Spilling Our SECRETS! | Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts Challenge

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this is onion vinegar juice mixed with Jason's spit ah Jesus oh I think I see particulates let's chase hey if we ever do this again it'll be my spec yeah the more you think about it the worse it [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys and welcome to GT live accept not live GT not live that's where that name comes from in case you've been trying to put it together this whole time wait does that mean that GT live is live what so basically what's happened is that Chris's found out that you know what the talk shows the late-night talk shows that you see on the trending tab all the time have stolen all their formats from youtubers so it's time that some youtubers steal back some of those late nights formats felon that is my war-cry this is called spill your guts or fill your guts it sounds it sounds about as fun as it smells in here it smells really bad just by the way just just to set the stage for this GT not live episode everything you see here is just emanating these awful awful smells that are just everywhere so I'm assuming since it's a truth or dare and I see these awful things in front of me it means spill your guts is like truth so you asked us a question that we either like a difficult question who was your first crush oh no I don't want to say that so then we go dare but instead of dare it's it's one of these foods yes except here's how this is gonna work okay take me through we have a bunch of gross foods down here yeah I'll take you through these really quick we have of course I'll do the Rosanna pansino like over over top here we got cheese whiz or easy cheese which is like gross but not too gross we had cheese wins well maybe you'll like it I wanted to have an option that was gross but wasn't terrible okay great next then we wore my Marmite which is gross we got this for you this was a present for you silly it's so this is not just Marmite this is like months old Marmite because we got this quite a while back yeah I see that you haven't used a lot of that more of my crisps all right I have not it doesn't spoil this okay next next we have oh this is my personal favorite this is a this is onion vinegar juice mixed with Jason's spit ah Jesus I think I see his particulates I could have just been like vinegar or something because that's not gross enough yeah well did you check that it's healthy for us to drink some of those instead yeah of course it's not like what diseases do you have so I'm not so I'm just saying something truth to everything right this is kibble mixed with meatloaf seasoning powder and unsweetened iced tea what wait when you say kibble I mean like cat food like but like the hard hard snacky kind I might have to answer Oh Oh what again why is it so oddly specific because sometimes to be gross you gotta get creative is this something that they've done on the Christian Christian surface I'm so pissed because I just wanted to personally really invest in these well it's just it's just sorry like crap I might have to answer this question actually because being pregnant I think I I think it's probably reappointing the cat's sorry I guess this is all girls had really weird and whatever but like to me I think the most confusing part of this is like you got - it's like cheese wizard Marmite like very cut and dry very easy like you know and then it's like and then I could go it's like your creativity just sparked half waiting I'm already know it's mainly that the grocery store doesn't sell a lot of really gross stuff that's a gross by itself so you gotta take it up another notch he's Wiz and Marmite you got nowhere else to go no all right okay great so wait do you ask the questions do we ask the questions yeah let's do this let's just get that let's just let's just do it so here we go I'm gonna ask the questions before each question one of you gets to choose what the other will have to eat if you fail to answer the question okay okay so basically I'm gonna ask an embarrassing question to one of you the other one before I ask that question we'll say hey if this is too embarrassing for you to answer you've got to eat a spoonful of Marmite and then that person once I ask the question has to decide whether to eat that Marmite great were to answer all right okay I'll go first with the choosing how about that I have volunteer there that you're up first so Stephanie what will not be eating I will start with a spoonful of Marmite you see it's not it's not totally the easiest one on the board but we're not getting up into crazy insane territory yet I feel like I'm starting in neutral in the neutral zone yeah well I want the first question anyway since you know doing stuff like this has taught me that it only escalates from from here all right all right all righty I mean we're gonna bounce all over to keep it interesting okay Matthew you've been paid to endure several different products at the end of some game theory and film theory episode yeah which product that you've endorsed is your absolute least favorite or one that you've never even used oh geez whoa oh that's easy yeah that's actually not hard do you know which one it is I know which one I would choose I know it's what I would choose okay uh far and away it was I blocked it out of my memory actually oh I know it's the machine's own game that was not age of war it's it they all have such generic names is the problem the fire age age of it's not Age of Empires obviously it's it's this mo like we did an episode dedicated to this moment we're in the middle of it we we dedicated it to a mobile game mashup King I know it was a class right and the thing was like it was an okay game it's like it's it's one of the it's one of the dime-a-dozen mobile games and it was one that like the episode itself wasn't really about the game so much as it was about this trend of MMORPGs dying and being supplanted in a lot of ways by mobile mobile games that we were going to do that exact episode anyway and then I was like oh this mobile game wants to sponsor it great no problem yep but then what are you literally going to do that exhibit episode regardless of the sponsorship or anything we were just like okay great someone wants to sponsor it awesome fantastic and then everybody hated it so much yeah because it was sponsored people thought oh you're just saying this because it was sponsors like no the data was showing me this and it was an episode that just fit in to an episode like it was a sponsorship that fit into an episode that we were gonna do a hat which is what most of the sponsorships we do entail a lot of times like we already have an episode we already we go responsible creator whatever but I won't have talked about Assassin's Creed anyway so like World of Tanks was one of those or not World of Tanks um but the the tank one that we did a couple years ago like everything you only found that the tanks were perfect because they were sponsored like no I literally could not find anything wrong with historical accuracy anyway long story short the audience hated it the game itself was like it's it was very mediocre and like I felt comfortable talking about it because it's like in the episode itself I don't remember us being like this is the best game ever and the pitches that I sent to the brand around like what what I wanted to say they rejected multiple times until the whole thing was just a hot mess but once you signed the contract you're committed to it so I think it's fair answer yeah all right cool that was it avoided the Marmite now Matt what will Stephanie have to eat if she doesn't answer the next question I'm gonna start off easy and go with the Cheez Whiz oh thank you of course of course I'm gonna start off your question wasn't all that easy I think that was a tough word that's an awkward one Oh totally I think that's the whole point of this great god age of fire fire it drives me nuts that I can't remember whatever and it was the like the most hated mobile game field anyway Hey so Stephanie you're kind of a chief around here in many respects Wow the other day that like who's really paying us let's be honest if we need to suck up to somebody it's probably yeah so because you understand that's why I gave her the Cheez Whiz because you ever see so many people who in the office is your least favorite employee oh my gosh okay I just want to point out they can hear I just want to point out that as we are filming this episode of DT not live literally everyone we employ is within earshot of all of this episode which makes its also it also the fact that Chris is like so many people and this and that look there are like five people but they are all within like 20 feet of me right now and that's the way it is and that's the way I'd like to keep it frankly no the thing is I I'm gonna have to go for the Cheez Whiz I think that's like first of all there's well there are a couple things I should say before going for the cheese was really which is that say stuff that is that is not an issue I think about or something that crosses my mind like ever honestly if you're if you're higher if you only employ five people and you don't like one of them what are you doing so that's your excuse it's like hey Chris you're my least favorite yeah you know what you're the best and also there are so few things you won't even believe you there there are so few people that if you name one at the top and one at the bottom then even the middle people feel crummy because they're like well what am i doing just hanging on this middle ground true you literally make everyone angry so because it's something that I don't think about and I don't want to think about I'm going cheese with great fantastic why it's like squirting into her mouth did you have a delivery system in mind I think I think it should be direct from cam okay okay just don't just go eat this just like we'll be right here open open up I don't think I've ever had cheese was either I just do this your nostril and it is pasteurized which is which Oh awkward and strange I thought it was gonna be more like a whipped cream it was more just like a string of no cheese substitute really really gross even is the one who really likes cheese and does not mind a sort of fake tasting cheese it's unpleasant really so you know how when you need a slice of American cheese yeah absolutely don't stop I used to eat them all the time just straight it's weird that kids do that it's a very good night except the taste is actually almost exactly the same as that okay that's a good texture is it's even softer and it's just sort of like so it's a texture thing have you put that into the form of like like the texture of pudding but the flavour of American cheese that is exactly what that is cheesy put it in this okay well alright whoo my turn my back down my first wooly cap what is Matthew gonna have to eat now that now that we're on a question alright and Marmite is off the table now right Marmite isn't off the table because he didn't have to eat it oh alright questions we have to get through as many as we have time okay great so I should just stall good we got okay well that was it for today a LAN what a fun episode of life that was oh I'm gonna save the big guns for later so I think I think I'm actually also going to go with the cheese with I think you should also experience that excluding you cheesy goodness okay yep alrighty here we go okay hey I'll throw any one of you under the bus you're you're a good person oh thanks and we all realize that you know who do you really think when someone's a good person their parents huh so between your lovely parents both of whom are lovely I've met them both great people they are great people which one is your favorite how are you with Jesus how can you choose a favorite between like you know when when both are so amazing and great how do you choose between two equally magnificent diamonds right I was gonna say how do you choose between Christmas and a future year's Christmas I do I've got like two good holidays question will they watch this episode I thought about that I was wondering if they would ask you like can I get about it I thought about it I can't that risk means you have an answer this here's the thing like again for the last question I was like I don't really have answered this but but the fact that you're like oh if they're not gonna watch this episode I can answer it stuff toddler has an answer I guarantee the thing is the thing is you have to like you can't not come up with an answer this isn't like this is a RuPaul's best friend race you have to you have to answer okay so I I will not because you know both my to choose one is better than the other it would undervalue like your ranking two people and it would undervalue the contributions that that one would have over the other and like I really wouldn't want my like like this kid to do that time yeah in an either/or situation send out some good karma don't do that yeah like the placement could be like this or there could be certain factors or whatever but when you're saying like it's a binary decision it makes it seem much more like this which is not the way to go so choose me alright Wiz gee whiz yeah you got it you got a really crank [Laughter] want me to do anything your teeth in it all right so this should this one is out of play at this point it is out of play all right like American cheese pudding it's not as bad as Stephanie with Megan over me but I think it was pretty that's truly a special one shot later well as someone who's not alright alright no Maddie one of what would Stephanie have to munch on if she refuses to answer oh I'm gonna go there's no cat food sorry I'm going I'm going there like I feel like we've wasted or not wasted I feel like we've stalled a lot in this livestream all right let's do we're gonna go to cats let me buckle down right ramping it all the way up or maybe it will incentivize you to actually say the truth about the people in here like like ranking my parents all right great what's still stuck away Jesus but it's so gooey speaking of ranking Stephanie if you would please rank the following youtubers from best to worst in terms of quality of content that's for you to decide as human beings all right let's do it Liza Kochi hey Christine from simply no logical okay Ian from Smosh okay and Vsauce oh oh so okay um none of these are like super low rancors just in general um okay okay best so I have to go with a mix of personal experience and what I know about their content yeah I was gonna say those are gonna be the criteria that I rank people on it's a tricky question cuz the types of content they produce they are vastly different you have Mary to does again for those you don't know right like Ian and smashing it like scripted comedy stuff yeah you have these sauce which is like heavily scripted science you know Kate edutainment stuff you have Christine who's doing her you know import that improv fun like her nail tutorial videos which are very different and then who is number four uh number four was Eliza coaches that's like kind of just like improv I mean I have my answer I can totally do this one great ah you're just avoiding the cat food oh I don't think I do anyway so I and wait which be sauce with it it's a Michael voiceover okay um so ranked number one and again what I'm ranking here on is obviou is do I know that this is not only a person I like whose content I respect cuz I actually I respect all them but is this a person I respect as well and if I know them personally they're just going to rank higher because I I know them so Vsauce and Ian are going to be at the top no I'm getting she's doing it she's doing the leg let me avoid the question Ian from Smosh number one I know him he's a really nice person in general he's really supportive of other creators around him and he was revolutionary for his time as a creator I don't watch a lot of Smosh content now but I do know his history with app idea and being an entrepreneur on YouTube wasn't a thing he and Anthony were one of the very first people to do something entrepreneurial with YouTube and its really impressive great second would be Michael from Vsauce oh we we know him he's great he's really smart we were I respect him because he's one of the other few creators who I think does really good edge occasional and entertaining content on YouTube third would be Liza Coe she she's made like a huge rip like a huge splash just in general I like her content I actually watch it she's one of the Gen 4 youtubers who I actually really enjoy watching and she's doing some really cool stuff beyond YouTube I think she's just cool potential and she loaned me her badge at brandcast last year that was really cool that was really cool that was awesome and then last just because I know the least about her would be Christine from sibling me alive boy I wish you could've I watched a ton of simply me illogical I'm just throwing that out there that's one of the channels that we watched the most we I watch like simply an illogical religiously I also love tea I really like the way that sure inflection sounds a lot like beautifies she just did her New York subway tutorial yeah exactly we just watched her her nail art on the Sutton New York subway and I judge that's great but I actually nothing long ago he bonded over Canadian standardized testing I shared an elevator with her at VidCon last year I'm sure she's lovely but I just don't know very much about her so that's that's where that ring shots fired so basically you know they were like shops where Oh shots they're all the shots all the shots were fired so that's my ranking paradis Wow yeah I skirted around the cat I would have done that one what does Matt have to eat them now for him oh he's totally going Jason no come on let me just let me just hol look at that I can go oh yeah Oh it'sit's totally picking up in there oh great all righty Matt this is gonna be the final question oh really here we go are you ready yeah alrighty you are a pretty big deal some might say you've been a guest on a couple of big YouTube shows wait hold up I have to answer one more question that's definitely does yes damn it let's see flip there you've been on shows like nerdy nummies with Rosanna pansino correct good mythical morning with rhett and Link correct random encounters with AJ and Peter yep between those three low three who's the worst host Oh what was the what which guests experience on those shows was the worst he was also just on on mamrie and graces grace what about what about he's done collabs with J wits yeah peanut butter gamer yeah Peabody CaptainSparklez yeah why don't you and you know why you didn't because you didn't know you didn't look back that far in our video history sure when I look back too far for games it's not trendy enough but if I know it's not fun I was in an i dubs - video thank you very much he made fun of game theory by stopping me when I said a theory great it's a very brief cameo oh whoa Jason spit it's just it's just looming here you you watered it down right like there's no this is an all teeth what was it it was onion juice and vinegar juice vinegar Jason's DNA just it's it's onion vinegar juice how much better yeah oh yeah but you really suck it up it was it wasn't Lucas it was a clear spit the good you know some pure saliva okay okay no movies I can't it's it's it's like a professional courtesy that's the thing like yeah I don't want people getting the wrong ink again it's that idea of like I don't want me that role you would never want someone to say that about you either even even if you were lovely and actually I don't think any of those people are bad hosts right that's why you'd be picking from people who are professional hosts here and they are successful because they're good at it right now and then but then the internet twists it and it's like Oh Matt Pratt said you are the worst ho it's like no just just spit it down man I don't have to treat the whole thing right oh no just a nice sizable sir yeah just a little wolf swig so we get out [Music] let's chase hey if we ever do this again again it'll be my spit yeah the more you think about it the worse it you can do it you can do it you can do it three two one down Oh God I mean on the plus side you don't even I mean the spit doesn't taste like anything no you don't even know it's in there good soldiers Oh cuz I like vinegar oh man as Matthew as Matthew weeps so - in the so dove Gigi who the viewers of because we have to bring it to a close but there you go ladies and gentlemen truth or dare corn edition aka what does it fill your guts or spill your guts yes this was tough these were really neat questions they are pretty yeah that was this was this was an anti fun lives after this Chris might be my least favorite employee I think I have a good idea I can answer that question right Chris Rankin on the bottom so anyway that's it for today we'll be back with either another GT live or not live who knows what it's gonna be you will when you find out if it's uploaded and if you subscribe to the channel bring them which you should do and ring a little bell Oh now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go have my stomach pumped and get Jason check for like rabies oh yeah we got it we gotta run a whole battery on Jason now all right the big problem so that's it thank you guys so much for watching and remember that wasn't a stream it wasn't live and it wasn't a stream thanks for watching
Channel: GTLive
Views: 239,233
Rating: 4.9551511 out of 5
Keywords: spill your guts or fill your guts, spill your guts, fill your guts, james corden, spill your guts fill your guts, spill or fill your guts, truth or dare, food, food challenge, spill your guts or fill your guts kardashians, spill your guts or fill your guts gordon ramsay, spill your guts or fill your guts kendall, spill your guts or fill your guts kim, gtlive, game theory, matpat, spill your guts gtlive, gtlive spill your guts or fill your guts, matpat spill your guts
Id: 4ggQP9GNvDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 21sec (1701 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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