Cities Skylines, but the sea level is constantly rising!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to City skylines today I've been to the wheel of Doom a little bit too much Doom when I use that thing but instead I found this map on the workshop that's like a flood challenge so essentially if we Zoom right out we're sort of in like a huge bathtub type environment and if we come down to this icon down here water you can see that's how many water spawners are dotted all the way around the map so this place is gonna get wet and basically our aim is to staff in the single grid and try and work our way to High Ground I guess I mean I probably want to get over onto this ledge yeah but that's quite a few tiles away so we'll see how that goes and I'm gonna give myself two rules in this one I'm not gonna be able to use the Landscaping tool at all and two I'm not allowed to hit pause so let's unpause the game and then let's get going I have no idea like what the time limits it is on this but I guess to start with I should probably stop talking and just build so first off we need roads so let's see roads down there then we can get some green on on the go and then we'll do what I like to do which is the commercial buffer and then the industry right nice so just watch all of those build and then our population should start growing all right here we go look at all the traffic oh there's a train there's a train oh I didn't actually think like where do you because all of this will be underwater all these roads thankfully over here we have a bit of a raised area so that should sort of stay dry if we just follow this outside holy whoa look at all these bridges that is awesome aren't they a bit low aren't they going to go underwater does that mean they're gonna have to spend money on like helping them oh man you can see like the water sources like surging away things are going to get wet fast which means I gotta keep building and look we are making profit now so that is very good so uh let's keep building houses all right there we go we're little hamlets and now we can take a loan out if we want and we can fiddle with taxes I mean you should probably get a landfill site in before too long I might shove that right down this end I'm gonna show a school there and then health care if people live longer they pay tax for longer so that's probably a worthwhile expense look at all these happy faces anyway things are going pretty well I've named this moisteland USA I thought it sounded quite apt for the for the name so we'll go with that and then we're just going to paint these up as demand that comes in and then we are a worthy Village and look we've unlocked a new area so having a look around I think we want to end up on this Ridge that's most likely the safest spot right let's go left to start four and a half Grand bloomingo all right so run into a little bit of an issue we have a power problem and a burglar problem so I'm gonna I'm gonna lay some more windmills down that Bar's now green and then we'll come to the police Tab and we're gonna we need a police station so I reckon two birds one stone there's someone here currently getting burgled so let's just replace their house with a police station because we've got to meet those crime statistics look good to keep attracting new people oh no looks like somewhere burnt down that's oh there's so many expenses with a city so let's get fire engines in then no snow there's still not enough power right I gave wind a chance but it's no good I feel like there's not enough wind down here with all these big rules I mean since the planet's flooding anyway I may as well build a cold power plant I just gotta save up some money I forgot I could tweak these let's grab an extra couple percent tax I'm sure no one will notice that all right then we can afford a Coal Power Plant so we'll shove one in straight away and then all of our power problems have gone away all right so things going pretty well we got high demand for more res residential so let's Wang those in along there and then hang on hang on hang on hang on no no why is there so much water coming this way it's flooding already I feel like I'm not prepared for this seems to have been a random title surge because there's no water coming out now but that's quite a lot of water no garbage trucks oh we're a boom town is fine oh we've unlocked another Square okay that's good so whilst these guys try not to float away I think they're actually okay it's not too deep for the water I feel like it hasn't left any lasting damage there's going to be a few more waves like that yeah as long as it all disperses by the time gets to my town should be okay but in the meantime I need some arms like that I need to keep extending these roads and keep my commercial safety strip going keep my industrial going down there then you know what I think we're okay there's so little water now it's sort of all evaporating before it's gonna hit my city and looking back up this way it does seem like it was only a temporary surge I mean the levels are absolutely mental in it look how rough it is and then for my next tail I imagine I want to go upwards do I or do I keep going left and then up yeah I think we'll keep going left for now so 5 300 quid will buy that all right then we'll just keep an eye on these waves they are getting closer how deep oh they are really shallow they're really shallow we should be fine how deep is that oh man look at the umbrella the umbrella is like nearly going completely on but I think we get just one little flash flood and then that's it if you look up there completely dry oh look there's what's going on up here why is there water up here oh there's a leak why is it who built this map isn't that meant to be shot oh dear oh dear well there is water coming from up there so we are gonna have to run in the city building figuratively turn of course yeah so probably a good thing I didn't buy any tiles up that way I kept going that direction hang on what is that what is that why do we have death symbols why are people dying wait everyone dies it's not that there's a dead person is that there's a dead person waiting for transport because I didn't build the cemetery right Cemetery what sort of range does this cover pretty good actually I mean I could put it right next right next to the landfill site oh no oh no electricity water no all right what's happening with electricity okay we don't have any electricity let's build another coal plant next to the cemetery sorry and then I think water just went out because there was no electricity but it is about to run out anyway so we want to suck up more water then we probably want to do a bit more pooing oh my goodness look how pooey that water is yeah right water over there seems to have settled a bit it's not splurging out like it was up this way it's sort of it's thinking about trying to trying to leak out again but we're sort of okay definitely just need to keep expanding like I don't actually want to spend too much money on this area because it is gonna we are gonna lose it all at some point and so I'm not really investing in like all these services that I should be like we have we have zero High School everyone is very uneducated it's a bit like Victorian times finished Primary School get out to work we're not gonna like it's sort of surprised like how little I mean there is quite a lot of traffic but it's not like as bad as I thought it would be alright so we're a busy town oh have I not unlocked another tile yet no we haven't right I am I feel like I need to attract people in a different way so should I add some parks and stuff that like makes some people happy and want to live here a bit more yeah into most of them houses for a for a park that's fine particularly when the park looks like this that is going to grab some attention I tell you that right good news we are now a big town we've unlocked a brand new tile now the bad news that moisteland is about to get a whole lot more moist because this is just about to start overflowing legitimately this time so we gotta be quick oh no we got a bin problem as well um I was going to get an incineration plant but I feel like I may as well just do a landfill site because this all of this land's gonna be gone anyway so yeah let's just shove another landfill site down but yeah look water is pouring so we need to we need to buy that extra tile and work out where we're gonna go I think I might go I might go left yeah okay we've now we've now purchased this land the next one we should be able to start anything up there so that's good in the meantime we're just gonna keep expanding then oh look we've unlocked the high density stuff high density commercial high density residential and we'll get some offices on the go as well oh yes we've now got tower blocks so it will keep our roads going that direction right to the end because that is where we're gonna go upstairs and then finally we're a small City we have 11 000 population now the next Milestone we do get that new area we need 4 000 more people-ish uh we also need that water to not come this way oh my goodness oh my goodness that is a lot of water I might actually need to need to do something about that um what are my options here actually I just had an idea I know a way a three-way we can we can help this disasters so I can literally build a sinkhole oh it's outside of City Limits oh but that's so close I don't want to build one that close do I if I do it there will that hurt my people I guess there's only one way to find out but yeah meantime All I'm gonna need I'm gonna need like canals or something so we can build wide deep canals how much do they cost oh they don't cost that much okay we'll just do we'll do a strip all the way along the back like that that should take a bit of water and then what sort of sea walls are there I think there's only this flood wall which isn't the biggest in the world oh look there's the sinkhole I mean that's absolutely tiny wheat when you compare it to the size of the canal it's actually is it shallower it might be shallower still let's hope the sea wall is enough it's actually looking like it is tall enough the only trouble is it only goes to there and then we are in a bit of trouble although potentially I could do my canals down this way and then just bridge over because we're gonna have to bridge over that Rivery thing yeah tell you what let's do that because then can nail down this way it can be flood wall in front quickly block that in oh that was close the water nearly got in there oh boy that is turning to the Sea out there I mean I feel like maybe I should buy a tile down here to protect the highway coming in because if that Highway goes we are literally screwed right maybe I should prepare let's get some I'm gonna get some train lines in so cargo one down here we'll delete these complaining people and oh look we're a big city we've got the extra area nice it will come off like that curve into there so then we have a cargo station so I assume I want to come out of that and go back next in down there okay sorted yeah check out the stacks we're making 11 Grand a week all right well time to build a safe Railway I think so one that stays up in the air so we're gonna come off of this bridge and oh man this is spending some money this is spending some money all right I'm gonna do a passenger train down to there and then another one up this side and I think I can just do like a train line between them so it'll go straight over this think oh I'm sure that's fine past the rocket Monument Park and then Connect into this train line nice to a train lane from there over to this one then back again and then we have public Train transport and I assume if I connect this down like that perhaps people can come in like tourists maybe don't know anyway time to buy the extra tile so I think we're gonna go left rather right so we'll buy that one we've then gotta try and get over the sea wall and Canal which I'm not sure is possible without Anarchy so let me just turn our little bluebird from that into a heavy metal bird where it's definitely not just a phase just so we can get a bridge over the top like that and then we gotta take this and try and climb this wall all right and we are up we are up so we are officially out of the flood zone uh we don't have any land we can actually build up here though I mean I guess technically we do we could sort of build properly along this Edge then can we no I think this area is going to have to sort of allow the upper area to survive it's going to be very dystopian I think the people down here they're going to be doing all the leg work people up here going to be living life sipping on a tea looking at the view looking at the peasants doing all the work for them but that's just how city building Works in this game apparently okay so I've built everything I could up here we've well we've really tried to uh make the most out of this so yeah no more room up here which means I've started filling in gaps down here we've got some commercials there we've got all sorts on the edge of the canal the trouble now is the water on the outside has sort of started reaching down here and uh that's sort of out of my out of my control there's not a lot I can do there so we might be in a lot of trouble very very shortly unless I sacrifice building up here to try and save this place the question is do I care enough to try and save it I do not know ah there's so much water coming this way please don't ruin my city I do actually care I mean sort of wondering do I I could sacrifice some houses to build my flood walls around here yeah maybe we'll do that sorry original people all your houses have been destroyed for the grades are good all right and then I gotta try and build a flood wall like along that edge that should help us a bit I don't know if I can fit a wide Canary and I might just go with a deep one yeah I can fit that in nice okay that's sort of good oh no where that water come from okay it's gone it's gone okay so for now we do still have water I am predicting that we'll lose that fairly shortly like um oh my God the rubbish what's wrong with the rubbish landfill yeast oh man all of our landfills are nearly full all right tell you what it's going to cost a hundred grand but let's get a waste processing plant yeah we'll show that that made some people unhappy the same people that were probably complaining about their waist as well in the meantime quite worried about how how high the sea level is getting on the outside somehow still not spilled around this side yet yeah down here doesn't look like it's got long so I probably need to do new water intakes but uh perhaps can I build these I can build them up there do they suck water though or is that going to be too oh they do suck oh look how long those tubes are look at the size of these tubes okay so now we've got water and down oh no the water's gone around the back it's flanked me hang on hang on it's not too late to save this it's not too late it's flood wall on the back what do you mean cannot build on water oh no because it's flooding I can't build it okay we're gonna uh we're gonna have to build back gonna have to go back to the speed down matt why are you fast forwarding your knob what do you mean cannot build on board there's no water there okay there you go we'll get that in then we'll head back down we'll come over to this build around that oh no it's too late it's too late the water's coming in this end okay not build a flood wall down there no it's too close to the motorway I'm gonna have to move the motorway I wish I could pause the keep Motorway you're gone then I can get a flood wall in when it's not flooded okay flood wall is in we now need to try and fix this road can we get the world's dodgiest Highway in down here oh it's sort of going okay and then it gets a bit too tight what if we drop down to a two lane so it's a bit narrower let me show you this oh do not build a road like this trust me all right then we got all of our Junctions again like that then there's not really a way back out if I'm honest I mean all of that road is underwater anyway it's just a question of real people actually use this for it I mean where is everyone oh don't say it are they underwater out here no they're not they're not underwater out here where is everyone hello where is everyone maybe it needs to be linked in order to use it oh all right I just anarchied it into the wall because why not has that triggered anyone to come no it hasn't oh dear oh wait wait yes it has yes it has look there's everyone they're all I love that this is how people spawn into the map they run from the edge of the map then all jump in a car or a motorbike and then uh they're all on their way right so I've got good news and bad news the good news is the town is thriving I mean sort of thriving just ignore all the like all the death and stuff because we are capital city I told you we are thriving and therefore we've unlocked the new area which is actually very much needed because that brings me on to the bad point um sea level getting rather High over this and actually filling up my Canal um oh dear look I'm down this end as well this end is bad I think we've lost those water pumps now water is leaking in this end oh wow and the Poo the poo is not good so we might have poo leaking in to the entire area soon thankfully though the new area is unlocked which means we can actually do a bit more building up here because at the moment I mean although it's better than flooding it's uh well things haven't gone that successfully up here if I'm honest anyway the next tile I think rather than going left we're just gonna go straight up because that's going to have the most land mass so yeah we'll purchase that 12 Grand jump change to me and yeah so now we can extend our roads over from this over this way then I guess we can start gridding up up here get all the pipe work in and then just start painting it up I guess yeah we're also going to need electricity up here now I did bring pylons up uh most of these are actually underwater now so I don't think they're gonna work very easily and plus the area where we're making the power is very much nearly the underwater so what I thought I'd do since we've got like just the front edge of all of these now I thought I'd build a dam so we could build like a dam actually we can probably replace our Bridge with them there you go so that is a dab do I want it that high I don't know if I want it that high actually yeah I do dams don't flood over the top do they I don't know we'll find out shortly but uh that means we can now connect that road to there and then that road to there and then we should start making power from this and yeah so I'll probably replace all of these with dams so I'll just do that okay nice so now we should be making power I love that they're just like Cliff top dams they're not making any power yet I assume I mean I don't I don't actually know why it's not making power yet maybe the worst level at the back needs to rise I mean there is still lots of water coming in I think yeah that's quite a big waterfall job is if I want that water to rise then down here probably oh no oh no it's all going underwater Oh the flood gates are over topping this is not good yeah from above we can really see where the water's coming in oh no all right well the good news is people are starting to move in up the top the bad news is up the top is the only thing that's going to exist soon it won't be known as up the top it will just be known as it yeah this train Lane that I built I should probably try and get that up so people can actually get up here I mean only if they can afford a train ticket of course all right so train line is up here let's just build a station I reckon I need a cargo station so do you cargo down that what the what is that what is that warning earthquake detected what it's just an earthquake in the middle of the sea um earthquakes create tsunamis right oh this isn't good this is not good why is there an earthquake is that gonna absolutely ruin us or is that okay oh I was gonna say they don't look too big but when you compare it to my flood walls oh God that's quite some waves at least it'll put the fire out there's always there is always a positive with us I'll tell you what actually actually my Canal system has actually saved the day so although that's your name Army breached over the top I think the canal caught most the water and we're sort of we're sort of okay trains not loving life there but oh man there's so much water coming in everyone's flooded I mean some of it's going down the the sinkhole that didn't oh that didn't last very long that is already I'm sorry everyone down here I tried to do my best hang on let me finish building this train station then you can all come up it so cargo train there oh I've got enough money for a normal train station oh dear right we've got bin issues up here don't worry I know the perfect place to send our rubbish it's down yeah actually I don't even know if I can do that because yeah all these oh no the cities on the brink of bankruptcy what you must cut Services by shutting them down or raise taxes you can also take out a loan have I got negative money I'm not bailing out we will recover we're on minus 20 grand how did this happen we like cargo terminal not give us money because surely yeah all the trains on this line they should stay dry so look there comes a train there comes a train let's follow this train and then see where it ends up we oh no don't go this way don't go this way you silly oh it's just going straight through the water oh fair enough maybe you're not as silly as I thought you were a train but oh man look at the money the money is going down in a big way oh no yes I know you're being bankrupt go away I don't need a bailout I mean what's 50 Grand gonna do absolutely nothing I'm swamped I think moisteland is an understatement now yes now wetland in the US ea uh in in the sea basically this this land don't exist anymore oh so close to actually achieving some but it didn't happen right well anyway guys I hope you enjoyed I don't know if I passed this challenge look I'll take you I'll take your bail out but um we're still minus 300 Grand and negative is just going up and up but yeah I feel like we gave it a good attempt but um yeah you cannot engineer the sea that is for sure so on that note I'll say peace love and USC bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 1,021,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, citys skyline, city skyline, cities skyline, cities skylines 2, city skylines, neom, saudi arabia, the oxagon, the octagon city, rce, real civil engineer, oxagon cities skylines, cs, cities skylines population 1, cities skylines single house, cities skylines one house
Id: zeQOA_Gl5cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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