The Cooking Mama Series Is Weird | What's Bettah Than Mama?

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[Music] you ever do you ever get yourself so deep into video game collecting that you fall into these really really crazy rabbit holes that when all is said and done and you finally complete the set that you've been going for you sit back and you think to yourself hey how can i possibly rationalize this well i own the complete cooking mama series so let's talk about it you've heard of mama right of course you have nobody is better than mama master chef gardener crafter bitcoin miner babysitter wait what yeah man remember when the latest game in the series cookstar was alleged to be using console resources to mine cryptocurrency what but yeah sadly that story was quickly debunked but i gotta say it's still hilarious and it was that driving force that led me down said rabbit hole does it justify the decisions i've made and the money i've spent to get to this point [Music] but you're probably thinking to yourself well hey i want to get into cooking maybe this series is the way to do it cooking is her first name after all this would be perfect or you could take advantage of the sponsor of today's video hello fresh so uh no lie this is actually a bit of a dream sponsorship for me i've been wanting this partnership to take place for years so bear with me for a second i'm very very excited when you're done playing stupid video games for the day and your stomach starts a grumbling for something new and interesting to eat well hellofresh has got you covered hello fresh is genuinely one of my favorite things going right now just like in general if you're unfamiliar with the service well does getting delicious recipes sent directly to your doorstop sound appealing to you well after making your selections from the ton of options on their website you can expect fresh and perfectly portioned ingredients as well as easy to follow recipe cards sent directly to you an excellent way to cut out the stressful act of meal planning and prep work and get one step closer to great food so these are all the recipe cards i've received since i started using hellofresh years ago this uh this isn't a joke i genuinely love this service do you want to change how many meals you get that week maybe add some extra proteins or meal complement like garlic bread perhaps you want to skip a week entirely well hello fresh is also completely flexible so you can customize your experience to best suit your needs whenever you want i have been using hellofresh for so long now and honestly my favorite part about the entire thing is that with these recipe cards if you keep them you can recreate your favorites and tweak them to your liking whenever you want that's really cool i have learned so many new recipes over the years and i've i've been able to fine tune them just right man it's i love hello fresh it's not a joke i really like this service thank you so much to hellofresh for sponsoring today's episode and if you want to get up to 14 free meals across your first five boxes including free shipping and you damn well should want that go to and use the code antute14 on checkout this is truly a sponsorship dream come true so thank you so much to hellofresh for sponsoring today's video i am super appreciative of it and i highly recommend you check it out for yourself because i'm pretty sure you're gonna love it also now to now to talk about mama i guess in her time on this planet thus far mama has dabbled in five different careers but far and away the most prominent of them all is of course that of a chef i mean cooking is her first name after all it would be weird if that wasn't what she was best at 2006 was a bit of a different time and quote unquote casual gaming didn't really have a mobile gaming landscape to dive into like we'd expect nowadays the upcoming nintendo wii was going to flourish in that stuff and the ds had its fair share too you had brain trainers like brain age and big brain academy there was a dog training simulator with nintendogs a cute little cooking sim would fit right in the original cooking mama would even win one of ign's best of e3 2006 awards ah yes truly an honor not long into popping on that original game you get the basic gist of what this is all about you can cook combine meals work on individual skills and uh hmm what uh what do we have under options here oh nice it looks like you can send a demo of the game to someone else's ds that's pretty neat dude dude dude you gotta check this game out you get a lineup of meals to create and once you select one you perform a sequential set of mini-games that mimic the proper steps that you would take to make the item in real life slicing cuts of meat grating fresh ginger throwing items into a pot and messing with the boiling water at the right times this is certainly no practical tutorial but it gets the job done as a result well the reality of the cooking process is it's a lot of individual steps that are similar across different meals so things get repetitive and boring pretty quickly in the video game adaptation of that frying up some onion and garlic is cool and all but if you don't hear the sizzle see a bit of smoke and hear someone from the other room comment about how good it smells it's really hard for this to give off a similar experience you know but what about this combined mode well it looks like you can take two existing meals do the steps to make both of them at the same time and then you get the combo dinner of your dreams like curry rice topped with pizza mwah disgusting but hey you can't fault the first game in a series too hard for being lacking a little bit regardless it still sold really well so maybe the sequel or the uh the mountain of sequels is sure to really expand on things cooking mama 2 dinner with friends in this one you get a lineup of meals to create and once you select one you perform a sequential set of mini games that mimic the proper steps you would take to make the item in real life that is that's a weird sense of deja vu i just felt and hey this is also the debut of mama's iconic voice oh mama mama thank you the primary cooking gameplay is still here and it is more or less the exact same thing as it was before just with new recipes my favorite part is by far slapping the pizza dough why yes i do eat my pizza with an overload of boiled eggs you mean to tell me that you don't the aesthetics have definitely been improved a little bit but the big new change is the whole friends part where instead of mama being on the top screen it's someone else that's it okay okay okay maybe cooking mama 3 shop and chop is where things get a little bit spicy i mean hey look how customized mama is from the last person who owned this game i can dig it a few games in she should treat herself you know in this one you get a lineup of meals to create and once you select one yadda yadda yadda you get it this one though has a tempura recipe okay you're winning me over here i appreciate it mama will also now cheer for you while you're doing things uh okay yeah sure we're definitely making the right moves here okay the core gameplay of course is still the same but now there's a shopping mechanic too you get to walk around a grocery store in order to get all the items off your grocery list and also help a crying baby after running into its mother eating free samples so the sample guy will leave you alone help out an innocent little grandma uh is is grocery shopping supposed to be this stressful i've been doing it wrong all this time i just tend to get my stuff and get out if i'm supposed to help some kid with their balloons i would have stayed to do so but i didn't know now it's probably because i'm not the target audience for this okay definitely because i'm not the target audience for this it is the absurdity that i'm witnessing here that i want these games to be more marinated in the cooking stuff is super simple and it's gonna stay simple sure but i haven't been able to make my pizza curry since the first game i need more stupidity to sink my teeth into to make up for it perhaps we just need new hardware maybe the jump to the 3ds with cooking mama 4 kitchen magic is the key i wonder just how that improved hardware in the glasses free 3d is going to make this experience even better [Applause] was too scary yeah so you know it's it's the same exact stuff again except now it just looks a little better cool and now we got forced motion controls too oh thank goodness that's what the originals were missing i will say though we are embracing the minigame side of things a little bit more now so i will give the game that that makes things a little bit better if i saw chef stirring some soup and then the pot flew into the air you know what honestly i would probably tip extra it's just that they're cooking minigames now they just take far too long they got a good thing going here with the wackiness finally embracing that but most of these cooking steps just overstay their welcome in my opinion we even got a cleaning game oh also the word magic is clearly subjective here this is the saddest sandwich i've ever seen in my life do not do not serve me this i will throw it away but on the other side of the spectrum shaved ice on curry i might i might actually throw up cooking mama 5 bon appetit oh boy mama is finally 3d in this one awesome i am so so surprised listen okay the first game sold and reviewed well i get it and that's fine but did they really not see any opportunity to change things up here no matter how many modified steps you throw into this formula this rapidly became a very uninspired series this is definitely the best mama has ever looked but you can only polish it so much before you realize you're still being fed the same thing over and over again it starts to grow old really fast why flesh out the shopping mechanic from three that showed some promise when you can i don't know feed fish and toss spools onto a board instead this is this is not what cooking is all about this mini game here where you got to fulfill ice cream orders in a timely manner more of that please that actually makes a little bit of sense but overall though yeah it's the same game uh maybe the strangely unnumbered entry in the series cooking mama's sweet shop this'll this'll be the one no no of course not it's the same as bon appetit just with nothing but sweets and a random store display mechanic okay i mean to be fair making desserts is a pretty different skill set than making proper meals but we also had desserts in the other games why stop there you know the newest entry in the series cooking mama potato it's the same mama you know and love but now just with dozens of ways you can work with the spuds and you can even go out of the farms and pick them oh that'll be forty dollars but maybe now you're thinking oh you must have missed some because there's also the console games the wii probably offers unique experiences no cooking mama cook-off may as well just be a part of the ds game with quote better graphics and often very broken motion controls send help whatever man at least i can still make a mean meatball [Music] the biggest innovation with this one is the multiplayer where you can partake in a uh a cook-off there you go i get the title now against chefs from other parts of the world or if possible real-life people what do you mean you don't want to come over and play cooking mama off with me what could you possibly be doing that would be even better than mama oh god okay i don't know anymore cooking mama world kitchen oh okay this is like a self-insert now i guess okay there we go that's me that's me i'm a chef now look at my hat you know what i will say this much it is finally nice to visualize the fact that mama is actually never cooking the meals she just keeps telling you what to do constantly cracking the whip to make sure you don't screw up now you can actually see what that environment is like it is the most different looking game of them all but it's man it's it's the same as it's always been i mean at this point i i don't think anyone's surprised the world kitchen part of things just means that you sometimes make international meals also we got product placement now from nestle for chocolate oh man you know what it took them long enough to get real products in here okay i see you mama getting those sponsorships clearly i can't be one to judge here i'm very proud of you you've been doing this for long enough get your money this is good this is a good thing what what though what what did you do with the peeler [Music] oh oh oh oh my god yeah so uh that's that's new you ever lose your egg yolk while cooking and then you have to race your dog to get to it before they do obviously you have that is cooking 101 listen man i'll keep saying it the more absurdity this series has the better but there's just not enough of it here they didn't try hard enough it's the same game over and over again oh my god but nothing gets as absurd with this series as the story behind like i said before cooking mama cook star [Music] alright almost nothing so yeah unfortunately the whole bitcoin mining stuff actually turned out to be a big ol false flag but even still technically this game shouldn't exist you see it turns out that two weeks after the game's release it was revealed that there were legal disputes between the publisher planet entertainment and the ip holder office create planet went ahead and released the game against office creates requests to keep polishing it or even cancelling it if it needed to and in the middle of all of those arguments that both companies had planet like just released the game on the eshop and got cartridges produced anyway even though they were told not to what office create got the game delisted and card production halted immediately and also the announced ps4 version didn't happen at all it was in the trailers but it didn't show up until over a year later where it just started showing up out of nowhere what the whole story about this game is super fascinating man i gotta tell you it is easily the most interesting thing this franchise has ever done well i decided to open up my copy and destroy an inevitable collector's piece cooking mama cook star here we go it's the same oh man it's the same it's the same exact game you know what i don't actually know for sure is it safe to cut squid and then vegetables on the same cutting board without washing it off in between i don't know man mama approves so don't come to me for food advice go to her well like you would come to expect the core game is the exact same thing but the hot new feature here is a photo mode taking photos of your food so you can post it online and get a bunch of likes i get it you know let's get trendy with this one let me just shower my burger and fries real quick beautiful fix or it didn't happen oh yep okay there it is definitely i'm definitely gonna lose it this is one of the most how do you do fellow kids moments i've ever seen not even in just a video game just like ever there is a separate vegetarian menu now that's new so that's kind of cool you know yeah office create thinking about canceling this game actually makes a lot of sense [Music] now granted many other people out there aren't gonna be as crazy as i am taking a look at nine plus mama games and come to a very solid and positive conclusion but it is still crazy to me that all of the innovation was used in that first game and then that record player kept on going man they did not stop for nothing and boy these games suck but you know what they say to truly succeed in life you have to diversify your portfolio it is very very important to have your one main thing that you're very very good at but also you do miss all of the shots that you don't take that is also very very important although something tells me she is gonna miss all of the shots that she takes how did they make so many of these games alright it is finally time to take the mama fun outside i guess it's time to go gardening and yep it's it's somehow the same exact gameplay as before you get a line above plants to plant and once you select one you perform a sequential set of mini games that mimic the proper steps you would take to do gardening in real life i am so tired in essence i actually think this is a good idea you know cooking mama as a concept isn't inherently bad it's just more of a compelling idea to branch that gameplay out to different formats than just keep doing the cooking thing over and over again like in this one you actually get to tend to an entire garden and you have to handle different plants at different times since the results you got to wait a little bit longer for them to show up that level of freedom and flexibility is really cool honestly but god it's still it still just doesn't work the controls are far too simple and the lack of proper explanation for many of the challenges makes things far too annoying and that is a combustible combination that just ends in frustration some of the minigames are fine garden customization is nice i like that part but ultimately this is just a load of fertilizer if you were gonna branch out to a new hobby why wouldn't you go all out with it it does not make sense okay but maybe the 3ds sequel gardening mama 2 forest friends same slate of issues it looks a little better there's a little bit of extra variety but it is just as repetitive and shallow as always i'm a broken record at this point man but hey we got anthropomorphic bunnies in this one sick dude there's even a cooking minigame in this one god they they really couldn't help themselves could they okay maybe crafting mama it's it's the same thing just with arts and crafts oh my goodness this is such a wide-ranging hobby man it is actually really surprising that they managed to take the entire concept of arts and crafts and make it seem so repetitive so good on you that's really impressive at least in this one you have the opportunity to show off some of your creations throughout your room that's nice not nice not nice maybe camping mama maybe this is the one oh oh wait oh oh god oh this oh this this is actually a game wow this is uh this is this is wild so like the mini game part is exactly what you would expect but the way you access them is entirely new wow it is very bold of mama to leave a kid out in the middle of the woods surrounded by roaming animals and just hope they know how to get back but hey who am i to tell someone how to raise their kids you know now don't misunderstand me this is still a horribly repetitive and soulless adventure so i can't recommend this in the slightest but at least they kinda tried kinda what i would say at the end of the day is everyone is entitled to one mama game just one it doesn't matter what profession you look into when you put an individual game in a bubble it is genuinely a fine enough minigame collection but my god it is stunning just how little substance this surprisingly huge series has are these supposed to be kids games i mean they seem too simple for that honestly mobile games have a lot more depth than this nowadays they even did a cooking mama game on mobile and wouldn't you know it it's the same exact thing just with some daily rewards maybe that's a better place for a mama game i don't know but it's still not that good the way i see it these games should have embraced the absurdity of it all dial it up to 11 and basically make mama an action hero to whatever job she decides to take up that would be fantastic considering some of the things she can do in some of the other games why not they clearly had the ideas but they just didn't want to flesh him out either that or they should have acted as an entry-level tutorial for the hobbies in question mama could have been an edutainment icon i mean some of the games are even under the cooking mama world title in europe all the pieces are there and they kept screwing it up instead ultimately chances are any other way you want to spend your time with a video game will in fact be thank you couldn't have said it any better myself i'm a proud mother you see owning babysitting mama is one thing but being told that after putting in the disc that you have to uh take a take a weir moat and and then you just stab it through the back in order for it to work ah what choose a baby oh man i can't decide alright first and foremost you gotta learn how to rock a baby to sleep fair enough that is parenting 101 good babysitters never shake the baby this is reverse psychology isn't it rock the baby feed the baby without drowning it burp the baby no no no breathe don't shake the baby oh man this is gonna be a long day isn't it i mean i guess in an attempt to strictly garner to a child demographic then i suppose i can see the appeal in this one this is the only mama game where you actually get a peripheral to make things feel accurate surely diaper changing is as easy here as it is in real life right i think parents can agree with me on that one diaper changing is one of the easiest things you can do as a parent mama makes it seem like that and why would she lie it is very important not to shake the baby this is the only advice you have for me isn't it what a pop [Music] no no no please don't shake the bag oh i get it i would never shake a baby oh ah you know there's nothing like playing with your baby when your less favorite kid starts burning the burgers that kid sucks okay now pay attention this is the most important part of babysitting okay you have to work on your cardio you have to who knows when your idiot kid is about to destroy the kitchen you have to be prepared at all times for safety's sake never shake the baby oh my god i get it okay this is reverse psychology it's just going to make me want to do it more oh eventually you get access to other babies too glad to see this babysitting gig is a scalable business for mama good for her she's an entrepreneur all right little one we've been practicing for this very moment all of our lives it's time for the baby race okay go go go go run run and run okay get the power up get the power up yeah let's go okay now leave that other baby in the dust that baby sucks you're the best oh yeah my baby rules so all in all babysitting mama is probably the best mama game in the series i mean when it really comes down to it having an accessory to go along with the game it does make things a little bit better you know having a gardening kit with gardening mama would have made that game better so by proxy sure babysitting mom is a dumb idea but it's ultimately a pretty fine enough time so good on you i guess oh sorry now time to remove this feels illegal [Music] you
Channel: AntDude
Views: 485,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AntDude, Cooking Mama, Cooking Mama Series, Cooking Mama Switch, Cooking Mama Cookstar, Cooking Mama DS, Cooking Mama 2 Dinner with Friends, Cooking Mama 3 Shop and Chop, Cooking Mama 3DS, Cooking Mama 4 Kitchen Magic, Cooking Mama 5 Bon Appetit, Cooking Mama Sweet Shop, Gardening Mama, Crafting Mama, Babysitting Mama, Camping Mama, Cooking Mama Wii, Wii baby game, Cooking Mama series review, Cooking Mama retrospective, Cooking Mama controversy
Id: WnUfskP9yYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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