good job my eyes are us as super Ryan Nintendo this is out for Zara wheat us out oh we got four now okay I'll Cocker here we go so today asteroid threat a miscalculation astronaut drillers astronaut drillers brought safely back to earth I wonder if the drilling matters check this crazed old fart storm a wedding Oh check the crazy old fart storm a wedding and punch the group of the face oh no is that the guy no the first one is the plot to the movie Armageddon oh yeah oh yeah that's great that is it totally is local Brewer wins the best beer in the of the Year competition all these names have saved him a new modern painting exhibition pictures of happiness okay collapse of under constructed city wall leaves many injured overseer dead oh come on project canceled all right well I still say what are you what are you building wait the project was cancelled so building the city wall with it was already a product that was happening right I don't understand you're come on okay everyone 40 grams new day dawns you ought to know the drill by now but just in case here's another simple one no special requests today try to follow the rules and choose the appropriate profiles then send them by faculty one human yesterday no two humans have today keep up the good work okay okay here we go easy Shannon Green 27 unemployed Shannon is a squatter and dumpster diver who likes to renovate old buildings in order to live in them with friends travel a lot by train and manage a community garden okay so not not neck harmful just sort of a drifter I'm impressed that as the squatter and dumpster diver can it has enough right what does she read renovate a building with just rip the stuff that you find yeah Michael land 31 composer so it's also similar age Michael was a musical prodigy since age for being able to pick up any instrument with little to no effort recently they've been working at fine art studios composing some of the most haunting musical pieces for a number of soundtracks mostly for computer games whoo okay who else we got we got Leo Jeffs ki67 always a politician in politics or over 40 years oh no a career politician oh and in that time they worked hard on relaxing the government's meddling in the real estate market although nobody has found proper proof they've been there's been rumors that Leo has taken many bribe from a number of realtor ages Oh Sky News oh wow okay so Leo Leo may be on the top so he's relaxing the government's medley in real estate market maybe because I think it's through bribery not through legal method okay toy 29 PhD student Choi doesn't like being called a student they are a doctoral candidate a Tormentum scholar a discoverer of drugs that a cure of does the oh my god I just hate how this guy describes well except when the student discount is available somewhere I knew that guy I'm sorry I mean every day you're at school I know nothing about you other than your file and how whoever wrote it has a vendetta against you carrying and diseases okay geez Oh 47 Columbia hunting this guy's got a living to their fellow pilots Oh oh no don't don't do that as soon as you kill this guy it's good this whole plane goes down Columbia is a distinguished war veteran these days working as a well regarded passenger airplane piyo yeah oh no we're happily married and have five children O'Malley Columbia's extremely interested history and religion religious buildings he says he's definitely live I'd say Leo's different yeah Leo everybody bribery's you're also older joy Yuri he's young hey who's this one again this is the doctor called this is a musical prodigy okay so it's between the PhD student and the drifter for me I would agree I think that's fair because the the drifter is the dribbler age but this seems like a somewhat dangerous life right living untrue like traveling by trains renovating old buildings and dumpster likes being a squatter I feel like is a dangerous places the dangerous lifestyle so I don't know I I don't want to have this like discussion about who's contributing more to society you know I've been in a ph.d program PhD students maybe some of them contribute significantly to society but a lot don't you and so I don't know if a drifter is anyone contributing anything but in the future he might cure big diseases in the future she might seek to build a life I don't know I would say he is arrogant but I say he has more potential to help a lot of people if he cures a disease even if he does it selfishly he's helping a lot of people point I would agree I feel like the weight and again it's all based on the descriptions right I think he's a community garden which is nice but again small scale impact versus large scale disease curing potentially yeah I think I mean now I'm starting to feel like kind of a bad bird you know this is really afraid right but let me let the game right that's all about man here we go okay my latest spawn 3 ah people wanted us to knock out joy really sorry guys the thing is like here's the thing right joy I'm Jeff jannett is a lovely person is the thing the thing is based on the weight like and it's tough right cuz you get such low information about everyone and the way toys report was written it made him seem like what an arrogant son of a god super arrogant obnoxious but if you're looking at yeah where they are and in position of the relative good that they can do part yeah okay awesome that is what I have to say here aurorus trongo says did Matt break his diet coke fast no you're a day like 55 yeah we just don't have a sign back there yeah no let me take a look at the files reviewing my work right in order you have followed the rules whoa I am if there is one thing about Steph and I we are we are rule follower digis rule followers mystical it is not just to say I know I'm doing your thing leader I'm on my paychecks on you tomorrow I'm trying to do my best I'm doing good work for you out here buddy alright here we go ready Oh big sack okay we got docker conquer all survived and plane crash due to skillful efforts of it we knew that was coming that was pretty good local politician dies after getting hit with a car yeah police have not yet ruled this out as a deliberate hit fair enough I can see that consultancy is it some new form of dark magic definitely where consultant yes yes oh no here we go grim have you looked outside the day it rains it has been raining for hours appropriate to accompany the despondence within me really okay the rules for you go to for the day oh no three three humans no or another three deaths okay three three okay Kenzo 28s astronomist as promised what yeah he's a deeply intrigued by the universe and its mysteries but doesn't enjoy leaving their hometown they would never consider boarding a spaceship but they love to look at the universe from the comfort of their own home having witnessed quite a few UFOs they're slightly worried about the unit they about the universe visiting us grim I am watching you you should mark this profile to live oh that's funny Wow oh that's cool he's testing us huh he says thing to make sure that we're creating it oh my god that's really funny this is fun okay oh yeah Alf our c64 president whoa wow that's a biggie is the current president of Formosa oh one of my favorites recently elected after years of working as a professor of economic theory they are known for being critical of exploitative structure and pushing for more wealth equality they have three kids and eight grandchildren that seems like that's a pretty strong live candidate right a president so big impact yeah big impact seems to be doing positive work eight grandkids that's big impact right little bit like okay this is SL Koval from 142 project advisor Essel is a professional project advisor also known as a consultant oh no they get paid inordinate amounts of money I wouldn't write it you can't relate to that actually when I was gonna say RT where was that inordinate amount of money yeah why are you still do it in a one-bedroom apartment when I was in some amount of money for consultations are which are these vague events where they tell company events where they tell companies to do things when not working they love t cross-stitching and smashing the patriarchy Wow all right that's a questionable one okay okay three have to die remember three okay if she Ramallah 39 dairy farmer you should notice that their cows are acting strange then the milk started getting a green tinge and the taste could only be described as like licking a battery despite the protests of their spouse they're always keen to investigate any and all out of these life throws their way that's a random one okay okay Oh Chad Oh Chad should we can just knock that one as unemployed and oh no he's a me-too philosopher oh no he's on YouTube no I mean meet him Chad quit college several years ago and started making me Tube videos in their parents basement 80% of the content is about philosophy 20% critical analysis of why they got dumped yet again oh no okay so three have to go which means me of those four have to go so Allah Titian the one who stays the president Madam President I think the president Yeah right yeah I have a bit bum to lose our dairy farm I know he's but you know what he's he's risking it all by by investigating the car battery acid that's coming out of his cows there we go I guess sorry the consultant has to die too yeah you know no great loss oh okay another great me - burbles lost this day ha ha ha all right there you go if you're her consultant by the way don't take offense I actually loved my time as a consultant and I feel like I actually did a lot I worked all dusty quick ok let's be quick justice requested thank you battling bad news herbs a sense a tinge of pride growing with it well I did not expect you oh you like people will get promoted look at head Reaper oh uh keep this up super Reaper at all the turn you maybe even promote it to [Applause] Yas Queen Oh the cats are proud of us - lame you know at the front boy I'm quite busy tonight so you can go until tomorrow grim yay thank you yay thanks buddy a tiki peanut on Twitter says imagine they get this profile quote William afton age 54 opposition manager of a popular children's pizzeria that's ok real Formosan economy gradually improving after critical Economic Forum's great so we help your country click here Talia al-farsi reelection campaign video ok huh that's funny anomalous explosion happened in rural area local yeah exhibit strange behavior this so there's is it aliens is it an asteroid I don't know unclear or the cows being possessed by a UFO man claims to have saved Earth from aliens hello Loula Tech Rhodes companies in mourning incredible consultant was so close to figuring out a completely new consultancy level amazing you delivered have a quality service to the people who brought you in as a consult I worked so hard as a consultant at castor ah 3 foot through and 5 on Twitter though says a consultant that loves tea suspicious I agree very very good we have to kill that person yeah exactly it was like killing Stephanie it was really sad I had to go it was your hand you know no but they definitely like consultancies at least what Stephanie did and what we did from the YouTube side I think it's valuable know people are educated really if you're yeah you're a teacher or you're like a researcher is like consult basically because it is a black box term that you don't know that it's either you're either a teacher or you're doing part of someone's job for them because someone's like I I need this thing researched or done or made or finished or whatever but I don't have time to do it you do it and then that's what it is or I don't have a car do it yeah or like yeah I need to research this or like I need yeah I need I don't know what I'm doing can you help me with this part of my job that I have been assigned it's usually like whoever you're consulting for part of it is consulting for them so you're teaching them and then part of it is making them look good to their boss yeah yeah a lot of times because think about it right like if you're a company who does like I don't know manufacturing or whatever and all of a sudden you need like a social media component to what you do or whatever you don't you don't have the expertise than that for instance and so you need someone to a consultant to kind of come in and help you grow that out or consult you on what that actually entails what does that mean what makes it good social media things like stuff like that right now used to consult biotech companies on sciency things yeah so you would - wasn't just social media yeah or was it was never social media until I started doing you screw and then for us like at this point we're educating a lot of companies about like what does it mean to YouTube what is it YouTube channel like stuff like that yeah but yeah a lot of times it's or a lot of times that consultant is the middleman amongst a bunch of different companies right the big project he worked on was a lot of different companies that all needed to there were 12 different companies but legally they couldn't work together directly so you had to have somebody in the middle who could like talk to all of them yeah and so Stefanie was the middle person who was gathering information and data from all of these different companies and then they were able to you enabled them to work together yeah without like in a legal way making positive changes yeah okay where de grim good you are paying attention after all we cannot allow workers to doze off or become compliant even with Ellis mistakes sneaked into the workplace a pipeline okay quota for the day to humans have to die spare any humans with a science background I hope you're enjoying the routine okay to die there anyone with a science background okay Henry birch is a literary critic probably not a science background when the adolescent Henry how many do we need with a science background I just save anyone with the science back okay when it when the adolescent Henry poked a fellow student with a pen they realized what went on words that their best friend will only be found on the pages of books as these friends cannot be directly poked with hilarious cool great diplomat also not a scientist a former teacher of special education okay turned their attention towards diplomacy after the conflict in tuile on a decade ago since they suspended trains themselves as a peerless Orient or at war order well Missy is easier than caring for kids after all yikes okay researcher but dedicated their life to researching the end of days we're not working we take their pile of dogs for a walk like I like those described as a pile of dogs snobbishly drive around in their vintage car even though the battery is chronically empty otherwise they have no personality or political views whatsoever Oh researcher is unclear if it's a researcher of science though right astrophysicist this is science okay so we're definitely was I was definitely live how many do we have to kill we have to kill - okay chill focuses on researching red dwarves and the possibility of finding biddable planets in their systems as a lifelong science fiction fan they were sad but accepting of their children dressing up as a bone wielding fair folk from a fantastical novel great that's hilarious okay done we got Scott Scottsman dentist Wolfman Scott works as a dentist but sometimes regrets not becoming a scientist Oh thinking it's too late to switch careers they occasionally quench their thirst for science by trying to invent new tooth filling material feel like that's a save I feel like it's cuz it's close enough to sign yeah like I don't want to risk killing someone who might be science yeah okay Wendell in our network engineer that sounds science not exactly sure when their career stagnated as a network engineer it's definitely not what they dreamed of doing with their life they're just content enough and their large family depends on their income okay so to die yeah to humans spare anyone with the science background okay so I think she has a close to science e-enough background she's close so this guy's definitely did yeah he's he's nowhere close to science yeah so that's one of our - okay who's the other one she is a researcher she drives cars snobbishly I know but she's she's a researcher but we do researching end of note end of days it says end of day so she's not a scientist not a scientist what are the what does that of day research mean though it could be I mean yes eating old books diplomat a former teacher of special education turns there diplomacy feel like diplomacy is important yeah I feel like we got to keep that one I really don't want to kill the networking no I think we killed a dog walker he's researching stuff oh no it doesn't matter it's not science okay to have died for live and we try to keep the ones with science hopefully end of days does not qualify as science I don't think so what a day grim what a day oh let us go over your conduct about what my conduct good okay we gave the correct amount of profile cheeks to make me nervous right I like oh no anyway grim five or five days you live being with us Oh how does it feel to make the difficult choice job like any other feel like I'm not telling enough people I crave more I still feel awful about every choice every moment is living hell uh job like any other you win some you lose some job like any other I didn't look at it for I think it's this really I think all right we're positive okay okay I told you I would get used to it at least I hope I use two more days left yeah oh man the big choices are coming do you think our office is the appropriate way to do ooh ooh is there another way I yeah I don't do this dismisses it though not really is there another way I'm not sure right the question is too difficult after all you will not even live the week you have not seen what the tradition has wrought ah performance ominous hmm control over all the lives unbeknownst to the humans do you not consider it unethical to make the choices you make but you will but you hand out the rules that make me do the choices oh oh I can't worry too much if this is what has to be done I'm not happy about this okay we're getting into what do you think unbeknownst to the humans you I mean unethical me to it they don't get to argue their case at all it's like you were saying we get so little information about them so honestly if the situation could be different like if they could make their case for themselves I think that would be better well if I do this [Music] or I'm not happy about the situation like I don't want to completely dismiss like again we're being like good employee here what do you think Chris I'm kind of curious what happens when you accuse okay I'm handing it out right this is the one I'm most interested in I think okay go for it truly now one must be in charge the others are there to follow I don't know that it's just voice blame you can't say that oh I was just following orders we've spent designing the appropriate methods and strategies we know I do apologize for taking up so much of your time before you go are there any questions you would like to ask me why have I seen any of them here at that what's the basis for the profile with their appointed why do all the profiles refer to people is no yeah I'm careful yeah don't they all influence the world in many ways the humans can actually affect anything you don't sound sure about that I think don't they all influence the world in many ways yes their predetermined what about free will humans have some free will I'm sure they can make a variety of choices yet what matters is that they cannot escape the inevitable like taxes and dad the life-threatening situations that bring them onto your desk a result of their own deeds and decisions that's fair hmm I mean that's there are some highly complex calculations factors and aspects that influence the situation that is just a bit over your paper well well well fancy anything else triathlons [Music] I think just the underage ones I'm curious the children they are especially her they were doing a different set of departments to deal with that's good I'm glad about that yeah are there different departments they all have Reapers or how many weepers really not sure what about animals absolutely great for that whole living beings have to be processed after the end no escape even plug really pits the plant department for plants do not ask about anything else oh geez what about the unliving I'd be okay find you technically kind of I must ponder this topic is a bit too much haha that's great that's uh stable great anything like this one on one has gone on too long right I bid you a good night see you tomorrow great alright so today is our final day six days seven days to pay someone is this day six ok ok critic dies from blood poisoning after accidentally stabbed himself the pen that we are gosh uh and a researcher eaten at their lab by bugs used as research oh my see if it bugs though she was then as a researcher but she was researching bugs with his science II I don't know dead of days draws near already the bugs Rebell oh boy window shopping for planets could this planet be our future home IT firm dealing with massive data breach lawsuit caused by a careless worker that's probably one we're gonna see coming up tensions cooling as diplomacy brings warring parties hey cuz it's cooling hey Matt okay here we go Morna Graham we seem to be on the precipice of dark times I may have warned you that this job can have some harsh moments today is that day oh here we go a total of six humans have to die Oh Elly's no younger humans have to die spare humans with a medical background six of oh geez four eight so six of eight died three younger humans have to die okay and spare people with a medical background okay Chloe twenty-nine rock climber so what is younger 29 22 24 how many are you how many younger ones 325 so 2020s okay so sir 30 is old step man 25 okay yes very young okay so through the years okay bye Chloe's constantly training to conquer the rock warn peak by free climbing the full height of it for charity they're pregnant I know it's for charity but that's dangerous a practice regimen was hindered by them having a leg broken in three places an injury they obtained by jumping down in celebration like free climbing is so dangerous and so unnecessary okay ready next off união mathematician at 2:00 sharp minded and quick wit have served Fiona well NASA math expert in a popular science show making math cool again and hoping no one notices their extensive tax fraud endeavors Oh ROG Wow Wow an offense punishable by death holy cow trust me trust me I want to support someone who's teaching people math I making now medical medical right we have to ask bear humans with a medical back okay so neither of this okay no I know we'll just try to get ahead on it okay all right trying to get ahead of my work okay stuff it's a it's a grind Baathist o basis way o basis or a bad guy one who basses I use a lover of Bosch expert in diet I fish but only for bass I'm a Baptist aren't your parents basses they're bickering basses yeah yeah it does fire her it has had an absolutely crazy life traveling around the globe with their post rock band I'll post rock ah they have two younger sisters who often join the tours okay that's a question of vegetable really this is more who are we saving alright unemployed 43 Michael is a lover of pizza especially those with pineapple top things down 10 P oh no nobody you're running a dangerous line already in the good place that would get you negative points there they attempted to become a millionaire by age 30 but ended up homeless instead still they do not lose their love for writing poems well glad they still have that one okay to write them in heaven I feel like you're gonna I mean I'm sorry yeah alright I know I know I know are brutal Chris is like yeah oh man a millionaire Chris Christopher here let me hear out of the eight have to go mandate and I don't know if someone is a failed millionaire that tells me like failed get-rich-quick scheme that's what that says are you I've no no no I've been in this business enough to know that there's a lot of people who are failed millionaires who are like trying to like cheat the system perfectly that's the Basset another our fascist is on the line right got the bubble christopher pett 26 dancer although Christopher is amazingly graceful ballet dancer secretly orchestrated snapped tendons and cracked ankles for their rivals whoa whoa Christopher would get ahead of the game they were banished from home where there were 16 because their parents were scared and confused about Christopher's sexual orientation yeah childhood rough past he's still sort of that you don't give you no excuse to break you don't whine for you rough pass yes you don't get an excuse oh wait hold up that's 120 something at 220 something 320 something so that's three young okay and one oldie okay and one one oldie and keep people with medical backgrounds we haven't killed anyone with a medical background right industrial chemist so it's not medical I guess okay house oh wait has been it's Verity has been working at a pharmaceutical and dust in the pharmaceutical industry for decades trying to find the decelerator for aging Oh seems the discovery might actually come from biogenics biogenetics areas certain they can concoct some sort of chemical compound that's a live I think so because she's black that's one medical okay d aging right okay dentist dentists does that count as medical I think it I think it does that I don't know if the game does these claims the dog ate their diploma and everyone just has to believe that they're an actual to look like they know what they're doing and all this and aeneas just drills random teeth on patients oh my gosh oh she should prefer to go I put her aside as a thinker she know it's only because she was that because we a medical thing yeah she doesn't have an actual medical career she's done though sure that I'm fine with that I honestly that wouldn't be my response I just don't want us to get punished for missing a rule one - Matthews very lenient on the dentist yeah fraudulent dentist okay Bayesian tax evasion not okay hey G art history student heaven thank God we have to come across a draft dodger I have no lover of taxes okay still have no lover of taxes I'm just trying to follow the rules and medical background is very vague I know dentist Falls in a big territory art history student okay uh comes from a rough background they grew up in a very poor neighborhood get the local community pool there means their meager funds to help Parvati's ascent to higher education Oh that'll live that's a live that's a live okay okay so those are our two lives which means fastest is out you take oh dear one too many baths buddy sorry man all right and I don't know interest lifestyle I don't think we killed anyone with a medical bag no I don't think so either other qualifier to that right now with a medical background yeah okay three younger humans died six humans and we got three we got three young ones okay great there you go that's a bloodbath today whoa gritty it looks to be a rough day out there yeah you know new job someone evaded their taxes so you know they had to go adequately adequately what to do what I work to Olli I think that's true I think that's fair good good we have to do what is necessary what are the bleeding towards right well this is leaving towards the twist we're definitely just a terrible terrible one any idea what happened uh maybe it was an industrial accident or something sort of felt toxic beats me a day like any other death his death I know it was bad do you I was gonna say don't you know what happened again you're in charge yes I am and yes I do yeah what use is a rebound who cannot discern the situation from the details in front of okay oh hey your answer would intrigue me yes so he wants us to answer and this is the only one the only one that slight answer okay let's do it interesting an insightful streak may yet rattle inside the hot garlic yours hmm interesting interesting off you go now grim good night huh he's testing us again like there's layers of testing happening here does this fun right okay right oh yeah critical looks something new and fresh may brewing in the art may be brewing in the arts more victims found toxic spills hey the life of another homeless person oh hey homelessness is a moral nightmare in a failure of society okay rock worm peak claims another victim cyber charity of choice gets massive amount of support oh okay that's nice at least alright like there's silver silver lining three up-and-coming athletes under trial for manslaughter of two rivals oh wow okay pseudo farm introduces new and very expensive pill that may slow down aging my 1.9% okay 1.9 percent that's not that bad it's a start stocks go through the roof at the announcement of the AG pill okay cells and mods cancelled their tour okay okay yeah that's sorry that's our basketball superstar racer Miguel Salk bring home another trophy for Cosmopolis that must be upcoming worth today two humans have to die fair humans who seem helpful against the troubles what bare humans between helpful game ok read what's the bigger message they clean up the mess from yesterday that might give you just the boost you need do not forget you may leave troubles behind but new ones always lie ahead okay so we need people who can clean up like a toxic spill I guess so the none probably not that person well Ryan Porsche obsessed with religion from a very young age she moved to the nunnery as soon as they turned 13 whenever a stray thought of sin crosses their mind they give themselves a good good easy their friend that's pretty intense okay okay Abu white-collar criminal uh that is his position he's just now incoming something like tax evasion Oh money laundering is okay growing up Abu showed great promise and being a talented artist at one point they shifted their efforts towards forgeries of different types from paintings to money I which they are also highly skilled we'll see how everyone goes to have to die too maybe there's someone even more reprehensible scam artist oh my god liar and a grifter French laws is an ex politician who has spent many years writing books of ignorant nonsense oh he spreads the lies too I just think I'll profit on the veritable butterfly effect of misery on others misery often caused by Francois Zoe's own actions that's pretty like yep that's a pretty sure that I say pretty fair case like someone who spread it profiting off the misery of others and also spreading disinformation that's no good what are the theoretical be / racecar driver he's the one from the from the tweet in principle Stephanie there maybe be that ladies it's just a theory if you imagine for a second behind vision and vision yeah I'm just about if there's the Queen and it's through the wagon Lance alright because always dreamed of becoming a beekeeper but for some reason perhaps because of fear of sharp objects has never pursued their true passion this in turn led them to become a very successful racecar driver an occupation they unfortunately hate well they'd rather just look quietly with bees you live we have a lot of other good death yeah killing two people right all right activist Oh pill pill are you are believes that anyone not carrying a gun everywhere is practically naked and begging to get us all to oh my god Oh any politician daring to implement a stricter gun policy starts getting death threats from Pilar which has greatly reduced a number of regulation oh my god we got a we got a roughly two contestants here today folks oh man Bruno 32 is a mercenary is good you against gamblers politician is okay yeah I know he is he's out he's out Bruno's mercenary who's always ready to work for the highest bidder currently stationed at Feridun with the government contract providing security services they act tough and gung-ho to cover up the fact that they haven't been training to properly act in combat zone oh no okay so I think the nun lives that on a stuff that we all that she makes the cut pretty clearly I thought for sure there would be more people people would be a little bit useful at the current time right two humans have to die spare humans who seem helpful against the troubles toxic or is it the comet from space my competition spent many years writing books of ignorant this guy's no it's not this one I think it might be the gun carrier I was wondering if the gun carrier boy I think the gun carrier is the one who's gonna be like useful even though they send off like death threats perhaps because of a fear of Shepard yeah and so we only need to yeah spare humans who seem helpful against the troubles so who are the helpful ones here who is decidedly not how white-collar I mean this guy's definitely not helpful no not really and this guy is mercenary he might be helpful yeah he might be helpful okay so I think we take that which I don't I don't take the weapon happy crazy people I don't like either of them cuz these suspects I don't like either of them I don't like either of oh but they're but they're potentially more useful oh this sucks all these people suck almost right okay alright you died and I think it's to people who aren't helpful quote-unquote helpful yeah alright okay alright not loving that one okay that was a day that's trying to get you to kill all of them right right welcome grim alright let's see how we did it is the end of the week your performance review aw yeah come on how do you think you have been doing I think I managed to follow the rules yes not crushing it I think I'm bad at falling yeah I'm interesting yes your partner has been recorded for the psych eval ha ha ha grades before the assessment let us look over your daily conduct I see the required profiles at all here great excellent this bodes well for the evaluation I guess it is time to get started come on ask about today I guess yes what about today did I make a difference did we help yeah [Music] things are already looking up great good I love that Chris keeps popping around where the window hits the bottom right corner solid snack is a solid choice Chris cuz you know it's a desk bottom right corner the thing is yeah you're you're right there I've reasons I'm not gonna get into life fixing the world is a slope okay okay be perfect as long as you follow the rules if you're lying right oh no here we go right looking at these stats the numbers say your conduct over the seven days has been most excellent yeah we're such control followers surprised and pleased by your display of laws yeah she's happy with us but or we just must not be loyal so much so that the office I'll raise a fake raise in a fake game all sweet I think I just say thank you yes do not thank me huh oh boy oh boy okay the raise also comes with a prize a prize Oh proud to present you with an award of excellent hey boy is it a certificate station like it do not have your judgment you still have much to learn in many rules to follow okay more rules wasn't it hard to get easier it's okay one gets used to them if in the right mindset fret not as such your 7-day evaluation period has concluded you have pops yay oh man should we have made more controversial choices Chris we could always pretension undergo think hey more info about the development and eventual full release okay okay this is great did you like our demo this is so fun I I know I know son Steven I feel like you now have to go back and play where you like kill no one and then one run where you kill every yeah can we do that pop this back to real life here it where is let's play this again do we have time to play this again we have 15 minutes let's power through okay Oh dozen taxes here we go here we're gonna do this again we're gonna power through it okay should we do the no death run or the all death run I think we genocide or or can we save everyone pacifist okay folks who are interested okay let's skip intro let's get to it Oh Oh skip intros here yeah there we go okay that comes out Thursday there this feels like a pretty clean fleshed out game Lois lush meet you okay another ironic one great you may call yourself the creamy cream welcome to your hapless idiot wait yummy boys understand the people in life-threatening situation okay I choose the one member the fate of great we keep humans from falling over let's gets over with I will show you one more thing okay so we're saving everyone right save everyone save them all mark them all here we go death pen yeah we don't even have to bother doing the read me do you already live oh they're all different though Oh weird wait are they yeah what began as consultant stargazing as a child turned into a career in astronomy huh main goal is to find asteroids that could potentially hit the planet Wow it's still one human today okay yeah into robotics ever since their period gift of that with mechanical huh trusting all right we're saving everyone save another Haven everyone living a mole that's miss rod pacifist uh-oh he's gonna be mad Oh the new debts ball welcome I want to feel like yeah must I remind you - ah the Grim Reaper this is your task you were literally born for it you cannot let everybody live cool choices okay that is what I am for huh trust me and I will guide you I'm protesting a beef I don't want to choose yeah what is there to protest if you refuse someone else will take your place and who knows what will happen then maybe they will do a proper job the choices will only get harder from now on pay attention to the letter for the guidelines okay I have great hopes I'm gonna disappoint you boiler alert do not disappoint me very uncomfortable to disappoint I know I really hate it actually hits it's really uncomfortable to live I don't care I don't even care data analyst great Oh sheriff own I think to see what like havoc we've intense debates ensue as freelance engineer unveils custom designed to combat robots with extensive weapon attacks oh she was supposed to die whoops that the robot engineer is supposed to die well everyone lives again have fun we go boss you disappoint me or to avoid having this discussion must I really reiterate myself you cannot allow all to live I hope you realize the implications for the world and for yourself you are very of this misguided display of stubbornness this will be noted down as your second warning there will not be many many well there me five more we are all walking on a tightrope prone to falling off any moment he's gonna see that you'll be off oh yeah do I get to write my own death certificate at some point okay huh oh this is funny a new day dawns with slightly more people alive that was necessary based on our meticulous calculations try to follow the rules today choose the appropriate number of profiles before it you fax them to me my name is die let us rebalance at all huh I should sing air spotted in satellite which would have caused it to crash it is now slated to reach orbit successfully this week okay that must've been someone we saved cozy bohemian Waffle House gaining popularity go check it out someone who saves numerous people around cacti Valley you have contracted dysentery big asteroid alert it's coming right for us oh boy fighting game developers tool shed Nelson's new league for upcoming Grand Reaper 5 they go digital athlete oh oh we got a hair do games direct astronaut holiday no you know oh this is the real estate guy ah thank you get out of here game about a lot of game designers alright it's really random world's greatest gamer making the greatest game for a while now and find inspiration and because they love travelling diverse range of gaming events conventions that's really fun oh man head back alright father of six has won the championship for Grand Reaper for huh make them the prevailing world's best at fighting games after retiring due to age and retiring today age 32 that's a nice one that's funny Davida towards tournament commentary that makes total sense game designer it said that she but comes up with ideas for games characters a plot line hahaha I want cotija yeah oh so squarely each of their games seems to make less and less sense yeah it's about getting better oh that's great that's great that's really really funny astronaut that's cool right please face intruder a lot is again that's funny don't gave me really well sorry they don't live everyone lives sorry boss hate me I know whoopsie good my latest spawn three days you have been with us how do you feel hungry on time probably some of the psychic residue left over from the creation making a death is not simplistic afternoon no oh no be look at the file Oh mad at me you think no do it ah keep sparing every person what you are leading all towards catastrophe this had better be the last time or I will be forced to terminate you contract the reprimand has been marked into your profile Oh No my lady Partington looking bodies in room about your payment which I may have forgotten about earlier well nothing yes an unfortunate parisa the contract stipulates that every death gets a from marking profiles correct okay the most important task if you mark more minutes I'm not getting a pair is okay to reach yeah we're not getting paid for this the total dad really is not much else to say all right so I'm gonna get terminated totally oh we're gonna get wiped out oh no do your job oh no through your GEB oh this is stressful oh man okay do your job have you looked outside today there are far too many people walking around out there causing us working discord time to rebuild the sheets three cameras have to die any younger he must have to die any younger he would have to die well we will cut chaos down the side oh wow who needs rent caps asks longtime pol political Leo Pajar ski Marco will take care of us things on its own all that's again until this short slide there no no we saved him well this night yeah I have coarser house the short-sighted act of deregulating the real estate market puts everyone in a dangerous path big asteroid successfully blowed up astronauts to turn them Hey what that one oh the irony local woman survives getting mauled by a bear while on a run Wow great what our digital athletes of yesteryear up to these days but still alive somehow button mashing not a valid tactic that's great plastic cog gaseous series of games soon to get another sequel up seven now oh boy black holes to end all life oh oh no okay alright here we go here's our PhD student oh yeah because like cocky PhD students are a veteran will traumatize veteran of the conflict now living in the streets they're very good with animals and sometimes one and just seeing too much suffering and death oh oh loyal member of a groove who have devoted themselves to the forest occultist it's real distance okay Chloe Chloe's extremely lazy oh yeah you know what knows why oh geez gluttonous behavior grim I'm watching you you should mark this progress profile lives I did look look at that sucks too much mattias talks too much but they don't think they're talking at all space radiation is their passion and they endlessly passed me by Michael oh sorry Grim Reaper sorry fate we're so dead oh we're so dead I have grown tired of this inside you have demonstrated your refusal to follow set policy I feel very tense about this contract with the office of death effective didn't know I don't even get through seven days oh now this means terminating your existence because what else would you do it saddens me to have wasted precious resources on Sonny hopefully the next spawn of how some marriage Wow part yeah those words that deep Oh ah man that liquid mo yeah yeah that's bad no yes okay okay oh that was fun that was writing kya so so the full game comes out Thursday yes yes tourism is it just cuz it feels very like papers please ask but yeah that a lot of people in the chat were saying that it was reminiscent of that for them it seems like it's gonna be really fun right yeah I'm curious where they go for is it just like accumulating a bunch of money and then eventually leaving to like yeah you take over the afterlife that's cool I like it I'm excited to see where they go with it from here yeah honestly I'd be curious to see kind of what the next steps are great thing so yep there you go guys that's death and taxes full game is coming out on Thursday and if you liked it which I definitely did give it a check right it's a really fun it's kinda it's a fun one to play with a friend I mean obviously by yourself too but with a friend because you can talk about who you would save and who you wouldn't um cool with that said we will be back on we will be back later this week this week yeah you guys ever see your friend he's probably afraid maybe Friday maybe Friday probably not Thursday Thursday maybe depends on what you guys decide you want to do for your fun little theorists out it keep an eye out we're getting we wanna theories which item areas like hang out Keith I know to get any people we're like hey guys we can't get them to leave work we're like hey we want to pay to take you somewhere fun in the middle of a workday do you want to go to where like Neil and very far more indoor skydiving they're all like oh we're like you don't have to work we're very accommodating just you you guys are just so loyal to your job where you're like Grim Reaper number one in our place right you guys are great okay are gonna get promoted well see you later what do I guys that's it we'll see you later this week presumably maybe Thursday maybe Friday that's it so hopefully had a good one in the meantime remember that's just a stream alive dream thanks so much for watching by the chat please the cat says bye Serge says kidnap hat yeah lucky da and town you Jin says bye uh Parker bean was watching on the switch for a while I like missus by my favorite YouTube
Channel: GTLive
Views: 313,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: death and taxes, death and taxes game, death and taxes gameplay, death and taxes full game, death and taxes game trailer, death and taxes trailer, death and taxes ending, death and taxes game ending, game theorists, game theory, matpat, gtlive, gtlive death and taxes, funny, funny game, funny games
Id: YTlqT_9S0OE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 18sec (4758 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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