Bad Spyro the Dragon Games ft. Caddicarus - AntDude

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[Music] it is so damn good seeing spyro the dragon back in the spotlight I love the reignited trilogy in my opinion that is the way to experience those original games even the version on the switch is pretty solid Activision recently hooked me up with a code and I have been playing it a bunch ever since it's got very minor problems here or there but it is totally playable and now having these remastered games on the go oh man I am loving this going forward this may actually be my preferred way of playing this trilogy and alongside all the fanservice in the Spyro and Friends Grand Prix and Crash Team Racing nitro fueled ahh to say that I am hopeful for a bright future for the purple dragon would really be underselling it did you invite me over just to talk about hey Stan did you invite me over just to talk about Spyro reignited on the switch I'm sorry is that a problem hey man you promised me some old-school Spyro today that's an offer I couldn't pass up fair enough you know since Spyro is back and the reignited trilogy is so good I figured it would be a little fun to take a look at the not-so-great parts of this franchise now we both already took a look at Enter the Dragon fly that's the obvious one and that's still not not a very good game at all but have you played any other bad spyro game besides into the dragon fly and spiral orange no not at all I mean I know that the whole YouTube game reviewer thing requires that I have to play bad games but there's only so far I'm willing to go why did I invite you over them for the warm embrace of similar to Crash Bandicoot ii the rights for Spyro were no longer under the original creators things went downhill hard and fast and to the Dragonfly my god at the very least though crash in my opinion still had a fairly alright life leading up to his massive hiatus spyro on the other hand things were a whole lot rougher the Game Boy Advance though for whatever reason despite different developers and less powerful Hardware not only to crash have some solid adventures but Spyro did too season of ice season a flame attack of the rhinox they're all pretty alright original plots with not terrible isometric gameplay and decent enough music the GBA arguably had the better titles for both characters then on console boy would have time to be alive crash and Spyro are both alive and dead at the same time it sucked and then spiral orange happened and if this game remains on my screen any longer so healthy but to really start this adventure off Spyro 1 all right this one confuses me are you about to hot take could say Spyro 1 is bad I mean I'm not the biggest fan of the original myself no chance man this game is a classic except for in Japan where it's infinitely worse and quite frankly I have no idea when else I'll be able to talk about this oh my what is that is that a fixed camera yes my friend yes it is you see since I guess Japanese audiences couldn't really fathom the free camera of the game that everyone else got insomniac figured a fixed camera would be the way to go on top of that the camera fades out and in for the whirl winds as well as when you enter a level there are tutorial signposts all over the place that get activated with flame breath so hitting them constantly accidentally is inevitable and let me let me just see here yes you run slower too this is dreadful that's so crazy you know I always like the modifications to crashes design to appeal to Japan that was neat and still something done nowadays but for Spyro was the camera really the main idea they had for years I thought Spyro one in Japan was the reason ripto got his name I had no idea the game underneath was worse speaking of ripto though surely they fix this with a Japanese spyro 2 oh no they kept it there's like these weird dragonfly egg things that work with the PocketStation which was apparently actually a pretty popular thing in Japan and with them you essentially have access to a dragonfly tamagotchi of sorts so there's that but ya know Spyro in Japan not good it's no surprise the Year of the Dragon was never released there yeah what the hell toys for Bob why didn't you put this in the rig night trilogy so I can raise a dragonfly on my Vita but hey only Japan had to deal with that one aside from enter the Dragonfly there would be another few years before the rest of the world got their hands on some sweet genuine garbage I don't like the tone of your voice how bad is this gonna be ah no worries The Legend of Spyro games oh that's bad I'm portable alright so I'll admit that maybe I was a bit too harsh when I covered the Legend of Spyro trilogy they do have their quality moments for sure but overall not really my thing and it being based on the light and colourful classic Spyro that preceded it well that's just something I could never get behind but regardless of my thoughts on that oh ho god I know we didn't deserve this this sub series not only spawned three games across multiple consoles but five games across the GBA and DS now when crash did this to say that we got games of a mixed quality would really not do it justice but hey that wouldn't be fair to go into Spyro with that expectation so let's see what The Legend of Spyro a new beginning has to offer us on the Game Boy Advance well it's ugly looking for a start it's a good thing Spyros purple here because wow the colors for everything else just blend together and this is from the raw footage being blown up I shudder to think how blurry is if you're playing this on an actual Game Boy Advance it just seems like a generic beat em up no more no less I mean you say what you will about the environments but having that third dimension at least made them feel fully fleshed out this looks like the epitome of uninspired and what why are we playing whack-a-mole all of a sudden oh man it's just a monotonous slog of button mashing combat that requires no skill and provides no challenge it would be one thing if the combat were at least satisfying but it's so boring and hits have no impact whatsoever it's not a fun time especially for the bosses where you can just stand there and attack for a couple of minutes and then BOOM done they do try to throw some variety in there from time to time emphasis on try yeah this is dreadful and he does much as I'm ready to continue complaining about eternal night on GBA just being more of the same I'll be damned this isn't that bad yeah the art style once again doesn't really pop a whole lot but the sprites for Spyro and the enemies are way more detailed the combat system is surprisingly deeper there's a heavier emphasis on exploration and he has some brand new moves to help you get along it's not amazing by any means but it's definitely an improvement and at least the boss fights actually requiring me to do things this time around so that's nice so for the one person out there who was clamoring for a Spyro the Dragon beat him up on Gameboy Advance that wasn't terrible here you go here's your game the DS though now I'm a bit more interested I remember back when we looked at crash bandicoot on TS we discovered the Titans was shockingly not that bad a decent blend of old-school and new-school crash I was kind of impressed mind over mutant was crap but I'm still going into this with some optimism so I asked for new beginning on des well I can barely even see Spyro so that's a good start when you get your bearing of things it's just once again a very repetitive and unsatisfying button mashing beat-em-up except with some touch controls here because what's a low effort DS game without some shoehorn touch controls did did spyro die from an oversized fly why didn't you kill it I saw you attack it ah that's because there are certain enemies in this game that can only be killed from the touchscreen not spyro himself may I interest you in a handful of newer puzzles how about an entire flying segment being removed despite it being in the Gameboy Advance version how about the fact that the game has no music can I leave now absolutely not because now it's time for a good old feeling of whiplash here's what the DS version of eternal night looks like you're joking me this this actually looks like a spyro game what's this what's this Spyro everywhere it's dragonflies in the sorry I know I was supposed to talk about nothing but bad games today but dude this games actually alright now you can properly explore 3d spaces and those spaces look pretty solid the combat feels loads better and even feature some touchscreen controls that are actually satisfying and not the garbage from the first game and oh my goodness is that platforming yeah the draw distance is disgusting but it's the DS here there's only so much we can work with the mirror puzzles return as well even know it doesn't make any sense whatsoever for them to be in these games I'll be honest I just like puzzle games so this is fine by me no matter how unnecessary this is like to progress in the game you got to find these mirror pieces along the overworld and it's not difficult in the slightest it's not a good mechanic but because it's a puzzle game I'm okay with it the continuity is a bit weird as well since you fight the Elder Dragons as boss fights after spiral passes out which isn't what happens in the console version but quite frankly the rest of this game goes for its own thing so I will just accept this because this is a surprisingly alright game all right so if eternal night and Titans are similar for these two franchises and mynova mutant came next and undid all the good qualities of the game before it oh no a side scroller Oh with delayed controls too how splendid when did this happen to both franchises why did we get games that far exceeded expectations right before going right back into mediocre side-scrollers well just so the story of crash and Spyro having parallel series can continue from what I can tell this is just more of the same as the two GBA games is that accurate yeah more or less they just over complicated it though on the console version each dragon can utilize for different breaths which was actually kind of neat but when you restrict that idea it's a more linear 2d level design it just becomes kind of annoying having to constantly swap between dragons and breaths just because the hey that block can't be destroyed by the one thing you currently have they did finally get a flying segment in here but it's just minutes of barely doing anything as the level flies by around you imagine a starfox level but there's only like 10 enemies wasn't free flight one of the biggest selling points of the console version if they were gonna go limit it to such an extreme level they should have just done something more unique like how eternal night handled things and the artwork for the cutscenes oh my god oftentimes portable versions of console games just tend to not be all that great so no matter what you think of The Legend of Spyro trilogy on console avoid these games avoid them there they're garbage except for eternal night somehow both versions of that game not terrible you see that wasn't so bad you don't look too thrilled about this you saved the West for lost isn't you oh how did you know you see there's this little game called Spyro shadow legacy for the DS no no it's been a whole year since the bad crash game disaster 20 18 I thought you would have softened up by now but no you've apparently lost it since you've run out Kirby came to talk about honey J I want to play okay but what if I told you that canonically this is spyro 6 spar the dragon shadow legacy a game that takes place after the events of a hero's tale which came out after enter the Dragonfly which happened after the initial trilogy yeah this is spiral dragon six folks just accepted which also means that before the reignited trilogy brought our precious dragon back to life this is the final game to use the classic Spyro design and oh boy what a way to go out literally 5 seconds into turning this game on it shows off these same sentences on both screens for some reason this is the level of ridiculousness we're dealing with here this this is Spyro this looks like an RPG you can experience points for defeating enemies and everything I mean I get when legends did it that entire series was based off of a different style but what is this and why is it so slugged did that sheep explode what am I looking at Oh Spyro how are you how said that another summer is coming to an end oh how I love those wait for it summer nights are you not entertained by the plot caddy bugger off alright I'm being way too mean here let's give this a solid shot this is a mainline spyro game after all let's see what we have to work with essentially all of the Elder Dragons got banished into the Shadow Realm when Spyro wasn't looking and it's your job to save them alright you know that sounds pretty similar to the story of Spyro one except this time instead of the peaceful world of dragons you travel through hell basically and to successfully complete your mission you run around a town very slowly attack a bunch of Hell demons very slowly read through a lot of text boxes very slowly and you save all the dragons oh and don't worry there is some platforming too and yeah it's bad and maybe if you're like me you think oh that's just the tutorial once we get past all this you know I've learned all the moves we can progress on with the real game let's go ahead and travel to the next town oh hey look at that you do the same exact thing and then you travel to another town and you do the same exact thing and once again after that this is it this is it this is the entire game just saving dragons endlessly oh no I don't know if you were trying to sell me on this game and but you did a terrible job of it nicely done luckily this era of Spyro seems to be over because while these things were way rougher for the dragon than they were for the Bandicoot you could argue that all these games are on portable so they didn't matter as much as the console games which still did garner some fans but I don't agree these games are absolutely partially responsible for Spyro his name being dragged through the mud for so long and what's that all worth it for just decent versions of eternal night I don't think so before okay can we please be done now we've done a bear crash game episode and we've done a bad spyro game episode haven't we done all of it by this point I figured you've sunk to the bottom of the barrel when you talked about the japanese-exclusive spyro one I mean what else is there we're done aren't we you are absolutely correct caddy and I want to thank you for this this has genuinely been a really fun time despite your torment but what say we finally take a look at Skylanders I will fight you oh you know what that's totally fine how about a good old game of crash rim bash room instead why do you like this that is a damn good question [Music]
Channel: AntDude
Views: 1,097,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AntDude, Dude Reviews, Review, Video Review, Caddicarus, Bandicoot Month, Spyro the Dragon, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro Reignited Trilogy, Spyro Reignited Trilogy Switch, Spyro on Switch, Spyro the Dragon Enter the Dragonfly, Spyro Orange, Spyro GBA, Legend of Spyro, Legend of Spyro GBA, Legend of Spyro DS, Spyro Shadow Legacy, Spyro Japanese, Crash Tag Team Racing, Crash of the Titans, Spyro the Dragon A Hero's Tail, Bad Spyro Games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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