YMS: Amusement (Part 1)

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The part in the car with the keys is one of the best things Adam's ever made.

👍︎︎ 269 👤︎︎ u/SaztogGaming 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

The black and white edit of her making the sandwich was incredible.

👍︎︎ 153 👤︎︎ u/Manthatismoose 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

Why is that fucking sandwich so goddamn funny

👍︎︎ 117 👤︎︎ u/TheWTFreak 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

Wait, are convoys with strangers an actual thing that happens?

Isn't that just called traffic?

👍︎︎ 111 👤︎︎ u/Browncoat-Alex 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

Your video making ability makes me Grink with envy....

👍︎︎ 50 👤︎︎ u/whatzgood 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2017 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/mwguthrie 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

I had to rewind to make sure I didn't miss some further explanation about his obsessions with convoys.

What is it with convoys?

What the fuck is happening?

Why the fuck would that guy ask him to look after his family?!

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/ofcourseitslegal 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

Please use this "oh, bingo" thing be in other videos. It's great!

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/testaccount_2424 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

I always love the death noises that Adam throws in (like all of The Walking Dead and the girl hitting the windshield here), they get me every time.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/trained_badass 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] amusement is one very very amusing movie although I'm not sure it's amusing in the way it thinks it is I mean if it was them they probably would have made a little bit of money back rights and ten million and get back 170,000 what a deal now this is a movie that I've kind of been sitting on for a while because as much as this film is an easy target I knew it would be impossible for me to resist publicly tearing it to shreds there is just so much about this movie that doesn't make any goddamn sense this film is so stupid that it could easily be confused as a parody and at this point I've seen it a good three or four times but to truly delve into just how ridiculous this film is we must start at the beginning the movie starts out with an extremely laughable opening credits sequence be careful who you make fun of in high school and part of me believes that this opening animation was thrown in at the last minute because of how poorly they developed the story in the actual film I mean everything still goes by pretty quickly but you'll see what I mean as the film goes on we then get some really shitty music I should probably mention that this is the same composer as World War Z he also has many of his soundtracks available to listen to on Spotify although his soundtrack for amusement is nowhere to be found I wonder why the speed limit 65 but I'm going to go 75 take that society alright now the first time I watched this I was very confused here like who the fuck is Shelby what do they do and why is there opening credits so special did Shelby direct the movies as it turns out this is not a part of the opening credits and Shelby's an actual character in the film like this is just some terribly communicated way of introducing a kind of chapter to the film maybe you could have said something like chapter 1 Shelby or even maybe do something like this where you can clearly tell us the start of a chapter and not just a name credit you know pretty much anything other than what you did by the way he's not Shelby it's a sleeping girl so apparently these two are driving somewhere she's been asleep for an hour and she wakes up and asked him why she smells food oh shit mix Auto McDonald's oh there should be a girly toilet for you babe was that like a joke at this point he decides he wants to go even faster Wow close down you're driving around I've got really good cowboy going your babe no slow down Oh goddamn bitch I got your girly toy and everything also you're at the front of the convoy so what exactly pressured you to speed even faster like she was clearly comfortable with the speed you were already going why did you not return to that exact same speed why did you have to leave the convoy wait a minute why are you halfway through a book all of a sudden all right I'll Drive saved just for you oh my god what the fuck you just told him to drive safe you were that concerned about speeding and not at all concerned about having your feet in his fucking face what were you even trying to do I love to Sheldon I wasn't like all the sudden you're mocking him in a way that would make it seem as though you expected him to say I love you too despite the fact that you didn't even say I love you does he have a foot fetish did you poke him in the dick yes immediately go back to sleep then this huge truck pulls out in front of him and he sees a pickup truck in his rearview mirror bingo perfect I just love being in convoys it's very important to me that I'm in a convoy so then Shelby wakes up again after another hour of sleep and it immediately starts getting to see I cannot believe you started another one I didn't seriously there's like an art to a good convoy babe yeah babe I got to have my convoys it's me I'm tired of this don't go faster yeah and also keep your eyes on the fucking Road anyway the big truck leading the convoy pulls over for gas and they decide to do the same thing bingo everyone heads into the gas station except Shelby who notices something very strange Oh looks like someone got the munchies what haha just kidding you totally don't have the munchies anyway the trucker guy tells them that someone on his CB radio told him that there's a huge traffic jam on the interstate right now trucker all my CDs was the day moving with a damn out there the only way around at those though morn welcome to swing on him behind yes that sounds like a great idea so then he's like man what a loner and she's like he's not alone there's someone with him and he's like that's weird because he told me that he was alone and she's like oh ok weird I guess there's a misunderstanding I don't know so then they're driving for a while when suddenly what now I wasn't looking in front of me while I'm driving I was just looking way over there out into the darkness [Music] what the fuck how did you get that much air also in case you're wondering about that extra frame lingering in between the two action shots that was the movie not me I guess the editor didn't notice it I wonder how much they got paid hello can you hear me yeah that's right immediately start moving her neck around it's not like she could have a serious spinal injury or something that I used to pretend to help this girl while probably doing much more damage than good and they insist that Rob chases after the trucker to get his plates no good as late now go hurry up so now he's driving along trying to get this sumbitch he's doing some sick drifts and shit Tokyo Drift and then all of a sudden he slows down to a halt for seemingly no reason Oh something smells like cotton candy I better go look around where's this cotton candy at [Music] jingo oh no it seems as though I wasn't able to see this big truck right there and it's just a huge coincidence that I stopped my car for no reason because otherwise I might have crashed directly into him is it trying to imply that he got out because he saw the truck there and they just forgot to include a shot so that the audience knew what he was looking at all he wanted was his place which are like right there if you had stopped your vehicle maybe 10 metres after you actually did then you just be able to read his license plate from the safety of your car why did you leave your vehicle and what the fuck were you trying to do it's not like anything was blocking your path other than maybe the vehicle that you set out to chase down in the first place oh no he's going to smash into me better get out of the way well looks like I'm instantly stuck now so now this girl's awake and she's like keep him away from me he's gonna choke the mini truck off you're gonna be fine okay I don't let's actually think about this for a second which is probably something that the film does not want us to do it seems as though the whole point of her saying no he didn't push me I jump it's for the purpose of a dramatic reveal like oh no he's coming back for me but in order for that set and poorly executed reveal to exist in the first place the film needs Shelby to be so fucking dumb that her base assumption to the situation is not that she jumped out or fell but that the truck driver somehow threw her out of the back of his truck while he was driving and then just took off like a get out of here I know I got a convoy following right behind us that I literally invited to drive along with us but I cannot stand you one moment longer and I demand that you exit my vehicle toast taste anyway just as the trucks coming around the corner we see that this pathetic young man has finally unstuck his vehicle bingo Tokyo Drift what could you not be the body and vehicle in front of you the vehicle with its headlights on how did you fuck up this bed how did you fuck up this bed tell me where's my girlfriend he took a little boat with that lady in your girl wha how would anyone kidnap two girls in like two seconds is there a deleted scene of Rob driving ten minutes in the wrong direction so you took off over there oh great he's just right over there I guess so now they're supposedly outside the truckers house and this guy's like you let me go and Rob's like no you're hurt he's like taking McKinley something happens okay what I don't even know you also is there a reason why one of you needs to stay back in the first place what is going on well as it turns out the trucker guy is actually here but it's implied that this is not his property I don't know where I know no I was take her to rehab don't know accident maybe she jumped I don't know the bitch was great meanwhile back in the car Rob finds something rather peculiar oh no a CB radio what could this mean the trucker guy exits through the door and this strange man gives him a good whacking [Music] okay so apparently this guy kidnapped the two girls and not the trucker doesn't really excuse how fast he was able to do it though in fact this raises far many more questions than it answers so I know the movie doesn't really do a good job at explaining this but this whole scene was the result of this guy trying to get to Shelby you see Shelby and her friends did something really mean to this guy when he was a kid and now he wants revenge so apparently it was just a wild coincidence that this trucker pulled out in front of him and started a convoy unless this guy was trolling the trucker on the CB radio and somehow convinced him to start a convoy with some random car that they didn't know all while pretending to be a random trucker somewhere else and not one of the cars in the convoy like I get that it's trying to imply that he at least used the CB radio to trick the trucker into thinking there was a traffic jam up ahead and we can also blame the trickery on his radio for the route he wound up taking but if you had a CB radio in his car already then he was clearly banking on a trucker being in general proximity to his target which is already leaving a lot up to random chance but how the fuck did you know that some crazy girl was going to jump out of the back of his truck at the right moment did you have some sort of other plan to overpower and kill these four people if that hadn't happened like at this point we have to assume that what the trucker guy was saying on the phone was accurate right and if the trucker guy wasn't in on this and only went this way because you tricked him on your CB radio then why did he hang out with his lights off turn them on and then try to run over Rob what is that all about why didn't the trucker stop to help the girl he was supposedly taking to rehab on his way back there literally right in the middle of the road when they can see him coming back around the corner he just decided to drive past them and mosey on over to this property what I don't get it who buy so at this point you can probably tell why I decided to share this film with you on surface level it's just an awful piece of shit but if you really delve into it this film is a monument of for writing and contradictions anyway Rob tries to start the car and escape but oh no there are no keys [Music] I know this is supposed to be intimidating and everything but his face reminds me of Rosie O'Donnell in riding the bus with my sister coffee very nutritious anyway he smashes the window and then does something with his hands that is now killing Rob I guess doesn't really show what he's doing but you can hear Rob dying you put the wrong voice buddy was he aware of Rob's obsession with convoys and then the chapter just ends what the fuck [Music] alright so now we're on what can be considered chapter two of this bullshit hey check it out it's habita retro it looks like the door is already open hi Kevin was that supposed to be scary as if one annoying kid wasn't already bad enough hey nice Danny where's the babysitter she left already yeah she left it what what oh my god is a bangs door so she goes upstairs to check out the noise and as soon as she leaves the kids that happened is that what kids were doing for fun in 2008 no Tabitha the car mines need all right this is getting annoying well that totally explains that loud thud I heard I guess I'd better go downstairs later it's night time and she decides to make one of the shittiest looking sandwiches I've ever seen just look at how much of it is sticking out from the bread [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] fortunately enough it seems as though someone on set felt bad for her and helped her out between shots to bed no one on set cared about the bite continuity anyway the doorbell rings and she's like oh I guess I'd better check it out so this guy at the door says he's here for June and she's like there's no June here he explains that he's her boyfriend and that she was babysitting at this house of earlier today and now no one knows where she is she was Miss cheerleading practice and Yanks hour and for some reason Tabitha gets incredibly rude and dismissive I'm the Carmine sneezed and when I got here she had already left let her for soon I haven't heard from her period I didn't even speak like whoa I didn't realize he was being so incredibly unreasonable for trying to find out where his missing girlfriend is it's not like he asked to come and fight or anything it's not like her to not call me maybe she just went to a friend's house with the storm and all good I guess so why are you being throw mean tell her that I stopped by to see you oh well what the fuck is with your attitude now she's just washing dishes because what else is she gonna do excuse me young lady but that plate is not clean how are you so bad at everything now she goes upstairs and enters the guest room which her relatives have decided to decorate with creepy clowns hmm something seems very strange about this one let's worry about it later man this lightnings really seizure-inducing tonight let's close the curtains then we get some really awful child acting he can he fly oh yeah yeah and she's fired from Sam's eye was that a shoot fire from his hands noise I like how these kids supposedly weren't even tucked in and sent to bed up until just now like all this time has gone by and she didn't even pay any attention to them at all come to think of it I love how convoluted and unnecessary it is to have her as a niece of the kids parents taking over for the first babysitter who apparently had cheerleading practice to go to I guess that's just so they could have a missing-person before she got there Jesus Christ what are you doing hearing someone fart is no excuse to start groping a child exactly how much wine did you drink well wouldn't you know if she starts to hear some more strange noises hmm how very very strange anyway she tucks the kids in and consciously starts walking towards the guest room man I don't fucking trust this thing better thread oh my god why does it keep making noises guess I'd better take a closer look oh I don't know if any part of you is concerned enough that you need to figure out whether or not there's a person underneath a mask or something then maybe you might want to try the exact same thing after you've picked up a weapon of some sort like maybe a knife from the kitchen or something what exactly were you planning on doing if it turned out that this is a scary killer man and also the Lightning didn't spook you well I guess the thunderstorm gods have settled it and there's no need to actually verify any of my concerns let's strip some more oh no now the television is turned on weird I thought I removed my subscription food esthetic channel hmmm how very strange why didn't I notice it there before oh there was theoretically a power surge that caused the clock to reset that totally explains why the TV turned itself on man I'm tired time to go to sleep too bad I only remember to close the curtains downstairs and not in the room I'm sleeping in I know I'll just turn off my bedside table lamp that should do it swiggity swooty i'm coming food that booty actually maybe not I'm just gonna sit here Oh No who is phone okay yo what's up I'm having so much fun except that really creepy clown is starting to weird me out but Tabitha we don't own any clown like the one you're describing yeah you did I'm looking right at what the fuck did you just run back to the chair to make it wobble like that not sure how you did that in like half a second alright so at this point there's probably a few of you that are recognizing just how shamelessly unoriginal this film is I mean not only did the first segment seem like it was kind of trying to be like Joyride not to mention they hired the same composer and all the shitty whore cliches in this one or making it seem a lot like The Strangers but the entire premise for this segment is nothing more than a direct ripoff of a fucking creepypasta the entire time I was watching this all I was thinking was really are you seriously going to do exactly this and they did exactly that so now she quickly makes it to the kids room and locks the door not sure what kind of parent would leave a functional lock on the or of their small child's room but okay so now the kids are awakened they're like all right I get that you really want to have the creepy kids cliche in your film but what kind of kid wouldn't even tell her about this guy even if they were so stupid that they didn't see anything wrong with him how could this whole night go by without either one of them mentioning him even one yeah he just wants to play in the game he wants to play is to see who can go the longest without acknowledging his existence now if you couldn't tell the kid was actually saying like earlier at the door so I guess that wasn't the babysitter's boyfriend meaning he was inside the house to communicate with the children then went outside to ring the doorbell then somehow got back inside without her noticing and I guess also without leaving puddles of water everywhere he went in the house and then changed into a clown costume to then hang out and sit motionlessly in a rocking chair how do you know she hasn't been in that room yet she was in the house for quite a while before you rang the doorbell if she went in that room just once then she would have seen an empty chair unless that is you were hanging out in full clown costume for the entire fucking day and only left the house to ring the doorbell you sure seem to love putting in an awful lot of extra work for yourself that nobody around you is even going to notice or appreciate he just likes making things needlessly complicated because he feels like it I mean apparently he's an omission God who can always tell exactly how things are going to play out anyway so why not anyway now these little shits who are unable to grasp the seriousness of this situation try to open the door well you know just because kids are stupid doesn't mean you can write them to be that stupid dad me you don't know what you're talking about he just wants to play oh all right so now they pulled the dresser in front of the door and are escaping out the window you want me to hurry up helping you escape why don't you do it yourself you little shit oh no he's pushing out the dresser drawers one by one what the fuck if you were just going to do that then why were you even pushing out the dresser drawers it seems as though you just ripped the hole through the back right there [Music] how did you not see her there and how did you also not see her moving towards there why are you walking forward into a supposedly empty room instead of going downstairs to catch her were you planning on just waving out of the window as she ran away what exactly were you doing here no time to think about that she punched him good and now she's getting away oh no now he's really mad all right now let's take some bets here our main character is now out of the house with a good head start on the villain will she a run to the neighbors B run to her car parked out front or C stand in the backyard and scream for help if you guessed C then your expectations for this character are still a little too fucking high instead of doing anything that would actually help her in this situation she goes directly to the shed in the backyard and immediately fuck's up so bad that she incapacitates herself for him what so did the kids witness him murder the first babysitter and they just didn't give a shit anyway we're about halfway through this pile of garbage so we'll finish this up in part two next month and we'll finally learn exactly what these girls did to this man to make him so vengeful and you can trust me when I say that it's pretty fucking amusing [Music]
Channel: YourMovieSucksDOTorg
Views: 2,688,111
Rating: 4.9601884 out of 5
Keywords: amusement, 2008, part 1, part 2, adum, adam, yms, review, funny, ave maria, sandwich, ah, ahp, ap, bingo, clown, creepypasta, joyride, the strangers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2017
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