KIDS ARE SO MEAN! | Kindergarten (Part 1)

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that's a mop Oh target on your back so it is you're also mopping this sidewalk I'll be mopping your is this where the murder comes in I'll be mopping your blood off it if you don't get at all and there's a game over I owe ya push it push it I don't want a skit at all I'm a man of my word yes you're gonna kill me oh oh and he just moves closer to bash me [Music] [Applause] [Music] and what is love baby don't hurt me don't hurt me no more is this live this is life hey guys and welcome to GT Live coming to you live from New York it's Tuesday night on GT live hey you might notice a absent person on the couch that person has been taken and raptured up into the place that we all knew that she was meant to be like she's taking on the role that she's always meant to have which is omnipotent being controlling this stream isn't that right Steph I am still with you in spirit and in microphone and in mic tell tell me your wisdom old gods death subscribe anyway today we're playing kindergarten in what you play in your average everyday kindergarten except for a twist there are murderers running amuck and I guess that's what it seems like to me so you are a kindergartener who faces the omnipresent of death at every turn and hey if this is a channel built on anything it is a channel built on the murder of small children as we know it Safin a franchise so this seems like a match made in heaven at 25th Hanabusa says a quick little doodle was one of the few that actually caught live and loved it from tattletale thank you so much that's amazing also we beginning a lot of fan art from you guys oh you've been reincarnated as a human being welcome aboard she's back in the saddle slim shadey slim Shady's back are you also just like wait you are the real Slim Shady please stand up so nugget let's let's bond with nugget nugget I told nugget I want to be his friend nugget says what is it what's your offering the only nugget I care about is chicken yeah hey ol author I'm offering I only have French I'm gonna ask what offering you must offer something to prove your friendship to Nuggets friend offered barbecue sauce truly make him complete gonna dip you know you're gonna get dance maybe that's why I'm gonna say maybe that's like you don't have more friends what a jerk expecting me to offer him stuff perhaps but nugget does not make the rules nugget only follows them now please present nugget with your offering I'm gonna say I only have fridge I only have French I only have friendship nugget hey perhaps that is all nugget needs you may have you may have Nuggets nugget it signifies our friendship I don't keep your nuggets to yourself buddy I just I just want you know I just want like a hearty handshake friendship hug I don't know I don't want to be handling anyone's Nuggets whoa yes I know this is weird stuff happens in kindergarten stuff you start your learning about the body staff yeah like your elbow your nose and the guys and girls are different ear Bob you're Bob Bob I hole ear hole mouth hole maybe we should keep going and and and maybe avoid talking about your your kindergarten do not consume the Nugget of friendship for with its digestion so too is our friendship digested okay well I won't nugget thanks good not gonna see you later Fred oh nothing likes me no more talking now shoo okay but can I can I move okay there we go thank you girl probably about what happened to my brother Billy I haven't actually was he shoved into an animatronic answer B this were you at a pizzeria in the last week have you heard of my famous disappeared brother my name is Lily I'm gonna be a child star oh you missing a few days ago see me is just jealous of your newfound fame and popularity okay man already already we have like the Divas of the school no thanks for the tip maybe they're all murdering people are you I'm assuming you're Lily my boyfriend Oh Lily I'm already being offers from Cindy to be her boyfriend so she's a woman oh do I want to be her boyfriend heck yes what look she's got look at her rockin pigtails I like to hear will totally be the cutest couple in school first you do something for me we're gonna be totally a power couple Cindy and Matt pigtailing with the best right look she's bullish she's totally gonna be the popular kid in school she's like the mean girl of school he'll monopolize all the duplo's it'll be hard to Legos and DUPLO no duplo's they're different have you never done do clothes they're separate they're different from Legos but they are basically their block they stacked yeah but they're the bigger ones for little orchids easily don't try go to a five-year-old they'll die you think of endure Billy mystery solved guys theory confirmed Billy choked on a Lego and then was shoved into an animatronic by some guy with purple skin who done got scoop pelvis out oh he'll miss first are you going like what Lily she's by far the ugliest nastiest girl you'll ever meet I want you to take this gum and stick it in her hair during morning time morning time morning time yeah you go for love look at those hot pigtails I'm going all the way oh yeah this is gonna be so great she'll finally go to deserves just like her brother did for to jump oh oh oh no Billy come find me for morning time after you've done what I will I will find you for morning afternoon and evening time Cindy hear what I'm doing haven't you heard his disappearance totally stole the Thunder from my dog biscuit going like if everyone just cares more about him than they do about me oh man I screw the dog I care about you Cindy yuck that's why we're gonna stick that gum in Lily's hair during morning time come see me after you've done it I will absolutely do that Cindy anything for you okay my planner was updated so before I stick any gum into anyone's here let's see if I can get any more information here I'm Monty if you need something come talk to me odds are I can get it for you for the right price oh so he's our Bert he's like already been delayed look at this guy man kids grow up so fast these days huh what I entrepreneur what I need and what I sell changes throughout the day so come see me often other than just morning time I bought if someone pointed out in the chat by the way that Lily not Lily she's like she's bad very astute observation commenter at it's Justin Cindy kind of sucking here I want to buy something what we got here here's what's for sale yo-yo cigarette try to follow along here Monty we're going to find you here voice work Oh voice recorder screwdriver and never mind ok ok I want to sell something I can sell I have gum and a friendship it's empty gum and a friendship I mean I mind here was moral dilemmas that you face right already I'm I'm Jerome I don't think you're cool enough to talk to me whatever jerk finds thanks Jerome let's let's talk to my well-endowed teacher right it's like whoa although it is worth nothing oh wait no she's very open about it as it turns out oh I have been willing down no and that's all you have to say what teach me something really think back to your kindergarten teachers what other impressions did you really have I had the rag fired one and the straight haired I did not I did not have any impressions about how well-endowed baby had the pretty one and the old one that's what I remember from my kindergarten class for us they were all actually for us they all looked like this Apple very well they were all yeah also for this being a small indie game and we just give a shout out to the jiggle like it's like a metronome like a metronome like not being gross or disgusting in any way shape or form okay maybe a little bit metronome significantly metronome moves keep in time oh it was in time with the music before shoot now worry did they really look like her or are you just really small by comparison to their chest region at the time was it just like tiny matpat oh how you doing there Sonny don't mind the old janitor here just sweeping up after you silly cretins sweepy sweepy sweepy that's a mop so it is you're also mopping this sidewalk I'll be mopping your is this where the murder comes in I'll be mopping your blood off if you don't get at all and there's game over I owe ya push it push it I don't want a skit at all I'm a man of my word yes you're gonna kill me oh and he just moves closer to bash me in with [Music] don't you died don't take the janitors warnings lightly amazing Wow you have died your friends have died all your family has died let's uh Wow let's start this again alright so you're well you restart pay up here I'm gonna go grab my friendship now get to it Oh of all your staff and we'll and we'll go from there oh well branded it more says oMG which is the appropriate response to what just happened that's amazing um you like our arrow says sure you're not all great let's see r.i.p billy he said samantha ceiran let's see cool ather Numis says r.i.p chat anything I say gets swept away not true totally found it scooped it up scooped it up in my little Dustbuster of chat comments let's see this dream is for mature audiences only says Molly Ripper maybe a game about kindergarten only for mature audiences right music seems appropriate to our usual live stream overkill janitor oh dang it got real they've got one of them he oh it's you know it's also worth noting and I do want to call this one out the fact that he killed me with the the stick end of his mouth the mop man it's a he killed me with his not like that's a brutal death you give him a weapon he's really it's intense so here we go I'm gonna I'm gonna stick gum in her hair okay I do it I wanted you I wouldn't you just got clobbered to death by the janitor it can't get much worse here we go this one has the gum next to it so this is how we use that I'm assuming she gave this to you oh oh shoot I've wanted to do it on I mean I totally I totally intended to not put gum in her hair you're such a good I'm such a good person shoot I thought I didn't know that that would hand her the gum and be like oh yeah I know she is mean I should have waited the turn oh well okay I'm gonna be nice to her you're not ugly alright so if I can't if I can't you know become one of the popular kids with Cindy I might as well we'll go with like Maz will try out for Lily I might as well go with Lily you're playing the field right now hey kindergarten girl okay kindergarten Pat all like flies Gardens kinder Pat top that taught Pat taught pad and talk like the girls the girls love the taught pad and the boys love to be the top pad the top hat like he's kind of the player of the playground here's the top player of the playground this Cindy's yawning a little bit over here oh man oh geez roki Ron says think about this Cindy is wearing purple purple guys purple Cindy is a murderer so there's the purple guy Wow great great transitive property of equality I'm not really looking to be friends right now but I do trust you for whatever that's worth see you around good I so I traded gum for her trust let's talk back to Cindy and see how she feels about my betrayal gonna slap you upside your face those enemies so great I can't wait to see the look and her stupid ugly face I guess here are you am i cool enough to talk to you no apparently not hey teacher hey teach I knew that okay okay you sure okay oh let me talk to the janitor or not not die yeah how are you doing there Sonny stop talking cool what do we go inside can we try the door oh we can here let me talk to nugget one last time no we're talking okay that's cool what about you buddy he's a bully screw off okay busy great alright so you didn't screw off I did indeed here we go can I go to class no can I go over to go over [Music] hmm do I need to click it I knew you couldn't go through the door yeah okay she doesn't trust me anymore Cindy it's gonna be okay Cindy I ate I betrayed you you've been betrayed Cindy girl the ruse has been done what what what do I do it's actually a deep puzzle game okay I'm Monty I want to buy let's let's try buying something let's buy cigarettes you've won these yeah never took you for a bad apple yeah there's only a couple left in the pack so it's at a discount you can happen block that's a great deal okay so I need to sell something okay so my nugget yes I got a nugget I got a nugget of fresh yep I got a nugget of friendship we have to enter oh there we go okay it's time to start the day there we go everyone head inside for morning time good morning children it's time for you to pick your bodies for morning time or you can be sad pathetic and alone as long as you're the best new you can be mad that is that is her expert teaching that she's been endowed with coming through right there you can really tell her endowments Stephanie Stephanie oh my gosh it's 4:45 oh wait it's work it's sprinkler time it's 4:45 ladies and gentlemen sprinkler time from New York sprinkler time from New York wait everyone make it rain make it sprinkle in the chat if you'd be so kind you're calling Chris guys it is sprinkler time we have to make sure that sprinkler time is happening Shh sprinkler time make it rain in the chat all right so who do I want to be my partner nugget Lily look it's nice I want a nice hey Kris we're calling from the live stream oh hi cool weeklies working on the thumb for film series we're calling from a live stream because it's currently sprinkler time I was hoping that you could confirm that it is indeed sprinkler time and the sprinklers are on Oh the sprinklers are bonus sprinkler discreet we have confirmation from Kris back in California the sprinklers are on and they're freaking out the neighbor dog so achievement on both ends I guess thank you for that status update that'll be off Yemanja roar dubstep demon nash games rim ster 21 guys thank you guys all of you for making it rain in the chat right now thank you for making it sprinkle you guys Rock hey don't go snooping around in other people's cubbies okay oh okay so these are our cubbies and someone has like a knife in their cubby it's worth noting just pointing that one out I'm sorry I just think it over here can I kill the teacher be my friend go find a morning buddy oh you'll be an outcast loser like no kids around nugget thanks nugget dude you know you're not cool enough to talk to me let alone be my morning buddy besides Monty is gonna hook me up with a sweet yo-yo means the yo-yo is off the market now we're gonna totally buy those okay so I look what sample let's have Lily be my friend hey she trusts you oh hey I love you--as Nate's me in this morning and all but I'm not really looking for a morning buddy right now I just can't prevent gum in hair conspiracy and you just give me the congestion of put the gum in her hair honestly she's kind of a she's kind of sassy why the hell do you think I would want to be your morning buddy we're gonna end up with nugget Cindy well what are you waiting for is take that gum in her hair okay I'm just gonna keep the ruse I'm gonna keep the ruse alive what what what you want to be my morning buddy I got time for that nonsense Oh unless you're buying or selling something it's jump it up do the consummate businessmen for a second here I want to buy something can i buy the yo-yo how much is it hey yo yo don't know what it is about these things but Jerome loves I'm gonna have him for a buck oh shoot we need a dollar I need to go back to my piggy bank so I can yeah we gotta pick up money mash open that sucker what if we go to the money at the top right can I steal money from someone else's cubby hey no goofing around and other people's go to his chute okay fine there's a knife in one of that I'm dollars you're just saying it's kindergarten there's definitely a knife in that cubby nugget does not want to nugget does not wish to spend mourning time with you nugget is very busy what are you busy with great you are curious about the ways of nugget interesting perhaps you could be of some use to nugget nugget is in need of a magnifying glass do this for nugget before the next bell rings and you shall be rewarded you're you're you're the outcast of school and I know where you're bunking off to the outcasts all right how much does this suck right now we are truly the worst of the worst right now here go get the magnifier I'm not allowed to snoop what's a nugget huh wait Sharon I'm withdrawing more money from my account oh nice so I can buy up to Jurong I'm gonna buy a yo-yo I want to buy something here's what's for sale let's buy that's why the yo-yo let's do it good yes pleasure doing business okay I don't need anything so I'm gonna get you a yo-yo now look dude Oh bribing you dude you know you're not cool enough to talk to me let alone be my morning buddy besides Monty is gonna hook me up with a sweet oh you what do you mean this yo-yo oh [ __ ] Jana Jerome don't actually that was dumb as a kindergartner you would probably choke on that if you don't don't suck on a yo-yo suck on my yo-yo and choke to death on it Jerome whoa there's enough murder enough murder is happening in this school you don't have to go choking your own who do we think that that knife belongs to I think it belongs to Cindy you think so you can have it from me if you'll be my own I'm gonna play hardball let's play hardball with your clothes mine now oh oh I know you shoulda bargain I guess I can bargain I I thought you might have something heat okay okay thanks chump I guess you haven't learned how to tell time yet morning time is pretty much over what oh well that right right we're totally like close in proximity to mooning you Jerome more tense pretty much over okay darn it oh shoot here let's tell Cindy that I've betrayed her trust yeah okay I already told her what I'm gonna do oh man why did you go and do that whatever I guess you don't have any taste with my boyfriend with three ago oh that's true you met you make an excellent point stuff here I'm what else should I buy from Monte oh no that's a lunch bell let's go down to the cafeteria for a newt okay yeah that's the lunch bell let's go down to the cafeteria for a nutritious meal I hear we are having slop today Oh exciting all right oh man so I still need to get a magnifying glass for nuggie and if I really care it's a garbage can I'm not gonna dig through it to find stuff why not you're a kindergartener you should love that sort of thing Jerome we're best buds you're nowhere near cool enough to sit with us get lost yeah are you Shawn I don't want to sit with him anyway no way a worm like you is gonna be sitting with me all right well everyone just hates me nugget doesn't even want me I am so unloved in this kindergarten no one ever sits with poor nugget nugget does not have any friends I'm right here we just decided this morning that we're friends now you're really frustrated oh sorry sweetie we're through better luck tomorrow okay and Monty just wants me for my money I figured you'd be seeing me around now slop is no good and I don't think anyone is brave enough to try them a biscuit from the janitor doubled man can't even spell it right do it this this cuts how are you doing there Sonny want some tasty nutritious laughter lon lunch gain slap yes please one slap there you go buddy boy don't be shy about coming back for seconds let him slap to go around nailed it well met oh well he's doing some covert ops over there let's talk to it let's talk to our good friend Lily Lily biscuits balls get your biscuit balinese get her mother hot you spelled biscuit wrong what no I didn't how would you even know you can't read Monica is that weed with the classes Who am I kidding of course it is Hey Oh No is he gonna kill him yeah yes oh hey nerd um what do you want I've got some janitor stuff you want to sell me what's you know I've killed money no but I got a coffin for you to buy now let this be a lesson to me my dad and I killed him come on she wasn't your friend she was just a baby oh my god maybe I can I think he's dead he's dead he's dead stop it ah there can I steal his stuff at least lessons were learned what lessons were learned lines were drawn oh my gosh okay Monte's is still kicking oh man you're a good kid for letting me know that little monsters go around correcting spelling oh my god and in a school of all places shameful the way kids turn out these days here I'm gonna befriend the janitor yeah yeah she yeah kids these days they suck but you seem to be one of the good ones yeah you bet Thanks you just let the old janitor know if anyone else has anything to say about it spelling I don't think that's gonna happen again sir oh these glasses fell off that nerds face when I hit him you can have him these old eyes don't miss a thing see these old eyes don't miss a thing hey buddy so anyway now that that's been taken care bonded by my biscuit balls yeah I do actually yeah great my own recipe came up with it after a little incident that happened recently is it mrs. Lovett's pie shop this is totally mr. janitors biscuit shop right here let's see what's in them whatever is it a biscuit is that a little something extra love mr. Jayant is it pride did you put love weed is it perhaps we know let's face it we all know it's small dead children how much are they they're a buck apiece quite a deal if I do say so myself and I'm sure your little friend Cindy would love to try would sippy mr. Jenner what I would send him or what just uh I have go out of give her one I'm sure oh my gosh okay uh I I want to buy one but I don't have enough money for you so here I'm can I withdraw more money from my account okay I'm always creepy just give her a damn biscuit I I want one I can't withdraw money so did you drug it or something what of course of course not I'm not that kind of janitor this this is something else something a bit more entertaining is it laxatives did you lace it with X lakhs is it is it gonna is it gonna cause her the poops is she gonna get the Delhi Belly No oh no oh yeah so basically we just need to be in out the cash hole we need a well so this has been really educational we're starting to know what we need to do like yeah so that so the the period ends when you with when you withdraw on a certain amount of money yeah so that's good to know okay okay so now I pour it I don't know if Monty's dead or alive I still have his glasses I have a bucket of slop and I have a I've befriended the creepy murdering janitor which I don't know to me to me I'm gonna be like pokey from earthbound and I'm a friend too powerful yeah that's it that's it Gobert other than they're just not interested everyone agrees with their human balls by the way their Cuban ball like balls like human oh oh not human balls but balls formed of human the crucial difference they're far away no they're saying it's her dog Ruby's Ruby says it's their dead dog is he Disney it's her dog Brayden Grissom thinks it's her dog also some people these dog right away that is all right let's talk to people go play while you're still young and thin Thanks thanks miss Applegate oh wait the duck just said quack I like the yellow one the best hey Jerome you still could to cool for me aren't you don't bother me don't bother me kid I'm trying to figure this out figure what out it's this riddle about these stupid duck things apparently if you shake them in the right order something supposed to happen well what's the riddle where's we're smart kindergarteners go twice the docket that's furthest south then to blue before red after return to the first duck then blue get it wrong and you're dead Oh No okay so yellow yellow blue blue red yellow blue blue yeah so it's yellow yellow blue blue red yellow blue okay let's do it good luck soft okay Jerome Jerome you you might think of yourself as the cool kid in school but you need you need to get with the nerd I don't want to get involved okay all right so here we go let's solve the duck riddle let's do it yellow yellow one sec okay yellow one yellow to blue that was nothing oh is that not the solution let's restart this yeah so wait don't okay figure out what are you trying to put an extra go twice the duck that's farthest south then to blue before read after turned the first duck blue before ever return to the first duck yellow then blue get it wrong your self is that way that would make zero sense yeah like solving that okay so here let's try it again yellow yellow again blue okay weird blue red one red yellow great and then blew it yeah solving them solving the riddle seems to have caused a monster Mon card - a monster Mon I hope it's a holographic monster von card their generation is Oh new hint unlocks here let's let's let's see what the hint is hey kids what is this wow there's all sorts of hairs look I've been missing out this is the hit age it will help you it'll fill out as you play you don't need any oh sorry the cameras you don't need any special items you can look on the computer in front of you oh that's right you don't need any special items to complete Jerome Cindy or the teachers missions okay Jerome you need to buy three items from Monte before morning time okay Jerome will talk to you during morning time if you give him a yo-yo all right yeah cool you need a special item from the teacher before you complete bugs Wow okay bugs Monte and Lily should all be eliminated Oh what Bugs Bunny it really should be what are we trying to do here special item from Cindy before you can start a nugget you'll need a special light from Jerome and as much money as you can carry to complete Monte's mission what oh my gosh okay special items for money nugget and bugs in order to complete Wow Wow okay this this is this is really intense this is like a puzzle game though this is great I'm I'm so fascinated by those things okay this is a statue of the principal there's a red glint in his eyes creepy accurate green I know he did it I don't know why but I know he did no I don't want to talk to her about what I'm Kentucky did I say I'm assuming you're saying that the principal kidnapped your brother okay for the janitor hey Cindy sup girl sup girl we're through go wait shoot okay well she's still mad at me let's go talk to nugget bright Nuggets the worst nugget behold the nugget cave it's very deep and very dark but what secrets does it hold do you want to find out sure they're gonna kick me out in jeez what jumping into holes you can't see the buck nugget killed me it's nuggets ah got sauce to buy the Nugget man don't get don't it is a fantastic crisp Diet Coke well I guess we got to shoot so do I need the best at the YouTube space so did I keep this thing or no one let's let's see if I can just go to this one two I didn't start the mission though so maybe there you go okay so that was good whew let me rub it in his face that I solved it yeah I can't believe you solved it I have to figure it out faster next time yeah maybe if you weren't dumb guess you stupid okay I know he did it great I have nothing to say to you apparently about that you know that very mysterious thing you're saying anything back here yes there is oh yeah there's a monster on cars yes pick it up pick it up monster bond gotta catch em all monster Mon go play while you're still lookin yeah thanks thanks to each you're the best bully is there anything behind this pile of sand no okay so I don't want to go in honor of you do you want to find out no just trust me you'll love it oh I don't think jerk no one has ever not London nugget King he's literally trying to kill me I'm not going period okay oh you'll go one way or another nugget back away from Nagas can I kill nugget can I please kill nugget I think we can arrange that I'm getting I'm the friend of the janitor get out of here I'm busy you don't look busy I am boot what's the point is not fun being a bully when no matter how many kids you beat up my dad coming it's not funny but it is I'm not laughing at your misfortune I'm laughing at just the sad moment of self-realization that you had I was beautiful I'm glad we had that bravery today I'm not laughing at you I'm laughing with your pain let's let's put it that way what I'm not laughing at you I'm laughing at your pain yeah I miss I miss everything about him even the way he used to drink excessively Oh cool story bro bad we have all sorts of fun people in this here we go let's draw some money and move on that's the Bell yeah it feels like in a day of school we have to figure out like the pattern of events that we have to put together to solve everyone's problems or kill them off one of the two I hope everyone had a good recess let's all get ready for show-and-tell why don't you go first what did you bring oh man click an item the show what item should I show the friendship nugget no Monty turd Monty's a bot oh it's more than Monty's gone by the way Oh should I show the slob now let's show this monster Mon card that I found yeah the what so do I do the one that I found behind the playground or the one that I magically made appear a monster Mon card oh come on you have to be more creative oh we're gonna skip you lad forgive forgive my language but [ __ ] whoa yeah whoa she's judging me from I like show it to here what what did the other jerk spring not even love see no the bully the bully brings a bottle of Jack Daniels and this is the last this is the last thing that my father left me with oh there's the belly hope you had a fun day today see you tomorrow okay so clearly we did not complete all the challenges of day 1 of kindergarten okay day complete monster Mon cards okay we got a Cyclops duckling and grass grass card yeah okay so uh money earned okay buck 75 675 okay alright okay uh while we're reloading up the next day Monday again so these are the so these are the monster man cards this is the Cyclops luckily card it's not a species or anything it's just a duckling that had its left eye pecked out by a bigger duckling what's this guy this is the literally grass card it's literally grass who literally grabs piggy bank yeah press down to take money put us off to put money back press interact to withdraw press planner to cancel so I think we take out I'm gonna take out everything white why not yeah why wouldn't you just walk around the cat right it seems like having cash is a lot more important than not okay well we're going into this next day I'm gonna hop into Twitter really quick yep at Lille cat 12 says oh this poor kid oh no let's see why did teacher punish the students after they killed their classmate sku genius Oh [Music] this is why you can't withdraw you're [Music] learning learning ladies and gentlemen you carry any cash no yeah he knows so I'm gonna say yes yes excellent give me a half or I'll split your empty skull with my foot no no way look kid I don't have time to argue with you give it to me or you're dead meat go make your own money yeah don't say I didn't warn you oh no bring it bring it on slapping you I think he's slappy no little girl oh maybe that's what it is yeah oh geez oh no you're dying you're gonna die right now Wow okay either bring less money to school or give half to bugs Wow I'm gonna return home and start this day again right exactly Monday again okay meanwhile on Twitter at caps-lock is bad says when stuff doesn't get on Twitter the like never what deaf doesn't get on Twitter I'm like I'm on Twitter oh okay I'm gonna have to 90 why cause everything's in dollar increments you should he only attacks you if you're carrying more than $3 man kindergarten stuff don't judge me here okay so from Monty okay what do I want to buy everything yes as much as I can so yo-yos cigarettes voice recorder thank you bye yo-yo voice recorder and screwdriver really yo-yo cigarettes and voice-recording out screwdriver cigarettes oh yeah oh the cigarettes I think I'll end up giving to like the teacher or the janitor yeah okay yo-yos for Jerome cigarettes I think yeah you'll do something with voice voice recorder seems like it'll be useful later yeah I think screwdriver might be good here all right okay yeah deal pleasure doing business I want to buy something I want to buy cigarettes they're a buck is there anything okay just don't go showing them to anyone it could get us both in trouble under okay so that meant I should show it to someone here's what's wrong let's much as a screwdriver got this sucker off the janitor for a steal it's weird that he's willing to sell me the tools provided by the school but I ain't complaining I'll sell to you for a buck okay I can't and then the voice okay nothing yeah so I have a yo-yo okay I'm Jerome I don't think you're cool enough to talk to me all right that's that's what you think Home Slice go to the teacher sure some cigs sure my cigs good well endowed okay so this first section really seems to just be kind of like establishing things okay stop - janitor do you want to do the governor hair yeah let's do the gum in her hair hey want to be my boyfriend yes I do uh isn't hard love enough oh that stupid no it is it you're gonna have to prove it okay how do I do that yes okay I will put gum in her hair okay I know what happened to her brother I don't need to talk about that just to let you know also we might want to start moving it along it is 8:15 Eastern time to 5:15 Pacific I only have friendship okay okay I got nugget I got the nugget of friendship I vote we can't seem to know get a friendship okay no we're talking to you great good okay so no I have I don't really care oh boy I didn't mean end that conversation here we go there we go you probably heard about my brother I haven't talked to me about him great dad said he's been trying to hear your fake that you're a knight why why she tried to put gum in your hair stay away from her she's really mean thanks for the tip okay so now can I put gum in her hair okay so I can't put gum in her part wait okay so let's withdraw money so that starts the day so now we're going into morning time good morning children it's time to pick your buddies with morning time or you can be sad pathetic alone okay as long as you're oh okay so there's a monster man card which we can't we need to distract the teacher cigarettes we also need to buy well you want to be my morning body okay I want to buy something fry the screwdriver so the voice recorder disappears the voice recorder disappears after the more and after like that prep yeah got the sucker off the janitor okay I'm gonna buy the screwdriver so now he's bought out here's what I have for sale nothing okay good so nothing right now cool so now I'm gonna put the gum in Cindy's hair yeah maybe that'll distract her go find you someone or else would be an outcast loser which we don't want to be oh and let me get the let me get the miss mission from nugget so that while she's gone I'll get the magnifying glass and give it to him okay no gets busy what are you busy with I'm gonna help nugget I need a magnifying glass good okay so we will give you a magnifying glass and Jerome wants the yo-yo dude cool enough oh yeah great money's gonna give me a sweet yo-yo do I give it to him though or do I hold on to it I mean this yo-yo oh come on you told me was gonna say that for me yeah you'll be my buddy here yeah really I'm gonna hold onto it for now let's put gum in Cindy's here oh I don't really want to do the whole buddy thing anymore my Billy was normally my buddy but he's missing I put Yaman Lily Sarah let's do it yeah now right now did you just yes I did did you just you put gum in my hair that's so mean Sydney put you up to this didn't she well I don't even care leave me alone okay hey check in with Sydney so check with Cindy and be like hey we're totally boyfriend yeah bf GF did you do it oh my gosh you totally dead did you cry I bet she cried she cried oh my boyfriend got the honor of playing house with me I'll see you soon honey oh okay so did that play house so he's gonna still be mad at me right of course okay so teacher do we want to give him the yo-yo yeah well I don't need him as a morning buddy I know so I'm not guy all right hold on do yo go find a morning buddy yo yo so she's still there with her now and I still can't do any of this okay so let's talk with her maybe this will unlock something welcome home husband I hope work wasn't too hard so you're going to be making dinner tonight yes dear she needs a subservient man in her life so I'm just gonna like bow down to her every whim I never thought I needed to have you been drinking oh no right hurt her and uh chubbs are all bugs bugs bugs have all sorts issues so no honey I'm gay so wean so we're gonna need a bottle to give to bugs it seems yeah so I need her to give me that bottle so I need to say yes dear yes yes I have been drinking well these are being honest with me and more importantly yourself you have a problem yes dear I want you to call your sponsor and tell him about it I also want you to give me money to buy a new purse to handle the trauma and PTSD oh no I don't have enough money to support your PTSD shoot I can you know or not you might reconsider you might get hurt oh no she could have killed no oh no wait is that a knife got a knife it's my previous big pocket knife no give me some money or help me calm down oh no I don't have it no that's a shame you showed some promise Oh are we done playing Oh shanked me you're gonna need money if sandy starts getting hostile Wow okay let's let's let's do one more so we have to like I said we have to like end by 5:30 our time to play it off later so let's do one more round of this room this is great I am so excited to play this game I'm so excited about see these are the games I choose Jason chooses like The Watcher or what like it looks pretty Jason choose good games okay okay good let's go find a partner so I'm not gonna spend my money on Monte's a screwdriver yet okay so instead I'm gonna give I'm not gonna give him the yo-yo either I'm gonna put gum in her hair right so govern her hair put gum in her hair okay she's all sad and crying so now I'm gonna go I got to get the quest over here first off bye there we go no good okay but bah great I'm gonna be rewarded fantastic okay so now so now she cried great I'll be home soon honey okay I'm coming home drunk to my wife it's just it's just weird oh yes dear you just keep saying yes to your basic right and that's that I need you to have you been drinking again yes dear well at least you're being honest and more importantly yourself you have a problem yes dear what do you call your sponsor doing about it and give him money okay right yes I'm so much about me thank you sweetie look at this together now go make my dinner yes here okay Wow smile you're going to make a blended boyfriend I want you to have lunch with yeah nailed a lunch great I'll see you then okay so I played house with Cindy she loves me I'm gonna be one of the cool kids I I don't I don't know how we I don't want to give it to Jerome yeah now and I don't have okay so I guess we just got to check out at this point go find a morning buddy okay so that's cash in man cash in no okay more anybody okay just cash in okay kids lunch Bell brevet slop yes okay so no so I have failed that assignment here let's see what's going on here oh hey boyfriend I saved you a spot go get something to eat and stay with me I have a nugget so it's either slop biscuit we could get her the dog biscuit and that'll probably make him really happy I think we don't have money oh I think we can actually so wait here okay so here it's good I have enough for a biscuit now so I need to find out that he thinks so he can't spell biscuit so I'm gonna say never mind so now I'm gonna tattle to the janitor yeah biscuit balls you spelled biscuit wrong you can't even read the body can so now he's gonna go brutalize Monty get that voice recorder from Monty before yeah so so we do hate it and you're and you're totally right that we have to have the dot like so I have to actually bring in three dollars from the very beginning so you're right it's over three dollars not three dollars and more okay so he kills Monty good excellent job janitor thank you for that he picks up the glasses he's joyous that he just brutalized a small child rah I agree yeah kids off today are shameful but I am one of the good ones you just let old janitor know if anything about spelling I don't think it's gonna happen again these glasses flew off his face great so now I want a biscuit chicken biscuit chicken and a biscuit want to buy a biscuit ball yes I do totally biscuit ball all the way which are they they're a buck apiece Cindy would love to try one okay I'll take one there you go go give that to Cindy okay come on all right Sydney hey wifey-poo oh hey boyfriend I saved you a spot go get something to eat and come sit with me okay I have this thing yeah eat biscuit ball here you go okay oh good I was just thinking about oh darn it my stupid mother packed me something that's non-vegan she knows I'm all vegan right now God that woman is pro bowl oh hey sweetie would you be a darling and get me something oh no we ate it too early I was supposed to eat the chicken nugget and then I would give him the biscuit ball ah damn it something vegan Oh fart no yes vegans always causing so many problems I mean oh and the slop isn't vegan shoot I ate it early Oh boss we had it shoot yeah we have to restart this room all right we have five minutes just so you know we have five minutes okay we're gonna restart this room real quick and we'll do it oh good here we go speed go speed on this room you have enough money to buy the biscuit okay oh but okay I saved you a spot go get something to even come sit with me I have a nugget I eat I eat the Nugget okay my stupid mother packed me something find you something vegan I'll try so the vegan thing oh wait I got to talk to Monty and find out that he think that it's spelled wrong okay I don't want anything so now hey janitor he spelled biscuit wrong you spell it wrong Monty knows so go kill Monty that's probably a crime you should die for go mop yes grammar police the anti grammar police I've got a coffin for you to buy good lines were drawn he picks up the glasses gives them to me thank you sir okay yeah there are kids do they suck they're the worst correcting your spelling how dare they great get out of my head staff get out of my head whoa hey okay let's buy a biscuit ball it is how much are they there bucks and you would love one there you go I'm gonna give it to Cindy hey Cindy hey girl hey Cindy here what'd you get me I got you this thing that's vegan are you sure okay I trust you you kind of reminds me of my dog in a weird way I can't place it thank you so much for getting us here yes we had our own dog oh man you're being so good to me today you're probably the most well trained boy I've ever met I should use you for something at recess Oh Oh idea what I'm really liking the way Lily wears that gum but maybe we could put something else in there Jerome was telling me about how the janitor has all sorts of gross stuff in his closet I'm thinking we find something to give to Lily oh let me keep it locked oh you don't have to worry about that look what I have she has the key yep a girl has her ways I'm gonna go head over and pay off the lunch lady so you can get goin on down to that nasty closet oh man oh that's it he'll be other boy from bathroom having a cigarette just don't go in there and you'll be fine but I have cigarettes lunch is almost over so listen for the Bell while you're in there the janitor will come back shortly after it rings so get out as soon as possible okay let's do this so okay you're good to go hurry back okay should I talk to the jih of befriended the janitor more oh well let's just do this okay the bell rang the bell rang this is the janitor's closet it's locked unlock the door okay we gotta get in oh oh no no stolen stuff wait we're okay oh okay we the Bell just rang so we have to be in here okay there's a note of Master Mon card and $5 bill let's take a note take the note I'll take the note but I can't read because I'm in Canada no shoot no oh no oh no no no one's allowed in the janitor's closet except the goddamn janitor sorry I I helped you I'm one of the good ones I'm one of the good ones I'm really sorry me too but not really Oh No what are you sorry for what is he doing the kids in there you should have left when the bell rang Oh No okay we died a gruesome death we died a gruesome death okay I'm going to go so go resume your godlike status Stephanie go go go ascend to the heavens so guys this is the start of kindergarten i man this is a great game I am super excited about this it's it's a puzzle game it's a logic game it has child murder which is always delightful things that once again are gonna ensure that I never get elected president at in the future so there you go but you can bet that we are gonna be playing more of this cuz this is everything that I love in a game like mystery and conspiracy and logic puzzles and it seems like you guys are really enjoying it too so in the meantime guys remember that's just a stream a live stream Steph God Pat say something to send us off secret in the chat I I will do that yes and Eddie's anything you have to say God Pat okay same Friday everyone here we go REM senpai says by hand so Lee says by great Maya Zavala says no Isabel McMillan says no moon lander 16 says Canada
Channel: GTLive
Views: 4,291,461
Rating: 4.9020343 out of 5
Keywords: kindergarten, kindergarten game, kindergarten gameplay, children, weird game, gameplay, mystery game, horror game, horror, child, walkthrough, lets play, steam, jacksepticeye kindergarten, gtlive, gt live, matpat, matpat gtlive, kindergarten gtlive, game theory, matpat kindergarten
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 48sec (3648 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2017
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