Rise & Fall of New Super Mario Bros. + Hacks - AntDude

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[Music] it's that time of year once again everyone time for the second annual Muriel month and also it's time for people to once again for about four weeks wonder why I'm not doing this in March instead the new super mario bros series is one of the most interesting in the plumbers franchise these are platformers that feature Mario here they should be more important instead the games are just here and no one really cares about him anymore that's kind of weird hey off Scott here and I see you're talking about the new super mario the shoes as well huh I haven't seen that before Scott what's up yeah you did just do a new super mario bros video recently but really that's just a coincidence that I'm doing one as well just because both of our videos will inevitably be kinda similar doesn't make one any less good than the other that just means both of them will be good for different reasons that makes sense right that's what they all say and wait are you implying that this segment is an analogy for the new super mario series itself and by the end of this video people will be sick of us too that wasn't necessarily the point I was trying to make you don't think that's actually gonna happen do you probably not okay good whoo I was I was getting a little worried for a second New Super Mario Bros this was unleashed onto the world over ten years ago and boy I wonder if Nintendo finally regrets calling the series that the story of this first game goes by real quick Blanc annual Meredith back when this game first came out it was legitimately kind of a big deal the previous 2d Mario game on a portable was Super Mario Land 2 14 years prior the right scrolling platformer front was covered by Donkey Kong Wario and Kirby the boy since then making a bunch of classic styled games also wasn't that common back then if anything games like this and I would say contra four really showed the gaming world that it is possible to make titles that harken back to previous entries and we didn't always need something brand spanking new Mega Man 9 being a great example the new bubsy being a terrible example maybe I'm giving the game a little bit too much credit this is purely speculation on my end it just kind of makes sense to me given the game success at the time as a result new Super Mario Brothers DS must have been some groundbreaking never-before-seen stuff right not really know the title of the game is pretty on the nose it's a new super mario brothers game alright your run menu jump through a ton of platforming challenges yet collect as many coins as you care to and just save the girl at the end what is new though is how Mario controls essentially being a 2d version of his 3d self with the likes of the triple jump ground pound wall jump etc etc and it controls really nice that's the thing man these 2d Mario games really nailed the simple fun of simply running around it's also pretty satisfying finding these three star coins placed throughout each level again it's not really any groundbreaking stuff but it's fun so that's good the power-ups on the other hand not that great the mega mushroom was one of the main aspects about this game and it's purely a gimmick each section it's in kind of feels the same and it's not really as gratifying as I'm assuming Nintendo had hoped for and then there's the mini mushroom which just makes you 5 pixels tall it does offer some interesting challenges since it is required to unlock two of the game's worlds and lastly there's the blue shell and boy this thing sucks after running for a second you just automatically go into your shell and that's just it's not no these don't ruin the game of course you spend far more time with the standard mushroom or the fire flower so it works out fine just not that good of a lineup of new powers which is more of a shame because a few of these returned in later entries and that mega mushroom is also forever tainted because it is the main selling point of one of the worst mario games of all time awesome stuff to be honest what's most admire about this game as a whole are the original bosses my god imagine giving a game this much praise for having original bosses more on that later you are constantly chasing Bowser jr. throughout the adventure but at the end of most of the castles a boss featuring a new or returning foe is there to try and stop you and I really like this not like the bosses are difficult or anything like that but I've always liked the idea of taking a series staple enemy and spicing them up to make them more powerful aka Yoshi's Island the towers on the other hand all have Bowser jr. himself as a boss and uh-huh since we're based on nostalgia here naturally the first big boss is against Bowser basically exactly as he was in the first Super Mario Bros just with one slightly major difference Bowser dies yeah that totally happens Mario just that's bad that's Mario killing Bowser dry bones our undead Koopas this is dry Bowser therefore Bowser Mario kill Bowser I would feel worse about the guy but he would still go on to have a pretty successful Olympic career so you know what props to him despite being dead new super mario bros DS is just okay I still really enjoy playing it but it's as basic as you can get nowadays the game certainly looks nice it has a standard bubbly Mario soundtrack and there's also a bunch of minigames that come from Super Mario 64 DS and these are just that they are really fun especially the Luigi based ones I'm pretty sure I've obtained some sort of gambling addiction because of these so yeah good game and then they made it again once you know how one of these games play yet you know how the rest of them work - you got a couple of new powers in this one like there's the propeller suit the ice flower and the penguin suit which is just like the ice flower mixed with the Frog suit it's not really that it's not that really like good it spits a better roundup I mean to be fair you can't really get much worse than the blue shell Yoshi finally returns always a nice touch although you can't bring him with you outside of the levels that you find him in which is very weird but okay and then instead of the original bosses of before the Koopalings returned and sure now we are more than sick of seeing them but this was the first time they made an appearance in years so at the time it was really cool actually in terms of the core game though it is practically exactly the same as the last one it just looks and sounds nicer since it is now on the Wii rather than the DS the big selling point for the jump onto console was the addition of coop and I'll keep this as simple as I can to players is fine for players is an outright disaster don't just don't do it and the series staple on originality plagues of this feature as well why select any of the Mario universes endless foray of characters to join Luigi and red Luigi now how about a generic blue and yellow toad although oddly enough it turns out that these two actually do have proper names according to the dev team these two have been given the nicknames buckin berry and Allah gold and I demand that they now be called this until the end of time at the end of the day I do still enjoy an assembly it's honestly probably my favorite of the entire series it doesn't try anything that new despite the name of the game but what it does do it does well enough super similar to the DS game but it kind of gets a free pass for being on a console this time around and then this is where things get a little bit interesting in the same year Nintendo revealed a new Super Mario Bros 2 for the 3ds which is a direct sequel to the DS game which I guess that means the Wii game isn't a direct sequel but they also revealed a new Super Rose you which technically I guess isn't a direct sequel to anything but it's also a launch title for the Wii U but it's supposed to be totally different than the game that's releasing on the 3ds only a couple months earlier you can see where the problems are starting to arise after talking about the last two games there really isn't much to say about in this Simba - I was hoping it would be more of a proper reboot to the NES Super Mario Brothers - but no it's just more of the same game the gimmick this time around though comes in thousands and thousands of coins not only are there more coins than ever sprawled across all of the levels there are extra powers that pop up throughout that toss even more at you there's no story context for this happening nor is there any real incentive to go for a high score they're fun to collect that's about it oh you know what scratch that that's not entirely true you do get a new title screen for collecting a million please don't do that really now aside from that there is the returning raccoon suit which is always nice as well as Reznor making for a nice Mario World throwback but that's it and that's not a whole lot to say about this game there's nothing else going for it it's still a fun time once again it's not a bad game there's just nothing about it that makes it stand out like I guess they thought that a brand new giant freaky-looking Buu would help make this game unique but it's just another auto-scrolling hazard thrilling the coin rush mode is kind of where the game shines this is a score attack mode to get the most coins possible in a limited time across a few stages with quite a few stage packs being available as DLC I enjoyed this mode quite a bit but it's a side mode the main game is still as standard as they come and please let me reiterate no matter how much you may or may not be tempted to go for a million coins don't don't do it I'm willing to bet my life that a new title screen is not worth all the pain three games in so far and each one looks and sounds practically the same just aside from the console there presented on and that's where new symbol U comes in the Wii U what a what a time that was Nintendo did promise that the console would launch with a Mario game in tow and I mean they weren't wrong the story is actually somewhat different this time around the last three games all had the same idea peach gets kidnapped here the entire Castle gets kidnapped I would say that's original but Bowser's done this before twice but that is where any sort of originality kind of stops the adventure now takes place on a large interconnected world allows Super Mario World but honestly this idea totally falls flat Dinosaur Land was really cool not just because it was interconnected but because each area naturally transitioned into the next one it did a good job making you feel like you were exploring an island that sort of felt real like the levels that you jumped into matched your location on the map basically at all times here it's the same generic worlds that the previous game had just copy and pasted on top of each other once you get past that though yeah this is definitely a new super mario bros game alright the level themes look slightly different the music sounds slightly different but it's the same game as before plus the flying squirrel suit which admittedly is a pretty great flying power and the returning baby Yoshis which these you can take with you outside of the level you find them in you still can't do that with the grown-up Yoshi's I don't really understand that one how the baby Yoshis look is about how I feel when playing this game now yes there is that one level that looks like a painting probably the best level in the game and yes I also agree that the entire game should have had a style similar to this how this was restricted to just one level is baffling to me and the Koopalings show up once again just in case you were hoping that this would at least to be somewhat different no I know that some people do really like this game but it's honestly my least favorite this is the fourth time I'm gonna say this but this is a good game it's just so underwhelming that I can't bring myself to play it any more there is at least a challenge mode which is pretty fun to mess around with but like the coin rush mode from December 2 it doesn't make the main game any more interesting the same can be said for the new boost mode too an interesting idea to get the touchscreen of the gamepad in the mix but I don't know I always felt like this was the definition of forced anything to make that gamepad feel more worthwhile at the launch I guess luckily Luigi is here to save the day released as DLC as well as a standalone game new super Luigi u takes the original game and read does all of the levels to make them harder with a 100 second time limit as well as the floaty jump that green mario is typically known for each of the stages also has a hidden image of Luigi within them making the game not only much more challenging but also a bit more satisfying if you can find the hidden Ouija some of them are just so so hidden you really got to go out of your way and look hard to find them long live the year of Luigi nebat is also playable now alongside buck and berry and dollar gold and I like this a lot nabbit was a neat character in the original game he was a bit of a distraction that you can chase every now and then it kept you from the monotony of the main game so yeah I approve of this he is essentially an easy mode for whoever is stuck with him but it's still pretty cool nonetheless and yeah that kinda covers the new super mario series a group of games that did start off pretty strong but the lack of innovation led to games that aren't bad once again but man they're bland look at the Kirby games for example the latest four main games are very similar yes but they all have their own images and unique selling points these games don't aside from the consoles that you play them on all four games are so identical that it is crazy to me that Nintendo never thought to change things up before it was too late honestly like the most interesting tidbit about the entire series is that each game has a different colored box at this point I enjoyed the levels that are New Super Mario Bros themed in Mario maker instead at least there you have no idea what to expect the fans can do whatever the hell they want and I can't tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing and even the mobile game Super Mario run may as well be a part of the series too it looks and sounds just like the other ones it's just an auto-runner this time but to be fair it doesn't really try to be something that it isn't and it makes for a fun time I actually really like this game quite a bit and I still pull it up from time to time it kind of goes without saying at this point but in my opinion at least this series doesn't come close to the original platformers that made this plumber famous to begin with but where Nintendo falters that is where the fans thrive you've seen the title of the video you know how I like to roll on this channel yes indeed New Super Mario Bros has some hacks as well while definitely early in developments yes both New Super Mario Bros 2 and you are possible to be hacked they mainly now just boiled down to some level design modifications at the moment but it's still neat that it's there there's a potential exciting future in these that's for sure you better keep your eye out des and we on the other hand also have that but there is so much more variety as these are currently far easier to work with let me see for example here how about this new super Minecraft Bros it's Mario playing in a Minecraft world why not exploring the underground of a Minecraft cave you know what this is actually kind of cool I'm not gonna lie or you got something like New Super Mario Bros The Lost Levels a pretty solid level hack of the DS game the Wii has a ton of these as well here is super Luigi we Dark Moon this one is a pretty simple level pack with a darker theme that stars Luigi it's a pretty good time here is New Super Mario Sunshine a graphic hack to give Mario his shine sprite outfit while you go against a bunch of shadow Mario's instead of the Koopalings there's even one where you get to play as Sonic oh my god I don't know how to feel about this one you do enough exploring and you will find a ton of character model swaps out there but my favorite one is probably New Super Mario Bros 64 which gives all the main characters a classic blocky aesthetic which is just super neat oh I don't know I don't know about this one something about this just seems off but now it's time to talk about the big boys the main reason I wanted to do with this video in the first place newer Super Mario Bros Wii oh boy this is a full-on modification of the entire original game the whole thing level themes new music new boss fights new level designs fantastic the hammer bro suit even shows up that wasn't in the original game that's awesome I don't know how they did this part but the overworld map is entirely new as well and it's all interconnected that's again something that the original didn't do and it does it way better than how the official Wii U game did it man this this is hardly even recognizable to the game that this is a mod of the adventure is long - going for a hundred percent is gonna take you roughly six to seven hours this is honestly a massive achievement for those at the newer team and if you wanted even more newer goodness on top of that there are some extra mini adventures as well Summer Sun is a short romp that goes through a bunch of levels that have a more sunny aesthetic while holiday special is similar but as a snowy aesthetic while I wouldn't go as far as to say that the newer games are some of my favorite 2d platformers or anything like that I would say that I enjoyed these more than the official games that we got an update list they do have a stronger form of identity and just when you thought I was done no we were also graced with newer Super Mario Bros DS another fall on hack that is arguably more enjoyable than the original adventure as well new themes new music a great level design the same still applies here the boss is on the other hand are still the same but I guess there's only so much you can do for the DS okay you know what I take that back there's minecart segments to what and I'm not gonna spoil it but the final boss is actually entirely new as well and it was really awesome to discover that firsthand the only main problem here is the game maybe slightly too ambitious the frame rate slows down quite often that's kind of crazy if you guys out there ever get the chance to I highly recommend looking into the newer Super Mario Bros games whether you're sour on the nsmb series or not they are all great times and just spend some time looking for other mods for these games as well the community just seems to be growing steadily over time so guaranteed we're gonna see more and more cool stuff as time goes on which is kind of ironic because I don't think I want to see another new super mario bros game ever again the new super mario series will kind of live on and infamy unless they do something radically different next time I think we're good Mario maker has our new super mario bros desires and check for years to come I think we're good there that and the fan-made hacks those are really fun as well and speaking of those hacks playing those recently got me in the mood to play some more classic rom hacks so I guess I'll be doing that next time stay tuned for that and also just played the new Donkey Kong Country Games instead like crew returns and tropical freeze did all this new stuff with the camera and mechanics meanwhile Nintendo's over here doing Mario the same way they've been doing it since the dawn of time tropical freeze is now available on Nintendo switch [Music] [Music]
Channel: AntDude
Views: 1,245,263
Rating: 4.8672776 out of 5
Keywords: AntDude, Dude Reviews, Review (Media Genre), Video Review, Nintendo, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo Switch, New Super Mario Bros., New Super Mario Bros. 2, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, New Super Mario Bros. U, New Super Luigi U, Super Mario Run, Super Mario Maker, Newer Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Odyssey, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario Sunshine, Super Mario 64, Mayrio Month
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Wed May 09 2018
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