Jigsaw Review - YMS

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I was also hoping they'd find some stupid way to bring Jigsaw back from the dead. Assuming they are planning sequels (box office looks pretty steady as of now), what the fuck can they even do at this point? They focused so much on Kramer again that nobody cares about the new super secret apprentice, lol.

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/JtiaRiceQueen 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2017 🗫︎ replies

would've been better if the mastermind was Plankton

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/SeiZSwag 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2017 🗫︎ replies

I think they should just go all in and jump straight to supernatural elements, resurrect Kramer and bring his wife back and have them fight each other and call it Kramer vs Kramer.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/DWW_ME_TGTBATU_PM_SO 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2017 🗫︎ replies

wow. they somehow thought of the twist that was worse than what I imagined. A Zombie Tobin Bell Zigsaw!

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/kyubeydaisuki 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2017 🗫︎ replies

I find all the Saw movies very watchable. They're probably not objectively good, but there is something about them that makes me want to re-watch them frequently.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/AdrenalinDragon 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2017 🗫︎ replies

Dont forget that in the videogames, Det. Tapp's son is given the opportunity to be an apprentice so its ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO helping Jigsaw!

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/natedoggcata 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2017 🗫︎ replies

As a legit fan of the saw movies 1-7 I was soooo surprised this managed to be worse than 7. It is absolutely the worst in the series. Say what you want about how dumb the movies are (they are really fucking dumb), plenty of other entries in the franchise have much more elegant, simpler twists. This movie not only takes twists that have been done in the series before, but needlessly convolutes them.

I know there's a chance people will laugh at me for being a fan, but hear me out. A great example of a simple but powerful twist in the series is the ending to Saw 2. I won't spoil it in case anyone actually cares to watch the movie, but a lot of enjoyment of Jigsaw, the character, for me, is derived from how deceptively honest he is to people. The twists in the "good" (imo) movies besides 1 (2, 3, 4) are cleverly devised from the perspective of Jigsaw himself. No matter how crazy or stupid the traps or people were, I always found myself conned, and not because the illusion was even crazier than I imagined, but because it was much simpler. By the way, as bad as the movies may be, I think Tobin Bell (Jigsaw) is fucking FANTASTIC as a horror villain, and always delivers a stellar performance. If the movies around him were better, people would be praising him much more than they do now. He is the definition of a diamond in the rough. His best performance is def Saw 2.

These movies are definitely visually designed to be gore porn for commercial reasons, but those who appreciate an overly complex plot with impactful twists rather than some average slasher flick should at least try SAW 1 and 2, my personal favs.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/HankKnowsJpegs 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2017 🗫︎ replies

I thought the Jigsaw Fangirl would turn out to be Amanda's sister and that she wanted to follow in her footsteps as a Jigsaw apprentice. The actress reminded me a bit of Shawnee Smith, and I just assumed that was intentional.

At least that would have been a slightly different take on a twist that has been done to death already...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/pastelrage 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2017 🗫︎ replies
So I just saw "Jigsaw", the eighth film in the Saw franchise, and it was dumb! Now, 2017 has been a pretty fantastic year for movies already. There's been a lot of films that I was excited for this year, and many of them did live up to the hype, but there was legitimately no film the entire year that I was more excited for than "Jigsaw", not because I expected it to be a good movie or anything, but because the series has gotten so ridiculous that I was super excited to see where they would go next. What crazy new excuse could they possibly have to continue this franchise when the main villain of the series has been dead for half of it? There are just so many ridiculous things about the timeline of this series that I was excited to see them screw it up even more. Now if you've never seen "Saw" 1-7 and don't really feel like subjecting yourself to all of them, I actually made a YMS review on the whole series back in 2012 that explains pretty much everything that happens. It is possibly one of the better resources to help you out if you find yourself confused, because, holy shit!, is the plot for this series ever extremely convoluted. There's a lot of shit going on that is extremely difficult to follow and a lot of shit that just plain does not make any sense. This new film, "Jigsaw", stays true to the series in that sense, and many of the explanations that they offer throughout the film do not make any fucking sense at all. If i were to rank the "Saw" films based on how much I personally enjoyed them, it would probably go: 1, 6, 7, Jigsaw, 4, 3, 5, 2. "1" being my favorite because despite a lot of cheese and bad acting, it does the best job at being a legitimate film with effective scenes and original ideas. "2" being my least favorite because it's nowhere near the quality of the first, but it's not yet ridiculous enough to be enjoyed as a comedy. "Saw VI & VII" are massively entertaining, not just for their gore and shock value, but because of how ridiculous the timeline of the series becomes at that point. Seriously, "Saw VI & VII" are super fun movies that are great to watch with drunk friends, but unfortunately if you skip the taxing experience of "Saw II-V", you might not understand anything going on. If you really enjoy(ed) that YMS review, please consider supporting on PayPal or Patreon because apparently YouTube doesn't think I should be able to run ads on it. (Link Below) Now, since this film branded itself as "Jigsaw" instead of "Saw VIII", and it's also been a long time since they've made any "Saw" films, I was correct in assuming that they would try their best to make a film that didn't require you to watch the first seven to understand what was going on; although I have to admit that part of me wishes they would continue being as confusing as possible, because that would be hilarious for me. It still takes place in the same universe as the other films, and it does have Tobin Bell as Jigsaw, but for the most part it seems to distance itself in a way that no other Saw film has done. The movie was more well shot than the vast majority of "Saw" films. It was nothing amazing and the trailer definitely made it look better than it actually was in that category, but it was a refreshing level of normalcy after so many films in the franchise had what could only be described as obnoxious directing, especially "Saw IV", which had what I'd consider to be the most obnoxious scene transitions in any movie ever. The characters in Jigsaw were not exactly well-written at all, but they were much more watchable than many of the characters in the franchise, and I know that's not saying all that much. The entire "Game/Trap" plot line, functioned a lot like "Saw V", which wasn't really all that great. There was nothing that really pushed the boundaries in terms of making a clever trap. There were some fun some gore and squeamish moments, but it all seemed rather pedestrian when compared to a lot of the other "Saw" films. Overall, the movie's watchable, but it's not really all that entertaining, and it's kinda bad, that is, up until the reveal at the end of the film that explains everything that's been going on with their twist, and it is hilaaaarious! If you do not wish to have this film spoiled for you, and you would rather see it for yourself, please click to this point in the video, because I definitely need to talk about this shit. There's your warning! 3, 2, 1 So, if you've watched the other "Saw" films or even my review of them You'd know that part of the reason why this timeline gets so h i l a r i o u s is because of just how many times they've used the "Oh! It turns out someone's been helping Jigsaw the entire time!" twist At the end of Saw 2 we find out that Amanda's been helping the whole time. In Saw 4 and 5 we find out that Hoffman's been helping the whole time. At the end of Saw 7, we find out that Doctor Gordon's been helping the whole time and the twist at the end of this film is that there is now another character that has also also ALSO a l s o Also, been helping the whole time :I Like, before Saw 1. This man is a forensic pathologist who we are supposed to believe is trying To solve the murders throughout the film But secretly he was the man who was murdering people and doing it in a way that was Identical to a trap that jigsaw actually made 10 years ago So as the film cuts back and forth between the characters in the game and people finding in examining bodies It's basically just one giant stupid trick where they try to make you believe that the characters you actually see die in the film are The same as the bodies that you see being discovered in the film, when in actuality it's just the main character who is intentionally Killing people in the exact same way that they died in the scenes that you're actually watching But they're completely different people so during the game you actually get to see Tobin Bell as "Jigsaw" show up But at the end of the film they get to go, "Haha, he's still dead! That was just 10 years ago, you dummy!!" but there's a lot about this that doesn't make any. Fucking. Sense! Like how "Jigsaw" looks the oldest he's ever been, but this is supposedly before any of the other films And how there were parts of the game where he was using flat-screen HD TVs But that supposedly took place before the first film where Dr. Gordon can be seen using a pager? Also, what was the point of trying to recreate a specific series of murders if nobody even ever knew they happened at all? Seriously none of the traps or bodies were ever found Despite the events of this film taking place on a farm owned by "Jigsaw's" wife, who was being thoroughly Investigated in Saw 4 through 7! Not to mention they've both been dead for ten years now! Why do you feel as though you need to recreate the murders in the exact same way, choosing people who would look identical to those who died ten years ago If nobody even knew they died or found the bodies! Who are you tricking other than the audience? Exactly who in the film was this for?! In the first room, there is a man who you assume dies, but you don't actually see die And it is that man who ten years later recreates these murders, and for some reason kills a man to act as the body of himself?! Like, if you didn't die then why did you kill a guy to be the dead body to look like your body? Why would you need to do that other than just to trick the audience? Also, they say that "Jigsaw" has been dead for ten years, But they also say that he was helping "Jigsaw" ten years ago; meaning that the entire events of pre-Saw 1 all the way up until the end of Saw 4 took place in less than a year?? But that doesn't make any sense!! When, Dr. Gordan is being interrogated about Amanda, that's FIVE months before he's in a trap [GORDAN]: "It was five months ago..." and keep in mind that this new character in Jigsaw has been helping since before Amanda and before Hoffman; meaning that everything that caused Hoffman to be helping this whole time also had to have been taking place within that same year including Hoffman engineering his own swinging pendulum death trap and also the "Jigsaw Murder" is being prevalent enough for him to get the idea to copycat "Jigsaw" in the first place so all of that plus that five months between Amanda being in a trap Gordon being in a trap Then by the end of Saw 2 we can see Adam's body and Dr. Gordon's foot severely decomposed and then Donnie Wahlberg gets trapped at the end of Saw 2 and he's taken captive for six months! [Mother in Cancer Ward]: "Six months? 'Jigsaw' never kept anyone that long..." Again, apparently all within around a year. All of Hoffman's origin before Amanda's trap plus five months, plus decomposition, plus six months, but then there's the flashback in Saw 7 with the guy that wrote the book pretending as though He was one of the people that survived a "Jigsaw" trap and "Jigsaw" is there in that flashback alive which means that this flashback happened before Saw 4 -again- all in the same year But in that flashback the guy's book was already published and widely well received, but before he even wrote the book the "Jigsaw" killings were so widespread that it gave him the idea to do the book in the first place! There's no fucking way that all of this shit happened within a year! Did the writers of this film not watch the previous films? So yeah, the timeline is pretty fucking butchered as though it wasn't enough already. Even if you ignore the flat-screen TVs and the appearance of "Jigsaw's" age and even if they didn't royally screw up the timeline this he is still incredibly stupid. Like how did "Jigsaw" know the guy was gonna stick his leg through the floor How was "Jigsaw" aware of all of these crimes that these individuals committed that apparently law enforcement was not aware of? You just happened to see that girl steal a person Also, you knew her identity somehow? You just happened to know that the guy that sold your nephew his motorcycle knew that the brakes were faulty before selling it to him? One of the guys's crimes is that when he was a kid he was being a drunken asshole And trying to stand up in the back of a convertible and his friends were like, "No, sit down!" And he's like "Make me!", but then he falls out, and he's perfectly fine but his friends swerve into a truck and all crash and die and he lied to the authorities By trying to pretend as though it was his friend's fault who was driving. How did you know about any of that?! And then there's the woman who was apparently "Jigsaw"'s next-door neighbor who smothered her own baby, and made it seem like her husband did it She literally just suffocates the baby and then places its dead body next to her husband who was already sleeping in the bed like "Oh, no! There's a dead baby next to me. I must have rolled over top of it and smothered it." How did you know about that? Are you saying you heard this from inside your house next door "Yes, I can tell by the way the baby's screams are being muffled that it's a woman doing it with a pillow and not a man rolling over on top of it." Also, the baby was not in the bed when the husband went to sleep He was just sleeping in bed with the baby in a crib somewhere else How come he never wondered why the baby was put there? Why is neither him nor anybody on the police force asking? Why she would put the baby in his bed while he's sleeping By the end of the film our main character who supposedly Also x3 et. cetera been helping the whole time, framed someone else for the recent murders -the recent murders that were not actually "Jigsaw" killings But were framed in a way to look identically to "Jigsaw" killings that no one even knew ever happened- But it's also revealed that the only reason the murders took place was to frame him. They went with the old "My wife is dead, and you vaguely had something to do with it So I needed to get my vengeance on you" kind of thing. But if the whole point was to just set up this guy for murder and kill him,then why did it need to be "Jigsaw" related at all? Why did you feel as though you needed to recreate any kind of murders? Why not just murder some people and frame him and it has nothing to do with anything else? I don't understand the need for this connection And if you're trying to frame him for murder Then why would you put him in the trap? Is it not going to look a little odd that his head has been sliced into six pieces and that he was very clearly in a trap that someone else forced him to be in? You can't just pretend like no one's ever gonna find this location now; even though realistically they should have in Saw 4. Because at the end of the film you say that that other girl is your perfect alibi and she was just there Like, you specifically brought her there to trick her into believing that he did it but not see the part where you admitted that you did it. So we have to assume that this barn will be a part of the police report at some point, right? How the fuck is any of this going to work out?! You know I think I actually would have rather had a stupid twist like "Oh! 'Jigsaw' actually never had cancer the whole time and it was his twin brother that died and not him and he was just hiding for ten years I mean it would have been ridiculous and hilarious, but it would also mean that the series would have somewhere to go, because with the reveal of this film it doesn't really leave many options. Like, what? You're gonna continue the series with this fuckin' Randy? This guy who's name I can't even care to remember? I mean if you make another film, and he's the guy doing everything. I'll still watch it I guess. And hopefully half the film can be Tobin Bell flashbacks as always But part of me was hoping that they'd have some stupid excuse for "Jigsaw" to still be alive or even bring back Dr. Gordon, I mean that would have been some pretty decent fanservice at least. Anyway, this movie was pretty dumb and pretty ridiculous, but it was kind of watchable, I guess. The way that they tried to explain everything was very entertaining and I can't say that I regret buying a ticket to see this film I've pretty much got what I paid for I guess and honestly. I'll probably see it again It's dumb mindless fun that does not make any fucking sense at all and if that sounds entertaining to you then I would suggest you go see it because honestly it would be pretty fucking funny if they continued the story from here And I'm giving this one a 5 out of 10 You
Channel: YourMovieSucksDOTorg
Views: 1,472,397
Rating: 4.9137077 out of 5
Keywords: jigsaw, 2017, film, review, yms
Id: XP2fu7GpxW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2017
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