This TIME TRAVEL game is mind blowing!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to the Grand M prize time travel survival a first person survival game where you time travel so one minute you're riding dinosaurs then you're storming a medieval castle then you're driving tanks and then you're flying planes and the next thing you're on the freaking moon and the most crazy thing about all of this it's made by a solo developer a single person what anyway let's get into this because I am super excited to see how this is gonna go so we start off we're looking at some oh oh we're actually we're actually playing what okay we're we're in a we're in a survival game now okay um can I swim I I assume I can oh God oh God it's dark down here where's the surface where's the surface wait what is it why is everything going red oh okay that's the that's the edge of the map okay we'll head this way so we're back on to dry land Let's uh what is that pick that up time travel device has been picked up press one to equip uh do I do I wanna time travel I mean of course I do let's press one time travel device is damaged press K to view the tech tree oh man so in this Tech tree we have just some rocks time travel devices damaged uh this one time fixed okay so we can fix the time travel device with 10 rocks let's find some rocks so oh wow I just okay I can literally pick up these rocks decent but I don't know why we're so aggressive like picking these up be careful you're gonna hurt your you're going to hurt your fists man oh hello hello legs I have I have legs that's good to know you right anyway I think we have enough now we can unlock that which means the time travel device down here we can now repair it so if we click repair that's use those so now that is actually repaired which means we have this in our hand and we can now time travel so oh my goodness where are we going whoa okay okay we've just spawned on oh this looks very nice uh yeah not gonna like quite quite like in this location you know you're probably worth having a look in the tech tree just to see what we need to do next so get more rocks and then also find berries for food okay got it so I guess we'll go oh my God that's the dinosaur do you see that over there oh there's two they are dinosaurs that's a T-Rex I'm pretty sure that's a T-Rex the T-Rexes are they scared of water wait our T-Rex is actually are they friendly are you friendly Triceratops you're right mate hello oh dinosaurs are nice it was at this moment that he knew he [ __ ] up uh okay okay okay okay into the sea okay yeah Jurassic Park didn't like dinosaurs they they are not friendly I mean the Triceratops was all right but that guy proper architect right anyway we need to find rocks I do see some rocks over here so we'll just punch all these rocks so that we can pick them up nice so after a bit more boosting we got over 10 rocks now so that might come in handy for something yes this technology is complete so we've now on to Dinosaur meat through rocks at dinosaurs to kill it then Harvest its meat it might be best to go for a smaller one like the Utahraptor all right okay so I've got a rock in my hand now notice I I don't have a shadow just just the rock fair enough oh what there's two there's two this is probably a bad idea but but ready all right in the head all right if I just stay on here can I just throw rocks at its head forget me oh man these rocks are actually doing major damage wait where are you running off to wait come back here anyway final Rock in the butt boost yes we took down the Tyrannosaurus oh I just feel quite bad for it oh I'm sorry mate get a little arms because little old arms all right so then I can bash it with a rock to uh get meat out of it so oh man look how much meat is coming out nice we've got 14 meat from that so we still gotta find berries but there's also this one taming dinosaurs find a small dinosaur and throw meat on it it'll start liking you and once eats enough it will be tame and let you ride it okay we'll hold the Tyrannosaurus meat in my hand and then is that a small dinosaur I mean it's sort of sort of small it's a meat eat some meat no that's not that's not that's a Carnotaurus or something this dinosaur doesn't seem responsive to this food perhaps a better food later on will help I mean I got T-Rex meat what more do you want have you seen any small dinosaurs about they're actually quite hard to find or do you like meat this dinosaur doesn't like meat either okay oh what about that oh oh why are you attacking me suddenly for the sea what not bad don't know what his problem what's right is that are you a small dinosaur yes okay so that's it that is it ah eat some more meat eat some more meat go away Triceratops so I think I'm just filling up the yellow bar and then it will be happy right so eat some more meat that's it keep eating keep eating we've tamed it okay we've tamed it so potentially now eat a ride oh oh my goodness I'm bold I'm bold oh my God look at my eyes look at my eyes anyway we're now taking on the Triceratops eat some of that eat some of that all right decent I'm just gonna I'm just gonna grab some meat so if I just I just boost it with a rock there you go got loads of meat again now I'm on way more meat on a Triceratops um oh there's also all these options for my Raptor as well so it has its own inventory that's pretty handy anyway let's let's ride this what what is going on with berries but I think in the meantime let's have a look in the tech tree what we doing next ancient cave a Time Rift has been detected in an ancient cave nearby it's been marked on your screen oh that's convenient oh yeah so there's an exclamation mark over this way so let's wait wait go away your knob fight fight fight take it down take it down take it down no it's hurting us yes twice in the ass bite in the ass that is the weak point of a dinosaur okay we just about survived uh our dinosaur is he's not the happiest fellas but uh we gotta head to the cave so looks like it's up over this rate this game is bizarre I'm loving it I'm absolutely loving this so we'll head deep into the jungle oh and is it literally it's literally through here is it can my dinosaur get through yes okay we're in the cave there should be a time Rift I don't know if I should be taking a dinosaur for a Time Rift but I will head deeper into the cave and we've come to here with water and I think that might be the time Rift come on dinosaur you're coming with me oh I can't enter it while riding haha okay well see you later dinosaur it was good it was good knowing you but I've got to go to another time tell you what have some more meat while I'm gone there you go see you later mate into the time Rift all right so where are we now this is actually very beautiful this area oh there's a bridge there's a bridge you know what that means we need a bridge review I'm not sure what time we're in so this could be the world's first Bridge or it could not however I am hungry so my screen is going red I'm actually dying so I'm gonna have to cut this bridge review off um and also I've just found an actual bridge over that way so maybe maybe this isn't the first ever Bridges ever made still for now I'll give this bridge a very quick 5.0 out of 10 because I'm gonna die Bridge review all right anyway we did die it looks like we get our stuff back if we just walk over to it so let's grab that inventory grab the stone grab the meat sorted and what is that over there that blue thing is there a blue Metapod I don't know what it is there's no invisible wall so I can't get to it how random wait can I throw a rock at it no can I throw meat at it no okay good to know right so I've just stumbled into this Temple this looks pretty snazzy we'll head inside and I'm not gonna light doesn't have much of an inside just go straight back outside again uh human skulls um not sure I like this area not gonna like yeah kind of giving me the creeps a little bit anyway I'm now following this orange glowy thing not really sure what it is I assume it's probably good so I'm gonna keep following it so it's leading me to oh man there's like Bridges everywhere I'm loving this time period whatever it is time period of the bridge uh oh my goodness that is a very thick with two C's lion or whatever though so where where are we heading where are we heading oh wow oh wow look at this oh we got to go across the bridge love it love it I feel like I wasted my bridge review on a stupid old rock now as like actual decent Bridges about anyway lots of like statues and like weird stuff about in here oh look at this guy yeah we'll keep following this oh my goodness there's bats that actually that she made me jump a little bit in real life there's loads of bats up there don't like that what the frig are these statues what is going on you know it will keep heading down through here this is a really good looking game by the way right and what what is this game just keeps going and going all right we'll head down these steps under loads and loads of bats and we'll head up here and I guess we're just heading towards that thing what time period is this by the way I don't know I'm feeling sort of as techy Vibes but I'm not really sure I'm just following the orange orb but I've already I've already been along here this is where I first found that human remains oh look that's the crystal oh so I was meant to go to the crystal I just had to go the long route I couldn't there's an invisible wall here remember anyway we can use that to charge the time travel device so yep charge it up please okay so let's get our device out and uh we got a wheel now so we're in the dinosaur era apparently uh but let's head to the Primitive one so here we go okay well look at this look at this we're like in the in some Autumn sort of area um first things first before I travel too far probably look in the old Tech Tree in case what we got we got equipper rock and use it to mine big rocks so I've got a rock I can see down here there's some big rocks boosh big rocks complete right so then I'm gonna get some Fiber from bushes and punch some trees to get logs but I'd rather bash a tree with a rock no I literally can't okay I've got to punch it why have I gotta punch it man I proper slaughtered that how strong are my punches hey Boosh Boosh boosh down it comes that's actually really satisfying all right so is that bush boost oh that's the berries and there was fiber in it as well okay so I can eat berries and then can you see in the bottom right that bar is going up that's like my hunger bar I think okay so if I just keep punching these bushes I keep getting berries that is good and now we've got the logs and the fiber we can get a stone crafting table the Stone Age is upon us so apparently if I hold tab oh there's a building menu now this game moves so quick so first off Stone crafting table so I I don't know I guess there's clearing seems pretty decent let's shove that there so we just got to boost this with a rock and then we're building it there we go and then we can craft on there decent so we can get the usual tools a pickaxe a hatchet a spear and a torch looks like I'm gonna need more of every bit of equipment though so first off I'll make the pickaxe so I can get rocks easier so I think I just boost it with a rock there we go then we've made it all right so then we can use this to mine rocks I assume it appears I assumed incorrectly all right here we go here we go okay so we can we can mine this one hey look stronger shape nice no there's another one they're everywhere there's another one with massive balls now I'm tempted to like DeForest this place I'm not even gonna light like I assume once I start knocking all these down they won't grow back is that an assumption I want to make or should we fully test this Go full on Josh well from my crafting table there's the view before I'll see you in a bit and we'll see what the view after looks like all right well I actually got really far doing this and I've just turned back and I've noticed they've all started growing back so yeah I chopped all of these down earlier and they're they're back so won't waste any more hours of my life doing that although if you do want to see someone do that check out my mate dead inside he cut down every tree and Sons of the Forester jet it took over 600 hours so go check out his YouTube channel definitely deserves a shout out yeah in the meantime I do have some tools so I've got this ax which is good for chopping down trees does a little a little bit quicker than just punching it and the best thing is you can just be like I'm just gonna do this and if you're a tree and get in my way it's your own fault down she comes yeah I think I'll build a wood cutting table next so let's Wing that there so this one we've got to construct of the pickaxe so just give it a bit of a boost and then we have a table so add two logs we'll click that then hit with a hatchet okay I've got a hatchet let's give it a boost oh we got planks oh nice okay we now have planks so we'll make a few more planks I think we'll keep cutting more trees down even though I'm completely sick of it by now I can't believe they grew back I'm so upset but then we can craft a campfire so there's that and then we can cook raw and animal meat so basically I have a spear here and I found out crocodiles are way worse than any dinosaurs like they evolved to be Architects and they will just stab it in the head One More Time come on just get in the back get in the butt and there we go we have the Crocs then we can if we hit it with our Hatchet we get raw animal meat then we can cook that on our campfire by doing that oh my goodness that is bright and oh look we can add we can add loads of meat there we go we've got six steaks so we'll leave those cooking in the meantime we've got stone tools but look we can get bone tools as well so we've got to find a caveman camp and then kill or be killed so let's Don the spear eat some berries for strength and I did actually see where cavemen were whilst I was uh chopping all the trees down if we head over this way look across the water a load of cavemen they were just watching me chop all the trees down they didn't even tell me that they're gonna respawn again but right there they are we'll head over and oh my goodness they're not very friendly their first instinct was to kill me they've only got bone clubs they've got Spears so eat some Spear and knob there's one down there's another one down who else wants some then come on then I love how the spear like covers them in certain or something like their faces are just completely black now this one's trying to escape up the mountain no you don't meet but there is that technology complete I just got back to camp and look the stakes are done so we'll take all the cooked meat cook the other ones build a shelter down here so there we go we now have a place that will respawn if we die and not only that check this out look how many things we can build so in order to build these houses we just need some planks and fibers so we'll chop some more trees down turn logs into planks a bunch a load of bushes then we can build a nice house well let's go there so it's nice and Tall so we'll hit it with our pickaxe and then we have a house man look at this place this is nice all right next up in the tech tree we got this a basket a place to store items so it looks like we need more planks for that to make some more planks build our Basket in our home there we go and then things get quite interesting so we can build a boat to Traverse a river into the ocean so in order to build a boat we just need some more planks so chop pop some trees down make some planks well this is actually quite fast and quite satisfying but then we have a boat so we'll shove that there oh my goodness that is buoyant sort of it disappeared for a second so we could get in this and press ride and oh yes we have a boat um see I've got to try and get to the ocean so I mean the river gets narrower that way so I assume it's this direction okay hopefully it's down here we we got some speed going on proper banked Corner got a drift gotta drift all right we're heading through a little Valley Canyon is there gonna be the sea at the end I really don't know hey look there's a fox anyway looks like this is opening out we may have found the sea oh yeah this is definitely the C okay nice all right so now we gotta find Salt it says look for white rocks on the ground above water on the on the ground above water what ah look here okay we're good we have found rocks so we have salt and I've gotta find 50 salts so let's Bashi oh my goodness there's a crock gets back you silly crocodile I pushed me into the deep sea all right where you going Croc where you going Croc you know it's a run now go on go into the salt water there's here all right just jab it in the ass there you go Croc is dead which leaves me to mine some salt and it says there 50 salt will be just enough now just enough for what you might ask well we're trying to make salted dinosaur hide which means that we've gotta head back to the dinosaur era and harvest some dinosaur hide so now we have the sorts we can teleport back to our shelter that's primarily why we built it so I've just teleported back here I'm gonna come to my basket shove the salt in the storage and then we're gonna teleport to the dinosaur era so here we go and then oh YouTube Raptor throw it waited for me okay nice so we'll head out of this cave and then we just gotta take down some dinosaurs and uh typically I can't I can't see any right now oh wait what is that I think that is a T-Rex swimming okay let's take it down no he killed the dinosaur all right let's see is my spear actually any good no it isn't I'm getting shafted oh my goodness he just saw me flying okay I might want to stick with the previous tactic of using rocks so let's just collect a few more all right and then if I throw a rock at that one donk on the head he should come running over ah where am I gonna hide I'm gonna hide on this rock so then I could just throw rocks at his head oh he's actually quite strong this time your mate wasn't as strong earlier in the game all right it's running off it's scared I think it's running off it's hurting so let's switch the spear and then jab it in the ass there we go so there's one dinosaur down so this time if we go to our Hatchet why is it died like that we should be able to get it yes so we got 10 dinosaur hides we need to find 30. so we gotta kill at least two more dinosaurs okay let's try and take down this guy always hurting me he is actually hurting me right he's on the Run he's on the Run come back it with the ass jab come on jab jab him one more time in the anus that's not a swear word it's a it's an actual biological part okay there we go so now we hatch him up we got oh we got five dinosaur hides out of him so another one of them and another T-Rex and we're good right and I found the T-Rex so eat that oh my goodness it's so big all right I need my stuff back to your ex do you mind moving so I can get it he's like spawn killing basically all right grab her stuff grab her stuff grab it oh how do I grab it oh no this isn't fair I've died again I've been outsmarted by dinosaurs great that's okay it's okay I think we're good I think Triceratops is friendly so let's just grab all this stuff take all items and actually Triceratops sorry mate oh that is the horrible view but it's a definitely a weak point look at the health go down right that was 12 dinosaur hides so we just need we just need three more and just like that we've got enough decent so now we're gonna teleport back to the Primitive era right so we're back here if we just heading to our basket grab the planks grab the salt then look we can build a drying rack back so we'll shove that there should do so there it is so now if we access crafting we can create a dinosaur sorted hi oh but first look we need a filled water skin okay so let's craft a couple of those so we got the water skin if we go down here we can fill it with water presumably so we'll fill all of them up nice then we can make dinosaur sorted hide then presumably on the drying rack we can make dinosaur leather out of the sorted hide decent so that is that drying out then we have our own dinosaur leather so I'm going to use all the dinosaur hides I got to fill up all of these then I can make a load of sorted hide then make a load of dinosaur leather and then I can start making myself some armor looks like I just need some Fiber for that so I punch some more bushes die Bush and then we have boots we have chest piece and we have a leather helmet and leggings so then I guess I can just drag them into these bits and then I'm wearing them so now I've got armor I take less damage I've gotta try and find some metal ore apparently they're up in the mountains and yeah you can see all the trees back here have fully grown I literally wasted like an hour earlier yeah are you iron no you are rock what about you you're also Rock I have a feeling you might be Iron yes technology metal ore is completed so just gotta get that one up there assuming I can make it up it's quite a long way down I don't want to fall down thankfully I found some more which means we can head back to our camp and I'm not gonna do this the stupid way I'm gonna do it the engineering week oh yeah now in order to get a metal ingot I need a furnace so just gotta chop down a few more trees make a few more planks then we can Wang a furnace down so that will go there oh furnacy I love that it needed dinosaur High to make the Bellows as well by the way that's decent detail so we can then add logs to this and then iron ore as well and then give the old Bellow a push and then we have fire in there that should melt the ore after a while you can see it glowing in the bucket and we've got to pour a filled water skin so it will do that and then we have an iron ingot so if we make two iron ingots we can make an iron anvil so add more logs push the belly or on the water take the Ingot then we can place an anvil down then with this we can craft Iron Equipment so it looks like we just need iron and logs in order to make those so we'll quickly make more of them and we'll make an iron pickaxe first so give that a boost with this pickaxe and then we have that one and then looks like we just got to make the hatchet and the spear and then we get a timely upgrade so yeah I'll just go mine to mine so we can build those things few moments later all right so now we have all those we can come to the crafting thing and we can finally upgrade the time travel device using iron ingots and Bone which we now have so it will do that we've got to use the stone pickaxe to make it there we go and then if we take that we can then time travel to a new era that Egypt era so let's go and wow here we are in in the desert oh my goodness this is in Egypt they're worse I don't like them well they're actually terrifying I'm gonna throw oh my goodness throw a rocket oh my God yeah anyway let's have a look in the tech tree so we got sand sailing so a Dunes boat we need loads of logs okay we're gonna have to we're gonna have to travel out of here because there's loads of worms that don't like it ah right back to the Primitive era okay time to chop more trees down I haven't had enough of that today so 239 out of 50. I just need 11 more quick mess and then we have enough so let's transport back to the Egypt era and then let's craft our June boat so that goes there so all right go away worm I'm trying to I'm trying to make this so there we go we can get in this and then oh no the worm just hit me into the air the worms just hit me into the air anyway I can hold shift to Sprint what is going on look how fast this thing is oh there's actually loads of trees down here I could have just got them from here anyway whoa look at the jump bat jump over the dunes oh man we are getting some serious downhill speed whoa behind the worms this game is absolutely bizarre all right so we're heading towards this exclamation mark we are picking up some mad speed down here and what actually is that oh my goodness I flipped it I flipped it well it's a Time Rift okay we've gone straight into it didn't even get on my boat right so where where are we now oh look we're in some weird Egyptian temple from the looks of things is this another one where I just run through it all chasing an orange orb well I don't see any orb wait or do I what is this what what is that it's so shiny pick it up oh we're off again where where are we now what is this oh wow what is this what is this is this like Roman oh no this is Roman times we're in like a Coliseum there's Gladiators ah they're off to me run away all right I've got a spear but I can't take on Roman gladiators can they they're like well odd actually yeah they're not they're like soft as anything they're pathetic what does that mean that you completely missed me now I'm gonna have to slaughter all of it why are there children up here why are you so small anyway I honestly thought they'd be a bit harder than they are they're um I mean they're dropping like flies my health is quite low but let's just keep jabbing I sit down to the last one oh that was close you weren't the last one there's one up there come here I am maticus and I'll jab you in the eye oh look another portal opened uh here we go again this game is insane where are we now are we in like ancient China man fair play solo Dev you have proper outdone yourself I'm loving this journey yeah no idea where I'm meant to be going like oh hello who's this who's this then uh let me get my let me get my pull out like why are you attacking me oh wait weird how [ __ ] they go from me hitting them like because guys top off it's just so so burnt let's try and get his bottom half all right anyway jabbing the butt and he is down we've got the China Relic now what's next it's time to start a colony okay well let's head back to the Primitive era then in this Anvil we should be able to yeah we can upgrade our time travel device so give it a boost with the pickaxe take it and then where can we go now the colonial era is that a loaf of bread oh and we've reached the end of the demo come back in the full game to time travel to the colonial era wow yeah the full game will take us from nothing to a space dog a space dog space God I mean I wouldn't mind being a space dog if I'm honest but yeah just looking at the tech tree so everything we did today that was all in this primitive era there's then the colonial one which we just unlocked then an industrial one then modern and then futuristic man this game is insane I'm so excited to play the full version and if you guys enjoyed it please push the like button I'll catch you guys next time peace love and time travel bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 542,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grand emprise, grand emprise time travel survival, grand emprise trailer, grand emprise: time travel survival, grand emprise game trailer, rce, real civil engineer, time travel game, riding dinosaurs, riding dinosaur game, time travel
Id: C8BiHtUsbzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 19sec (1519 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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