Using the MEGA MUSCLE to beat high scores in Poly Bridge 3!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to oh wait what the there's a there's a helicopter in this and forklift trucks I never need those so much new stuff anyway hello fellow engineers and welcome back to polybridge three we are absolutely blitzing The Rustic Barons we've completed every level completely under budget with Unbreaking and we're on to number 11 smooth Landing so in all these levels there's like pre-built stuff that we can't change like if you look at these look they're all they're all locked we can't move them we can't delete them so we have to use that hang on what's going on here why is why is that light oh they added a building limit can I not build outside of that cannot build outside zones oh fair play body Bridge devs they're actually adding like new stuff although I'm not a fan of jumps but yeah it looks like we've just got to do a jump that makes us land on there so we can keep the speed going and get to the flag over that way now the vehicle is a very fast rally car look at those stats um we've only got four bits of Road looking down here so no idea how this is gonna go I guess we just build a little bit and then see what happens so small jump oh wow I just replaced that with steel art I tell you what considering I'm nearly 10 grand on the budget that's not bad let's just slightly tweak these oh so let's see how that is what nice jump oh nice landing oh we made it but look that piece broke we can't be having that now we can't actually change anything over here remember so the only tweaks we can do on this end so I reckon I don't know let's just go a little bit higher I should probably slow it down as well just so we can see how it's landing and okay I think the back wheel sort of clip The Edge so maybe if we make this slightly longer then it should jump slightly further oh look at that look at that okay two and a half Grand not bad for a first stab we're in the top 10 730th smashed aliens Rock I think we might just move on because to be fair this isn't going to be too fun to make small really is it he says making it smaller and smaller oh there you go that kept breaking so rather new steel I still had some Road left so I put Road in there because Road's slightly stronger than wood and then that is our jump which lands pretty smoothly nice puts us in the top three percent 183rd not too bad let's have a look in the budget at the cheapest solution or it is vibrates stop show me breaking ones I don't care game I don't care about breaking ones it's not real engineering okay so this is the first non-breaking one so it is just a really small ramp and it's all wood yeah the gallery is still misbehaving so let's just go on to the next level check box we got 37 grand for this we have a very very bright green bulldozer oh what the what the frick there's a checkpoint in there which we cannot delete this stuff okay so I think we need to use the bulldozer to sort of move that out the way interesting so I'm sort of thing for this one we just grab the line tool go across like that those into place and then we just build a bridge sort of probably underneath to support this now we do have rope and cable on this so we could potentially do a bit of tension because yeah the bulldozer weighs 13 polygrams which is towards the heavier end of what we've seen so for now I reckon let's just try and build underneath we're probably gonna need like big wool braces imagine something like that if we copy that to the other side we'll then be able to tell if this is going to be strong enough or not so stress going oh oh as soon as it touched that it'll break let's just move these closer so we can connect in the middle and now let's turn the stress on for this so we can see it's red down the arm okay so that bit just bursts I feel like let's for now let's just wank some steel in there probably do the same on this side I'm just keep an eye on anything going red but oh that was going okay but I think as this gets pushed like the weight of it actually goes onto the truck if I just move all these down a little bit yeah so you can see as it swings around and goes on top or actually boosters it that's not ideal like if we watch this can you see it goes donk and it's the Donk that's doing it so I'm wondering nothing in the rules say is I can't do like that sort of thing just trying to make it a little bit smoother so you can see it sort of hanging on the oh okay okay I think we're probably better off just trying to actually build a bridge that works so I guess for now we'll just steal anything that breaks which apparently is a lot but there you go there's our completed Bridge 18 Grand 111 oh still in the top 14 but that puts us below the top 1000 how did Tyler get on I did it like a grand cheaper okay okay let's do a very small bit of Shaving here now I think I did clearly I want to try and use wood so I'm just gonna try and see how cheap I can get this one I think it might be time to bring out our old friend the tension Bridge so the way this works is essentially you build your trust sort of underneath so you end up with something like that and then we use rope because rope is very good in tension so if we go from that Anchor Point down to there and the same on this side can you sort of see that as you push like weight down like from the top so as this drives across it's gonna be pushing weight down so this bridge is going to be trying to bend it's going to be trying to become u-shaped which means these ropes on the end will get Tighter and Tighter and essentially these ropes are holding the bridge up now as you can see everything under there is very red but we could replace them all with rope which are much better in tension than wood you can see they're not as red but uh we still break so another way you can add strength to this is literally by if we add a low down Point like that we can then do this which sort of makes like makes a more direct way to hold Force so from that anchor to the very middle of the bridge it's sort of a one straight piece so if we play that or you can see these ends are breaking now what I'm thinking here maybe I want to use cable it costs nearly double what rope costs but it'll be a lot stronger so if we do that I'm hoping these end pieces are they're going red okay now they're breaking oh man this is going to be quite expensive for up to 18 Grand oh and it doesn't even work but what if we make these bits in here would because they don't actually need to be rope I don't think all right well I've come up with a tension bridge that worked we're still a bit pricey I think so let's see where can we save some money here I'm currently on the grid as well but I'm thinking we can probably bring these up I don't think they're doing too much let's turn the stress on as well we can really see how the stress is working yeah not too bad maybe we could bring everything up a little bit and also do we need that middle piece because technically that's not structural that's well it's not doing anything is it or is it press play or maybe it was yeah I think it was so that broke I think that's because the force was sort of being shared like all the way along and now it isn't as much but it was still stable so would it be worth instead trying to bring like these down a bit because as we know removing pieces is the best way of saving money okay I've just managed to tweak a on-grid solution which looks like this not the prettiest thing in the world it's still only top 10 I feel like I feel like there's got to be a better way of doing this than tension how did Tyler get wait what we're exactly the same price what we must have done that the exact same way I guess his was on the grid as well mine's also on the grid so that would make it sort of sensible to do that what are the odds of that though well now I want to be really cheeky and see can I save like a quid by doing that yeah in your face all right let's have a look at the cheapest Solutions say oh it's a banana Bridge the banana Bridge of course yeah you can see the good thing about that is because the bridge goes down you don't that you don't get donk of the Box onto the cab yeah that's only 10 grand it looks like pretty much everyone at the top the leaderboards have gone banana oh that's a weird one like a really small banana with cable now we've got our attention bridge but actually using the curb yeah I think getting rid of that cadunk was the key to this I don't know why I didn't try Okay decent oh look at this one yeah nice little nice little Arch there but again it's all about you gotta come low I need to remember that going forward get rid of the things that are causing the problems and alternatively you can go high oh look so they did sort of similar to what I did with the box to try and get rid of the kadunk make a longer thing but there's actually there's actually worked and it was way cheaper than mine oh this one look 14 Grand it's got a bit of tension bridge in the middle but then just normal supports around the sides a hybrid if you like and I still can't believe like minor tiles were the same like I never use cable as well yes this one's sort of similar to my first one and that it uses rude supports but it does go down to remove the kadunk and it's cheaper than my first one as well yeah Gallery seems to be working on this one so we get some decent Bridges the demo and Jimmy dog Bridge Is Back look at the dog look at his dog look at that tail Paddy's tail does that actually he's a very alert dog what do we have here we got a man dangling it's the Nifty sponsored solution the Nifty sponsored solution is finally back get Nifty and you'll be grabbing your Nifty while hanging from a bridge just like this guy Nifty accepts no responsibility for loss of life if you copy this stunt oh man we got the Nifty it where's the toast there's got to be some toast somewhere what's that one oh it's just RC propaganda and is that a bunny rabbit in the middle but with like one ear I think it is uh what if we what have we got here it's like a knob train oh dude I should laugh I should encourage this type of behavior and this one oh look yes they moved the box out the way is this another one that moves oh what what happened there let's censor the the username of this one but that's actually really clever I think they added a foundation and tied the box to it so that as the truck hits it it snaps the rope and therefore it gets out the way uh this one oh look it moves the box out the way but like a different way using sort of the the push force of the truck to like lift it up there's also a counterweight on the back look there's like cable muscles and rope muscles there's all sorts going on that bridge right what we've got here the world's strongest counterweight some RC propaganda and the weight is pulling the box out the way using the cables that's actually genius all right well the next level is called rolling start tip some cars gain speed going downhill okay oh no it's not a jump level was it anyway look we got these bits of road which yeah if we press play they're um they're not very well engineered at the moment you can see this top car that is moved by gravity oh I don't actually know how these work on the on poly bridge too it actually had like a thing that said I'd one downhill but these apparently just have speed maybe they do just go quicker as they go downhill by the way we've got to build a bridge to make sure these don't fall so I'm thinking using that node there we can probably get away with something like that depends with what we do down here like do I go underneath I feel like I'm gonna have to aren't I I need to go and talk to support this late so I reckon let's sort of go on top to trust all that up and then you know just added some supports down there so if we press play okay that does work I don't think it's gonna support any Vehicles mate I think we probably need some support underneath can I muscle up to that I can't reach in which case might be worth doing a mega muscle like up to their ish so that should provide some support I forgot how much force there'd be down here let's put Steel in there I don't think that's going to be enough though let's turn the stress on as well there's so much force down here I'll tell you what let's delete that and just steal up to that point okay wow that actually nearly worked despite the big red level failure thing I think all I have to do is like raise these two bits of Road a little bit I've only got one more bit of road to play with but as long as that gets across nice now we see how this goes oh it worked oh no it didn't work oh I pushed the other one into the water they're drowning all right so let's slow this right down so it doesn't jump but it's not going anywhere near high enough it's gonna land up there so I guess because it drops from higher it's got more speed and momentum so hopefully I can just add like a bit more Road I mean ideally I'd rather try and get these to work with just the two pieces I have here I've done a few tweaks oh it's so close Okay so just raise you up a bit raise you up a very small amount so will this jump work yes it does just about oh no way we're 19th in the world top one percent with our first attempt what so I assume we beat Silo here we smashed Tyler what how's how do we do that so cheap like I've got Steel in here and all sorts all right well first off then I guess I'm gonna try and make all of this way cheaper I don't think I need that to be very big all of that so first off let's start by removing pieces we don't need so we definitely don't need that bit let's just make sure it's strong enough yeah it is oh don't meet jump anymore still after a bit of tweaking we probably will and then looking at the greenness I reckon I can make these like way smaller I mean potentially I could get rid of those that's probably gonna add too much wobble yeah could I get rid of just one of them uh yes apparently I can okay that saved even more money how red did these go as it drops well not very I can make these a lot smaller then all right so I feel like this top bit's pretty good I could go a bit further but who cares really um I need to get rid of this deal if I can so let's really have a look when this second one comes down yeah I can't put I can't put wood back in there that one might have to stay as steel to be honest because fine for the first jump but I think for this second one it just oh it worked I assume I can't just replace all these with wood can I though I thought so however I do have one bit of Road left so I could potentially do that which works and then if I try and move this down I can try and find a point where it's even cheaper and then there's just this bit of Steel to deal with which is a thousand can I do a muscle what does that cost 900 so it's a lot cheaper will it be as strong or it went red oh it is a strong case now let's bring those in nice and close so it's even cheaper 887 quid and see if I can tweak any of these not which I can that can go really small all right so let's go with that then 17 763 where does it put us oh sixth in the world how do I get fifth 200 quid okay I can't be bothered with that yeah right okay let's see in the gallery has anyone gotten cheaper than me not everyone uploads their secrets so oh what 13 Grand I've seen there's hang on what just what okay so they didn't even support the first bit of rude that car oh look it like lands on a ramp oh my goodness and so the oh what Okay so we've got to watch that again because I was like I was in awe I didn't describe it very well look at this ramp so it's got a bit of I mean that does break doesn't it I'm pretty sure this has breaks but yeah the road drops then that just drops straight down does a forward roll then lands on this ramp to actually get up there fourteen thousand we got a dangly bit of road at the end so I'm guessing you didn't need that bit to actually support so that's pretty much my one but like with less support up the top yeah they will say they've got a bit of rope in there surprised by that now this one as well loads and loads of rope yeah it's like oh it's not actually cheaper than mine it's a more expensive view that's right then yeah oh look this one's very very similar to mine but it hasn't been trimmed at all so it shows how much trimming I actually did in order to get this concept like down a lot and someone went to town with the under supports on here look at that unfortunately the gallery is bust on this so no Nifty sponsored solution there is just one cheeky little dangler though it's amazing look at that and then we'll go on to the next level which oh it's the next World we finish the world oh and the actual next world is a Hydraulics one I suck at Hydraulics so perhaps I'll challenge myself on this to complete all of these levels without using Hydraulics I mean it might not be possible but we'll see so this first one is called forced drawbridge so what is that in the background what actually is that Vic what the oh it's a shuttle whoa look how cool that looks oh by the way we're on a new world A Whole New World there are some flaming torches on this side anyway not that's enough singing because there's probably going to be a montage at some point but oh no look this level's got pre-built I can't delete those hence forced drawbridge I guess because uh I'm gonna have to use Hydraulics still we'll delete the stuff they're trying to teach me don't need that we'll do War brace underneath then with that there I should be able to push that by going expand right or do I want to bring I could bring it down so how does that work yeah look the bridge comes down is there enough gap for the shuttle to go through yes and there's submarine underneath yes okay this is looking promising so now the background vehicles have gone they should expand back up locks in the middle is it strong enough to oh no I have a question though why is the shuttle flying this low like you're a spaceship fly higher you knob anyway that is level completed 11 769 nice uh put us in the top nine percent as aliens Rock done this one I has he's done it for cheap okay okay right so how do we do this for cheaper I mean we need to use just one hydraulic right because what's that nearly two grand so we get rid of Yi we're gonna have to get rid oh wait but the joints in the middle can I un joint that I cannot joint oh I can move the joint I just can't move the road okay that changes everything because basically the joint is where it's gonna split so if I if I do that instead then look that piece comes down although is it gonna get struck by the sub oh I think it is damn it although I guess I just don't go as low right so if I if I just make the hydraulic shorter that cost less as well it goes to about that point misses the shuttle does it Miss the eye hole thing yes it does question is is the bridge strong enough I'm not convinced I didn't even touch I didn't even touch I guess that's because all the extra weight the hydraulic can actually go far enough so if we push all this to the right no matter what I try we're always a bit low so I think what that means I need to I need to expand instead so if it goes up is that going to be high enough oh not quite I may need to build my bridge on top just to dodge out the way okay that just about missed I don't think it's going to be strong enough though but hopefully as that comes down it's got gravity helping yes that's locked in Oh and it is strong enough okay we're potentially on something here I've only got a few hundred quid to catch up with Tyler do we definitely need Steel on this side okay I'm not sure I can remove that long piece of Steel but I've got rid of quite a few bits so we'll just have a look at the stress as things come across I mean everything goes pretty red I can probably shave it a bit more but still nearly under nine grand we're 129th and we've beaten our friend so let's have a look in The Gallery at the cheapest or what you can do it without hydraulic no they did use Hydraulics where where is the Hydra I don't understand where the hydraulic is is there like a more zoomed in oh are they at the ends yeah look oh they did actually use two Hydraulics but just the world's smallest Hydraulics to bring the entire Bridge down oh man save a good few grand this one same sort of thing but the bridge goes up only a little bit more cheaper than mine right honestly I've got a good feeling about these hydraulic levels because I did I actually did really well nine grand I don't know how I got it to work like oh man okay that is cool that is actually cool make it the bridge go down like that yeah usually I'd be putting like massive full-on drawbridges then like that not really thinking it through so uh maybe I'm better at Hydraulics than I think I mean look look at this Noob Noob oh someone did it that way that we saw in like an old video where it oh that's cool whoa oh that was tight that was actually tight strongest shape shuttle by the way but yeah so when those four like all expand and contract the entire Bridge moves oh I like that I do like that here we go high rce oh it shouldn't do that I'm sorry I'm sorry but it shouldn't do that if more RC propaganda oh and a very oh rolling bridge I love a rolling Bridge all right what is going on here oh my goodness these some bridges they look like absolute Carnage but then like as soon as the Hydraulics move you realize no they're absolutely genius whoever came up with that uh this one is mimicking its own shuttle launch oh is it gonna is it gonna get hit oh ow ow all right this one has got a nice counter oh my goodness why would you do that oh all right and then finally proper over complicating the hydraulic moves love that one but yeah so we've started work on the hydraulic levels they weren't as scary as I initially thought so maybe we'll do okay on here I'm gonna try and not use Hydraulics if I can though but for now I'll say peace love and no montages because there wasn't one needed I'm not even sure if any of these will have a montage because they're Just Hydraulics oh we'll have to see but uh I guess bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 508,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poly bridge 3, pb3, new poly bridge, bridge building game, rce, real civil engineer, real civil engineer poly bridge 3, professional plays poly bridge 3, engineer poly bridge 3, polybridge3, pro engineer plays poly bridge, real engineer plays, real engineer poly bridge 3, poly bridge 3 number 1, poly bridge 3 #1, poly bridge walkthrough, poly bridge guide, poly bridge 3 guide, poly bridge 3 walkthrough, bridge, poly bridge, pb3 foundation, new material, pb3 new material
Id: IeYSkodc-ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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