FNAF WORLD - Dark Secrets UNCOVERED! (Part 1)

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dammit don't don't judge me go go see what you can find whoa oh oh hey whoa but you don't really believe that do you wait are you paid is this do this flip okay there's a task for you to complete go ahead go get you a flip side Fred you have to leave bread crumbs for him to help him find his way what end o plush because character quota wait so well this is this is just advancing huh did we just like see the secret part of the game like it seems like we weren't supposed to see that I gotta be honest I don't remember seeing that in your 14 minutes yeah Jamie granted that robust 40 minutes you play I was doing work I might have missed that but I don't remember seeing that so okay real real quick wouldn't be if the chat has also seen that in other people's sleep oh this isn't normal whoa who ever saw that jump scare people okay so people are saying it isn't normal subway Hey so you already saw like knocking stuff out clubbing f/4l oh so what it seems like is there's this like it's a worm cake it's a worm cake [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys and welcome to TT live where today I it'll be an interesting day we pull the rug out from under everybody on scary games Friday a bit here but it's still scary games Friday it's all you're talking about it's spoopy games Friday let's which is big it's always been a combination of scary games Friday and spooky games Friday so anyway today the plan was to kind of follow what we had done last week which was playing around with a bunch of snap clones last week we did five night or one night at flumpty's 1/2 which were great by the way it was incredible we had a good time you guys seemed to have a really great time and so you know since it's scary games Friday we're like let's do more scary phone app clones cuz I've never gotten to play those but then Jason and so we had to you know we had five nights at candy's all planned out we had the thumbnail all ready to go and then Jason's like hey guys snap world this is how Jason talks yeah exactly this is a perfect dessert Jason hey guys snap world came out lately say it again hey guys snap world can I go and so he's like you want to play for nap world they were like well you know since we were gonna do a nap themed game anyway you might as well plus since you know we've never gotten ahead of one of these things before usually it's like a month later it's like okay we can play this game but now because of livestream we're able to do stuff you know wreck it away do pretty cool so we're trying it out for the first time yeah no cool about this game oh I watched any like the demo stuff at all like the trailers right and what I had read kind of like leading up to it you know so I was kind of going on like a nap break for a while but yeah this year let's try it looks like Otis man look I like RPGs in fact probably one of my favorite game genres of all time favorite games of all time earthbound and Chrono Trigger yeah we're both huge RPG fans so this should be it should be right in our wheelhouse like both of us so that's exciting and maybe maybe TG is gf will still come through because the cuteness will just underlie oh I like to think that me holding out hope I don't know we'll save their now solution I don't know the cuteness over top there's like a darker layer underneath you think it looks like a pony island Fran bow was super cute and terrifying at the same time you're thinking more of like a pony island though this Pony on but you're in Hell or like a cake made of worms yeah right on the outside it's like Oh delicious frosting you're taking then you cut into it it's like worms you're hoping that this game is a cake full of worms why would you ever wish for a cake full of work I'm not I'm not wishing for a kick out of worms I'm hoping for a fun experience or like a like what looks like sugary and fun and bouncy on the outside but something darker horrible and disgust geminians yes exactly that is what I'm hoping for so today we're playing a cake full of worms okay nap world I'm actually really curious because again we don't usually get to play games right when they first come out so like this is everybody's first impression usually you guys are just in there spoiling it and stop usually it's like golden Freddy the killer rainbows actually mental we weighed the wrong us a total not so now you guys don't know where the totems are yeah so we're gonna find the totem see guess so yeah so it'll actually be a really good experience of like everybody like weighing in with their opinion the whole time through so we'll be in the chat looking for what everybody else thinks yeah this will be interesting yeah but enough about that let's play pull up your popcorn and pull up the game there is a rainbow vomit explosion on my screen right now that I am just dying to hop into world look let's do it let's do it it is so such a departure from literally every other game the background reminds me of you know those mites of nails yes nothing more like the thumbnails that we make for a culture shock no I was I was actually gonna say you know those Nino's websites you used to be able to make in like the early 2000s or late 90s where it was like it would be like Stephanie at geo cities and you can put like you can put all of the like animated stuff in the background or like they just like the palm trees that like twirl around or whatever in the background reminds me my computer programming course we actually had to make our own website and huh and on our website that we create it's mine actually looked a lot like this it was like oh I think it's cool fonts dot-com or something like that where you can make them look like animated gifs of all these different fonts and they're flashing and one day make sure you place a lot too so that one is mine okay so so erase my game I don't want to erase the 14 minutes of progress that you've made in this cage except don't worry I won't step on your clearly jason has done a thorough amount of research on this game deep dive deep dive on this game from Jason slugs let's do a race there is no data to race but share so yes okay server 216 is more difficult adventure book adventure find new characters as you play we want to mentor will do normal okay all right cool okay so here's all the characters create two parties of four click the red and blue icons on the right then assign them to a character okay so party creation so I don't even do you unlock everyone else right you must okay so one then click on Freddy what do we know what they're like properties are or does it matter doesn't matter which ones go free it's an RPG so presumably like their abilities matter right who's the healer where's the yeah who's the healer oh I'm gonna okay I'm gonna say Freddy's gonna be a tank I'm gonna say foxy is an attacker yeah yeah he's like ranged and I bet she cause a healer okay she she's got a cupcake that cupcakes heal every wound Bonnie is I have no idea actually you know what I'm gonna do okay I think I'm just gonna keep it just straight across straight across I think since it's two groups of four and you have the toy animatronics and you have this regular animatronics I bet that of the party of four is created to be a well-rounded parties yeah that would Bank that would be my assumption I don't know we hope not gun would pray so mangle as an attacker flexes the attacker Fridays it tank so yeah we should have one right was probably like all-around character yeah yeah yeah fury confirmed my first-ever connector you confirm okay so we have foxy and Bonnie as DPS basically hey let's do this hardcore this is so hardcore I know you make the golden one I know you may feel like going out and taking a stroll but something seems very wrong today it's like mangle in general goal in life all is not well in animatronic huh electronica alikum animatronic village village chronica we are working on don't worry guys it's still a game in progress apparently haven't decided on the actual name of this level no big deal NBD guys NDD the point is that something is horribly wrong okay there have been a lot of bizarre creatures roaming around lately and some that look like nope oh thank you thank you for really good we aren't prepared to deal with situations like this something bad must have happened on the flip side so it's that like the real world flip side I was just thinking maybe he's like maybe he's from the disco era what okay catch you on the flip side dude that's like nice retro chic at this point go go see what you can find whoa oh oh hey whoa but you don't really believe that do you wait are you baby is this do this flip okay there's a task for you to complete go ahead go read flip side friend you have to leave bread crumbs for him to help him find his way what end o plush because character quota wait so well this is this is just advancing huh did we just like see the secret part of the game like it seems like we weren't supposed to see that I gotta be honest I do remember see in here 14 minutes you can see Jamie granted that robust 40 minutes I was doing work I might have missed that but I don't remember seeing that so ok real real quick would be if the chat has also seen that in other people's sleep oh this isn't normal well whoever saw that don't scare people ok so people are saying it isn't normal subway Hey so you already saw like knocking stuff out clubbing f/4l row so what it seems like is there's this like it's a worm cake it's a worm cake because what we saw it was like the the frosted exterior but then because we were so slow reading it it revealed the truth underneath I'm not ready to believe worm cake quite yet no something often what is bet what it's telling you is something awful happened in the real world ie this is this is taking place after fanat for yeah this trick not for yes or this is taking place after the ending of snap for where the crying child has died yeah we this game in some capacity is leaving breadcrumbs to find his way so you know cuz goal uh fredbear the end yeah his imagined imaginary friend Fred bear a son or psychic friend psychic friend Fred bear um he's actually put you back together I will I will be the one to put you back together whatever so now he's coming to animatronics leaving breadcrumbs to put this together so now he's leading the the child in some way through this game alright after life to possess an animatronic something so there was Wow okay there was one thing you missed too when I first started the game yeah the first time yeah it had a black screen with text on it that was either word for word or very reminiscent of the death at the end of nap or really unreal something went horribly wrong yeah I'll fix you I'll put you back together and something like you should be not or something like that really if you just words on the screen and two yellow dots like I like those soulless you saw something at the beginning of that cutscene that was different well it wasn't even have to begin another cutscene it was it's not downloaded the game has started the game for the first time it had a message like really so I don't know if that's common or not but you didn't get to see that okay Jason it is 14 minutes of robust play Wow flip flip up the game will start playing here but so Jason saw like the ending of snap 4 at the beginning of the game I will put you back it you are safe and now we're seeing this kind of art half of things where it's like hey our mission in this game is to lead you know the soul somewhere so all right there you go look at us on earth and Clues live as we speak this man re excited ok so what we got so we got party ok so it take us back yeah and we can reset it change a loading screen JJ okay cuz one wasn't enough okay chips select up to four chips to activate it so you don't say like oh yeah choose reset to clear okay virtue off ready blink and you'll miss him that's cool new character okay boy nice Oh golden Freddy it's me ah ah it's me is golden Freddy that's funny and then some chips and bytes are two different things and then save okay okay oh let's talk to this guy alright is he a monster oh yes welcome to Mendoza I like okay see you can get a better endoskeleton yes so this is probably your armor gives you more hit points or whatever something okay tokens is gonna be your money courtesy alright okay well it's some expensive endoskeleton it always takes so many tokens to get anything at an arcade ah Balloon Boy or some variant of Balloon Boy welcome Oh Dee Dee now there you confused with BB or JJ Dee's fishing hole drop your fishing plunger deep as you can for valuable prizes get your pearl to win hundred faster okay so so it's basically a game to you have chant yeah so you pay 10 K 10 coins or tokens get a hundred oh okay withered foxy still foxy with more yard fantastic okay very cool and then finally welcome to Lal bits bytes torso more items I guess are like accessories or something yeah nothing really about them okay maybe you get pets little waspy little ass be friends plug in virtual Freddy yard you looks pretty awesome I got to admit I kind of want to see virtual Freddy why your frame Freddy too long okay so your how this is very reminiscent of like final fantasy okay okay we have a conflict wait so I think the hold are to run oh my gosh they're already attacking okay okay but you should be your trans turn-based right low it's active battles low damage hook attack explosive and final try one man come on I know okay poppers it was not very effective okay Oh heal okay he'll basic defense and speed killed on there not at 30% of yeah so let's hope let's cupcake that alright yeah my boss killing them softly party 50 damage plus some healing plus some healing speed song increases party so let's increase party speed okay ash jam low damage to all enemies munchies damage overtime prize balls random low tier tech okay okay munchies yeah okay okay we're damn it hey there we go all right okay sweetie okay fine whatever good okay so real-time battles so you have you have to be fast and yeah do it okay well there's mold creature moaning moaning oh it's looks like an art like an original Zelda overworld or something as well yeah Final Fantasy or than this yeah this is like very raises attack defense and speed okay I want to raise attack defense and speed okay increase party speed since it since this is real-time battles yeah you got it you take them low damage with munchies I like to munchies last time there probably weird Hulk can I show you some weird so it doesn't appear like I can choose who to attack no it seemed to auto select it right go to the auto choice can you use can you not use any of the up and down arrows or anything - like deselect or target I don't know okay so wait this guy the Auto chipper is this a reference to chipper and Sons we ran it up relevant a couple of them now yeah I have nine Jackson twelve oh no no it's cutting off on the screen oh yeah I have 136 oh my gosh okay really bad all right clearly a would you would you Freddie oh wait afraid to confirmed guys what is right there's no I need to heal bad bun chica dumps Freddie poppers oh okay fast Jam munchies what are these question marks do away oh come on oh okay party favors heels a little bit of bunny this heals a bit right there's money yeah oh yes that was funny of the puppet aren't poppers do anything here hook again okay jump-scare has confused us oh is that what happened what switch slaves so while we do all the departments it Freddie okay what yeah yeah okay oh geez but now there's a bunch of stuff I don't know let's raise everyone's stuff bite heal all party members I hear that I am light is very effective super effective hot cheese we're gonna use hot cheese guys what didn't even have cheese actually land up refills right during battle low damage cupcake cupcake cupcake okay okay real cheese goat cheese hurt him what the cheese does seem to be damaging well we're talking oh I see that what she this is so cheesy we're whittling wood and Freddie down here ah so hot cheese for the win alright oh man I got all sorts of love this a good victory so does that level up both carrot like both teams oh I don't know it's time what's in the box you have jump one here let's check out what K Oh found your chip oh we can equip that right yeah equipped she's up too so I'm assuming what does it do there well click on here nope okay it looks like it is it already populated with that yes so this is now equipped it looks like how if you have more than four how do you know which ones are equipped head start right it's glowing well we'll figure it out well we'll cross that bridge when you come okay this is why you wake up nightmare okay okay so now presumably were slightly stronger there looks looking eyes and box oh okay cupcake do you heal and tire and you heal completely between you do you don't seem to like have to heal between battle like it auto heal okay cool look that's good all right hook poppers I feel like jalapeno poppers no I think there were like party poppers yeah party poppers they look like jalapeno poppers but because party poppers more so than jalapenos they're yellow I don't know what jalapenos you're eating had that have question mark so crispy and golden fried on the outside you don't know how spicy they are it's a mystery okay we got a new chip defense I'm just saying I don't know what kind of poppers you're talking about so now we have strength and defense okay spring Bonnie male/female it's a rabbit who cares I'll tell you care is the Pinet fanbase like the internet the internet you know what that was a very meta common cog Freddy also these poppers done anything yet I keep using them under the expectation that they're going to do something for me well there are a lot of things hacking me right now all right monkeys much he seems to attack everyone which I like look at these this is just like right now oh wait what is going I'd get to use prize balls oh that's weird them and confuse them it looks like looks this is the healing one that heal okay okay don't die hey a lot guys my god munchies again okay so blood battles move on really fast yeah you have to be really quick on there's like a lot happening okay let me Bonnie man can't stay alive buddy died yeah so bonnie is like high attack buddy low defense really get it together Bonnie come on it's your glass can send it yeah that's your question it's the guy who's doing a huge amount of damage but is just dying fast right wait for the poppers I believe in the poppers my jalapenos will save me they ever I think the chat agrees with me I'm seeing a lot of jalapeno poppers thank you by the way they're mocking you let's keep let's keep going faster pay so yeah so chicas the support bash Jam yeah [ __ ] the hedgehog weirding me out a little bit from an RPG perspective that you can't put chica on the back row and stuff since she's support it I just want to be like sits back there why are you in the front so that's locked so we're looking for a key oh oh wait wait gunning wolf says poppers explode when you put enough down how many do you have to put down you throwing numbers oh okay go up four times that number of it that's what I or like yeah okay and poppers will explode after wild hoppers explode over time thanks Eric null Joshua Perez and Brooke guys there you go thanks dusk Nessa jalapeno poppers I agree yeah who done more poppers mr. Popper's Penguins okay alright so and it looks like both of Bonnie's attacks I don't know price ball sucked last time it seemed like party poppers only explode at random damage over time effects and load am so really Bonnie's attacks are like just group attacks yeah so bonnie is like awesome to have yeah so bonnie is a must all right keep Bonnie alive yeah he's Bobby alive as what was as possible is there a whole tab to view map it also seems like okay I mean I appreciate the trip the transitions between the worlds truly seamless you truly like you are entering my world the others so this is maybe pizzeria this is chipper and Sons lumber company this is sky land I have no idea graveyard village and snow world perfect sky one might have been water level yes I feel so much I feel so much better now what's this guy oh this is the arm this is a bike store we only have 38 tokens though we can we can only afford meds pod one I'm assuming it's a hewing thing though so we have chica though she's holding down the fort I know she can't get Bonnie alive or whatever it's mid pod alright so is sorry these items or I guess we'll find out okay alright select up to four bytes to activate so there's my first bite med pod you're getting a little a couple people in the chat are saying switch teams the toys are not as good the regular guys while my toys are doing great right now so so they're yeah question for you Matt we play question-answer for you Jason when you play most RPGs are you somebody that tries to like buy equipment right away or do you usually hold on to your money as long as you can i'ma hold on tight I'll give you I can I tend to hold on to but here I don't know what to expect sorry and I want to see what stuff does right you know to that and I was gonna say throw out more poppers I want to see them actually like do some change something keep just keep checking them out I'm gonna keep like if you're able to get them to fire off like those are like oh okay father dude found a new chip speed okay good who's hidden by the tree who's activating it okay so when they blow that's cool this is why you wake up oh do you have to activate your body awesome we have to activate my bison no he's flying he's flying about hilarious I don't know what that does but he's doing something okay so let's keep going he might also bring someone back to life is he healing a flowing I saw yeah that's that's actually pretty hot huh is that posh yeah I mean like this you you never feel like that's pretty baby that's scary spice no I'm in the sense that oh that's a luxury in an RPG you never have something that auto all of you all the time pretty awesome deaths yeah oh all those [Music] no it's usually really slow healing though also it's worth pointing out that so I think up it so the the chips that I have equipped right now which are called Head Start chips it seems like they're giving me a boost at the very beginning but it looks like it wears off after the first couple times oh yeah so that's good to know okay my poppers are not popping so they're so everyone saying to switch parties not there were just a couple I think we should switch it up though just to like yeah yeah I think we are understanding of what the toy animatronics do what do you see right now I keep you going well here here let's switch ok perfect bite okay low damage enemies bite lobe damage heal all party members great not at all so it looks like the chips and stuff carryover between teams cool so that's good look at us flying it does this mean we're level 28 oh wait where are you seeing that there's a 28 not here I'm switching again try this pizza wheel it's multiple enemies Mike toss do it do it I'm gonna be like no no pizza frisbee jeez I hate the peace real hot cheese worked well for us left I was hoping it would be like a boomerang I said it's a pizzeria throw it out and it like comes back to you bless advertising after me yet so there's a region thing so I noticed that she came in the back in this one huh I'm thinking where you put them in in the number slots is what position that's but you can probably make sure your she is in the back but which here yeah but is it actually I don't see actually Matt oh wait a new challenger oh okay so we're fighting a phantom Fox yeah just randomly this foxy does not look pleased ah also the socks they just kind of head butts up yeah I'm gonna switch oh no way okay I'm still going strong munchies watch him not on the feet party favor oh but we can do some healing with do some poppers so oh I bet this is like um I bet this is like Super Smash Brothers where if we beat him we get we get to keep him makes sense right yeah yeah or like mine yeah don't you care for him Go Go Go Go Go choo choo choo choo choo a fastball you capture him in a fastball and fazbear I choose you he's hurt he's hitting us hard man munchies chica he loves he's okay so he's strong yeah poppers do it oh well that's good there I'm using poppers like nobody chuck them out that's a good one we also need another heal up in here we do need some heels of her man the jump scare is not brutal yeah [ __ ] they continued there I wonder if I sweet head volume Nick next time I get jumps they're scared I'm switching teams yeah cuz I wonder if that'll like buy you time or something alright whoa oh oh alright get out of there regen since I don't need healing right now okay we need to heal oh nice oh that's good no the good one okay cupcake it up man jump-scare yeah let's please him yeah okay best jam bite like tosser all right these are real seem to do more yeah so a lot of these like single attacks don't really do a lot of damage it's it seems like these group attacks are really the way to go group attacks and then and the frequency you just have to keep mashing buttons he's a wheel yeah yeah you just you have to keep the momentum going party favors let's look yeah keep that going hot cheese oh let's cheese about that yeah all right you have a new party member okay you should swap them in somewhere can i party try it out okay so yeah Phantom foxy so let's switch out let's switch out mangle yeah foxy I like that okay toy Freddy still still Freddy buggy all right I am digging this the 8-bit like retro style overworld map I like that yeah that's kind of cool I think it's funny that we are in the battles and we're like cheese pizza the attacks are a bit off colorful music snows this ooh toxic 30% chance to kill one enemy damage plus poison ooh stuns enemies four times okay so let's try to kill this guy if I have a 30% chance right that's that's actually a really good likelihood lack of an instant kill that's that's pretty strong let's see how strong toxic play is oh that's pretty good let's hop into Twitter actually dog so I was actually just well worth hopping into stuff I just want to say just under 30,000 people in a stream right now so thanks guys this has been really fun getting like first look so far and the chat is going really fast so I'm actually gonna hop over to Twitter how do I get to that box oh what's the part with the red box you can't chop down any trees Kenya oh not yet alright I bet eventually you'd probably get an item that allows you to do that so yeah we're gonna pull some posting them impressions out of the trap and out of Twitter see what you guys think great we're getting strong I feel let's get stronger got in the chat I'm not I don't Betty's not really hope you're below oh okay I think I found a clue as to what's happening look behind me there's a tree that's distorted and glitch oh you don't know as much as I do okay thanks but I will tell you that it is a safe haven a sanctuary whatever has gone wrong we have to fix it it'll be an adventure maybe we should not click off though on one of these something horrible must have happened on the flip side because it's causing this world to fracture objects like the tree behind me have broken this the kids imagination should I well like it like you said should I wait and see like if it flips over into that yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna just call out a couple of things from Twitter and we'll just wait yeah well we had something Clips yeah cuz last time we were really slow at clicking forward with a dialogue it it switched into like dark text yeah when we do these snap streams guys there are a lot of fake scoffs running around in the chat so don't don't believe everything you read by the way they're all they're all they are all real there are ten different stuff let's see yeah I'm gonna say any creature that looks like fazbear's characters are bosses and have way more health think we got that from from the foxy but I think you can yeah but I think you can use these fractures to get to places you couldn't reach before you have to go and find the source of these person here they're young yes the world believe the surface world cool cool help this is a safe place a sanctuary the truth is that there is no safe place you don't understand that you are made but there's a task for you to complete before you follow this passage go back find the clock whoa okay time travel and no - that is cute but more useful so we go back and find the clock so fire so this is the glitch tree yeah but then we can go through or in - or when I so if we hadn't waited for like that alternate text we wouldn't know we wouldn't know to find a clock this is finding out all sorts of clues guys this is really exciting okay so you're gonna wander around I do want to call in a couple Jeff right like the donut hole at Raz Raz err beam on Twitter roses are red jalapenos are green I'm drinking coke with GT live on my screen that was an excellent new challenger approaches phantom foxy running into the fight from some cool username whoo we call that the other day as well we have some good we have some awesome fan art by the way like coming in for four five nights characters and stuff so there's quite a lot of that so I cannot get into the houses yeah it's not take their case you guys are wondering the houses yeah ooh toxic bite is good yeah everyone's recommending toxic site Logan read on Twitter toxic right thing bottom left oh actually okay wait now that I know kind of what everyone does I want toy chica on a team I want Bonnie's good Freddy is iffy I feel like I almost want this Freddy replaced with this Freddy with this pretty one two three yes I think that did what I wanted it to do what I wanted to because the Freddy with the pizza wheel is really like the piano attack excuse me good and so I wanted him on my tears mmm that's a good point good point okay anyway sorry go back to the the Twitter okay I'm still looking for a clock so far some impressions that nerdy Jean this new phone app is way too cute it's giving me cavities sweet everytime clarkster do you think there would be some with some secrets in Finnish world I think we've uncovered a cup I think we're already starting to uncover the secrets in snap world this is really exciting that's under that's at Clark underscore stir Clark stir oh haha Oh first ever GG lively this chan at war project and project is with a zero so it's an extra cool word oh yeah / - yes for watching on the ps4 that's awesome last stop we don't watch GTA ps4 man that's awesome that's because we're on GT life it would be hard to watch a simultaneous I'm watching it yeah actually we do watch ourselves fun fact there is a little screen it's like it's like this big we can see ourselves it also snow like what is going on yeah when jason has the the game cold up and when he doesn't yeah and like when it's time to like actually start with the intros done and stuff like that I noticed Jason's been he's been moving our little box around the screen i what i should have reacted to I'm looking for block though I see hmm what's your favorite what's your favorite fast enough world character so far Phantom foxy is doing great for me right foxy is I'm a big fan of toxic by big fan pizza wheel and a big fan of pizza wheel nice just rolling over everyone now this is good apparently the the Phantom animatronics are where it's at geek geeky and gaming tweets at geeky and gaming you need to get the phantom animatronics quickly they are super Opie so now we know that's great maybe they're maybe they're just no we don't want them to be like Opie or probably the enemies are gonna get harder - are they phantoms different and with herds in the same I'm assuming that they probably have bold a withered and a phantom Wow do they did you look pain did you see that we even see an end no one's right right yeah that's man yeah don't have like the dark oh yeah these are the guys who are up here these are the guys who are like flashing up on your screen and snap three wizards or different good okay I just want to make sure that we were all on the same page about that yes I buy another lull bit bytes to shape I get two more I'm good at neon be I didn't going to oh I don't know I'm assuming it all she movie to finish yeah okay let's fish gambling is the best way to make money all right gambling drop your fishing plunger okay let's try it wait no see drop it ball one Jerry this is the fastest boat oh oh is that a pearl - miss pearl I guess okay try I missed it oh I have - oh no I have to click drop I get it there it is wait for it oh yeah Oh skill skill [ __ ] it just like that 191 and done so now I can go by on left BRB BRB guys BRB wait tonight so should I buy oh I can buy my neon wasp oh that's exciting to show you by me I'm wasps what it does sure sure good okay so I got my healing maybe a limited inventory because the world needed a plush version oh we cook on the extra endoskeletons that's okay see this is the fear I always have when playing our people I spend my money on something I'm gonna see someone else yeah this class so we see the clock okay see the wheel boom I wasp is already Wow we are ripping through people at this point oh and stop a bowl we're so good at RPGs guys increasing your damage oh right and it go up and around yeah I'm working on it there you go here it is so we found the clock yep hello hello Oh what is this shoot today did we beat it do you know what if anyone maybe maybe the chat knows what's going on what just happened what was dad okay so Haley there was a balloon boys silhouette and what looked like a Freddy silhouette it look like Freddy it was a Freddy and a blue boy silhouette mm-hmm a box of something or other yeah we have no clue what the box was and so when I touched Balloon Boy he jumped into the box and I hopped in the box with him right I don't know okay I'm not having any answers but I want a sandwich from chica me too that makes then you've already been here this was already so this is where I bought my feeling bad so chicken sandwich okay so we're gonna okay oh oh I bet it's not that it's not interesting God is weird that's the explanation we have so far I don't I think things that was intentional weird but intentional ah yes all men we're doing so good what see I feel good about it yeah thanks guys okay so we found the clock so now we have to go back to the glitched tree I'm not sure what happened was it Salva Drusilla was it supposed to represent the brother no our crazed master games it was golden Freddy somehow I we're not coming up with much here yeah Oh Ted so this is my money count it looks like ooh golden box golden box oh yeah tokens so before we leave to the next man I don't even have to enter the battle my B takes care of it for me that's awesome okay oh my gosh this is all so expensive sure whoa yeah those endoskeleton gonna save up for ended and end oh yeah and Ola jump one was Freddy putting someone in the box um from five nights flower girl man the bang the B just took out everyone really or they lost whap so I got this guy okay and if you jump it takes 30 so this makes you back to like yeah it's it's certain points okay on the map okay so that's good to know so this is worldwide yeah I think that what we saw who said that was putting him in the box flower girl name is that Freddy was putting bloom boy in the box from five minutes at Freddy's you know the box yeah double box I would say that this yeah probably a good also why adaptation why I weirdo the marionette box right it seems like Oh something about hole and Ethan Park says and I'm not sure again this might be speculation people just sending in ideas he you press the button so he flips to match the silhouette or something that's not sure sweet are there is there anything you could press in there I don't remember there being anything I could I don't know there was a there was a number in one corner yeah and there was a cute moment i was the countdown well there's a wanna and the ticking down them right so i think one is like the first one of these right more would agree with that okay that's here we're gonna enter the glitch okay let's see what happens okay okay are you this okay so it looks like we're in some sort of digital universe right are you in like a warp tunnel between worlds or something it seems like we are in a warp tunnel between i would say that what's that so maybe that's his soul or something marionette harina think outside the box oh no okay so now where the clock was oh no we're Nadal know we're in a different location the clock was like yeah so now we rang like this wooded area faceted still in fazbear's Hills hmm take it down be yeah take him down do it right the bee man is doing all the work for me it's great Oh new challenger here we go whose evil phantom Freddy oh okay well then we're getting bored and phantoms he should theoretically be easier the last time right cuz we have so much more stuff I don't know we don't know how strong these guys are munch him Santa foxy was robbed Edith toes it seems like we're like beating him up like nobody's right now I wish he had a health bar so we knew yeah that would be good oh yeah well not yet I didn't have a foxy clear eyes do we even have the healing during that one yeah okay okay so I'm gonna phantom 5 Freddy now so let's do see okay so primary party or the blue yes what's alright let's switch out put my let's switch out fella switch I'll buy ya Bonnie riot eyes we're doing okay but now that we have the be like the damage doing doing what we'll see funds I'm foxy it wasn't meant to yeah if we're talking about RPG strategies I'm always that type of guy who like sticks with the same party the whole time I really yeah I'm the same way you invest in them you get them up to like top level those guys yeah crap yeah replacing them no see yeah oh no we are the same that's what the treatment try and go like this okay yeah I think that's a good idea okay oh wait so now we have phantom so done it's over man ready to play no but so like except for Chrono Trigger we're low like if you find like a good healer halfway through like frog my party is always Magus frog chrono you sure it's a frog we've had conversations [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] in the tone no II he was a frog he's a frog frog yeah he's a proud your frog no there was trees yeah you can't go up okay so so these glitches connect me to the real world yeah maybe because of reasons because Raven oh here we go okay alright last night game it's always oh no it's a party of three duh we don't so when I guess frog and chrono OH always always so wait what are what are the new powers yeah you might have any we haven't done okay haha oh okay so you have to jump to a new location yeah this really is new here let's talk to our friend in a second okay oooh sludge slows enemies down okay where's enemy attack power lowers enemy defense okay so this isn't he's a support so he's very supportive yeah okay he's like geez oh man totally buff a really lower their attack power though that's all right I kind of like that I might keep them in for a while cool yeah look at us leveling up like nobody's business we are flying through this yeah okay here we go great be sure to press that button behind you to clear the path for later that way you won't have to take the long way again okay good good I think that a lot of these monsters are misguided side effects of whatever has happened on the flip side it looks like you can knock some sense into them and then they'll join you how wonderfully convenient I guess you need to find another sub tunnel under the game and it's probably hidden inside another glitched object you betcha ahead are the dusting fields you'll probably find the next glitched object there be careful things only get more dangerous I'm not going to touch it we'll see if he flips into it seems like every time we're on the done screen is when he flips yeah so there does that things don't get more dangerous you are being played oh don't get more dangerous you're being played huh you are being led through hoops meanwhile the puppet master is laughing at you really it's got you do need to find the dusting fields but not because there's any urgent adventure ahead find the clock find that car so okay there's a sensing a time theme yeah yeah it looks like finding the clocks but um you know it's funny maybe it's a clock like the grandfather clock that we pretty theory of the final one in trying the clock I mean oh look all the games are pretty time centric you're always like racing the clock in every single one that could be no no this is interesting with on a bird can't talk to my Birds bird hey Berta Berta chica chica the chicken also let's put it I feel like this random tree here is suspicious no I was wrong it is very suspicious okay guys it is a very suspicious tree other suspicious tree no attempt and a cave Oh a mysterious mine okay hold oh my god oh my god tennis boy oh yeah they do okay beats we yeah lure attack power definitely yeah okay getting pro-peace a it up keep talking please oh yeah the I was gonna say these guys are getting all nicely Pizza roll got I love my pizza roll keep lowering attack power yeah sounds still a little yeah I'm wonder is it alright yeah I'm gonna suggest my only question is do you think so yeah like to say it's nice to be able to hit multiple is multiple enemies rainy day let's look for their defense see what that does I'm curious how that's gonna affect good but would I would I quit funny with oh yeah right like my team okay I'm digging them yeah between toxic bite and pizza wheel you have a really good just like decimate everyone chicas your healer and then you have phantom Freddy as the guy who's like just knocking them down yeah yeah it's pretty balanced right now right I feel like it's a good balance you a lot of times in RPGs I feel that way so that's a tree oh can I see the map here oh oh okay so now we oh we're way the heck out there Wow huh whoo okay I feel like I want us oh my gosh shoot doing don't miss that I'm gonna hop back out yeah world cuz I want to see I feel like we should fully explore that before you get into this cave that just seems to make sense yeah good song these guys are you guys are significantly harder though these are a lot all right so that's good peace wheel do you just take the p2 we you be deserves a clap and a half set at Morgan Morgan coated in that yeah holding down the fort here he's awesome I like my little healer guy to like I feel really good the stuff that we have right now all right so let's hop out let's explore this where you're at on the map yeah so we're going so here's the here's the cave well and I think I could explore like around here let's go check it seems like we've missed bottom-right corner and a bunch of other stuff I got distracted by a little chica Reagan right Oh chica anything happen another doll twits so I do appreciate camera Murdock at hate of pop stars Cadia pop stars something like that hashtag did you like the viewer ever tried eating one of the clocks it's very time consuming oh oh the Challenger who is it Oh JJ Phoebe no it's not be vegan doesn't have any bees it's a BB Sol bee bee bee Saul bee bee bee bee bee some BB ya BB soul is French for without so just so you know there you go wow you're so you're so highfalutin there oh no I'm just letting people know so that they get it some so they don't think we're just being weird you know think of mine being run over by all those pizzas I would be okay being run over by all those be I know I'd be like I really okay switch out look at spray okay so I'm gonna swap out phantom Freddy for JJ yeah I feel like JJ's gonna be supported it's a she sorry come on Jason man dare you people care although I'm surprised that they didn't use that quote for mangle since mangle is the one who is the most like controversial in terms of gender but you know what is alright ooh I can sneak back here oh there's another boss guy Oh another Auto chipper you're going down we're decimating the auto chipper stands no chance feel like wouldn't Freddy oh man moon shot down balloons poppers and unscrew so we know what poppers does yep Oh get the whole time it's like look at all this stuff I'm getting he are doing great ever comments why don't we what oh okay over comment so it's the weak version of ever comments right wait there you chica what happened did she just impress see like for me my mind immediately went to ever comment is similar to headstart ever comment is like it lasts the whole battle like but but it's the weak version of that right yeah right it's like fire one so old also worth noting here I need to be pressing my body press my body up against more items in the overworld because some of them are just fake Oh weird okay yeah they're they're hit so if you look I'm walking through a stump I don't know yeah you're like behind stuff yeah you're you're phasing through the stone tall trees back as a culture yeah but this is a swamp see yeah so maybe to reach that red box I need to phase through some stuff so I so I'll just be more conscientious about doing this yeah does that man we're oh wow still no idea about whatever comment does that yeah we'll find out okay Chloe maybe oops this is so interesting okay oh we're entering guy slacks oh nice explosives and tie numbers so it is okay just because these poppers they're good is fast we're able to shovel out attacks it's not worth waiting around yeah it's true I'll do one more battle with Jay damn yeah see what balloons does I think it's just an attack though all right whoo quoth the raven nevermore me quote the vulture oh there's a clock I see a clock Oh blah bird oh it's plan oh it's plan then kind of rotting plan those no I wouldn't I don't think I'd enjoy seeing that it's like blue like saying looks like saying it though then lose strike one person pretty hard really oh there we go damn so every once in a while a comment will come in so it's just another like passive attack that's running in the background yeah oh hey someone pointed out something I shoot its flew by in the in the chat do we need to save the game like what happens if we die but have we considered yeah what happens just in case did that do anything yes all right it flashed it's about trust but I believe that's a game with the Box bite great awesome or maybe it's part of the worms of the game you can actually control it you can actually save it that could be three so we get unlock location three there's a snowman all right there's another lock if that as I say is that a keyhole it is a keyhole well well spot huh really using the noggin or the great work stuff using that deductive reasoning get in there with the clock man oh oh MIDI Reaper oh yeah no the exit the regular Reapers the cutest cuz he's yeah yeah yeah he's actually going the fastest with his little weepy stick okay so I guess his size so I guess the question is here are we saving our tokens exact for another support though yeah let's try that let's see let's party to us love a cupcake man okay okay well Jersey the clock let's do it okay Freddy's up there yeah so get ready guys we're gonna see what this does yeah okay so keep an eye out just remember everything that's on the screen all right two boxes so we even lit up activated them there anything you can press anything oh oh no what maybe is it a recreation of some of the minigames from the other game it might be that reminded me Oh mine's a the gift cake one know what it reminds me of is uh in Finnish here we go that deep snap knowledge in snap three in order to lock the half unlock the happiest day minigame you have to type a code into the arcade cabinets Oh mom into the buttons on the arcade cabinet and that point it was it was enough that it was reminiscent of it I don't know I don't know it is a bit of a stretch maybe we just had it back to be well it was it in that position what were the buttons in those positions so if I remember right I have to I have to double check cuz for me you know the gift that gives cake give life no I just know just watch evading each of them do you know what I mean where they're each sad and dark and then who walks over to them and gives them each cake or whatever and they and then up no that's not okay phantom mangle I'm really excited about getting phantom mangle right I - phantom mangle is gonna take place - JJ I think yeah get him out of there yes he's he's strong man blues there we go nice no sweat actually no I might make him take the place of fans of phantom are what Freddy I think I'm really yeah Freddy's pizza wheels good but if he also has a toxic point right that's what I why I was thinking you to replace the other oh the Phantom will try it yeah foxy okay with it Bonnie [ __ ] to my eye these loadings now let's focus far okay there's nobody psychic friend Fred bear the some tunnel must be up ahead however it looks like something is blocking the path insurance I'm sure I sure it's nothing you can't handle I do need to warn you of something though when you enter a glitched object into object into a sub tunnel it's possible to find yet another glitched object inside its inception guys layers with it layers within layers make sure you kick yourself out of it that will make you it into a sub tunnel beneath the sub tunnel there may even be more closed objects there these just be sure to never go more than three glitches down it is like Inception if you go too far down you die I'm not sure if you would find your way back up mm-hmm what hmm be sure to always search for new chips and bytes they'll be a huge help against monsters like the one up ahead okay he's gonna flip is he gonna flip yeah of course there we go play along for now you're being pulled on a street for his amusement who's his who's the pup who is the puppeteer that's but hey don't enter the glitch yet you need to go into the mine find the clock so another oh really wants me to go under the mine nightmare bonnie so me they really don't want us to go into these other worlds really right all right hey do you want to kill a snowman blues blues are a good single like attack I've always thought if I ever wanted to take down a snowman the first thing I'd do is use pizza Oh mystery box slop up your character for random characters it's a wheel lord toppings so he's definitely replacing toy Freddy oh yeah okay nice yeah clapping a half-man 450 Experion I love how many like it's just absurd how could you let all the levels are alive so okay we're switching him back and now we're switching to two phantom mangle with his bigger pizza attack oh man were ripping through this game this is great ooh wait there's something coming up ahead this is exciting heats real - that's the place oh man no no it stands a chance against we're totes Opie man alright cool wanna do I wanna flip JG out yeah Oh new challenger oh yeah we do with there we go Fanta [ __ ] ask about shall receive right Sox a fight get fancy bloom boy you aren't going down buddy yeah using your balloons against you okay just a keel oh man we're just ripping through him this is kind of interesting though because we're we're phasing out a lot of the original party members so once you like level up out of them do you ever go back and use the original I don't know maybe this is kind of maybe it cuz it feels like this is like your party 2.0 you know yeah I we haven't even switched into the second party all that much right that's true I know oh one because look at him yes pretty cute it looks like short circuit almost Oh Johnny Five yeah so oh shoot I didn't need to do that you told me not to do that oh I can't leave shoot you shoot shoot I didn't mean to touch that oh damn hey ain't even [ __ ] right I wasn't paying enough attention alright alright that's fine can I hop back 2 3 no hmm we're gonna go up I think world to those the caves is the hell oh there oh there's another one in there no we don't we don't go down again yeah I am curious what's down another level yeah I'm gonna no no it's not that's not for now I know I know I'm curious too we'll come back fine this this is exciting there's oh there's a lot of them alright okay here I'm gonna I might warp back to three because I didn't mean to touch that ooh or I can you pick up some items hey don't mind about you yeah we've been to every one I'm a little line there is enemy attack power Lords enemy defense it's not any one point toxic pollutants all right so support there you go yeah kind of we'll see well thank you you tried one of his attack i make judgments but yeah if they have less you really fast in an RPG apparently before you're even like use anything miss not good in a quick start party oh how about that party right ah shoot nightmare bonnie i bet these guys are like heavy-duty brawlers yeah um quick start party so now we've reached the point where we got to figure out how to do this okay what okay so the ever comments a star you'd start parties the speed I feel like is good I'm guessin slow oh I have to reset it yeah pick which one they want okay the first drink speed yeah third party yeah try that see what it does because the other one because we have the Hornet yeah agreed here we go okay so what I was saying is - that's why it's brown no - is there the forest yeah the the other one that you switch is right by that K and three is right here like three is legitimately that's right here yeah yeah but this is right by that cave - is right by the cave yeah yes agreed so really we're still kinda in this area okay toxified beetween a rainy day gloom balloon balloon so he attacks down everyone oh thanks by the way to James Knowles at James charge and Luna at Luna love it on Twitter who both screen tapped the mini game in case we wanted to go oh yeah awesome and see silly of the two and the one oh that's awesome guys that's perfect thank ya that was so smart I can't believe we didn't like think to ask you guys is that good job yeah as much as we can grab the clues as you see them come up right if anything seems weird or out of place we should you know so we can go back and analyze it later yeah screencap it sucks like yeah sorry I was looking in the chat pikachu loves the stream yeah Laura Smith at the real L Smith Smith not to be confused with the fake L Smith no definitely it's not her the dusting fields so we still don't know what the key where to find Keys yeah he Celebrezze yeah it's wheel okay so at this point are we headed to where no weird evil Freddy told us to go yeah yeah so we're gonna go to the mines next I'm just making sure that we're kind of cleared out of this uh snow area first yep okay I wonder if phantom chica will be healer as well hmm yeah I have a feeling that the new challengers or the new animatronics that you unlock are kind of the ways that you kind of instead of doing new moves it's kind of like you leveling up your sword it feels like it lots more bits or tokens ooh whoa look at this guy do an exercise Wow I think he's dancing I think he's grooving out that's kind of cool yeah him who shadow looks like it right wait so when he said enter the cave did he mean this cave probably or the other cave because there's that other cave underground yeah well can you check it in the second here once you get the phantom am trying see will be unstoppable I mean the phantom and which I like we're already pretty darn strong here yeah okay I kind of want phantom chica to see if like it ups her healing power what's the other thing I was gonna say about this nice just decimating everyone right oh so good heal so powerful you're surging through me what what whoa whoa oh okay okay so we're back in the mines oh so this is yeah this one was right here yeah you need to go to the mine ooh the chat singing go in Jordan 86 okay so this is interesting so this part of the mine you have I don't know if these are just blocked off areas but you have like up to here around here down here so it's not as like big and intimidating and like confusing as it seems there actually look like fairly clear self-contained areas yeah so here let's start let's go to the right let's loop our way around and do the circle and then loop our way back around yeah it looks like too kind of circles right now okay oh no you can't pass on oh yeah that's a great idea let's do that even though we don't know if saving being works who knows it's all a big mystery we'll figure it out that's it balloon just keep hammering away at this guy fight take that take that friends neural cat ego says pizza is good sort of like oh good okay so I'm going so this is blocked off did you say I did yeah we're all safe so we're good there this is also blocked off yeah okay oh this is lie just realized yes pig dude 23 this is like you bet this is life why are live solving mysteries that exists in snap world ah we've uncovered all sorts interesting things oh yeah that there's some sort of puppeteer there's a behind-the-scenes story yeah it's very interesting that right now this like fun little adventure is actually all a big lie the cake is a lie guys what who knew chicas cupcake all right so who do we think the puppeteer would be purple guy I mean like who else unless it's just some other random figure that's being introduced for the first time in the finacial that's like I'm also wondering how like how much of an easter egg is this okay yeah we'll go back we'll go back to discussion okay we're ready here we go great a screencast yes Green Campus on whatever your device we're gonna we're headed in I'm gonna save it to okay we go cupcakes so this is good cake yeah yes why is it why is there okay so this is the third minigame yeah this is the third minigame we've encountered okay great I mean on the right so is count down and I think we did it I think so too I think like I feel like we're I don't know what we had the right doing thing but did it I think it's a lot honestly guys I think what we're seeing is a lot like infan a three where each individual minigame you completed didn't really give you anything tangible or like obvious at the time but as you completed them all it opened up new paths so like I wonder if it's one of those things where I don't know if those clocks would show up if we weren't waiting for the dialog to say ignore the game right so so actually that's what I was about to say like how much of those dialogues are an easter egg that they don't really expect you to come across or is it the kind of thing where you really need that as as a core part of the game and eventually we're gonna break out of all of this like fluffy sugary stuff and go to like a darker place for a final thought like a final world or something I have a feeling what's going on here is I believe you can probably complete the game without ever seeing that or without ever entering into a clock world hmm I think by the nature of us just kind of like fortunately stumbling in to the beginning of this kind of quest right at the outset I think we've been able to you know start uncovering the real quest behind snaf world I think that's my impulse I'm not sure yeah obviously we don't know but that's what I would say oh we got some gold mine by its wheel yeah we're gonna yeah you can walk under those guys yeah okay there so uh the one thing that I will say about this game is that like because it's live act or if it's active battles it's hard to see how much damage like the enemy is actually doing to you because you're so fixated on like what's going on your ass choosing your next attack that it would be nice to have a little bit more of a strategic element to it honestly like so that way I'm getting a sense of like oh this one's gonna hit me really hard this one isn't whatever we don't really have a sense of any of the enemies have weaknesses either like usually in RPGs you end up with enemies that are immune to something so you have to know ahead of time what to use and what not to use on them it just seems like we're kind of poundings like yeah these guys it's all over like pizza and the poison and everything kind of works right right like like right now we haven't really had to strategize all that much it's very much like hey this attack is really strong from this character this attack is really strong yeah so which is fine like I don't mind that it's just one of those things that for an RPG I tend to like a lot more kind of like strategy and figuring out your attack based on their weakness and stuff like that right um I'm gonna swap out chica 400 so they do gain individual levels look seven so chicas pretty strong but hmm but I gotta try it yeah we've got to try it everyone everyone in the chat who is weighed in on the characters has said that the withered ones are are totes Opie it also looked like your second parties what is gaining the experience as well when you don't switch so if you want to level certain characters you can put them in your second group yeah you just put them in the backup party oh there okay there's a level on top of our current level so that red box is on top okay that's good to know wait did I not do you have to find like a ladder or something holy cow whoa okay so I didn't um I need to cool switch out she got again yeah cuz I thought I had but apparently I did not so there we go right no to rate eek house key for the the screams the screen cap of the last minigame it does look like the gift cake minigame right a lot yeah oh definitely say I'm gonna stroll em and hang yep on Twitter I think the orange marks on the map are keys so if you if you look at the over the orange oh yeah they do look like he's that's what it is it's a key get it it's it's a square which is like the head of the key and then go but there it's a different color on boy it is slightly Jason's like the graphical fidelity of these 8-bit meaning of this Atari style graphic system is lackluster try trying to do good work look but look at Jason jeez I know really judging the quality of the ape he he plays pencil and paper yeah like graphics on your don't do the Dragons also thanks Andrew Andrew right Daisy Brown oh my gosh there yeah whoa oh man Oh No Oh No okay phantom chica is kinda lame or something okay I didn't even get to see what she was doing while she was a low-level so balloon there is a health bar on this one no okay yeah the big guys do but there we go so phantom chica we didn't really get too much of a chance to check out what she did so far not impressive yeah yeah there's more battles with phantom chica but let's expect my good old chica yeah chica auto gift boxes huh that was a chip auto gift boxes auto gift boxes and we still don't really have a clear understanding what clip starts I mean it's also like a level two is it are there are two bars and there is a different color and let's try it yeah automate boxes I like these headstart ones since so much of the battle is like early game so like starting off that is good it's a quick start party he's like something's been allowing you to go first with all your party before they do I think that might be yeah I mean it's there's so much going on in market town yeah because it's literally like a second or two between everything we'll see so we beat ice or we found this new thing ooh Oh boxes Oh give gifts give life something toxic bite what okay oh boy chica doesn't really have or phantom chica doesn't have all that much she doesn't have a ceiling attack ooh guys out yeah we're gonna we're gonna lose one of these girls are [ __ ] protective bite yeah I mean we're slowing them down low into their defense and attack as much as we can but I'd live like another I'd like a healer in there yeah you know we don't need too many support characters here guys there we go finish them off all right yeah so what are the boxes do I think it would do anything did you get my tokens maybe if you dye it it's like an auto revive I don't give gifts give life give give give life oh I bet that's what it is oh I should kill one off to see if it works yeah you want to let's do it why not why not let's all we're just figuring everything out sure do it I could I kind of like the powder right Oh what yeah and wait I just clicked into Twitter Ivan you know is also thinks that Auto gift boxes are like Phoenix Downs Auto revise I bet give gifts give like right here everybody let someone die look let's actually thin the herd a little bit so we're not fighting for people with one man down off the bat it's wheel oh yeah piece of wheels great pizza wheel is a delightful attack so it's my Hornet right maybe we'll see yeah I've already taking my performance yeah it's true yeah the B is vicious man you also got true oh yeah all right fine well then we'll just wait did she do something else I mean Cuthbert they raise his attack defense and speed for a while I can do that one yeah right here someone's gonna die okay someone's about to die who is it yeah yeah it's Auto robot yeah that's pretty awesome nice that's a keeper I like that yeah they're loyal that's pretty huge okay bye this is great yeah so exciting I'm having a really good time uncovering all these like mysteries yeah it's fun when I'm just working together first people to play through it no I'm not that we're the first but like when you don't know anything about and you know literally nothing and so all of us are kind of like figuring it out together yeah it's so cool that's pretty awesome so I need to go back down this way right where a rock hit the rock rock and or roll more gold these guys have experience but they give you a lot of they give you a lot of just money or tokens bloon test by bada bing ba boom mystery box beats wheel cupcake life boom I'll through them I feel safer HP speculates apparently though a pair builds a regular GG live viewer yeah hey Bill apparently the fan is in the game but no one has found it yet hashtag I'm serious fan fan I hope it's a fly hope it's like the five the final boss right yes that's a fan that would be incredible actually [Music] it's like a hidden boss bet it's like it's like that boss but you don't have to play it's because those are the those you know those enemies in every RPG that's like--that's yeah yeah they're like the diamond weapon or whatever it's like that give you all sorts of money but they don't actually like give you experience it doesn't forward the plot of the game or whatever yeah do you do do do do you do you do you DV PDP buzz over here and then down quarry actually I should start off these battle with alone that was good by a Reaper yeah you let me buy a Reaper we want to get an endoskeleton endoskeleton yeah need some endo action I know also you can run by pressing R I noticed huh I don't run I see that's another thing that I don't do in RPGs are a lot of runners yeah whatever yeah even if I it means like that like I'm just there in most RPGs there's not a big penalty for dying so even if you do die you just reload or whatever it's fine I still want to know what these guys what is this what you doing friend right what is that he's flexing he's like oh I just totally worked and my guns Ferris wheel I wonder if I want to enter the glitch yet either should we enter the other cave I think so yeah before we enter that glitch I say we enter the other case we should try and see as much as we can yeah I agree um before we these batteries he's like Duracell monsters your box bugs Stephanie click batteries man could you look like batteries all right I'm gonna hop two three so or hop to Zone two and the map so now we go down and over no not that no down and over okay there we go box wheel fan nice done over one and done right over and out let's explore the cave but more Freddie I wanted like I just want more in general of everything yeah so this you can go over and down ah okay nope that's it nothing really exciting there really nothing exciting there huh okay so May that whole section is nothing well what we're gonna go out that way I'm just saying about that right corner yeah nothing there okay oh no he's got that way just looking looking all over the place here let's start down a total yeah I am NOT missing anymore go the other way to get the key once I'm checking out everything dumbest thing yeah I'd like that I know like Eris it's an Aerosmith Steven Tyler oh here's another eyesore ok ok no problem let's lower that especially now that I have chica right no chance buddy he's going down get out of here get out of here eyesore I love that like some of these creatures just like come on I know we're like some of them work themed around like oh this is cute this is thematics then this is like giant eyeball in a cage right because why not cool because why not there we go endless speed Oh what auto gift box Oh so endless speed so what if and so this is this is giving you a head start at the beginning yeah I thought it wears away that's endless this is endless let's try that all right so let's pay attention to see if our speed boost yeah where's out as the battle goes on I think that that's what that is see part of them true to form with five nights at Freddy's it's all a mystery yeah you got to figure it out what the heck is this what what is going on takeaway of today what the heck is that yeah but a bowl may be progress oh yeah oh we're flying thrilling we're kidding to really figure it out yeah fuel up its wheel yeah so yeah it looks like your speed station dollar to disappear it does doesn't it there you go boom all right it's about to use water hose for the first time I figured all of them have lower less than a third life left you have to really like pay attention to how that's exciting yeah I'm super excited grab virtuality oh yeah jump scares the wall but we slowed him down so we're doing okay yeah okay oh no oh he's keeping us locked in place harness feel like Hornets no I'm staying with my group man I mean here we go we're out yeah we should I agree boom balloon let's I want to keep his I want to keep his of attack power low yeah it's wheel like oh you're going down marionette you going down oh no - taxi castle right curious okay yeah as long as they're not like jump scaring me all the time I'm having oh yeah it's also got a lot of help he's feisty he's like him he's got some sass got some I did a ques I see you a sassy marionette oh he is tough he's holding really strong oh okay go in actually character battles are like words like XP and token Stan hey but you gain you gain friends it's oh he's our first like level like rose here yeah so let's look to Phantom and I'm switching out Balloon Boy jobs but or JJ cuz JJ's just kind of they're just gonna there okay so now we're head up so excited yeah I want to find another clock those clocks are so intriguing to me oh ah new bleep new movie 3600 on Twitter what's the name of the be oh we need to name our be what all hot cheese to hotter cheese hotter to have to admit not the attacks that I expected from phantom marionette but but no because you have other than hotter cheese what else - yeah there's mystery but swap out our characters for random characters Oh so I wonder what - for even more random characters another one oh man we're unlocking all sorts of people oh well it's our first wither okay withered Bonnie bring it on buddy pizza wheel will you to death swap out your character for random character watch cheese and hot cheese there you go Jesus oh yeah no problem you party member this is like Chrono Cross everybody's get so many new party oh yeah everyone is really excited about hot cheese too by the way mckaela paladin of today OMG hotter cheese says Denya Martina could you believe it could the cheese get even hotter yes yes yes you can Velda coolness 9 bring on the cheese yep snap world hotter cheese huh guest and that she's get on the kitchen uh-huh get on the cave ooh 50% chance to kill one of you whether it's trial I be medium damage chance of a critical hit critical it was right holy cow yeah wow that was great I kind of like that alright okay try want to try unscrew - nope nope alright alright 50% janitor toxic bite it's a wheel hotter cheese higher chance hands off your cheese so do I like you can hit it or foxy I'm curious that critical hit was nice cheese for days alright but this is a game that like really seems to value the like multi person attacks yeah so I'm almost tempted yeah yeah I think that's the way to go that killed him wow so cream I have sent you a 50% chance it's pretty good very good I like maybe the level four characters are like hundred percent chance of an instant everything is just insta death everything nice everything is very fast yeah the battles are extremely short all right so I'm going down left up over it's Kelly's Conrad hot cheese of Awesomeness that's everything for there yeah ooh I keep it so we're saying keep phantom foxy yeah yeah think you just have to organize group - yeah we need to actually be conscientious about group - yeah um shoot what was I gonna say here here I'm just gonna click about I like foxy a lot will work my group - eventually yeah Birds you off ready I'm excited for him come in right coming torch well Freddy's virtually coming oh oh just take care of him be yeah come on be just just do it I like my phantom Marion oh yeah I like I love hot cheese man okay so let's see can we get to that so now that we know we can walk through things how are we gonna get chills from underneath or get rid of these fellas come on what are you guys thinking do you know how hot my cheeses you have no idea yes hot cheese with your name on it so what did you say Jason we're gonna say try some of those trees along path it could be or it could be using the glitch I was wondering if it might be the ranch all right and otherwise we had explored this whole area yeah all right let's do it or any of the trees walk in here it doesn't seem like it I mean there should be other glitchy trees in here it seems yeah there's well there's one right there right yeah well I want to see what happens when you go down another level okay so well fast-forward to section three but the other thing I was gonna say is I wonder if they're right also I bet those red boxes down right oh yeah but what I was gonna say is I bet those red boxes are like some big secret thing yeah you know those are like the ultimate items or you know the Ultima weapons or whatever they are um so now that we're here you said let's check out check out what happens when you go down a level actually let's hop to one you don't care about your enough money to buy our and no skeleton that's why I'm going I think that's why I'm gonna try to do I think we have enough to buy them Midway you know new done something when you were at the Reapers yeah new dad oh no I want to yeah ah so we'll save up a little bit more time yeah still sad why is he so sad everyone attacks he has I'm excited to find out this is so cool searing tears weeping yeah I got nothing man bitter tear misting up getting four Klimt so this okay so let's let's go down one level see what happens in kind of this like deeper glitch level and then from there it might be a good chance to call it for the day in level two yeah actually I have to hop on a plane of at seven our time at rush hour rush hour Friday I just want to keep playing this though we live in LA you know I know it's very fun this is great like yes it takes a lot of time to kind of like figure out what everything does and it's very trial and error best we come back Monday my name's Monday Monday but maybe what maybe at the same time like we've unlocked a lot of like we have it feels like we've come a long way yeah doesn't it this journey we've gone down this road we're still not I mean five nights at Freddy's is really only five nine yeah you know oh I should probably should have saved it oh well huh sorry here so now we're going through so where's our glitchy it was up there ready yeah can we get to it yeah okay here we go okay ready going in go in it we're going down one more level guys Oh what whoa yeah man if you thought the graphics couldn't get any worse and [ __ ] there you go now we're just like radio waves and stuff yeah don't confirm toad confirmed what is this you also also it's worth pointing out the movement is incredibly slow yeah huh this is intro oh there's another one so this is probably no this is no this is up 11 yeah yeah there we go okay so so now we're in a new position on this map I'd like to find a way out like we said never go three levels down more than three levels down right more than three levels down yeah here we go so we're we're showing up here George Iike let's party yeah oh man okay so we've unlocked say section four we're gonna save let's talk to golden Freddy up and then that's a yeah and then that's probably a good place we're entering into like the water level it looks like yeah yeah and that's probably a good place hey hey that's also why we had to do this dream earlier today one wave I have to fly out otherwise we wouldn't have been able to do it but it'll be back on Monday at 4:00 here we go regular time regular Channel you've reached a Lilly Deer Lake Oh from here I don't know where your adventure will take you you should be keeping your eyes open for another glitched object married the only way to get to places that are otherwise unreachable be careful in the waters of Lilly gear Lake I hear there's a sea monster that attacks at random are you ready for a fight good luck that guy wait for it yes well everything attacks at random doesn't it that's that's a good point there very fair point friend the one who pulls the strings is always watching he allows you to progress progressed yeah whatever follow the trail that they have created for you play along there's another mind that you must find before you enter the glitched object find the clock so still finding more clocks yep so clearly we have to collect all the clock yeah so it's all about collecting clocks yeah so far we have three yeah let's see yeah and then that's probably you know maybe it actually say looks yeah oh alright so anyway okay yep so just to recap we're uncovering everything as you are we've unlocked a lot of characters at this point um we're up to like character level of three yeah look at all those so the only one who are really missing is Balloon Boy yeah to this point and we jumped ahead to marionette I don't know but anyway so we've collected three of the clocks we have no clue what's going on like we're starting to piece together what we think it might be yeah but uh still not sure if like under game going on maybe it seems like we're uncovering alternate text that not a lot of people are seeing which is always really exciting so I'm sure by the time we continue streaming on Monday if we do that if we decide are we going to stick with this out why not this has been really good four o'clock p.m. Monday we're gonna get further in the game I guess don't worry by God not all the mysteries have been solved I'm sure they probably will at least there oh I'm beating the game and I romhack do it all night you uncover all the codes everybody's gonna know but you know what we're gonna stay black we're gonna stay away from it I'm gonna stay neutral and we'll figure it out together in live stream all right yeah oh and who knows we might be I feel like we've made a lot of progress we might beat it yeah so there you go guys thank you so much for tuning in on scary games Friday our little worm cake little worm cake of snaf delicious and chewy I hope you enjoyed it I had a blast that's nap world pretty interesting a very different experience and definitely different from what we expect from five nights at Freddy's so yeah it's pretty exciting so thank you guys so much for watching and room oh I have a great week I was gonna wish them a great weekend well have a great weekend agree we can thank you all so much in the chat and we'll see you hopefully on Monday alright four o'clock p.m. Pacific time have a great weekend and remember that's just a stream a live stream thank you so much for tuning in getting spooky with us today all right take about everyone Oh goodbye by the way something or other Oh Alex Dimond goodbye kidding melody go back 30 cats
Channel: GTLive
Views: 3,451,701
Rating: 4.8972206 out of 5
Keywords: FNAF World, FNAF RPG, Five Nights at Freddys, FNAF, five nights at freddy's, walkthrough, lets play, playthrough, secrets, Easter eggs, ending, freddy, fazbear, cute, rpg, gtlive, gt live, Game theory, matpat, jacksepticeye fnaf, markiplier fnaf, game theory live, video game, game, fnaf game
Id: QLt7q38fYbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 30sec (6450 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2016
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