Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games - AntDude

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do you like Sonic the Hedgehog music specifically the soundtrack to Sonic mania of course you do well the awesome folks at tiny waves have released a sonic mania remix album featuring 11 fantastic tracks from artists such as DJ Joe Benjamin Briggs James land Eno and more if you're interested and you really should be the link to check out the album will be down below you should actually check it out because it is really super good and stuff oh yeah the Olympics these sporting event to end all sporting events taking place every four years with summer and winter alternating every two years hitting athletes from all around the world in a wide plethora of competitions the Olympic Games as we know it has been a mainstay in global culture for hundreds of years and as such it should be celebrated with Super Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog but why though this is a series of games that exists initially I thought this was an April Fool's joke this was the year 2007 we're talking about everybody was still begging for Sonic to be in Smash Brothers and while that did end up happening on October 10th of that year and a younger me at the time lost his mind as a result of this video this image here appeared on the internet on March 28th I was very much waiting for Sega to say haha and call it April Fool's but nope this this is real and somehow someway there are five of these games how with each Olympic Games a Mario and Sonic title was there ready to go as well but like I said we have five games to go over here so let's waste no more time and get right into the first one the game starts off with this opening video that honestly is pretty fantastic Sega's CG movie team at the time it was top-notch and even though it really wasn't the way anybody wanted seeing all of these characters from both universes together was really cool and then you dive into the actual game itself and so as you would expect this is a minigame collection with all of the Olympic events being the minigames and you can choose between some of your favorite characters from the Mario & Sonic universes to play as and vector is also there you can play as your me as well but that's really not something I care about the whole series has this feature actually so if that's something that you're interested in cool I want to play a Mario or Sonic character in a Mario and Sonic game that's just me similar to a typical Mario sports game each character has its own unique stats though really it doesn't matter a whole lot as long as you play the game well enough for the events you got racing long jumping archery hammer throwing trampoline stunts and a whole lot more there swimming as well and honestly one of the best parts of the entire series is sonic wears a little floaty when he's in the water I mean just contrasting that to dr. Eggman wearing his entire getup leans underwater I feel like one of these two is not doing something correctly for the Olympics but I can't tell which one is worse there is sort of a Mario Kart style of progression here with a bunch of different cups housing different games and you get rewarded with trophies at the end for doing well as well as getting access to another Cup but honestly the events here they're they're not that great to play we're looking at a minigame collection on the Wii in 2007 everybody prepared a shake the controllers at any moment's notice because that is going to happen a lot yeah the thing is given the console at the time I really wouldn't expect anything else but it doesn't make this any more fun and Yoshi winds up for the swing he's waiting for the right moment well he certainly tried his best and that's what counts there we go we had to just do a practice run it's all good we nailed it this time it's him due to the controls being what they are the events really aren't all that enjoyable sure there is a bit of a novelty to it but it wears off pretty fast the soundtrack on the other hand is shockingly awesome for as short as these sprinting events are the music makes it all worthwhile oh no no no no no no no shadow shadow has a gun again the change the channel change the chant ooh music aside the sound design boy howdy it's some top-notch stuff [Music] Oh aside from the traditional Olympic events there are also these special dream events which in this first version aren't really as special as you would come to expect they're just these really bare-bones mini games that try to spice things up with a couple of little Mario and Sonic elements in there but like the rest of the events they're really not all that fun the later games do a much better job with this idea and why not have a little bit of filler content as well last up on our list is this weird take on providing Olympics trivia you see you have a couple of categories to choose from and the game will ask you a question but rather than just answering it you're required to play a really garbage minigame and then you get the answer that is cool but on the bright side I now know that Oscar Swan was the oldest person to win an Olympic medal at the 1920 Games and Antwerp Antwerp would you just call me a twerp and that is the first game in the series again it was a really cool idea finally having Mario and Sonic in the same title but the final product that we got it was pretty uneventful despite the fact that the game is filled with events I I apologize about that one at-at the limbic you uh you forgot the oh there buddy now we have our first trip to the Winter Games and almost immediately it is clear that the presentation was kicked up quite a few notches the opening movie is way better the UI is cleaner and has a bit more personality and the in-game graphics are a lot sharper credit where credit is due also the first game presents itself in this weird aspect ratio that normally you won't see because I'm stretching the video out but this is what they both look like when they're not stretched 2007 was a weird time I guess man I got I got mail from Omochao I thought I blocked him and well this game has balanced board support I guess one day I'll talk about the balance board but not today today is not that day but soon soon since these Olympics take place in completely different weather the events that you partake in are brand new there's downhill slalom large hill jumping racing on skis and you can't forget about the figure skating just ha just just look at how beautiful this performance is wait a minute you can play as any of the characters in these right Oh baby yes the most notable improvement here is the games are actually fun rather than having a ton of games that either require the waggle or other motion controls that just tended to be kind of finicky many of the games here are based on tilting the controller or traditional button controls and that actually feels pretty good you do sort of have a good feeling of impacting the character's movement at all times and while the games aren't really all too difficult they are way more enjoyable than anything close to the best of the first game there's even a pretty solid game of ice hockey in here too for some good multiplayer fun as for the single-player this time it is structured as a proper Olympics festival where you will either practice or perform the different games themselves on a day-by-day basis bookended with opening and closing ceremonies and there's even the occasional boss fight in here too of all things you got the likes of kingboo rouge the bet there's a giant Bullet Bill it's not not the most creative that you that you threw in there it's not it's just a Bullet Bill that's just big it's you're not even a Banzai but okay that's fine and then we move on to the dream events and now we're talking here rather than the mediocre faire of before now there is fanservice aplenty you can race down seaside hill ski jump through good egg galaxy have a gliding dogfight in sky sanctuary before Sonic Generations brought this place back or you could play ice hockey in Bowser's Castle but more specifically from Mario Kart Super circuit because why not there are 11 dream events here coming from the first games four and man for both of these franchises these are really good ways to celebrate their treasured histories and not only is the soundtrack pretty good once again these dream events also began the trend of these games housing some fantastic remixes some of the tracks are ripped right out of the original games but most of them are brand-new and they sound great the true highlight of all of this is dream figure skating featuring two full multi-part shows one for each series and it's just really neat like Sonic's features a fight with an icy chaos I love that so much there is another group of these unnecessary minigames that are purely just filler for whatever reason that are here but I can look past that this game overall is actually pretty good it is still a minigame collection so take that for what you will all I'm saying here is one of the events is curling and I never thought I would ever have a good time partaking in curling but by damn I did we're only two games in in this series already took a pretty big 180 in terms of quality it's time for game 3 Wow these titles are just gonna keep getting longer and more ridiculous with each entry aren't they starting off there is another fantastic opening video I know it's pretty redundant at this point me saying that but man these are just getting better with each one now the curious part about this game I thought I thought I blocked you the curious part about this game is it is a return to these summer games which we already covered meaning some events are bound to return and yep yeah they do however for many of these rather than just blindly waggling the controller once again there is actually some timing involved it's a relatively small change but it ends up making for a big difference as these are far more enjoyable events the running events are still waggling though but now you can just use the Wii Remote you don't need a nunchuck so huzzah probably the most impressive change is with ping pong it is disastrous in 2008 with really really wacky motion controls but this time they managed to make it fun and thankfully there are plenty of new games as well there's uneven bars equestrian racing badminton beach volleyball and soccer I mean football for more multiplayer good times to be fair we are in London this time so we can't go around calling it soccer so fair enough and there's also synchronized swimming that's uh yeah I don't know this is this is a bit too weird for me you know what's not too weird for me though ribbon twirling as Bowser the jumping quality here really cannot be understated not only does it look way better and the soundtrack continues to be shockingly really good but the events are genuinely fun I think it really all comes down to how much you care about motion controls because like Winter Games before it they're really not all that difficult I just end up enjoying playing what's being thrown at me and if you thought with a sequel that the dream event would be better than ever man you were right and like before the fanservice is kind of the reason why these are barely even recognizable from olympic events at this point they're seeing who can get the farthest in a land based on Yoshi's Story riding discuses and windy Valley from Sonic Adventure cooperatively riding horses to safely bring Yoshi eggs to the finish line in moo moo Meadows from Mario Kart Wii competitive trampoline stunts in crazy gadget from Sonic Adventure 2 they really pulled out all the stops here and the music that accompanies all of them oh man it's so good once again these are easily the best part of the game [Music] well second best part of the game there's one short of the number of events of the last one there's only ten dream events here but they are still all a good time the biggest downside of the game though is there's really no real reason to play the events they're all unlocked from the start which is great for multiplayer but there's no single player mode incentivizing a reason to play every event you get a little graphic for doing all of them but that's really not enough for me instead there is this new london party mode and I played it but I still don't really have a good idea what the hell it is it's like a group of four characters run around aimlessly in I guess this is supposed to be London I mean Big Ben is there you perform these odd little tasks and occasionally jump into proper events and you do all of this to collect stickers to fill up a sticker book and the first person to do so wins not to say that it is totally void of fun it's about as much so as that weird mode from Smash Brothers so your mileage will vary here it's just not something I was expecting so that concludes this series time on the weed now the first game is once again [Music] but honestly if you do want to give the series a shot these are not bad games to check out they're legitimately good minigame collections I don't know why the case for 2012 is yellow uh yeah I got nothing on that that's just that's just a weird thing the last two games here made the high-definition jump to the Wii U yeah I had to have to dust off this bad boy it's been it's been a while starting off now we have Mario and Sochi at the Sonic 24 wait yeah yeah yeah that's it but my god these titles they're getting ridiculous even though we made the jump to HD for this one I almost feel like the game looks less interesting it's more realistic I guess but the colors seem to be more washed out than before you could argue that a ton of snow isn't interesting in the first place but hey it's a video game the character models on the other hand look fantastic like damn they look good but mostly the game makes one critical problem that kind of ruins the whole thing it constantly and for the most part without any real reason tells you to swap between the Wii Remote Plus not a regular Wii Remote and the gamepad just sort of randomly for some events that are returning you're required to use the gamepad which makes no sense considering they were two just fine with a none plus Wii Remote before this concept is really built up for the dedicated biathlon event which has you swap between Wii Remote two gamepad back to Wii mote like why though that's not fun what we ultimately have here now as a result is a lot of returning events from a game that was good but none of which are more or equally enjoyable than the last time they showed up the bobsled event is a special one though as it takes advantage of the gamepad's inward-facing camera boy that certainly was an exciting discovery let me tell you just look at how happy I was they really tried to think of other ways to make it seem like the gamepad was a good idea here but nah no it wasn't then we have the legends showdown mode this game single-player conceptually cool like I said I wanted a mode like this in London 2012 and now it's here but then the characters end up battling against shadow forms of themselves this this isn't what happens at the Olympics that I'm aware of at least seriously that was the best you could come up with yourself going against your inner shadow I thought I was done talking about Kingdom Hearts on the bright side the dream events do return and they are still kinda neat but there's not too much unexpected in terms of gameplay and themes and there is less than there normally is even if these are relatively disappointing they're still the best part of the game it really shows that this whole Mario and Sonic thing shines the most with its fanservice at this point the traditional Olympic theme seems kinda redundant curling is interesting though it's like you're riding a really giant curling iron and the theme of the area is Sonic 4 for some reason so that's not that's not the good game so we're gonna just go past that and in the case of throwing anything at the wall and seeing what will stick their snowballs scrimmage now there was a traditional snowball fight in the first winter game and I think that is not an Olympic event and if it is I should probably practice because I can I can do a pretty good job of that but here it's like everybody is armed with the snowball done and you're trying to guide a ball around to a goal what I mean if it was fun I wouldn't complain but it's just sort of there and you could play it cool I'm really not too sure what happened here this game just kind of exists any ambition that was there for the last two games is gone while the most ambition that did go into the game I'm assuming was just to make it look pretty good it's not even worthwhile to talk about the intro it's done with in-game graphics as opposed to CG this time around and it's just the two named heroes going down for a few seconds and that's it but in a crazy turn of events it has one of the more interesting at least in concept extra modes with the action and answer mode where you play through a few events and there are these special objectives in each and that's kind of neat but realistically that's not enough to save the game I will give them all the credit in the world though they thought that people would be playing this game online there's only four events so I don't know why I don't know why they thought that was a good idea and surprisingly enough nobody's currently playing huh if anybody actually got to play with people online when this game first came out let me know how that went cuz you could have told me that nobody ever played this game online and I would believe you and without further ado the final game we have a slightly shorter title this time around things are looking up right off the bat that game starts better than the last one did there's actually an intro this time it is still done with in-game graphics unfortunately but stuff actually happens in this one oh hey it sticks from sonicboom everyone's favorite this intro still doesn't come close to the best that the we had to offer but it's still pretty good and oddly enough similar to the last game there is certainly some ambition here but it's done in the wrong places like you begin as you're me on a beach being greeted by some of the characters then you can run around and briefly talk to a few more except for Luigi because he just like dances in front of you for a bit and then stares at you hashtag year of luigi it's an interesting idea but otherwise it's pretty empty all Hollow it's him okay I'm going to I'm going to approach him very slowly big is sort of the doorman to this place that you can check out some collectibles and whatnot nothing too special oh and there's also miiverse no man too soon me versus dead how else am I gonna know how good water looks in video games now Nintendo the main focus is still once again at the Olympic events themselves and wow this is this is it this is the least amount of events in these series yet and no my eyes aren't tricking me they're not tricking you there is no dream events here as well that's like the main reason people care about this series and it's not here okay to be honest with you guys I really don't have much to say about these events they do use more traditional button controls rather than focusing on motion which is awesome but most of them are returning from previous games without any noticeable improvements so they look a whole lot better than last time but that's the most I can really say about them and it doesn't matter how much effort goes into these games there is something that is pure magic about seeing Bowser dance the main new event joining the ranks now is boxing finally you can pick two characters to a full-on fist fight and okay I like this mode a whole lot oh this really shouldn't be as enjoyable as it is maybe I'm just a sick person but I am finding extreme pleasure and absolutely obliterating these characters with these gloves [Applause] oh man that is so good all I'm saying here is Floyd Mayweather you're pretty good you got nothing on Yoshi in addition to these standard pretty short events there are three full sports that you can play in single-player or multiplayer and these are the highlight of this otherwise uninteresting package there's beach volleyball which is again a pretty good time soccer horse football don't hurt me is enjoyable when played with the right people and the new one hell I didn't even really know what rugby was but after playing it here I can say I'm a fan this game can actually get kind of intense so out of all of the available events these are really the only ones worth playing multiple times as there are these other modes that you can play that will unlock more well at that point it's repetitive because it's asking you to play the same shorter events over and over again with no variations no thanks I am really not sure what happened to these games developments they very clearly peaked with 2010 and 2012 but then they never seemed to care to match the heights with 2014 and 2016 Rio also had a small print run so it is more expensive than it has any right to be as well and at the end of the day that is the most I can say about this series in general it was a really weird idea and 10 years later it still is Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games is a series of 5 video games featuring a ton of Olympic events and fanservice aplenty that started off as a novel concept progressed into legitimately really good minigame collections then sort of tapered off into mediocrity and before you start flooding the comments I know there are the portable games as well but come on this video is long enough as it is these weren't and really still aren't the crossover games that everybody has been asking for at the very least though it's a very interesting series of games that does in fact exist Mario and Sonic were competing at the Olympics multiple times over that's a very weird sentence and hey you could look at it like this with no signs of the real-life Olympic Games ending anytime soon we can expect a Mario and Sonic title every other year until the end of time [Music] [Music]
Channel: AntDude
Views: 1,569,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AntDude, Dude Reviews, Review (Media Genre), Video Review, Nintendo Switch, Super Mario Odyssey, Sonic Forces, Sonic Mania, Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii U, Super Mario Galaxy, tiny waves, tinywaves, sonic mania remix, sonic mania remixed, sonic mania remixes, tiny waves sonic, tiny waves sonic mania, tiny waves antdude, tnywvs
Id: L-MuER-31SI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 28sec (1588 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2017
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