Upgrading Weapons For 100 Minutes Straight

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today if we kill enough people with our Tugboat we'll turn into an Unstoppable killing machine we're trying to save our pet shark who got kidnapped or something so for now it is genociding everyone and we're not gonna stop until everyone is dead even the helicopters in the sky they can be a little bit harder to hit but they still go down with a few good bullets we just gotta keep going and going and going the more things we kill the more money we get the more money we get the more upgrades we get which means we kill things quicker we're also getting barrels and Rocket slob status so this is a tough start luckily we've already got 250 dollars so we can get two weapon upgrades for that so that means that things are gonna die much much quicker I miss my shark and I'm not gonna stop at anything to get him helicopters go down pretty easily I didn't realize I could actually kill the giant boat so we might want to take care of that but most especially the barrel basically it's just a lot of idiots trying to attack me and uh they really want my Shark as well we're also going to blow up the world's biggest sea mines along the way and then go back to Knocking helicopters out of the sky I might need more weapons or a bigger boat I think we unlock a bigger boat down the road but now we're gonna have to make do with our little tugboat not actually sure what that is it's like a twin blade Chinook helicopter and we're also fighting blimps there's blimps that are dropping rubber ducks at us and I'm pretty sure I'm about to blow up again but we did get 310 dollars or more Firepower and a little bit more HP normally I'm all just about the damage but we're clearly gonna need a little bit of HP today the extra damage does help for killing things even quicker now so they're pretty much getting deleted a large part of the problem too is this is something of a skill based game you do actually need to aim your thing at the thing and then for the most part can't be bothered to do those things or at least I'm not very good at it but I'm trying my best okay we're back to the part with the Chinook helicopter that's getting suspiciously close we're gonna fire a few shots at the blimp before it drops another rubber duck on us and we're also going to try and kill oh that's a lot of stuff in my face we do have 50 more HP I don't know which one to focus on probably the bomb I think I made the right choice look how busy this is getting now okay we're gonna destroy all of you that's a lot of helicopters we're about to hit an orange dot though I think that might be a checkpoint okay the helicopters are starting to drop stuff on me I'm not sure what that is in front of me where we're just trying to shoot everything we can we're pretty much added that should count more Firepower and we got to focus on all of these things again but we're doing so much more damage is going to carry us right on through this all or maybe it won't and we'll just get some HP upgrades it turns out at the helicopter part you actually just have to destroy the big boat thing this big boat comes with some extra perks we have I think Torpedoes whatever this thing is and more HP I think it would be wise to add the most expensive upgrade we can get this boat seems a little more like what we're looking for it's gonna fire Torpedoes and kill the water base okay it fires all weapons automatically anyway perfect so everything's getting Auto attack the missiles maybe don't do a ton of damage or main gun is pretty much going to do all the work well the Torpedoes seem pretty good they're blowing up jet skiers at least they're just out for a casual ride today but they're gonna get blown up anyway this boat is so much better I wanted to start with this one from the beginning but we got it now and that's what matters and there's still better boats to be had we just gotta keep fighting our way through we're launch another air missile I'm not sure it has AOE damage but it does take out the things in the water with the torpedo and that's really handy I do get annoyed having to aim all around the map all the time trying to find every different obstacle out there there's a lot of helicopters forming which makes me think we're next to another checkpoint uh there is a lighthouse in the background we did pass the orange dot so I think that was the checkpoint that was an easy stage with a new and upgraded chip there's also a plane doing loop-de-loop so oh that thing fires back we better kill that boat and we just gotta keep fighting and biting and fighting okay there's a lot of boats coming in now so we're gonna need a lot of damage to get through all this because we have 37 HP but you know what we're gonna get a lot of money because we killed a lot of people 580 dollars so my main machine gun and the torpeders are getting a hearty upgrade that's a lot better again everything's gonna die I wish the missiles in the sky were better I feel like they hit things and those things just laugh like that hit the helicopter and I don't know if it took any damage at all so I should focus more of my efforts on this guy the Torpedoes Kennedy's kill things helicopter one helicopter 2 we take them out very easily I really just gotta focus on this guy things because the Torpedoes will do their job and this guy things are hard to hit so uh I need to get as many of my bullets on them as possible at this point I'm not actually sure why we're getting paid to kill people but I'm not gonna ask questions I guess we'll just assume they're Pirates and there's like a bounty on them and people just want them gone our main machine gun is really really really strong so we get it just a little bit stronger it might actually buy itself carry us through this I'm not actually sure if it's worth upgrading or missiles in the sky they're so weak that they might not ever get strong we're coming up with the next orange dot checkpoint thing so that Jimmy we're gonna get some stronger enemies like a submarine we're just gonna Focus all of our attention on the submarine because that looks dangerous I don't really know how to articulate that any better but it just looked dangerous and it's very tough that might be the toughest thing we've bought yet even these big boats go down pretty quick but we're coming up in the next orange top pretty quick so clearly we're very good at this game these boats are standing closer to us so I don't know if they yep they might damage us when they hit us so we're gonna upgrade our best gun twice and that so far is making very short workout pretty much everything especially the annoying helicopters if we can even get just a few bullets on them I'm pretty sure the missiles will take out the rest of them the missiles did also do stickle-handedly take out the uh shinook helicopter but that still wasn't enough to get is to new heights and upgrades are getting annoyingly expensive let's upgrade our air defenses I'm hoping that they start a week but actually get really really strong plus they do actually home in on things so that's gonna make it easy and so far they're actually working out pretty good like they already took off most of the life of one helicopter so if I even hit a helicopter a few times the missiles will do the rest despite my newly upgraded missiles things are still surviving on screen for way too long so I feel like we're still gonna need like a million dollars more in upgrades but we're gonna get there take a look at all the things alive on the screen still this won't do it all this guy's probably even gonna start to shoot me if not the rest of them are certainly gonna try I submarine friend also came back I somehow didn't shoot the duck but that's fine we're gonna go ahead and oh I didn't realize those are enemy missiles we Gordon kind of got to that that would have been a nice extra bonus for money but since it wasn't we'll take a torpedo upgrade and also that one HP is overrated anyway but now put the missiles interpreters are doing extra damage and that's really just gonna help me out so at this point I'm pretty sure the missiles can just about one shot helicopters it definitely took out the blimp and the Torpedoes are almost taking out the sea mines which are actually apparently strong the Torpedoes definitely one shot the Sea-Doos at this point but I'm not sure exactly what they can or can't do yet because it's really hard to keep track of everything going on the extra damage for the missiles is really coming in handy because I need to focus way less on Sky stuff so I can worry about water stuff that helicopters are really annoying but they're not really actually that dangerous they just show up a lot make me want to shoot them but it really does more of a distraction they need to worry about gunboats but our torpedo definitely weaked that one a lot so we were able to kill it quick and we're back to the uh submarine part and with all of our new damage and stuff we might actually be able to yeah get through this not really sure what the Chinook helicopter Buffy's doing dropping bombs straight on me okay that killed me for sure I realize now it is just a little bit more HP we could actually make it a little bit farther and get more money for our troubles for this ship at least so that's gonna help kill things much quicker because it's really doing the bulk of the work at this point I'm realizing now that that extra HP only gave me an extra 50 which will help a little bit but I think the damage is still going to be more helpful overall that might also me just be me being in denial though because I like damage so much I don't want to live longer I want to do more damage before I go okay go back to submarine part so there should be a good test of the damage uh we're definitely turning through the other boats in its vicinity quickly they're kind of blocking for it we also just took it another submarine while I wasn't even looking because my Torpedoes are clearly getting pretty strong now this parking will be damaging for us if these gunboats get close enough which they might that one's gonna start firing Anna so that doesn't feel very good and we're into new territory at this point we're past the orange dot so we're gonna get a money bonus I don't know what to focus on at this point so we're just gonna pirate everything that helicopter right into our uh face so we're gonna go and blow it up and that's gonna hurt too but think about the money that's a lot of annoying purple helicopters though individually they're not dangerous but if they all fire at the same time we're in trouble well one of them clearly got a shot up at us because we're at 60 HP so I hope now it's just to make a little more money before we die once again what is that thing oh that's we gotta take out for a new ship this is what we want to blow up all just focused on that can we get it I think we got it and that's perfect because now we can focus all of this new money onto our enormous ship we're gonna have so we're gonna upgrade I don't know what the helicopter does there's a cannon on the front that sounds fun uh our main gun and we're out of money this is an expensive boat but it's a big boat it's absolutely wrecking stuff so far and it has 600 hp I've bought two upgrades for this thing and it's making everyone look like an idiot like it destroys them before they're even on the screen I like this boat a lot and the cannon can even fire at air targets so as long as I can use my little Cannon to take out most of the little stuff he will fire and do big damage to the big targets and like I I don't even know where the helicopter is do we just not have a helicopter uh we're also starting to fight like oh upgraded helicopters and floating uh with these things it's like an armored oil rig give it enemies clearly step it up as the halfway point to this entire thing so we're probably gonna need a few more upgrades but that's good I want to see how big this thing gets we've been getting a golden Chinooks or whatever these are that are ready to drop stuff on us but they die before they can oh that's a health helicopter that's artists I was trying to shoot it but it landed on our deck and then we died anyway but we got almost two thousand dollars for our trouble so we get better those better those better those and better those and it turns out that little helicopter brings us Health once in a while so I think as long as they're low on health it will show up once in a while to restock us which is great because then I can be even lazier about trying and let the other weapons do their work because if I take some damage we'll put it right back so the combination of upgraded auto weapons plus me actually trying with my main weapon has carried us so much further we still got 500 HP and we're coming up on DOT number four and we're really melting through these things pretty quick at this point this is the first time I've already had a backlog of idiots and we're getting through it quick plus our health helicopter stops by to top us up here we got flying Rockets now that looks really dangerous we probably want to shoot that a lot uh okay there's a few loopy Loops before getting to us because it's got some really good engineering the best Rockets always take their sweet time getting to the Target and do a few Loops for show on the way in to be fair that's exactly something I would try and design and it would be whimsically hilarious and probably useless and we're starting to take on damage now that we're halfway between the dots we're fighting a lot of giant oil rigs but we're still going we just got a small Health delivery but at this point we're gonna start taking on a lot more damage again because look at all these idiots but we got 70 of the way there and 2400 Plus get some existing money so uh I'm gonna upgrade my main Cannon I'm gonna do that twice and then I want the big cannon on the front upgraded as well because it really helps me out a lot so now I'll be doing most of the damage again and everything else can just be kind of supplementary damage and that's working so good because again enemies are destroying off this screen if I aim low down to the water yeah I'm mostly gonna aim down here except when there's something really annoying in the sky but I'm pretty sure my missiles are able to take those out at this point coming up on DOT number I guess three we have no Health loss because our helicopter topped us up but this Cannon's doing so much damage is kind of a joke at this point we've been taking out the big red helicopters and we go right back to focusing low on the water so we can destroy things pretty much as they appear on screen but enemies get so much tougher suddenly that helicopter went right into our face so he's gonna die so it's that thing I wish my missiles would take out the red helicopters quicker they're small little planes and stuff really aren't a problem anymore but these bigger ones start to stack up I need my missiles to be able to take those out so I can focus on the water things because those are the most dangerous but we just passed that dot and we still have well almost full health okay we're back to the big thick missiles uh so we're gonna shoot those out of this guy as soon as we can because I probably really don't want to be by one of those that one did disappear off the screen so I'm not really sure where it goes but I assume it's coming back uh that might be it now oh it does like a faster pass maybe so we do have a few chances to kill it uh things are trying to stock up on the screen a little bit quicker than I would like so we're gonna blast them a lot but already with just these new Canon upgrades we're getting so much further the enemies aren't piling up on screen nearly as much and if they don't pile up they're not very dangerous at all coming up to the next dot so it's probably going to be a little bit of hard mode for a second but I think we're after the task wow that's a lot of everything all right well I hope my sky missiles are really doing a lot and we'll focus back on there we got a few submarines now we have missiles in the air we gotta kill I think we got some of those okay that worked out really well actually and I think we're officially at or past the next dot so that means we're going to make more money than ever before which means more upgrades which means more damage there's two giant missiles in the sky so that's also annoying you know what there's just a lot of everything everywhere at this point so we're just gonna keep buying and hope for the best well we made a good effort we got like 83 of the way there if I was to wager I guess 83 with four thousand dollars to spend our main Canon I like our Sky missiles a lot these days and then we're gonna do our uh helpful missile well we're at it maybe we'll take a little more HP and just like that we're at about 85 of the way there and things have gone suspiciously quiet so we're just kind of cruising along waiting for anything to happen well the helicopter hopefully brings me life oh it's a good road let's leave the last 15 of the game empty just for funsies yeah I don't know if I legitimately broke something or not oh wait there's something appearing by me but like the last this entire last section was empty there's nothing here but this might actually be broken because I can see something at the end I think something is supposed to spawn that didn't so the game just sort of didn't work we're gonna go ahead and take our money we technically did go 100 of the way there so we are technically going to have some max level weapons on board so our new damage is gonna look something like this I don't know if it also increases the attack speed of some of the other weapons it'd be great if it did but either way we're gonna lap our way through this for a while and here comes that purple helicopter storm spot and we're probably pretty much gonna one shot these all so they'll pop out of this guy like mosquitoes yeah the damage at this point is almost make it too easy like we hardly have to strategize or try anymore we just basically go straight to words things and we're almost like instantly killing the submarines too big armored red helicopters dead see mine's dead and another submarine it's gone and here comes DOT number three and we're gonna blow our way right through that even with the big uh Gun oil rig things it's already dead coming up in the final dot now this is where the enemies make their big final push trying to do anything they can to me but I'm pretty sure even that this Junction which is gonna melt right through them killing them killing them killing them big red helicopter he's dead too there's a submarine to get its missiles off but we're gonna blow those out of the sky in no time then we're up to about 82 at this point so uh we're going as far as we've ever gone before with enemies actually spawning at least and I was a little busy watching the progress meter so I wasn't paying attention to the enemies but our little Health helicopter will Top us up in no time at all the little submarine's gonna pop out to die and then we're gonna finish off that into basic purple helicopter at which point the game clearly breaks again but that's no surprise it's a very old very simple game that's not supported but we made the ultimate Tugboat and destroyed everything ever [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 328,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: u4_mcvSS2cI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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