Divinity Original Sin 2 Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits - The Plant Only Challenge

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hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the spiffing Britt and today we are playing divinity original sin - this is effectively the ultimate role-playing game if you ever wanted to play Dungeons & Dragons but have it not actually dragged on seventeen thousand weeks and involve a copious amount of mountain Jew then this is the game for you divinity original sin has it all instead of arguing with all of your friends about what you should do instead you can play by yourself and cry alone into your pillow at night as you realized why is no on playing nerdy RPG games with you but nonetheless here we are in this fantastic game and today ladies and gentlemen we're going to naturally be demonstrating why divinity original sin - is a perfectly balanced game but most importantly showing off why you don't actually want to play the game the way it's actually intended you see this is a classical RPG game logically you should be sat down and you should be doing quests and getting rewards for doing quests fighting bosses and that's the way you get money experience and progress for the game wrong ladies and gentlemen that is not the way you should be playing this game instead we're going to be creating herb farming simulator 2019 that's right in Prison architect we built a tree farm but now in this game we're going to be demonstrating to you how growing copious amounts of tea leaves is actually going to allow you to basically cheese for this entire game without any issues or just make you not play the game at all and instead enjoy a really fun mini game of just harvesting plants so our further ado ladies and gentlemen let's dive right into this video make sure you sat back you relaxed you have a nice cup of tea you know what actually that's reminding me I have a cup of tea here mmm now that's some good Yorkshire tea but not just any yogurty Yorkshire Tea Gold the best tea in the whole entire universe and you know what if you're an absolutely fantastic super duper special person you might have even liked the video going down into the comments section to tell me about which cup of tea you're having today hats off to if you're one of those majestic sausages anyway let's jump into this game so first things first this game gets updates every once in a while and the developers are actually really intelligent when it comes to adding new features into the game they do it via normal updates but also gift bags now gift bags are the updates which the developers add in which are often based off of mods which they've taken look at and gone you know what this is actually a fantastic idea we're going to make it so that you can play using this mod and you'll still get achievements for it so effectively it's a developer approved mod which has been added into the game and modified so that it's ever so slightly balanced over is it OMA Hey well that's what we're here to find out now in the gift bag which was released only a few days ago the developers added in a couple of mods they added in a crafters kit endless runner and we'll empathy for - joy magic mirror 8 action points but most importantly the herb garden now the herb garden is a mod created by fantastically amazing person who basically said come on you're playing an RPG you can gather herbs in this game you should probably also be able to grow the herbs so that's what they added in but oh my is it completely unbalanced anyway we're going to dive into a brand new game and make sure we turn on the fantastic herb so we're going to start a brand new single-player campaign and it really doesn't matter what game mode you're playing on you can play it on classic mode the way the games normally meant to be played or you can play it on tactician mode we've effectively mega Ironman so you know what yes how about we play it on the hardest difficulty version of the game this is an absolutely fantastic idea now the game basically does warn you three times that what you're signing up for is a horrific slog in one of the most difficult RPG experiences you're ever going to face but no ladies and gentlemen instead of being a stroll through a difficult battlefield instead it's a walk in the park but instead of walking you're being driven around on a chauffeured Motability scooter and you're being spoon-fed rich tea biscuits in a nice warm cup of tea that's how difficult we're going to be making this way we need to create our legendary hero who's going to be joining us for this fantastic adventure now when it comes to actually picking who you want to play you can pick and play as a human but no instead we're going to be playing as a bone boy that's right you can play as an undead and oh my goodness why wouldn't we play an undead human that's a fantastic idea and we can be an undead Humanite that makes so much sense of course so who is our hero today ladies and gentlemen he is not Sandor for his name is Sir Barry bone boy oh my what a fantastic name for a fantastically bony boy and let's modify his appearance well you can change the bone color I like that oh my goodness we've given him some fantastic hair look at how amazingly handsome he is just look at this little postcard image he's beautiful we can give him facial features oh my goodness what a moustache what a boy he's so good oh my gosh and we can take off his armor this is a fantastic beautiful super hairy pose boy it's so beautiful anyway we're going to make him into the richest person this game has ever seen doesn't matter what kind of combat abilities you have but when it comes to civil abilities to make everything a little bit faster you definitely want to have bartering because it basically makes trading items so much easier and trust me we're going to be doing a lot of trading and when it comes to our special talent we're going to go for lone wolf because bury bone boy he's not interested in making friends he's not in this world to make friends no he's in this world to make money he's a true opportunist and one who loves tea anyway let's dive right into this game now these stories rather simple basically we're a gifted being who has the powers of the source but beings with the source also have a habit of summoning super bad guys as a result all people with the source have been imprisoned and are being sent to a prison island there we have it with finally awake ladies and gentlemen it's a berry burn boy doesn't like being put to sleep for a very long time now when you naturally spawn into a game like this it's an RPG you have your equipment we have our hoods and the moment we're basically wearing a tattered hood we've got our prisoner clothing and if we had a weapon this is exactly where it would be now when it comes to getting better equipment you basically want to scavenge around the map so if you saw something valuable you pick it up like let's say such this chest oh my a mug of water that's very important so be nabbing that and the mug of beer and the gold however equally around the world you might run into other items like for example this bucket here now the bucket is actually an improvement over our current hat but actually we need the bucket for other reasons some very important reasons indeed and then we'll grab the second bucket over here trust me the exploit that we're about to do today the more buckets you have the better and trust me we're going to need a lot of buckets so there's another bucket there's a bucket with water there's yet another bucket on my the tutorial boat is effectively filled with buckets and we're going to need absolutely all of them anyway I think I've grabbed all of the fantastic buckets I can this tutorial area so we're up to the next one Oh My there's buckets just everywhere this is fantastic now buckets are really special in this game because when it comes to growing your crops you need a place for your crops to grow and what's better than growing all of your crops in just a simple household bucket or bucket yes fantastic but kids can grow everything from just regular hopes to absolutely fantastic tea leaves now in true tutorial style we've basically run through the level and just grabbed all of the buckets we can find now naturally I'm afraid the tutorial boat is about to explode and everyone on it is about to simply die what a shame but sadly there's nothing we can do here besides we're not interested in the actual story or plotline of this game because that's how normal people play it oh no no no we're only interested in the exceedingly important job of escaping the tutorial boat and also getting a large amount of tea there we go we've made it out onto the top of the boat and fantastic as we can see the boat appears to be under attack by what appears to be some kind of massive Kraken I do realize that in the tutorial area I did actually forget to grab myself a weapon which doesn't mean that this fight that I'm about to attempt is certainly not exactly going to be in our favor but you know what we might as well try some funky things and success we've defeated the tutorial enemies although it did cost us always the entirety of everything we had but you know what it's fine it is mostly my own fault that I forgot to grab any weapons but you know what it's time for us to leave this area as everything appears to be going pretty bad now this is normally the section in the tutorial where you would run downstairs and help everyone out but no no no instead we're gonna go grab that focus over there and run and leave everyone else on the ship too they have rather poor fate time to bail there we go we're gonna hop on the boat and away we go we're not playing a good guy here we're not helping people no no no no no instead we're going to be helping ourselves to massive profits ah success it's a berry burn boy awakens to find himself lying down on a beach now things might not be looking too good because we're effectively stranded on Island but don't worry everything is actually going perfectly fine now whilst you're out here running around in the world you might want to grab yourself this fantastic herb here it's called whisper wood you can find it basically everywhere in the open world and it's a pretty rudimentary basic herb as we can see it's worth about twelve gold each not too crazy but certainly worth more than a large quantity of garlic there we go we've arrived in the fantastic starting area this is basically called for joy it's a nice lovely little relatively free prison complex we're allowed to run about and do as we please as prisoners for the sole reason that there's no way off this island so they don't really fear any of us running off now when you're on the island what can we do if well of course we can do have a couple of extra buckets so make sure to make your way over here and grab yourself a bucket here and a buck is over here and also watch around this corner make sure to grab the yarrow flowers it's quite a valuable item and if you want to keep this entire segment of the storyline there now and don't worry I can show you something that you can do all you want to do is position yourself underneath this ladder and then deploy the chest like so and then click up here now this is an area of the game that you should not be able to access for quite a while indeed but instead we can just teleport up here using the perfectly balanced nature of this large crate which was some reason will allow us to face through most items so naturally you just want to pick that up oh and what's this a door that we can't possibly get into we picked the lock no of course we can't books our fever is too low well how else can we get in here well before why not just use a massive crate and of course if you want to go through that door or any physical object you can quite simply put down a massive crate behind you and face room boasts solid objects in this game sadly however we are not particularly interested in that instead we have some important things to do for example there's a lady over here who we can buy some herbs from now the reason why you want to go to this fantastic lady here it's because she sells one very important item that's right ladies and gentlemen it's tea herbs when steeped in water it makes a highly prized drink with earthy calming properties that's right ladies and gentlemen it's just in time for a perfect segue because today's video is 100 percent sadly not sponsored by York City but we really wish it could be York City the greatest tea in the entirety of existence just one refreshing drink of Yorkshire tea is enough to bring a skeleton to live and also to make him the richest man in the entire history of this game anyway we're going to buy the fantastic tee herb for a mere 10 gold my goodness if I held the only tea herb on the island I'd be selling it most definitely for more than just 10 gold now as important as grown tea years I'm afraid there's one person over here with an even more valuable herb than tea I know can you imagine such a thing exists and this is the legendary camp boss Griff the fantastic man has this item Hey Griff's highly overpriced drew Donny now this is one of the most expensive herbs in the game of which we're going to try and buy only one it's 546 gold just to buy this one herb so we're going to have to sell as much as we possibly can to pay for this sadly even if I were to give him basically everything I'm willing to spare we sadly do not have enough money to buy one of these herbs so we know what we're aiming for today ladies and gentlemen we're aiming for 546 gold and sadly at the moment we don't have it so we're going to need to find ourselves an open space where we can start generating our money for that all we need is a nice clear area you know this spot here should do nicely so what we're going to do ladies and gentlemen is we're going to start our herb growing Empire for that we simply need basic herbs like whisper wood yarrow flower and tea herbes and what we're going to do is open up the crafting menu and combine a bucket with tea herbes and when combined we get a tea leaf seedling fantastic that's added to our inventory right over here now we're going to get two buckets and combine it with the yarrow flower and do the same for the whisper wood we have fantastic stuff we've put all of our possible wood useable herbs into buckets so now we have four buckets which we can place down on the ground to grow things with so we're going to place our first one down here and that's what should grow now normally when it comes to growing things in games it takes a very long time but in this game for some reason because no one decided that balance should exist it only takes oh five seconds maybe maybe ten seconds maximum and so naturally we're going to plop down our Tea Leaf seedling the yarrow flower seedling and the whisper wood seedling now we'll also harvest this and get ourselves our seedling back and most importantly the bucket oh and look the tea has grown very successful and that's our first crop complete now instead of giving you back a bucket you will instead receive clay filled buckets and if you're lucky the plump will also drop a pre-prepared yarrow flower seedling so if you remember we basically planted one yarrow flower but now we have two over here and we also got a yellow flower seedling which we've just planted and in our inventory we have four buckets so for some reason by doing this because there's a chance you'll get a prefilled bucket with a seedling because we can harvest it from that we're actually going to end up with more buckets than we've used so far we now have five buckets when originally we only used four meaning this fantastical cheesy mechanic also has a way of duplicating buckets not the buckets are very valuable as the only five gold each what is valuable however are yarrow flowers as you can see we now have 75 Gold's worth of the stuff anyway we need to get all of our crafting oh and here is our next generation of crop as you can see we now have two tea leaf seedlings to plant five whisper woods and free yarrow flowers so naturally we're just going to place all of them down on the ground and our plant growing operation is now going to start really kicking off now if you actually run out of space to place all of your plants down don't worry you can actually stack the plants on top of each other and they will still grow so you don't actually need to move any distance really as you can just create an Eiffel Tower worth of tea leaves there we go those are all going to be growing so we're going to naturally farm all of these fantastic plants and get our second generation of crops in this process ladies and gentlemen hasn't taken as much time at all we've somehow managed to triple the amount of herbs we had in our inventory and we've also ended up with a bunch of proceeded buckets which means our bucket supply is also going to be duplicating all right let's stack our next iteration of crops on top of each other and we can see just how tall it is now oh it's actually too high very well we need to start another tower next to the existing tower and there we go we've only been doing this for a couple of seconds and as you can see the tea towers are actually looking pretty good indeed my goodness we could probably build a house out of the amount of buckets we've somehow managed to end up with and now to simply bring our crop back in again now I'm really certain this property isn't the way the game was meant to be played but actually this is surprisingly good fun is it wrong that I'm enjoying the game about literally just harvesting leaves for a bucket that's just how British I've is this the effect of drinking 700 cups of Yorkshire tea a day has on you who knows but I'll tell you what I certainly enjoy it fantastic we now have 18 buckets okay we definitely did not start with 18 buckets and the next generation of tea and very sober leaves are now going to go down so I'm going to craft up the next generation I'll get back to you once you've planted harvest number five and there we go the next is who tea leaves it I'm not quite sure how this vertical tea garden design that we've ended up with actually functions considering the angle it's actually yep but for some reason the bucket Lord says that this is not some kind of weird graphical anomaly until we have a progress even though we started with a limited amount of whisper word yarrow flower and only one tea leaf we've now ended up with 17 tea leaves 15 whisper wood and 20 euro flowers I'm hoping that this should be enough to buy ourselves a more expensive herb to grow well we're back ladies and gentlemen and we have discovered quite possibly the greatest find this game has you see move the fantastic update if you're in the full joy region and you stumble your way over to here on the map you'll run into this lovely pile of every single seedling you will quite possibly ever need you see over here we have a drum day seedling which is 40 gold by itself a whisper wood which is 13 gold a callous era seedling which is another 40 Gard more tea leaf seedlings and even a bolita seeding my goodness there's everything we could possibly want it and also free extra buckets which is downright amazing also if you're wanting to speed up your gardening process even more make sure to read this book here on the floor because it will automatically make you learn every single recipe you will possibly ever need to learn ah yes the true way this game was meant to be played it's going to be fantastic right let's get this planting operation ready now we have to do is harvest them all and so I've done exactly that and we've been given to Drew donae which each self of 200 gold each my goodness that's absolutely crazy okay this is where the money's going to be coming from right this is where we're putting our money into just keep on stacking those tea leaves there's honestly no such thing as too much tea in this world now the great harvest can begin it's absolutely beautiful I mean this game can be played in a whole host of ways if you want to play rogue who pickpockets everyone this game lets you if you want to create a massive fantastic wory hoop one hits all the final bosses you can absolutely no problem in doing that that's fantastic good for you however alternatively if you just really want to play farming simulator 2019 but you don't quite have the money or you don't feel you're German enough to play the game then don't worry this game could be the one for you when it comes to crafting you can actually kind of speed up the whole process by just crafting straight out of your food recipe list here so that's exactly what we're going to do my goodness 32t seedlings is the amount we have anyway first we need to get the drum day done and now the tea leaves oh my it would appear yes the rest of our inventory is just going to be flooded with tea leaves okay this is fine now many of you might be thinking spiff why are you making tea leaves this actually seems really negative because I mean tea is one of the less valuable herbs it doesn't sell for much money well that's where you're actually completely and utterly wrong you see tea leaves in this game if you find a teapot which you can run into a round act for of this game you can actually use that teapot to craft tea and of course once you manage to secure your teapot over from a vendor or by going down the story to act four then you can make tea and tea is very important because there are three types of tea the least important is that you can drink a tea which basically increases your fire resistance by 75% sure that's quite important if you're fighting people with flame for us but on a day to day basis not very exciting however the two cups of tea which are very important is one cup of tea which lowers the action points of all of your actions by one AP and then a second cup of tea which increases your max action points by one ap now to basically consume tea it costs you know action points but also the effects of the tea stack so if we were in say a fight and I wanted to use my fantastic crippling blow ability as we can see this cost two action points and books it costs two action points that means I can only do this attack once and whenever I do it it's going to cost me action points which could have otherwise been spent on doing other abilities or just using my default attack instead of a special ability but if I were to instead drink two cups of tea the action points required to do a crippling blow suddenly go down from two to zero meaning this is free and this is free and this is free and this is free and oh no we've broken the game yes cups of tea they're not just overpowered in the real world they're also overpowered in this game - isn't that right sir Barry bode boy yes so the rest of my inventory is actually just tea leaves at this point okay this is perfectly fine perfectly balanced and perfectly normal gameplay yes this is how everyone plays this game right just copious amounts of tea leaves well this is where we currently stand when it comes to a fantastic gardening based operation yeah it's kind of a lot of plants isn't it it's not too much though it's not too much you tell me right in the comment section if this was too many plans this is normal it's not a strange addiction at all is it now it can't possibly be you know Barry bone boy even though he's some kind of fantastic ultimate capitalist he also does like to share and this is probably the only time we're going to see him be charitable but I'm going to say for the first absolute fantastic six thousand nine hundred people who like this video sir Barry bone boy himself will share with you a single tea leaf you see once you sleep tonight sir Barry bone boy will be down in your kitchen and he's going to be preparing the greatest cup of tea you've ever tried using some of his very own patented bucket tea leaf brand now it's going to be a nice cup of tea not quite Yorkshire tea gold cup of tea standards but it's still gonna be very nice feel like almost every time I play a game which has a money-based economy system I always somehow find a way to turn it into a tycoon game just because tycoon games a great fun everyone loves a good tycoon game I mean the entirety of the roblox player base loves a good tycoon game oh my goodness we've done it we've hit the golden number of tea leaves the perfect majestical number of tea leaves Queenie are you proud of me yes spiff I'm very proud of your look at all of the tea yes this is the way the Queen tropics oh my Queenie you sound like you've got a bit of a sore throat at the moment it sounds like you could use some of the refreshing and amazing qualities of Yorkshire Tea that's right it's brand plug time time for a word from our sponsors that's right today's video is sponsored by Squarespace train power audible honey I think that's that's the one that mr. beast owns CS lotto the government of Albania and finally a huge thank you to our latest and greatest sponsor the developers of divinity original sin - thank you very much for donating a fantastic or they didn't donate anything did they no no they didn't right I guess we're just gonna have to go back to promoting York City not that they paid me anything anyway but they don't need to because they send me tea who needs money when you can get sent tea in the post by Yorkshire tea now that's real power we've got a ridiculous quantity of these plants now so I'm just going to quickly spam only the Drude RNA for a while until we've roughly reached our cap and then we're going to go off and try and sell them yes this is what I call my fort of absolute fun things look at it we appear to have made a castle out of military just organic based money remember this entire operation started with one single seedling which would effectively be worth 200 gold and yet here we are now with a fair bit more than this and also most importantly an unlimited supply of buckets the thing is you can continue this an unlimited amount of times and you have to remember that every single time I click I'm effectively pulling between 200 and 400 gold out of the ground in comparison to quests in this game you are not going to be seeing anywhere near that much money the most amount of money you're going to be getting in this game is probably from selling some fantastic boss drops but even then unless you have a high bartering skill you're not going to be seeing anything - fantastic and here we have it after that one single operation we now have 77 drawdown a that basically most valuable herb this game has to offer as well as also an absolute ton of seedlings which we can place down whenever we like and also this really awesome floating bucket I found just been having that anyway glorious success let's go see what we can get with some of this money and now we're back at the fantastic campus Griff who has a natural attitude to us of night meaning because of that we get a discount of 5% whenever shopping in his shop which is actually quite good but how do we improve the attitude so that we get an even better discount well we simply sell him an item for free like for example a single trade on a suddenly we now have 66 attitude meaning he'll give us a 20% discount but also the value of the items we're selling is much much better you see instead of this tank being worth only 5,600 it is now actually worth 7,000 of each individual worn being valued at roughly 92 so we'll give him that as well for free and BAM now we have maxed out his attitude and he'll give us a discount of 26 he absolutely loves us and so every single Dru journey is now worth 100 gold each oh yes please balance it out with some gold you know if I get five of those can I just have all of your gold and also your most prized possessions like say this cup of tea and this mug of water fantastic so we've cleared camp Boss Griff's inventory we've just a handful of her b-boys and as a result we've gained a significantly large amount of money but most importantly her cup of tea was I'm pretty sure we can combine a mug of water with a single tea leaf and we do get yep a mug of tea there we go fantastic no quite as good as a cup of tea but its effects are unknown letters consumed okay well it's hurt us so I imagine it has healing properties and consumed this one too okay it would appear that also had healing properties nonetheless fantastic tea has been sampled for some reason poor berry bone boy because he is a bony boy he can't actually drink tea for the sole reason that drinking tea actually mounts his insights even though he doesn't really have any insights you know let's go get some nice items with all of this fantastic stuff that we have ah he is a traitor with a nice-lookin sword now this fantastic man because we're also a fellow soldier is offering us a discount of 7% when added to our bartering skill which is very nice and this fantastic man offers amazing weaponry and items like for example this sword here which is relatively better than the sword we currently have and also a wacky magical wand but most importantly just has some nice armor which could upgrade ours or we could just kind of borrow all of his gold yeah I think we should do that right let's give him some tea leaves give me your gold good sir because for that I simply need to give you a free herb and now you'll give me even more discount and there we go with just five of these plenty boys which it takes us about five seconds to get we're going to once again clear out this trader for his entire gold supply thank you very much we'll be taking your 500 gold a lovely stuff and there we have it ladies and gentlemen I do believe this calls for the end of our fantastic tales of the legendary Sir buried bone boy the wealthiest and great individual in the entirety of divinity original sin - he's our hero who's found a way to glitch and exploit his way to absolute monetary success with a very tasty unlimited gold glitch which has effectively turned this game into little more than a plant growing simulator what an incredibly powerful being anyway if you've enjoyed this video and you'd like to show some support feel free to give it a like and hey hop down into the comments section tell me what you do with an unlimited amount of wealth in this fantastic world where you can buy so much tea as always a huge thank you to each and every one of our majestic patrons who make these fantastic videos all the more possible each and every one of you are fantastic we've had a lot of new patrons and we still have a ridiculous amount of old patron so thank you very much no matter who you are but how large or small your contribution has made a huge difference thank you very much and hey if you're wondering what video to watch next and look no further than this one on screen now it's been handpicked by myself to be perfect for you if you haven't already why not consider subscribing to become a member of the community the greatest tea-drinking and most spiffing community the internet has ever seen anyway I've been to spoofing Britt ladies and gentlemen and I will see each and every one of you in the next one good bye for now [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 3,150,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, Divinity Original Sin 2 Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits, The Plant Only Challenge, divinity original sin 2 plant only, divinity original sin 2 exploit, original sin 2 exploit, DOS 2, dos 2 exploit, funny clips, spiffing brit, perfectly balanced game, lets play, funny, comedy video, divinity 2, divinity original sin 2 plant only challenge, dos2 challenge, dos 2 challenge, rt game, british humor, eng, tree only prison architect
Id: Esi-nzPHigA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 44sec (1664 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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