Would You Rather? - StankPat BEGINS! (Part 1)

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welcome hey guys and welcome to GG live I feel like I should be talking to skip hey skip and welcome to GT ly bless the big buddy hey his head is just right on top of your right legitimately right in the middle of the frame as we speak good Oh so hey welcome on dis fer thanks for hanging out this Thursday afternoon today we wanted to do something a little bit different we're playing a game but we're playing a game that I think a lot of us has played for many a year in our life would you rather many a year across it for us old folks you know would you rather but but not just anyone you were like there are plenty of kind of like flash games and online games where you play would you rather and I noticed actually that uh Mark markiplier did this early like he uploaded a video about the same thing earlier today the same game so oh really oh we should compare answers afterwards yeah he beat it he completed it I don't think don't think he does oh you beat us do it yeah so great minds clearly think alike great mine thinks of themselves Thanks one Saturday morning I know right he got that 90s throwback reference it's gonna say who's old enough to remember one Saturday morning I am recess was the was the show that duck or pepper and pepper and I know I was recessed well okay since since we're starting on would you rather were you a recess girl or a pepper and gal I was a recess gal all the way yeah yeah Oh nobody's ever and recess was great had it had way more characters and pepper and was just she was like so clumsy it kind of stressed me out pepper and get her ran way too cool for seventh grade pepper and she's like bud you don't know yeah yeah yeah I know yeah so anyway for those of you who don't know that that was a just like a Saturday morning block of cartoons that was awesome on ABC it was fun but that being said today is all about getting art we're gonna we're gonna have a little deadlock here it's like an unofficial deadlock we debate questions that get served up to us questions that you guys submit you guys are going to debate them in the comments and on Twitter and we'll come to conclusions and see how we match with the general populace there's so much pressure right now no pressure guys I'm getting a lot of love for the recess by the way so already question one recess oh yeah recess is definitely the way to go I am I agree pepper Ann was cool but she was a bit too awkward for my taste she is I mean I don't have a problem with all did you know the creator Ronnie operon the the person who originally designed the cartoon yeah if my dad knew her Yeah right so connected my dad knew someone who once designed a mid 90s cartoon where is she popular mid nineties cartoon character awesome Stephanie is legit by the way so legit okay oh what I thought we were gonna play well real quick one one other question that I have to update you guys on I asked you guys via Twitter just to kind of like tease this episode going live I asked you guys would you rather give up YouTube for life or give up videogames for life oh my goodness that's prediction on the one I think I think most of the audience probably started playing video games before they started watching YouTube so I'm gonna go with people would give up YouTube before they would give up video games because video games are like a more core part of like who they are growing up well you're right okay it was a 70 I believe it was a 70 it was about like a 75 25 split okay as far as giving up YouTube 75% versus giving up video games which was 25% at this point in my life though but one like we work on YouTube okay I give up you two that would be really straight but you do a gaming show on YouTube so if you gave up video games you couldn't do the YouTube but thing is like I do so much research about the games like by reading forum posts watching other people play things like yeah but you couldn't watch YouTube oh wait you could no I I could watch YouTube so like if I like just the other day I was I was uh you know watching a bunch of like live streams of fallout oh yeah and it's like it's great so you know that would be a really hard one for me at this point I realize I watching YouTube just as much as I enjoy playing video game well be and it's not just video games but I also watch like you know top 10 list i watch non video game related content uh you know WatchMojo stuff a bunch comedy channels like a lot of honest trailers yeah honest trailers and screen junkies and cinemasins and stuff so like yeah it's a big part of my inner Tate like I would be giving up a lot of just like my video watching entertainment uh Cole so that's it so anyway uh we're going to start in Jason will you pull up the game Sara my good man so vote so we're gonna pull up the first question vote along in the comm and Stephanie is hopping in the comments also vote using the hashtag GT live ever if we get one that's particularly per to that if we get one that's particularly divisive I'll put it up on Twitter just as a poll so that way we can get an official count like and measure it out right and see you guys to bait it back and forth and we'll be reading out some of the better logic and reasoning well there you go are you ready let's do it I didn't hear them respond are you ready that's good okay I think I heard them have fun that might have just been you whispering and Mary are you ready I'm ready I'm so ready this will be fun okay let's good so this is this is a deep dive into our collective psyche okay but what we value in life here we go question one would you rather heavy child in seventh grade and raise it or never have kids slash adopt okay seventh grade you are twelve have a kid and said I don't get would you rather have a child in seventh grade and raised oh like whether you are when you are you or eighty seventh grade and having a child Oh easy one for me or never have kids slash adopt / adopt that the thing is adopting is having kids know if you you could never have it or oh I thought ever had kids or you could adopt know oh you either have a kid at a really early age how does that not oh man this is this is heavy this is like a heavy one to start off with would you rather have a kid at a very early age and then raise it or never have kids I think this is clear-cut for me what is it so I personally think okay no like in seventh grade I knowing myself okay I would not be in a position where I could raise the child probe it would not be fair for me as a seventh grader to raise a kid and commit to raising a kid like I wouldn't have the finances I wouldn't have know how I wouldn't have the maturity oh man this has gotten so deep I know this is so heavy already so serious so we should have started out with that last dishwasher we should have not so for me I feel like I I like it would be unfair for me to say I'm gonna have a child in the seventh grade and Rick because it says I have to raise it so I would have to forego it so I just have to say like if this is my choice I can never have kids man which is a bummer I think I think I would have to go in this the stand right cuz because I'm confused about how do you how is it possible to raise a kid in seventh grade again you're 12 right you're not legally old enough to hold a job you're not legally old enough to do anything really or or even make independent decisions so like in in a court like you would have no like your rule about law Stephanie world without law I guess I would have I have to go the same I would have to actually agree with you on that one it's really hot like it's it's super sad but you would I found me I'll be fair to anybody all right take it take it to a comment hey also Jason real quick question for you sir yes uh would you read it is there there's this as no would you ever have kids I think everyone's pretty much yeah I feel like this one it is pretty pretty solid yeah real quick Jason uh we have music going under this one or no yes we do I just want to make sure because I could see this one being pen set serious yeah we have a little faint like mother tongue saying that are you crazy typing on it alright so we're gonna say February gonna be like where are the condiments in this so do we all agree we all agree okay never have kids no kids it seems like that's pretty solidly no kids let's see how it goes yeah Wow 51% never had kids 49% oh that is so close we are also doing the exact same thing right now this is our this is our surprise joke ourselves I just watch our ass like where's your hand oh my gosh wow I'm really surprised that it's that evenly divided thank you right that's shocking that's I mean giving up kids is really serious yeah it's huge so I I mean it's it's a big decision but I didn't think it would be that close hey anything something there so alright what happened but in the interest of the game that we're playing we match the popular answer yeah we did which I do loosely is that a good thing or a bad thing but like a whirring with the in-crowd y'all agree we all work we're on the same page we sit I could be part of an kid part of this what online majority the majority is not though like what I don't know and those are good numbers too like yeah that's look good over back-end yeah that is a huge that's a million votes right there so that's impressive okay move it okay next next would you rather only talk in the third person so it would be like Matthew feels hungry right now haha matpat would like to pet skip of matpat loves you you know Matt Pat I tolerate your met Pat tolerates you Jason or never be able to call someone by name oh okay would you rather only talk in the third person or never be able to call someone by name I'm gonna go never call somebody by name because because in all honesty I am terrible at remembering names I'm so bad at it and I constantly you know no you carry me just Jimmy write really good I blame Jimmy's walking around around it right that's the same thing I barely ever call anybody and name to their face jason has no idea what my name is so it's true yeah um so so I feel like since I'm already so bad at remembering people's names and I'm not one of those people who like you shake hands and it's like oh hi I'm Bob and I'm like hi Bob I'll remember your name because I'm repeating it Bob and all that stuff like those those like tricks that you're supposed to do I always forget you're not coming up automatic devices as in like Bob that rhymes with Rob who's wearing red right now so it's red Bob Bob yeah that's right that's a pneumonic device it's like it seems to be much more slit I'm seeing a lot of third person so which way do you go okay so only talking in the third person I think the thing is the rest of the world has no clue what the heck's wrong with you yeah by your thing and so if you went around like think about going to a job interview and it's like so tell me about your skills and and it's like well that Pat created a YouTube video a couple years ago and Matt Pat was able to generate five million subscribers like how pretentious do do you think that sounds so and the person on the other end is like you're weird you could get around it by just chopping off whatever noun you would like whether it's a pronoun or your own name instead of matpat created a youtube channel would be like what do you do created a youtube channel it depends on how the questions ask bill tell me about yourself tell me about yourself born in North Carolina went to went to college and grad school work at a job that's right but see that's they're dropping off a noun in every sense you can replace it with a shrug or so yeah then you come off as like this weird aloof person or what like I don't think I don't think that there's a way that you could really like glide you like whereas never being able to call someone by their name you can come up with like cool nicknames for everyone so it's like hey Stefan so introduced buckaroo yeah like oh hey moon child you know we're gonna have to do better than that no but okay funny you should pick the only talking no fun fun fact I will say that's fun fast uh when I first met Abel I love hold on I love this I love this solution William arrastia said change your name to I Oh brilliant that's really smart that is that's good William eros eros Pia Horace Tia you have broken the system and have just shattered everything um no but fun fact I used to when I first met people in like social settings or not social settings but like when I like in a classroom or like I would go to summer school a lot over uh in high school punking out gosh not because I was fun you know but because I wanted to overachieve um yeah uh I'm the worst or oh okay call everyone dude yeah you could but okay can I tell my cool stories luckily Ramirez had that had had something to add to that good Oh mark I'm happy for you no no it's nobody but it's true like so so when I would first meet people in in the summer school program knowing that I would spend the next month with them to like come up with like a quick solidarity thing or like a quick like hey we're all in this together sort of idea I would ask people hey if you could have a nickname in your life what would it be when they would come up with their own nickname um and then and then from there for the rest of the summer I would just call them by their nickname and so it was an easy way to remember people immediately because again like you meet people for the summer you're really closely entwined and then you like kind of move away so everyone just operated and one of them was um not moon face not moon child but it was like Audio science it's not like someone wanted to go by Audio science I'm like okay cool audio science it is so I agree with that Oh No bring back the game Jason Jason oh it's really the HDMI is reconnecting okay that would it I think so so here we go we're gonna ton never be able to call them by their name what Wow no that seems crazy that seems crazy really 53% only talk in the third person and again it's a million votes alright so surprised next all right but so we're in the minority that's okay the minority prefer Doherty it's not it's my majority prefer don't worry about it go would you rather never have to grocery shop again oh I like this one oh this is so easy or never have to do laundry it is so easy is it never have to do laundry hate laundry laundry is the worst really yeah it's not you never wash your clothes again it's just you never have to do it yourself right yeah yeah yeah you have a personal shopper to do one of these things which are they do or personal shopper or personal maid I guess do you want to go they're not doing they're not like so if you look at from the one hand I guess you could say like oh you get free food for life or something like that is that is that the argument to be made to the left hand yeah okay you pay you're paying for the grocery you just don't have to go to the store and do it oh oh so easy laundry laundry all the way you don't understand girls have such complicated clothes system this is true there's so many like okay okay you've got you got stuff that's made out of normal material and then you've got stuff that's made out of like crazy material and it's like that can't go in the washing machine that can't go in that one's got to be washed on cold and that one's got to be washed only like 52 degrees Fahrenheit water and you can add the right detergent and then there's bleach and then there's fabric softener there's way too much going on with laundry it's so hard so tell me how you really feel so you know for me it's a tough one because I really want real laundry it's not everyone I really really don't like going to the grocery store I really don't it takes so long there are so many items there and I like for me it's overwhelming because it's like I have to make all these choices and there are so many choices to be had and like I get tight like going to the grocery store is like just mentally demanding for me whereas laundry whereas Lord and and the other thing is too sometimes you have to grocery shop multiple times in a week depending on how much food you got or you or about Costco man go you run out of food what any number all I need are like 12 pizza crusts and like eight pounds of mozzarella what that that's I'm eating for a month whereas laundry whereas laundry and I'm gonna petition you guys whereas laundry you said it in the in the washer and then you go do something else and then an hour later you come back you pick it up you shift it to the dryer you go off again it does you watch a TV show you play a game you do some work whatever come back grab the laundry and you fold it and it's done bada-bing bada-boom it's done you have to like remember it you have to fold it oh my gosh remembering it's got a siren that lets you know that siren that would be wicked laundry is complete hold on guys no oh yeah ah prologue says I love grocery shopping it's fun anyone else yes I actually enjoyed grocery shopping cause you find stuff it's new and you get to try new things and like discover the new stuff that's there Carter Morgan says you could just make a list of what you need for a week yeah you don't have to go the grocery store multiple times no laundry no laundry okay okay I'll concede defeat on this one actually notice me I'll concede defeat by I get the idea of wanting to see what the owner thing too is grocery shopping you do on a weekly basis are you doing laundry every week no a lot of yes you should be where where are your clothes go you must just have way more cool yeah everybody yeah we need to do laundry every week never do laundry again us - yeah laundry is the worst right yeah you can't all have such extensive wardrobe to get us through mugs with no longer just wear a pair of on your way for like a week oh that was oh that would be so awful oh yeah better be so awful I'm get right so never do laundry again be the consensus let's go yeah see ah 69% never do laundry again versus 31% never go to the grocery store okay so I I was the loser that when I could see defeat that's fine mmm there we go actually you know a lot of people are like hello everyone thinks you're really grown yeah no one thinks you ever do your laundry apparently the internet Hobbit says that's nasty mad pat face face L it also says that's gross oh my god somebody that would be unbelievable data Babu KC brought the August Ethan Newson notice me yeah that would be better catch Mary pass what are you that would be I would mall sweetie how I please go buy that now okay well if only this question were true in life okay here we go hang moving on haha you have broken the law Stephanie you have broken the law what if what have you done to break the law um I've burgled so Stephanie is just burgled what did you burgle um uh uh in my in my life if we're gonna be real about this I probably stole a bunch of tea or something okay so seven is burgled some tea real mastermind a crime right here criminal mastermind - Stephanie Oh gray is all mine try to think like the rooibos robber like this Wow okay fine would you rather spend five years in prison but return to your old life with no ill consequences or never go to prison but move every year for the rest of your life doesn't say old are you have to move I know which one you choose oh yeah I absolutely know which one Stephanie chooses yeah case it's its move every year because I would move every year anyway probably stephanie has a thing about staying in one place for too long oh yeah okay I look I I like I want to move all the time basic well it's also one of your life goals yeah Trevor the world my life goal is to visit a hundred countries in my lifetime so yeah just give me I would give me the kick in the pants that I need to keep moving down the list yeah that would that's that's my life goal right here there we go let me show and I just got away with burgling teeth yeah man right when you put it that way it makes that tea burglary so worth it and so when I pull it into new places now as well but don't you care but don't you fix okay I'm gonna question you on this stuff I'm gonna push you and see how you feel about this like have you really thought through the consequences if you just I'll be your decision because moving every year for the rest of your life you're now 80 years old Stephanie are you really gonna want to move to a new place when you're 80 when I really and I am moving from the nursing home room that I'm in now to the nursing home room next door I don't it doesn't specify far you have to Mason I don't know but let's toss it to Jason for the official rules here is that I I am skeptical doesn't say Romney - a new nursing home I know I'm gonna taste a room new city new city new city yep still hard okay wait new city a new city no the news the golden dozen we were circulating new city if it is a new city how much stuff does she have that needs to be really just an old lady going I know one place it's just me and MA it's just me and my Walker oh that's my walk my Walker a couple of tennis balls my mighty cup that I stolen methodically over the years there you a story about this old ray huh I burn bolder this years ago I have to cycle step on this yeah I would move every year no better yet about you would you sit in prison for five years no I think I would hide here I would move every 100 Rossetti I know they offer some really good art classes now but I've seen enough orange is the new black to know that I don't want to be there for five years five years is a really really long time a lot yep and if I'm burgling T and and I can maintain my reputation as a great tea burglar the Boston cheaper yeah love it I remember the days so okay what's the book what's the chat say what's Twitter say uh what's the vote on Twitter the vote on Twitter yeah boy I feel like we people are seen five years really yeah a lot of people are okay here's the thing and again going to the consequences of your decision I can see this being a challenge again if you have a kid if you have a child now the sudden you're forcing them to move every like they're never gonna have like a steady friend base that Jason's like uh kids well no I I'm already not having any kids we made that decision three questions ago so so no okay so wait you're thinking about kids never owned a prison never gonna present never get a present Stef is right we need 200 we need experiences we need open areas and new experiences at Samuel Carroll 12 you're also doing a good job of keeping the prison overflow rates luckily keeping keeping people out of prison at on knock tally 23 says why not visit Belgium sometimes I would love to visit now gggg live fan number 532 5300 28 awesome with a giant pumpkin head actually says you just burgled would you rather steal tea or met fast smelly clothes I don't know I if the showers that have many clothes many paths merely pack so much why are you sticky oh it's it's gotta be tea for me but maybe there's a market somewhere for forces some stinky clothes oh gosh shout showering so so important all right laundry see this is why I feel so strongly about laundry I'm doing I'm in there doing laundry all the time okay never go to prison but move every year of your life is consensus let's say Wow Wow for this is a big split 45 55 well they're so lazy mat-su no no people I mean I will say this moving takes a lot of time it's pretty stressful I know yeah so so I mean if you were really going to execute this strategy what you would need to do is be one of those people who can basically live in like a one-room apartment and so you just pack up everything you own into your car that's it and I will say this when I was touring around in theater as an actor and director one of the things like I moved around every couple months and I was basically living out of a suitcase and I lived in Tennessee West Virginia uh New Hampshire Maine like all over on New York so like five different states it was hard like moving to it not having stability and moving to a new place every time was really hard that being said though here presumably you can still get married and stuff so you would have someone coming with you which was a bit like I was moving alone so that made it really hard I was meeting new cast members all the time so that made it hard the other thing that made it hard was it was every couple months instead of every year I think having a year in a place gives you enough time to kind of get settled get comfortable but then move on like that is spaced out enough that I think it would be okay yeah yeah that was a good one I like that one okay an axe north oh wait said that's where my tea went yes it is how dare you steal snores it's sitting out here how dare you steal snorts hey I was trying to think of another S word oh just saw your porygon oh my poor you got your mm-hm well that's not one of my shirts well yeah this is from the Dex oh yeah yours air sport and all kinds a youtuber t-shirts lately since yesterday I was wearing my new snap shirt today I'm wearing Alex and Kelly's deck shirt yeah that's awesome tomorrow I might wear my new Mario is mental shirt c4 scary game Fridays ooh ooh this is a good one this is a good one okay would you rather own a lightsaber or know the ways of the force this is another easy one I think which which where are you clearly it's no the ways of the force I get clearly a clearly okay the ways that there's no pump it's step for me it's definitely I know the ways of the force because you can do stuff without a lightsaber or even do all kinds of stuff but just to play devil's advocate owning a lightsaber would be pretty cool it's clearly physics that has not been discovered yet it would immediately make you houses that sounds like an episode of film theory oh my goodness start worthless that's coming up actually it's not that Oh actually might be it might be coming up I'm we're working we're researching it then anyway sorry yep so owning but owning a lightsaber would be awesome you would automatically be super influential and super rich like if you owned a lightsaber but then if you if you knew the leads of the force you could just convince anyone of anything you wanted so oh you probably still be both of us yeah so shoot light me right like that's the thing Oh delights yeah or I see Jason's on the dark side okay yeah oh okay yeah no I agree my man owed a lightsaber it's cool in theory it's a very cool device but what can you really do with it nothing you're not gonna go around knowing people are not trained a lot of people would just cut themselves yeah either either cut themselves in like one I can Skywalker themselves or what or what are you doing you're pulling an undertale and going around and like just slaughtering masses like that's not useful like I can use it as a can opener great that does nothing knowing the ways of the force I'm forced throwing you and I'm for spitting right now apparently where I'm forced throwing you I'm forced mind-controlling you I'm forced a lightning lightning lightning anything man you there's no gosh yes everybody every base for forehead geometry my ghost later on yeah I can become a ghost after after you're dead or after you re-enter the the force done yeah 78% to 22% easy well done yeah boom next flying bada bing bada boom would you rather constantly have wrinkled clothes or never have toothpaste add more laundry right a lot of like a lot of like clean hygiene questions we're getting here where are you where do you land well this is a no-brainer too right like I wouldn't I would rather constantly have wrinkled clothes and never the never in truth I want good teeth is so important why already know he doesn't washes clothes yeah I don't wash the clothes so why would I care of their wrinkle they're not plus the only wind kid about a thing like that it's Oprah anyway plus 1.so closest with us plus we live in 2015 we're ironing of clothes is less a thing now than it was even like a decade ago it doesn't say you can't iron your clothes it says constantly happy wrinkled closely 2015 the technology that we have now helps us have clothes that come out of the dryer naturally not wrinkled wow this is saying that no matter what you do or what kind of clothes you buy they will always be wrinkled always whereas if this were my choice I would actually opt to never have toothpaste no man I would take baking soda out of the refrigerator and create my own toothpaste no and combine it then combine it with scope and I don't whitening rinse and all the other stuff that does exactly the same thing and I would floss religiously and so it would be I would I would be able to probably eliminate more bacteria from my mouth by using a combination of baking soda various mouth washes and strong flossing technique then I would with toothpaste anyway Stephanie vigorous flow you know okay first off I have to challenge your assertion that you would take bicarbonate baking soda yeah and and make toothpaste you just said you would make toothpaste when you had've agree to never have toothpaste doesn't matter you said you can't have toothpaste you cannot have a tooth cleaning agent outside of mouthwash you can do mouthwash you could do floss you can do a tooth brush Souls toothpaste you cannot have toothpaste can I can I just like pour some powder in my mouth and then pour some water and they're kind of like yo your crotchet like well yeah I guess I'm good as well hey no you can't because you're brushing it it's as long as it's not a paste okay I'll make it watery I'll make it water e'er than a paste it looks a bit liquid look good in comments on this right here does this is a hard one I'm curious I am very curious let's let's scroll down let's see what people are saying okay vigorous floss okay a lot of people to gel no no no no the taste just a taste a lot of people are saying wrinkled clothes I think people are with you I think you guys are right cuz like the thing is you know are so many agents out there for cleaning your teeth and then on top of that you can still go to the dentist and get like whitening treatments and stuff there's all kinds of things yeah - or sorry mouthwash can only get your mouth so clean is that well yeah it gets that's why you use it in addition to toothpaste because it does get more than - addition to toothpaste but now if you're cutting out toothpaste out of the equation your mouth is inherently not as clean as it should be just so rush wood bye kisses goodbye like beautiful healthy teeth hello cavities hello golden get yours I don't think so no I think your teeth would might end up just like I think they might end up healthier I cuz you have because you're forcing yourself to because you are flossing and you're you're also that you don't you don't lose your toothbrush all like you you give your like toothbrush or really good dip in like a bunch of a stringent scope and you brush like you normally would it okapi tip four to seven says you can have mints Matt uh Johnny Betty wait I miss Johnny baby Johnny baby miss Johnny baby oh that's alright cute Oh seismic media Matt way down low yeah cuz we're creating rules here that hope you follow there are other ways of cleaning teeth here you can click on you're constantly hovering awesome ever close the chat agrees with you great oh no contest into everyone lacks creativity 81% boobs I'm bothered by wrinkles I think that's what it is I think in the world like wrinkled clothing is you know like yeah alright there are so many I'd rather take care of my body then I'd rather take care of like you know the things that I could permanently lose rather than clothes which like huh what I find yeah would you rather be famous for curing cancer be famous for making everyone on earth live forever oh this is another no contest oh really which one of them said it's like trying to be famous for curing cancer yeah so because you have cured one of the like most like difficult to cure ailments to the human bodies everyone lives forever though you've chert everything true so this so my issue with this is is yeah is that being famous for curing cancer you're always going to be a hero if you're famous for making everyone live forever a lot of you will be more famous you'll actually be much more famous but you might also be infamous because some people don't want to live forever right yeah I I agree on a percent you've suddenly made everyone live forever who might not want to depending on like what age they are you know if like a lot of peope maybe you just keep aging a 200 year old looks right or right or adapt to see that's my big thing so first off if you're sick and you're forced to live forever like you can still be sick forever yes secondly is exactly what you just said which is if everyone on earth lives forever people aren't stopping procreating my friend if I'm living forever you know that's a lifetime of procreation well not me specifically well hey you know like we must be established I'm not having kids I cannot have kids but I'm saying other people who have not made such a crucial sacrifice all those seventh graders right although seventh graders who are out there going at it raising kids those guys you know that's all of a sudden here's a bunch more babies who also live forever and here's more people that live forever you have doomed the planet so you're right you will become more famous across the planet hey here's this person who somehow made everyone live forever but give it a couple years say even I don't even know how long it might take like as quick as a hundred years huh all of a sudden everyone hates you because you have doomed the planet tecnique and n I mean even on a psychological level I think like I think for a lot of people we're getting retinol fully deep now but I think for a lot of people like part of that like go out there do stuff have adventures live your life is is predicated on the idea that you have like a limited amount of time so like hey use it really well and then all of a sudden if you have like forever it's like oh gosh like forever that's so much time to feel like I feel like people would wouldn't wouldn't be as like go-getters yes-man would make a killing oh my gosh except they wouldn't cuz everyone would live forever but it would make a lot of money cuz everyone would be like well I guess I'm just binge watching friends for the hundredth time alright next wait what about the chats it wasn't cancer cancer I broke everyone's Everland Pro cancer Theory cancer and a lot of people are saying I'm a seventh grader well be careful you be careful Oh sixty-six percent to thirty four percent I think that's fairly definitive I think we all get all right cool next would you rather haha I love it okay would you rather have your fingers always covered in barbecue sauce or have your fingers always covered in Doritos natural gems flavoring all your cards yes all your fingers oh all your fingers have to be covered in one of these two things I love in your oh okay what do you think huh oh you Jason well step well step Ponder's I want the barbecue sauce fingers how I want them so bad I love fun was so bad that was my lazy I want the doritos nacho cheese what yep why and I look I love barbecue sauce that if you touch them or got them dirty with nacho cheese then they would if it was barbecue so I disagree 100% with that yeah because no because barbecue sauce is sticky and sweet and like and wet and wet that whereas ours doritos nacho cheese flavor is dry so yeah I'm your hand and it's kind of obnoxious but for the most part I can just like brush that off or you know like that's not as destructive so I would disagree with your reason also I agree with barbecue sauce but I disagree with you think about every day think about every day active think about putting on your clothes the ones that you occasionally launder and and you you're trying to do that with fingers covered in barbecue sauce then everything is covered in wet barbecue sauce but if it's if it's to Rios nacho cheese slavering at least it's dry so even if you get like stuff on whatever you touch you can brush it off as opposed to it being wet and like sinking it so okay this is addressing the guys that I imagine when you have your hands covered in like that nacho cheese the doritos nacho cheese those and Cheetos and things like that that cheese is not like dry dusty oh yeah hasty on your fingers no that's what are you doing wheelies into those bum no no no why wouldn't I I don't know how you eat chips buddy but like you must be done look I don't know to me like if you are BQ sauce from your finger has always been easier left like licking off like nacho Dorito cheese that powdery cheese that just turns into this paste wouldn't like mixes with your fingers I don't know it's always that they have like perpetually sweaty hands my fingers may be weird fingers remind me not to touch you although I think I would get tired of the nacho cheese flavor faster which means I put on less weight from all the time I would spend licking my finger ha ha so here's where my reasoning comes in first point number one this is what I want to go to the chat and kisses glom everyone there is hard for collabs loves my number one number one is barbecue sauce is going to go with more foods than doritos nacho cheese flavoring BBQ sauce is going to go with almost any meat pretty much any meats it's going to go with a lot of like like it's a good one that you can put on veggies um you know a barbecue sauce is just a more versatile flavor than fake nacho cheese flavor don't get me wrong I like Doritos a lot I like junk food you guys know this but barbecue sauce if I'm gonna like if I have infinite barbecue sauce fingers slather it on my knee I can slather it on my veggies and it's comparing it using whatever residue is on your hands to flavor your seafood I imagined this as like a fountain of like a propellant what I'm thinking right now I get like it's time to dip flow yeah it's like a constant flow absolutely so so point one is that just like squeeze your finger to like that or like laver the girl I brush my finger like like a like a barbecue brush I'd like brush my fingers over it and like more comes it's like an inkwell kind of like a pen like a barbecue pen so anyway so so that's number one so number one is more versatile flavor number two is also more to your point more calories so say I have no money say I lose everything I will be able to live off of sucking on my fingers or I will out okay meal or at least some caloric intake by sucking on my fingers whereas doritos nacho cheese flavor empty empty it's not giving me the sustenance that I need but a good barbecue mmm done done I've got you I've got food for life I win like barbecue sauce what does the chat say I like this one oh my god split but right now it looks like Doritos is higher oh no go ahead Twitter oh no the other things sorry but you must be like argument for Twitter is maybe maybe you don't want to keep the same thing on every piece of food you ever happened you don't have to that's I know you silverware Stephanie silverware there's like the the nacho cheese is so much less invasive in the rest of your life you're not gonna spend all your time eating your I mean I spent a lot of my time eating but you're not just not gonna spend all your time eating you're gonna want to do other stuff what what if you want to pick up the cat you want to do that with barbecue sauce all over your hands no nacho cheese is just it's not going to spread so so we're your objective is to spread it around I just want to keep it from getting on everything okay but was okay yeah BBQ goes with more things but it's more overpowering than Dorito dust which will cover everything you're eating see what the thing is I'm not saying it's not overpowering what I'm saying is that it's like in those instances where you don't want the barbecue flavor you don't have to have it like I'm not eating everything food with my fingers and I'm not rubbing my fingers over every food I cited people have people have said that I've lost this one you guys have chosen doritos nacho cheese flavoring so okay everyone just says we're gloves all right if everyone says okay here we go Wow I lost this one hard about 29% to 71 it's okay you couldn't you can still enjoy your barbecue sauce I was really surprised that you picked that one after having to do a spoonful of it during the impossible quiz yeah it was one of the best ones that I had all right all right all right I can see defeat in Pokemon would you rather pick the helix fossile or pick the dome fossil you don't you don't know please translate hahaha Stephanie's never played Pokemon so it ultimately it depends on which fossil you choose results in which Pokemon issues so if you choose the dome fossil you get Kabuto if you pick the helix fossil you get alma knight who evolved and omastar and Kabuto evolves into Kabutops uh I mean just because I love the internet and just because I love memes I would have to pick helix fossile because all hail lord helix right Jason doesn't get it knowing you guys don't get it you didn't watch twitch plays Pokemon it was twitch pokemon it's a reference it's okay although I will say when I first played Pokemon I picked the dome fossil because I thought Kabuto looked better oh my knight is more of a snail like creature rascal did you yeah I I think now if I were to redo it looking back I have more appreciation for ammonite uh Kabuto back in the day I like just kind of his like shell next here and I like I thought Kabutops looked really cool because he's got like his side like he's got those like scythe hands and he's got like the mysterious black eye or like the mysteriously I look so cool Kabutops is awesome oh yeah right he's he's super clever this is awesome yeah Kabutops and Kabuto are like it's an for me it was a more interesting evolutionary tree oh my night normal star is just like it's a snail and it's a spiny sale um wait you owe em and old man night and I mighty okay he'll probably pull it up there yeah oh no you gotta go with this guy right look so cute he was really cute ah he's the best yeah again Morgan I pick lord helix yeah no this is this is clearly the win cuz because ultimately I got Kabuto I got Kabutops I miss his little he was okay his little guys make like a little moustache it's so cute those are Ian's ten of these like its tentacle their legs are oh yeah he likes our dome alright I also like the word he looks better and it's a cooler faucet helixes Winnie there K legs a lot of domes but he likes like he likes is alright he likes think yeah all hail lord helix 62 to ZM yeah makes sense yeah it does 90,000 people voted 55 thousand people voted a lot of people on this site just skipped over that one cuz they were confused now they're like what what are you talking about all hail lord helix here we go would you rather play oh oh this is great okay would you rather play a game of Quidditch in the Harry Potter universe or take a field trip with Miss Frizzle just so everyone knows so Quidditch is the the game with broom like Harry Potter you're all the internets assume that you know this but Quidditch is the Harry the Harry Potter game with the brooms and bludgers and all that stuff annual treaters and the right snitch right whereas take a field trip with miss Frizzle miss Frizzle is the teacher Madame Kummer has the Magic School Bus which goes into the body which goes back in time which goes into outer space etc etc all over the place okay through the digestive system into the bloodstream hello a Cheeto big follow uh I rested I believe they're technically cheese doodles Oh fine if I remember that episode correctly they are cheese doodles they also he also eats olives Arnold in that episode also eats olives and I was always like oh yeah what do you do uh cuz I felt a personal connection with Arnold in Magic School Bus as like the the nerdy one who was like oh that's Arnold he's weird and he pines for all the women in his class that was me oh and so like I'm like Arnold buddy I love you but then all in he eats the whoopie pies or whatever but then he eats the olives and I'm like arm this is where you lose me I'm not gonna lie what I was into all of always loved olive so I was actually totally fine with it okay Carly found that being so we're not debating Arnold and olives now we're debating Quidditch and cool field trip all right so this is a no-brainer for me too for me this is like I look at on the one hand and I'm like man Harry Potter is so awesome but then I think about my hand-eye coordination and we get real for a minute ha and that would be get real and then I'm like I could play a game of Quidditch that would go so badly for me I would definitely take a field trip with miss Frizzle though where would you want to go on your field trip ah I actually when I was little I wrote a a Magic School Bus story of my own about going through the pollination cycle with a bee is that the field trip that is not the one good thing is you have the ability to literally do anything and it's like I'm gonna do publications looks like a really good uh really good like they ended up coming out with one but with the book are you kidding yeah was it your book they totally stole my idea totally stole it the last time it was that a Scholastic book I don't know Scholastic we call you out we calling you out scholastic miss Frizzle give this girl her credit on royalties I'm good outer space and you go down her face where I'm assuming that you would also take the field trip so it's interesting while you were talking I was thinking oh you are so just give me your neck oh so I was thinking about it clearly my choice started as Miss Frizzle clearly yeah it's so cool like you can literally go anywhere do anything but then I thought about it and if I'm playing a game of Quidditch that means I'm existing in a universe where flying brooms are a thing and that is really cool okay so but it doesn't say that it doesn't say live in the world of harry potter it just says just says play a game of clinch so oh wow airman over that world though would be flying broomstick if I'm gonna play quick there's gonna be fly group sticks doesn't mean it's bad that's good it doesn't mean it's a magic flying broomstick that like technically science good science could create a world or create you know under Nina in which flying broomsticks or a thing but they're powered by like something else so get fly well okay so here's here's the you're not living you aren't quite Magic School Bus come on you know I never made I to us vehicle again like I think the idea of like flying outside of a contraption is it's really going to yeah it's much more appealing than being you go ahead outers Jason joke just applying Jason just wants to fly you go to outer space and then Jason out of the bus Jason is a caged bird who just wants to expand his wings and soar don't talk to him about burgers he hates that I mean yeah right so okay I will say this though and this is going back to the point playing a game of Quidditch the idea of Quidditch first off it could be over in seconds whereas a field trip with miss Frizzle could last a really long time so like I'm getting up a pro because someone could catch the snitch immediately willow lost points out though a game of Quidditch can go for a really long time so if you still descent you can fly away and explore the Harry Potter universe if I steal those if I steal the snitch though game is a willow the game is over and the world you can steal it through maybe the other thing that I'll say about Quidditch though that I always thought was weird honestly is the constant you brought up earlier the bludgers like hey this is a game in which these really heavy hard balls are flying around and are gonna try to smack you in the face ball yeah I mean yes I reckon thanks Jason thanks captain on hashtag Captain Obvious it's dodgeball great awesome but like that always struck me as weird because you see you even see it in the movies and in the books someone gets hit with the plunger they get knocked off their broom they're starting suddenly suffering from severe injuries they break their face whatever Quidditch is a violent game so absolutely taking a field trip with miss Frizzle come on ride on the Magic School Bus with Miss Frizzle do it that's my choice what's what's the comments day the comments are actually pretty split I think it actually goes to Quidditch in the comments really hmm Jason what do you see him yeah I was seeing a lot of field trip and Frizzle at the very beginning but now but it seems like yeah there was a lot of Quidditch well let's see one if it was us for you Oh Quidditch 55% I think well I think the ring people don't know this person that's what I did I think if more people knew who Miss Frizzle was and how awesome her school buses she would have been up there yeah saying just saying bring time is getting tight okay we should do a couple more okay I can go through thanks quick okay speed run all right speed speed round here we go would you rather speak every language except the language of the country you're currently in whoo that's right whoo or speak only the language of the country you're in but know the meaning of every single word in that language whoa speak only the language of the country you're in wait so okay so just to define the rules if I goat it like say okay I'm sitting in the u.s. yes and right now if I'm in the US I don't know English but maybe I know German and then I go to Germany do I suddenly know English and not know germ all right yes correct I think that's what it is right yes yeah I communicate with anybody in your country right or you can be annoyed by everybody in your country that doesn't speak privately I think that do it you know what I would do since it was those were trying to answer me I would go with speak every language except the language of the country you're currently in and I would move to Switzerland where the national languages I believe are German and French but the majority of the population speaks English wow that is like a drop that mic levels well done Austria is similar to I think I would say a lot of European cities or I'm multilingual or re are very easy to communicate with people without speaking that one language yeah wouldn't you have to move out okay pretty you would have to leave up you wouldn't be able to do this in America everyone is going red yeah you would have to leave the UN because no one in the US speaks other languages really everyone's going red everyone is going red really only the language of the country you're in but no the meaning of everything see that's where I see the thing is I love the idea of knowing every language is really awesome that's really appealing to me somebody's thankful back awesome yeah I'm gonna say Quebec huh there's a lot of places in Africa Europe oh wait wait wait so hold on hold on oh no I think the reason I I think maybe I misunderstood too much force Pedro because I thought that what I was thinking is for for the red one I was like why is everyone choosing rent and I think it's because like if you're in the u.s. you know a word in the English language and then if you go to Germany you know every word in the German language you have to go read then you have it is pretty much max communication yeah that's that's the only lot that's the only logical answer you know if that's the way it works I said honestly I think you're both misinterpreting the question so it's the questions fault but it's speak every language except for the country year crook you're currently in speak only the language in country year so we wouldn't be able to speak English we could speak every other language Yeah right or speak only English see I don't think that this can't be you know every language in every country like when you move to a new country you speak if that's what I was thinking I was thinking along will only know English and so when you go somewhere else you only know every word of English I really like the idea of knowing every language I'm going this way oh people are like I'm not sure the question is clear enough yeah I think the question was hard on this one also it would help it would help out game theory in Spanish and French at like finally I would be able to have game theory and French and Spanish yeah Japanese like I would add English right to that is not English that's okay building out building out those international fans would you rather have arms in proportion to a t-rex which is great or have a necking for Portugal avisaurus Oh obvious go brontosaurus I think so too I think whoops yeah why I feel like if I had a neck proportionate to a brontosaurus I wouldn't be able to move around very easy in indoor spaces like I have I had a lot already anyways and I feel like if I do that I'm just going to get clotheslined a lot and things like that see I think that the teef the argument for the brontosaurus neck is that if you have t-rex arms you're you're impairing your abilities you do things whereas if you have a brontosaurus neck you're not in like you still have full you saw the ability to do everything you can do now but now you can also reach like the Apple at the top of the orchard but think of it at the top of the arc are you hearing yourself any time you want to do something that refines your movement the knack is heating long do it you would have a hard time getting into cars you would need to hop into convertible let's trail ah you would have to like bowed out like I said bow down bow enter into doorways this one's pretty split plus I mean like mine it's not like your arms arms are short that's fine you still can move your rest of your body and I'm like not huge by no means so I should be able to still grab things that I want to grab Oh Laura Laura rabble put points out something important blood flow going to your head would be really slow that is true you might not important you might not actually be able to live as a peon so you might choose this and then it happens and then you immediately died you get hard can't sustain that that is true that is a fair point Laura that's a clapping Hannah there tonight oh so what's the verdict then that's really split it's really what's the verdict for us in the room we have a t-rex we have brontosaurus I still think brontosaurus though like assuming your heart could take it that would be don't be so fun right right looking let's see Wow that's 5149 low right all right t-rex arms though it's a same it's the same in the chat Wow very split impressive alright okay next up this is fun I like this would you rather be forced to watch a movie you hate over and over again for a week of course to listen to a song you hate over and over again for a week oh that's called listening to the radio yeah old fogey oh they like play the same five songs literally like every hour no I go movie link because the movies longer so you have to watch it fewer amount fewer numbers of time three minutes three to four minutes as opposed to like a two hour movie you're like you're like mom you have to listen that thing hundreds of times more than you would have I will say though being forced to watch a movie actually forcing you to watch it never impairing more of your senses or you are impairing your sight one of those two thing that which the mother you're just impairing you're here yeah we're even if it is where I don't have to listen to the movie I just have to watch it I still rather have my sight than I would my hearing for this a hundred percent because again going back to the driving exact like going back to my assertion about the radio on the radio yeah I'm listening to the same you know song if I were you yeah because it's in the bed its auditory I'm you know tuning it out whatever but I'm still able to drive I'm not able to do other things that's totally fair and and I didn't realize that you could multitask while that was going on I thought it was like a week dedicated to either listening or watching a movie you definitely had a fair point about not it but I totally agree I totally agree yelling 5446 huh there you go next would you rather drink ha hey this is very pertinent to me in the impossible quiz that's amazing I I can answer this one horse would you rather drink a gallon of must God I'm having like flashbacks to the impossible quiz at this point drank a gallon of mustard in one sitting or use mustard as toothpaste for three weeks a gallon a gallant you had a spoonful let me tell you a gallon good luck it's it's not alike I don't care how old you I don't care how big of a fan you are of mustard it might take you three weeks of sitting in front of that gallon in order to get through it I know that's hot gallon is a ton I would have all the Fosters I'd have to go read I'm making all the unpopular tooth hygiene just today but you have to go read and then and then you follow exactly what I said from the last question where you pour in some baking soda Yuri brush you do the scope vigorous flosser you floss vigorously and you come out with beautiful teeth everyone says read read read read read read I agree with read here we go 54:46 closer than you think it is closer than we think last one hey last one cuz jason has to talk with Verizon that's why it's all in an attempt to make sure that you guys are getting smooth streams every time high-definition streaming here we go would you rather ooh huh whoa this is a hard one this is a good one to end on would you rather be smart and unlucky or be dumb and really lucky which one he's smart he's smart hahaha is he you know what this is interesting you know what I like I like Jake I want to be like Jason I think you are and unlucky please don't the world begs you do I think I think Jason's awesome I'd rather be smart and then lucky boy I know I know I know some of the people in the red category and and you know what if you're smart you can get out of unlucky situations and make the most of them I do feel though people in the red category probably don't really care that they're in category like they probably feel good about their situation I mean I'd rather be smart and unlucky any day yeah I mean I mean for me speaking personally I've always seen myself as like the guy who will work non-stop to create my own luck gotta fail where it's like yeah yeah I will overcome the odds I will make sure that like I'm working as far as possible I'm studying and training myself I'm doing all this stuff um in order to create my own opportunities rather than hope that they come to me or you know luck into them there's a lot of arguments that ignorance is bliss man you know most people are going oh yes that's the thing right like if you don't know you just like kind of so you're kind of clueless life just hands you a bunch of stuff that's a print like honestly that's a pretty sweet life like oh hey I won the lottery oh that's cool or like yeah I eat you I just feel like luck is powerful and if you don't know it a bit like great rez if you're smart and unlucky you're like man I should have gotten that job promotion because I deserved it more than that dumb guy but he knows the boss's wife or whatever you know whatever you know like he has connections or whatever and so like if you're smart and the world is based on luck and it is unfair to you it makes you miserable well this is really it's a hard one I yeah so so I'm Hannah I'm going to like I'm going to make the assumption here that that dumb and really lucky gets you up to like here and smart and really unlucky still gets you to like better a better place you're just saying that you're just trying to convince yourself of that because you are you have the the like wherewithal to figure it out luck doesn't have to do with everything like there's a lot that luck doesn't play in but if your uh but okay okay okay I know and I know this is the last one but if you are unlucky you could you could obtain up to here but then you could lose it because you are unlucky like unrestricted hey you created a company you won the lottery whatever or you say yours okay let's take to it the extreme I'm smart I figure out the pattern in the numbers so that I can win the lottery great I won 18 million dollars but somehow I'm unlucky and I lose the ticket or I I'm unlucky and the government repossess is my house like a good thing like all your luckiness lock is very powerful luck is but yeah I'm gonna stick it out I'm just gonna stick it out on faith and same blue everyone says blue blue blue blue blue you know there are a bunch of reds earlier I'm seeing a lot of blue though here we go alright Wow d 8% I can being really interesting you know it's interesting because be smart and unlucky means you're gonna have to work for it yeah like you are gonna have to work for it yeah so you know that's that's a big thing oh alright alright wow that was intense that was great I enjoyed this a lot this is really fun and I enjoyed your guys's comments too like this was it was interesting I like on the same page for most one surprise it was yeah but it was it was really good Stan Lee once said that lucky is human oh oh yeah only once that being lucky is the best superpower says ruh keep shopping online shoppin Chopin Chopin maybe's Chopin see a lot of red okay yeah so there you go I don't believe in pure luck alright so long and thanks for the fish good all right right luck isn't real says Yussef hmm if you ain't smart you would lose your channel that's true I would lose my check yeah there's there's no way a pig way through uh games really lucky that's right you just come up with brilliant stuff out of luck that was the canine torch okay so they so that's it for today thank you guys for engaging in this little like fun personality test this was a lot of fun I'd like to do this again sometime this is really it was fun to debate these things and learn a little bit about each other then and about you guys about my stinky laundry stink at stake pad my my pores teeth brushing skills you're my gurgling my tab gurgling vigorous flossing your your vigorous flossing Jason just being generally weird smart ah being smarter than I lucky ah so there you go guys thank you guys for joining us today so that being said I'll remember that's just a stream a live stream thanks for watching we'll see you tomorrow for learn this is scary games Friday GG is GF oh the saga can't the saga rainbow continues yeah get ready it is so scary grab like a big grab like a bunch of little animal to cuddle because is scary stuff friend bo oh it's good Friday night popcorn I feel you gotta go with that I keep fit every time I say Fran bow it reminds me of like an old western yeah like Rambo friend Bo Fred Bo friend Bo sorry with him hey Leigh so we're gonna say goodbye to you now so hopefully we'll see you tomorrow at 4 o'clock p.m. Pacific time for Fran bow get ready to get scared and in the meantime I'm gonna say goodbye to you guys so Alex dank patches Raz thanks rooster love you love you too rooster boy oh yeah nano the wolf live stream yes yes marina bye uh Adrian ax and Riaan X good bye
Channel: GTLive
Views: 903,326
Rating: 4.9356394 out of 5
Keywords: Would you rather, never have i ever, party games, walkthrough, lets play, would you rather matpat, argue, debate, ask me anything, ama, secret, game theory, Game Theory (Field Of Study), GTLive, GT Live, game theory live, matpat, matthew patrick
Id: 0VRM5gC1xlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 28sec (4348 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2015
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