Don't Even Get Me STARTED!

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[Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to GT live GT live Thanksgiving week edition that would be more than one edition Thanksgiving week editions I got is Thanksgiving week special we're especially thankful for you know shucks I said then that were we're thankful for you say you're not thankful for me and Stephanie are you saying you are not thankful for me Stephanie Chris you know I'm thankful for you too I think you're doing it I think you're doing a bang-up job pa-choo I'm thankful for peep at you thankful for you guys Jason oh I'm so thankful for you Jason Jason literally sprinted here the gust of wind that just swept in as Jason appeared in the doorway and was like I'm here for my gratuitous praise uh that's because that's Jason of course I think where there's a you or there's empty meaningless praise to be had you can bet the Jason will be there I'm thankful empty me this praise oh man we're starting the debating early today just sad I feel left out it alone this whole stream is about debating and us being able to to debate our ways to victory I think we're getting started a little early starting on the first day you know what no one no one around me may appreciate me but at least I had can take comfort in my reversible theorist hoodie because it's you know what it loves me with both sides its two-faced but both of those faces love you it's hoodie fluid hahahaha it loves me with all its sides and all its being you guys loves every square inch of it can touch my body therefore the holidays is here and you should get it before it's gone this is our this is our beginning of the stream March plug so we have like literally less than 100 or some something like as of as of today we have like a few like a couple hundred of these dresses left and that's it almost the sizes have sold out we have we still have all the sizes of the reversible jacket which the jet the website like does no justice - which is why Matthew is wearing it today it's really it's Versailles it's really nice it feels like a sweatshirt on this side and then you turn it inside out you're like oh my god it started to rain and then you just turn it inside out and all of a sudden it's like the windbreaker like like rain water-resistant kind of jacket it's so nice it's and it's like I saw it's like we were like is it weird to have the windbreaker stuff across these no it's not no no it's actually it's really really smooth and comfortable and we love this stuff we hope you do too so get over there like because of the way it's selling if you want it for Christmas I would really like we don't pressure people into this kind of stuff but like if you want it you should probably order it now because the stuff is running out and we're starting to run out of sizes so if you wanted for Christmas still get in yo um and we're going to be like there's there's some cool stuff going on like if you're in the US and you order more than $85 the shipping is free so there's some cool stuff to go check out like promo codes and stuff so if you head on over there hopefully you've been fun links in the description baby yeah baby it sure we're thankful for Chris hey so shameless plugs aside we're glad to be back we're back from New York we were stuck on the tarmac for three hours when we landed in New York got into our hotel room at four in the morning on my birthday or actually that was the day after but if like so lamest birthday ever being stuck in an airline the entire day but that's okay we made it maybe we'll do it maybe we'll do a belated birthday celebration yeah we should we should just celebrate everyone's four things no one got to celebrate their birthday on the stream this year but that's so sad yeah awkward is that yeah that an awkward year I know I know we've all grown turn you're really awkward turtle year it's very awkward awkward Blowfish year you guys really awkward Blowfish we're excited to be here for the first three days of this week we will not be here Thursday and Friday because we will be spending time with our families we hope you will be too or friends or relations that you sort of tolerate however the picture lands for you this this holiday we will be here Monday through Wednesday and let's get started today that means that next Monday is a very important very big street oh you want to announce that now oh no I'm just hating to it now we're to it now I'm announcing it tomorrow's our game theory tomorrow don't you we have a very very special live stream your game is a very special law you're gonna have plenty of GG live company next Monday which we are gonna be hanging out we're gonna be hanging out a lot and it's gonna be fun you'll learn the details tomorrow and game theory and and then we can talk more about NGT life yeah okay so today what what are we doing today sorry sorry I've been kind of stuck doing video notes all day today what are we doing today Chris we're playing don't even get me started hear that hear that so that's basically us every livestream since it takes us so long to get started yes exactly we just need to ban it for longer this time this I can Viking van four days let me tell you a story about a time that I had to vamp first I can tell you I can vamp with a story about vamping Wow yeah there was this one time in high school where I was the host of the Medina City the the Medina County rock off it was a rock festival and at my local high school that I was the host of it all of a sudden that's when the whole East Coast power outage happened like guys the entire northeastern corner Chris you could take it I'm very calm I'll wake you up when we get had a massive blackout senior year senior I was most of the rock off yeah you can just you can just go out for some coffee I'll call you a northeastern corridor just gone and so here we are in a crowded packed auditorium full of people ready to rock their socks off and what am I to do you know that the auditorium is pitch black everything goes off and so what am I in to do did you kiss the person next to you in the dark no that would have been sexual harassment and illegal know what I did was them for the audience make jokes and kept everyone calm during the time of crisis until the generators kicked out was it dark I could go into more detail but I figure we should probably start the life was it dark what was everyone making just making out could you actually tell if they were paying attention to or not they were chortling with the best of them yeah no giggling cuz they were all broken out and we're not making out high school or even its da they were well-behaved high schoolers we had control over their hormonal impulses okay they were also you're not getting a job turn to the person next to you and start like locking lips like no no have some level of decency control your tongue as ladies and gentlemen thank you people Q not on no PDA I'm alive okay you know the roll people cheer should we start this live stream old I don't know what this is so don't even give me a start don't even get me started this Thank You fearest hat is full of well we're where can I get that nearly comfortable get it odd creator egg website which is linked in the description play of description good March ah this is filled with all sorts of prompts stuff like this one says Chris's artwork and whatever piece of paper we draw we have to defend that position so we have to defend Chris's artwork and then do I get to tear down Chris's art oh yeah it doesn't work is there a do I get do I get a robot is there a rebuttal a my rebuttal this so the conversation can open up how you want after that point and some of them are more vague so that one just says Chris's artwork you can go either way on that Oh some of them are a little more specific some might say Chris's artwork is the best and then you have to do that or is it just a hat full of you saying Chris's artwork is really good because if so that was a tenet of it so you're going to get you okay the fact that you had to fill a very high quality hat I know little slips of paper that say Chris's artwork is the bath is in turn a point against your artwork all right as we go through this you guys and as we argue our way to the end of the live stream you can hit us up on hashtag DC live on Twitter to tell us whose side you think was argued best and which side you came down on the end do that over there on Twitter hash AVG live or down in the chat which you are already oh so adept at using a paper drop oh I did drop paper thank you Chris's Chris's artwork in this case is very good oh it is scratchy chris is it's a mouth that has the superpower of shooting out lightning bolts which is very cool but not relevant to this topic okay it's very cool though it's like The Forgotten x-man who should draw first I shall draw first you shall draw first go for it what the belated birthday boy okay okay what's your position how working out is a scam working out as a scam okay so you're gonna defend how working out is a scam okay you have to argue on behalf of yeah don't even get me started okay don't even get me started on a working out is a complete scam tell me more I will tell you more cuz guess what working out is a vicious cycle Stephanie Wow work in a vicious cycle because guess what you know what sucks what starting working out the like after after like years of just couch time and laziness and ice marbling all of your muscle long sessions of popcorn with artificial butter at movie theaters and video games for countless a group of human veal and you know and you're all you're all nice and tender and juicy and read and fit for consumption but not all of a sudden you're like you know what it's time for me to get my life in order let me go to the gym and start working out okay yeah yeah that sucks that first time that you're at the gym it sucks right yes a bit right know what you would agree I agree I agree that that's a bit rough you know what's even worse what as soon as you stop working out you'll lose all the progress that you made when you first started it's not like whoa let me get progressively better at this yeah you do but then at a certain point life happens as it always does work happens you have a baby and the baby's like wow you can't leave the house with me no one's in the gym a lot after having a baby and then something some other weird thing happens in your life and apparently now the baby you can't go to the gym with the baby months that's a period of time where we were able to go to the gym with the baby and then I don't know what happened and then somehow we hit a dead end and no longer is that feasible at which point we're now back at square one Stephanie all the work that we had all that healthy body image that we had all the like extra three pounds that we were able to lift after months of lifting those weights gone we go back to the gym it's gonna suck just as bad if not worse than the first time we went there I'm supposed to refute this it's pretty plausible to me and it's worse because now you have the mental state balls look at how good I was and look at how far life aren't falling so not only does it feel bad physically but it also feels bad mentally because you are a failure you feel like a failure I used to be great and now I suck I know a shot is just gonna collect me crying and now you have to face how much you suck at doing those leg squats and that front crawl and that level 3 rock oh okay okay okay you're done and then you don't even get me started they charge you for water at the gym I charge you for water I mean what kind of scam are you getting pulled into at the gym working out that is the scale I'm getting pulled into at the gym Stefan okay so it's true all of that that you say is true that's the thing also guess what no no no you're done I have a few things for cuz guess what you go to you go to a building really thank you you actually believe this you get to go to a building you pay for the privilege to go to this building and what do you do at that building you lift heavy things guess what you can lift heavy things around you all day every day jason has been lifting heavy things all day as he works on like any string or so up jeez if anything I have to carry Jason guess what but you can paid for the privilege to lift our heavy things oh and guess what you could also pay for the privilege to walk on our endless sidewalk there is sidewalks outside that you can walk on but no let's pay for the internal sidewalk so everything you're saying is true thank you I win however again if you don't work out you're much more likely to get sick get diseases that come from being super unhealthy and die do it outside dude do the workout outside yeah I didn't say we're doing okay then you're then you're arguing that workout and working out is in this game because it doesn't say at the gym oh yeah I know working out in general just no okay then general general working but if you don't want to die you need to work out do you though or or do you ascribe to the theory there is a theory out there that human beings have a certain number of heartbeats available to them and that by accelerating your heart rate you are actually speeding your heart to its final destination of final heart beats boom dead no you know actually boom dead so I've heard that theory also but the theory science boom but this on the side theory actually goes the theory actually goes that you speed up your heart rate during exercise which allows you your heart to get better and more efficient at doing everything it does and so all the rest of the time when you're resting which is like 23 out of the 24 hours in a day your heart rate goes down and actually something good so actually I'm not a fewer hurting oh that's yeah for your heartbeat but how much of your life are you wasting in the gym okay hours I don't know one hour like the art okay so this one copper Travis I agree with debate champion thank you people I think agree with you reluctant artist boom dead I agree with you on this one um guys you should work out anyway oh it's not fun but you should do it you know what you should do what you should play Dance Dance Revolution which is working out but a game alright efficient efficient then wow look at this look at this great dad what wait who's our arbiter how do we decide who won and who lost the chat seems to agree with me Chris thoughts um yeah I agree there's Jay you sometimes games aren't about winning and losing you know sometimes we can all just be friends here I'll pick one ready but but I can't but I can't tell you who won and who lost because you know it's really about who's arguing their point okay ready I'm ready okay so we're actually debating this okay okay I don't know I'm ill equipped to argue this point it's not Harry Styles I really don't know anything about Harry Styles why why would you Chris carabine you're a relevant pop culture references that's added me okay our Styles hasn't been relevant for like years oh my gosh that is the debate topic if that's the debate topic is Harry Styles still relevant in 2018 I would I would argue not I would debate him if you would ever let anyone else talk it is unreal how you know like you cannot be quiet it's a debate Steph he who shouts the most and loudest wins I've watched presidential debates I know how to win you try to make a point and then I shout over that point and you can take this one you can monologue them no tell me oh no this is totally you my my prompt what I have this my problems is how slippers don't get enough love okay okay okay but like really don't even get me started because have you seen the slippers lately these things are amazing have you what was the last time you wore slippers at Halloween right and what was yes I wore slippers at home how we dressed as an old granddad as part of your old grandma costume because old grandmas are wise and what's the first thing you said when you put those slippers on your feet at Halloween do you remember what you're like oh well these are high soft yeah you know you didn't even say you said yes they're really soft you said these are incredible sure those were your words first time but an slippers inmate months perhaps years yes them on and he says Wow these are incredible because you know what our slippers are like shoes without the commitment of shoes if you have a house where you have to take off your shoes to come inside slippers are exempt you slip your slippers on it's like you're wearing shoes all the security of having something between your foot and the floor in case of Legos on the floor crumbs your cat anything slippers serve as as a house friendly and warm and snuggly barrier for your foot in all circumstances you can even wear slippers to bed you could slip those things under the blanket and all of a sudden you have like internal sub blanket toasters for your feet they are that's what they should just rebrand slippers what war one slippers are now internal sub blankets what was it internal something the blankets for your sub blanket toasters for your toaster sorry thank you they're amazing and they come in all shapes and sizes you can get the ones that look like boots that come to your knees you can get ones you can get flip-flops and slippers okay all there's a slipper for know I have like these bootie slippers with that that are like they're there in our house they've been there for years oh the ones that I got you yeah so that you can do boots you can do you can do like any form of slipper any style any color you can also slippers come in any pattern all of them are socially acceptable if you want to wear a leopard print wear it in a slipper if you want to wear something that has bananas all over it just put it on a slipper and all of a sudden it's like oh of course they can wear bananas on their feet their slipper is fine you can make them in any shape you can find frog slippers or little teddy bear slippers any slipper can I reveal anything and turn into a slipper if I turn the robot there's you already told me yourself slippers are incredible and if you can't back out of that what I can because guess what I haven't worn since Halloween dressed as an old grandmother you guessed it slippers I have not put slippers back on even though I said that they were incredible and you know why because they are an inefficient piece of clothes their own shoe ineptitude is not anyone else's problem and doesn't speak to the it doesn't think - how awesome slipper madam I have the floor early mark oh no you didn't let me get we're gonna bench wise it's over slippers are great there's they're slippers there's no coming back from this also a purse are redundant in a world in which socks exists no have some socks that are like more fuzzy than me yeah there's slipper socks okay yeah and I literally not a slipper the slipper in concept is fundamentally a flawed device because we have a more efficient more effective tool which is the sock this arm or they sell it for random slippered slip socks on your feet sure a slipper is not a sock that is a wholesome don't even get me started about how slippers slippers are soft I grant you that they are warm I grant you that but very frequently they fall off your feet because you don't tie them on you they are a sandal and have all the problems that come with sandals which are is this gonna be on my feet is it not I have to crunch my toes to make sure that they don't fall off on me sorry you don't have any coordinating my going on there am I going upstairs because they might slip because that's their names sake guess what no it's a shoe it's a shoe but it's a useless shoe it's not a joyful slipper is to keep your feet warm but you have sucks to do that and they're gonna hold on to your feet more effectively more they're gonna warm your feet more effectively they're gonna stay on your feet much more easily your argument is that slippers are useless yes yes your argument is that there was a useless however redundant after after we had ollie we went through and did a whole huge purge of a bunch of clothes and shoes both of us through through our closets and drawers and everything we went through several pairs of slippers that we owned including two pairs that are specifically Matthews because they're too big for me and I said do you want to get rid of these slippers and you said no I don't want to get rid of those slippers I like them why would you want to keep them if there's such a useless shoe you just decided to actively keep two pairs of slippers that I can't even wear John your own just ink it like you never know when you might need them but have I needed them no yes well that you humans are fallible sheep a lot of humans are fallible and keep a lot of clothes that they don't need and in this case I kept clothes that I didn't have a bathrobe do I ever wear a bathrobe no bathrooms are great too should we talk about that I think I want I would defend more slippers all the way I haven't won a slipper in four years okay that's fine suburbs are you all sad it says I haven't worn slippers in four years thank you Oh Hawaii represent over here from young if we learn how to walk in slippers and I have walked and ran many a mile in slippers 70s correct 100% fast clothing item of all time Ricky blueberry Fox just wants to be no cast who are no tests okay I think I won this one yeah shadow rocks step on glass with reverses socks you want ass leather boots at bottom a sore both good as your foil effort there's no difference no you step on a Lego in slippers that's protecting you not some Balthazar if stuff like slippers so much why is she not wearing them right now boom roasted wait wait you're not wearing them now don't matter bill roast it done done point proven rora 5.19 says socks are too thin to keep you warm and once they are enough to keep you warm then they get to the point where they leave imprints on your feet Oh slippers do the same thing if you want they do the same thing but what is this what is this doing for you look at me these are these aren't even like they have most of them yeah their granny slippers they're open to the world they're not even doing the affective task of keeping your feet warm done cushioning me oh this is the best okay here this is great alright give me that foot I won that one next I don't think you won mail Chris Chris oh really i that you should pick it up I'm gonna guide you with all the with all the slipper comments you've made yeah that you've you've it seems like you are of the opinion that slippers are pretty great yeah yeah just read your side okay man fine what you see Chris mosquitoes are essential to our ecosystem what is wrong with you Chris you want a repack yeah we pick that stuff beforehand cables a fork Chris you are so weird we're thankful for you Chris why rats make the best pets which side are you gonna take uh well I know that you had a rat Andy okay I'm gonna go anti rat you're gonna go anti-rattle anti right okay go for it I'm gonna go anti wrap you're gonna lose this one I believe this I like rats a lot I think they're pretty awesome but for the purposes Oh rat for the purposes of debate don't even get me started on rats being terrible pets cuz guess what they're not we are we are cuz what what use do they have in your day-to-day like none there are like a really small dog no yes wrong for what less maintenance tasks you you know you clean up their poop yes but without walks yes can they play fetch yes can they play fetch yes absolutely look it up right now YouTube videos of rats playing fetch it's totally a thing you can train a rat to do anything a dog can do are you sure they won't eat you when you die they know you're dead corpse but who cares you're deaf what a dog well your dead dog dog would dog wouldn't cat would a cat wit captain Matt would rat rat would captain rattle your when you're dead dog lover yes best friend proven yes they will know Chris fact-check alright no you don't have to you don't have to look it up Liz so what's the fact well thank you what your opinion the next our opinion stated witness veracity but I know from like news reports that a lot of dogs will just hang out next to the body for a few days hang out next to the body that's a rack and I hang out history buddy no it's gonna be crawling into your orifices and eat you from the inside house good like a big old flesh balloon well thank goodness cuz I love that rat and I hope he survives Wow on your own human flesh I'm dead what do I care oh you should probably care why if guess what if the Egyptians were right and the body is what you takin to the afterlife then that rat just ruined your bowels well we have a dog like yes like you said we haven't been going to the gym so it's not like we're taking much with us also they have gross sales and make obnoxious chewing sounds which you yourself are perturbed by I know you don't like chewing sounds and the chewing sounds of a rodent all night every night is probably gonna perturb you so it will be perturbed so the two things you said are true about the tale however I would counter that with the fact that look compared a rat versus a hamster hamster maybe you yeah maybe maybe slightly cuter and fuzzier a rat so much more able because their tail allows them to do stuff like balance jump swing from things they get they can do all sorts of stuff because of their tail no it's not the most attractive like feature of the rat but rats are actually incredibly clean there's nothing wrong with their tail it's just that it doesn't have hair maybe your tail doesn't have hair on it either woodland thinks you're ugly what is a pet for to pet yeah you know what I don't want a pet coarse hair well good because the rat doesn't half coarse hair it feels just like a gerbil or a hamster but it's this soft rodent fur you know a little now you know you know what didn't kill off ninety percent of the population of Europe say this is the direction I would have gone with this argument of yours rats in the bubonic plague that's correct thank you you know who doesn't have fleas that kill off almost the entire human race almost every other animal you know who doesn't eat rats anymore people see it wasn't about though it wasn't the the bubonic plague was not about eating the rats it was about the fleas that lived on the rats and that disseminated out into the world thusly guess what I want an animal that hasn't been established as the root cause of a giant massive genocide I'll play please it's not the rats but the rats were the primary carrier of the fleas rats are great we're not killing off all of humanity yeah sure but they were on the risk of killing off all of humanity how many cats and dogs have killed off all of humanity none I know how many please were they carrying probably a lot of a it's a specific was back during the bat black plague rats are actually awesome I was a co-owner of a rat or two with my roommate in college and they are actually phenomenal pets they're super smart they're smart yeah argue on this they're really smart they're actually nice they're really affectionate they recognize you they miss you they do are you projecting your feelings onto your rat Oliver I was a killing gig and he barely misses us we're traveling he's like you again whereas already I rat might be smarter than our child at this point that's probably true yeah and and they have names like like you're just going back by a rat most of the rats you buy in pet stores are hens sea rats so you're not just getting at home you're gonna go in order for me to have a rat that's acceptable as a pet I need to go above and beyond and get like the richy-rich rats yeah the Primo rats yeah primo rat I'll wait a way to tear the rat population Stephanie man some of us don't have money for fancy rats we can only afford normal raster love with Scabbers and guess what there's an r1 rats won't automatically rats don't run the risk of turning into an evil wizard who screwed over his friends and caused the rise of the Dark Lord this is you everything about that was actually a bit close and I think it's because people's just innate prejudice against rats rather Greeneville animagus might be a new show idea are you smarter than a rat uh uh let's see I do Animal Care and I love the rats they're cute and cool they love watching the drinks in their little bottles rats are just hearty thanks in favor I agree with I agree with Matt they're nasty little death carrying rodents says Shantay they're not they're actually awesome rat Pat says Talia vanilla not notice that ones I'm pretty sure he was have killed more humans have killed more humans than rats jerk but guess who's above when it comes to but when it comes to animals who have killed more humans I'm safe sure humans have killed each other no brutal like shark look great I don't think sharks of real jerks are making that big of a dent in the Cuban population their mouths are big they do make a big dent they throw off a third of the European population that's pretty significant just like I think I'm on this I think that was a draw I'm gonna I'm gonna reverse my hoodie again just to show off how great adversity was really nice wow wow wow whoa you just pull it and it becomes a sweatshirt oh my gosh that's amazing amazing it's really pretty really okay super warm all right why Jason is da bomb hahaha I'm going to modify this with the approval of everyone I'm going to modify this too why Jason is blameless whoa right right um no well maybe let's just see what I saw okay so don't even get me started on how the bomb Jason is because that's definitely an organic statement that I would make uh yeah Jason is tall which among some populations is considered a desirable trait here's whoa he is a light haired and blue-eyed well which puts him in a position to not carry on his genetic material very well because all of his genes are recessive that's true ah he's a very recessive man those genes are just waiting to get swallowed up by some brown eyes and brown hair he has Elenin is coming his way he has pretty good taste in shirts and sweaters Wow hiding I pause and compliments him on the shade of shirt that he used chosen and the way it complem his blue eyes and I do that in a not creepy way I swear he went through the best phase he did go through a best phase but that's not part of my argument for obvious reasons what else about Jason Wow I mean I'm swayed at this point I gotta say Jason writes very professional email if you've ever gotten an email from Jason it's almost like it was a stock email that was created by a machine because it's so impeccably professional you would be shocked they're human wrote the formalities my name is Jason and then some I complimented Jason shoes also a lot of this is ruling Jason is really kind and brought us back some tea from Ireland even though I think that might have been mostly Jen his wife I'm swayed I'm convinced no um okay in all seriousness Jason is awesome Jason was the first person we hired on our team to help us out in any capacity and the first person honestly that we trusted to like look at or touch the any of the channels that we have in any capacity and you would have you'd be like it's pretty hard to argue that we would let someone who was not really awesome do that especially given how unbelievably uptight we are in case you hadn't noticed what and Jason of course we're not uptight are we no true story the first week that Jason came to work with us we we pulled an all-nighter all three of us and Jason went to sleep at 4:00 a.m. in our guest room because he was just like there's no point in me going home then he got up at 9:00 and we kept working and that was Jason's like intro to working with us I like to think that compared to that he like he can't complain because we will actually let him go home to sleep sometimes he does drive like three hours a day yeah so so it's pretty hard to argue that Jason is not dabomb I think think about the best Stephanie I think about that was hoping that I wouldn't have to I was hoping we could just gloss over those no I you know like I can't argue against Jason I mean I can't argue against anyone who like works with us cause like we work really hard like we find we try really hard to find good people and there's a reason why like Jason and I go way back because back in the day you wouldn't have any friends maybe this is why I can't let people talk Stephanie because then they remind me of my crippling loneliness just showing off another feature of all the theorists that's not a really rare right now you can do this anytime really need to uh no but uh yeah Jason was always one of the hardest-working people at your old job which is why we brought him along to work with us alone and friendless okay okay Jason I know you put that one in there just so you could hear us talk nice about you you got your wish pick one how dear Evan Hansen is hard to figure out if you only listen to the music yes that's yes good one Chris wait wait a good wine way to pick stuff that's really general interest and Luigi is trash and it really appeals to everyone who watches a live stream that has mostly gaming elements okay cool let's go that's what that people are really gonna appreciate dear Evan Hansen what's this one on people putting the toilet paper roll on backwards that's the question can they put it on backwards yes what a roll in under your what is the way to put on the toilet paper roll ladies and gentlemen over it's clearly over it is clearly over there is no debate here they're great here Chris it's always over you don't care our monster people who don't care just need to pay attention in life and actually like notice things because under makes no sense what do you do over there no sense yeah you to reach behind yeah when you do it do it reach around those scoop under whoa no I ain't doing that for my toilet paper no it needs to present itself to you over the top over the top ever said that this was a debate is clearly wrong like under down under mega crash DX I hope you are not serious my friend it's just under sound a like terrible I like under sometimes woah why why not if you like to get freaky in your own time that's fine but the rest of the world is going over my friend over the top lime-green techno there's a whoa Jason Jason's not here he just arrived are you all good toilet paper are you over on your yo thank God cause otherwise we would have had to brick and let you go you're having to fix the toilet paper for you all the time or something what is going on in here I have the time it is literally like a five-second Oh No all that stuff we took that actually everyone goes out and take a bath you know what is that you if you don't care about the way the toilet paper is rolling it for other at least for other people you might be a sociopath I'm gonna call Shane Dawson he's gonna come out here and interview yes I know what I bet he talked to Jake Paul he would also probably put the toilet paper backwards the same do your fellow babies are about Chris's artwork cheese many of your fellow man the privilege of caring about the way the toilet paper hangs ladies and gentlemen for you right here today I feel genuinely and passionate about this and it is Thanksgiving so I feel like I feel like we should have this discussion turkey neck it's just two words it's literally Turkey but I know exactly what it means because turkey that we had this debate in the office like what or last week we were all just a Griffin we were all just sitting around at lunch what am I saying we were all sitting around lunch and then we were just talking about like what what do you like to you like dark meat do you like light meat when you're having your Thanksgiving turkey and I remarked being the weirdo that I am that I love the turkey neck the first thing I eat every year Matthew can attest to that if you're the test it I like the neck it usually comes back stuffed inside the turkey you have to pull it out and then cook it you've reaches into the innards and Yanks out its neck I think a lot of you don't know eat it and it is such a shame if you have the opportunity to go for the neck this year straight from the neck go straight through the turkey neck okay so here's the argument you guys the turkey neck combines the best part of the white meat of the turkey the dark meat of the turkey and the skin of the turkey get and it's the easiest to get right honestly so the flavor of the turkey neck is richer than like the white meat but it's the neck so it's really close to all the white meat as a turkey that's like on the top of the bird no this is a fact actually I disagree with it counts as white meat what the breasts of the turkeys white meat then rose it's close to that it's right there so it's the winner but that doesn't make it any less dark meat so is the thigh yeah we're away from the which is much farther away from the neck is your thigh closer to your neck then your wing turkeys to half the same general are you're sure the neck is it like sandwich somewhere on like the side are you actually has no idea how it's like eat them before I can actually observe them wait they're so big so the neck it's white meat but it tastes a little bit better than white meat it actually tastes kind of like I'll let in but doesn't have that like brine enos or whatever of dark meat it's actually really good and then you cook it however you took your cook your normal turkey doesn't even matter and it comes out and because it's really thin because it's just the neck it's just like a little scrawny neck the skin is always crispy you never have to worry about like oh is it crispy is there overdone is dry whatever and no it's perfect every time go for the neck I'm telling you you won't look back go for the neck I say nay don't waste your time on the neck because if you do guess what the plate of needle has been passed around and everyone else would have gotten all the good stuff first choice of dark meat first choice of the white meat and what do you got you got like a little thin nasty tube that doesn't have enough meat to really sustain you and is literally like five bites no no no you're eating it it's like a corn on the cob except less satisfying because there's no like real stuff that comes out of it well I'd watched you for many years now gnaw on your neck I've watched it at the beginning of every Thanksgiving meal I sit there and I observe you not on your neck and I see how little bit comes off of that thing and it is like very little me so you guys like it's like the equivalent of like a rawhide dog bone it is actually human yeah awesome have you also noticed every year on Thanksgivings that I take the neck and then I take my two slices of white meat because you need supplemental yeah sure but that's the thing is it's not like it's not enough to be satisfying so it's so like why get all excited you're gonna go back for three or four servings of Turkey anyway why not make this first serving give yourself a little something extra special it doesn't deprive you of any other part of the bird you're just taking doors that know that I realize is amazing by the time the bird is passed around and it comes back to you says that Matthew argues every year that we should get like a 20-pound turkey for two people for reference a 20-pound turkey is designed to feed like 25 people okay we have done that you have done the survey on your Twitter they all agreed with me you have asked your parents they have agreed with me everyone agrees with me that larger turkeys are better especially if it's a frozen turkey because it's kept in juices that artificially inflate the weight of the bird and so when you actually like dehydrated and go get it actually becomes a much less substantial bird boom proof done Macarena my point being is that you're not gonna run out of Turkey so you're talking about oh there's gonna be nothing left after you pass the bird around talking about normal people who have normal families and friends who actually want to see them during the whole apparently though the majority of Twitter agrees with that you should weigh over by and you're good not over by because they're dealing with people who actually want to sit down and have a Thanksgiving meal with them as opposed to us who exist in crippling loneliness bottom line is turkey neck go for it it's so good you will thank me on Black Friday not worth your time not enough meat largely unsatisfying go straight for the juicier more meaty bits all right think your wife into something wine is people are just excited about the Macarena Macarena says charity hoppy Jonathan's soul gem says Matt Pat's write em stir one two three says yes MARPAT which I'm assuming is a vote for me 40 pounds baby Derek says Darren jr. Lily hopes as vegetarians unite look look it's a delicacy it's a delicacy you gotta savor it not stuff it in your mouth like the other part says rish agreement the neck the neck is amazing says nay ani I knew it I knew that you guys were out there I I knew that you guys were too smart to fall for this stuff gift Thanksgiving is not about savoring the flavor Thanksgivings about a shoving meat down your gullet so you kiddin so you can flesh out your own neck gah Cindy Wilson says thanks Steph I will try my bday is tomorrow so just make sure you don't like fight all the way through there is there is a neck bone in there just make sure you peel the meat off in the words of libido mapache the neck is phallic-shaped not a positive or a negative just a fact hahaha I agree okay next point here the neck the neck is best oh my gosh I'm seeing so much support for this what is it oatmeal is the perfect food go ahead argue argue against it you mean go ahead are you know you have to OD argue that that is wrong disagree wholeheartedly make a case that oatmeal is the best food is the perfect that is not the road there's no way there's no way I would rather make of the argument that the turkey neck is the perfect food okay I I think I can make an argument for this one do you want to so do you want me to take that one let's swap okay fine don't get me started about how awesome oatmeal is you guys being John sit down next question all over all our meal is is oats it doesn't say how do you need to prepare the oatmeal it just says oatmeal you can prepare oatmeal a ton of ways I don't know if you realize this do you realize how many ways you can prepare oatmeal I don't really care because it's gross let's start with the first one this cereal form which yes looks like snot it looks like snot has the texture of snot how has the flavor of nothing and yes it has the flavor of nothing yes don't even get me started about flavor really no point think about this you guys oh oh meal is healthy and a lot of healthy stuff tastes like garbage right this is a healthy thing that tastes like nothing it's not what you mean it's not aliens which means that it's a canvas for whatever you want to put on if the food pyramid taught me anything it's that oats are part of the grain section oats and grains and those are the things that make you fat they're complex carbohydrates with an etouffee with you all day in other word or if you're not going out to work out because guess what working out as a scam then all of a sudden they stick with you for years and give you love handles that you're embarrassed of in your 30s and that you're afraid to take off your shirt in public so oh me oh this this delicious blank canvas of a food wow-p you can depth think about you can dress it up with chocolate fruit so 8 years 9 oh you're saying and the food that needs other foods to make it actually decent it accepts all foods as partners and friends don't want if you don't want sweet oatmeal which is also totally fine you can take oatmeal and put it into lots of other recipes you can make granola everything anyone out there like granola anyone granola in any form guess what it's made of oatmeal oatmeal and OH what do you think are you feeding oatmeal do a horse you know do you know how you get you know how you get oatmeal by adding water to oats and other stuff right oatmeal is not just water and Oats oatmeal is that I'm not pouring water on my granola and magically getting oatmeal that is you bupkis it's an actual table with your what you could and you would be eating oats soup not oatmeal no it would take you a while but it would become up you don't bully I don't care it's true so if you know it's like pour hot water onto a cereal and you bunk it and you cook it it will eventually become a meal with whatever is else is in the granola that's not true right Chris I honestly don't know she's lying don't believe it this is Laura NOLA for the granola for the win oatmeal is delectable it tastes like nothing Logan white oatmeal is not delectable if it tastes like nothing you the point you can use oatmeal in meatballs and meatloaf people use oats in meatloaf I love oatmeal yeah yeah ok is great yeah are you saying it's the perfect food the perfect food think about all the food that you've ever had I mean you're gonna say oatmeal is the optimum food the perfect perfection personified when it comes to things that you want to shove in your mouth and taste on a regular basis for your own oh it's yeah for your own nutrition see here's the thing the perfect food yeah in an ideal world all then give you complex carbohydrates that stick with you and make you fat no actually it has it has no it has no other nutritional value outside of complex carbohydrates yes you I'm telling you you can add anything yeah oh you have to add garibai meaning that it's not perfect a perfect food does not require anything to be added to it it is perfect on its own like you are positive do I need to add anything to you in order to make you perfect while fine you're gonna put a cup alright don't know but I think perfection I think of you Stephanie and I don't think of oatmeal as you all right you are not o --t meal you get to pull out that card once that was very well time fine I'm perfect I hope it was not I'll admit it this one time uh-oh meal is not the Stephanie of the food so no so I you know I do think that I do think there a lot of Mara Stovall I like oatmeal Matthew does not like oatmeal I will actually order oatmeal and restaurants and stuff like for breakfast Matthew would never do would never let he would like that's a crime I'm wasting a meal it has no flavor that's how you add cinnamon and and then it becomes like a 1 ha getting all weird to me because they're like this is apple cinnamon oatmeal and yeah try it and it tastes just like apple cinnamon no tastes like those moist innards of a blanket every time I like everyone has all good really strong peanuts you little like I love oatmeal or I hate oatmeal I think this one is a pretty good draw actually cheese is the perfect food I think there is a case to be made for that I could say cheesy me alright oh wait am i picking I know you know you chose that I didn't though what is this one we're doing a lot of food ones here black pepper is of the devil okay that's just obvious we can't argue that lets ain't no party like a Hawaiian pizza party pineapple and ham that's another food should we do different one are there any non-food idea there are a bunch of nuns okay well they just happen to be stumbling across one why skater life is the only life what is this the night sure sure what is this like I let me bust out my air walks okay and my junk oh jeans I'll I'll I'll go in for this one people don't even know what skaters are anymore neither do I that's why it's gonna be fun okay so so don't even get me started about how great skater life is especially if it's spelled ly Fe I think that's the appropriate they appropriate educator it with light now k8r skate to her life now skating gives you lots of opportunities to glide effortlessly across a very like whole slew of surfaces whether its wheels wheels in in groups of four or in linear groups of three whether it's a word form yes whether it's in board form whether it's those weird boards that are sort of like an inline skate except it's a board or whether you're ice skating which is something I'm terrible at skater life is the best life think about how accustomed you get to falling over your so well practice test falling over by the time you get good at skating you could just you could fall down anytime anywhere and be totally unfazed think about walking through life with that kind of confidence being like I could trip and fall at any moment just completely wipe out and I would be fine with that you know what that's a moral for life nicely it's a you fall down and back up again you're never gonna keep me down just like another very topical very relevant song by Chumbawamba something I get knocked down but I get up again you're never gonna keep me down like a skater indeed this very relevant references followed closely by Avril Lavigne's skater boy the other cool thing about skating the only other one that I can possibly think of is that there's a specific type of shoe associated with your activity that identifies you to the whole world as someone who may potentially run them over on a skateboard at some point in their life that the air walk yes well I don't know a lot of business I know no I thought I was thinking Vance oh I think maybe it's become vans yeah so air walk for a while so vans are the number one universal symbol of skaters unless you were really in the 90s and then it was these like really impossibly wide pants that you couldn't actually skate in but people wore them anyway and then and then even if you are not a skater but you're like man I really wish I had a family of awesome friends who were there to pick me up when I fall down because I only imagine that's what your skater friends have to be doing all the time you'd be like wow I can just daun this pair of skater of skater shoes actually these are fans of skater shoes these are not skater shoes are these are bands and I could be accepted into the world the world family of skaters well I don't know if that applies to ice skating it a lot of that was beautified there you go those I know you believe it now but you know I had air box as a kid because I was really excited about having air box I thought the style was cool they were black and white they were very cool and everyone in school gave me a hard time because they're like oh you're a skater I'm like I have no idea that's awesome what do you mean right is that meaning you skate through life with naya care in the world then yes I am a skater you know what Steph wins forget being a gamer all in on that skater boy all right sk8 r ly fe I agree with step-step 100 I agree well done I give you a handshake well done I cannot skate in any form it was beautiful you know what if I aspire to be like anyone it's the like group of seven hooligans on a college campus who was right outside the Student Center they were the worst four hours a day would try to like jump off the stairway and try to land like on their boards like they didn't even try to flip the the skateboard they were just trying to land off of it and they couldn't they just fell over and over again and I'm like this is the most this is an effort in futility but they weren't afraid of that okay were there to pick them up they will laugh at them whatever indeed hey beautiful all right we got a turtle war war would that I was a skater adjacent just Jason no you're just bragging sorry did a Jason look hot enough Jason for the day thank you I'm digging deep into this very robust hat available now playing Christmas songs before Thanksgiving which side are you taking uh I am against it darn okay I guess I'm for it don't even get me started on playing Christmas songs before Thanksgiving ladies and gentlemen it is the holiday season right now we're all in the holiday spirit we're all looking forward to this Thursday and Thanksgiving here in the US and elsewhere in the world they don't care less because they can't celebrate pilgrim slaughtering a bunch of Indians Native Americans but we do here in America it is a time-honored tradition for us to sit down and be thankful that even saved us when we almost died so that we later could take their life Thanksgiving that is the holiday none of our ancestors were involved in that by the way we were part of that like immigrant rush in the 1920s we missed this whole true we missed all of it my motto - whatsoever Chuck hashtag don't blame us not not our here I just I blame Jason crumble hashtag blamed if only was Jason him and his Irish he looks like he's descended from those guys either that or the Nazis oh my god no no Jason is known Jason is Irish Jason is Irish he is the embodiment of the Aryan race though it is it is worth calling up no just saying just see poor Jason because we are going lowered a bomb yes yes oh okay playing Christmas songs before Thanksgiving it should be outlawed should be made illegal because guess what the holidays are so short as is why aren't we giving each and every holiday its own individual time Thanksgiving is like the middle child of the holidays everyone gets really excited about Halloween everyone gets really excited about Christmas and the other holidays in the December and Thanksgiving just gets plowed fast but Thanksgiving dare I say is the most important of the holidays because it's the time that we'd step back with our families and reflect on the goodness that we have in our lives yes sometimes life is very hard yes it is very stressful and life is a challenge but Thanksgiving is a the one time of the year the holiday that is specifically designed to sit down take time to reflect and be thankful for all the graces that we have and so for us so for the radio stations and for people out in the world to start playing Christmas songs in the November lead-up to Thanksgiving they're just plowing their way straight through into their their steamrolling Thanksgiving what is perhaps the most important of these holidays they are steamrolling this important holiday and guess what there aren't enough Christmas songs to sustain that much air time prior to Christmas there just I can only listen to walking in a winter wonderland and chestnuts roasting over an open fire and Irving Berlin so many times before Christmas don't get me wrong I love hearing those Christmas songs but I will say that once you've heard them 10 or more times because there's only so many Christmas songs that you're excited to hear every year then you're just done then you're sick of it so not only are you ruling thank you big conclusion ok so not only are you ruining the Thanksgiving holiday but you are also by proxy ruining Christmas you are ruining two holidays by playing those songs too early I rest my case ok so I would agree with you except for two things one is the Nightmare Before Christmas ok what hear me out The Nightmare Before Christmas is a blend of Halloween and Christmas sure in order to appreciate Nightmare Before Christmas fully you can't start watching it in December you have to start watching it around around the Halloween season like a 65 minute movie when does when times are you walk like I'm knocking time out so here's the thing you guys are watching around Halloween cause it's mostly based on Halloween however there's a strong Christmas component in that movie I would argue that Nightmare Before Christmas sets the precedent for the ability to play Christmas music as early as howlloween because you have one movie that item Burton over so come on this is the beginning this is this is the entree into the rest of the argument so you start off the holiday season with the Nightmare Before Christmas which you watch at Halloween and it inevitably you cannot watch it without hearing Christmas music and it's great Christmas music and you're like oh my gosh it's Halloween I see Christmas on the distant horizon I'm already kind of excited are you hiring Christmas music in the movie itself yeah yeah in the movie so and you see Santa and it's magical and Jack is like what's this what's this and you're like Christmas it's Christmas Christmas and and you get really excited about it and then and then you're leading up to Thanksgiving okay you're done with Nightmare Before Christmas you're like okay Halloween's over I have to find something else to bridge this gap what is their Thanksgiving know there's Thanksgiving but there's no Thanksgiving music Thanksgiving if it were responsible holiday would have a repertoire of music around it so that anyone had the option to play Thanksgiving music go and try go and try to play Thanksgiving music what do you get nothing because there's no Thanksgiving music available to you it's not it's not the people are bringing in Christmas music too early it's desperation to do something with Thanksgiving and it's total dearth of musical opportunities there's no singing about turkeys there's no singing about pilgrims and and on top of that I think that be able do a great job of introducing the generic holiday songs before Thanksgiving that could actually apply to that holiday for in since from pencils a travel arrangements front lay we're on like Pennsylvania or whatever for some a whole yes pumpkin pie yes but classic one from Pennsylvania folks are traveling down to Dixie sunny shore fun oh no no no no steer traffic is terrific it has the word pumpkin pie in it there's no place like and we know that's pumpkin yes yeah that was like one line over there's no place there's no place like home for the holidays it specifically references a pumpkin pie that's the kind of song that you play before Thanksgiving you're not even yet no one's wasting their time with pumpkin pie at Christmas you have cake you have other stuff at Christmas pumpkin pie is very specific to Thanksgiving automatically making that song appropriate to play around the holidays a raw along with lots of other songs that would be appropriate winter wonderland chestnuts roasting on an open fire none of those mentioned Christmas Santa is nowhere to be found why not put those in the lead-up to Thanksgiving where there's total crap like otherwise you're not gonna be listening you're just listen to the top 40 there's no there's no Thanksgiving music this is the only thing to fill the void I rest my case those deep maybe it's cold outside it's cold in November yeah don't even get me started on baby it's cold outside being like low-key creepy stalker rape song technically speaking jingle bells as a Thanksgiving song says Dominic see I don't know where he's getting that but I'm gonna buy it all right there we go hey Dan Kennedy Slater says no thanks can't get much later okay I mean make out on this one oh I like that one in Canada we hold our shop you see it's sorry stuff Matt one this time what no no come on edgy 101 Steph you realize you just ruined your own argument no how did I do that I did not okay yes so it's it's perfectly acceptable to play Christmas songs before Thanksgiving because a lot of them aren't even Christmas specific they are potentially applicable to Thanksgiving and there are no Thanksgiving songs and exists expected you click on ham there you go okay uh I think I won this one no I think I Cour des the chat I did Steph wins sorry Matt Sisto long that's wrong haha Steph where are the official Thanksgiving songs is basic minor right where are they you know for uh perfect the guy who wrote Friday for Rebecca Black right also did a Thanksgiving song mm-hmm that my former office like back when I was working at one of them CNS they actually had one of their talent sing the Thanksgiving song that was supposed to be as bad it was as bad as Friday like his specialty was writing bad viral songs so I'm so bad that they would go viral and our office was involved in that Thanksgiving songs Wow that's safe didn't go anywhere you're right maybe if it did we could sing that one before Thanksgiving but we can't I won that one the chat agrees no I I saw that one stuff that's all the way Matt one step okay yes that wins Steph they both won Steph there are Thanksgiving songs where are they I've never heard of Thanksgiving some meatballs is Julia Chavez you're only selecting the ones that I lost it all right this is she big last one what is it why owning your own chickens to never buy eggs again is genius I was the last one I wrote I was you're like are you still on cold medicines and joys of pyromania I think he's definitely still uncool gonna say are you sure you're okay buddy do you need to talk I'm great how long the finale is taking to make don't even get me started cheddar cheese on apple pie that's an interesting one you're not walking look at that one why people are erroneous Lee insist that Philly cheesesteaks are the best eating onions like apples what you've arrived slower than the speed limit should go to prison I think you should argue this one okay just for fun people should pay Dwayne the rock Johnson more money ya know what his muscles are big they need maintenance how Pikachu was overrated me good the emoji movie Pikachu's overrated how Pikachu is overrated okay all right Wow Wow go for it that's hard go for it that's hard go for it I don't know if he's already I haven't think about it is Pikachu over you doesn't matter you have to argue that it doesn't matter if you'd rather do the fun if I don't play Christmas music before Thanksgiving I'm not a monster jeez that's great you know don't even get me started about how overrated Pikachu is right we could all agree that he's just a glorified yellow rat yeah yellow Mouse who has electric power his powers aren't particularly good he's not a very versatile character his evolution sucks it's it's like him but less cute and less useful the only reason people give a lick of the only reason people care a lick about Pikachu was because it was the main character in the anime that's it if it had been squirtle I've every one would love squirtle if it had been Balthus or everyone would love Bulbasaur any of those characters are interchangeable with Pikachu basically had they made any of them the main character of the anime now all of a sudden that would be the number one character so Pikachu's placement as that role is completely pointless okay those arguments okay good let's go starting with number one you say the Pikachu is just a glorified rat we've already established that rats are awesome that they're just like dogs but they're easier to train and require less maintenance so Pikachu being a rat puts him in the most advantageous position in the Pikachu Animal Kingdom man if only he used more than one attack all the time he only needs one attack here's the thing if you have electricity in your tail and you can zap people it literally means you can attack anyone anywhere unless they're wearing like like tires on or their ground Pokemon and the anime has to rewrite the rules of Pokemon in order to correct for the fact that you only have one style of attack which is electricity here's the thing every Pokemon is going for the horn Pikachu oh yes wrong incorrect everyone's going to have a certain strengths and weaknesses there is no Pokemon that's in everything Pokemon like dark steel are so overpowered relative to everything else but they're still in a balanced universe they see their psychic is always been like way too overpowered like they've tried to balance psychic over the years but like psychic ghost dark steel like all the kind of odd ones that aren't like purely elemental where they're like we don't really know if this should be stronger or weaker than the other like all too overpowered this is if Pikachu were like totes Opie he wouldn't be a likable character he actually needs to have a perspective a power set I'd like an application the man makes them overpowered incorrectly the anime automatically gives Pikachu like the be-all-end-all deus ex machina of every episode because he has the power of love I mean yes you're right which is stupid love is stupid no no if you're arguing that people arguing that Pikachu is overrated you're arguing that love doesn't matter we're arguing against love is that what you're doing are you arguing against no I'm saying that every Pokemon can have love with their trainer and that Pikachu is completely interchangeable is any other Pokemon out there so you argue that Pikachu is interchangeable however you want to see ash try to put a Bulbasaur on his shoulder right around like the Christmas episode um it's double acute and adore it's not it is Pikachu balance it like regiment of any innovative design power and cuteness and like sort of ineptitude but ash is even more an F so actually Pikachu saves and most of the time like Pikachu rides the line of I'm powerful enough to like be there for my buddy but not too powerful that you hate here's the thing all these kids who are raised on the Pokemon anime we're like man I can't wait to get my hands on a Pikachu then they played the game and they're like oh I got a Pikachu I'm so stoked and then they tried to use that Pikachu and they were severely disappointed cuz guess what he is useless for a large percentage of the game and especially early game for a love especially like during gym one where like he's fighting against the ground against Brock like they're like wow in the anime if I just like electroshock onyx it works just fine but no in the real game where the real war rules exist because you get smacked down by onyx I think he gets in a bind and cannot escape here's the thing done all that might be true all that might be true but have you heard Pikachu is a bang-up detective yes I've heard that see I've heard he's a good detective see there you go case closed which does make any sense no not at all no I I can't reconcile that with anything I've ever heard about Pokemon or whatever it's okay super important pad wavy it's a movie he's got a cute hat all right you may have won that one cuz I don't know much about Pokemon it's alright it's fine admittedly I mean really yeah the thing is in a suite of 700 plus creatures that you can choose from to selected the one that is like the tenth Poland print it's a goofy it's a type it's tough it's a goofy okay what do you think I think we should I think I think that one's a day someone to go out on you won that won fair and square I admit don't get you is overrated I guess I don't know yes yes the probably moderate fine okay we're back tomorrow we're back tomorrow same time same couch we will be here will be here with a really cool announcement as well yep tomorrow there's a new game theory tomorrow there's a new film theory tomorrow it's a big day game theory and film theory announcement here on JT live and hey merch is available get it before it's gone it is selling out pretty fast yeah it's selling uh there's there's yeah stuff is going so if you want to do it for Christmas order it now it's guaranteed to get there for Christmas and everything and you just want to like that stuff you always wanna be safe with a brother than sorry coat especially the dress yeah the dress is like like you don't like it you're probably might be gone like at the end of the day today Oh today so if you are a female looking for a nice soft hoodie dress go for that it reeks no it's not it's fine also odor absorbent Oh movin on but not know it doesn't but but it doesn't it's actually this is really nice and soft but I can wear it a lot yeah drink up the jacket is really awesome it's great everything is like you guys everything we love all the start we hope really do okay really high quality all right we will see you tomorrow yeah we're gonna see you tomorrow far collect p.m. Pacific time be there or not be there check out a new game theory check on the new film theory check out the new GT live tomorrow we'll see you then and remember that is just a stream alive a stream thanks for debating alongside us let's say goodbye in the chat waffle fries our curly fries stuff waffle fries too hard waffle right they're so good all fries oh it's myth says nah but you should be ready girlfriend which is odd Brooke Gibson says bye Lizzy amazing seventeen says first midstream great cool
Channel: GTLive
Views: 169,829
Rating: 4.9476352 out of 5
Keywords: don't even get me started, jenna marbles, challenge, don't even get me started jenna julien, jenna marbles don't even get me started, jenna and julien, challenge games, jenna marbles podcast, jenna julien podcast, logan paul, food, i have a confession, whisper challenge, matpat, game theorists, game theory, gtlive, gtlive don't even get me started, youtube challenges, don't get me started, jenna
Id: laAn7UVNB9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 37sec (4597 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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