Yoshi's Island Trilogy - AntDude

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[Music] Yoshi's Island is so damn good dude [Music] where to even begin with this game it is damn near perfection this game Tokyo she who was a mere side character at the time a tool in Super Mario World more or less and expanded that character and their world to such an incredible degree rather than going for a traditional art style the game goes for a living coloring book aesthetic with outlines so bold and so sharp always beautiful fantastic level variety featuring many different landscapes and challenges from start to finish an absolutely legendary soundtrack with memorable tunes from top to bottom a pretty original concept as well that fits right into the Mario universe making Baby Mario a worthwhile character after all despite the whole crying thing he did learn how to play golf too you know what good for him the egg mechanic was super neat as well allowing you to aim shoot and ricochet off walls to your heart's content as long as you're properly stocked up of course Yoshi can also transform into vehicles now to do why not there are no rules anymore the boss fights too so good taking regular enemies both new and old and simply make them big it's so simple but so brilliantly executed and the final battle with Baby Bowser Wow easily one of the best fights in Nintendo's history with an amazing song to go with it this the song so damn good and the adventure culminates in a beautiful musical piece for the credits god this game is amazing even the Game Boy Advance version is solid it's not as good of course but still totally a worthwhile shot at that game I could go on for quite a while about this but Yoshi's Island is simply a fantastic game it's a hard game like really really hard at times but than that it is fantastic through and through but the thing is I think a lot of you guys already know that if you haven't played this game by now you should definitely get on that but most of us can appreciate the goodness of this game but the thing is Nintendo knew it as well so over the years they've tried to recapture the magic and the glory with a sequel to two of them neither of which on a home console strictly on the DS and 3ds and nobody talks about these despite how well-loved the first game is I wonder if there's a reason that is Yoshi's Island DS was released in 2006 eleven years after the original it kinda came out of nowhere - this was announced via a logo reveal back at that e3 boy what hype the game starts up with a brief recap of the story from that first game and cool you know what now I am in the mood for more Yoshi goodness lay it on me Kamik and his cronies are added once again except instead of just kidnapping the baby mario bros they are stealing any baby they can get their hands on oh boy keeping one of them a secret I can't imagine which one that could be oh the boxart just shows all of them alright and as expected both Mario and Peach get dropped from the sky back onto Yoshi's Island so now it is up to them to once again save baby luigi save the other babies as well and save the day along the way the box art shows off the main mechanic this time around on top of baby mario making a return now there are up to five different babies to play with unlocking them throughout the adventure they all sport their own unique abilities - like carrying baby mario lets you run fast as well as being able to hit these special m blocks baby peach can flutter further and higher more so if there's a gust of wind under you baby Donkey Kong can climb up vines and charge sort of like a Wario Land esque - which is interesting because baby Wario is here too instead of doing a dash though he holds a magnet that can pull coins towards you as well as pulling magnetic blocks and platforms and lastly even Baby Bowser joins you along the way allowing you to spit fire at the expense of swallowing enemies and making eggs they also have different properties to how eggs react when hitting walls which is neaten all but this whole concept has one very critical flaw do you remember how when Donkey Kong 64 you had multiple Kong's and you can only swap between them at these specific points well that applies here too you can only change which baby you're holding at these stations and yes it's very annoying it's not the worst thing in the world it is definitely easier to swallow in a 2d platformer rather than a 3d collectathon but there were many times that I simply could not get something because I didn't have the right baby on me at the time sometimes this idea does lead to a neat combination of powers here and there but come on why can't you oshi just hold all five babies at once I'm already exploring an entire island as a dinosaur with the ability to make egg ammunition by swallowing my foes but sorry this this is where the realism line is drawn okay the game also constantly remind you that it's on the DS the action is spread across both screens at all times I'm iffy on this whole idea of both screens being used for gameplay on the DS I get it I mean the DES was really the only console that can let you do something like that you got games like Sonic Rush contra for the other weird Yoshi game touch and go they all did that they split the gameplay across both screens but in my opinion Yoshi's Island DS is the worst game of its kind to do it you can swap it between which screen you're primarily playing on at any time and since the devs knew that they weren't afraid of leaving the chance available to hide stuff right in the middle where you can't see it this screen gap does make a lot more sense when played on an actual console rather than just looking at scrunched up footage but it's still less than desirable honestly the game as a whole has this weird lack of Polish at its core it is certainly more Yoshi's Island you platformer through levels that have an emphasis on exploration you collect a bunch of red coins and flowers you get graded at the end of each stage you get hit and then you hear crying it's more Yoshi's Island all right for better or for worse oh and that's right with five babies now there are five unique baby crying sounds too but I don't know the game just sorta feels off at times there are a handful of brand new enemies and something about them just doesn't look right they don't look like they fit in with the returning enemies that are essentially just reused sprites and okay what what the hell is this this is supposed to be a kangaroo apparently this is this is like the weirdest looking thing I've ever seen in my life this is like the second worst kangaroo in existence I think the same can be said for the bosses too man they just they look out of place you can't mix the old style with the new style and pretend it's the same thing it doesn't work that way the music is a bit rough too it's not terrible you know it tries to be all happy and peppy like the original even doing the light motif thing of remix in the main theme throughout the entire soundtrack but the song has just missed their mark in my opinion but comparatively all will get there here's the shy guy chanting in the original Yoshi's Island and here we have it on DS that doesn't sound like anything what happened a rocket ship what oh wow okay here we go this game also by far has one of the worst levels I have ever experienced in a platformer the cave that never ends look at this look at out disgustingly slow this is I feel offended a few minutes in there is this part here where the jump just for some reason gets a little finicky if you're running down this hill oh what's that you died you got a deal with this molasses speed again it's terrible really now I feel that many of the levels here outstay their welcome there are only five worlds as time around instead of six previously but the levels are longer to compensate which by the end of the game I was really just praying for the credits it's not that I hate the game or anything like that but it's just a slog by the end of it Oh suddenly Bowser shows up okay hey what's up what's up man look in terrible my my god dude what what is this outline apparently now bowser and kamek traveled from the future on a quest to steal seven star children which i guess can grant the power to rule the universe and believe me his appearance here is about as jarring as I've explained it he's here now I guess he's my target let's go eventually Yoshi and crew make their way to Bowser's Castle I guess you see Baby Bowser ended up having a falling out with his future self so that's why he's on our side well until you get to the end at least and then he wants to fight typical whiny child and never knowing what they actually want I think that's what they're going for I don't know his fight is pretty identical to the one from the first game so naturally he goes down pretty quickly all men the big boy is here you hit him with some eggs and then he gets big because of course he does and then all the Yoshi's team up to throw even more eggs at him and that's it his plan has been thwarted and then babies so it turns out that all of the heroes were actually the star children in question including the newly born baby Yoshi ja how precious I mean maybe it's just me but I'm assuming the way baby Wario looks and the way that a regular baby you could probably assume one of them is a little more special than the other you didn't need to kidnap all the regular babies but hey what do I know I wasn't there so yeah that's yo she's Island es it's just it's just okay there are some additional minigames in there as well but like the main game they're just okay nothing about this really stands out aside from the baby mechanic which I said before isn't as well thought out as it should be it was pretty neat at the time having a proper sequel to Yoshi's Island that wasn't Yoshi's Story but nowadays it just sort of feels like a fan-made sequel to the original and well as I mentioned before no one really talks about this game and now I can see why but that didn't stop Nintendo from trying again because eight years later for the 3ds we got another sequel Yoshi's new island oh boy there goes that word new again Nintendo just couldn't handle themselves so the story of this one hmm so the original Yoshi's Island is canon now okay so except that at the end of that one the stork delivers baby Mario and Luigi to their parents psyche he delivered them to the wrong couple yeah oops Kamik sees his chance snatches up Luigi once again Mario falls to the surface below once again I don't know if babies can experience deja vu but you may as well start them off while they're young however to be fair Mario doesn't fall where he was before he falls onto a new island Oh oh that that's why it's called that so I guess Yoshi's Island DS is not canon after all we've never seen baby Wario since who knows what mischief he's getting into Yoshi's new island plays exactly the same as the two games prior just with the idea of multiple babies being gone and instead we have the return of a single baby and I will say that that is for the best this game plays it safe throughout the entire thing opting more to give off a feeling of oh yeah I remember that thing rather than oh that new thing that I don't like what is that's that's not a kangaroo but peppered in here and there is a little bit of newness like the transformations do return this time in the form of motion controls challenges they're okay they're definitely not as enjoyable as they used to be but credit for being different the superstar shows up once again to you see this was used in previous games to transform baby Mario and he would become super-powered and it was awesome look at him go a hero since he was a baby he was it shows up here too but instead Yoshi gets the power up instead controlling almost exactly the same I don't know why you stole the spotlight from Baby Mario except these segments always end with a super fast flying section that just stops it's a that's a sharp drop honestly since the developers opted to stay safe conceptually that means that more effort was put into polishing the core adventure the game is actually pretty fun it's difficult to going for perfect scores and levels is tough that is how it was in the DS game too but here's the thing the adventure here goes back to six worlds of shorter levels like the original head making it a much friendlier romp to replay if you did want to get perfect scores they somehow messed up the control - if you're standing still if there's like an extra half second of buffer time before you're ready to shoot an egg but not if you're moving just a split-second beforehand it is easy to work around but this shouldn't be a thing in the first place the original game flows so well and it is amazing how much an extra half second of animation can nearly completely ruin that the bosses take a major hit to half of the bosses are just kamek and the other half are just really easy meh the only real new gimmick that's here comes in the form of egg dozers one swallow of a giant enemy Yoshi absolutely destroys his butt oh no and then he has access to one giant egg to shoot around and cause destruction occasionally you'll stumble onto some metal egg dozers too used to roll across the floor and allow you to sink to the bottom of water sections not really sure how that works because you're not physically connected to the eggs so I don't know how you're still sinking I'm asking too many questions it's a neat idea in all but like the mega mushroom of a similarly named new franchise it's purely contextual this didn't need to be here and nothing of value would really be lost except for this image of a huge Yoshi about to pull out a giant egg that will live on in infamy but the strongest talking point for the game comes in its presentation rather than going for a pixel aesthetic that you're used to instead a new island goes for a man I don't I don't even know how to explain it it's it's obits a weird look it's like a mix of watercolor for the backgrounds but also 3d models of the main characters but they also have like this weird watercolor texture on top of them but they don't nothing really meshes here it does look better on the console you're playing it on which is something that can be said for nearly all 3ds games and while I do appreciate seeing a bunch of familiar enemies in 3d for the first time left and then there's the soundtrack huh I do want to say that I think there is a big misconception here regarding the soundtrack as a whole it really isn't that bad some of the music some of the music is really bad I've accepted that there are good pieces of music here though and they're actually pretty good but whoever decided to use kazoos man they really should be fired the end of the game is awfully familiar to you make u8a Bowser jr. yeah beat'em he turns big and you beat him again and you may have noticed that I didn't talk about the final boss music of Yoshi's Island DS and it's for the same reason I'm not gonna say much about the final boss music in new island they didn't even come close to attempting to replicate the awesome rock feeling of the original it's actually kind of embarrassing and as a result I really just got nothing else to say on it to be fair it would be hard to top that original piece boy that was good and just like that baby luigi is saved once again what suddenly warping through space and time what the umm okay with Bowser's here again what the so his fight is basically the same as the baby counterpart warping through space and time that's the bet that's the best you could come up with what the hell so baby luigi is then saved for real this time the babies are brought to their actual parents now hopefully and then the credits roll my god that is one of the wildest endings in Nintendo's history oh and this is kind of neat throughout the adventure a mysterious pipe figure offers to help you out if you're having a tough time it turns out that that is actually Mario from the future what's with all this time travel going on all of a sudden I guess Mario traveled back to make sure he continues to exist in his time we're getting into some back to the future stuff up in here Great Scott so yeah to answer the question that was posed at the start of the video there are specific reasons why these games aren't remembered all that fondly if at all people just know they exist and that's not good I will say though that the original is still the king Yoshi's Island man this game is so damn good I don't take back anything that I said it just would have been nice if the sequels that have a similar name were that good as well and that's just not the timeline that run and I know what you're saying now what about Yoshi's woolly world give it time I'll get to it Yoshi as an overall franchise is actually a really weird one when it comes to the green dinosaur I have plenty of material to talk about down the line but until then could I get a picture of the really huge Joshi again thank you Nintendo what the hell were you thinking [Music]
Channel: AntDude
Views: 1,212,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AntDude, Dude Reviews, Review (Media Genre), Video Review, Nintendo, Super Mario World, Yoshi's Island, Yoshi's Island DS, Yoshi's New Island, Yoshi's Island Trilogy, Yoshi's Woolly World, Yoshi Switch, Yoshi Story, Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo E3 2018, Mayrio Month, Yoshi's Crafted World, yoshi's crafted world all bosses
Id: 5XX8L-IRM-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Thu May 31 2018
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