Setting the LAND SPEED RECORD in Poly Bridge 3!?

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to poly bridge 3. now today we're heading straight into sandbox and in here we need to do two things the first is change the theme to a desert theme next up we need to add some terrain because basically what I'm gonna do is what I do in any game that has a vehicle and that is set the land speed record so I'm just gonna duplicate this loads of times and just stack all of these together because essentially I want a really long desert testing track now annoyingly when you press this duplicate button it shoves it on top so it means I gotta I gotta move it like that cheers game cheers trust me everything else in this video is going to be going pretty fast all right so that's the longest level we can get I'm not a fan of this theme it looks a bit I don't know it doesn't appeal but now tell you what I'm gonna go with highway so we've basically got a super long bridge and even better it's got a massive ramp at the end so this is our test track next up we need some Vehicles so if we come to this tab we can create a vehicle so we've got all of these to pick from and we've got to try and work out which one is the fastest now strangely compared to the last game there's actually no sports car what they got rid of the sports car still I reckon Deloreans probably gonna be pretty fast so let's shove oh my God it's so small it's so small but yeah let's shove that at the very start and then let's just see how fast the DeLorean goes it's quite slow actually however if we scroll down here look we have physics so for the speed we can say yes I want all the speed please 100 meters a second nice for acceleration yes and then horsepower I need all the horses so I think we're all good there so let's hit play and see how fast this goes ah that that um that didn't quite work out okay so I'm pretty sure the speed and acceleration are probably fine like if I change the acceleration to 50 yeah we still flip I think the actual issue is the number of horses we have way too many of them so we're gonna call 90 of them we just got 10 horses now and then oh yes we are we are off okay so that's pretty fast if we duplicate though and then the front one we double the horsepower is there a point where one of these is faster than the other one based on horsepower oh my God it's just weirding the entire way but then oh but then it does actually sneak away interesting so if we just swap them around quickly so the one with less horses and out the front the one at the back has all the horses so you can see it Wheeling away but then oh once it gets his wheels down it catches up so more horsepower does mean faster it's just worse at accelerating interesting well what it might be worth doing is trying to find another vehicle like if we go with school bus because it's got like a it's got a longer wheelbase so perhaps it won't really as much so we got the school bus in it's got the exact same physics although it's still got its own its own weight I could fiddle with that later we're gonna try it with Max everything just to see what happens so we'll press play and oh oh my God what the okay so if we watch this and 0.1 speed check out the bus it like it literally lifts up on its own then some R rated poly Bridge happens but then it jumps over it well I say over the DeLorean then gets its wheels down and quickly accelerates before it gets crushed that oh oh that is awesome um so I'll tell you what if we were to just like I don't know do 50 horses what does that do so oh man this thing loves like jumping but after it's done with that look how quickly the bus catches up oh man well if we swap these around if we put the DeLorean at the back we can see oh yeah the bus just absolutely cheeses it okay DeLorean you're dead right who's next to take on the bus I reckon limo I believe I did this in poly bridge too and limo because it was the longest vehicle I think it was actually the fastest so we'll try it with maxed out everything and let's see how they get oh man okay okay it was fast it's fast you may need to put the limo out in front so if it can get away from the bus we're all good oh it is off it is well off bus you are defeated the best thing about that the limo had a hundred horsepower I didn't have to change anything I do Wonder though does it oh doesn't even really at the start incredible okay let's try it up against like this is a new one it's got a lot of wheel I have a feeling that will probably work against I can't see this one not flipping but uh we'll have a look anyway oh no it's flipping I mean technically it won what happened to the limbo yeah right we'll duplicate this and then I just want to quickly see if we were to reduce the physics of the weight down to one how does that affect things so the lightest one is out in front the normal weight one is out in back so place your bets what's gonna happen they they're identical question then if the first one was all the mess 250 polygrams surely that's not going to move as quickly as oh actually is it actually is right so in this Mass has no effect on the speed interesting how about this one the shocks multiplier so if we I don't know what does it go down to 0.1 so if we play this in slow motion the front one is the one with the shocks I I think the shocks just don't do anything so the back the back end is literally just sitting on the wheels and therefore the limo behind is catching up okay what if we go the other extreme then how high does this thing go okay so a 10 times shocks multiplier as before we'll play this in slow motion so I guess the front one literally has like no suspension like the the Springs just won't dampen so the question is is the front one going to sneak away from the one behind or is the one behind gonna catch up the the rear one is going faster yeah it's catching up it's catching up and now it's pushing it okay good to note so I tried a few more different spring numbers and basically the the standard one was always the fastest so this limo is currently the land speed record holder that is a really weird angle by the way also hang on what is it what is actually in the back of that limo is it just like champagne bottles and glasses there's no one actually in there though there's no one driving it either so now we're gonna build something to compete with this so let's move the limo forward a bit and then we're always going to be trying to be catching it up in the Bridge Building part of this let's actually start building so we have the Grid on what I'm sort of thinking of doing is if we make a wheel do we make a wheel out steel or out of Springs because out of steel we can literally just rotate this every we go every 10 degrees oh no but I can't look nodes cannot connect to more than 32 Bridge pieces okay I'm pretty sure I could get away with 15 degrees so let's try that so the next one's 30 then 45. nice so we end up with that can we then attach another node yeah we can okay that's good okay so if we now grab road we can literally just join all of these together and then we have a working wheel if we press play look it's a wheel although it doesn't move oh and the bottom spoke just broke as well source of white I wanted to try these with springs so if we go for that instead oh yeah oh it looks like I got a flat so with these Springs we can adjust the compression of these so if they were to start 20 compressed then they should expand right so they're all 20 compressed which means oh yeah oh look it's starting to move already okay so next up I think I want some way of putting a vehicle on here so if we head back into the blueprint mode we can select a vehicle and I was tempted to go with this but I feel like it might be quite hard to actually hold it in place because the wheels are so big like if we were to just copy this over here a second and then start building a frame where we can sort of bring this down to try and clamp it in but it's gonna like it's gonna rub against the wheels and it's it's gonna be a nightmare essentially so what I'm thinking instead is there another vehicle that's a bit easier to grasp but still has a big wheel oh the tractor could work so if we have a bit of Road out the front so it can't go forwards I mean perhaps we can try that so let's just go like that sort of thing and then I just need to use the wheel over here to connect all of that so this is now rigid so this shouldn't go anywhere so as that gets moving oh yes we are moving I mean removing the wrong Direction but we were definitely moving oh interesting oh you can scale fit oh all right hang on a second then let's just for now go back to the limo let's duplicate that so if we have a mini limo at the front how are the speeds gonna compare oh the big one caught up with a little one so in slow motion why is that oh the little one seems to like it seems to wheelie a lot more I wonder if that's because the power compared to like the wheelbase and stuff is is like a lot higher okay well let's try the 200 limo the mega limo so in slow motion you can see oh it's not Wheeling at all so I imagine if we speed up a little bit yeah that's pulling away okay so that is now the fastest vehicle sorry limo one you're no longer my favorite it's all about the giant limit should I be using the biggest tractor like the bigger Wheels spin faster oh I don't know I don't know but yeah for now we need to flip the tractor and then I'll probably shove this on that one then I can just mirror all this stuff right so how how does this look I mean it's definitely giving us movement so that's quite good actually the downside is look at the Gap up the top so at the moment this this tractor is really high up and so when we play you can see there's there's a bit of a drop there as well as the Springs compressing as well leaves for a huge gap up the top now annoyingly vehicles are stuck to a grid here I mean we can probably rotate a bit to try and avoid yeah that could work avoid touching the road but still get pretty close with everything else okay that actually looks pretty good if we shove a hydraulic there and make that contract a little bit then you can sort of see the hydraulic pushes the wheel into well our wheel so that's not bad at all next up then let's up the physics a bit let's just go I mean let's just go all out so what's gonna happen here oh we'll spin oh on the wheel burst that the tractor's going mental it's like a crazy bunny rabbit see you later mate what it could be worth doing in the settings is turning on unbreakable that means our Bridge cannot break all right so I feel like it's probably need oh my what just happened there right we gotta watch this in slow motion so that's getting faster and faster and it just it just collapses itself okay well back to the real design then what if we were to put in like steel maybe every other I don't know I've put four in I'm hoping that might sort of keep the wheel shape a bit more but oh god oh it really doesn't okay what if we add a little bit more steel then oh wow okay we may need to get rid of the Springs this is um they're causing some issues I think and I mean now we've got unbreakable or not we shouldn't have the issue where the wheel breaks anymore so I guess steel is back on the menu oh look at that look at that careful I feel like the spring wheel is just like being dragged along let's replace it with a steel version then let's see how this goes remember it's still at 0.2 speed oh dear oh dear it's off how did that what I mean to be honest now there's no springs maybe we don't want the hydraulic there that's probably causing issues I mean maybe tractor wasn't the best idea for this let's go back to the classic the monster truck we'll make it 69 scaled nice and then I think if we put Road out in front then out behind as well then it can't get spat out right so if we just Stitch this together with a load of Steel truss then I'm pretty sure yeah we have movement okay so now we up for physics and then we have a bit of movement and whoa what is going what is going on ah looks like the wheel glitched through the road yeah that's not gonna help us okay well it won't lie this isn't going too well if I'm honest uh maybe worth trying like a maybe a bigger oh my goodness maybe a bigger wheel so I've added it to another wheel so let's see how this one gets on and oh oh I mean yeah I think I'd described this as not great but not bad either the situation is a blood-soaked nightmarish hellscape if we make this like two-wheel drive wait what is what what hang on hang on a second hang on a second what's going on there why is the wheel collapsing how did that piece oh that's what this game does so poly Bridge 3 has this new thing where like so you've got like a beam like that and you bring this down look can you see it goes blue that actually splits this into two now whereas in the old poly bridge that wouldn't have been connected it would have been a node in the background okay we're gonna have to we're gonna have to look out for that I mean maybe this would have worked if it didn't do that right I mean we'll start this in slow motion I mean to be fair it's actually it looks like it's on a good start it is off and oh perhaps there's too much speed let's turn the acceleration down let's slowly build up I think that's the way to do this I mean that is actually moving a lot more stable than than the original one but it's not going very fast I'm wondering is there a better way of doing this because this doesn't seem to be working very well so what if we create a custom shape so we can literally create a circle one and make it collide with vehicles okay you can then try and make it the size of that so that maybe it can sit in the middle or do we want it on top yeah for now we'll just try the exact same thing as we had before but we're gonna add some nodes to it actually what do we have here Dynamic props we have wheels okay tell you what custom shape I'm not using you I'm using Wheels because I can scale these up oh wow now we have giant wheels okay so I assume we can build from those joints yes we can okay this is going to be awesome if we just have a blocker at the front and one at the back and then I'll try and get those rigid so how's that looking I mean it's moving it's still a bit messy but that's where phase two of the plan comes in we have Springs and they will hopefully pull the back and front wheels down that should provide oh yeah yeah okay we're getting we're getting will spin we're which is good we're getting we're getting it Wheely which is good so if I now just add another one of these so if we just duplicate this monster tractor there add the same sort of holder and then yeah suddenly we're actually getting a bit of momentum sort of right well these wheels clearly aren't working it's absolutely Dreadful so I'm trying a custom shape again I'm gonna scale it up and then I'm gonna add some nodes so that we make it Hollow so basically if we just go around doing that sort of thing then we end up with this I've shoved some static joints so these joints move which essentially means I can like I can get the center point and then do that and basically I've built my own hollow wheel so I can put vehicles on the inside perhaps sort of like a hamster wheel and then going back to the Tractor because it's got the big rear wheels I've come up with this so it's powered by three so let's give that a oh what it really isn't very fast but you can sort of see how it works I mean it's kind of pointless being on the inside perhaps because you're only ever going to go as fast as the tractor I guess unless we triple the amount of power per wheel so I've crammed in loads and loads of tractors so if we press play okay the limo's gone and this is barely moving why is it so hard to do this in this game anyway let's just go back to one wheel and what I'm thinking is perhaps we can surround this in a tire to get some grip because I didn't feel like we had the grip before so if we press play on the oh wait what the what how is that working the tractors are driving around the wheel okay perhaps I need another wheel just to make sure this thing actually moves so I basically just doubled it shove another one next to it yeah but what I've noticed is for some reason this back wheel gets completely flattened front wheel completely fine so I've just replaced them all with steel yes we won't have the grip on this back wheel but I've still got the springs on the front wheel so let's see how this works so here we go oh it's actually oh that's moving a fair bit faster I mean limo is already up in the air but that's probably our most successful attempt yet still what I'm thinking the limo is by far the fastest vehicle so far so what if I sort of use that to push a wheel so I mean that's definitely how fast this vehicle rate that counts so adding more wheels that makes it more of a vehicle and less of a limo so let's see how this gets on I mean oh it's actually it is actually pretty good you cannot argue with that so what if we add another wheel and sort of try and make the body a bit more aerodynamic how's this gonna get on oh it's not moving at all that's barely moving oh interesting okay what if instead we shove the limo on top and then we try and pull the wheels to make these wheels move I mean it's a bit Ruby of course only two of the four wheels are powered as well so if we remove those we end up with this which I'm not sure how fast that is moving right well I guess this is my actual speed record attempt I've changed the background to the one with markings on there so that we can get a good speed measurement of this and it looks to be I definitely just haven't turned up the speed look how fast it is it looks like this thing is traveling about 50 000 miles per hour and uh trust me on that I'm an engineer speaking of which check out my new merch store because I've just released a brand new trust me I'm an engineer pun t-shirt yeah for now we'll just watch this thing in slow motion definitely in slow motion ignore that up there and we'll say peace love and land speed records bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 587,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poly bridge 3, pb3, new poly bridge, bridge building game, rce, real civil engineer, real civil engineer poly bridge 3, professional plays poly bridge 3, engineer poly bridge 3, polybridge3, pro engineer plays poly bridge, real engineer plays, real engineer poly bridge 3, poly bridge 3 number 1, poly bridge 3 #1, poly bridge walkthrough, poly bridge guide, poly bridge 3 guide, poly bridge 3 walkthrough, bridge, poly bridge
Id: xDKgeqZekgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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