Engineering the PERFECT Mars Rover in Mars First Logistics!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to Mars first Logistics now in this game you play as a Mars Rover look how cool the graphics are look we leave a trail behind us and everything so as we drive across the planet you'll be able to see exactly where we've been it was a face by the way you disgusting viewers but essentially as we drive around Mars we get given different contracts so if we head into the map you can see our first contract we need to deliver a watering can from the habitat to the greenhouse so if we head to that blue symbol that is where the watering can is stored we gotta deliver it to the yellow symbol over there so here we are we have arrived at the watering can however how are we gonna get it over there well we edit our vehicle now the more we play the more we unlock different parts the more they cost so doing contracts gives us more money to spend thankfully for this first one we have a free build that we can use so essentially with this we can just lower that a bit shove it right in there lift it up and then we have a vehicle that we can transport the watering can because over here we're gonna need water in these lovely hydroponic greenhouses because we need to keep the trees clean and speaking of being clean this video is sponsored by are you still using your bare hands to wash yourself this is not engineered to clean but this this is this is the manscaped body buffer a handheld exfoliator brush designed to clean yourself properly oh and look a cheeky preview oh wow oh wow sorry Paddy this might actually be more fun to stroke than you are sorry boy so out of the pack it looks like this it's an antibacterial silicone scrubber which is way more hygienic than a washcloth or Luther or this useless thing mostly down to these bristles oh look at them look at them and if you get as part of the buff bundle it also comes with two bottles of Ultra Premium body wash infused with aloe vera and sea salt it comes in these absolutely huge bottles with an easy to dispense lid oh yeah that sounds good and you can get 20 off plus free shipping if you head to and use code real civil engineer that's 20 off with free shipping at using Code real civil engineer cheers to supporting the channel but let's get back to Mars but anyway we deliver the water encounter there we earn some funds we earn a new contract so we are here we've got to go over there to get a crate so we head over this direction and as we arrive oh no the crate is on a shelf and this time there's no blueprints that can help us so we're gonna have to engineer this ourselves so to start off with let's remove from there I think then I want to rotate that so it's flat-ish I'm gonna want a survey somewhere probably like that because that allows us to rotate so if I shove another block on top and a claw out the front of it then I can see oh wow we are nowhere near high enough we need to build way taller so we add another one of them and probably another one then we have this which means if we drove this into like that sort of position then I can just spin that to knock it off the shelf then we go back into the Builder menu rebuild this thing then hopefully if we shove our thing in that hole Easy Does It Easy Does It then we can lift up a nice now we have a box on our head so we take this back to where it's needed and then we get more parts Blueprints and some funds so the new contract has a crate of oranges which needs movement so they are over this way presumably made by our crate and our water they made the oranges they put the oranges in the crate and I sort of thought like a fruit would perish in the in the void of space like on Mars atmosphere do they need oxygen to like not rock oh I don't know anyway this vehicle has two sets of hydraulics so you can see we can switch between them like that so we've either got that front one which allows us to open and close the pincers and this background which raises and lowers the entire thing so I guess we start by widening that seeing if it's wide enough to get the entire crate yes it is then we can close it so we grab it and switch to that one and raise it up and then we are on our way going in going in the wrong direction it's over this way now since there's Hills and stuff and these are oranges you can see if they like move about there's physics physics of the oranges you don't want to spill any so we gotta plan our route carefully and in the map if you seem like way in can you see this actual Contours so thankfully the the route we're driving now is completely completely flat but some of these other routes they're going to be really steep the closer the Contours are together steeper the terrain is still oranges are over here I remember these guys because I played this I think I played the the demo of this maybe and I tried to run these guys over but they're very very fast with their jet pack still I've got oranges for you guys and that allows them to continue building oh a crane now it seems as well as main contract there's also some side jobs as well so I can see over here there's a pretty simple just move some supplies terrain looks flat so this should be easy all right there we go squeeze that together lift it up drive it over this way and look it's night time there's full day and night cycles on this planet yeah anyway oh look look this box we've got to get it up there the question is how high can we oh we can't actually go any higher so we're gonna need a vehicle in order to lift this up properly so what I'm thinking we delete all of that stuff we delete that on the front and then I feel like we're gonna need two hydraulic cylinders in order to get the height so I essentially need to make like a forklift I guess so if we shove those two on there I think I'll probably need to lose some of the back wheels just so I have more parts because essentially we need that on the top then another one out the front then we can use the these connectors because they span quite a large area to go down like that so looking at that that's probably too close yeah let's move it forward one so we end up with that let's then get something that can can hold it and I reckon a claw out the front probably will do it but I'm pretty sure we're gonna have to rotate it so we'll shove one of these survey Motors on the side down there if I do that sort of thing then I can shove the the claws on the front like that and that then let's see is this thing gonna work so if we just reverse and then get that pointing down like that I'm hoping we can just slide under oh no get out the week out let's go at this with some speed ready right yes we're under we are under although no we've wedged it under the Shelf oh this is a disaster I'm literally trapped I'm literally trapped I think I've only got myself to blame for this anyway I've saved that as a safe vehicle let's find another vehicle that we can we can get it out with all right okay I've got this i got this I think it's gonna work so it's a bit front right heavy but it'll be fine it'll be fine we basically just got to guide that into there boosh extend that's it then extend the front one okay now it's out of there so then we can swap back to this thing which has the Turning circle of a boat push it over this way then we should be able to push this against that computer so ready charge now I'm pretty sure this will work this is probably driver error at this stage I'm pretty sure this is how NASA would solve this problem though right okay just like that we are sort of underneath so if I can if I can not mess this up foreign I mean what if I change my survey down here to go that way around and maybe with pincers I can just grab it no my grip's not big enough and the trouble is I'm out of Parts although I can I can just buy some for 10. I got 150 funds the easiest way would be to buy another servo motor but that's 160 I've only got 150 yes sorry let's buy some more of these so then I can make my grip wider oh I'm feeling so bad at this all right okay from this angle surely surely no all right what about this I got the the grippers on the side maybe the grippers actually add grip so if we add that down there and then pinch then yes yes we've actually got it but it's nowhere near high enough why do you have to be like this game why can't we all just get along anyway I'll go and deliver this step ladder [Music] this game hates me all right really should have planned my route there's um there's a lot of hills and jumps and stuff whoa but it's fine that's delivered that gets us more funds then we can do the steel beam which to be fair it's got It's got a hole in it that's a very unusual steel beam but I reckon if we just penetrate that oh yes look how perfectly balanced we are right there we go there we go it's not gonna end well but I can do this in one of two ways I can go very very gentle like that which will take a long time but I know that I'm being careful or I can try and make it take the least amount of time possible therefore reducing risk so power come on oh should have seen that coming I reckon they if we just do a little bit of a little bit of that with the wheels with that on the end then just gotta line my thing up with that hole all right there we go and we got a longer arm which means we can shove it right down there and because we got a bigger wheelbase we should be a lot more stable oh this could actually work oh just gotta mind the rocks oh man this is actually genius fair play map fair play sometimes you come out with the good ideas so we deliver this to the crane I think they're building like a new building here so that goes in there they continue building then I get funds a new contract to go get a telescope mirror and if you look on here can you see it's down a very Steep Hill these these Contours are very close together so ideally I want to go like where the Contours are furthest apart so probably that way rather than straight down there so if you look to my right oh man oh man that's literally a cliff but the Contours sort of showed yeah down here not as steep you can see though just how steep it is so it looks like here this is the laboratory this is where the telescope is oh man how are we gonna how are we gonna pick that up I mean I could try that I I guess it could work all right let's see if we can make it up this hill Oh this is easy this is easy mate wait where am I where am I delivering this to oh look look there's a button here there's the button oh we're going up in a lift oh then the telescope goes in the telescope but that makes sense uh probably should have faced like the right direction let me just do a 10-point turn here we go delivered so now the building is transformed into a working telescope looks very efficient there by the way and we get new Blueprints and a load of new parts hopefully we can use those parts to finish that pesky one we couldn't do anyway let's have a look at our new parts we've got an all-terrain wheel rather than a Rover wheel we got some tubes 30 degree connector and a plate I'm not sure that's gonna help me but what is going to help me I've got 550 funds so I can get more Servo Motors so let's buy another one of those and maybe another hydraulic as well then we use the clamps so hopefully if I've done this the right size our Wheels should be wider than the crate and if I switch to that one I can make that wider as well which means yep we can we can get around the crate like that are we high enough yes okay so now we clamp that together swap to those Hydraulics and then as we go up because we got the wider Wheels we're good oh it's not quite it's old enough I've still got two servos I've still got two servos okay we're saved we're saved because I can literally shove a survey there oh same on this side actually so we're in the same situation but this time if we swap to these servos we can like tilt our wheels back and look now we can just about get the the front the crate under it oh does that not count does that really not count because well that's gotta be up come on get in get in the Box I don't understand how this level is defeating me I can buy one more Servo I can't afford a hydraulic okay I have an idea of what I can do with my extra survey this is it this is the vehicle all right so that goes up like that we drive it on to there and then we swap to This Server up the top and swing that forwards then if we slightly let go of the crate we can then plonk it forward and yes we've done it I had 130 quid I spent like 500 getting it done but still that technically worked which means the vehicle get saved and Slot to boost all right so meanwhile all these other things are like the miles away they're like way in the distance apart the map we haven't even explored yet but if we do this rocket fin one we get something called a or hauler as the part so let's go do that so we're gonna drive this new buggy that I unlocked as a blueprint oh wow oh yeah I'm liking this I'm liking this okay it is actually quite slow fair enough I thought it was decent looks fast but it isn't sort of like my poly Bridge land speed record car man this thing is actually miles away and this vehicle is slow and terrible at navigating bumps I can at least see where the building is now oh my goodness that is a cliff what are those people doing oh this is a side job called potatoes I'm going to ignore this but um I do just like making the people jump unfortunately there is a Max build limit I'm wondering like what is that actually based around so I can still build backwards if I just add loads to the back do you think it's where this is is that like the I assume that's the center of the thing yeah yes I don't think I can move that and that's how our limit works I was wondering if I move the wheels back to here and I've got a really long Pokey vehicle and I can see can I actually poke him or is he gonna oh okay that was actually close I reckon I might be able to poke him if I get a bit of speed up all right ready die Mr Matt oh he's so fast I swear I got close to that what if I go over here and then I press reset oh it just stays up in the air fine fine I'll leave you alone all right we're back in the buggy making progress oh wait signal week extend your signal by discovering new transmitters oh do I have to go to those things oh that's 1.7 kilometers away still it's now discovered which means the map has opened up ah so Ubisoft game in Disguise I had no idea so we can go back to this thing that's where we've got to get the item too it's almost the wind tunnel you can see delivery it wants the rocket Fin and that is up this way so we've got to build a vehicle to pick that up what how are we gonna pick that up all right tell you what what if we go with something like that and the plan is I sort of scoop it up and then get it like resting on there and I probably want to scoop it from this side so we'll go under like that all right there we go we sort of grab that end can I grab this end as well sort of looks like a Santa hat but I think I actually have it oh no the end's touching oh poop I love how there's someone like up there in the glass so just trying to get on with his work meanwhile this may be completely completely bottling this all right however I think that's sort of what I wanted to do I think we have it now so let's just very carefully try and get it out of here without touching it on the walls yeah we're good we're good oh it fell off I saw this I'm just gonna push it I can just boost it down the hill it should just slide down right it'll be fine no different to any other delivery company didn't have the word fragile on so it's fine if I can just get it up this hill which is good night why why would you go down there right ignore the tracks everywhere I've definitely just done this first time nice and simply but we're just gonna gently push it up power oh you knob okay I think I got it I think I got it just be gentle oh that's actually what I wanted this whole time okay so now boost the button oh my goodness we've been flapped up into the air but we've done it we've got a new blueprint and a load of new parts and we're falling to our doom and we have an iron ore contract but yeah this is a lot of fun it's sort of like um Trail makers campaign but all the different parts you collect like add so much to the gameplay uh anyway if you enjoyed bush like button but for now say peace love and I don't think I'm cut out for NASA bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 415,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rce, mars first logistics, cartoon mars, cartoon mars game, real civil engineer, mars rover game, martian rover game, mars logistics game
Id: Un0tjMbhYDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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