Sonic on Nintendo DS | Double the Screen, Double the Speed

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[Music] you know sonic's never really been quite the same since his jump to two screens you want to hear something you've never heard before well check this out sonic's adventures on home consoles through the mid to late 2000's were a bit of a mixed bag bet you never heard that one before huh the game boy advance while there wasn't much consistency going on with the console games the gba was where sonic fans can rest easy getting the advanced trilogy to satisfy those classic needs they may not all be masterpieces but hey the team at dimps walked that fine line of trying to do something new while staying traditional at the same time so hey i'll always be a fan of what they pumped out here and when you wanted something extra and you wanted to dive into some spin-offs well hey battle offered a decent if not pretty mindless fighting game with a story mode that goes on for way too long pinball party was a pinball game so it was fine and sonic genesis was allowed to exist happy anniversary sonic but eventually it was time to move on there was a lot of skepticism around the time for the ds you know you're retiring the game boy name there's two screens on this new console one of them is a touchscreen that's really weird and also that original model is one of the ugliest things i ever did see it is a miracle this thing succeeded but thankfully when we needed him most we have good ol sonic to show us the potential of this brand new console with a tech demo attendees at e3 2004 were able to destroy the ds's touchscreen in order to see sonic run in a straight line really really fast it's a miracle this thing took off the way it did nintendo ds tech demos are so interesting man there are so many of them and most of them are lost to time and super compressed internet videos are the only way we get to see what they were all about the ds would go on to be one of the most successful consoles of all time and this is how it started this this sonic demo may be totally lame but i'll be honest still kinda cool but when all is said and done sonic has graced the ds console well okay graced the ds console with a whopping nine games of a big variety too you got the sonic rush games a couple of spin-offs there's even an rpg what could possibly go wrong there starting things off i would be remiss if i didn't mention the portable versions of mario and sonic at the olympic games and the olympic winter games yes the crossover of our dreams as we know it obviously these are going to be lacking in production value compared to their home console counterparts but for what they are they're not that bad that first game in particular is a great way to harness that original tech demo spirit and just destroy your poor touchscreen back and forth and back and forth rest in peace but hell i would go as far as to say the winter version is actually pretty good it's got a story mode and unnecessary story modes in my mini game collections give me life but hey i already talked about these as well as the 3ds titles in a different video back in 2019 so if you want more sonic content then we all know you want more sonic content that's the way to go and actually on a similar topic why not get the other spin-offs out of the way sega superstars tennis and sonic and sega all-stars racing were sega going sega does win in 10 also does sega sega sega a lot of sega in that sentence racing is the game i'm more familiar with i love fan service based car racers and this is a damn good one yeah the sequel transformed is a whole lot better but this original is no slouch either as for tennis well it's okay it's tennis but sega's there the big selling point for this one is definitely the mini game mode where that traditional gameplay gets twisted and warped to work with classic sega franchises like monkey ball and poyo puyo yeah these may be shameless attempts to do things that mario has already done and arguably has done better but i'll be honest it is simply nice to go back and remember a time where sega cared about knights unlike the olympics titles though which gave their own spin on the gameplay of the more prominent console versions the ds versions of these games are basically the same exact games just on the ds so take it easy everyone for those of you who are in love with the poor 3d models in tennis i am happy to report that has been maintained here in all of its glory who are you and how do you know my name yeah yeah this is the same game all right the mini games are thankfully all here as well and if you're looking for a worse looking version of this really fun game on the go well boy howdy this is the title for you in my opinion though it's almost more impressive that you can say the same thing about all stars racing it's a car racer that often runs at 60fps on the ds i feel like that can't be understated enough because it is oddly unsettling to witness in person how smooth this game runs my brain is so used to 3d games on the ds running a lot slower than this but i'll be damned they got it to work it plays well it looks really good the soundtrack has been compressed but it still sounds good i am thoroughly impressed here these portable versions had no reason to be as polished as they were but good on these developers here they really got to show their stuff we did lose one of the bonanza bros in the process though rest in peace tall red guy you will be missed next up sonic classic collection i'll give you two seconds to guess what this one's all about that's right a collection of classic sonic games who would have guessed nowadays having an extra way to play sonic 1 and 2 is certainly not that big of a deal why play sonic 2 when you could play sonic 2 or hold on a second sonic 2. but you gotta remember this was the next official way to play the first game on a nintendo portable after sonic genesis on the gba that alone made this collection worth the price of admission but yeah it's just the main genesis classics here on the ds not without its problems though the shrunken down screen is pretty weird on the eyes the special stages in sonic 3 damn near made me vomit and for some reason rather than speeding up the music for the speed up shoes it just raises the pitch [Music] ew i hate it but let's be real you don't get this collection expecting the best way to play these games for what it is sonic classic collection ain't bad interestingly enough though this is one of the last times sega has acknowledged sonic 3's existence quite frankly in the year 2020 it seems like sega wants nothing to do with it and considering the ps3 and 360 collection was also lacking the locked on sonic 3 and knuckles i gotta tell you it's really weird seeing that and knuckles and sonic 2 right here on the ds front center with some entirely new logos too so major points to sonic classic collection one of the final times sega has acknowledged sonic 3 and knuckles maybe one of these days we can show this to sega and just scare the hell out of them they'll think it's a ghost but of course when you think of sonic on the ds it's the sonic rush trilogy that takes center stage there was so much going into the first game's favor when it was brand new at the time shadow the hedgehog was the game console fans had to look forward to so yeah seeing the guys who made the advanced game sticking to a side scroller while taking advantage of the new two screen setup oh boy i'm in new character too blaze the cat at a time where sonic became friends with basically everything that so much gave a glance towards his direction blaze is a big standout being in my opinion one of the best friends the franchise has seen yet she's a princess from another dimension and she controls fire and she can do one hell of a spinning kick what's not to love here she even comes with her own alternate universe eggman these eggs can multiply that's terrifying the structure of sonic rush is super familiar too just go from zone to zone two acts and a boss in each find special stages throughout the levels to get chaos emeralds we got the good ol half pipe once again but this time it's with touch control so that's kind of cool this is all a recipe for success rush is the literal name of the game here though just build up that meter on the side push a button and then boom fast it's really no surprise here this is the next logical step after the speeds that you can reach in the later advanced games this makes total sense and clearly the main teams at sonic team took notice because it would be a few years after where the boost mechanic would show up in the home console games as well and when sonic rush is good it is so exhilarating man you can pull off a bunch of tricks too just by mashing the buttons when you're in mid air off of a ramp oh oh it's pretty good the game is also notorious for its two screen setup too and it's pretty cool all of the action takes place across both screens at all times and swapping back and forth can be kind of satisfying playing something that feels like you can only play it on the ds is pretty cool in my opinion the thing is though i believe this is an instance of nostalgia playing a weird game with my brain the mechanics are certainly a lot of fun but the level designs yeah not so much the further you progress in this game the more just garbage clutters up the entire experience sometimes the game penalizes you for going too fast when boosting is the main selling point here yeah i don't really like this altitude limit oh my god this is this is one of the worst levels i've played in my entire life also maybe it's just me but a lot of these levels do nothing for me when i want a quality zone in a sonic game i want something that really stands out with a bunch of gimmicks that make that level feel unique here those gimmicks are there but they're really minor so a lot of the levels you go through feel like you're speeding by a different wave of colors than the level you were just in that's it just a different visual and maybe one different type of platform that's about it blaze with her fire abilities does make the platforming a little bit more bearable but personally i also find it pretty annoying that you basically have to play the entire game twice in order to get to the main ending except this time the levels are in a slightly different order there you go not that monotonous also she has no special stages that's kind of odd i'm already replaying the entire game a second time through it's weird that the special stages are where the line was drawn she simply gets her soul emeralds through the story instead pretty anticlimactic and while the soundtrack is definitely a jam thanks to the jet set radio composer stepping in to do the tunes in game [Applause] what man the boss fights aren't that good either a visual treat for sure always admirable seeing so much 3d in my ds games but they're so not fun and they take so long to get through also most of them are just waiting games before you can attack them once and then you'll wait some more and then the final boss of the solo stories oh my goodness you see i streamed myself playing the game live and i'm pretty sure as my viewers can attest this battle probably took five years off my life all right i just came out that was a that was just a net negative right okay not not going particularly well so many of its moves are pretty unpredictable to work around and then there's this weird mechanic where the more you get hit the further rings will fly out of you listen i may just not be good at this fight that's fine but having the game rub it in by throwing the rings further away every time i get hit not a good feeling thankfully the true final boss is a little bit better super sonic and burning blaze get to attack the main bad guy hand in hand and it's pretty cool it kind of reminds me of sonic adventure 2 where shadow would go super out of nowhere blaze has her own super form pretty cool sonic rush is another style over substance deal the boost mechanic is cool the music is great whenever you get to hear it i do actually enjoy those special stages quite a bit but as a whole this adventure leaves a whole lot to be desired speaking of adventure releasing two years later we got a direct sequel with sonic rush adventure there you go sonic adventure 3. isn't that title screen music just the best yeah that's good that's good i like it on the surface it definitely feels like more of the same but in practice oh oh man i like this game a whole lot more that core gameplay was so enjoyable in the last game but too many little things detracted from the experience and rush adventure sets out to fix a lot of those things while introducing a few of its own problems because of course it does it all ultimately comes down to the level design i feel like there was a whole lot more care and attention put into making sure you're able to rush through these levels with ease and not have to constantly worry about being dimped by something you didn't see coming i don't think i saw any out of nowhere garbage until the very end of the game we're not pitching a perfect game here but it's pretty close only at the finish line did i see some shenanigans an extra impressive feat because those stage gimmicks that i mentioned being pretty lackluster before are way more pronounced here every stage is home to things that make these locations a whole lot more special there are just so many unique ways that the game gets you from point a to point b without ever really stopping your speed that's the important part hell i even think the bosses are better not amazing but i had a much better time with this bunch than the last the final boss is still pretty whack though but hey it's not as whack so i'll take that as a positive we do have another one of those friend things though with marine the raccoon who's not terrible but man she is there and gone and nearly the blink of an eye and nothing of value was really lost kinda weird we've never seen her again i just hope she's okay and personally i also prefer this soundtrack too i know that may be a bit of a hot take but if it's any consolation you still can't listen to it in game but of course we can't have too much of a good thing here there is a whole lot of fluff added to fill out the gameplay time it is pretty shameless honestly rather than simply going from one level to another like we just did in the game before it now the story revolves around traveling to a whole bunch of different islands many of them being home to the different stages and to get there what you thought you would just warp onto it no of course not it's time to pull out the boats on your travels you get access to four different aquatic vehicles each one allowing you to travel further from your home base and each of them giving you a quirky little way to occupy your time when you're on the water on your way to get there 100 filler nonsense that did not need to be here the island concept is really nice it sort of contextualizes all of the areas that you travel to but getting there nah man this ain't it that being said though i still didn't hate these i can admit this has absolutely no place being here whatsoever and i wouldn't miss it if it was gone but for what they are they're not bad the real problem comes from needing materials to craft these machines and their upgrades you gain a handful of these at the end of each level based on your rank and you are bound to not have enough to get the job done when a specific request comes through like in the special stages which are all these races with this shark guy some call him johnny it is damn near required to have the best version of your watercraft in order to win the race so you know what that means grinding in a sonic game to make matters worse you don't even get to choose which machine is the next one in line to get an upgrade you have to upgrade every ship in order before it cycles around to the one you want that sucks man if you're decent at the main levels and explore all of these extra islands that provide these shorter challenge levels the time that you'll be spending actually replaying full levels isn't that long but it shouldn't be here in the first place the main adventure when you're just trucking along level to level getting to see the sights and sounds of all of these different islands with these cute little story cut scenes that pop up from time to time it's a really good experience once the game forces you to slow down and start grinding for materials man that's when the cracks in the shield start to form and all of this extra fluff it is a miracle they don't require you to go to the game a second time as blaze like in the first one she's here for story purposes she does in fact show up and there are a handful of missions where you're required to play as her to get the soul emeralds but otherwise she's totally optional and those missions by the way holy cow there are so many of them there's like a hundred in this game oh man why why does this game have this much content oh and uh speaking of story you remember the villain right captain whisker who who who even cares about this thing man the one boss fight you have with him with johnny is like so so mindless and terrible it is a joke and it doesn't even matter once you get all the emeralds it turns out the eggman brothers are the true final threat we got dr wylie right at the finish line what a muddled up game sonic rush adventure is i guess it's all just a matter of how much extra stuff you're willing to put up with like i said the core gameplay is a blast definitely better than the first game in my opinion but if you don't like any of this boat stuff which i wouldn't blame you for not liking it you're not going to be down with this new adventure myself on the other hand i do really enjoy all of this this island aesthetic and the extra gameplay reinforcing set aesthetic really pushes the idea of this being a full-blown adventure rather than simply a level pack i remember this game also released close to phantom hourglass as well two games that revolve around exploring the waters on a boat via drawing out a path on the touchscreen so yeah these two games will forever be correlated in my head what a one-two punch this is and sadly rush adventure would be the final time blaze the cat would have a spotlight easily the biggest potential for a major sonic character since shadow the hedgehog only to after this be relegated to just another female character in the sonic universe to say huge missed potential would be underselling it but for what it's worth her time in that spotlight pretty strong showing all around we're going to keep sonico 6 out of this discussion thank you very much but like i said before this is a trilogy here things aren't over just yet wrapping up this hat trick we have sonic colors yeah we may be dropping the rush name but look at this this is rush three come on now there are some minor differences here the homing attack is a whole lot more prominent the boost is back of course but only to be received by the wisp capsules like in the console version and the trick system is gone thank goodness we can actually hear the music in this one and since this is sonic colors of course this means all of the other wisps show up as well i actually really like the wisps and sonic colors at least their inclusion makes a whole lot of sense them being constantly reused over time because they couldn't come up with any other power ups that doesn't make much sense but here perfect just like in the wii version they complement the levels they're in great all except the drill though my god that drill music is just the worst isn't it [Music] the ds version is also home to two exclusive wisps there is the burst which turns you into a fireball that can make these big explosions and perform mid-air jumps in the process and the void turning into a very slow-moving black hole that will suck up anything in its path they're not really in the game for that long so their inclusion does feel pretty glazed over but hey for historical purposes kind and neat that there's two wisps in this version that aren't in the main console version but other than that there's really not much to say about this one outside of it's just a solid adaptation of sonic colors on the ds it goes by super quick too two levels and a boss in each zone just like the first rush game you blink and then look at that game's over to this game's credit though there are plenty of optional missions that are extra that you can take part in and these all feature cameos from other characters something definitely missed from the console version which only exclusively had sonic and tails this is also where we get to meet up with blaze once again no gameplay no real story significance just a tiny cutscene due to the level structure you can actually argue that this game is way better paced than the wii game which infamously had 6x per zone many of them having repeating level elements this whole short main game with plenty of optional missions concept is definitely the better approach to a sonic game in my opinion and you know what i love these special stages too yeah it's the half pipe once again but the way it works this time around is it's in three laps counting only one of the three colored orbs each lap you can run into the other orbs but it could potentially screw over your following laps it's a pretty cool take on a tried and true special stage the end of the game is totally different too that big eggman color robot is here like in the wii game but after getting all of the chaos emeralds rather than simply playing as super sonic in normal stages we unlock a totally new final boss the corrupted mother wisp it's a neat little extra i guess to make this version stand out a little bit more but really this fight does absolutely nothing as quickly as this thing shows up it's defeated and nothing of value was gained or lost i guess at this point sonic fans were already conditioned to save supersonic for the final boss and that's it but yeah it's is it's just whatever but the mother wisp does show up in team sonic racing so i mean that's something i think i would still say i prefer the wii version of sonic colors but for a portable version of a console game this is a pretty good one you are definitely going to want to remember that when i eventually talk about the 3ds games so yeah so far sonic's legacy on the ds pretty solid a couple of these games are just weaker versions of already existing console games but whatever when you're strictly sticking to the ds bubble this is a really good lineup and it would really suck if one final game ruined the whole batch sonic chronicles the dark brotherhood oh god all right fine you know once we start throwing sonic into scenarios that mario's already done before doing an rpg this was inevitable right i mean hey bioware too that's pretty cool that is a reputable name right mass effect dragon age knights of the old republic what could well what could what could possibly go wrong i am really starting to rethink this whole let's play every sonic game on ds thing you know i do got to give credit to the developers on this one the story is presented like an early 2000s new grounds animation that's a really clever way to appeal to the hardcore sonic fan base i appreciate that [Music] oh my god this music is incredible well the entire game is touch controlled and every action feels delayed beyond belief this should be good i mean it kind of goes without saying here but wow does this ever feel like a prototype that somehow made it to retail 3d models running along flat images that's fine but man said models are not very good on your eyes if you get a good look at them [Music] the ring audio is very loud the sound crackles when you get an item after a battle all of the characters portraits and cutscenes have an outline except they forgot to give one to big poor guy for some reason you get these super strong healing items within the first 30 minutes of the game really enforcing the idea that this team had absolutely no idea what they were doing and i'm also pretty sure sonic rips a fat one halfway through this ramp absolutely disgusting and did i mention that the soundtrack is one of the greatest to grace all of video games [Music] oh mozart would be spin dashing in his grave maybe some of this exploration would be more enjoyable if it wasn't required to use the touchscreen but when you really think about what you're doing it's pretty mindless there is no depth whatsoever to any of these locations you just keep moving towards a point of interest and you hope that the action that you take is what leads to progression and the battle system oh man the battles truthfully i don't know how many rpgs do this but here you gotta set up like three or four moves ahead of time for every single character with absolutely no way to really predict what the opposing side is gonna do you commit to attacking four times in a row and then whatever happens happens man you could die you could not who knows you gotta hope those special power moves really do a lot of damage because you can only do like one of these before needing to pop an item and get your points back and i also hope you're really good at elite beat agents because you basically play a leap in agents to get some of these moves done except the graphics are kinda laggy so your timing on these is just a rough estimation sonic chronicles is simply not fun plain and simple i know big surprise this feels like a bad rpg maker game gone official and i do not understand how this happened it is an rpg so you think the story would be kind of important but it's not there's like this evil echidna tribe that's trying to use the master emerald's power for something i don't know the game ends with the cliffhanger and the sequel never happened probably for the best i mean the new echidna character shade is pretty well designed that's the best compliment i got for this game outside of the soundtrack that still is a jam though okay i take that back the only good thing the only good thing about this game is the dialogue where bioware's patented multiple choice options shine through and you can make sonic an absolute jerk it's amazing even in the tutorial where tails is trying to help you choose one of the other tabs maybe it'll help amy feel better i don't want to make her feel better since we just defeated a tough opponent this might be a good time to save your game stop reminding me i'll save when i'm ready knuckles is the finest guardian of the master emerald ever whatever whatever amy oh man oh sonic is as cold as he is blue maybe one day we'll get a good sonic rpg that day ain't today and just the wildest part about this whole thing is back when this game was new it was showered by like these really positive reviews how uh i don't know maybe it's all relative you know back in this time a lot of people weren't thrilled with sonic games so having something different by a different studio maybe that was the saving grace that is totally lost in this current year i don't know maybe i'm just the crazy one sorry that sounded foolish i couldn't possibly be the crazy one i just talked about nine sonic games back to back in roughly 25 minutes or so i'm the same one [Music] you
Channel: AntDude
Views: 1,046,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AntDude, Sonic DS, Sonic on DS, Sonic the Hedgehog DS, Sonic Rush, Sonic Rush Adventure, Sonic Colors DS, Sonic Rush DS, Sonic Rush Trilogy, Sonic Chronicles, Sonic Chronicles the Dark Brotherhood, Sonic Chronicles DS, Sonic RPG, Mario & Sonic Olympics DS, Sega Superstars Tennis DS, Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing DS, Sonic Classic Collection, Sonic Colors
Id: jfdM94cv2ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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