WASTE OF MONEY?! | Testing Infomercial Products In Real Life Challenge

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the Wunder boner it's always a joke which we thought yeah we thought this was not going to be a real product is is a way to all-in-one gut and debone fish that you've caught it's supposed to make it's supposed to be the fisherman's dream the Wunder boner thrust firmly each use all the training from the shake weight and thrust firmly thrust Stephanie tag-team boating oh here oh no it's like leaking oil burning thank you nothing nothing so technically the spine is supposed here technically the spine is supposed to catch on the end of the the wonderful this is a lackluster boner [Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to GT live GT live Monday edition everybody infomercial challenge Edition where we're starting off the week super productive by exercising taking the shake weight challenge look at us just just diving into the week today we are following up it's part two of our testing out infomercial challenge I was kind of hoping we did that yoga challenge that one time and this time we're doing the shake weight so I thought I thought maybe I mean I mean we're doing also so last time we tested out like the legitimate products today we're testing out the well I'll accept a euro club that was not that was that was a bit of a bummer but today we're testing out the sexual innuendo products ie the shake weight and the Wunder boner also the log get your mind out of the gutter Stephanie so uh real quick Chris we've noticed something we need to talk but real work real talk buddy yeah you need some socks please please please take these sucks please take off one of your socks so we can demonstrate how badly and please don't throw it out from the camera we literally noticed this like these are two seconds before the livestream was supposed to start it's not on camera keep going yeah it looks like there's a bite missing yeah six minutes on the clock Stephanie Smith on the clasp weigh in on the socks cheer Matthew on six minutes alright ready you got it are you count I six not I can stop watch it for you according to the commercial if you're not feeling fire and burning after six minutes of shake waiting then it's your money back guarantee alright the manly shake wait go okay great awesome all right I'm gonna hop over into the chat to see how everyone's feeling about Chris's socks but real quick I did like I was saying before I thought that this shook itself like I thought it was battery-powered and you just like held it and your muscles just kind of operated for you I think that really kind of shows how often Matthew exercises you know tread Mills this sucks already' treadmills run themselves but you still have to move your feet yeah but even still like this is literally the only the whole Matt Matthews like he goes he goes already this is tiring this is very tiring just be careful where you hold are we done yet are you done yeah not even close you haven't even gotten through a minute this is awful you are you're what you've like done one minute the done one really shake weight it's really hard this is such an unnatural motion Stephanie I mean maybe not for everyone but I'm working out all my arm muscle that can be worked out with the shaking mode can't believe you beat me in that arm wrestling competition I just I I'm floored I'm just you're completely trading with minute and a half of shake waiting right and you beat me in an arm wrestling comment I think I should just retire Kaylin which game says yes he needs new socks puppy dog Daisy says burn them in the fireplace new socks time says cinnamomum Chrissy and a Batman says Winnie Pat which I think means whining why iPad unless it's Winnie the Pooh Pat in which case I totally support that I'm done rebel girl really wanted to burn the sock he made it to what I get to three minutes a three-minute great okay not even you didn't even make a match like three minutes two minutes and fifth grade what Ready Set shake the burning sensation persists make sure you see a doctor if Shawn Zhang doe says hashtag week week Pat I don't think I mean Jake it's them I'm shaking shaking it it's shaking this is shaking your lift your lifting it's a shake it is a this there you go yeah hey shake it you're so much I'm not seeing the bike firm arrest Stephanie I'm seeing no shaking loose yo there it is there it is I showed off the campus you have to harness the power of the nurse are you feeling it I hear you panting over there I hear you she's she's putting on a brave face you're not good you're just like you're just kind of like you're your maracas Enya I mean I think that's the ideas like you're pulling out some castanets Stephanie it supposed to feel the power of inertia shake I don't know you how do you manage shake it shake it and bacon here we go right Oh redstone 0:04 says Steph with those muscles no I got the guns man Jennifer Lopez is encouraging Chris to get new socks Jennifer Lopez wants you to get new socks mess that I mean it doesn't get any more official than that okay I'm done so hot hands were hopefully we don't burn ourselves on live YouTube right now hopefully so the hot hands was the item that advertise that you can put your hand on a grill and survive right so great that instead of you are home oh wow Matthew is really hot but I can still touch him with the glove uh-huh this harness spoon is hot is this chicken supposedly with your hands it's really hot to yourself yeah like you seasoned it are we becoming a Cooking Channel now what is your seasoning of choice I love that we were gonna become a fitness channel and also and also we're now so how hot is a hold on I'm curious how hot is little these are pretty hot it's all right but look I'm holding the whole thing good in my hand I'm more interested in the spoon if I grab this spoon will my flesh fuse to the spoon oh that's genuinely really that's a really hot spoon the spoon and so this spoon has been in the oven ooh oh yeah okay okay the spoon is legit good test the spoon is a legitimate test this is literally like look I ate I ate a chicken wing I really don't feel this spoon well that's fine oh it's definitely steaming though you can see the steam grate mm-hmm wait the spoon look yeah the spoon definitely works and I like these look how grippy they are you grips that chicken like it was totally crippled as I'm holding the hot hands I feel the heat slowly getting warmer closer to my skin so like so like as I'm holding it here I feel the heat protection that this is supposed to give me starting to fail a little bit I mean you're supposed to be able to put your hand on a grill with these things right that's the advertised purpose like you should be able to basically put your hand into a blazing Inferno and pick up a hot coal with your bare fists do you feel that you could do that I do actually I feel like these the hot hands I feel like these could actually could actually work um thank you yes I'm on to put like the whole thing in my hand cuz this is like this spoon is legitimately hot like I can't touch it from you know over a second without really feeling uncomfortable yeah and so this this works really well I can believe that putting your hand on a grill would absolutely work here right so I saw the the miracle blade Pro commercials as a child and they blew me away we showed him off on the live stream as far as like the commercial we're in the commercial he literally goes to a tomato slices it's super thin then saws a brick saw some drywall saw some wood saws a couple other things a metal pipe and then goes back and saws the same tomato and it still super thin right he's still like it hasn't lost any of its sharpness and so we are actually putting some of these things to the test we've been wanting to like Matthew's been wanting to do this for a decade for years and I've been like hey this look this looks really cool we also have several friends who have been like no these things are legit yeah the miracle blade Pro is truly a miracle of blading professionalist yeah one of one of the people on our team actually has a set of these and swears by them yeah however has not put them to the level of scrutiny that the infomercial did so that we ruin them apparently yeah so what I mean this is what it's all about ladies and john in right here okay so we got the tomato okay let's test it out like this is straight out of the package we literally just got it out of the package like the tomatoes are off the vine right ready like it's nice I mean how did it how's he do it super thin like I mean it's it's you ever play stirs manner yes I've sliced it do we have a mount for the tomato oh this seems horrendously dangerous watch out Stephanie you might want to move literally everything here we go right he did he just kind of swung it at the thing right here we go one two three like that I did not think that would again do it again don't you think there you go yeah yes ready three two yeah okay well right not less well problem it also works as a back now comes the test of trying to dull this thing right so yeah we have the wood we have the brick he cuts through it in tan and the infomercial he really puts this thing through it's even got we even got some rebar here right so here we go Craig the the guy at the store was given Chris some weird looks so let's uh let's tack would you like to do the honors yeah sure I'd love to hack at this thing well no just saw I just saw it don't is that you pretending to be I'm laying this on yeah are you are you playing the song okay okay it seems like here and he all I know he also did a little bit of this yeah I do a little watch your phone put your fingers you saw it you saw what it did to the tomatoes there we go okay you say that I'm the one you need to watch out for when it comes to there we go look at this we're just okay look this poor former tree all these sounds are just the worst sound you're just the cans the last way so he cut the can slightly harder to cut the can then it was on on the infomercial right I'm a little bit concerned about this can and the knife Wow how did it do we have to cut all the way through it no but I'm just sure yeah cutting the can was as hard as it if we did we did make it all the way through the camp yes definitely and we definitely I can see that the light of day inside the camp yeah there's definitely a way through yeah definitely punctured at the can so now we're back back to the tomato I don't know about this one right I feel like we've lost some serious blade on here what's right list let's see well let's let's just do a typical cut did it feel does it feel harder than it did before it doesn't funny enough weird it feels just fine one two three oh look it worked I mean it wasn't it wasn't straight through the middle but it definitely it was still a really clean cut like it's very right it carry clear let's I know I know here we go ready one two okay and it's evolve it the second time but it's but you'll notice it is cut like it's kind of pretty it's cutting through no problem which I'm actually really surprised by right like if I were to ask you hey which which of the blades here or which I'm kind of like the the cutting surfaces are the ones that got the most damage I don't know if you'd be able to tell like it without just kind of guessing or seeing where I had done no no come on we got this no wait what about your computer ah justice it's fine ready it's really good oh yeah oh yeah oh man I can I feel like I can go into the woods and hack down a tree with this yeah nope don't do that can I cut through chicken and bone oh that was awesome really good that was actually awesome look at all set I mean and it did it like ah things but that was completely cleanly Wow that was great right I'm so impressed I don't wanna I don't want to damage it now I'm like oh this is a good knife stuff I trust I trust the miracle boys now my childhood dreams it's come true it's come true please tell me that you are out in some like illegally in some lake this morning fishing for these guys burner burner burp it suddenly occurs to me on the live stream the dead fish ready fish at fish tool so if you guys don't remember us viewing the commercial for this this turned out to be real product the the Wunder boner it's always a joke which we thought yeah we thought this was not going to be a real product is uh is a way to all one gut and debone fish that you've caught it's supposed to make it's supposed to be the fisherman's dream the Wunder boner what okay we're gonna give it a try so so the commercial makes it seem like you just kind of like shove your fish onto your boner and it D but edit and it wonderfully debones it clean the fish has described refrigerate and remove bones just prior to cooking that's the Wunder boner is the reason you remove it okay the fish may be cleaned any time prior to be deboning by removing the tail and then the head gills and entrails wait so we have to clean this fish before we actually boat on it right isn't that bonkers cut off the tail sorry step one cut off the tail great careful careful all right okay you cut off the tail yeah to cut out the anal area oh geez sorry there was very I just I just pulled the guts out of a fish with my fingers and you just got startled by by opening the boner pocket sometimes you don't expect your boner to slide out okay so this is the Wunder boner apparently your butt you're supposed to do now is you assemble nicely put the fish on it we have to expose the end of the spinal column you start the spine through the ring push the fish over the Wunder boner oh my god and then remove the fish and the spine okay ready all right now thrust firmly use all the training from the shake weight and thrust firmly thrust Stephanie he also stabbed me with his little fins her firm thrust firmly thrust its death what what what is it getting caught on it's a dead fish its spine your Stratis shove is spine through this port I'm sorry okay hold up I'm so sorry Gil hold up no no this is the right way you end with the tail yeah end with the tail don't poke your eye out with fish bones I don't think doing this blindfolded is the best way to go either you ready tag team boating hello a hero oh no it's like leaking oil oh nothing nothing yeah I think we just broke literally everything it work remove the spine step 9 remove spine so technically the spine is supposed to fish here technically the spine is supposed to catch on the end of the the wunderbar this is a lackluster boner not a wonderful here do you need me to oh sorry do you need me to hold onto the fitting I got I'll hold on that's a spot okay nope you want me to hold the spine yeah you hold this fire I will hold the spine okay oh excuse me I know it's a slippery one skip is like I think there's fish in here hold up where's where's my hot hands I'm determined here not a terrible product Oh some of the bones sort of came out this this slice of fish is gonna have so many bones in it oh my gosh we literally broke I think every single bone in her this this will be it'll be like your Oh whose pics when you actually fry up this fish because there'll be so many little bones in it cuz look all of it because technically all of the the bones that you see kind of like shooting off the side here it's supposed to have been taken with you oh yeah so yeah what we successfully did was instead of devoting the fish fine gun then none of other bones technically in some world did it work no in no world it did the Wunder boner work the it did remove some bone I found the Wunder boner to be flaccid and ineffectual is it slow question mark that exists oh man this is I love how you gave him the scissors and you definitely don't need them to open this package at all I know it was so dry is this so as someone who has had flown before how does this floam comparison flow by trying is this a good stand-in you know it's not all that great to tell you the troll in general or this know this this is definitely drier than the flow my remember and less moldable so so the beauty of phloem is supposed to be that you can bend it you can shape it you can like you you can press it together all this stuff and and it's never supposed to get on your hands which is why my mom liked it it's not supposed to get into the carpet it's not supposed to stick to the wall and it's not supposed to be crumbly either and I'm finding all of those problems with this knock I feel like this is it this is not also is not the best I mean this is probably as close as you can get to actual phloem but this is not quite reaching the mark yeah try it try as Chris my you couldn't find phloem right we really love it's just gone yeah we really love so this is the closest thing you can get but and as shedding all over the place if I wasn't goodbye well there's like these little beads all over my hands now and even if I like wanted to combine it with your blue to create like the globe like it doesn't use it I can't even get it to stick with its own color right right sucks it's not even just like ya know I had such high hopes for this because I haven't played with this stuff since I was like maybe 6 or 7 and it was awesome like it was really great at the time but this I feel like you either need you need some like water or something to stick it together better it needs a little bit more glue so what this flow means you've resisted my slice the only thing that can resist the miracle blade you fake flow I can't give you hello oh no miracle blades been bested no you're all there it is ok you got through a rocky job we can attend the mirror just we're gonna end this livestream good we're gonna say goodbye in the chat so that no no no stop stop no no not ready not ready not ready ok let's see hey guys thanks so much for watching this episode of GT live if you want to see the infomercials where these products came from go back and watch us react to those it's the box to the left or on the Box to the right it's us reacting to things inside of a box things like phloem or dead fish or living creatures that kind of catch you by surprise what's in the box we'll click the Box to the right to find out and don't forget to subscribe
Channel: GTLive
Views: 222,199
Rating: 4.9581523 out of 5
Keywords: infomercial, infomercials, reaction, as seen on tv, matpat approved, commercial, challenge, shake weight, gtlive reacts, try not to laugh, flex tape, react, funny infomercials, testing flex tape, gtlive matpat, trying as seen on tv, trying infomercial products, try not to laugh challenge, funny commercials, react to, try not to cringe, gtlive, try not to laugh gtlive, gtlive try not to laugh, infomercial compilation, wunder boner, gtlive challenges, gtlive infomercials
Id: q2Gz5VTE9p8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 20 2018
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