YOU ARE NOT THE FATHER! (Illegitimate Children Stories r/AskReddit)

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men are idiot who have found out their child isn't actually this how did you react and how are things now when I was in the Navy I had an on-again off-again relationship with a girl back home on my last deployment my girlfriend told me via email that she was knocked up I accepted it emailed my parents tailed the military all that jazz I ended up getting discharged so I went back home and took care of my pregnant girlfriend she had the baby and I thought I was the father for five months while she was on vacation with a girlfriend while she was gone I got an email from her boyfriend telling me that they had been together for the last four months and also for the week in Myrtle Beach I was bankrolling after that I got the paternity test found out it wasn't mine and told her I was done and wanted no contact crappy part is my parents still Babis it and treat the kid like their grand kid so she said a lot of family functions and such also the guy wasn't even the father freaked her I had a fiance we were supposed to be getting married then she went on a holiday by herself because she just needed to get away she came back pregnant to an unemployed H user I had a job and an apartment she told me you've never done anything to prove you really loved me now's your chance except me and the baby no thanks last I heard of her she's an unmarried mother of two and flick her I have a mixed-race child originally was told it was mine until she actually gave birth since she was mixed she came out pretty light-skinned very light-skinned actually but as she got older her skin got darker and darker let the mother stick around for about a year to two years she wasn't from where we were living and didn't have anywhere else to go didn't want to kick baby out into the streets finally I had enough of her crazy arson kicked her out but I ended up getting attached to the little girl fast forward two years and I'm single lonely depressed and missing the little girl I've had no contact with them through the rumor mill I hear my little girl's real dad has nothing to do with her no contact no father from the story I get the real dad was married and refused her I set up a meeting with my little girl off two years to get to feeling on the situation and it was like those two years never happened she ran up to me like she just saw me yesterday I talked to the mother and I said that I'll take care of her we never went to court no child support has ever been filed we don't fight about anything I tell her if she needs anything as far as money or clothes whatever I'll take care of it she's now 10 I'm married my wife accepts Hill with open arms and loves her like I do she is an awesome kid great student no troubles I have to teach her a bit of humility because all she concerned about is being beautiful but if that's my biggest worry with her I think that's okay I wouldn't change anything at all I will tell you one thing I live in the south and you would think that a married white couple with two normal white kids and an older mixed girl one would think he'll get more looks from white folks surprisingly it's the black folks that gives us more WTF looks than anything but like I said I wouldn't trade her for anything I love that silly girl that was beautiful man found out from her best friend it wasn't mine my parents made me believe I was doing the right thing the whole time I kicked her out of the house never heard from her since so I am on the other side of the fence basically I am dating this girl for about three years rocky relationship and all that jazz capital I break up with her and move back to my hometown for a period while back she asks if she can come visit etc first mistake but believe me getting it on with her was really golden anyway two months after the visit she is pregnant not the best news in the world but I am from a family of certain values on these matters so I owned up after spending a week with her and discussing what to do I go back home and start prepare stuff three days later she calls and claims a miscarriage and we sort of ended the next few weeks fast forward seven months and I've moved back to the same city and continued my career suddenly I see a FB post about this girl getting a child nine months and two days after her it turns out she had been dating another dude for her whole three years we had been dating they even lived together for two of her nurse she kinda just decided that she felt better with him as a dad so basically she convinced him he was the dad so he announced to the whole world and was just about to go on fatherly leave when I found out I quietly asked her for a paternity test and to no surprise it stated with ninety nine ninety nine percent that I am the father shoots unravel he is not happy obv and has to tell the world that nope just kidding I am NOT a dad anyways four years later it's all good and we have 50% shared custody but then it was a few funky months in the start edit after some questions and stuff yes I did spend time at her apartment she had me over every time the other guy was away and such she also faked moved into my apartment for six months you guys should have raised it together and started a bromance my boyfriend's daughter is not his he broke his hand on a door when he found out but he never once denied her he is on her birth certificate has his last name the whole nine yards she is his baby girl and he is her daddy end of story his ex wife likes to hold it above his head though if you don't do this I'm getting a DNA test on baby and you'll never see her again burns me up a comma if you don't do this I'm getting a DNA test on baby and you'll never see her again he can rest easy that that's not how it works if he's on the birth certificate and the child was born while they were married he is the child's legal father with the right to see her be a part of her life DNA won't mean much in that scenario so the ex-wife is holding an empty threat over his head not my story but in a way it turned out for the best I knew a guy who was sort of stuck with a girl he knocked up and she made him miserable and turned their daughter into a Winnie spoiled brat that hated him but one day the woman gets drunk and laughs at him telling him how his daughter isn't really his he walked out on them leaving mother and daughter high and dry with no support daughter was too spoiled to get a job and is one of the trashiest people you ever encounter mom's a drunk this story fills me with so much satisfaction back in college I was seeing a girl for a while kinda serious more so for her than me apparently she winds up pregnant I was young didn't really know what to do bill knew if it was mine I would do the right thing and be the father major caveat I have a physical condition that makes it highly unlikely that I can actually get anyone knocked up and she knew this long story and possible identifying info so I'm leaving the details out anyway she swears up and down through the whole pregnancy that it could only be mine so I went along with it I was out of town the weekend cooter was born she apparently tried to reach me but this was long before cellphones and I had gone home to a different city with a college friend to party and in all likelihood avoid home during that timeframe since I was reasonably sure it wasn't mine Killough was born I went to see them a few times over the next few weeks and then shortly after that get called by my folks that she had stopped by their house and introduced her to them as their new grandson etc they were ecstatic and happy for me and all the fun stuff they anticipated about being new grandparents I had to basically put the brakes on real hard at that point and tell them I was pretty sure that it was not my kid I pretty much knew after I saw it one look at it and there was just no connection at all it was a baby but I saw nothing there I recognized as mine in any way shape or form due to the fact that she was already on the dole the state mandated a paternity test I figured I just might as well get it over with and showed up for the appointment when they told me to once the results came back there was a less than 1% chance it was mine I turned around never looked back only saw her twice since then and it's been 20 plus years now but both times she was almost in tears trying to apologize for doing that to me back then I heard through the rumor mill who ended up being the actual father and he already had a few kids running around so he was no help to them at all not only that but his poor health and drug issues put him in an early grave so that poor kid had no father figure growing up thankfully I kept the level head through the whole ordeal and even got a letter of commendation from the county prosecutor's office saying that they wished even half the potential fathers were half as cooperative as I had been TL DR if you're gonna try and pin a kid on someone make sure it's theirs if there's going to be a mandatory DNA test this reminds me of a story that happened to someone I know his girlfriend that he was breaking up with called him and said I'm pregnant to which he replied that's great Lee pretended to be so happy about it that she told him I'm not pregnant Frick you or something along that line I told this story to a few friends and when another friend had a similar issue he did the same thing and his girlfriend he was breaking up with had the same response didn't make it that far but had a little fling with a girl who I was honest and upfront with it was a fling and wasn't gonna be serious she agreed to it so one time we were getting it on condom broke I told her and she didn't seem too worried mind you this was way before climax when I noticed also I know there was no pre ejaculation I had that when I put the new one on made sure that everything was good afterwards fast forward a couple weeks and she messages me saying she's preggers I admit my heart jumped a little but I called her Karma's British bloke drinking tea she was so surprised that she asked why I wasn't freaking out in getting angry or panicking at Ruth as I knew that the likelihood of her being pregnant was very slim and either way I would man up no matter what I asked her all the details was I the only one have you been drinking since the last time and all that good stuff I told her I wasn't ready for that but the ultimate decision was hers to make she started saying how she would never do such a thing and I still stayed calm told her we would talk in the morning I was just meeting up with my boys to go party she was shocked even more that I was still so calm and started asking where I was going because she was going out with her friends too I didn't tell her after that I knew for sure she was trying to push my buttons so the next day I spoke to her she tells me she has to think about it I said take your time eventually a few days later she said she's not gonna keep it in batch she booked an appointment with her doctor who was in another city and over an hour away she doesn't drive and so I offer to give her a ride she declined and said a friend would give her one I said I want to be there at least she said all she could to convince me that I don't need to go with her so I backed off I know where she worked and she worked all day the day she was supposed to go but she messaged me saying that she went and that she couldn't walk properly after I played along and never spoke to her again was told he was mine raised him for eight years before getting my own paternity test done to find out the truth I changed his diapers taught him how to ride his bike basic dad stuff before I knew the truth you can't unlove a kid in his dad and he's my son I wouldn't have it any other way I despise his manipulative lying mother I think she holds him back I was dating a girl for three years who I had trusted I was 18 at the time she got pregnant I was relatively safe but everybody has slip-ups I took my lumps and agreed to fatherhood and did the best I could during the entirety of the pregnancy she was pretty absent she wouldn't talk to me much sometimes for months at a time I thought this was odd it frustrated me beyond belief anyway so later on a friend of hers started to work with me he started to hook up with one of my co-workers she told me he knew my gf and I was thinking oh cool interesting then she told me he banged my gf within the last year I was Pia I called her up and talked with her apparently they did hook up when we were on some break this was entirely made up the timing didn't match up with the pregnancy though so I continued on my way to fatherhood with this soon-to-be mother that was all over the place eventually she gave birth to a little girl I wasn't there at the birth because I wasn't told it was happening a couple of months down the road of trying to contact her she let me see my girl it was great we started talking again and acting like parents well just to make sure that this new baby girl was mine I went ahead and had a paternity test she was a 1% man and therefore was not my daughter I was appalled I went to her place and asked her what this was about she swore up and down if had to be mine DNA is DNA she wasn't my little girl after all I left her on her knees crying for me to come back to her apartment I got a text later that day she told me she remembered she got blackout drunk and flicked this guy at a party she claimed she didn't consent I don't believe this at all so I went through nine months of a pregnancy and three months of actual fatherhood before I found out now I don't talk to her at all I hear rumors occasionally about her I am glad she is no longer in my life TLDR freak that be I knew that my father wasn't actually my biological father before he did my mom thought I should know first and she had planned to tell him shortly after me but due to a work trip he went on I knew for about a week before he did mom told me that she had a one-night stand with a dude while she was dating my dad he thought the baby was his so she went with it the problem was she didn't tell me he didn't know so I asked him how he was holding up on a phone call it was pretty hard to explain it to him myself I mean I couldn't just give him a cliffhanger like that for such a huge announcement like that later that week my neighbor accidentally set himself on fire mom and dad mutually decided to divorce since she basically cheated on him it's not really different between him and I I still love him like my real dad I ran offstage and hid my face from the cameras ha I thought the man would usually break out some sweet-ass dance moves this isn't my story but I feel it needs to be noted here seven years ago my cousin married a lovely girl she got pregnant and they bought a house fully committed to preparing it for their kid if she passed away due to complications during childbirth the kid a masseur Vives my cousin spent the next years of his life doing everything possible to be able to provide for his daughter while still being a father he used to work evening night shifts and then take a few naps across the day two years ago it became apparently that while I'm a shared features from for her mother she didn't chef from my cousin he had a paternity test done negative he hasn't told her and we have no idea who the real father might be but those who have been told me his sister my mother have agreed that it doesn't matter we are still actively looking into it just in case a potential medical issue or something I don't expect that you'll be told until she is either old enough to understand or old enough to notice the difference I've been the investigator and I gotta be honest I'm really starting to dislike Amy's mother not me but my brother he had always thought his youngest wasn't his biologically mainly because his ex is a raging ass and mentally unstable whose true colors came to the fore in their hideous breakup either way he is a stand-up guy and he loves his kids more than anything now he couldn't care less it his daughter isn't technically hers yet hurt badly at the time but he is the only thing stand in the way of that crazy woman utterly wrecking these kids lives with her selfish and stupid behavior our whole family is right behind him and we'll do whatever it takes to support them and him my niece didn't ask for this and she will most likely never know either way she has a loving father who adores her and an extended family that want to see her grow into a wonderful young woman my parents were a little bitter about it for a week or so but and the catalog of crappy things his ex did getting pregnant by some other dude rates pretty much at the bottom you've been visited by the good sleep dog Oh like within the next four seconds and you will be blessed with cozy and restful sleeps if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check out another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 337,404
Rating: 4.9242659 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, reddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, reddit stories, reddit story, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, TZ reddit, rslash, comedy, fresh, you are not the father, cheating mother, illegitimate children, not the fahter, parternity test, 23andme, dna test
Id: 5lLU3kWtFR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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