YMS: Amusement (Part 3)

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I damn near pissed my pants during the laugh montage.

👍︎︎ 62 👤︎︎ u/bjkman 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

But how did he survive the ladder fall?

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/IsMiseOzz 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

Now that was funny

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/TheAlphaWhale 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

Sure he got stabbed in the neck and fell about 50ft down a ladder but he's fine.

👍︎︎ 37 👤︎︎ u/DWW_ME_TGTBATU_PM_SO 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

4:40 what is this, a fifth wall break?

Watching Adum edit just makes me feel really uncomfortable for some reason...

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/_SpanishInquisition 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

The trauma councillor is the most unsettling person in this movie but apparently she was a good guy

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/Pizza_Delivery_Dog 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

How is there THAT BIG of an underground tunnel so far out into the country?

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/whatzgood 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

I love that he also uses a stock photo sound effect to illustrate the ridiculousness of it all when he throws the Blu-ray copy at the end of the video and it shatters like glass!

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/Choekaas 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

When you think the movie can't get any more stupid, it does... I'm not surprised it was almost not released at all. Frankly I'm surprised they even bothered to release it physically.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2017 🗫︎ replies
Now what's hilarious about this movie is just how much it struggled to even get released. Picturehouse produced the film and it was set to hit theaters in January of 2008, and then for some reason it got pushed to April 25th. And then Warner Brothers decided they would shut down Picturehouse. But that's okay because it was being distributed by New Line Cinema, which merged with Warner Brothers in February of 2008. So by this point the people at Picturehouse that had anything to do with the production of Amusement were now without a job. And Warner Brothers is just sitting on this film like, "What the fuck do I do with this shit?" So it gets delayed again until September 12th. And then it gets delayed again until December 26th. Until finally Warner Brothers just says "Fuck it, we're doing it on DVD!" So the whole film was finished and ready to go in January 2008, but it got tossed around for an entire year before Warner Brothers realized it wasn't even worth putting in theaters. Hilarious! And just look at how much effort they put into the Blu-ray cover! "Your fear. His amusement." "His pleasure is your pain." "Tabitha. Shelby. Lisa." "They're longtime friends on separate life paths. But they share a horrific destination when a seemingly innocent incident from their school days comes back to terrify them." You know, it probably would have made a bit more sense to have a comma instead of a period? Just saying. "Something - someone - wants payback: warped vengeance... mind-games vengeance... taunting, shredding, slashing vengeance." [laughs] "Something - someone - wants payback: warped vengeance... mind-games vengeance... taunting, shredding, slashing vengeance." Was this written by a child? "Inside a stone-walled chamber of prison cells and mechanisms of doom, the three women and other victims face a fierce fight to survive. Who lives? Who dies? It's all for someone's AMUSEMENT." "Turn down the lights." "Turn up the fear." If somebody got paid for this, there is no God. What the fuck. So now we're back with lovely old Tabitha. Apparently this "trauma counselor" is still pestering her. Counselor - "So you did know Lisa Swan." "But you don't know Rob Alerbe." "Maybe you know his girlfriend, Shelby Leds?" Tabitha - "Shelby?" [mockingly] Shelby!? [slurping] Tabitha - "Shelby and Lisa and I, we were inseparable. But I haven't seen them in years. Not since we were kids in Brier Hills." Did you all move to different cities, or did you all just start hating each other for how insufferable you are? Counselor - "Brier... Hills. That's a subdivision of Columbus, isn't it?" Oh no, my phone's not getting a signal. As if anyone would be calling 911 with it anyway. Counselor - "Miss, you need to stay here." Tabitha - "How did you know about Brier Hills?" How did you know that Brier Hills is a subdivision of Columbus? I am unwilling to accept that there's a reasonable way you would have known this information! Counselor - "I had a patient. A boy. One of my first asylum cases. He... was from Brier Hills." HMMMMM. Counselor - "I've never met anyone who... He had the most distinctive laugh." So if you haven't noticed, they've been trying really, really hard throughout the whole movie to make his laugh as "distinct" as possible. The Laugh - [does what his nickname implies] Shelby - [muffled screaming] Like, sure, yeah, I guess it sounds oddly maniacal and all that. But the only reason it sounds "distinctive" is because he keeps doing it over and over. If he really had "the most distinctive laugh," he might have sounded something like this: - "Hyoh. Hyoh. Hyoh hyoh hyoh hyoh hyoh hyoh." Or this: Jimmy Carr - "HahahahahahAAAAAh!" Or this: Jayden Smith - "Uhuhh, UUUhh! uUUUUuuh!! Uuaaah! Aahh! AAHHE! AHEH! Ohhh!" Or this: - "AAAAhee! AAAAhehee! AAAhee! AAhee! AAhee!" [weezing] "Hahaha! aaAAAAAAAAAAA-" So now she starts leaving to find a working phone. Counselor - "Don't worry, I'll be back for you and your friends." [buzzer] Tabitha - "They're here? Shelby and Lisa?" Counselor - "Yeah... The three of you were found in separate cells in this... building?" I like how she just states this as though Tabitha was somehow supposed to know this information already, despite the conversation they were just having a minute ago. Counselor - "So you did know Lisa Swan. But you don't know Rob Alerbe? Maybe you know his girlfriend, Shelby Leds?" Counselor [from editing software] - "But you don't know Rob Alerbe?" "...know Lisa Swan." "But you don't..." [sighs] I'm just like, I, every... every... I'm just going over this movie right now, and I'm just realizing more stupid shit about it. All three of them were found in separate cells. Why would she- why would she ask her if she knows Rob before she asks her if she knows Shelby? Derrick Savage - "Have fun, son! Alright!" Why would she- why would she ask her if she knows Rob before she asks her if she knows Shelby? Why would she- why would she ask her if she knows Rob before she asks her if she knows Shelby? [laughs] "Yeah, your friends are here, you were found in separate cells in this building. Didn't you knooow?" Counselor - "A call went out for a trauma couns..." [unsettling music] "Oh God." Alright, if you're confused about what just happened, don't worry, I'll explain it to you in a second 'cause it's pretty dumb. [buzzer] Aaahh! Oh no how spooky the door is open now. Well, as it turns out they're not in any kind of police station at all, and this was all taking place in some elaborate dank underground lair. Ah, shucks. I know there was something fishy about them not showing this guy's face. What a true master of disguise. Now let's pretend as though this were like one of the Saw films and they actually showed a flashback for each twist they revealed. What would they even show? Like, right after this scene ends, the clown pulls out some chloroform and is like, nighty night! And then he carries her all the way into this dank underground lair? And remember, Tabitha has supposedly not even seen outside this room until now, so I guess she just woke up in the interrogation room and didn't see anything wrong with that? She never thought, "Hmm, shouldn't I be waking up from this in a hospital?" Did he just throw her on the ground and wait for her to wake up and think "Man, police just don't treat white people like they used to." Who knows, maybe she wasn't unconscious! Maybe the killer just fucking left and did a quick change and showed back up dressed as a police officer, like, "Hey, you wanna come down to the station? We need to interrogate you," and she's just so unobservant that she didn't realize that it's a dank underground lair? You'd think that that would be so fucking ridiculous that no one would ever write a universe in which that could be considered a legitimate possibility, but it actually kind of happened, because the trauma counselor wasn't even in on it! She showed up here because a call went out for a trauma counselor. She showed up to this location responding to a call, and was met by at most one individual dressed as an FBI agent, with a girl who had just escaped from the scene of a homicide trapped in a makeshift interrogation room, and she somehow didn't see anything wrong with that!? "Excuse me while I find a working phone, I totally saw one in this dank underground lair. I swear I walked right past one in the hallway right next to the coffee machine." Is this standard protocol? Where exactly did the call you got tell you to go? "Yeah it's about sixty miles outside of the city, you're just gonna wanna make sure you look out for the gravel road on the side of the highway and head down that for about an hour, then when you see an abandoned farm on your left, you just gotta go around back and you'll see an old, rickety mineshaft elevator that'll take you right down here, and we're waiting for ya! These girls really need a trauma counselor, it would be great if you could come out, uhhh, today, you're free, right? Okay, great! Yeah, yeah, we got a coffee machine and everything, it's all good! Okay, see you then!" If you have a better explanation for what could have happened, please let me know, because I am desperately trying to apply logic to this film and it's just not working out. Anyway, now she's dead. "Oh thank God, an ominously indistinguishable figure with a flashlight next to a dead body! Thank God!" The Laugh - [menacing chuckle] "Oh gawsh, you're not the FBI! I'd better run!" Great, just what this movie needed, running around in some giant abandoned horror trope. This is quite the fucking property ya got here, killer guy! He really is Jigsaw! Tabitha - [yelps] Haha, what? Unless you're blind you saw his flashlight, and unless you're deaf you heard him running. Why are you acting as though you didn't expect him to be right there? Tabitha - [slowed down yelp] He is chasing you, after all. The Laugh - "AAAAhee! AAAAhe! AAAhee! AAhee! AAAAAAAAAAA-" Oh no, I guess he's just going to go around. Anyway, she clumsily runs over here and grabs a scalpel. Or, I guess it's probably supposed to be a scalpel but it looks like a letter opener. Then she runs in this room but uh-oh, it was a trap! Ha, ha! EEEEEAAAHHHHHH! Gotta love how light and fragile this prop looks. And as if this movie somehow weren't cliched enough already, the walls start closing in on her, oh no. Oh great, it stopped just in time. What a funny prank, bro. So as it turns out, her friends actually are here! Oh no, it's just like that one time when we were little babies. Tabitha - "Let me out of here! LET ME OUT!!" [laughs] Sorry Tabitha, I don't think they're gonna be able to help you. "Rraaaah, I see everything." Anyway, he awkwardly walks along and continues to fuck with them. Can we just take a minute to talk about how needlessly elaborate all of this is? How much time, money, and energy did it take to build this whole contraption? Moving glass walls that close in, but only for the sake of trolling her? Why are these girls behind a second layer of glass? What purpose does that serve at all? Is there some reason why the one layer of glass isn't enough already? Wait, are you trying to stop the glass from moving again? You weren't touching it at all just a few seconds ago. Is this pose somehow supposed to protect you from being attacked with a knife from the other side of the glass? Well now he's bored of fucking with her I guess, so he starts operating this contraption. This needlessly-complicated contraption that does nothing but slide a sheet of glass out of the way. You don't think you could have designed something a bit more simple? Or, y'know, just not had the glass there in the first place? Did you custom-order this sheet of glass to be used specifically to be an inconvenience? Wow, what a surprise, he's just going to intimidate her some more and look like a fucking idiot. The Laugh - "It's funny, right?" [mockingly] "It's funny, right?" Tabitha - "NO!!" Oh shit, it was just the ultimate prank! What, Tabitha, did you think that this was medically possible or something, you fucking idiot? Not like I expected the film to be aware of that, anyway. Is there a reason why you designed this suit to have gore on their backs as well? Because it's not like there were any mirrors behind them that would let any of the characters see it. It just seems incredibly unnecessary. So now it looks like he's about to slice her up for real I guess, when suddenly Tabitha gets a great idea. Tabitha - [laughs] Both - [continued laughter] Haha, guys he just wanted to see someone laugh the whole time, he ain't such a bad guy! He just wanted to be a funnyman! Okay, how have you been keeping that scalpel there that whole time without severing an artery? Unless it really is supposed to be a letter opener. "Here, let me slide this glass out of the way." What, you're not gonna run over to the side and start cranking? You wouldn't maybe want to reinforce the sliding glass panel that she could theoretically escape out of? Nah, let's only install that mechanism for the sake of the girls who are chained up. "Tee hee, ha ha, this really is funny!" ♫ Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On ♫ ♪ Youuuuu're heeeeeeere ♪ ♪ There's nooooo- You see, you were clearly still holding the "scalpel" as you pulled it out of his neck. Why did you drop it? Why don't you finish the job? "Nah, I'm gonna go save my friends!" "I love my fwends!" I like how despite how intricate and complicated his whole setup was, he apparently didn't even lock the chains. "Quick, let's get you out of here by just slipping them off I guess." Whatever, I guess they're free now, so it's time to escape. Aahhhh. You know Lisa, this is kind of your own fault because not only should you be able to see through this wall, but you were facing him the entire time while your friends were helping you escape. You don't think you should have been keeping an eye on him, considering you were the only person that could have been? Ah, whatever she was dumb, let's go. Why is it that single stab wounds always seem to kill the expendable characters but never the baaad guy? Anyway, these two half-heartedly prance over this way and find what appears to be a ladder. Not like you should be in any kind of a hurry or anything. Yeah, just take your time, don't worry about it. "Boy, that sure looks tall!" "Hmmm. How- how do ladders work again? And just what- wha- what is this?" Shelby - "Run!" What the fuck were you doing for five seconds? You know, if he didn't see you already then shouting certainly didn't help. Also, you had plenty of time to close that door so I don't see why you didn't do that. "Rarrh! I'm an angry funnyman now!" "Rarh rarh rarh! I'm gonna get ya! I'm gonna get ya!" Shelby - "Help me!" Wait, how the fuck did this happen? You can't just cut to her already being on her friend's back as though we're supposed to not wonder how the fuck that happened. I can only imagine the director thinking how "cool" that shot looked. Were you gonna climb past your friend? "I don't have to be fast, I just gotta be faster than Tabitha!" And also if Shelby could do that, then maybe she should have been the one climbing first. Jesus Christ Tabitha, this is all your fault! [splat] ♫ Sarah Mclachlan - Fallen ♫ ♪ Though I've tried ♪ ♪ I've fallen ♪ ♪ I have sunk so low ♪ ♪ I messed up ♪ ♪ Better I should know ♪ Great! Good thing there's no lock here, or anywhere else. "Looks like I'm safe. Mmmnnoohhhm" Man, what a weird place. Uh-oh, it looks like there's an elevator right there. One that was nowhere to be seen from down below. "Oh sweet, a weapon! Let me use it to open this door." "Looks like I won't be needing this anymore!" [slide whistle] "Looks like I won't be needing this anymore!" "Looks like I won't be needing this anymore!" Ughhhhh. "Yeah, let me just hide in here without any real means to defend myself." You literally just gave him a weapon. Whyyyy? Gotcha! I'm sorry, but what did that accomplish? "No more bad feelings over here! Get 'em outta my sight!" Oh shit, it was yet another trap where he knew everything all along, and, just a wild series of coincidences led to this happening. Man, he is so smart. What a trickster. The Laugh - [distinctive laughter] Tabitha - [even more distinctive scream] Fucking seriously? It's the exact same stock sound effect I talked about last time. [femalescream01.wav] You know, usually stock screams are used for unimportant, nameless characters? Not your main character? You don't maybe have an extra take from one of those other times she screamed? Did you only film one take for each shot? "Oh no, now I'm trapped in a box and he's looking into the box through a hole on the side of the box. This is just like something else that happened earlier." Wow, this movie is just so smart! [engine starts] The Laugh - [laughs] "Haha, teehee you're comin' with me!" But aren't you already at his secluded property? Man, you thought THAT underground lair was dank? Well, wait 'til you see this one! Anyway, just as it seems as though the movie is about to roll the credits it looks like the engine... dies? Man, maybe you should have spent a bit more money on your vehicle instead of adding all these extra elaborate features. "Oh great, it looks as though he left a weapon in here for me just in case!" Not like that would have mattered if you had just kept the one you already had. The Laugh - [laughs] Aaand bazinga! Rob - "Ah, bingo!" Wow it was so sharp that she pierced through the wall of the truck and killed him. Tabitha - "Now that was funny!" UGHHHH. Can you imagine how "cool" they thought that line was? As though anyone in the audience was rooting for her and would be satisfied by hearing her say that? Ughhhhhhhh. Tabitha - "For Shelby, Lisa, and I, he was a joke that crossed the line. We made fun of him." Wait a minute how did you get out? I guess she just sliced open the door? How did you manage to get the engine working again? Did you fix it? Tabitha - "And after he was sent away, we forgot him. But he never forgot us." I'm sorry, did we really need this closing monologue? Tabitha - "Even though I was the one to survive, my life will never be the same." Can you not just end the movie? Please? Tabitha - "I can't bring Lisa or Shelby back. And I can't get his laughter out of my head. The Laugh - [one more for the road] [laughter trails off] The End. (yes, they actually called him "The Laugh") (or "Child Laugh" when he was a kid) Well, that certainly was a productive use of ten million dollars! Would I recommend this movie? No! Never! Stay away from it! Oftentimes I cover bad films on this channel, I recommend them as comedies, but this film is nothing short of annoying. It is so incredibly unpleasant and painful to watch. It is just downright embarrassing. Over the course of making this review, I have learned that not only have a decent amount of people seen this film, but there's a decent amount of people that actually think it's a good movie. So don't take my word for it, I guess! I'm glad that through the power of editing, I have been able to transform this film into something entertaining, but giving the film an honest watch is one of the most painful experiences that one could imagine. I am glad to be done with this steaming pile of shit. Thank you for watching! Hey guys. Wow, check out this crazy shit! This looks a bit different, doesn't it? Hey wow, I'm not using a webcam right now, I'm using a DSLR. It's a GH5 that I just got. You know who helped me pay for it? These guys! Thank you so much, thank you very, very, very much for your support! Just, just look at all these- just look at all these lovely names, I could kiss them! Mmwah! Mwah! Awww. Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah! Ah, they taste lovely. As some of you already know, I'm in the middle of recording a feature-length album for my music, and I've already started filming at least one music video with this camera, so I'm very excited to share that all with you when the album's out. I know, I thought that the album would be out this year, but it's looking like it's probably going to be closer to April of 2018. Just keep in mind that these film reviews that I'm making right now are my full-time job, and so I've been creating this album basically just on my days off for the past year and a half. On top of that, managing my gaming channel, and reviewing all the material that my editors send me, it's a lot of shit that I'm doing by myself. So now that this piece of shit is out of the way, the next project I'll be working on is my 2015 list, [glass shattering] So now that this piece of shit is out of the way, the next project I'll be working on is my 2015 list, So now that this piece of shit is out of the way, the next project I'll be working on is my 2015 list, which I am already a decent amount through, and after that will be another YMS review, and we'll see where things go from there. And yeah, now that I've dipped my toes in the water with creating much more simple to edit quickie videos that don't take nearly as long to make, I think I've decided that I'll continue doing things that way with some exceptions. I mean, I obviously had a lot to say about the movie Jigsaw, so it made sense to use trailer footage and clips from the other films, but when I'm just doing a quick blurb on the movie, especially during film festivals, I think it makes more sense just to use the poster. Every other year for film festivals I had always gone into it with the intention of talking about everything I see, but then every video would take so long that I'd be like, "Okay, well the film festival's over, but I gotta get this YMS review out," and so I just wind up picking a couple of them that I'd feel would be the most important and only reviewing those, instead of covering all of the films that I saw at the festival. So this year, I decided to keep the editing for quickies a lot simpler and it turns out I was able to talk about every single movie that I saw, except for two of them, which I'll make a video for soon, just because I really wanted to get this YMS video out before the month's end. It seems like no matter how many years I've been doing this, I'm always finding new ways to try and get more content out for you guys, and I think that this way makes a lot of sense. So yeah, just keeping you guys in the loop about that, and also stay tuned because I plan on making an update video to my Patreon, there are going to be some changes, so stay tuned for that. Don't know exactly what I'm gonna post that, probably before the year end. Anyway, thank you guys so much for your support! The Ad-pocalypse has hit me too, and remember, I've never taken a single sponsorship on this channel, y'know, I've advertised a lot of my own shit, but I've never taken money to advertise someone else's shit, just keep that in mind. Perhaps there will be an offer in the future that won't feel like I'm decreasing the quality of my video by having it in there, and remember I don't do mid-roll ads on this channel either, just saying. It's important to me that the quality of the video comes first, and thanks to these lovely people here, mwah, mwah, mwah, I wish I could kiss you a million times in real life as long as you're over 18. Uhhh, and also, all you people sharing it at home, sharing the video helps too. Thank you! Thank you so much, I love you guys, and stay tuned for for more content. That's, uh, that's pretty much it! Thank you, I love you guys. Mmmwah!
Channel: YourMovieSucksDOTorg
Views: 1,347,997
Rating: 4.9709883 out of 5
Keywords: yms, review, amusement
Id: kKY3Vlf3ehQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2017
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