Would You KISS YOUR COUSIN? | Would You Rather

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👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Ni-Xeris 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2017 🗫︎ replies
would you rather be a girl with a buzz gun I thought it said but cut at first I'm like boy what's a butt cut be a girl with buzz cut or be a boy with thick long curly hair aka hipster get out the man bun I'd rather be a girl with a buzz cut curve all cuz I like being a girl and I think I think both of us as girls could Rock the bus I feel like I would make a decent girl I think I if you need an example of what I would look like as a girl there it is right do you think I would make a good woman Jason Jason just walked in are you [Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to GG life chichi lives yeah show that show I thought that went off the air it looks so janky right what happened it feels like okay you actually feel like really other lads the background is completely empty it is rough man Steph and I got back from New Zealand and VidCon Australia which were awesome and we're gonna tell you all about that late on Saturday late Saturday Sunday morning we filmed four videos with the fine brothers because we're Stukas that gonna be no no the videos are gonna be great it's stupid to be like hey in less than 24 hours we're gonna hop into four shoots with you guys after a trap we're cuz the plane ride from New Zealand to LA is literally 12 hours so we're like we're gonna hop off a 12 hour plane ride and hop directly into an early-morning shoot where we do four videos I love that we have a perception that those videos weren't went well when actually I have a feeling they're probably like a disaster they might we might have done terribly and then we'll see well we were way Nintendo sent us the Super Nintendo classic yeah and which I'm super like I hold the box and I'm like oh my gosh look at all these amazing things in the Super Nintendo class like all my favorite games from like my favorite system of all time yeah we're gonna play that and then 30 minutes before the stream started we looked at like the requirements that like Nintendo's like before it comes out you're not allowed to do XY and Z not allowed livestream it until tomorrow so we had to do a last-minute shift and reversal and we're like hey what can we do instead would you rather spun it's one of our favorites yeah it's one of our like historical favorites what we figured we could just like hey spend some time talking to you guys since we're back and it's really good to be back and we love you guys so Stephanie would you rather make out with your cousin oh gosh I mean duh or wear cutoff shorts your whole life never taking them off well I never nude I never knew you like that dude the burden ever never-nude is heavy indeed I would pick a female cousin because it doesn't specify whoa they go in that make out with a female cousin I actually think that that's less even making out with a male cousin given my own orientation think think about it you picture like making out with a female like we are both heterosexual people so making out with a cousin of the opposite of the opposite orientation uh-huh makes it more I think real and icky then if it's like okay I have a female cousin we're good friends I could be like hey we're good friends hey I have this deal that I have to fulfill I don't make out with you I have to wear cutoff short for the rest of my life and she'd be like wow I understand we have similar body proportions because we're in the same family that would be a disaster I sympathize with you I will agree to make out with you for the next few minutes so you can avoid that Wow yeah absolutely Wow hands down would you rather have a lightsaber or have a helper monkey well I would rather have a lightsaber because I already have Chris I respect the dignity of Chris as a human being all right would you rather be a horse jockey or a NASCAR driver that's easy step ones horse jockey watch okay I would actually also want to be oh no actually I would go a NASCAR what yeah who are get out of here so being a horse jockey is being both of these is dangerous both of these are really dangerous sports but actually being a horse jockey is more dangerous and has more of an emphasis on you being small so I would have to give up you don't take to be a horse jockey and I don't want to do it you are small I would have I think I would have to be even smaller to be a horse jockey I'm in the manger I'm in the jockey rain I don't be honest your jockey ish um I am a jock um but I don't I I actually think that that would be more difficult also the other thing is I love I actually really like horse racing like like washing horse racing but in terms of how I want to inter horses I'm much more into like hanging out with them trail riding that kind of thing I don't necessarily want to be a hardcore trainer and stake my whole profession on so you ran out before so you'd rather do I'd rather be a NASCAR driver who owns a horse on the side you drive it for a long time that's obviously the sound of a NASCAR that's it all right would you rather be your favorite video game character or be your favorite movie character that's tough because it really depends on who your favorite movie yeah who's your favorite movie character but if I think about like the really cool movie characters that come to mind for me um Frank whatever his name is from catch me if you can who can blend in anywhere and lie about anything really yeah that's it he's awesome Jason Jason Bourne who has like ultra abilities and can fight anyone and get out of any situation and disappear off the grid like that's amazing and then that's not even getting into the Wizards the magical characters the you know I don't know princesses whoever whoever you want to be there's somebody out there in them in a movie for you and video games are awesome but I feel like the your options are just smaller I don't know you can be a night security guard you could be yeah there's never been one of those in a movie Oh cart an inky cartoon brought back to life chances are also if it's a well known video game franchise at some point they've attempted to make a movie of it and so you can just choose that same character you'd be an Italian plumber can I already am that's true I I'm Italian and I'm the one who plunges the toilets here when something goes Ruffy has great plunging ability it's one of myself but one of my secret talents actually I'm an exceptional plunger I can plunge see out of if it's close she will plunge it she will clear that clog in no time if you think about it like the pac-man's and Mario's of the world do have movie equivalents yeah so you could you could be Gandalf if you choose movies we were just in New Zealand is very relevant a no or Legolas yeah what hold Duncan walk on hold up no why would you ever want to be epic Gandalf okay so weary watch the Lord of the Rings movies while we were down in New Zealand and can I say I have a beef with Gandalf he's so brusque with charming why would he wanna make it effective wizard in history he does a little light beam that scares off the nazgûl he saved so many horses what are his magical powers he has the ability of light yes and the ability to create a scary spooky shadow behind me that's also true that is the extent of his power yeah he does exorcism he gets Sauron out of that one dude yeah he's your who blows frequently he he has fireworks right yes I already see him in battle his hair he could last as long he can talk to butterflies oh yeah and he can talk of the butterfly whatever talk to like small flying insects but dead will but when he's in but when he's in like battle what he's in battles you see him fighting with his staff he's not doing like who fire beam fire be hey weird that lizard no no Wizards there shoot like fire or anything that is kind of a missed opportunity and make an avalanche happen halfway across the world okay so if I'd be Saruman then what I'm saying though you in a tower and then and then flood it hot tape hot tank here on GT live coming back from New Zealand and Dolph is overrated oh he's gonna come after you there's a plenty of movie characters two-possession people also unrelated I just want to point out that I've been sitting here for the last like three minutes with people to ears been really exciting it's been like my own personal inside joke right now cyberdog 77 who said kirby oh okay Kirby is pretty cool and you can get carried around by an owl and be awesome yes oh you can oh and you could ride a hamster that'd be so cool Rick Rick his hamster buddy we don't are you familiar with Rick rides Rick I know you ride it yeah on his little hand yeah so I'm just blessed to see astok about it yeah samus samus is another good one okay so there are definitely some good video game choices I would dance - Rick I'm gonna answer Marty that's it there oh my gosh we can do a film theory game theory crossover is hamster Rick from Kirby that's right Rick Rick I'm a hamster Kirby would you rather be known as a racist oh no oh man would you rather be known as a racist or be known as a success yikes that's really hard that's really hard huh being either of these actually is offensive to everyone in a lot of cases oh yeah because if you are a known racist that's not just people of other races disliking you people of your own race who are not racist also dislike you I would rather be known as a sexist really yes what's it I don't have solid reasoning behind it but I've encountered sexist people in my life actually more than I've encountered racist people and I grew up in the South even so I've known both but I know sexist people who i 100% believe are sexist but i have to deal with him anyway unfortunately I think being sexist is actually more socially acceptable like it's actually a really big deal in Silicon Valley that women can't get companies funded women have like just an unbelievably disproportionate job ratio to men and it's like okay there there are actually some places where even in the US where being sexist is is like okay and while I would never want to be any of them I think being sexist is more tolerated than being racist I and actually I think I agree with you on that and that's actually why I was leaning in that direction to which again it sucks to say like me neither is good neither is the preferable option here and I agree with you I think that if you are a known racist more doors are shut to you but like you said sexism is just more as actually is actually worse employs decidedly acceptable which is what's soft and also being being a racist also puts you in direct fire to be like called Hitler called you know like associated with that kind of person we're being sexist is like there are a lot of people from even very recent history who were a narcissist and like it's more accepting it seems like everyone in the chat to like over wow that's that's a really hard question yeah that's right evenly divided 64 yeah but wins out okay alright a Futurama question here this is visiting Kent kiff is Zapp Brannigan sidekick oh so so for those of you who don't know dr. Zoidberg I'd be kids not hard so dr. Zoidberg is like the the hapless dr. crab is sad y not zoidberg Oh Kip meanwhile is like the backup the characters that Brannigan who's like the over-the-top like well that Brad so death is like they're like but actually he's really like he's completely capable he's super smart yeah and he gets the girl who gets the girl kind of for a little bit yeah are you HOT are you HOT for Amy a second would you rather have your fingers become hot dogs forever delicious have your tears be relatively acidic relatively what does that mean so your tears are just diet coke yes oh my gosh I need a refill and I don't want to go to the store more brands are coming over tomorrow for me that's easy for me that's the kneeling pair all the way I think about think I could do throne cute girls hairstyles in like four weeks of that thing be like hair is solely gonna trip over that think about how much time you're gonna send one you just you just braid it a lot and then you do like really elaborate updos all the time all those words all these youtubers coloring their hair whoa big change big chain oh be a Matt go bald go mohawk they're your only two options oh go big go pay what about some cornrows or something also giving it all so I'm calling out all those youtubers out there and I know who you are for like hey if this tweet gets twenty thousand retweets I'll shave my head and then you don't shave your head what are you doing lying to your audience come on man be like take the spoon of Marmite and suck it down good man glad I'm just saying why Matthew never makes any promises to anyone because he knows he's not cutting his hair right would you rather star in a cartoon movie or starting a live-action movie Oh a cartoon movie oh but live-action you could do like a like a what cartoon you can do anything you want and just live-action mean no CG because live-action movies are practically cartoons now that is well done shot hot hot - CG makes real-life movies much closer to cartoons than they appear to be it's yours it's right on the floor you didn't put it on silent suspected spam caller I don't agree stance did I answer it live on the live stream now like below spam caller hello ya know if they ask you to take a survey we have to take it as a group I'm kind of on the live stream right now who was it fidelity home insurance exciting cool good day you guys next time silence your phone okay would you rather do 10,000 jumping jacks without taking a break or two thousand sit-ups without a break oh there's no chance in all heck no heck freezes over that I could do two thousand sit-ups without taking a break for ten thousand jumping jacks there's no way come on like no no no no you two like skeptical guys when was the last time you did jumping jacks either of you literally every week it's the only way workout come and how many do you do do jumping jacks and how many do you do because I also do jumping jacks like maybe a couple times a week yeah when you do people do a jumping Aaron very excellent they're an excellent full-body exercise okay go do 50 jumping jacks and tell me how charted yeah okay all right we're gonna count for you good jumping jacks are a lot harder than people give them credit for if you do jumping jacks good on you because they are they are more difficult than you think one two 3 make sure you get a nice wide stance at the bottom how many you up to good ok keep going 21 you can try to be entertaining I think you got it 33 34 35 36 37 3 skip and skip is not impressed during this 41 see oh my god 15 5 6 7 8 9 now it's just covering up how irony is eleven twelve thirteen sixteen seventeen eighteen eighty one eighty two eighty four would you rather have a very attractive spouse that treats you badly who have an ugly spouse at it towards you wait wait [Applause] there's nothing in here that says you can't get divorced so why wouldn't you want to go attractive spouse and like ride the coattails off of their attractiveness until you can't bear it anymore and maybe grow a spine and then be like yeah just like learn how to deal the web and then you know you've done get out of that or you have an ugly spouse that adores you and then when you divorce that spouse you feel like the bad guy because roughly and they ignore are you it's just wow okay would you rather live a life knowing there is oh jeez one cow okay would you rather gene oh okay oh no okay this is a headache knowing there is a God and die to find out there isn't one live a life knowing that there's no God and dying to find out there is one Oh what why don't we end on this one okay all right big one okay we can't wait we can't like philosophize too much about this one but I would go all with red I would go with red too cuz then there cuz then there's a guy so so here's that here's the thing right I live my life believing something that ends up not being true yeah and then I die and then there's nothing like that that just is a smutty death scenario that just is that's just awful but if I live a life knowing there's no god but then I die and find out that there is one hey there's a chance that he might be at all forgiving God who's like hey you're all right I get it I'm kind of a weird entity you know hard to pinpoint like imagining a guy floating in the clouds of the big beer there's a lot of different there's a lot of different fan theories going around about me I understand well I understand that it's hard to parse anybody to figure out the fan fics so I get it you know what you're dead welcome aboard love the board heaven train final would you rather question would you rather watch a previous livestream of us doing the would you rather challenge or subscribe why would you choose you can actually do both first you should subscribe then you should go watch the oldest easy done choice made
Channel: GTLive
Views: 388,030
Rating: 4.9372678 out of 5
Keywords: would you rather, would you rather funny, would you rather gameplay, quiz game, would you rather jacksepticeye, would you rather gtlive, would you rather reaction time, would you rather online, react, reaction, funny, fun, gtlive, gt live, matpat would you rather, game theory, quiz, funny reaction
Id: RR8MsG1v1Eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2017
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