Would rich idiots or poor geniuses win? Worldbox!

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thank you to my patreons for supporting the channel and allowing me to be able to hire a lawyer for an architect's finally band together to sue me for all the well-deserved torment I've sent their way like what you're about to see in this video hello fellow engineers and welcome back to World Box the game where you can become a God and simulate the entire world and today we'll be simulating the ultimate showdown no not cloak versus Pepsi not cats versus dogs no not even Microsoft versus Sony today we're taking two groups of humans one of which will be really poor they'll let you start with nothing but they'll be super intelligent absolute Geniuses and we'll name these guys the engineers their enemy will obviously be the architect they are super overpaid so they'll be starting out super rich with easy access to every resource but just like in real life they will have zero intelligence so who's gonna win Rich idiots or four Geniuses so to start off we don't want this this is just the Earth we want something a bit more custom so let's wipe all of this by replacing it with deep ocean so let's just delete all of that delete down Africa delete bit of Russia then we'll just delete everything literally delete everything so there's now absolutely nothing here you may see a few dots and if we zoom in like like there's a little Rhino and a monkey I'm sorry uh you you are gonna die because when I press play all the C will come to the middle um and the Rhino which is just wandering around like that is oh please go for a swim and presumably these animals they can't swim forever so we'll let the water go into the middle we'll simulate this for a little bit just so we got a completely fresh tile all right there's seven beasts left they've been swimming for six years how are they so good at swimming wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I've just realized I'm God I don't need to wait for natural causes of death I can literally do whatever I want so I'm gonna spawn crabzilla right crabzilla we've gotta destroy all these swimming animals die there's one over this way two up there all right okay now we have a clear map oh no this board is a little crabs all right well let's just drop one of them on their boot okay there we go quite successive but now we have a completely clear map so next up we gotta actually build the land I think we're just gonna go with plain soil for now and let's just fill in all of this so then we're left with just land a completely Square block then I guess the way I want to do this I probably want to spawn something in one corner one in the other corner so let's cover the entire area in Grass except no apparently these grass seeds they came with like trees and sheep apparently so I'm gonna remove all of that from one side of the map because I don't want to get accused of cheating right so there we go now we just need to make sure this bottom left one has all the resources they need to thrive so we're gonna give them some fruit bushes which have delicious fruits a source of food we're then going to give them some Stone some silver some ore even Adamantite what are the best metals so then we're nearly ready to spawn our humans but first we're just gonna set up the world laws so I'm turning off rebellions we don't people to rebel against each other they must only fight their enemies I will turn off hunger as well because we don't want people dying of hunger just of War same with old age people can live forever I've turned off natural disasters and other disasters because we don't want anything to go to chance this is a well-engineered scientific experiment but I will allow trees and plants to appear randomly just so we have some chance for our engineers at the top right let's now head into the animal slot we're going to spawn a load of these humans so we'll start in the bottom left corner and wow when you zoom in you really get a scale for this place it is huge so I reckon let's spawn a hundred of these okay 103 oh they've already started building right pause pause because if we click on one of these we can go to their thing and we can rename it it's not going to be basava it's going to be rich idiots and that's architects in case you weren't aware and just to make sure we'll rename it I don't know what is eshowash now these are the Architects right so in order to ensure these guys are stupid we're gonna give them the the trait of stupid that may as well read architecture so we just sprinkle that on all of them they're now stupid and they'll also pass that down to their kids as well then we're gonna head up to this corner over here spawner 100 Engineers there we go 103 again us Engineers we like to round we'll call the starting town or genius which does actually sound like like an old city like or genius then they are the kingdom of Engineers obviously then these ones are not stupid no they are gonna be Geniuses and we'll find out whether all that intelligence will help even though they have no resources so let's just sprinkle that over you guys then I guess we let the battle commence now I'm most intrigued to see what the Geniuses are doing oh look wait what are they doing oh they formed they formed a new settlement already so I don't understand how are they how they build stuff there's no trees about they must have wood from somewhere I mean I guess trees are meant to always spawn yeah Oh look The Geniuses they're all heading inside a house man that house fits a lot of they're all going inside it what you can't all fit in there okay maybe maybe I'm mistaken maybe they definitely can all fit in there is that hang on what are they doing in there are they gonna multiply but anyway the Geniuses seems to be getting on back down here oh look the rich idiots have also done the same they've split into two so yeah down here there's there's 106 people in total so somehow the genius Engineers are multiplying faster and I'll tell you what they are growing their City really fast they got three four buildings up there three in that one yeah the idiots they seem to be doing the same I mean they've they've got access to trees and wood a lot easier doesn't look like they've discovered any of the resources that are literally on their doorstep and I'm quite intrigued to know whether these guys will actually discover that first anyway let's fast forward through some years and see still look it's going to take these guys to discover all these resources that could really help you oh look they split into another town de Tebby and look they are mining so that could actually help them quite significantly I think it's year 20 at the moment I'm actually quite worried for the engineers how are they getting on are they split into three as well I don't understand how they've built so many buildings like there's nothing up here that really is an incredible feat of engineering I'm very impressed I was gonna say they're multiplying fast but no actually people they seem to be leaving the original town of poor genius and creating these new ones which I guess you need a lot of intelligence to even pronounce them so maybe maybe I shouldn't be roosting for these guys if I should be reason for these because they can't actually pronounce most of these anyway oh look they have started mining the silver oh wow they're really eating through that rock as well yeah well fast forward a bit and see oh man they are absolutely blitzing through all that resource and look all the silvers being munched up as well they haven't discovered any of these resources yet but yeah you can see they've sure taken a chunk out down there meanwhile the uh the grass actually seems to be heading towards the Geniuses which could actually help them out because I'll give them significantly more Resource as well as access to loads of sheep which I'm sure they'll come up for a useful all right it's now year 34 all of these guys they're literally as old as I am you can see the Architects they they have started taking out all of these resources now you can see they've properly expanded into those so the metal and Adamantite have all been taken and the around these guys are expanding they're expanding so fast but what have the engineers managed in my lifespan let's go have a look I mean they split up into loads of different colonies I'm quite worried about the the numbers though is that the downside with intelligence you can't like get on with each other because you always think you're better than everyone else anyway the good news for these guys is the the grassland has now made it all the way over which means they've got access to chopping down trees for Easy Wood and therefore can build and expand even quicker I'm just worried they've gone with the quantity of villages rather than the quality so if we let this pan out for a few more years you can see the engineers are definitely expanding at a faster rate than the Architects but every time the Architects expand they get access to another resource and look it looks like they now have gold access and oh no look Kingdom Architects has declared war on Engineers oh no they're battling already so interestingly enough it was it was The Architects that started this should be quite interesting to see what happens you can see they are fighting in the trees the sound effects are adorable right actually it looks like Engineers are absolutely smashing this war they're now fighting over the gold ferocious battle art the engineers didn't win The Architects defended their gold but oh dear the Engineers have taken over this the city of lenva so this was the one that took the gold initially that is now owned by engineers and it looks like they are sending an army to try and take down all the Architects there's gonna be a ferocious battle on the front line here I mean you would expect the Architects to win this because they've well they should have all the armor they've got access to all these resources they should have been making metal armor with this ore and oh and yeah look they have taken back their city or not only that they've actually come up here no The Architects have invaded the engineers they took over yatabi but don't worry the engineers are taking it back and as it claimed yes it's claimed it's claimed okay so things are sort of back to normal I mean they're still at War they're still sending armies to each other but for now both sides are sort of as they were although I can see armies literally going past each other so the Architects are attacking up North this guy's going while they're attacking oh actually maybe that's what he's doing doing he's like they've just sent all their armies to take our base what if I sneak down here and take theirs unfortunately does not seem to be going well because the Architects have taken over two towns I mean to be honest maybe that's why the engineers split up because although they've lost two towns they still own like all the ones surrounding so yeah look they're fighting back they are fighting back come on Engineers use your brains use your brains yes they won they've got it back you know down here how is the there's the load engineer just going in like don't mind me Farmers I'm just gonna sneak in you probably could talk his way out a bit like proper do a Star Wars Move Along Move Along Move Along oh no he's been caught he's been caught he yeah that that didn't work did it anyway the architects now somehow they've they've stumbled upon a thing of engineering they thought they were just designing that for the looks but uh they've realized they can actually use the windmill power to actually create flour from Wheats and all sorts so yeah that is the trouble with Architects they'll try some radical things and occasionally they will pull them off up here there is there's a hell of a Battleground oh look the engineers are windmills as well oh no there's a hell of a battle going on I feel like the extra armor and weapons from all those resources has really helped the Architects oh they are they are falling the engineers are falling their army is not very big oh and look at this this is the the architecture Army coming down oh no they're being ravaged they're being ravaged come on engineer fight back I know you're outnumbered but okay you're doomed you're doomed oh look at the population this place nice yeah another The Village has been has it been taken yes just about to be taken oh no Engineers what are you doing you're meant to be using your intelligence although look at the resources The Architects have I mean it's sort of no wonder no another town is falling another town is falling my Engineers what happened I mean it would be a shame if there was a heat rate that just obliterated the architect Army right this definitely isn't cheating oh no actually I've set a fire I've set the fire set a fire in the middle of the engineering Hub I mean to be fair we should have known that the engineers are working on satellite Laser Technology just so they could boost obliterate their enemies from above all right look the engineers they're actually fighting back now they're taking back foul faru and maybe there is hope although there are armies on the way would be ashamed if they got lasered this is not cheating this is engineering all right so despite despite being Bliss racing like most the map uh you can see the engineers and pink are very very much in trouble they're literally surrounded I guess we'll let this run a little bit longer and see whether the engineers can make a comeback or not I'm I don't feel confident I'm gonna I'm gonna put it that way this is gonna be painful for me to watch just sit by do nothing but I am trying to be unbiased oh look at the engineers they've just started a new city a one-man city right next to forest fires are you sure these guys are intelligent there's an army literally right there I'm not sure why they're not doing anything are they just not intelligent enough to like see that the engineers are regrouping I don't know but this city is growing quite significantly oh man what the f there's literally forest fires everywhere yeah I think because we're in the age of sun there's just there's just constant heat waves and forest fires everywhere look at all the villages being destroyed oh they weren't at War they've just declared war again oh no no oh they were living in peace I didn't realize and now the poor Geniuses the engineers they have been overrun we are Kingdom Engineers has been destroyed officially or has it were the engineers working on something did they know the world was burning and they buried themselves underground and when the age of tears came in year 80 the rain put out the forest fires and then the engineers were allowed to emerge and so the engineers came out of their tunnels however they'd been underground for so long they turned into horrible old Orcs but the engineers of new engineerland they were still very very intelligent so let's see how they get on I mean for now it looks like yeah the sudden war of Architects well it's ended but it did also start so the Architects did actually turn on themselves however oh man look at the numbers of them they have really eaten through their resources though so whether that will that could have a negative impact they have such large armies though I am quite worried for these new engineers I guess we just need to work out when will they be discovered by The Architects because not gonna lie I'm I'm quite impressed with how the Architects have done considering they're all meant to be stupid they've done a lot of expanding and uh they got quite a lot going for them still the new Engineers they are expanding quite nicely they're doing the same technique of getting lots of different Villages going on they are getting quite close to the borders of The Architects like oh no look The Architects have declared war or new engineer land and look at the size of their army it's just a constant swarm of people oh no the engine is to stand a chance they are sending their army down remember they are Orcs they should be a bit stronger than humans wait what is that why is this guy so big oh look he's a giant that will be why I mean he is still stupid but he's about to turn 100 years old so we can't be too mad oh man Engineers I think it might be over for you no there's start adding spikes to their buildings that's proper engineering move not architecture they're trying to trying to defend their buildings look at the size of the army oh dear I mean thankfully there's loads of nukes where did they come from that's a bit lucky wow that's is that what the engineers were working on this whole time what are the odds of that so just like that there were no architectural armies anymore that is the trouble with architecture like the Army looked good but it didn't actually work very well I mean that so many Architects on this map it's horrible to look at come on Engineers you must fight back tell you what perhaps we can give them some more perks because Engineers we know they're lucky we know they're attractive they're probably eagle-eyed fast and strong so if we just paint that over these guys we'll see whether that helps oh no what no the engineers are turning on themselves oh no they've just okay they've they've ended the war but they are turning on themselves I guess becoming one large settlement is that the more intelligent thing to do like this place is gonna be gone very soon yeah but look at the size of the engineering Army now it is it is pretty good all right so now there's only two kingdoms literally Engineers versus architects now they can no longer turn on themselves only on each other but they're not at War currently uh also worth noting as well the Architects have now used up all of their resources I mean there's a couple of little ores dotted about but pretty much it's all gone it'll be interesting to see what happened happens down here The Architects are taking up the last of the area and oh no The Architects have declared war so there's a right battle going on here you can see These Guys these are the Architects so what traits wait wait wait wait wait wait I thought you're meant to be stupid why have they got the wise trait I'll tell you what happened they probably took over the engineers and some Engineers turned into architects now either way they just got completely slaughtered by the engineers like new engineerland even though they're facing battles on all fronts they are actually pushing the Architects back you can see their numbers decreasing constantly so up here they are taking this town they're taking the one above and oh man the engineers are actually pushing back but here is a right battle oh my goodness the amount of arrows coming in I think there's only two walks in there they do have the bubble Shield perk though so they seem to be coping okay okay that one died he's like an adorable you can't touch me in my Zorb all right there's there is a big architectural Army coming in out I'm not sure gonna be able to do much like the engineers they did take out a few of the of the villagers but they didn't actually take them for themselves they're just destroying everything in their path like up here they've literally ripped through these Town that's only got six population five population and they're still going trying to get their Hometown Back yeah I think the rage is the Scots than they maybe would have been better trying to take these towns rather than completely annihilating them although if we zoom out the engineers they're actually going for it I think there could be a comeback because all these towns on the border they are just dying like they're sending in more and more armies The Architects but look at the destruction of the engineers I think he was down to one population so is Reigns and they're destroying the last building yeah so that is another one down the engineers are going for it I love how they just like punch their way through like they're not taking anything they're just like bombarding straight into the middle of towns destroying all the buildings and oh my God look at the number of lines so that's the number of armies that are currently heading towards engineerland that is a lot of people on the way will they be able to defend themselves will the spiked Bruce finally do their job actually yeah it appears so it appears so they deflected that attack as a massive battle in this town going on this is right on the butt look at the destruction all right tell you what let's speed it up a little bit and let's just see if the engineers are pushing the Architects back or whether the Architects are finally defending themselves and what I can tell they the the architect numbers are dwindling and perhaps we are finally proving that Architects are overpaid so yeah oh look at this it is beautiful it is beautiful the demise of Architecture is finally happening oh maybe that's why the engineers aren't actually taking these buildings because they're all like they've all got like cantilevered floors and curved glass walls the engineers don't want that all right so unfortunately it has just changed to the age of ice which means the entire map is being covered in snow and ice whether that will slow the engineers down I don't know actually look the war the war has ended so I guess as soon as the snow came the engineers and Architects decided to have a truce a Christmas Day truce um so for now I guess they're just both regrouping The Architects of 570 people the engineers just under 500. you can see 135 years have passed the current population is 1100 we've had 6 100 deaths none of them were natural and uh none of them were done by me they were all they're all done by engineers and Architects I definitely didn't have a hand in any of this all right so it looks like the engineers are expanding their Village count Architects seem to be just growing the ones they have so we'll see what works out better and look at the architect buildings you can see they have stumbled across some efficient looking designs I don't think that was intentional but you can see the engineer buildings they're all well defended with spikes they are still growing their armies as well so perhaps there will be another War at some point all right so the good news is we're back in the age of hope all the snow is melting now so perhaps that will fuel more violence oh look out the Architects have declared war again remember Engineers have just defended themselves in this the only War the engineers started was the one with themselves generally it's the architect starting the violence and then probably taking the most amount of damage because I think yes the original engineering Hub I think it is going to be well I would say take him back but I think it's just going to be destroyed it's been too infected with architecture we don't want it back yeah it's gone it is gone and look the engineering Army is just wiping out the Architects why did the architect start it they are not intelligent enough to know which battles they can and can't win the engineers were peaceful just minding their own business and now they've been forced to destroy everyone and just like that we're down to the final few buildings remaining the engineers are just absolutely on a rampage destroying everything the rich idiots they are finally gone and there's just one architect stronghold remaining which I think is being swamped as we speak yes destroy it destroy it all and yeah there's a hell of a lot of reinforcements coming so I think the great Clash of Architects has ended the Architects were destroyed and that was a completely Fair battle showing that whilst Architects might be paid handsomely for their work you cannot beat the intelligence of an engineer and they will always be better off so on that note I'll say thanks to the patreons and peace love and intelligence bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 235,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worldbox, world box, worldbox game, worldbox gameplay, world box gameplay, super worldbox, worldbox update, simulator games, worldbox timelapse, worldbox war, worldbox battle royale, worldbox battle, super worldbox war, superworld box, suiper worldbox war, 2000 year war worldbox, worldbox 2000 years, 1000 years worldbox, rich versus poor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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