I RUIN Her Hair! | Nailed It or Failed It Hair Challenge

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we had Chris and Jason find some swab haircuts online and we are gonna replicate those haircuts using all our skill and resources and a lot of hair gel there look it's like you and me and alfalfa except you have a really long alfalfa you guys we need to put more I cannot believe you cut my hair and this hair job what did you do what did you do why didn't you make that noise [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys and welcome to GT not live that's right this isn't live don't engage with that chat do hit us up on Twitter but not expecting an immediate response you're not gonna get one so basically like normal so use the comments there there they are available and they will be eager to receive you so please show love to the comments introduce yourself make a friend down there a friend that will last a lifetime oh that's internet friendships beautiful truly a beautiful thing you know what else is a beautiful thing your hair Wow thank you stuff that's very nice no problem I just you know I see it there sometimes and I'm like wow what a quaff on that guy I am a coiffure one big quaff and it turns out that my complimenting Matthews hair actually goes with the theme of the day wow it's almost like you planned it that way almost that theme of the day is matching hairstyles Oh matching hairstyle so we're gonna match yes Stephanie I'm gonna magically grow my hair by like a foot and then we'll be able to match together or I could just lace yours off no yeah like haircut Danny yes so what we did out we had Chris and Jason find some swab haircuts online and we're gonna replicate those haircuts using all our skill and resources and a lot of hair gel Paul made notes this is just the gel this is this is really this is some serious cheapo gel max hold stuff it has avocado oil in it okay it's very nerd it lifts and it defines also makes it rock hard so basically we're giving ourselves a helmets of hair today it's gonna say I thought you just described a push-up bra Stephanie yeah that lifted mine and firm it lifts and sorry this lifts and defines a push-up bra lifts and separates Stephanie it defines buy separately I would know that from firsthand experience I was gonna ask I mean I've done my research wow this is some really intense stuff I can't wait to put this all over your head we also have another extreme styling gel option this one has a speedometer on it with the speed at max whoa which tells you just how intense this is what does that mean how is that max oh it's Maxwell it's a speedometer I was like how how is our hair getting faster by using it just getting harder harder and harder by the second like me and my will to live no oh oh that was sad and dark for a second so let's pull up some images let's see if we can replicate set images and just see how beautiful we look alright this oh so it looks like we're starting with a Mathieu hairstyle here oh oh I mean that is basically my headshot as it exists it's gonna say I don't know I don't think we need to do too much to Matthews hair to get it in this kind of shape you know how you get my hair in that shape you have me play a rage game yeah I was gonna so angry so angry done do it this good no I'm not quite here but I think we just get you there I think we can get you there we've got all these combs and stuff yeah I'll pick okay I'll use the propane yes right there's afro pick there we go this is like the game nailed it which we may or may not have done on a previous GT live what if we haven't got prize we're gonna do that in future GT not live if we have done it before then wow it's a callback reference to that GT not live that you made that may or may not have seen before just don't know what to do with content when it's not live basically we're just like this could exist anywhere in the time-space continuum we can't tell not know night now you just look like a Beatle here I heard you got a look at they were largely considered to be very attractive in their time Stephanie hich is your hair not it doesn't floof it just it doesn't get messy it's been so used to having the same hairstyle for the last 28 years that it just doesn't go into any other sheets true okay I've trained it well I whipped it into shape there there there this is it here I mean let me look sultry and smoldering yeah sucking your cheeks a little bit mmm that's nice but not not quite a pucker face just just heighten lift your cheekbones lift your cheekbones and and create hollows right here that make it look like you haven't eaten in about four weeks there you go there you go beautiful you look like a model mmm give me Dolce & Gabbana Chanel other designers that would have a lot would have models the forgotten singer from the Motown era oh no way aunt fun sex I went as L fell for one year for Halloween so this should be easy step okay so this is challenge number two yes all right I'm gonna need to concentrate with this one tell me stuff all right Oh oh boy it's coming maybe lemon need a friend hold on so the key with the alfalfa is to get the perfect middle part true so we're just gonna we're just gonna really cut it cut it right down off center you gel helps certainly I think also just the the parting comb no it's the Harding job how definitely gel honestly here wait we got to set it up and then we're gonna plaster it down oh I think you play better than then yeah just dump it on cat does your hair part in the middle no why would it is there a middle of your forehead there is where here no I got it it doesn't even go to that side it's helpful it literally just sticks it's like no I refuse to leave the side of my head that's been my home for the last three decades like I said I've trained my hair well Stephanie if you know what works then you do it geez Steph whole telling you you use the magic button of the gel it's going it's going my friend I you know okay you're living it up I actually think we need to start pretty oh yeah she got us a cup of water a cup of water here I was gonna drink that never mind don't do that there we go No all right no I think we've got enough gel here ready ready oh oh yeah oh this is this is the way to go I told you Jose here turn toward the camera so we can get a nice a nice shot of it mmm we shouldn't have a mirror or something that I can there we go see myself there we go oh my god I worked on the Goodfellow and company boat working at this boat site is this yours Chris are you sure I think he took it out of his personal collection if it is don't be ashamed of your bow tie is a Jason thought I'm sorry Jason you look so probably spiffy in this oh this is just this is unfortunate in a lot of ways but oh but it's or attracted to me at this point I think you could like you could like launch a slip and slide just off of your head at this point hold on okay so we got the one-piece in the day gotta give that one to the stand straight oh this is not nearly as hard as I thought it would be I think we've done it hold on oh do we need a bigger piece in the back guys what do you think maybe a little bit maybe a little bit more back here just to make sure we know we know who it is there it is twist it there BAM I feel like Steve Urkel even though alfalfa is different from Steve Urkel alfalfa's from Little Rascals by the way which is an old like old like family sitcom back in the day I feel like Steve Urkel Doe where it's like they do I do there we are this this drives me back to my like nerd roots quite honestly some of the earliest days of my Halloween II will spend like this do you yeah do you feel close to more closely did too nerdy brethren I do oh good because you look more closely connected to nerdy brother I wish I knew what I looked like but I can't see them you can you can you see every time I turn my head I have to like you know how that is that is the thing that we neglected to think about for this livestream just just know that you look like you're wearing a really great Hellman nerdy helmet there you go hey what about Staff dad can we do one for Steph yes wait what I think that's just photo shot like I think they just photoshopped I think it's mild hair on hair on hair on hair okay ready have at it man I'm so sorry Stephanie I did you haven't seen yourself you know we're going into the live stream shortly after this so you're gonna be stuck wearing whatever we end up creating okay just so you know all right little how do you how do you do this it's gonna be like a lot of this here I have I have two hair ties to donate to oh fantastic that's great I don't know how to use any of these tools that women use for their hair but cool I do like it when people play with my hair I think this is gonna work out great well it's gonna be the best what the heck are you doing ah there we go that stack number one no here just come stack number two I don't think this is working out the way you think it's working oh it's definitely I don't think it's work oh no that's definitely not working hmm hmm this is this is hard and complicated go to jail go to the town what a great idea Steph that's what exactly I'm gonna do man here we go oh I have so much hair it takes so much time to wash and dry after stuff spin in it yeah this is a bad news it takes it's really it's a process okay hold up oh oh sorry we lost the hair tag it was it was good for the cause you know you have to you have to like twist them into the hair multiple times you don't just like wrap it once around the hair why would elastic band hmm hmm this is very complicated I think you doing great personally I think this looks just like the model so far I think so to think I'm really encompassing the Halle Berry er whoever that is over there okay yeah I think I'm just gonna go like this I think this might be the way to go honestly you look like a conehead shoot now I need to hold it up until it dries I think you've got other bigger problems here my friend do I I think this I think this is a good the structural integrity of this hairstyle is never gonna make it beautiful it's done I like it right large this looks pretty great you're only saying that cause it's covering my face no I'm saying it because it's birds might nest in it big Kurt's have already nested I think that's the fundamental problem yeah man I am so sorry about what we've done to your hair is Stephanie I'm really concerned about what's going to happen tonight when I try and wash it yeah yeah wait were you trying to create that we're we're doing this one no okay ready round two geez okay so you got straight you got the straight bangs down okay hold up there we go hey what what is going on in there what I'm trying to I'm trying not to ruin your hair staff man there we go look I'm giving you the emo bangs you've got all the email so much so many emotion Stephanie so many emotions I mean your inner emotions I have plenty of them I don't really need to summon any more lemon those internal emotions the feeling all sorts of stuff right now I am so angry at the world and its treatment of me what what did you do here that not was not there before I don't know I don't know how hair gets knotted it's not like there we go okay so now let's do the hard part so if you'll turn around thank you here we go just I'm just giving up I'm just defeated I could really use a drink here we go we're gonna just get all this hair together let's see this is the top this is it what are you doing to my head look at what you see on sky hands that is so much hair there's so much to mess up yeah yeah okay oh it's like this would take multiple hours to do effectively yeah it does take a long time to do this hair it takes it takes a long time and I need like a blow dryer to make sure it stays in this fiddling chunk oh there we go okay that's not bad that's not bad I'll take that they just burn it in there a little bit yeah you go you guys will let me know if my hair actually starts to fall off won't you oh absolutely I will absolutely unfortunately the speedometer on this bottle of gel does not go to a high enough velocity to cover what we're trying to do are you just trying to get it to stand upright yes of course then you should try out oh gosh I was gonna say you should pull it in that direction but maybe maybe not so much with the pulp I don't know what oh my god sorry I'm trying to separate you out into like defined chunks man you're so beautiful stuff I'm so glad about you that enough dear I appreciate you so much in life ah your you're my best friend this is just this is gonna be great and no matter how you look so beautiful this is this I I'm joking like comb their hair back why are you why are you teasing my hair doesn't that help firm enough yeah honestly I am kind of at a loss did any of them stand up no of course not why should their look it's like you and me and alfalfa except you have a really long alfalfa you guys we need to put more I cannot believe you cut my hair and this hair job and what did you do what did you do why didn't you send make that noise shoot suddenly your hair is too flaccid and floppy we need to harden it up honey why are you spitting on my hair now it's it's a blow-dryer it's like a blow-dryer oh I just caught a glimpse of myself in one of the monitors I look like one of those middle schoolers who wears the long black trench coats at the mall who remind me a lot of the girl from the ring actually oh great that's another good image I want to conjure right there we go shoot it's all falling apart I don't know what to do thank you yeah that little barrettes gonna boom nope no there we go okay I wish I have like a stick or something like like prop this up what should we model this yes okay you're ready there we go mmm totally worked oh yeah that this is it I think it looks just like the picture you don't even know you didn't even see you know I haven't I can totally just tell by exactly how here wait there you go there I think people are having a hard time seeing it before oh because of the things right you're so right I think we got it I think we got a good nail that guys they love it perfect hairstyle you know that sign me up hair cutter eSchool whoa there's a lot of gel on your hands there's a lot of more gel in your hair Oh break it to ya oh oh no there's like a puddle back here you have two problems oh no oh my god oh my god what is this nightmare No everything else oh my god and yet it still didn't stay propped up so I don't know what the problem was I think it's impossible to do I think that's a Photoshop I think this is fake news ladies and gentlemen maybe I need it now you know what it is I needed hairspray yeah and now it really helped you I think that might have been the deciding factor here honestly all right all right everyone wow you clean up really good thanks man we've been in their hair magic it's impressive that was an adventure and I'm going to have an even greater adventure tonight trying to get all of that gel out of my hair because it's gonna harden it's gonna harden here in like a few minutes right which is what I was hoping for this whole time and we're stuck so that way yeah it could have been stuck in the spikes but it wasn't no I need a hair dryer next time wish us luck you guys tonight is going to be a fun night I think I'm gonna go to the YouTube creator summit looking like this oh that's a great idea I think this will be good I think this will give me the respect of my fellow hahaha okay guys my collaborate you can tell him you're doing like a Sofia Nygaard style video I wore my hair like alfalfa for a week that's great watch out of SAP coming for you yeah so anyway alright sure Santa I think stephanie's gonna try to take a shower before we do the livestream so yeah five minutes alright guys that was another episode of GT not live some of them are more successful than others I personally think that a great alfalfa I feel like all of them are at the same success let's be honest so far so far we've had some interesting ones hopefully you guys are enjoying them if you are let us know in the comments and also so we're gonna subscribe and remember that's not a stream it's not a live stream thanks for watching
Channel: GTLive
Views: 125,285
Rating: 4.9717736 out of 5
Keywords: nailed it, nailed it or failed it, challenge, nailed it hair, nailed it episodes, hair challenge, husband does my hair, hair hacks, hair, hair fails, husband does my makeup, challenges, hairstyle, hairstyles, easy hairstyles, hair tutorials, short hair, long hair, hair style, nailed it show, game theorists, game theory, matpat, gtlive nailed it, gtlive hair, gtlive stephanie green hair, matpat nailed it, matpat hair, matpat hairstyle, matpat haircut, gtlive nail polish
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 27 2018
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