Yoshi's Woolly VS Crafted World | Cute VS Cute - AntDude

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[Music] [Music] it had to be done Yoshi's legacy is more or less defined by one game Super Mario World - Yoshi's Island sure he's made plenty of appearances and other games over the years a bunch of them being spin-offs but let's not fool ourselves here Yoshi's Island is the Yoshi game and man this game this game is an absolute gem I cannot say it enough maybe it's the pure nostalgia talking here but I would go as far as to say that this is damn near perfection this is a brilliant combination of excellent music great gameplay mechanics a fantastic art style and a pretty cute novel concept I get it baby Mario crying is super annoying well then just don't get hit I mean that'sthat's a pretty good motivation to not be bad at the game I would think in my opinion they hit every single nail on the head so well that it must be super difficult for them to try to recapture that magic in future games as evidenced by future games just failing at trying to do that apologies to the three of you out there who really adore Yoshi topsy-turvy on Gameboy Advance so we've already gone over the portable Yoshi's Island games and long story short they're not terrible but they certainly suffer from living under the original game shadow they just try too hard to imitate the SNES classic but nowadays we have two games in this franchise that try to continue on the legacy of Yoshi's Island while also trying to step out of the shadow at the same time Yoshi's woolly world on the Wii U and Yoshi's crafted world on the switch goodfeel secretly one of Nintendo's more consistent third-party developers seemingly out of nowhere with wario land shake it on the Wii this company created an identity for themselves almost immediately if they can nail anything it's creating an entire game based purely on an art style tied with mechanics that just feel good oh oh yeah and and they made a handful of StreetPass games on the 3ds why not they actually have a pretty odd overall game lineup I mean who can forget looks Lee's lineup for the DSi Oh oh that actually looks pretty cool after the success of Kirby's Epic Yarn well why not do practically the same thing with Yoshi twice both of these games are good they're really good so instead of doing the typical spiel of doing a solo video on each going super in-depth into why these games are good I'm thinking we have a bit of a grudge match it's wool versus cardboard yarn versus paper Yoshi versus Yoshi let's do it I think the best way to go about this is to lock it down to five different categories plot egg collectables cute factor and music the five things that every game should be graded on despite being the same character in both games being developed by the same company they're actually surprisingly super different this should be pretty interesting let's begin so the story of these r1 elements where both games are pretty similar in woolly world to the Yoshi clan are just relaxing before kamek comes out of nowhere turns most of the little dinosaurs in some bundles of yarn and scatters them across the lands so it's up to you to rescue them all and then in crafted world it actually takes a bit of influence from yoshis story and the whole super happy tree which is still that's still just a great name all of the Yoshi's are hanging out by the Sun dream stone when once again Kamik comes through this time with the Bowser jr. in tow and after a bit of a struggle the Sun dreams gems get scattered and now it's up to you to get them back before the bad guys get them Bowser jr. does show up in woolly world as well but he's relegated to the very end of the adventure just like in Yoshi's Island and es that is Bowser jr. not Baby Bowser even new islands got this wrong okay so listen this is not baby Bowser this is that is Bowser jr. clearly this is something worth being angry about and don't even get me started on the Koopa kids from Mario Party I don't even think a Nintendo knows where they fit in so yeah the stories are pretty similar but it's exactly what's needed to put a couple of colorful dinosaurs on an adventure and I can certainly get down with that a whole lot more than oh we dropped baby Mario again it's pretty close but I'm gonna go ahead and give the knotch to wooly world just because I'm pretty surprised at how incredibly violent it is there may not be blood or anything like that but the Yoshi's literally get chopped up into pieces and then they have this little happy face slapped onto them it's it's spritz pretty messed up points wooly next up egg okay look I can explain what I want to talk about here is actually the gameplay mechanics aka the tried and true egg mechanic that Yoshi has been using for years both games are structured in a pretty similar way you travel from point A to point B in side-scrolling levels that are filled to the brim with obstacles that are meant to be taken out by taking these eggs or in wooly world's case yarn balls and throwing them wherever you see fit wooly follows islands approached by once again using the rotating reticle and I love this mechanic just as much as I did in that original game but for as much as I do really enjoy using it I know others just never got behind it fair enough you know you got to be pretty good at angles if you want to get a precise shot and hey you got to remember this game released on the Wii U as a result you can use the Wii Remote and using that option you now have the ability to tilt where you want the egg to go which made things an absolute breeze there are many times throughout the adventure where precision is damn near a necessity and I love this extra level of control now crafted world on the other hand actually feels really similar to the n64 zo she's Story another similarity there you see in that game you've had absolute control over your throw you can pinpoint where exactly you want it to go and it'll go there that is the same exact thing here but it's not just a cute throwback it's actually built around the games worlds having objects in the foreground and background that contains some coins or even some secrets ensure in relation it does make the act of getting the egg from your hand to the desired target take a longer amount of time but the sheer curiosity of keeping on the lookout for objects in 3d space in a 2d platformer was consistently really really cool the game often plays with the camera as well placing items about with the sole intention of hiding special things behind them it's just man it's really neat and actually you know what this reminds me of Kirby 64 and klonoa 2d platformers that consistently rotated the camera and okay we don't get camera rotation so the same level as that but what we have now is another major 2d platformer that gives off the vibe of playing in a 3d world and that is absolutely awesome and between both of these games all of this was accomplished with no crying babies in sight very nice wooly world is fun really fun don't get me wrong but the point has to go to crafted world for the originality alone and aside from just the egg throwing mechanics the games do share a few similar concepts like having these dedicated segments that completely change up the play control each game does handle things slightly differently but it's the same core idea and they both handle them just fine wooly world has these transformation segments within levels as a means to collect more items while crafted world moreso leans to having individual levels that are based on these vehicles they offer up some of these strongest challenges in the entire adventure they're all score based and aw man getting getting a perfect scores is absolute hell and I especially love the Go Go Yoshi look how ugly it is it's adorable but alrighty next up we're looking at collectibles Yoshi games usually offer a bunch in their levels and these games are no different flowers red coins maintaining perfect health both games more or less go for the same thing yeah woolly world goes for beads instead of coins because it just came after Epic Yarn why not rip for that game off a little bit that's all visual they're the same thing it's pretty neat to actually hidden within each level amongst the beads are these patches that are used to create stamps oh boy I can't wait to post this on miiverse it doesn't matter how long it's been it still hurts easily the best collectible and woolly world has to be the yarn bundles you collect all five in a level and then you unlock a brand new Yoshi design yeah this is this is clearly the best sari miiverse stamps all of the major items in both games are rewards for a ridiculous amount of exploration like your best bet is to touch every single wall that you run across and jump where there may be nothing as that's the only way to learn where everything is hidden woolly world even has the audacity to hide items in walls far too often a bunch of the levels in the game are also these large multipath mazes - making full completion sometimes super annoying at least you can purchase this equippable badge before every level to help you out so that's that's nice crafted worlds doesn't have something similar to that badge but to be honest that's because the game doesn't need it it's established right from the get-go that items will be all around you and with levels that are built around that idea I never really ran into that same level of frustration that woolly world often provides no no instead of the frustration with crafted world comes from the NPCs asking you to complete levels like five times at least the developers are sick in the head so you've got your initial playthrough a likely second playthrough to clean up items that you missed out on the first time playing a level in reverse to catch poochy pups as fast as you can collecting just uh just a stupid amount of souvenirs that these little block dudes ask you to find one item at a time you know it'd be nice if they told you everything in one go but nah I'll go get this one thing then I'll go back and then I'll get five for this one thing because you really want to see for some stupid reason then I'll go then I'll go do this one thing oh we're done okay cool time to do it again and just when you think you're done there's some hide-and-seek stuff that pops up at the end - it never ends but you know it's fine I'm more than happy to complete this stupid simple magnet puzzle for the sixth time party on everyone what this boils down to is both games are really really fun but damn near torture to 100% it's certainly easier to do in wooly world's but that's really only because you have the option to pick up that badge and also it's nowhere near as padded as Kraft it is but honestly I think I will give the point to crafted it all still boils down to that 3d level design man sure the replaying of levels sucks it really really sucks but to me the way that I see it the souvenirs are purely side content while the rest of the regular collectibles are parts of the main game and it is much more frustrating trying to go for the regular collectibles in wooly world so yeah there you go point crafted next up cuteness each game here goes for their own unique sense of style and they both utilize it really well wooly world doesn't use the yarn aesthetic for gameplay purposes as much as Kirby did before him but it's still very clearly a massive world built out of fabric and it looks fantastic crafted world on the other hand goes full-on arts and crafts project the amount of real-life objects used to create these landscapes is incredible and I was constantly surprised seeing how these areas were dare I say crafted ah alright this one you know I'll acknowledge is a purely subjective debate one could definitely argue that crafted worlds does a whole lot more with its style but that would also kind of downplay just how good wooly world looks both games picked a really unique art style and then ran with it two levels that you couldn't imagine and more importantly they both make sure to emphasize just how cute the oshi's are yes yes that is very very important wooly has dozens of different style Yoshi's to play with while crafted has dozens of different costumes to play in man I can't I can't decide they're both so adorable they both also include Pucci which to be honest they should both get a point for that alone the boss battles are a bit cooler in crafted world in my opinion when the boss is formed there's like this stop motion effect that plays out showing them getting created from real-world objects and that's pretty awesome wooly world does do something similar with its style again harkening back to Yoshi's Island but when directly comparing the two yah crafted does a whole lot more with arts and crafts aesthetic also you refight a bunch of the bosses in wooly world that that just sucks man this it's really a tough call I just I don't I don't really know wait wait a minute that's right wooly world is responsible for treating society too fluffy amiibo including a gigantic Yoshi yep point wooly quaint wooly oh boy I mean it was a tight race really really it was woolly world goes for this whole you know good soundtrack approach with this crazy concept I try to remember what it's called catchy music I think it is like nearly every single level has a great track to accompany it meanwhile crafted world ha boy I gotta hand it to them they were they were just so bold and daring they decided to go with the bad soundtrack approach instead truly truly remarkable it goes for the yoshi story idea of taking the main theme and making a ton of remixes of it but it's just it's just it's just not good no lie when I was playing through crafted world I was listening to the soundtrack of woolly world I'm not not even joking and seriously the coin slot theme how did that make it into the final product well alrighty then so for those of you who are keeping track woolly world has three points crafted world has two both of these games are really good I can't stress that enough if you have the available consoles I highly recommend you play them but I just got to give the edge to a woolly world that came is something else man however what if you don't have a Wii U like most of the population but you have a 3ds well do I have the solution for you they named this one Poochie and Yoshi's woolly world meaning I got to put it next to the peas in my collection instead of the Y's thanks Nintendo I hate it no obviously when comparing the games directly it doesn't look as polished or in yoshi's instance fluffy and it does add some pretty nothing extra content with the Poochie levels but thankfully this port doesn't mess with the core adventure like how the ability is messed with the port of Epic Yarn now this game I understand why it got ported to the 3ds the switch wasn't a thing yet the WiiU was failing terribly why not put an awesome 2d platformer on a console that everyone has access to and maybe as like a way to overshadow the other 3ds Yoshi game who knows they also added a handful of these adorable stop-motion movies made with the amiibo these are awesome I'm telling you man with stuff like this and the Pikmin short movies they need to be more animations with Nintendo things and actually did you know you probably didn't by using the amiibo you can unlock extra color choices for almost every single unlockable costume I can hear your mind blowing explosions from here I know I'm such a sham this wasn't a grudge match at all this was totally clickbait I know you must be totally angry with me that's absolutely fine I'm gonna take it upon myself to punish myself don't worry about it I know just the thing I'm gonna listen to the crafted world soundtrack some more oh god it's torture [Music]
Channel: AntDude
Views: 405,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AntDude, Dude Reviews, Review, Video Review, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Wii U, Yoshi's Island, Nintendo 3DS, Yoshi's New Island, Yoshi's Island DS, Yoshi's Woolly World, Yoshi's Crafted World, Poochy and Yoshi's Woolly World, Yoshi's Woolly World soundtrack, poochy and yoshi's woolly world shorts
Id: OiS9_JvRqSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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