The Game I NEVER Played... | Ao Oni (Scary Game)

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what is this what is this hot if he doesn't get me he's that was cool [Music] hey guys and welcome to gt not live where we're not live and our content really isn't either uh because today is one of those matpat sitting on the couch pontificating about the days back in like 2012 2013 when probably should have been making gameplay videos as opposed to game theory videos i'm joking about that of course but uh because i wouldn't have where we are any other way but because i wasn't doing a lot of gameplay back in the day and i was just making theories i missed out on a lot of the indie gaming trends the horror gaming trends that were really popular at the time right um slender was one of those things i never really played until much much later after it was really relevant here on the channel um recently we've been playing like the the plug and play or kids games those those cool flash animated stories that were really popular popular circulating around that time that like pewdiepie and markiplier and jacksepticeye were playing um and so in this kind of like i go back to revisit old franchises that always seemed interesting or that i kind of missed the boat on uh a nostalgic blast from the past that we're on today is uh aoni right aoni yes so i didn't know this one but this was one that matt you knew right yeah this was like early youtube at least for me yeah this is this was like your introduction it's like 2013 2014 yeah um but yeah it was like one of the first like independent gaming games that i ever saw like make its way through youtube huh interesting all right so so that my friends is what we're going today this is one that kind of completely escaped my radar completely kind of slipped through the cracks for me um because i was busy doing my own thing and so i wasn't having time to really watch what everyone else was up to um but yeah aoni which is what blue demon i think literally if you're translating it from the japanese so i'm assuming that this is a spooky game with blue monsters you would be correct yes nailed it is it a is it a first person what is it it's uh you know when you're like uh you're walking around the screen it's like uh when you're walking you go up down left right you know yeah yeah i do know that that that classic game play style in which you walk around the screen and are able to go up down left and and right there's a name for it there is which is there is a name for that which i'm sidescrolling [Laughter] how did you get this job oh oh my gosh we have so much to learn hey let's play aoni shall we blast from the past new game new game there we go oh oh it's an art it's an rpg see that's it okay yeah there's a role that you're playing and that role is to go up and down left and right in the screen to and fro if you will well there yeah there's also two and a half d like going up down left right could literally be any game just so you know like two and a half d there's two and a half d games in which there's oh my god it's that's not important right now we'll we'll talk off there's a lot of talks i have to have with matt today uh what is the main character's name now get out of here hiroshi all right okay i love that noise so much do you it sounds like maggie from the simpsons it does it sounds like she's she's sucking on the bottle can i go backwards where's backspace wow also i like that noise too i feel like i'm a dj stan stand aside dj khaled dj matty patty it kind of bangs right you might even say it slaps okay wait so but but seriously i would like to change my character's name but i i'm typing is that is this backspace is this supposed to be backspace what i can't do it there there's apparently a bunch of invisible things down here that what are all these invisible things we're off to a great start this is advancing oh wait sorry it's x x apparently is backspace which was amazing all right that was incredibly difficult to figure out m-a-t-t why maddie and paige yeah there we go nice man 15 minutes later we finally will start the game we heard a rumor about a mansion on the outskirts of town they say there's a monster that lives there isn't an owl oh rpg maker nice okay takuro it's a lot prettier on the inside is it just me or is it cold in here takeshi's castle hey let's get out of here he's correct what's wrong takeshi he's scared yes why are you breaking and entering this is going to regardless of whether there's a demon here blue or otherwise hidden in this house this could haunt your your life your resume this could follow you forever and that's a demon that's not going to get off your back friends you ain't getting a job after being accused of breaking and entering i think you can scrub that get out of here no you cannot br b e is like a felony isn't it if it's like a haunted mansion though i mean clearly nobody lives forgive me judge i i'm i've got permission in this case it was a haunted mansion go with lenient i mean it's not like you're invading somebody else's personal space like what are you sure you are even if it's abandoned someone owns the property in the house probably yeah oh my god maybe he's sitting on it for the property values to go up okay there's a demon in it it doesn't matter property values are going up lanes are a blue demon they don't know that that's not part of the requisite disclosures of the house that is why capitalism is evil no that's just the real estate industry being broken they they don't have to actually they do have to disclose stuff like if murders and stuff were done so but blue demons i don't know if you have to disclose that i don't think you do hey takeshi being smart says let's get out of here maddie patty being an idiot as he always is says so stupid there is no way monsters can exist it is scientifically impossible hey maddie patty all right well there i go charging head be careful all right maddie patty yeah you debonaires jerk the door's locked okay great let me slam that door oh someone broke a plate you know for being an abandoned house is that a like a stainless steel fridge right no this is this isn't legit man these appliances okay so maybe a ticket bar i was gonna say like this is actually a very nice house a plate is shattered on the ground they have a fully upgraded kitchen yeah i found the item plate shard okay i found a plate shard can i use it to stab my friends i bet i can or can i don't know why that would be happening in this indie game you know i wouldn't be surprised like here's the thing nothing surprises me here oh i'm a middle school student item item so x is very important piece shard of broken plate can i use it up on they're gone come on maddie patty let's find our friends guys here we go let's go this way whoa spooky or i can just assume it's my friend it won't open also it wouldn't be spooky for for manny patty at all because he was not in an angle to see that me as the player i'm like oh no it won't open all right well that's not going to open either i'm telling you use that plate shard to protect yourself it won't open um ah yes thank you the blueprints um i'm glad that it was so artfully done cool this one will open um oh spooky spooky cabinet so oh wow i did not expect that to happen great i found the item library key oh nice i will gladly take that should i open this probably not oh it's my friend takeshi shivering he's not actually shivering he just said shivering it's like a youtube video that tells you what you should be feeling emotional he's like shivering oh he's still shivering get this kid a blanket where are the others shivering all right well i'm just gonna leave you here apparently great bye peace out you must see this cool plate shirt i found uh over here the door is locked i do have a key so i could potentially use it it won't open before i go upstairs let me check let me check downstairs just to be sure and let me use my key everywhere so let's see item library key how do i use it item is there a use there's not a okay apparently there's not used yet okay here we go if i hold it here it won't open yes thank you item maybe it'll just automatically open just walk into it let's hope there's a lot of locked doors i feel like one of them has to be a library and if i was a home planner i would plan it on the first floor so that i have access to my books but apparently not that's fine that's takeshi nothing okay all right maybe not maybe the library is not down here yet i was very proud of finding the library key though i gotta admit let's go up to the spooky place this door is also locked it nothing will open which implies that i have an ability to use this key you would think right can i just leave is leaving an option can i just get out of the house be like all right my friends are kind of lame this also won't open okay well then we're just kind of stuck now aren't we ah use the library key there we go oh what i'm sorry excuse me hold up what was that it's like a jumbo smurf that's the ownie oh no oh that was great what a great monster design oh oh hello i found the item bedroom key yeah oh geez hey get out of here get out no no you giant walking smurf monster oh god leave me alone that is not the better room again no [Laughter] wait i can't continue it i just died that's it that's the end are you kidding i have to do a new game what what get out of here just because i couldn't find what the bedroom was how would i know oh oh no what okay what should i hear since this is a nostalgia game for you matt what should i have done in that situation um how how did i miss how did i screw up and get attacked by the owl well you ran away and so i'm sure he was upset because it's not his fault that he looks like that wow okay and i'm sure that you hurt his feelings yeah sure so i should have stopped and you should have been sweeter to him sweeter kinder nicer okay because imagine imagine you you're stalking a centuries-old mansion sure yes beautiful stainless steel countertops and appliances beautiful really nice you were eating you got upset you dropped your plate right and then all it's just a bad day for him i mean here's the thing i i get it man the fact that there's a bunch of kids invading my home whether it looks abandoned or maybe i just have poor housekeeping you know maybe i don't feel like doing the yard work you ever think about that no no one ever thinks about that yard work is really hard guys so i give him all the credit in the world there is a save feature which i think maybe we should use i was gonna say i think i think yes we're gonna do that this time because i did not anticipate dying so quickly all right so we got spooked out there we're gonna go up and get takeshi and then before we get the library key we will or actually as we before we use the library key i found the library key yay and i found takeshi man i just got rocked rocked by aouni shivering where the other shivering i didn't expect that i thought there would be a little bit more of like you know teasing teasing the guy before remember 2012 youtube no 2012 youtube ain't nobody got time for that get to it get to those jump scares all right use the library key here he is there's the owl only okay oh spooky spooky look at all these quality books is there anything behind this is this is why i want to know there's a lot of books here i want i want something in them and since things are very clearly hidden like kind of out in the open in this overworld there's nothing bummer i kind of was hoping that there would be like something secret in one of the bookcases but it doesn't seem to be the case all right so let's make predictions which one is the bedroom that i should be running to what do you think what do you think everyone i'm gonna go with i found the item bedroom key okay here we go all right here it is here he is uh-huh bedroom key i'm gonna go upstairs i'm gonna go oh i checked that one last time shoot i'm gonna go up to the top i'm hoping the top will be my savior here yes yes i knew it no he's right behind what the heck what the dammit what shoot i had it i was there alone i was so confident i'm like ah he's not getting me this time psych okay all right so was that the appropriate bedroom to have gone to i'm not sure this is incredible i love this so much uh gaming was such a simpler thing back then oh here we go yeah i was wondering if this might be it what the heck can someone please shut and lock a door you are being chased by a purple monster shut the door behind you and lock it well that wasn't it do i need to hide with takeshi and maybe the bedroom key locks the door but then you'd be cold what by hiding with takeshi oh because he's shivering here let's let's try rather be moderately cold it's that's true it's not worth it okay here we go the door is locked damn what the heck oh yeah buddy i got around you this time you ain't got none son lock it lock the door hide what is this what is this hot if he doesn't get me he's that was cool but i think that's what i'm supposed to do i think i'm supposed to hide in there before he sees me so so it's basically hey you can escape as long as he doesn't see you right that's kind of what i'm getting out of this let's try it one more time here we go oh please hide please please go go hide in there good he was not in the room come on great all right there yes i found the item handkerchief i'm gonna save the game cause that was hard to save every scrap of progress you make we did it we beat the game oh keep the bedroom on the third floor there we go see there it is handkerchief it seems like it's takeshi's and then a shard of broken plate okay so the door is locked so everything's still locked that that door in the bathroom downstairs is open that's good to know oh oh this is the this is the bedroom key of course of course it is why wouldn't it be why wouldn't it be the one that isn't the most obvious door oh hello shoot i screwed up the bed sliding puzzle apparently let me do the mid-sliding puzzle again here we go you slid it the wrong way you do oh hello i should save it before i go down there you know it's gonna kill me somehow okay this room is also now open which is good to know that's unexpected didn't see that one coming okay so and you can hide all right so the hiding mechanic is a big one i like that it teaches you that okay so before i go down into the the scary depths here i'm actually gonna go back down to the bathroom that we know is open just to double check that there's nothing to see there this is still locked this door is locked okay so now we've unlocked kind of a first layer of doors okay so stuff is soap found some soap found the toilet very exciting what's the soap say shard of broken soap liquid soap great just in case you need to sanitize while on the go so you can wash your hands after you use the bathroom it's true it's great i appreciate that nothing here oh i found the item phillips head screwdriver all right see now we're getting somewhere yeah there we go can i use the phillips head screwdriver to escape here i'm just going to go back here see if anything has changed because a lot of times things will change when you're forced out of rooms in my gaming experience so before we move kind of forward with the game let me just double check now that everything's open all right that seems to be about it although i didn't know this before either so let's let me see if i need to move any of this stuff the bed was kind of signaled to have to move because the the coloring of the floor is a little bit different i just want to double check yeah okay this looks all pretty normal all right cool now now we go my little blue headed smurf friend these are all still locked you have gorgeous platinum hair right i think i love i love my hair style that's natural yeah i think so yes i'll do that so stress will do that here we go we're going to save now that we're down here well i haven't been stressed up to this point see that's the thing like now i'm stressed i know his backstory oh hello oh secret code hmm p i wonder oh it's gonna oh it's gonna relate to the piano i'm thinking those look like music notes maybe was that c d e okay unlocked to the door oh hey oh i felt okay oh my god this should not be as scary as it is and yet it is terrifying here hold up geez she's gone did i lose him jeez i didn't see that one coming okay well i escaped so that means i get to save again great thanks all right so the only room is that's locked really is that one still and then the back okay so we've got cde and a code here what is this what is this trying to tell me unless something else has been unlocked but it's like hmm right it's it feels like it's a code to something else okay i don't think we're supposed to know what that is yet would you like a hint should i know what that is yes really i should well think about the items that you have and the way that the piano looks think about the items that i have do i need to i need to you know that's you're right i need to clean the piano with my liquid hand soap that's what it is plate shard and a handkerchief i can't leave a dirty bloody piano laying around can i not wait hold up okay so okay thank you for calling that i will have never thought that because because the keys are used automatically so this is one of those game design things right because the keys are used automatically i must i was assuming that if i interacted with an object that needed an item or if i had the item in my inventory that it would just call it up so the fact that i have to go into my item inventory to use stuff i would have never so thank you for that actually pour soap on the handkerchief yes and now clean the keys item it's covered in soap i wiped the piano with a handkerchief 176. okay god give me a minute man give her she's a god just us just a smidgen of time i knew it was coming too i i knew it was gonna happen it was just one of those things where i could hit up and set him down and that and that was it that was all it took oh this is fun okay so let's mix the items again because also there's like no combine so that's also a bit confusing because we're combining items without actually using them okay yep item handkerchief wipe the piano with the handkerchief okay here we go 176. here he comes okay down here he comes down oh shoot chuck and jive shucking jive iodi get out of here yeah oh is it just gone great if you avoid it if you dance around him and up he'll get tired and walk away okay 176. um but here is a four-digit code we see um 176. so what is this telling me oh it's i'm gonna say this is one sentence no six nine okay i'm gonna say this is one nope all right no how do i change the one here let's say this is one seven six i'm going to say that this is nine because it's six flipped right so if one is that first thing seven is that second symbol six is that third symbol if you flip it i'm gonna say that's nine because you see how those last two symbols are uh vertically flipped right no it's not apparently not one seven six that's not working so it is so it's weird that we have three numbers but it's four so either this is tied to something that is a separate puzzle or i'm just misreading it 176. i really like personally i really like my solution because i see this and i'm like oh each of those numbers relates to something and then that last symbol is just flipped just like a six and a nine are flipped i like that but uh that doesn't seem to work and so i could randomly guess but i feel like that's not the right way so i and it also seems every time like the aoni appears something else unlocks or at least it seems to so let me double check everything going on in here bedroom still the same how about this mysterious room up here here actually let me save it just double check okay anything in here still nothing anything behind this weird door wait oh oh wait what sakura meaty patty you're okay yeah i guess patty did you see it too the monster yeah it's so unbelievable to think that a creature like that i hope that this game ends with us doing a scooby-doo style unveiling of the monster's head like it wasn't just his bulbous head it actually was a giant mascot the entire time it was really steve the lawns keeper and you're like oh it's always the groundskeeper come on all the exits are blocked we're trapped in here it would seem so let's split up and look around i'll check the first floor okay good luck oh she's dead can we can we talk about this mysterious door right here anyone anyone want to talk about that one no no one wants to talk about it cool all right something happened in the game which means we are due for yet another jump scare here i will check this floor i guess this floor is largely unchanged i bet i have to get her downstairs this door's locked this room still looks largely the same hey where's my friend at oh this is locked again nope where'd she go where'd she go um i'm expecting horrific things to have befallen her this is still locked and this hallway has nothing else going for it okay oh whoa twist that's why you just gotta shove your body against random oh my god dammit get out of here get out get out get out no no oh my gosh you are on my tail holy jeez go go go go hide okay there he is he doesn't think to check the cupboard oh my god oh this game is a blast oh no wonder this was a thing he's got really big mom i threw up energy yeah what do you mean by that you know when you throw up yeah you stand in the doorway yeah you go mom i threw up yeah that real mom i threw up realness oh my gosh this is great what a great game oh this is really fun that awkward moment hey i need some ginger ale and crackers uh all right all right library anyone in the library where's my girl where'd she go she's just gone she's dead i know i also love how i keep discovering new rooms as i just randomly shove my body against black rectangles uh maybe this is a door nope i also didn't check back here before so let's do that check this thing all right can we sh here's a question can i shove the screwdriver into his giant bulbous eye because he does have large eyes so that clearly was not the appropriate place to hide from him um let's try where's the next place that i should hide from him upstairs like the very upstairs you think yeah that's like the only other place because there's another cupboard there's another cupboard yeah let's see here i'm not gonna go into the the room with all the mats well now i am because that's what i got okay hey hey he kind of looks a bit like um i kind of think he looks a bit like cookie monster to me okay do you see the cookie monster you know i don't you don't know what i'm glad that you do okay oh my gosh wow he is uh all right hey hey oh my gosh what the heck dude wow that was uh that was an intense chase that time great so now that i've escaped him i believe that i should go not this way other way back this way under the assumption that he did something horrific to my friend oh hello i found the item a lighter excellent nothing there nope nope nothing behind that door okay so i've got a lighter i've got a kind of code i've got a lot of items can i item phillips head screwdriver lighter plate shirt none of these really seem to go together all right what do i need a lighter for did this open still locked so we've got a lighter a code of 176 that really isn't yielding a whole lot to us um i mean the thing is it's it's really just kind of keep checking the rooms over and over again because each time it seems like something is changing so i love that you can open the toilet so it really is part puzzle solving but also part just like check and check and check and hopefully the game kind of shows you the next thing or kind of progresses things forward a little bit uh anyone back here no so in that sense it feels a little bit like i'm kind of doing the same thing over and over again but it seems like that's the way to play this game ooh lighter i do have a lighter and this is the only room in the house where i could think of like a lighter coming into play at least at this point until we have a candle or something but that doesn't really seem to be the case here actually let me try to now that i know i need to use items let me just make sure that i don't need to light the stove or something it won't light okay what are other things that i can light um upstairs no i can light the books on fire let's set this whole house ablaze friends burn it all down this one's still locked nothing down that hallway this room is still doing this room's business and let me just double check this okay so downstairs we've been to the bathroom the kitchen the big library the kind of dining area we've been upstairs to wait is this all downstairs yes because that's the tatami mat room right or is this yes i think so okay i'm like i thought i understood what this was it won't light what what if those things aren't actually nope i was thinking those might be screws rather than push pins and there might be something underneath but that's not the case hmm so i have something that i either need to unscrew and anything else in here not really okay which makes it seem like it's really got to do with this door right can i get it off it can get off its hinges like there is nothing to light really makes me think that i got to do something with that safe but the safe i think i think i got it here one sec 176. nope what do you think wait so so look at that the pictures right up on the on the safe yes those to me kind of look like piano notes yeah no i agree with that 100 so the numbers on the notes themselves right correspond with the images that we're looking at right so right i agree with that too let's go look at the piano right 176. so the first one then i forgot what they looked like do you see what i'm trying to say though well i so i yes well i agree that they look like they're piano notes and see my thinking was that one seven six but then you see how the the third one and the fourth winner just flipped versions of each other well i think the first one and the fourth one are flipped well that no that one's rotated so wait hold up a nine and a six okay a six and a nine okay so a six a six is a rotated nine okay so that would be here i need i wish i had pencil and paper to actually like physically write this down but i know i know what you're saying and i was wondering that too because a six and a nine aren't actually flipped they're rotated so i mean like technically you could do what would be 6197 all right because this is the six rotates into the nine and then these other two just have to be wait you have the seven right because this six is gonna but the only two so so this this might be nine so it's either so here's the thing it's either this is nine and this is six or this is six and this is nine and then the other two have to just bite like if we're actually doing this it has to go that way nine six and i did one seven last time so this would be seven one huh yeah all right all right we kind of did it it was it was a bit more brute forcey than i was expecting it to be i found the item kid's bedroom key all right he's gonna come kill us isn't he all right kid's bedroom key here we go i'm assuming that's here use the kids bedroom key hey it's my friend matty patty you're okay where are the others i don't know we got separated oh really come with me wait here i don't know mountain lion come with me are you kidding me i'm not walking around this mansion with that monster oh well there you go okay well great i tried can't say i didn't try is that a candle that looks like something that needs a lighter up there on top it won't light okay fine hello oh another push challenge i meant i screwed up oh yeah there it is i found the item lighter oh lighter fluid yeah so now we're gonna combine those two a can of lighter fluid fill the lighter with fluid yes great so now i'm going to say now i'm going to say great hey i found it hey i found some lighter fluid are you going to hang out with me no clearly not great so this room we're kind of done with for now and now we go up so what rooms really do we have left at this point we have this weirdo room and we've got downstairs largely because she's hanging out we still have one locked room back here door's still locked there and we still have the question of okay there you know i've yeah hey hi hey bud hey bud okay hi should i leave her should i lead him to my girl oh come on here i have a friend hey yay you saved me thank you apparently you didn't want to hang out with you i understand you're kind of a debbie downer right now um what can we light so he scared me out from there which again implies that something in the world has changed what would it be hmm uh let's see i've got a lighter which might be again i'm saying the stove in the kitchen or something no certainly not also we got the screwdriver a whole lot of nothing okay and i can't push any of the chairs like i have with that other room so just double checking that's still the same since i'm down here i might as well check this can i light the books and papers on fire no how about this one this was my book before light no that's my interaction book not this time one last time lighter no okay apparently we are not allowed to set the library on fire not saying that i'm bummed about that or anything uh but uh i'm not disappointed i'm just i'm not mad i'm just disappointed let's let's just say that uh okay here we go going back to the bathroom okay steal the curling iron or something nothing really there and then over here okay hmm maybe try the tatami room again yeah that's where he came from right it seems like when he tries to scare you away can i light something can i light it on for let's light the mass on fire nope definitely not not there hmm anything over this way nope all right well then this was still locked door still locked oh there's a cheat well not necessarily but i don't i think the way that our lighting is set up you're not able to see the thing that you need to be able to see oh really is it this weirdo room up there uh i see that weirdo room up there weirdo room like there's you see that like little black mark in the upper right hand corner no okay anyway yeah what is it in the tommy room it's in this room really can you see it i can't see it no okay so i'm not going crazy right the wall on the right is suspiciously gray uh the wall on the right is like this wall over here and so i need to light uh it's you need to use the plate chart what not really sure why are you sure it might be the wall in the tatami room oh in the room yeah i'm not seeing any color difference there whatsoever okay nothing there maybe not i think i think you're making stuff up matt for someone who has a guide in front of him i am very skeptical of your advice you would think that i would be able to trust the person with a guide next to it oh that's great uh yeah you sure about this one matt well did we already combine the letter in the letter yeah it's there they're all combined it says to me the thing that i'm reading yes i would say once the chase is over yes we did that we did the chase we did the chat head to the tatami room yes and there examine the other door to find the lighter yeah we haven't did that a while yeah yeah we've been there done that uh use the lighter fluid hiroshi will not be maddie patty sorry yeah patty will not be able to use the lighter fluid and the lighter oh wait here it is i see it now okay it's this white door right here something seems off about this wallpaper oh my gosh oh my gosh geez wow and then you're going to scrape it off and then you scrape it off with a plate yard it makes sense okay wow wow that is that is tough all right that's tough um there's no knob so i can't open the door oh it's a door oh it's actually a door there's no knob so i can't open the door can we burn the door use the play chart again no use the phillips head oh screwdriver is what we're using here apparently not there's no knob so i can't open the door yes thank you thank yes thank you lighter phillips head screwdriver plate shard apparently not no none of the above all right hey so uh i think i'm gonna stop here just because we've been playing this for a while um and because i have to take some phone calls uh but this is fun i would like to continue this so please watch this so that way it gives us an excuse to continue playing because there's a lot of games that sometimes you guys don't care about so i would love to keep playing this maybe i'll just play it regardless how much longer is this um i think a little while yeah is it pretty substantial i think we could definitely get two or three episodes great perfect i would love to keep going so anyway thank you guys so much for watching thank you matt for your help question mark but yeah i i did thank you you know you definitely read off my phone out loud that was great your your your keen sense of reading the walk through and then kind of translating that back into the game has been super helpful oh it's great uh thank you guys so much for watching hopefully this was a nostalgic trip for some of you this has been really fun for me to go back and check out and uh i'll see you in the next video so in the meantime thanks for watching it wasn't a video it was it wasn't a live stream but it was a video a video for you see ya [Music] you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 448,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ao oni, 青鬼, 青鬼x, ao oni all deaths, ao oni 2, ao oni movie, ao oni full gameplay, ao oni gameplay, ao oni game theory, ao oni game over, scary game, horror game, scary, horror, game theorists, game theory, gtlive, maptap, gtlive ao oni, game theory ao oni, matpat ao oni, ao oni game, ao oni walkthrough, ao oni jumpscares
Id: C2Pj2SL7-nY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 4sec (2884 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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