So BAD It Hurts! | Try Not To CRINGE Challenge

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Alright here we go guys. Is this a YouTube video and three minutes to artisan challenge Sorry, hold up whose - who started this challenge perhaps Joey Joey IME Mouse ears No, I think this is gonna come straight back up like this Oh No Hey guys Matt Matt here Stefan, I wanted to let you know that we miss all of you We've been spending the last few weeks hanging out with our new little theorist Oliver and having a great time So we appreciate you being patient with us being a parent is hard work as we expected But we're learning the extent of it and it's been taking a ton of time out of our days But we do want you to know that we haven't forgotten about you and that we're eager to get back to streaming soon I'll be popping in for specialty live streams at the end of the weeks and then stuff will be back in the hot seat at The beginning of September in the meantime, though I wanted to let you know that we launched a brand new merch just in time for back-to-school there's a lot of really cool really fun stuff available that stuff and I worked really hard on from backpacks to pacifist or genocide run shirts - it has become my favorite pair of socks that I own because they're so soft and comfortable even a Pop socket and a journal and heck if you don't like what you see this time We're offering you a patch that you can use to make your own game theory merch it was really important for us to make sure that there was something for everyone in this merch put so that wherever you are if you want to show off your theorist pride you Can and coolest of all there's a treasure hunt hidden within the merch one or multiple of the items We'll have a clue to this real world Arg to get you started But don't worry if you don't want to buy anything or you don't have the money you don't have to in order to participate Just team up with a friend who does get something and you can share the clues with each other online this whole thing was designed To bring the theorists community together in an effort to solve a puzzle that we created. So I hope you have fun with it I had a lot of fun creating it and this one's a little bit easier But I didn't want to make it too hard for the first time. Trust me If you guys enjoy this the next one will be a lot more involved Oh And I should also mention that you get a free pin and free sticker for every order that you make so that's even more cool Limited edition stuff that you can get so I think that's about it Holly is actually crying in the other room, so I should probably get out of the closet now But we'll be back soon grab that merch before it's gone It's selling fast, especially the backpack and the journal So if you're interested in those click filling in the description right away, we're at about like 50% inventory on everything at this point So it is disappearing off the shelves fast So if you're interested in any way shape or form get it now and also you'll get it that much faster Anyway, I'm coming Holly. I miss you guys. I love you guys, and I can't wait to see you soon All right. Enjoy the video. Hey guys, and welcome to Gina laughs Gina Our new theme song it is Judah no, no, we just like that Jutted Our voice is exactly as you hear them right now are going to be just like they sound in the intro cringe Consolation. It's what we're doing today. We're in it for For the cringe not for the laughs not for the smiles. Not for the heartfelt sentiment We're in it to cringe so our challenge today is to watch the compilation that Chris put together Which honestly is just cringe we're gonna be yeah, he could have just put together any old choice Like that's any work. Chris does like so our challenge for the day is to watch the cringe compilation that Chris put together and not This is not moved to face. Ya face. Shall stay neutral. Yep nightmare time even a muscle in your widow's peak twitches in a cringe like way dun dun X X Like like The X Factor you're booted off the stage. No golden x free-weight x's are bad No, x's are good or bad x's are bad x for you or like x-force from Deadpool Selena Gomez totally in control of me. Yes Let me tell you why first I'm head over heels in love with her. Okay? She came along with my life right when I needed her most Third she's a very loving and caring woman for God's me and has never told me wrong yet It's like she can read my mind or something I don't care if she can Love has no bounds. So I awfully don't care what you all think age difference goes Thing about this can kiss my you know, what? I'm concerned. This is Jay Hareton how I feel about this? Thank you You're welcome I find declarations of love to be beautiful moving in fact my eye my My right I might have cringed a little bit really Yeah, I feel like I didn't cringe I felt I felt very neutral that will time I may have done like an intrigued eyebrow raised. Is it like a Really? I think I did create I think as a girl this creep This may have creeped me out a little bit more than you. Ooh Gender did it's pretty it's pretty cringy and also pretty creepy Well, I was gonna see that no, but say and I I agree. I think it's creepy Yeah, I definitely think it's creepy and the fact that like this guy. I mean he's basically Stalker level. Oh, yeah obsessing. He believes that Selena Gomez wants to have speaking to him I guess through her songs, maybe through tweets and That she can also read his mind That's weird that he's okay with that, which is also weird. Yeah Yeah, have you never had a guy do that deal? The worst I've had in terms of declarations of love was declarations of love through poetry which we've gone over online We've done that we've read we've hashed through that by algae blossom. Yes, but y'all been yeah that so So that that's really cringey. That's really cringey but video declarations of love in with like skinny, mike gray background and and like 30 year corporate button-up That's that's a bit bruised I am a bit concerned about his lack of a ted-like the lack of concern he has about the age Difference between him and Selena Gomez - Selena Gomez also like no bounds, but it knows some bounds There are some bounds that it knows it knows it knows a few bounds actually about yeah Maria Gomez she I was also going to say that she always she has a young face even so it accentuates That kind of age difference. It's just Not sure about no Scale of 1 to 10 cringe 10 being max cringe one being puppy dog. I'm gonna go in for a 7 on Wow Hi on this one. It's it's Weird to me it was less cringy and more creepy. So I'm gonna give it a 4 Wow or 3 what's a pretty big difference? Yeah, it's a big I'm up there. I'm I'm sticking with it I'm a solid 7. I know I see the thing is I'm not cringing when I see that video. I'm calling like protective services Video I'm cringing and then calling protective others with it. Say I'm going straight to the other. Alright next up Today What's them to tell a challenge is really after that's free no hands or Forks That's all him to tell us Three minutes Sorry, hold up who Started this challenge, perhaps Joey Joey a yummy Mouse ears one. Yeah, Joey. Why would you start a challenge in which people have to eat? What I'm assuming is an entire jar of Nutella I mean minute Nutella is really good, but I don't want that much in that short amount of time No, I doesn't keep doing that now nice not ready why this is gonna be my new thing I'm gonna be like, hey guys, get ready. We're gonna launch the next video You ready Great, like it's so easy What what is he hoping to accomplish with the finger points? Is he his? Well, he's building He's building anticipation. Maybe that's what I'm doing too. Right now. The anticipation would be better built if you didn't keep pausing the video It's also weird that he doesn't look at the camera while he's doing He's getting in the zone man. He's about to eat a lot of Nutella You have to really get into the right mental space for that Dance now That you're I'm about to eat a lot of Nutella. I am about to give you tella dance. That's it I look like that before I eat Nutella - let's face it. I get really excited anytime I get to eat it That's also how I look after I eat the Nutella because of how much sugar there's a lot of sugar in there Well, like a cream those hazelnuts are not offsetting anything. Yeah the chocolate hazelnut ratio very skewed in one direction or if not Still like the hazelnuts not not doing so much good It's healthy stuff It's a like I wish I I wish so much that that were true because I love Nutella so much here Let's play. All right, let's get started with the video Maybe he's not gonna do it. Oh, that was it No, that was a twist Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. Oh it is thick like it Looks like a plate. Oh, oh No It almost feels like it's I'm sorry you ugly I know I can't miss I can't really tell if he's Serious about this like these reactions and stuff are so overblown. It's hard to tell if he's Very clear. The mouth noises are said oh You don't know about my Boy oh this is a rough one for usually this is like not gonna be of everything you hate I think this is gonna come straight back up Oh No It doesn't get better from here in case you want to skip to the next clip, oh no That's a gift from me to you cuz I cuz I knew stuff was gonna have some issues with this one Do you do you need to walk it off I need your ballot bailout You can tap out you could tap on this is this is like a ten here. This is like a ten I'll obviously I'm gonna leave my ten and just walk and just walk out of Three stephanie has had to bow out. I will I will kindly I'm just waiting here from the sidelines. I'm fine You might want to close your ears, darling like This is this. Okay. Looks like it's just me and you looks like it's just me and you be but you know Yeah, I know P but you doesn't want those mouth noises they head out oh my god Rob oh my god. This isn't even I try not to create. This is try not to have nightmare. I know I know Alright, well, if I didn't think there was anything that could turn me off of Nutella You don't understand how much I like Nutella what I'm really afraid of here is that it's gonna come back up Oh, I just, you know just really afraid that that's where this is all leading Absolutely, alright go for it. Here we go cover your ears Once more into the breach. Oh And you still decided to post it all Oh Yep Yep Yep. No keep down buddy. Are you? Again, are you play acting for the camp? Are you play acting for the camera? Is this a parody? I? Am just so confused about everything that we just launched. I'm also very concerned Oh I'll be but you hold me Hold me in your 11 years. Did you make it through? Yeah, okay sending was it as like Chris like today. Did it come back up? No, I mean there's a lot of saliva and juices everywhere But as far as like I'm actually vomiting up you tell I didn't really see it. Oh geez, oh, you're going to do a spoken word for us now, right, right and Tell me about the year. You're just a free staff. Okay, I'm just gonna pick it up. Is there a staff? No, oh No can word. Is that freestyle poetry? Yes. Oh no Oh, no It takes two things that people are bad at improv and poetry and puts them together. Yeah you sir I'm predicting or no Eminem battle rapper Like and even if you are like a lot of times people have thought about this sort of stuff in advance and have liked Stuff pretty well prepared. There are people who are amazing. Absolutely and some of the hip-hop artists. So we're out There are are some of the people who are legitimately the most amazing people at this craft and it is so hard Like I can't a matte like it's it's so hard which is why I'm so skeptical of s's This is a concerning video. Oh, geez. Okay. Okay. Okay, Marshall Pope, okay The struggle I mean look at this, he's got all these books neutral face your face. Here we go Well, let me sit back. Go ahead Marshall, okay? Years ago, they tried it years ago. They tried to put me in it You can't cover the cringe I see it I see it I can't like it's it's it's so much more awkward than I expected. I can't tell if it's intentional No, I didn't know no ease look at it This this look right here is please Save me It's I said I was gonna do this I've started Twice and I can't he's looking to the coho the the host of the show to like end the same that me I like Make some comment, but she's letting it hang there. Oh Okay. Oh Look at her her face her face just like something from your book. Yeah Well sing that was good those that was unplanned that was actually improv, oh they're So coordinated so baby good high fives today. Okay Wow I Mean she eventually saved him but she was not picking up on the cues early No, she I mean she knew she knew how bad the situation was she I think she was just Look, honestly. No, I think she was trying to give him time to save it like like if he's gonna save it I'll make sure he has time to save it, but he was not There was no that was the saying I wish that Wow I wish we saw the sentence before this to see like what led to this challenge Did he like? Did he just outright say I'm amazing at this and he she's like, okay show it off for us now, right, right and Tell us what we're about to hear is just a freestyle. Okay, I'm just gonna fake it. No, no. No, this is really pre-planned Yeah, he was supposed to do this. She's like you're going to show us your your skills now, right? Like this was this is the next part of the segment. We're gonna move to it like a good interviewer she's she's prompting him to move to the next thing and Then he's like yeah, you're gonna hear me sit in silence for a couple of Years ago, they tried to years ago. They tried to put me in it Like how could you not come up with anything like I don't care hearing into the camera Look at look at how intimidating that camera is. There's a lens right there. Look sure Oh intimidating. Hey guys. Yeah He couldn't even finish a set. Like I know years ago. They tried to put me away like finish a sentence or so I thought me years ago. They tried to pull first. I thought they were like I thought it was like he was putting it to you. Try to put me Years ago they try to put right and look then man. I thought That's what he was doing it first. And then I was like, oh, no, he's not He just can't he just can't think of the end of this sentence No, and like he couldn't come up with anything and he couldn't say because you're totally right I thought it first to I'm like, oh baby's vamping. Yeah Like years ago, they try to years ago. They tried it like right good. Cool go. Oh No Mom spaghetti just filling in and this it like years ago. They try to mom spaghetti bombs per game. Haha Word to your mother. That's that's a vanilla ice. So you just rip off everyone else ice Oh then look look man Please save me. Please save me And he just gives up like he doesn't even Did you want to try to read something from your book yeah And she's like this idiot man will look on her I love actually watching her her face is great during that whole segment. She's like what a moron, that's what That's a nine Cringe for me I give that like a solid eight or nine. It's awkward That was so uncomfortable because we're talking public TV. Even if it's local TV doesn't matter why Yeah, it's live fool. You're just like GT live I mean we've had some pretty cringe-worthy moments on GT live, but we try not to set each other up for freestyle poetry I mean even we know better than that. Well, usually it's like, you know, we're innocent. It's a different context right for us We're like being goofy and fun and like a lot of times when we fail that's part of the joke It sounds like a very serious author. Yeah, he's like, you know, I'll show you how good I am is this and then oh, I felt like I was puking up Nutella. Let's get some way. Oh Yeah Oh No, there's there's a verse I Don't understand why this would be fringy video I'm dancing So, okay, okay I have a couple of thoughts about this video. I have a couple of thoughts about this video too. Okay? Thank you first so on the one hand is it? Objectively is this video cringe cringe tastic? Absolutely, absolutely it's Absolutely However, I will say that a manager presumably this is the manager of all these people a manager in a place like You know in a big store that employs a lot of people Who's willing to stand in the middle of them under fluorescent lights and sing and dance a parody song? about Walmart in front of all of his employees in whatever attempt that is to inspire them is Amazing kudos to that guy hundred percent. I great great manager I actually agree a hundred percent like I'm like, okay, this is one of those like stupid things that companies and jobs make you do Kind of like awkward and kind of stupid. Yeah, but like He was committed. Oh, yeah, he was so committed. It would have been more cringy if he were only half commit Oh, yeah, he went in on it. He was like I'm doing the chorus. I'm doing the verse I'm stomping I'm clapping and I'm doing the whatever this thing is at the end of chorus. The chorus was scary I'm like, okay then just doing like we are we are Walmart again. We're doing our little cheer. We're ramping ourselves up I respect that but once he's like young man young woman young man, you're gonna push your carts all over the place. I'm like Okay, this is where it starts going off the rails a little bit us fine Yeah, um, no, but like that being said so like the sitch Yeah, it's a cringe-worthy situation as anyone who has ever been at a job has gone through well Yeah, I'd like corporate motivation. It is by its nature cringe more terrible and yes, when a manager starts freestyling a better freestyle in the previous video freestyle and Oberst in the middle like okay the Propensity to go really wrong but their hearts in the right. Yeah it hearts in the right place You know and they like and it works it worked like the the chorus Works with we are we all work Walmart and the verses Kind of like he got through it and it wasn't like time and it worked and and like in a bigger context to like anytime you have a Any kind of hourly wage job where you have to you're in retail you have to deal with angry customers all day you have to deal with like Bureaucracy and faulty computer systems, whatever whatever you're dealing with it Walmart Which I'm sure is a ton of stuff that people deal with if you walk in at Like the beginning of the day and you're in a bad mood and someone does this you're gonna smile like you're gonna feel better About whatever that with your work. Yeah Yeah, it's gonna give you something like man that was stupid to me Yeah to make you smile and make you laugh like that theorist pep rally that we had I know I know. Well there's a bonfire it was great. We all saying we are we are theorists we Chris and Jason and maybe We Mira see that's not to be freestyling right right that was amazing Let's continue with the crane uh-oh inside out. Oh no. No II what's good maybe The movie really is amazing My girls were completely engrossed by it when we were watching it cuz it really does make you feel Like you're inside this 11-year old girl In a profoundly wholesome way Good save good save good save That was fun. I enjoyed that I yeah, it's it's funny but like That was well done. The thing. Is she knew that she had to save it It was just once I could the thing is no you could see the pop the pause. Yeah that she took was her deciding Better to gloss over and ignore or better to save. Yeah. And so yeah, and then that just made it worse Yeah which was and the longer she waited the more she had to go towards save and So and also with with her personality and her style of comedy she had to go in that dress. Oh boy. That's great That's really funny. That was funny. That was funny. She's great. Yeah, I like her Favorite like Female like sitcom actress. Yeah It's been good to see her like in more movies - she's she's awesome. Yeah. Oh Man, that was fun on a level of cringe I don't know. That was maybe like a six I'd say that's like a five again. It's live TV Yeah, and it's I mean, it's awkward, but it's just a moment It's not just ended awkwardness and it's also that sort of stuff that I intentionally try to set up here on the live stream So, you know that's like par for the course on YouTube Used to keep them warm Sorry, I'm just wondering where this is going cuz I love cash cash that was one of the most brilliant like Gameshow ideas out there. It was such a weird creative thoughts right cash caps. Lovely. I have no idea where it's getting I I don't know how this gets Funny this is funny. I thought that his take to the camera He was so excited. He's like that. I know this word. Oh you don't Okay That wasn't really cringey. That was just like that's just funny I thought that was like a 1 cringe because here's the thing like henna hentai. It's close enough So you don't want to mix those two things up You don't want to walk into a place and be like, I want a hentai tattoo that is Later I Told you I wanted he's like, yeah no, I Classic hen and a hentai tattoo. That's great You're stuck with it you're stuck with it. Oh, that's funny So anyway, that's it for today. Hopefully you survived the cringe I would say we survived the cringe s barely just barely You tell Never gonna tell ever again. Thank you guys so much for watching and you know what stay tuned on the channel for more cringe-worthy content and some stuff that probably isn't cringe-worthy - although I mean I was gonna say that you know what you're signing up for over here. It's true. All right, that's it See you guys next time and remember That's just a video a video on demand Thanks for watching
Channel: GTLive
Views: 285,449
Rating: 4.9521198 out of 5
Keywords: try not to cringe, try not to laugh, try not to cringe challenge, try not to laugh challenge, you laugh, you lose, you laugh you lose, challenge, reacting to, reacting to vines, reacting, reaction, pewdiepie ylyl, try not to cringe compilation, cringe compilation, cringe compilations, gtlive, game theory, game theory live, game theorists, gtlive try not to, matpat, gtlive try not to cringe, matpat cringe, matpat try not to, gtlive react, matpat reacts
Id: _EfB3yHtvgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 58sec (1738 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 08 2018
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