Kirby Right Back At Ya! | Maximum Pink

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[Music] I've been around the whole YouTube block now for a while but it wasn't until a few years ago that I gave the whole dedicated series thing my full attention basically doing what I was already doing for years but taking it more seriously and tagging my username to the end of the video titles oh yeah dude reviews I see why it took so long for my channel to gain traction and if it's one thing that I'm leaving behind as my legacy it's my unhealthy love for Kirby it's really Mel like gets my favorite game franchise or anything but I just can't help myself of course though this franchise is not just about video games no no no there has been one a specific request that you have all been plaguing me with endlessly couldn't go a single video without getting at least five people asking for it and well it is now my 100th episode what better time than now yes there is a Kirby anime let's talk about the Kirby anime Kirby right back atcha or Hoshino cobby in Japan was an anime that ran for a few years back in the early 2000s the American name taken from that one thing that Kirby does when he inhales a thing and then speck at you it's clever the show played on multiple stations all over the world but I was exposed to it through the lovely little nugget of Saturday morning cartoons Fox box good memories there do you remember when they made Pokemon but with food what a time that was and as we all are pretty well aware cartoons for Nintendo properties let alone gaming in general or it's a foreign concept of course we had Mario and Zelda back in the late 80s early 90s there's Pokemon that's the big one and soon after Kirby even f-zero got its own anime not even Pikmin was safe from the animated cartoon treatment so what do we have here an entire series based off of the pink puffball yeah I was on board from day one as someone who clearly really likes the kirby series and was about in middle school at the time you tell me they're gonna do a cartoon with one of your favorite franchises and it's gonna play around Saturday mornings yeah you could sign me up there were a few different ways to check this show out over the years there's a few DVDs that were released some episodes were actually included in the Wiis Kirby dream collection a dedicated channel was released on WE that showcased select episodes for a period of time exclusive to europe and australia and there was even the Nintendo and AM a channel for 3ds also this one exclusive to just Europe wow this one this one just straight-up had a bunch of animated shows on demand not even just Nintendo stuff weird and when you go through the history of video game cartoons this little tidbit will probably surprise you but Kirby right back atcha came in at 100 episodes so yeah that's that's a lot of kirby now obviously here I can't review this series as a whole in one video it took me how long to get to 100 episodes of my own show I shudder to think how long it would take to cover 100 episodes of another show that's not gonna happen instead what I've done here is I've picked out three episodes all of which are the Japanese versions that have the English audio edited on top of it before you ask any questions and yeah we'll just we'll just move on from there so no better place to start than with episode 1 I think you guys have waited long enough let's dive into Kirby right back at you the series begins with a giant octopus monster eating an entire herd of sheep and spitting out the remains onto the sheep's herder what and then we got that iconic opening man let me just say I love this theme it's just so damn catchy you could have never seen a single episode of the show but chances are you still know this song by heart Oh in that saxophone solo that pops in [Music] Oh is so good people also forget that they made a very similar song for the commercial of nightmare in dreamland which released around the same time [Music] I really have no idea who decided that genre of music would be good for Kirby but hey give him a raise he's the name you should know he's the star of the show and he's got maximum pink this intro is fantastic well it turns out the residents of Cappy town don't like a monster destroying everything in their village can't blame them and they're all voicing their complaints to the head office that of King Dedede you know we kind of say the phrase King Dedede so often nowadays I almost forget that that actually means that he's in a position of power with a voice I did not expect I'll say that and his second-in-command is a snail escargoon what a terrible name I love it he is a character exclusive to the anime though he did make a brief cameo in Kirby mass attack pretty crazy that one of the games actually acknowledged not only him but the anime in general unsure of what to do everyone consults the great sage Kabu for advice yeah that one that one random enemy that were just like teleport once he's basically a god now keep up he speaks of a prophecy that a star warrior named Kirby will come to save them and like clockwork hey there is the good old pink marshmallow is here to save the day and promptly after not knowing what he is all right this is as good a time as any to bring this up what is with this animation style rather than just sticking to 2d drawings the whole time the team decided to occasionally show off shoehorning in 3d models it just looks off and dates the animation more than it should you could have at least gotten like the outline size is the same it's just nothing nothing meshes but now Kirby has some brand new friends there's TIFF and tuff as well as the duo of follow low and falala never really understood the name change here I know Japanese people typically have trouble with the letter L but why just replace one of the three oh no no no no I real I do not want Kirby to speak English in the next few minutes consists of DDD trying to kill Kirby and the residents just coming to accept that our lovely star warrior likes to eat everything I love him all right excuse me was that was that words dude what oh is that who I think it is [Music] okay can we play that again real quick Oh [Music] bring out the Mariachi here comes Meta Knight okay wait wait that's not that's not even the start of it just try to imagine what meta Knights a voice would possibly sound like the King is not a problem for now now we have to find the real monster yeah I'm gonna say that's not what you expected what a Meta Knight just coming in here sounding like Louise from Resident Evil 4 okay I have only one very important question you had a smoke we are then introduced to a major component of the show dee dee dee's direct access to nightmare enterprises aka NME enemy itsuka Mort more clever names in basically every episode he calls them to ask for a monster to come into town and causes all little bit of ruckus and it's usually Kirby's primary target throughout the entire show whatever monster of the week that King decides to chip in for that's that's that's what we're fighting this episode just accept it soon enough everybody comes to realize what we knew all along dee da dee is the one that was causing havoc through Cappy town with the octopus which is in fact the monster we saw earlier he just gets really big to the surprise of nobody being the natural born hero that he is Kirby swoops in to stop the octopus before it causes too much destruction with the grand power of suck this is also when we get to see Kirby's first-ever transformation into fire Kirby the ability transformations are all treated like a pretty big deal in this show which is pretty great honestly as opposed to in the games where the abilities are about as valuable as oh I just lost one I guess I'll get another one who cares thanks to his rideable warp star kirby spits a whole lot of fire in the monsters face strong enough to send it flying away and just like that the day is saved and with the idiot that King Dedede is destroying Kirby ship he now has permanent residents in Cappy town kick-starting all of the adventures that are to follow this is actually a really good first episode like for a Kirby cartoon it nails what it needs to it shows us how he got where he is what abilities he's capable of and sort of an idea of what is gonna be able to tackle in this series to follow so that's pretty good it moves a little fast I will say that much but overall that gets a good old okay sign for me that's good stuff next up let's take a look at what seems to be one of the fan favorite episodes waddle while you work in this episode King Dedede has found himself in massive debt with enemy and their way to make up some of that money sell off their seemingly endless supply of waddle Dee's it's a pretty simple business structure I think you know you pop out a waddle dee from one of these little vending machines they come out and perform some odd jobs that you wouldn't want to do and then some cleaning driving sorting mail something about this just seems a little weird though you got people just buying other living beings to perform jobs for you and working them constantly while you just sit there and reap the rewards is is this an episode of a Kirby cartoon that talks about slavery okay the residents of Kappa town end up enjoying this just a bit too much filling the entire town from top to bottom and adorable little waddle Dee's eliminating all of them from Dee Dee Dee's own castle there are realistically worse problems to have meanwhile like Kirby's been painted to look like a waddle dee and he's totally content with just roaming around with them I really wish I could just live as carefree as he can now suffering a depression I guess King Dedede just finds himself wandering around with nothing better to do and almost eats a live baby bird that's pretty messed up but it turns out that that is one of the children of Dinah blade wow she's in the enemy to that SiC didn't see that coming and thanks to Waddle dues a simple call to arms all of the waddle Dee's and Kirby - because man heaters doesn't know any better go out and try to stop dyna blade but despite coming off as a bit of an idiot this is where Kirby comes to shine with his warp star saving the baby chick and returning it to its home ah family reunited a happy ending I really enjoyed the concept of this episode waddle Dee's for sale I'll be honest I would take a few of them there's not really much substance in this one though it's adorable to watch but there's not much here also I know I'm jumping around the series here so surely it will explain why this happens but Kirby has a pet talking bird to Cory okay I guess when we have a silent protagonist so this is our next best step anything that ensures that Kirby never speaks English again really though this episode sort of encapsulates what this series was always meant to be just a cute set of moving pictures that take place in the Kirby universe a lot of the episodes don't necessarily revolve around Kirby since again he is a silent protagonist it's all really a matter of how Kirby reacts to whatever situation goes on around him and there are plenty of action scenes too while obviously not every episode features an ability transformation as I just showed when they do pop up it's a really solid showcase of when Kirby can get a little more intense which is a pretty good parallel to the games themselves and that is super important this show may not be 100% indicative of the games to a tee but it still captures the identity of that franchise without insulting the intelligence of the fanbase it's just very childish but who cares Kirby's pretty cute and while Kirby does find himself in combat from time to time in this show things never really get too dark or intense you got to remember this anime was showing off before the era of games where Kirby would be basically going to try and stop these evil deities from destroying space and time as we know it what is this franchise but that leads us into the third and final episode for today cartoon buffoon I know there's a lot of hype behind this one so let's see what all the hubbub is all about alright so the premise of this one is pretty simple King Dedede wants to make his own animated TV show and he wants to be the main character so he hires the town residents to work on the cartoon but it turns out they only have a few days to make the entire cartoon for the folks over at enemy and the residents are oh they're terrible animation takes time Oh any animators out there I think this show got a whole lot more relatable yeah if we could keep this legal and not demonetised that'd be great despite the king showing constant signs of being a total joke everyone seems completely fine with working with him on this project even including him in the production meetings at least on the opposite side of him we have tiff here to make sure everyone is set straight we're gonna draw a cartoon starring Kirby instead clearly the better choice we then cut to tiff burning the midnight oil trying to write a script oh god now it's become relatable to me the progression of this episode is actually kind of neat it goes through a step-by-step process of making a full-fledged cartoon in an effort to teach those who think it's super easy or maybe it's like this weird deep thing where all the complaints that the characters are getting about the cartoon are the actual developers venting their frustrations about making the cartoon that they're making about the cartoon process this goes pretty deep actually also yeah the residents can't draw themselves out of a paper bag oh no the deadline is approaching and without letting any of the staff know dee dee dee has gone ahead and replaced the entire cartoon with himself as the main character how he found the time to do that I have no idea that's the name he should know okay this this is pretty amazing I think it may take more effort to make an animation that's this bed than to try and make it good I am nervous I have never done acted before don't worry you'll be great thank you that was the most genuine thank you ever oh man that was adorable this is kind of cool it's like they recreate the first episode but maker be the monster instead and EDD the hero a lot of what they're showing is just the king and escargoon talking they really had like no idea the results of this immediate deadline start to show the animation just gets worse and worse as it goes on eventually getting totally destroyed not before seeing some of Kirby's own artistic talents he he's such a good so with Dida D not being able to show positive results to NME funding their project instead the King promises 20 extra cartoons for free I think that's it for our lovely King here he may as well retire man what what an episode that was it was like pure filler in an anime that already lacks story progression it was just so mindless but I'll be damned it was entertaining in fact this is the episode that is getting the re-animator treatment by a bunch of animators coming together to redraw the entire thing it's looking really cool stay tuned for that so yeah that is a little look at the anime sensation Kirby right back at you I know I barely scratched the surface of what this show had to offer but to be fair three episodes in I'm liking it so far honestly one of the best parts about this anime is that it is one of the few examples of a video game adaptation out there that's not bad it may not be super faithful to the source material but it also once again doesn't insult the fans intelligence which yeah we can't say that very often Kirby creator Masahiro Sakurai had an integral role in the creation of this show like for example you know how there's no humans in this world you can think this guy if there was going to be an anime based on his baby he wanted one that could be enjoyed by children and parents alike just like how the games were designed and I think he got what he wanted now obviously three episodes isn't enough to grade a 100 episode show but hey I'll be back to take a look at more of them before you know it so this is just now me kind of speaking from the heart now that I've had 100 episodes of my show I really just want to thank all of you for supporting me over the years some of you guys have been here since episode 1 some of you have been here since before that doesn't matter how long you've been here I want to thank all of you for sticking around for as long as you have it's pretty cool that I get to talk about Kirby for you guys I hope it's exactly what you wanted don't worry it won't be episode 200 the next time I talk about Kirby we'll talk about it again really really soon so stay tuned but yeah we're approaching the new year this is one final gift to you guys with that all being said thank you all for watching and have yourselves a very happy new [Music] coming at you yes is it a good time to quit [Music]
Channel: AntDude
Views: 1,397,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AntDude, Dude Reviews, Review, Video Review, Nintendo, HAL, Kirby, Kirby Right Back At Ya, Kirby Right Back At Ya Episode 1, Hoshi no Kaabii, FoxBox, Kirby Star Allies, Kirby Planet Robobot, Kirby Triple Deluxe, Kirby's Return to Dream Land, Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland, Kirby anime, Kirby cartoon, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo 3DS, Masahiro Sakurai, Smash Ultimate DLC
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 28 2018
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