Is it Art...or UGLY? | Nailed It Cake Challenge

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oh yeah oh you need you need the red you need the red food coloring and I need frosting okay okay I'll trade you frosting the red food colouring okay okay I need the yellow food coloring and you need a spatula do i yes know what where's my yellow food I don't know we're good up no yeah now I want my food coloring [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to GT not live that's right this episode is not live is pre-recorded for your viewing enjoyment while we are hanging out with a little baby Pat right now I like to call a mini Pat that's true Matt so Matthew's been plugging hard for the mini Pat room the debate still rages on in the comments section are you a are you a baby Pat person are you a mini Pat person are you a top patter sounds like a hot butter top top hats see similarly it's very confusing with itself so anyway today we're doing a baking challenge because you know what no live stream means we're able to do shorter episodes which means we can do stuff that board would wouldn't normally take a full like 90 minutes to do like a normal livestream so we can do shorter little bite-sized pieces Bob yeah called snackable content strategy my friends that and let's face it we've been watching a lot of Netflix lately we've been watching a lot and nailed it if you haven't seen it it's a show where basically like normal people like us try to recreate stuff from like Pinterest from like super professional artists and bakers and they just utterly fail at it and so we were like hey we can fail at that too yeah if there's one thing we're good at doing live on video it's failing yeah so that's what we're doing today we're gonna be failing at some nice cupcake art designs so basically the theme of today is Chris and Jason went out and got some like a fancy lady Toit cupcakes and cakes and it's our job to recreate them as best as possible now the cakes and cakes and cake and it's a contest between Stephanie yeah this is this is not a little friendly competition this is knock-down drag-out cupcake a thawing but not too knock-down drag-out because I feel like that would be that would be bad news yeah we don't we don't want to hurt it promote yeah we just that's about it yeah why because I bruise we are so even though this is not live we still need you to help us decide the winner in the comments below because you know Stefan I are just going to argue that above the comments aren't Jason where in the world has the comments ever been above the video have you ever even YouTube bro he's five cameras like oh oh oh it's like I thought I said there are no comments above the B you're so silly Jase not he was just asking people to to pray for us or something yes Raley's please send the winners your thoughts on who won the contest up to whatever heavenly hosts you believe in raise the roof for senators I believe Oh we'll leave a hole in the upper right-hand corner of the screen that you can engage with gonna be over there because video cameras raise the roof sends the praises up leave a comment up above ladies and gentlemen let's decorate some cases just challenge one Chris what do you got we got the little floral pattern so they've got if you look real closely here I don't know how house even in Kristen get but they're but they're definitely like individual roses or whatever on top of each cupcake so you've got a whole bunch on top they're cheating you take us on did you get us the proper tips Chris like is this the correct tip for what we're looking to do here yes you see you said that with such confidence but I could see the little bit of fear behind your eyes I don't think this is the right dip wait you know we have tips right you know yeah now you're just dirtying your your tip your tip is now all moist it's gonna ruin your cake like a bugle Chris how long do we have to you need you need the red you need the red food coloring and I need frosting okay okay I'll trade you frosting for the referee counting okay okay okay ready go I need the yellow food coloring and you need a spatula do i yes know what wait where's my yellow food I don't know we're good up no yeah now I want my food coloring we're gonna need your cupcakes I need my book on give it do it you drive a hard bargain put down the cupcake down the food color you still opt you stole everything okay when I'm dealing with you yeah crazy on an accurate competition I like that you've changed it all the frosting and in case we needed to use that in a future round this challenge now a top layer top layer only a fine oh yeah okay all right oh that's gonna be way too ready cool yeah I probably should have a bloody good pulse to do this oh my god that's exactly the amount of time that I need Hajis ah here we go um so it begins this is totally the wrong tip yeah this is this is definitely not the tip we should be using for this by the way oh yeah we need a flatter tip grace I'm pretty tight with Rosana just second right only she would approve of this method with that boom mine definitely listen even pink come on man at least I don't have icing on my shirt what oh snap its you're shaving for later savor the flavor BAM the Ducks look time to spare well I'm gonna actually create a flower with mine so there ya [Laughter] oh man Manny's gonna have some interesting issues in the bathroom right here it looks like a putty that dentists put in your mouth when they're making a mold of your teeth no I will need a new golden sugar I feel like my mouth erotic oh man that's pretty brutal all right here we go look at this flower and building look at the petals there we go so given that we had like completely the wrong tools to use I feel like I had a pretty strong performance here here here let me let me help you out no you're ruining my disqualified yes while the bus continues to fall over so what do you guys think Brad one totally food mine is still digestible totally food look at this this is awesome looking nailed it yeah I I think it was still an improvement over here it's here I've got I've got here gentlemen playing along at home here's how this you remove take part oh look it's just popping up oh yeah here we go got it I appreciate that solution it's hard to beat that I perfectly replicated the top of that did you do this yourself Chris oh yeah I figured Wow well I'm sufficiently impressed I also have another question so we have these like blank cakes here but there's like some strange remnant of icing and stuff on them did we actually go out and buy fully iced cakes and then scrape all the off icing off of them yes but before you'll also see spring I like that something like 50 cent I know like what a doll great awesome sweet the crack team over here is buy one gift you free this is definitely the way to go okay guys great what's it on what happened to all be good icing them good I think that was aa good answer good in all right ready go alright so do we have five minutes yellow icing would be her doubtful nah I'm all in okay good ready so ready set so set I so iced vanilla ice ice baby no stop I don't know any of the rest of that song I don't either okay I shouldn't have washed my hands with the Clorox wipes in between our little reset there it's not all that fun to lick your fingers your fingers just makes it taste like you're drinking Purell it's fantastic awesome don't do that man my white icing isn't even the same shade of white icing as like this this white icing on this cake right man you're totally gonna lose this part of the challenge man uh-huh you should be ashamed you should just give up now this could escalate really fast it we're in the danger zone ladies and gentlemen okay okay okay take way too long I know you got time for this right oh come on come on I just want nice smooth cakey edges how does they're still like smooth across the top they know what they're doing man why it's definitely cake decorating so much harder than it looks you're like oh you're just you're just spreading some goop around on the top of a cake and yet it is so difficult for yourself all right all right all right I'm branching off and taking a different path in Matthew I'm going to be working on getting my color colors together because I think that's going to take longer I love how we don't have additional spoons or anything [Music] way too pink Oh sprinkles a too pink I have some extra pink I think if anyone needs some I would love anything no not bringing children for huge uh-huh okay there's no way to clean any of our staff ha great awesome good it's gonna work well gonna work well don't don't get here oh it's fine oh nice I learned from the last round that there's an inside out technique it's gonna be great this is gonna be great use all the sprinkles oh my god there's scope the jar you use all the sprinkles like don't know to use me as an excuse step 9 I'm going to come on just the tip jump bugle it yeah it really doesn't work you know it'd be a really terrible beautiful my bugle experience I thought yeah I thought I would have taught you I thought maybe hasn't experienced bugler okay just go down to the Kroger and buy yourself another cake oh man okay Oh should I cut this too much now come on come on oh my gosh get out of my hands are too slippery the icing is made my oh go in your oh shoot go hold on I mean so much pink icing and now there's not enough pink I think this is gonna be completely sanitary to eat it be oh my my definitely going to enjoy this I'll have a taste test at the end I'll be great oh god it's gonna be so good jeez okay okay so in pink icing is done there's got to be like more efficient tool wait where is the sprinkles Oh decorate cakes right here we go one big dollop 200 pooping out there a little bit there you go mando 3 yes winner winner chicken dinner oh geez hmm hey stars how do you do all this other stuff now what could you do with this bag tips like pumping out what it's amazing I did it's a perfect technique this is how all the pros do it okay I know I know that was the point I may have overused my sprinkles I respect that okay I need more white icing I'm just gonna take your bag Oh God we got this in no time speak for yourself man man watch out Cake Boss here comes Matt Pat the regular Ace of Cakes that's names already taken too so I mean yeah I don't my my bag just farted a little stop stop farting it up step wind all up two dollops three dollops yes then I'm all caught up BAM all right okay okay I'm gonna do this flower because everyone likes icing I'm doing extra icing rings around the edge so this has nothing to do with me making a mistake everything with me to doing like making the cake more delicious for the small little boys and girls eating it hey you're getting nicing on my excellent game theory hoodie oh geez oh geez this I don't know I don't know how this is gonna work here I just want to get the yellow on this perfect all right hmm I'm doing Matthews technique of mix the icing in the bag it is just as ineffective when I do it as when he's been doing it oh no sixty Seconds oh no oh no there we go we got this [Laughter] [Music] I have started all over I think that I think the winner here is very clear honestly Kroger right turn turn your creations to the camera like they do in the show man really look who got all their elements on the plate mine kind of looks like a smiley face though look at that see little mouth little eyeballs that's good I don't know let's lipstick pull the room Jason who won this round looking come on man are you okay look at her look at her sprinkle design around the edge Jason look at my sprinkle designer of it how robust it is how it mirrors the spring yeah look at you open all over the way you want to try it right yeah like I wouldn't trust that nope nope nope [Music] yeah hmm the professional cake is actually very nice good doesn't take like taste like a giant pool of food coloring at all oh my gosh so good Greta won this ruff I thought you were gonna say but really no one is a winner here I think that's what that thing is Eckert's it's fairly accurate this is actually pretty good though we won't want a piece of like real decent cake not at all okay cool I'm so sick of anything sweet or food color related or creamy you never want to see take again in my life we're gonna try and roughly put our lives back together here I meant use me I need to go brush my teeth yeah take a shower and really take a strong assessment ha ha ha ha ha thank you guys so much for watching this episode of GT not live if you want to see our other cooking challenges well then click the boxing left where you see us go up against the cooking maven herself Rosanna pansino in a decorating contest or if you'd rather see Stephanie and I Duke it out in pancake art well then that box is cause of rice and hey don't forget to subscribe now if you'll excuse me
Channel: GTLive
Views: 205,787
Rating: 4.9732332 out of 5
Keywords: nailed it, nailed it or failed it, nail it, nail it or fail it, cupcakes, cake decoration, challenge, cake, jacques torres, food challenges, cupcake challenge, cupcake wars, cake boss, baking, baking cakes, cake videos, decorating cookies, gtlive, game theorists, game theory, matpat, gtlive food, matpat food, gtlive cupcakes, matpat cupcakes, gtlive challenges, gtlive challenge accepted, matpat challenges, gtlive nailed it, matpat nailed it, netflix
Id: 7-WL0CfAxqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 13 2018
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