YOU CAN'T BREAK US! | The FAN-SUBMITTED Try Not To Laugh Challenge

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[Music] funny I'm a builder [Music] I just met this I smashed the couch out of my frustration welcome welcome there we go what what happened are we here so hi guys hugging GT life welcome this is dessert Thanksgiving Eve Edition so hopefully your even your Thanksgiving really well today prepping your turkey stirring up your your little your little cranberry sauce actually hope you're not doing that cranberry sauce is creme berry sauce is halfway decent is it a lot of you obviously the try not to laugh challenges have been very popular across all of YouTube and especially here on GT live you guys really like watching us respond to funny videos and we've gotten a lot of comments from you guys via email in the chat places like that that you want us to react to videos that you have submitted but alas there is only so much time in a day and only so many eyeballs that we get thousands of requests all the time lately I get so many emails comments and comments all the time some of them are things like hey please watch my video and then others are things like your face is weird right we like the video ones a little bit better we wanted to try out something different which is figure out a way for those of you who really want to get your video seen like man Matt Pat and Stephanie are gonna love this video or I was so funny I'm so excited for them to see the video that I submitted we wanted to figure out a way to kind of like give you the opportunity to make sure that those things get seen hence today we're trying an experiment and this is an experiment where we're gonna turn on the super chat for short bursts of time where if you have a video that you want to submit that'll help it surface to the absolute top we have Kris vetting everything behind the scenes yeah we're gonna be we're gonna be taking videos that you guys submit through super chat one big note right up front because I think we're going to turn it on here in just a second it's always wears on don't as you're thinking about using this donating more money does not get it does not get it higher up or anything like that so it's not about how much money you don't it's just this is just a way for us to corral some of the top videos together chris is gonna start vetting them right away and then we just it gives us a smaller like bucket of videos to choose from so that one of the ones that are really like that you guys really want to get through can get through easier right exactly and and the other thing about this whole system is when we've done super chat streams in the past we get a lot of stuff very quickly we had a lot of submissions very quickly so what we're gonna try to do is open the open the game a little bit you know submit submit your video if you really want to kind of pursue this but then we're immediately gonna like close it down once we get a decent number yeah so that way we're not like being like yes give us all the super chat stuff and then we're not only able to get to yeah we won't be able to get to as many as possible so we're gonna turn it on get some videos and then turn it off Ryder Eclipse already did a great job of that Sydney Brown also - already did a great job of that as did Brianna King so if you've got that what we should be good yeah so so keep those coming in as we get started here Jason is Jason and Chris are gonna start vetting those that you're sending and we are gonna hop into just one like a couple videos that Chris had pulled in advance just to give us a little bit of time so Jason if you'd be so kind and we've got some more cool hi I'm Steve Miller I've been a trophy Massachusetts in 2085 if you and your spouse hate each other like poison and want to get out of the hell hole you call a marriage you've come to the right place look you I'm not laughing I mean that's uh the help Wow the heck hole of a marriage yeah I need this guy's number you know it I need you I also can I just real quick I also got a shout out that cut right there where it's like okay listen like he's just he's got this feeling he's going boys look you can waste your mind screwing around with some paper pusher paralegal type give thousands of dollars to some piece of crap three-piece suit downtown blow your brains out trying to figure out why you wasted 25 bucks on the crappy forms you bought from the illiterate boob at the courthouse well do what I say and do it now we know what we're doing here look at this website a work of art Wow it is a work of art this website Picasso this is the Picasso of website you get respect this guy he is pulling no punches man right I know if I want a lawyer who's gonna be honest and brutal to my spouse who I secretly hate this is the guy I'm gonna call who you had a call if you got ghosts who you gonna call the ghosts if you got a nagging wife who are you gonna call this my buddy right here right the what was it the incompetent boob at the core man amazing I hate that I hate those things I hate nothing worse than incompetent boobs right come on all right here's the story Oh your pants a little when we get you a lot don't worry about the details we'll take care of business and let you know when to crack open the champagne okay time I love that he doesn't have any punctuation either can I just say that like very clearly in his little teleprompter there are punctuation marks that are happening just like blowing will tell you when to pop open the champagne okay now on to the next sentence because punctuation is not a thing that I care about here I'm gonna screw over your wife you're gonna make a lot of money great fantastic call me and give me your money I'm also just really loving he's done the same thing the whole time let's hold this it's a good legal guns legal guns here we go get the divorce page in the upper right corner pay up and you're on your way to get out of that vermin you call a spouse we're here to have a permit for Susie a flag the law firm this is the try not to laugh or chortle come on there was a definite chortle try not to thwart all the fall alright what do you think I liked that one I like that I thought that was great no I like that not only as a try not to laugh video I liked it as I yeah a quality advertising right you know if this was a video that ran is like a TrueView ad in front of a youtube video I would not skip that I would I would be like man this guy is really interesting I want to see what he has to say so stuff you're gonna call him to get rid of that vermin you call a spy I mean it's just a real real fair enough got going on oh yeah if I'm a vermin I'm a ferret yeah cuz I like yeah that's okay I still see a lot of stuff scrolling we got to to to super em come on now super EV we got your score of it - it's okay let's see I'm also seeing lag and I'm also seeing uh Steph is so pretty oh that's really good like oh yeah I saw that like a half hour ago on the live stream yeah that's crazy Falcon gave a run to force gives it a four okay okay here we go one sec okay I got it sighs it Oh baby TV is now available for that well Anders Groff who also submitted on super chat said you had one job Chris and Jason also Thank You KITT winters Jacob Figueira and Tanya Elliott who also contributed on super chat but didn't send us any videos they just were awesome yeah thank you fullscreen we may push the full screen this is called fullscreen Home Slice no the bottom row video play oh the video fullscreen yeah the problem even YouTube okay what would add Sheeran's shape of you sound like if it were translated into Korean French Corsican Icelandic Hawaiian Arabic etc also sorry maybe I didn't want to hold up I know I know we're on the webpage look at this here oh okay if I want to show up I want to show off my Linda Kathleen Rees help her go on tour guys if you like this I'm she's going this I'm curious but anyway help we're going tour look yeah totally let's share some love for for Melinda friends in the trial rapidly oh thank you Ben what oh this is my man what is it cubit apparently it's the distance from your elbow to your fingertips see we're all learning things right man cubed it sounds so dirty than it totally does watch out for man qubits my favorite part all right watch out for the demons and Beloit man cubed the man cubits but she's talking about her loins that was well done she's like I found some shapes yeah been there done that there's still more shapes man oh we're totally gonna get cut struck for copyright we're supposed to go to 208 all right the agricultural economy and all the activated males it fills us in all verbs [Music] [Laughter] I love you I love you me too girl I'm all about those Cubans there you go that's awesome that was great I really like that Melinda Kathleen Reese didn't submit this video hopefully you know helped her go into work yeah there's our stage leak there love you Melinda go this was great I want to check out more before I haven't watch more I really only watch more after that because this hand would watch more right good yeah you know what though I too love shapes right are you like stop pausing the video says Diego likes pie it helps us not get flagged for copyright ah is so mad well no pause the video yes one is because of copyright I think that's part of it but the other part of it honestly is we could all sit here and I feel like I have funny things to contribute to the video like you know observations I do think that thank you and we could all sit here like it's a try not to laugh challenge and so if we're all sitting here like trying not to laugh quietly that's bore it to me that's boring whereas like and I could give my witty commentary over the video but then you're missing the rest of the funny video so you do it Mystery Science Theater style anyway alright so I didn't laugh I give that one though eh I give that one a seven if I gave the last one to six I get that want to say I am well done I'm sticking with my eight alright so this one is from do you know what this one's from did you not say hold on uh oh here it is it's from gray storm 16:19 video called teleports behind you thank you so much for submitting it okay teleports behind you all right I don't it looks like battle boss I like battle does oh that don't happen for my Ramu Cindy for my Ramu Cindy you're totally laughing you're totally I did not laugh I I do that wall yeah but you did the pole purse your lips together really taste a lot that's not me laughter and fine brothers that counts oh yeah our refined brothers no Stephanie this is the try not to laugh or smile cheerio we're not the finebros that was phenomenal by the way thing that was great about it is you're sitting there waiting for something to happen right and then like out of nowhere oh oh oh that was great I give that a solid eight really that was phenomenal I give that a four what I didn't think I was that funny you don't appreciate quality robotics I don't did you see look at Stephanie Stephanie Stephanie Stephanie look at this look at it go look at it it was over there like a second not even this is from darzee darzee the tailorbird thank you so much for contributing and also yeah heavy and scout think they are birds okay this is I'm excited about these cuz any of the ones that involve like team Team Fortress 2 characters being manipulated in some way tend to be either horrific ly intense or delightfully hilarious okay we'll see where this one rolls out on the scale here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yep Nick there you have it so when they both flew away together and they were like slap fighting each other while flying away that almost got me that was really funny if they had landed on the wire I think I've lost it the fact that the sandwich bit was also pretty delightful in terms of let me just open my mouth and puke sin which is I receive your sandwiches my mouth accepts your sandwich your people on their hands Photoshop sandwiches passing between our minds ready to go which is delight my concept is gross so the next submission man okay is on the channel just believing in magic it's alive animated okay how every not brought this person on crafting in pink submitted this high mountain stuff first of all thank you for your donation and they say high mountain stuff I was just the one who gave you the Girl Scout cookies at VidCon which were amazing and they were gone so fast I did not share don't bring it up please watch just leaving in MAGIX GT live animated any of them please okay so so this one okay there's one of Kris just believing in magic if you'll have to watch that one too this is excuse me there's also one of someone riding a Australia awesome okay okay here we go geez here we go GT live animated excuse me oh my gosh I don't know it's hard to find someone like that hard to find it's very small also it's actually not hard at all to find you are literally always on if you're on line so often is it bad that we're laughing at our cell we are like we're like Oh videos those witty comments that they're making that game plays just delightful I love how they're just literal izing everything they said like like when it's like oh it's dark oh they're small oh it's really creative this is off is it bad if I give this a 10 out of 10 because no I was already a 10 out of 10 we've only watched like 10% of it also if you haven't watched Emily as a way to video series on GT live it's it's on the GT Live archive Channel I loved it it wasn't one of those ones that got a whole lot of views I liked our whole play through this we had a good time anyway let's continue mirror it's hard to find someone like you oh [Music] it's hard to find so I think it's one really yeah a lot we really ruminated there yeah I think that expresses interest also she's specifically I can't wait to move on she's really hinting that she likes you ah she's feeling loved man I say you lean in my arabesque there was looking look at that extension look at the welled up I think I can look at your leg girl look at that look at that extension right now all we're seeing is your crotch please sit down sorry censored stream guys my crotch better than my butt is a waist up livestream my friend think we have pants you can but how do we reciprocate what do you think Chris so jason says three boys don't know how to read the signs man everyone sings wanna be Chad why fine don't the advice of the one person in the room who has actually been a teenage girls how many guys I feel like most dreams where Jason talks hashtags that becomes a reality like let's be honest here Stephanie and Jason girls don't always know what they want [Applause] and that's why we picked three and then everything went down I still go bad everyone in the chat is saying I'm gonna go with one because I love that that was on Chris really quick it's less than a minute that was a very tense moment like it's very tense moment here we go Chris the artis how many of you had in your stable of men or women at the same time I have seen some of these before by the way I haven't seen those two but I have seen some before and I really like them that was awesome thank you crafting in pink I enjoyed that one I give that a solid 11 out of 10 yeah not only was the commentary like ii like that audio whatever yeah the animation only made it the love the witticisms that were coming out of the hosts mouth we're just like you're pretty fab but not only that the animation is great too yeah yeah it was in fact the animation was probably better we gotta clean this livestream on this is from Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy we got your suggestion and here we go Pennywise dancing to everything all right here we go Oh manual [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Pennywise your inability to follow the metronome and beat of the song is the scariest thing about you terrifying he dances to his own tuna right you know you can do no no the point of any dances - every - you know honestly I think it wouldn't be too hard to a job yeah just the speed of the clip and yeah do it pretty well most of these songs are 4/4 time anyway music nerd and so if you just like yeah so if you just [Applause] you're also watching the pain over and over again it's really highlighting how awkward this effect is where they've like very clearly green screen to sin [Music] that's my favorite good that was really good I want to do the penny wise dance okay got it I'll leave it up anyway there we go I give that one a what do I give that one I give that a I'm gonna give that one a six yeah oh boy oh God okay I'm getting I'm getting some I like shapes in the chat I'm also getting an eight four four nine three it's all over the map it's all over the Matthew it was a divisive one that was I enjoyed that here we go this is the sky chilly submitted this one hey I believe hold on hold on wait let's see where was it called somebody once told me bull attack okay oh yeah skies chilly so again there was no extra message Thank You sky chilly we are going to watch the video Oh attack right I'm really sorry Chris vetted this but sometimes Chris's case is a bit weird right and also Chris is a home sick in bed so he's venting you might be hallucinating I think he might be a little on the Lucas might be like did bulgor him or did it just tickle him the whole time this dayquil tickling meal you know what lick quills tickling me today if the day quills tickling you please tell something yeah and also don't take any more day club okay here we go tom laughs you're laughing you're laughing you're laughing that's awesome that's awesome very well time clapping half of that one a plus that was amazing that was very delightful and unexpected I like that and anyway that was great oh that was a ten thousand ten for me that was a ten that was strong that was a stroke that one doesn't have 2,000 views that was grating at ten at ten eight nine ten ten eight that people agree across the board that this one is I never did I've never seen that was don't worry board people are like I'm dying 9000 out of five twenty out of ten ten ten I'm dying says paths to thirty nine very strong law infinity over infinity says engineer Josh nine out of ten says Panda loves cake old says the Scarlet infector hey old there's nothing wrong with old next up we've got a on shul dish car submitted chicken nugger what is it chicken okay hold on by the channel that guy with a voice nugger okay angel - car sent in chicken eager collab ooh and says collab with good mythical morning please yes green you know what if you harass rhettandlink enough for us they good mythical morning GG live it would you GT mmm oh yeah 80g mmm what about a good mythical GT life so GM GT life oh god you Gordon mythical life no no garbage terrible what a terrible idea alright here we go chicken nugger by that guy with the voice back in 2014 hmm all right I don't know I'm intrigued go you sit at the restaurant with your young son he says he is hungry did you agree to get him dinner huh you open up to the kids menu your clouds far too young for adult food chicken nugger stares at you from the page you don't understand your palms get sweaty and her son complains he says he is hungry your mind strains searching for an answer in a world of swear potato and french fried you try to order the chicken nugger but you cannot the words cannot escape your lips your son is hungry he complains the waitress stares at you of her head is spinning chicken nugger her arms swinging french fried your son cries the tears of a chicken nugger 'less child in your mind you scream it is raining sweet potato now you have french fried and draped on your left temple and you do not understand your son weaves in the corner he's starving starving the chicken nugger also I was wondering what his voice like what what the channel name was all about that was a very good voice he has a very strong voice did you get off the kids menu as a kid no neither did I that's because the video was only filled with chicken owners right the grilled cheese it's the worst the kids menu I never I've never understood why kids menu is even exist cuz you should be teaching your kids to eat real people food but like I I have very strong feelings about kids menus I'm just saying it I love chicken nuggets now as an adult but man they are the words I love these and just in general this was a great submission I love these sorts of videos where you take like ridiculous images or videos or and you just read like the cup sometimes the comments just come up with brilliant moment right and time sponges whoever wrote this came up with this just incredible backstory I love that and his his I wish I had one of those voices that could do like the movie but like in the beginning or like in a world in a world in a world of french-fried and sweet potatoes yeah one chicken nugger the pickled gamers is like if you cry every time alrighty this is from Kyle Torres forever spinning kid on my heart super easy way to tell that your bed is awful the raw egg test let me prove ads man I since I have you to bread I don't watch ads anymore ads are weird dude this is so strange man there is some reason why I like avoid a possible okay forever kid forever spinning kid on no cards Oh Kyle Torres here we go I am try not to laugh Stephanie seriously serious face is on we have not done a good job today okay are you there already funny I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] it does like it does me hungry a train like ginseng comes back ah and I did I thought oh that's great oh the back half of this video is look at it and then the fidgets winners which you know I think so respect to good Kitchener [Music] and also this moment right here is actually they did a lot of work in After Effects to make this happen because the kid is tucked behind the front layers of the video and so I think he's like rolling business which is really hard to do like it takes a lot of after and also I just anything that involves curling I have nothing well done torez solid solid 10 oh yeah it's not with ten out of ten it's so good tonight doesn't matter what in the chat agrees doesn't match the perfection of GT Live animated I mean it's right up it's up there like if that's the pinnacle of like if that if GT live animated is the Citizen Kane of YouTube videos then this is like right there this is so good that was amazing I I'm gonna save that one as like one of those videos that you just go back to when you need to laughs Oh phenomenal it's so good okay so delightful here we go next up alright we've got this one submitted by hands of ACP us yeah Aussie pious hands about ceadeus this is Monica no Monica no Club play I can respect this alright for our girl Monica I hope here's what I'm hoping based on knowledge of Mambo number 5 I hope that every name has been replaced with Monica that'd be amazing that is my hope for this video I hope so too okay sweet Oh [Music] [Music] oh that's it's made even better by the fact that all the characters are dancing a lot I didn't expect that and that means yeah that was so good OCR playthrough of Doki Doki you should definitely check it out because it's uh it is the premise for that entire video if you yeah if you have not seen Doki Doki litter at your club it is one of my favourite games that we've played this year on GT live it's up on the archive channel it is perhaps one of the best games in general of 2017 and it's free so you might miss the joke there but if you know the joke that's really strong I give that like a 9 and also I've forgotten that the first name that that Lou Bega for those who don't know that's a song that Stephanie and I grew up with Mambo number 5 I forgot that Monica is an actual name these things about insert and it fits really well into the rest of the song it reminds me of like going to a roller skating rink as like a 9 year old and it's one of those songs that they play at the roller rink and and you feel really cool as a nine-year-old cuz they're playing music really loud the lights are kind of dim and they've got the colored lights going on and everybody's rollerskating madness is one that they played a lot in my middle school dances so you'd be like I don't know if your if your preteen mat pad you're like trying to dance with the various women in order to replicate are you like this dip dip dip it and then I would do like loser over you and swing over to you and that's what you that's no no they were all in to it because they've seen my arabesque definite that explains it was grating matpat we were all dancing together for fun let's get a few more in huh all right this one is marek bar 2 sec merrick bar 2 second eric oh geez i believe i apologize if i butchered here named mojo trombone little trombone epic okay here we go thank you thank you Mark here we go all right [Music] [Applause] that's fun I like that I wonder what this guy's deal is right now he's just randomly running is he part of the video is he just a random guy in a suit running like away from the Mafia or something he's scared of the trombonist the truck is it is it a trombonist a tromboner trombonist are you sure not Trump owners do you have a problem with Trump owner Stephanie do trombonist make you uncomfortable maybe a little bit yeah does me saying tromboner make you feel uncomfortable really why what's wrong what's wrong with inaccurate pronunciation that's all how should i pronounce it trombonist are you sure it's trombonist absolutely a hundred percent Trump owners trombonist please don't go around calling them that please guys next I don't know talk to you talk to you anyone here anyone here play with the tromboner before who was played with a tromboner nope no one was in the marching band at all no one walked alongside a tromboner no one played their instrument next to a tromboner remember that time at the beginning of this livestream you guys you remember those those sweet times at the beginning of this livestream when we were like Thanksgiving is a family-friendly time is the time of gathering together and laughing together we're talking about an instrumentalist it'd be like a mammal you know it's appropriate because the Thanksgiving Day Parade is tomorrow with a baby yeah there will be a yeah if you watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade there are hundreds of trombonist in there marching along you know what step next thing you know I'm gonna start talking about my pianist friends and you're gonna have a real problem my trombone errs and my pianists I'd be happy holidays everybody have you never played with a penis before uh no I played with a pant I used to do sometimes more than one at a time a trio of pianists Wow all of us playing with each other John knots here we go we got John knots coming up next hold on pork me up okay okay Borka me before you dog go great all right okay hey remember when this was a try not to laugh challenge let's try not to laugh apparently everything has been thrown out the window in this stream here we go we're like I was gonna bet your videos for family friendliness it was so we're not gonna vet mark Boley brother friendliness I don't see what the problem is yeah if you would [Music] [Music] [Applause] whoa twist dramatic reveal at the end right didn't expect that one I was glad I was just about to compliment the little the little dog Oh for his amazing vocal range he was getting up to those finals right everyone's autotune autotune right now giraffe this is shy war shy warlike girl Oh since squash banana and or giraffe loose in Colorado which one we're doing draft loose in Colorado giraffe loose in colorado apparently is what we're doing anytime that there are cute animals involved you're already at a positive number in our book alright we go giraffe loose in colorado they say colorado [Music] [Applause] what yeah that was a crisp a glass that looked like what just gonna happen hold up you guys say Colorado so this is a real kid I said the only thing that's holding this one back from being really funny for me is this I need I need to understand the setup of the joke right and it moved by so fast for me that I was still comprehending what I was seeing you guys say Colorado yeah I believe he actually went by the first time shouting giraffe giraffe at which point then the Creator decided you guys say Colorado right there was a there was a lot like they had to cut out its oscillator there was all sorts than the giraffe running across I enjoyed that so this was in theory it was really funny it was just one of those ones that like I needed to understand what was going on before I could actually appreciate can I give that one a five I give them a five as well yeah al inator al inator 27 d here we go a linear 27 d the Pikachu army heck March 8th of March Uriel thank you no there's so many pop-ups everywhere it's pretty terrifying I was in a ball this would not make me excited [Music] look it up look at their clothes solm inside they're all so happy no [Music] oh there's one with the flower crowns I looked at that one it's more realism hold up hold up hold up what is this what is this now what is this non-canon Pikachu right this is what mutant Pikachu right here Wow that's the one with the flower crown is that the flower crown Pikachu what is this hippie drug-addled Pikachu no ash lightning but where the idol is it so is it cannon that Pikachu's with flowers on their head have awkward nails there are so many of them [Music] don't we're also really good posture yeah that's like your once opening the fact that they are Bartek is pretty terrifying like look at the flag bearers up front or taking this serious [Music] they're all to utter any way to kill Cody don't touch our Pikachu they might look fluffy but you are not allowed to see male Pikachu the tail looks like that one it's a few else's dylan odd row and the chat knows everything it's a female it's females females females female yeah man realize that all this time hey I haven't done a lot with like the breeding and Siham I could know well now I know at least I knew that now I'm on Ruby and Sapphire where an actual Pokemon you know why watch one more I do all right here we go maybe two more whoa well this has one of his normal creepy body weird like rubbery guy hey this one's from odd-jobs ketsu dah alright I'm jobs get sued ah here we go crocodile oh no well again they visibly delight in one another's company again little family friendly mosh pit I love me a video of an animal being dubbed over with like voices or screams I yeah it's it's I love me those sorts of videos so I give that one like it was a bit I wish I had a bit more time with the crocodile wish I would have had a little bit more time I give that one a solid 6 he did not fare well this is a Chris pic yeah so you know it's going to set your expectations low [Music] oh man oh do that just dance rock on my brother you got it he's getting like five stars on that one that was that was a five star just dance performance you know them and Pennywise I think have a fantastic future together doing dancing I think so too right I really think it's a match made in heaven yeah I think it's great Chris I know you're watching at home clapping after you feel better buddy yeah seriously we've missed you these last two days it makes you feel better I might have caught what you had I almost vomited last night so thanks thanks for that Thanks we're all feeling really good over here now and speaking of thanking people let us take a minute to thank everyone who submitted in yeah so one of the things we want to do at the end of stream even if we did not have a chance to play your video we really appreciate you submitting it and it means a ton to us that you would take the time to pick something out for us to watch and that you would you would contribute to super chat so we want to make sure to go through and thank people who have submitted yeah and make it it's off right now right and and the reason again why we were turning it on and off for very brief periods throughout the stream is we didn't want to like get a whole flood of people submitting and then us not to get to address you yeah so we wanted to make sure that we gave enough to like we limited it enough that we could still use this as a filtering tool but and give you a chance to kind of be heard but at the same time not be overwhelmed and not get acknowledged all you guys so please so we want to thank darzee and Taylor bird Thunder rod 18 to my better kit winters olivia sangha matt 13 jay darzee taylor bird again uh reagan Pucci Jason syndra or Kendra Artie uh hey Karl Wesley Christian people ease mckenna hurtin tobias hegemon piggy plays sky chilly we hey yo hey to kit winters yeah tristan singers which we wish we watched Samuel Becker Axl Johansen hands of eschatos kelpies which we had trouble pronouncing but watch the video and we did again cosmic Solaris the serpent gamer thanks for 1 Emmanuel Valverde ice cream girl made the muesli I love them Caleb also Caleb's afina Caleb's afina happy birthday whoa belated birthday they say it's your birthday no no no no no happy birthday to you happy birthday to you a project mm w s FZ build a Erickson Randy show vara severa uh Lord aqua mad man 288 Lee booth be Darth Prime Jennifer Louie the rah the robloxian the tuckson ping Dustin Johnson Jason Sandro uh Shawn 12 you gaming Kara missions and Elise Lord aqua ghen sis Baumann Regan Poochie again Catherine Dawson boy DA he picks one uh Kyle Torres Brandon's got 97 Alana tour 2070 uh Bella the-- Bethy uh Jennifer again he plays Frankie cold Covarrubias Dylan Evans Cindy brown and shul dish car uh and does our Jersey tailorbird again Lord Aqua again lonely Josh inist build a urks then we got sky chilly we got McKenna hurt Luke Murray a wandering art rainbow Fox are you a gamer 11 Jase oh you got that one Jimmy Jimmy dead wolf mm prude v-m gamer girl captain Jam Hummel listen boy the forlorn night Zachary day push push Enoch potion co shy warlike girl we are I said breath moon SIF bow us if only we got done knots uh lonely alone we got that one we got almost a repeater see Olivia moral see Alyssa Dubois hands a girl the guy On June 8th gen Luna felt krysta Thompson sorry for butchering right mark we got cool rain a Katie Gallagher ha ha well we got let leggo my to co toku Dakota Millard fill the Eriksen Jepsen noobs up wins news J up wins no j-ju pones news that's what I use krysta Thompson I saw up asan to Andrews Tiger swirl Olivia Morel see Kyle Burks Captain Jam Hemel the are manator grace Fisher Tyler right gray storm 1619 and odd-jobs catsuit oh wow thank you all they're contributing to today's dream hey let us know if you like this if it was useful to you if you think that's a good idea yeah we like doing try not to laugh challenges it's just hard for us to filter through all the videos so this made it a little bit easier for us hey guys thanks so much for watching this episode of GT live if you want to see us failed again to not laugh at more laughing compilations with the bus left or if you want to see the actual screen that that GT live animated series paper one of the 10th most hilarious tensest moment to GT live history we mentioned text it's on the right emily is away streams there
Channel: GTLive
Views: 2,043,188
Rating: 4.9273295 out of 5
Keywords: try not to laugh, try not to laugh challenge, react, reaction, react to, don't laugh, don't laugh challenge, don't smile, try not to cringe, try not to cringe challenge, cringe clips, cringe videos, cringe compilation, fun, funny, funny game, cringe, lets play, challenge, gtlive try not to laugh, gtlive, gt live, try not to laugh gtlive, gtlive matpat, game theory, compilation, funny videos, try not to laugh or grin, try not to laugh markiplier, try not to laugh jacksepticeye
Id: NhoCy3we3-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 6sec (3366 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2017
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