MORE Kirby Spin-Offs: Touch Games - AntDude

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[Music] so this is it everyone the final destination on this very very long curvy marathon taken quite a while to get here but we're finally here and we have three last spin-off to look at and these three games have a very common theme between them touch-control Kirby has always kind of been a bit of a lab rat when it comes to Nintendo if they have an odd idea that they just don't know how to make a game out of and it just throw Kirby into it sure that'll work and as Nintendo focused on touch screens for a good chunk of time naturally Kirby was going to get that treatment as well three times actually and like I said last time these three games deserve their own video because they walk a fine line between main line game and spin-off they all have this very unique idea like typical spin-offs would but there's still full and proper adventures so there you go but let's cut the small talk and get to the first game on our list Kirby canvas curse for the DS [Music] I say [Music] and the early DS commercials were so bizarre clearly clearly from a different era remember when the first ad campaign for the DS let you know that touching is good whoa boy that that was a time the story this time is super simple a portal opens up in the sky and an evil witch named Rossia shows up out of nowhere and turns the world of dreamland into paint Kirby chases after and once up close the witch turns him into a ball again not not really a form that he's unfamiliar with but okay and with the help of the magical paintbrush he sets off to defeat Gracia and save dreamland once again and it's kind of funny the paint brush thing makes a little bit more sense in the European title which was changed to power paintbrush I guess maybe curse you can't say in Europe or something I just leased these name changes I don't I don't get it and this time we have another 2d platformer but rather than controlling Kirby directly you manipulate him by tapping him to roll faster or by drawing lines to create platforms or barriers and honestly despite this basically being a full-fledged platformer that's basically the whole game right there it's a simple concept that combines with level designs that are also simple but are fairly beefy and often have quite a few obstacles that really require some precision play the game moves at a fairly quick pace as well so things can often get legitimately difficult especially in the water level where Kirby constantly floats to the top fighting you on getting him where he needs to go all my goodness it's painful and it's a spice things up each level has three metals to collect some of them hidden behind walls that you can't get to until you press a switch later on in the game and copy abilities show up to a whopping 11 of them and it's kind of interesting despite spin-offs being roughly half of the entire franchise canvas curse is the third of only three games that actually use these series staple abilities I don't know maybe it's not all that interesting but I find it kind of neat at least some of the abilities really influence your control like wheel or burning while some others mainly work as a form of attack like a beam or spark and then there's balloon which is an absolute pain in the butt to use yeah levels have quite a bit of stuff going on but they are pretty short with each world of three stages roughly taking about 20 to 30 minutes each and while there aren't really any specific parts of the adventure that are necessarily memorable it's still actually a pretty good time the soundtrack is interesting to remix in a ton of classic tunes with a very mechanical theme to them it's honestly kind of an odd choice because it really doesn't match the game all that much at all but after listening to it for a while it is a pretty good round of songs some of them would end up being straight ported to planet robobot where they make a whole lot more sense and to be honest it's the other stuff in this game where things kind of start to go black a somewhat interesting change the canvas curse is the removal of sub games while kinda there are three boss battles with two stages of difficulty each but rather than actually fighting a boss you play a mini game instead there's block attack which has Kirby bouncing all over the place and you have to create bumpers and brake blocks to get to a battle with the one-eyed cloud wonder crack OH next up is kart run a race against King Dedede with you getting speed boosts by you constantly collecting food and you control where the card goes thanks to the touchscreen and last up is paint panic where you redraw a given out line fast enough to prevent explosion leading to defusing a bomb by tapping buttons and I guess the result of that is blowing a paint roller instead of you yeah that'll that'll show you guys we're looking at 2005 DS here any excuse to use the touchscreen was taken shamelessly is it a bad thing that there's no legit boss fights except for the final one well we'll get to that point soon enough as for some of the other extra stuff well there are a couple challenge stages that use a few of the abilities one of which is balloon yeah each regular stage can be played in a time attack mode as well as a line attack mode challenging you to use as little line as possible which honestly that is that is pretty cool and you can even unlock some extra characters to play as to sounds kind of cool right well when you eliminate the copy abilities and characters are only kind of different I don't know I really can't be bothered playing as someone new if you think this comes anywhere near close to the likes of meta nightmare and no no no no no not even close you can unlock different patterns for your lines you can replace the soundtrack with nightmare and Dreamlands man yeah when you're not playing the main adventure as Kirby which again it is fun the rest of the game kind of falls flat speaking of the main adventure eventually Kirby makes his way to the world of DRA SIA and after one pretty good actual fight against the evil witch she goes through a transformation and hey look at that a hell demon it's about time we saw one of those again this is the draw SIA soul and the battle is basically a culmination of everything you learned so far which makes for a really good fight it's really weird considering the other bosses are just minigames you would think that it's because they couldn't make a good boss fight to save their lives but no most battles against Razia are actually pretty enjoyable I'll be it an easy one though she's quickly defeated and sent back to her dimension Kirby then returns to his dimension with hands and feet properly back where they belong the magical paintbrush vanishes and dreamland is returned to normal ending Kirby canvas curse and actually there is a bit of continuity here gracia is actually not an only child that witch boss Fay uses paint from triple deluxe that is paint rrah and while not 100% confirmed she is presumably Gracias sister and what kind of funny on top of that there's even another sister but she doesn't show up until canvas curses sequel Kirby and the rainbow curse for the Wii U boom nailed it with that Segway or or Kirby and the rainbow paintbrush it is the word curse seriously like this really taboo thing in Europe like let me know i legit have no idea the story begins on a peaceful day in dreamland la blah blah I've said this like a hundred times already Kirby and bandana Dee are just minding their business when another portal opens up in the sky and a magical beam sucks away all of the life and color from the land a paintbrush shows up though and she's being chased by two evil hands and thanks to her quick thinking she brings a heroic duo back to life just in time to save her and shoo the evil away that paintbrush named aline explains the problem on hand though Kirby is really only interested in his lost Apple Rhett rest in peace but after coming to his senses they all make their way through the portal and the adventure begin it's another simple plot that gets the job done my only issue though is that this time around the Kirby is just a ball by choice no evil spell or anything like that Kirby just doesn't feel like using his feet now and I was like I mean I guess he did that in tilt and tumble as well kami like can we call this a sub series and it's like the Kirby lazy series I'm fine with that and yeah like I said before this is a sequel to canvas curse so it plays basically the same path Kirby to speed up and your draw lines on the touchscreen to bring him to other platforms but the most noticeable difference with this game are the graphics and all man this game is beautiful as you can plainly see the game goes for a claymation art style where everything is made out of the most colorful arrangement of play-doh you could ever imagine especially in those cutscenes man with the force reduced frame rate it makes for an amazing looking result simply every level in this game looks outstanding that being said though there is a massive problem with this if you're watching the footage on this video right now you will think the same thing the game is absolutely gorgeous however this is a game on the Wii U and it's a purely touchscreen game meaning you have to keep your eyes on the gamepad like 90 percent of the time the gamepad screen isn't bad don't get me wrong but it honestly hurts the game experience knowing that the game looks like this but you got to look at it like this and it is a common complaint and considering we're talking about the Wii U here it's a very unique one as well but for many people this ruins the entire game and understandably so if the game somehow at this point got a port on the 3ds it would probably do just as good if not better however I actually think that rainbow curse is still a better product than canvas curse that's something that you don't really see people say that often there were a few tweaks made to the formula established in canvas curse copy abilities are no longer here the sub games or really any form of mini game that's gone as well Kirby is the only playable character this time and the game moves at a noticeably slower speed ensure that all sounds like downgrades but instead I feel that we got a much more concentrated experience that takes canvas curses mechanics and tosses them into a more traditional Kirby game and it also focuses a whole lot more on exploration rather than pure challenge partially thanks to levels being bigger and seeing a wider area around Kirby at all times and partially because each stage now has five hidden treasure chests the environments were bright and colorful and canvas curse and the soundtrack was neat but somatically that game is very much its own thing rainbow curse feels more like the Kirby that we're used to just made out of clay as far as the soundtrack goes I've said this about other Kirby games but once again it is unnecessarily really good guys I know I know by this point I'm totally coming off as a broken record here but it still boggles my mind that Kirby of all the Nintendo franchises consistently puts out some of the best gaming soundtracks ever between the original tracks and a bunch of remixes it is a fantastic listen all around there's even a music room which is something that Kirby games typically do have but there are over 30 remixes found here that are nowhere to be found in the actual game they're just remixes for the sake of being remixes and considering they're pretty much all really good they're just spoiling me at this point that is a OK by me now as for the lack of copy abilities instead Kirby will occasionally run into three different transformations all of which are courtesy of Alliance painting ability not without a little reminder that the old animal buddies did once exist I really I really missed them there's the tank where you tap points on the screen to shoot with your expandable mouse cannon the submarine where you tap to move Kirby as he shoots missiles automatically and the rocket where you use the rainbow lines to guide Kirby to your liking and I actually really like using all three of these and I know I kind of made a big deal of rainbow curse feeling like more of a classic Kirby game but in this instance I am okay with the lack of abilities back in canvas curse they were mostly used for combating enemies or breaking specific blocks and for a game of this style I much prefer occasionally getting shoved into these areas that are built around these transformations at that point it's really not that different from Epic Yarn which that game did transformations totally fine as well and on top of all of that there are these secret figurines to collect which are really just more of a showcase of the game's art style than anything else a lines secret diary which is just as just adorable despite the drawings being well all men is that is that Tuxedo Mask each of the three Kirby Smash Brothers amiibo can be used as well although only once a day which is a weird restriction to enhance your skills for one level each okay okay I'm not really clamoring to use them ever so there's that there's also local multiplayer we're friends with Wii remotes can play as fully controllable waddle Dee's which I don't know that's kind of counterintuitive to the entire games touchscreen design and considering there's a good chance you already have a Wii Remote there's nothing stopping you from playing co-op by yourself essentially playing rainbow curse as a proper platformer they clearly didn't think this through the extra stuff is an all bad though there's actually a kind of cool challenge mode with 48 different challenges that are either timing or survival based granted all you get for completing all of this is just one last figurine which is really lame but at least they're kind of fun to play and lastly by the glory that is King Dedede there are actual boss fights rather than doing the weird minigame stuff like before you actually have proper boss battles that require timing and skill which is finally kind of neat you see they had a good thing going but there's only three bosses and you fight them all twice ah so you may be noticing a trend right about now oh man this thing that the game does is super awesome but actually when you think about it it really isn't I still do think that rainbow curse is the better product of the two but a lot of the decisions that they made were really really dumb also come on Meta Knight mask covers the entire face what what is that what what is that so it turns out that the evil sucking away color thing is thanks to a lines old friend clay Jie and hey there you go gracias paint ro and clay SIA the Holy Trinity of color based kirby bosses whoop-dee-doo she's going down not as cool as the fight her sister gave us but it's still a pretty serviceable fight and once you defeat her we find out that she has actually been possessed by an evil force known as the dark crafter this this is the the main bad guy a cloud of colors I guess that that's totally a hell spawn if I've ever ever seen it this leads to a final fight as dark Raptor flies through space and honestly it is one of the weakest final bosses in the entire franchise far too easy and beaten far too quickly we're in space for crying out loud this needs to be cooler however is that being said that clearly didn't stop them from making one of the most epic music tracks in the entirety of Kirby's universe why do you composers keep doing this to me once finally defeated Glacia crafts of stars to send Kirby back to his home and well yeah that's kind of it really not much of an ending here and it was at this point when I was playing the game for the first time that I realized despite being figures for these two Meta Knight and King Dedede make absolutely no appearances during the adventure which is really uncalled for this doesn't count but alright both curse games out of the way moving on finally we have made our way to the last spin-off kirby mastah tak back on the DS it's actually one of the last games aside from Pokemon that Nintendo themselves published for the system that's kind of neat it's another peaceful day and now whatever this skull beasts mnek rhodius shows up out of nowhere and with his skull gang aims to cover the land in total darkness and knowing full well that a sleeping kirby would prove disastrous to his plans he splits Kirby into 10 copies of himself and promptly defeats nine of them yeah that's right not not all ten just nine of them that's the only reason why this adventure continues because this guy's an idiot this time around the gameplay is totally different as some sort of omnipotent onlooker you control a star that guides the group of Kirby's wherever you wish you can also tap and flick each individual Kirby to drawn to different objects and attacked enemies and at that point sorta like canvas curse that's basically the whole game at the start of each world there's only one Kirby to control but by collecting a ton of fruit you eventually multiply maxing out to ten kind of like how cells multiply oh my god or going back to middle school science up in here you can lose Kirby's too if you're far too careless which is bad since many obstacles require a large amount of Kirby's to either get through or score a hit in metal it's almost like Pikmin in a way commanding an army of really small creatures and destroying nearly everything in sight knowing full well your Army's lives are replaceable that's really really morbid when you think about it that way now that is basically the majority of the game but there is quite a bit of variation in gameplay styles such as swimming which is way better than canvas curse shifting your weight among all 10 Kirby's to move a floating basket and even some star surfing in fact basically half of world 3 is entirely based on changing things up however that being said the game overall gets pretty repetitive pretty quickly I think it's because it simply gets tedious constantly scrubbing the touchscreen but unless you're playing this game in short bursts only I feel this idea gets pretty old fast it's probably just a matter of preference at this point but despite definitely being a solid gameplay mechanic that is kind of fun I feel it makes for an overall alright package and not much more outside of the main adventure though we see the return of the sub games of which there are a whopping six of them more than any individual Kirby game in the past filled frenzy is a basic game of whack-a-mole nothing really too fancy about that one - course test your reflexes as you tap the appropriate shapes on the touchscreen to get as far as you can in a time limit kind of like the one sub game in kirby 64 actually brawl ball is a game of pinball something that Kirby is just a bit familiar with only one table this time around unfortunately though there are a few bosses to go against and goodness the game actually feels right Kirby's pinball and physics were let's just say gameboy horrific this is actually pretty solid so pretty good in my book curtaincall has you counting the correct number of Kirby's that's um hmm straddle Patrol iOS is a top-down space shooter and like the main game uses touch controls as you gather up a chunk of ten Kirby's and just blast away everything and this one is actually fairly bulky taking roughly 20 minutes to complete and even ending with a returning nightmare I mean okay that's really random but I can roll with it and lastly there is Kirby quest a series of turn-based battles with your moves being determined by tapping the button at the right time on the touchscreen else you miss the colors entirely and take damage yourself not good this one is pretty fun as well and I mean hey with this and team Kirby clash we are getting closer and closer to a proper kirby RPG that that would be awesome what's also really cool is the final boss is dark matter making a surprise return before he does in planet robobot always a good time seeing this thing show up but what's odd though are some of the mini bosses which are these guys most of you probably would have no idea who they are funnily enough they're actually from the anime right back atcha really weird seeing Nintendo even acknowledge the animes existence well crap I mean I guess now I have to talk about it at some point ah despite there being more sub games than normal this is still Justin all right set of games one half of them are pretty good the other half of them are just like why why is this a thing anyway let's wrap this game up oh yeah the squeak squad shows up to the quest eventually leads Kirby into space clearly not the last time this is going to happen and inside he goes into the evil necro nebula after fighting all of the previous bosses a second time they all find themselves face to face with Nick rhodius once again hole the staff that would return Kirby to normal then he eats it that that battle that battle showing this leads to a final battle that really doesn't have many surprises by this point in the game basically everything seems pretty run-of-the-mill he is soon defeated the restored staff brings Kirby back to normal and on his trusty warp star he makes his way home and that ends Kirby mass attack a decent touchscreen game just a bit too repetitive for my taste to be honest with you the official artwork for the game is like the best part of the entire package look at this the stuff is really really good and most importantly that wraps up the Kirby marathon that's it which means I have now covered every single Kirby game that has been released currently and I gotta tell you feels pretty good there will still be some more Kirby content coming out in the future because I mean really now look look who you're talking to but 2017 is also Kirby's 25th anniversary so there's a really good chance that we'll see some new stuff coming out very soon but for now that's it if you stuck around from both Kirby marathons then I appreciate that and I appreciate you but I have played so much Kirby in such a short amount of time that I am well overdue for passing out for quite a while so I think I'm going to go ahead and do that but stay tuned because I have videos coming out on other stuff very very soon believe it or not Kirby is not the only thing in this world that I love okay that's not that's not true at all [Music]
Channel: AntDude
Views: 1,605,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AntDude92, Dude Reviews, Rapid Reviews, Review (Media Genre), Video Review, Nintendo, Game Boy Advance, Kirby, Kirby and the Amazing Mirror, Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland, Kirby: Squeak Squad, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Wii, Kirby Star Allies, Nintendo Switch, Kirby Triple Deluxe, Kirby Planet Robobot, Nintendo 3DS, Kirby Canvas Curse, Kirby Mass Attack, Kirby Rainbow Curse, Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn, Kirby's Pinball Land, Kirby's Avalance, Kirby's Block Ball, Kirby Star Stacker
Id: GdAH5VimPwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2017
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