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this flag motion sends a shockwave of energy that forces your muscles contracted 240 reps emitted staff feel like there's just no safe direction to comment on the shake weight there's a reason I had to make a product for men because it was so successful with the women that what must have been what it was it's probably more successful with the men I think men need this exercise more so you build definition inside and dream Wow definition size and Stroke what all men want I think what a lot of men are also working [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys and welcome - GG live right it's it's like Rocky Horror Picture Show Joey with Addison patience so infomercials are widely known I love infomercials just by the way like I grew up excited to watch infomercials like to this day I can still cite things for you like you just said it and you forget it or the Miracle Grow where they were literally sawing through pipes or it slices it dices or or the Wonder stick where you you would like wonder stick is he doing over there what are you wonder sticking it's one of those like it was stick blenders it was a stick blender I don't think it was called a wonder stick though it was called a shoot it was it was a shopping bag it was the first ever like stick blender and you could keep making peanut butter I would make peanut butter you would make peanut butter long every day if we get into the shake we whipped cream it was fresh I have never heard of sauna pants but so Chris's is drafted up or has brought up at or two tabs up here and so we're gonna watch some of these infomercial ads I'm very excited I've never heard of sauna pants I do not know what they are I can only assume that they will make your legs and crotch area feel as though they're being steamed at all hours yes nothing makes you feel more invigorated and refreshed than a steaming song actually makes me feel you're fired access stored water which may contain toxins but who has the time to spend in a spa plus the sauna experience can be expensive not anymore reducing the revolutions that you can enjoy when you want to and where you want to oh that is terrifying I've never seen this product before I just can't believe it's real it looks like a diaper for a construction worker it used to be like reflected or like a hunter like let me put up my sauna pants right oh it's gonna shoot me when I can be in the comfort of my old pants man tell you what please tell me that this sauna that the that the moisture from this sauna actually does come from you just peeing in your face Stephanie would you like I appreciate that this man right now is laying in bed would you be attracted to is it hot in here is it just my sauna pants and I'd be like oh it's just your sada pants here let me give you a good 500 foot radius I don't want to be anywhere near though do not be attracted to me if I was just laying in bed with nah also wrapped around my crotch holy cow right in the comfort of your own it's like the home dudes all red shorts like rarely am I like wow I really want my crotch to be hotter and moister than it is or than the rest of your body it's like oh it feels like it would just throw your body's equilibrium way is just me but like my undercarriage area is already hot and warm and I like it's it's worth it's at a comfortable warm usually it's good enough you know if not more so like if not too much warmth that's wet yeah sure I'm just saying sauna pants what problem in my life are you solving right now just like a sauna creating a moist heat whoa whoa water around all good toxins are gonna leave my butt where you need it the most now you could let me I mean and make you pissed what does that mean and the time they're leaving your butt is that only bad news is that only that area also I like that it's it's literally like oh yeah look at how great the top half of you looks because your pants have been melting you from the outside in I know we're just relaxed in the private he's playing a game my gosh I didn't like who's holding the controller I saw there was a big marshmallow no that's I didn't know that I was in this this is part of your acting career this is this is me this is me topless only wearing like this is how the world sees gamers ladies in job this is it where it's is a on a pan with their awful haircut their naked body and their sweaty sweaty undercarriage only 29 nine week ow I would ask um why is she so glistening you too can be dipped in oil oh whoa it's like that one character in a street fighter who leaves like an oil wrestler and houses himself before every battle oh this this is that person who apparently needs sauna pants are incredible 90 day money Wow guarantee you're not enjoying the best sauna experience of your life you know questions asked order now and get your sauna pants plus the money-back guarantee it's only the know by nineteen oh we're gonna have to order us 30 bucks why's that is I mean 1,400 bucks versus 30 how can you say no I mean really that's how the sauna cost does break down though it's 30 bucks for like you're paying 30 bucks for this area and then the rest is almost about $1,400 price tag is for the rest of your body obviously your sauna just once and it pays for itself order now and just wrap and relax can I get two all right shake weight for men I didn't know that they had a shake weight frighten I know that there was the shake weight for women there hey it's a unisex shake weight anyone could shake their weight okay did you know that if you actually make a salt shaker motion into your mouth your brain psychologically completes the action and you start to physically feel the sensation of or the flavor of salt no seriously it's one of those weird psychological what if you're used to shaking like bags of Doritos into your mouth then you taste dorita no it's just sold specifically yes it activates the salt like sensors in your brain well that's no good because I'd run to prefer to taste Doritos well you should try it with the salt no I don't think I'll do that well I won't you it's its face it's fascinating psychological studies is that yeah I'm really I'm really not gonna do that why not it's already proven I really don't need to test it see this blew my mind would Dan first oh you should try it at home you're making me want to blow my mind out here we go shake weight for men and it's going to kick oh it's gonna kick my blocks oh god I love that brand friendly terminology there it's going to it's going to gently punch your tushie oh you know it's a masculine product it's gonna kick your dog on the wait at each end fire and recoil rapidly Wow Wow of energy look at that feel like there's just no safe direction to comment on the wait there's a reason I had to make a product for men cuz it was so successful with the women that what must have been what it was it's probably more successful with the men I think men need this exercise more so you build definition and stream Wow definition size and stream what all men want I think what a lot of it are also oh oh it's okay we got a science man coming up I'm very excited for us really exercise on leading biomechanics research centrally oh wow there was a standard study preparing shake weights to similar weight dumbbells performing standard dumbbell exercises wow what the heck did that graph mean I love how we zoom so far in that it was impossible to tell what was actually on it look dumbbell Mel Lombard way lumbar region muscle forces oh man it's pretty complicated we probably shouldn't question it but it is what does it compare it I am very keen lumbar region is your lower back yeah what exercise are you doing with the shake weight that you're exercising your Logan's all about stabilizing your course Oh shake ya shake shake shake we see do you feel your lumbar needing to support you no but I do feel but I do feel the salt flavor and drink my mouth again it looks like the gauntlet has been thrown down here I think you may need to take as a man I think you're gonna need to take the shake weight challenge you're gonna have to have you shake this thing for six minutes on the line screw the time pod challenge that's for like the Leigh boys yeah who's doing that one oh I could eat laundry detergent in pose in themselves come on right I mean also have you seen the tide Potter's they're like let me bite into this thing around my mouth no so we down the gauntlet if your arm is not on fire after phasmatis and shoulders chest and shoulders and still all three areas have to be on fire all three areas must be on fire or you get your money back here bacon bonanza here we go everyone loves the dalish while that was a crisp piece of bacon that bacon is like Bacon's made of wood look like you are breaking a bone there and know everyone loves da delicious taste of crispy bacon what is going on with that crap bacon Bonanza homies deal the lower fat way to make college low-fat screw you we're eating effing bacon okay what's the point it is literally like pork crispy pork fat right what's bad bacon yeah gtfo delicious bacon every day right in the oven just line the bacon Bonanza rack went up to 12 strips of bacon then place it in the upper the rack keeps your bacon lifted in the oven he never seen I've never seen anyone do this but Jason cooks bacon in the oven I've seen him do it keeps your bacon lifted because that's important it's not cooking in all that grease then why if it's not cooking in degrees what's the point then why like then you are not serving me bacon right can you know how to here - racking Pam keeps every smile straight and even notice the calories and cholesterol easily drip I doubt the hideout I like that they're like oh the calories and cholesterol drip away they go that's not true you're still eating the same product just because it's not like dipped in what I call foul there needs to be a food like bacon isn't that crunchy no total crunchy I am seeing some people who really like the crunch cash more orange says yes crunch bacon is bacon says xx star master xx that's true we could lean and crispy bacon every time and the bacon so each delicious slides out Gotham still he can finance and works with any kind of people tell you not to shave on your favorite spices for delicious flavored bacon so you can make a yummy bacon and egg breakfast don't Haseley BLTs mouth-watering gourmet salads and because it's from Gotham steel you can also use the nonstick Oh so let's be honest here it's really just a pan it's a nonstick pan with a rat they put a rack in it they put a rack in clap and a half ladies and gentlemen you made up you made a cake tin with the rack brilliant all right here we go night football man we're taking a trip back through time oh this is just a commercial like the shake weight all over again ladies and gentlemen so wait you smell it yet well you pop it out you smell it you put it in here guys I got a great model for our gum okay yeah papa there's never been more double icons in a single lifestream you pop it all you smell it and then you put it in your mouth that's what's gonna sell me on this coming we go a bit out here we go in sorry it smells first and then pop it out I got to make sure I'm doing it right it's smell that man yeah yeah thank you sorry I was I was misquoting oh my god don't don't pop it out and then smell that's a dangerous combination [Music] I'm ready to move right off this couch [Music] there you go serenity the moon princess says OMG I remember this commercial while I still sing the theme when buying juicy fruit hey that means it's really effective actually that means it's really memorable so maybe that's what they were going down I'm definitely not gonna forget that one hey fresh also points out it's dangerous to ski and chew gum right there's a liability issue so I am a little concerned about juicy fruit what I know like me at a microphone and Daniel Paciorek says the taste would move eeeh if it lasted longer than ten seconds now on a sustained flavour dog rocks fire I did it ran out of flavor really fast I will say a winter fresh lasted a decent length instead it did save the super strong waterproof tape yeah whoa so ooh like a slow-mo guy I mentioned at the beginning of this livestream that I love infomercials and I do um growing up Billy Mays who did OxiClean powered by the air we breathe activated by the water we drink Oh Billy Mays was like one of my heroes growing up and there before he died there was a documentary or there was a series that followed him and um the other infomercial guy not the slam shop guy but the other like good infomercial yeah it was big around the time as they like went around in like the infomercial lifestyle and they actually analyzed how these commercials work and they they always said you need the big moment you need the like big stunt that sells the item and so you know for a lot of them like saws and stuff it's like we're gonna chop through drawer like the knife we're gonna drill through brick yeah we gave our miracle blades to a construction site and they're constructing a house using and they show them cutting the two by fours and then it's like and you can still slice the bread but so here very clearly the Flex tape like we're gonna slab it on a giant vat of water is is the big selling feature yeah plus flex tapes powerful adhesive is so strong it even works underwater that's impressive kind of cool this is like waterproof tape your fish is about to escape that tank and what do you do flex tape it you know instead of clogging that hole maybe you should clog the ongoing source of water that's good I do a lot of people with their pools campers and RVs we're trying to look how strong it holds on tight oh where is that is that just one tape like I like that he's having a hard time good on you yeah y'all ever have for him he's so proud of it you know like I so saw this boat in have you Dan repaired it with only flex tape not 12 inch wide flex tape used on both inside and outside of boat which is flex tapes powerful diesel hold the boat together put that in 38 that's it man like that's a that's pretty good again ms:i I think there's nothing by from completely dry what is it Mojo's I think it's supposed to compete with like duct tape right so it's got to be like not that much more expensive than duct which is it tell me Wow it's got a whole channel dedi the tape Channel looking at over a million views it has 70 thousand subs man but look at these look at the videos the actual commercials well they're willing to use they probably paid I'm just saying probably ad supported you I'm just saying crime has become your problem around their condo is burglarized once every 15 million Americans go right - to Matty I'm sorry to protect yourself and your loved ones from unwanted intruders Oh No this patented protection device eliminates the crucial wasted time of searching for a handgun or other forms of protection stored away right there it's right Harry hire your dog and toddler kid region face level of your dog and toddler is literally right there oh right and and I come from a place in the I come from a rural area in the country I know many people who own guns I know many people who own and operate guns very safely and there and they're hunters and all this stuff I don't think any of them store their guns like this I'm saying I'm saying what if you wake up in the middle of enough like sometimes you got to stumble out a bit like here you're doing like little old reach over the bed you're you're tripping over your shotgun I know you're worrying about that actually haribol this reminds me of the gun bed which is another quality product obviously here we have one bed in action the original god the original one bed frames designed for your peace of mind here there is a solution dependent boom Wow look at that he is ready to go none of this like I'm gonna holy boy or got surprised by it being next to my bed heck no it's like boom no see there's none of this like awkward let me reach to the side the gun bed is quite possibly the biggest breakthrough and home look at that it is like poetry in motion offense firearm the gun battle aus fast access to a firearm while keeping it secure off the floor out of the closet or the nightstand and away from curious children one line how was it because it seems like all you have to do is tap the bed that's my question here is like I would I would think this would would be pretty effective if there were some kind of code or something you needed to there's no time the code is activate something like four number code and you're like and you're like you're in the middle of the night then the years your home intruder it's like boom ready my concern though with this gun back in the event you hear an intruder and thank you very wise what is your hands aren't in the right position here like literally getting smacked in the face of here I'm shocked like it hurts enough when I drop my cell phone on my face in the morning when I'm like oh what's going on oh damn it damn you know when my pop socket suddenly fails right and it's like whoops dropped it butterfingers me and then you got like a bump on your head this is a whole shotgun in your face it's like a ten pound like you better have your hands exactly positioned otherwise that guns flopping all over that parkerpoints out not everyone has kids that's absolutely true if you're not worried about anyone like finding it or coming in or whatever hey that's gotten bet it up friend again I'd still worry about tripping over it on my way to like pee in the middle of the night for more information and pricing go to Wow God bad there it is Jade skull also said hey Matt needs to protect his diet coke good point Matthew people will do anything for that Diet Coke Wow I like this one whoa the log cabin gun bed this is residential it's rustic and protective oh look it even comes with like ancient and gravy no your own wild oak that's awesome oh look it's a rare indeed he was in bed so it's not it's totally a bear no it's a horse what is it then look it's a human look it's a human running away from the horse that's carrying it sometime no it's a centaur hey guys thank you so much for watching this episode of GT live brought to you by the ads that support this channel 100% free and if you order now you can get a whole nother video for the same low low price of absolutely free we're throwing in an extra video right now totally free it's the box of the right it's another try not to laugh challenge oh my god well you gotta order within the next five seconds otherwise this video is gonna end cute cats
Channel: GTLive
Views: 758,103
Rating: 4.9339228 out of 5
Keywords: infomercial, reaction, try not to laugh, shake weight, oxiclean, react, funny infomercials, billy mays, shamwow, try not to laugh challenge, funny commercials, super bowl commercial, react to, commercial, don't laugh, try not to cringe, try not to cringe challenge, cringe, compilation, fun, funny, infomercial challenge, challenge, gtlive reacts, gtlive, infomercial reaction, gt live, try not to laugh gtlive, gtlive matpat, gtlive try not to laugh, sauna pants, infomercial compilation
Id: 840CH5ohU6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2018
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