Spyro: Reignited Trilogy | The Adventure Returns - AntDude

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I cannot even begin to explain how hyped I was for this sure this only got announced earlier this year but we all kind of figured that this was gonna happen anyway after crash came back with the insane trilogy as you may recall now give us Spyro the Dragon ha you're welcome Internet hell I have been excited at the mere concept of this once games like ratchet jak and Sly Cooper all got their HD trilogies on PlayStation 3 I have already said this a bunch of times by now but the original Spyro the Dragon trilogy played an integral part of my childhood and after the franchise went in let's just say a direction that I wasn't really a fan of Spyro then became a mere optional character in the Skylanders franchise spawning just the friendliest and not at all terrifying Halloween costumes but then they finally did it the mad lads actually did it Spyro the Dragon got the remaster treatment also he blazed up with Snoop Dogg what the hell Spyro wig 90 trilogy I'm gonna go plenteous right now get off my face man what what is happening activision provided me a review code for the reignited trilogy and receiving that code was one of the most exciting moments i have had in recent memory and after beating all three games and getting all of the trophies within a week of getting the code i didn't really sleep much that week i can go ahead and echo what basically everyone has said at this point this is a fantastic package of three really really good platformers that if you're nostalgic for it or you just want to play them for the first time ever there's there's no doubt that you should get this it is a high recommendation that's not exactly what we're here to talk about today though when we have a game that is a remastering of something from back in the day I feel it's more important to take a look at the differences between both versions as opposed to grading the games like each one gets a proper review I already went pretty depth with all three games a while back but in short they're all great 3d platformers with a ton of charm and variety and to say that that has all been maintained here in the reignited trilogy would be underselling it greatly like wow wow this game is so pretty I didn't even want to move when I first landed in artisan's I was too taken aback by how good it looked it was then that it finally hit me like wow this this is actually real with all three games being worked on at basically the same time now there is a level of consistency throughout all three like that weird rolling move that I keep forgetting is in the first game it's now in all three okay each game now has a toggleable map Spyro 1 has some skill points like 2 and 3 did sparks can point out missing gems from the start of each game thank the heavens and even though I loved Carlos Ellis rocky as the voice of Spyro in the first game Tom Kenny reprises his role from two and three and now voices Spyro in all three that's very nice and then graphically I mean just look at it this is amazing the level of detail in each and every world is pretty jaw-dropping especially when compared to the source material special mention has to go to the lighting and the reflection work holy crap it's so nice the soundtrack has been redone as well with this new dynamic touch basically if you stand still the music calms down if you start charging a galloping sound overlays the music that's pretty cool as a whole the tunes to Spyro the Dragon are as good as ever and even though I do like the idea of dynamic music personally I opted to turn that off in general I also prefer the original tracks to the new ones just feel a little too soft in my opinion very noticeably so with a less powerful fireworks factory but luckily those original soundtracks are here as well perfect and then any and all cutscenes are so much fun to watch this is now a full-on animated cartoon and anytime one of the cutscenes was playing I had a huge smile on my face seeing these characters that I loved watching growing up with such fine detail and great movement oh it's so good and then sparks waves at you sometimes an arts so cute I felt weird about him having legs but then he waves at you and I'mI'm on board with this also the little light bar on the PlayStation 4 controller changes color depending on what color Sparks is how is no one else talking about this now when discussing the presentation this is where any of my complaints really come in the load times between levels are nearly twice as long as they were in the originals now I did see this coming after insane trilogy had long load times at launch as well it's still disappointing to see at least in these you get some moves spiral around in crash we just had to deal with aku aku floating around like hey are you ready to play just give her like an extra minute I promise they also got rid of the whole gems flying across the screen thing that's pretty lame there are the occasional frame drops as well which is not a huge deal but what is annoying who in the hell thought that this level of motion blur was okay I have never had an issue with motion blur in the past this is the first time that's spinning the camera too quickly actually kinda messed with my eyes eventually I did train myself to just like look at Spyros but when I spun the camera and that did help but that's not something I should have had to do in the first place listen man I already have bad vision due to video games the last thing I need a Spyro of all games to make me update my prescription hopefully some of these things are ironed out in a patch or an eventual PC release but hey I had to deal with a blurry Spyro during launch I am damn well gonna talk about it and this part is pretty minor as well but I think the credits were mishandled too the sweeping landscapes from the original games that was awesome and it showed the locations from their respective games here it's one uniform credits for all three games and there is some cute concept art that I'm not gonna really spoil if you haven't seen it because it's really really adorable but then it just transitions into the typical credit scroll that was kind of unfortunate obviously none of this hampers the overall experience because otherwise boy toys for nailed this spiral controls so damn well like the originals did support analog control but here he is just smooth as butter and an absolute joy to control I was a little worried at first because the gliding seems to be a bit nerfed in terms of the distance that you can travel but conversely the charge jumps are kinda buffed so eventually I was able to make any jump that the game asked me to do I just had to change my mindset of how to tackle some of them and once I did men jumping gliding hovering it all came naturally and now there was camera control on the right analog stick with shooting fire set to the back right button which is honestly beautiful I just I love this so much but yeah it may be too early to say if this is the definitive Spyro experience but it is damn well close now that's all the general stuff out of the way with the Spyro the Dragon trilogy each game in said trilogy offered its own brand of original content and original ideas so the fine folks at toys for bub they had a lot of stuff to cover so we're gonna go through each game individually talk about some of the good some of the bed we're gonna go really in depth here let's just get started with the first one Spyro the Dragon hey remember when I said nasty NORC was probably watching this interview on TV or something like how else would he be able to see this video feed called it so Spyro 1 seems like it had the most care put into it the original game is incredibly bare-bones and aesthetically pretty flat and empty you go into a level you get the things you go out rinse and repeat obviously that is the same here however the creative liberties taken throughout the entire game really make this classic adventure shine while every dragon in the original was basically just a recolor of another one some of them even reuse the same voice clips thank you for releasing me you shut your damn mouth now every dragon is completely unique with not only original animation that looks amazing and really good voice work but new outfits and styles to every single dragon stands out with their own personalities and even in some of their exit animations they're just so full of life borrow some of these thank you for releasing me dragons even have modified dialogue you can always check your progress by accessing the guidebook through the pause menu even the different balloonists they speak to like wow okay that totally threw me for a loop and I have seen some people say that the norc's are now just a bit too ugly wasn't that the whole point the entire premise behind the original game's plot is nasty nor being called ugly and then he goes on a rampage I really wouldn't have it any other way really everything in this game has been kept faithful to the originals I love all of the modified enemy designs and all of the credit in the world here they even replicated some of the originals weird sound effects oh I love it so much but without a doubt it's the landscapes that keep this game more interesting from start to finish the levels just pop more than ever and I couldn't help myself from just stopping and taking the world in like for example dark hollow it now doubles as a library that's really neat the same can also be said for the flight stages there are some noticeable changes to how Spyro controls here I've noticed that like the flame hitbox as well as turning speed aren't quite as precise as the originals but before long I was knocking these stages out just as smoothly as I always do and as for the boss fights well I mean these guys have always been pretty lame there's not much more you can do with them you can't really alter what they've always been a slight little obstacle in some of the game's shorter levels though like a cutscene or something introducing them would have been nice instead of just them being there and of course that doesn't mean we end off with a very easy chasing sequence with nasty NORC which yeah yeah the the end of the game is still pretty anticlimactic but at the very least now I know what blowhard is supposed to be I really couldn't tell with this pixel vomit so while the core gameplay of the original stays the same as we all expected with it being pretty repetitive from level to level the more interesting and varied artistic choices in regards to the levels and the free Dragons as well aspire just feeling so much better to play as this is definitely an improvement over the original literally the only part about this entire thing that kind of sucks is the enemies in Twilight Harbor they man like these go guns now and say what you will about guns and cartoony games but at least be kinda consistent if Pinstripe can still rock his infinite ammo tommy gun I don't know why we got a resort to like purple slime that's very weird censorship there is some nostalgic charm to the PlayStation one for sure but men this made me real of Spyro 1 all over again the first Spyro much like the first crash had the strongest impression it had to make when it came to being remade there were a lot of parts about the original game that just felt kind of outdated and I think when it came to this remake whoo they they damn well nailed it but now we move on to the sequel Spyro 2 added a lot to the core formula so there's a lot of stuff I'm kind of worried about but let's just see how they do time for riptos rage they didn't even call it gateway to glimmer in the European reignited trilogy I guess America wins Spyro 2 is a much more character-driven adventure we are immediately introduced to three new characters as soon as the game begins I bring this up because I really just want to reiterate how well animated this game is oh oh they made a Laura like super cute now I love it and then when you first dive into summer forests oh man the developers totally had to know that these hubs were totally beloved by fans they are absol luli gorgeous and just as fun to explore as they always have been so the main difference with spyro 2 comes in a stronger variety of level themes and the addition of a challenged based structure with each world now having characters to inhabit it there is a lot to consider here when it comes to preserving the original ideas behind each of them like with any of the other cutscenes in the game each level is bookended with scenes showing the world citizens having a problem and then life after Spyro comes through and fixes things and just like how they were on ps1 they are just as great here some of them have even been modified to make a little more sense like in the end of her Coast one of the elect roles just like slaps the other one for no real reason as funny as that was I'm not gonna lie now that no longer happens nice touch makes a little more sense the one guy in magma cone still burns a lava filled death lag glad they maintained that the guns that's a little bit extreme but dying from lava for kids rest in peace my guy and since we've already confirmed that Spyro basically controls perfectly the main points of concern now is if the different minigame challenges work as intended and yeah yeah they pretty much nailed that too it almost ends up being kind of uninteresting to talk about here because like really if you played Spyro 2 before that about covers it nothing really stands out as being much better or worse than it used to be if anything some of the missions like the infamous trolley one are made a little easier like whenever you switch lanes it slows you down a little bit giving you just an extra second to judge where you have to go next mix the ride a whole lot more pleasant probably trolley hey not anymore you big stupid idiot the camera has also been altered for a few of the challenges to sort of maintaining the standard games camera instead of opting for these challenge specific ones its minor and it never really causes any issue so sure good change and going back to the character designs man I really just I love them I love them so much most of them still give off the same vibes as their original looks the children in scorch are a little weird looking but I guess they were supposed to be standard human kids here so fine and then speaking of scorch poor bomb Oh got censored too now he's just Bob okay fine I guess I can accept that one the name Bombo is a little bit more extreme he still sucks too and that same level of weirdness goes for Agent Zero too I know he was kind of just like a blob a big pink flesh before but I don't know he makes me kind of uncomfortable now and while the voice acting for the most part is top-notch some of the purposefully bad voice acting and Zephyr I kind of miss it it's like they missed the whole point of those characters sounding bizarre my pencil my pencil okay know you've made that objectively worse and then there's the dancing skeleton you remember that thing right there it was pretty funny in the original well well now he flosses and and the music has air horns in it oh it's gross oh hey what poor fruit nice essentially when talking about spyro 2 for the most part the high bar of quality from the original has been maintained and many of the issues are really just nitpick student nostalgia kicking in that being said though I did have a couple of problems here the cameras for the boss battles could be a little bit better gulp in particular got way too much of a difficulty spike I'm not sure why that is thankfully though the ripto fight is still really cool was pretty worried about that I'm not gonna lie that's one of my favorite fights of the trilogy it's just as awesome as ever thank goodness oh yeah and now when you have a powerup Spyros entire design changes oh that's so that's so cool there's also a pretty noticeable difference when it comes to swimming - for as perfect as the rest of the game feels for some reason they added this weird inertia system to swimming where Spyro now slows down to a stop and leans into his turns rather than just having super sharp movement I was able to make do with it for the most part but it's a surprising misstep this same inertia idea is present during the flight levels as well but again I was able to make do in those a lot of the turns that you make are broad enough to where I'm totally fine with somewhat sluggish movement it's not ideal but I can do it they also didn't fix the crap where if you do the stupid alchemist mission before getting the head but you have to do it again when you do get the head but that is literally the worst part of the game why did you not change that top ten most annoying characters in videogames number one The Alchemist ultimately Spyro 2 had the least amount of work put into it since in my opinion it was the one that needed it the least controls for basically everything aside from swimming are damn near perfect the quality of challenges has been maintained the game looks and sounds incredible as did the first game and barring the censorship in Colossus I think you should torch that Yeti I think you should kill that oh my god dude Spyro - riptos rage is still a great time they did remove that sick double jump exploit though I knew I knew they were gonna like it's obvious it's a glitch it's not supposed to be in there it still stings and now we move on to spyro 3 year of the Dragon you see when it comes to the trilogy thus far the first game had a lot of stuff it had to add to make it level with the other two games spyro 2 just kind of had to maintain and simply be better looking and better playing Spyro 3 though there was a lot more added to this one it was a beefy game alright to prevent me repeating myself I'll keep Spyros part pretty short for the third game in a row here yeah he plays exactly the same meaning basically perfect and just like in Spyro 2 the quality of minigames has been maintained as well as have the modifications to the character designs I was really really hoping that we would get some sort of level opening and closing cutscenes like in the second game but we didn't fine I guess we'll keep it faithful and yeah once again I totally on board with most of these character design changes they really all do feel like an upgraded version of their original selves being similar and new at the same time like like just look at crazy ed I love him he's my favorite design also can I can I get a hello to Bianca now looking like Lola bunny from Space Jam certainly a whole lot better than yeah but as we all well know they added a ton of different gameplay styles into this third adventure a handful of different vehicles skateboarding of all things and a bunch of new characters this was the game I was worried about the most going into it and thankfully I can confirm just like everything else in this package they are all pretty great if not just as good meaning still slightly annoying as the originals like the skateboarding it is such a miniscule part of the entire trilogy I was really nervous that this was gonna be bad and some of the physics are slightly off but it's more or less what we're used to that being a not as good Tony Hawk pro skater clone and yes don't you worry your pretty little heads you can indeed ride on a squid skateboard yo these developers care first up Sheila the kangaroo she already played fine in the original no major complaints here but she still manages to control better and reignited she feels a lot less heavy her kicks come out faster her jumping it just seems more satisfying that could just be me but yeah no complaints in the original no complaints here she controls great and she is also like super adorable all my goodness she has this really cute hairstyle now and this like Ranger vest all my goodness I love it next up there sergeant bird he still takes a little bit of time to get used to but he is nowhere near as stiff as it used to be and the Rockets that he shoots seem to have a way stronger homing ability now making combat way less annoying he also like waddles when he walks oh my god he's adorable too then we have Bentley the Yeti my least favorite from the original he is still pretty slow and clunky to play as that's just how he is but it's now presented with an over-the-shoulder camera I like that so I guess that's better yeah he's also a lot furrier this time around so okay sure there are times the charm he's more adorable too and of course we have agent 9 oh man it's a third-person shooter now with totally separate camera control you can move one way and aim in another all you can aim up and down to like it's it's like an actual game now oh oh this is so much better even the first-person segment is way improved thank you and uh adorable all of their segments are simply better than they were before so while it is still a little jarring that they added as many different gameplay styles as they did back in the day I'm just glad they did the best with what they got these are great but then there's the matter of sparks as levels to those segments are basically exactly the same I was hoping that they would have adapted like a twin stick approach where you move with the left stick and then aim and shoot with the right but whatever it is what did it oh oh dear God what the hell is that that's some okay sure yeah alright I will say though for as much improvement as spyro 3 got the game also seems to have the most issues between all three like I mentioned before that the whole and nur show while flying thing didn't really bother me a ton before but then there's the twin dragon fight and that was already annoying in the original and now there's the worst flying controls they made the fight more annoying that's cool and since now the speedway's have racing missions as well with a bunch of speed boosts that you have to go through to win said races it further emphasizes that they really should have kept the sharp movement here I had quite a few glitches pop up - way more so than the other two nothing overly massive though I did end up soft locking the game here as the puppy wouldn't go on the switch so I couldn't progress until I killed myself that was true that was strange the camera can sometimes goof up with sergeant bird in tight sections that's annoying oh and also boxing with Bentley still sucks there ain't there ain't nothing anyone can do to save that but back on the positives the boss fights are way better here than they were inspired to look at how sumed out the camera is for these this is what crushing gulp needed it's also nice that I get to see this one cutscene actually play in game I mentioned this in my spyro 3 video but since I don't have the greatest hits version that cutscene just straight up doesn't play in the first release of that game so I didn't even know it existed until like a few years ago and yes that means the greatest hits version of the soundtrack was used as well I'm sure that's gonna make a lot of people happy so as a whole spyro 3 year the dragon was handled shockingly well like I said if this was the one that I was the most worried about and as it turns out toys for Bob wasn't even to responsible for this one Sanzaru games that the makers of Sly Cooper thieves and time was brought on board to handle all of these different gameplay styles I'm assuming this was just done to speed up the development time but thankfully they did a pretty great job and actually if I'm being totally candid with you I may end up liking Year of the Dragon more than riptos rage in this collection like the issues that I had with the ps1 release was that the entire game kind of felt disjointed a good chunk of the segments with the new characters just felt kind of janky and maybe even rushed which like I mentioned already has been addressed and as minor as it was I didn't like how each of these portals had a loading screen to go along with them I like exploring these worlds for explorations sake not just finding a portal and then waiting for the mini game to load but now the load times are almost instantaneous making everything just so much more seamless it feels really good guys Spyro the Dragons back and that feels really good so yeah I had a lot of stuff in mind a lot of things I wanted to say about the Spyro reignited trilogy it had mighty big boots to fill and I do think toys for Bob really nailed what they were setting out to do this isn't just hey it's another classic game getting the remastered treatment oh joy this is pure nostalgia treated with the love and care that quite frankly it deserves and it's really really really awesome riptos rage was already my favorite going into the reignited trilogy so I'm happy with what I got here I really didn't expect much more out of that one spyro 1 and Yee over the dragon on the other hand got massively improved so while it may feel kind of uneven that spyro 2 didn't get as much of an upgrade to me I just look at it as all three games now being on equal footing I'm really not sure how I would end up ranking each of these games in this collection it's a little bit too soon for me to fully tell but what I can say is a few issues aside that will hopefully be patched out toys for Bob and Sanzaru games completely knocked this out of the park Spyro the Dragon riptos rage and Year of the Dragon the reignited trilogy is an excellent way to experience these classics and I can only hope that this leads to a bright future for good old purple boy here it is long overdue so I did end the N Saint trilogy video asking for Spyro and then we got Spyro so clearly I have some magical powers here that I didn't know I had I need to pull from that again if I want to get another classic game remade from the ground up okay let's see here we got we got crash get Spyro medieval wipeout is a thing also can't forget about that what else Oh ape escape there you go give us APIs Cape ape escape the recaptured trilogy rolls right off the tongue you can take the name I won't ask for royalties I think this one's next sounds good to me yeah that's that's all I got I'm gonna go play these Spyro games again by [Music]
Channel: AntDude
Views: 1,318,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AntDude, Dude Reviews, Review, Video Review, Insomniac Games, Toys for Bob, Vicarious Visions, Spyro the Dragon, Spyro Reignited Trilogy, Spyro 2 Ripto's Rage, Spyro 2 Gateway to Glimmer, Spyro Year of the Dragon, Spyro Enter the Dragonfly, PS4, Xbox One, Crash Team Racing, The Game Awards, Playstation, Spyro Reignited Trilogy Switch, Spyro Switch, Spyro Reignited Trilogy PC, Spyro PC, Spyro Switch Gameplay, Spyro PC Gameplay, Spyro Switch VS PS4
Id: 42ke7aCZ5kI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 55sec (1735 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 05 2018
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