Rome Total War Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits

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hello there ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to Total War Rome remastered this is a re-release of one of the greatest games of all time set in The Amazing historical Roman period you are expected to conquer pretty much the entire world mislead glorious and massive armies on campaigns and win decisive victories and battles and in order to win a battle you need to have a good army and because this is the Roman era there's a lot of very good units you can have from Unstoppable rampaging elephants to Giant catapults you can have it all but the bread and butter and infantry of the army needs to be strong that's why today we're going to be using the most overpowered infantry unit in the game the strongest Fighter the most Valiant Destroyer it is of course none other than the peasant wait what yep that's right ladies and gentlemen I like a challenge like all good British people do and so I'm going to be seeing if I can beat Total War Rome using quite simply the single worst unit in the game it is the cheapest unit it has no statistics no power no morale and it is terrible however that's not going to stop me as I'm going to be bringing back the waiversold tactics of World War One and seeing if I can conquer the world now you might be saying spiff why are you playing it on the remastered version of the game and not the old one well it's for two reasons firstly the old version of the game basically doesn't run and crashes every five minutes and the other reason is because in the remaster they changed the population mechanics you see each City in this game has a population and units cost population in the original game that was a one-to-one ratio if you had 299 people in a city you wouldn't be able to recruit a stack of peasants but they changed it in the remaster and as a result peasants have become vastly more powerful as you never have to worry about population issues so make sure your sat back relax with a nice warm cup of tea in hand and you've saluted the Union Jack flying above your computer let us begin welcome ladies and gentlemen to the Glorious Roman world today we are going to be playing as the mightiest version of all the British starting out out over here on this wonderful Island now the reasons we want to play as the British are very simple number one is we start on an island and despite the fact that this game came out a few years ago the AI does not know how to do a naval Invasion at the same time we're the British and that means that our peasants get a little bit of an extra flavor buff because we have Barbarian peasants which are experts at hiding in woods meaning they get a combat bonus in woods or snow yet despite all that their stats are terrible they have zero morale and one melee attack being attacked by a barbarian peasant is like having a strong Breeze blown in your general direction sure if you're an aging pensioner it might knock you over but if you're a fully armor-plated cater for a cavalryman it's going to have no effect but the one thing the peasants do have going for them ladies and gentlemen is the sheer volume of them anyway today our mission is very simple we have many enemies and many goals the first is the French otherwise known as the Gauls they are a fellow Barbarian faction but we must decisively sweep them if we intend to win so in order to do that I'm going to be setting all of my cities just to recruit peasants and then I'm going to Ferry them over to the mainland where we're going to get ready to start fighting the ghouls at the same time the Germans might attack us at any moment and there's always the threat of the well-trained heavily armored Romans but who knows this is going to be a very difficult game but with enough British cheese anything is possible so welcome back ladies and gentlemen it is now 270 BC and our Empire is vaguely set up I've also renamed all of our provinces so we know what they actually stand for we have the money printer Province over here which is going to take all of the lovely gold from Wales and make us a fortune at the same time we have Yorkshire Tea land which is another glorious investment Hub and the bud tunnel our lovely Capital over here in London meanwhile over here in Calais we have the dude printer 5000. this settlement has one simple job produce a lot of peasants and make sure those peasants are created with as many advantages as possible that means we need to get ourselves a blacksmith shop to give our peasants extra attack and potentially a weaponsmith so that they can even have some of armor combined with our lovely sacred circles it's also possible for our peasants to be recruited with some experience and experience goes a very long way in this game anyway we're on the eve of War as Bellon is here our glorious faction air and hero is ready to march to war he is going to be our glorious Fighter for today and he is very important he starts with some okay stats we're able to shift some followers around to give him some bonuses the Druid means we take less casualties which is very important when you're fighting with thousands of men and the armorer gives our peasants one morale that's right they are going to have at least one morale I know truly incredible anyway it's time for us to get ready to actually uh fight the French I've set up my spy ahead of time and if we're very lucky we might be able just to March straight in right to war is upon us and we are going to get ready to attack we've now charged our way across northern France and we are going to begin our Siege unfortunately our spy did not manage to do his job correctly and keep the gates open first but it is fine our stack of dudes will soon be able to Tear Down the Walls now I'm able to use my spy to see if there are any reinforcing armies on their way would you like there aren't and I've moved the actual faction leader over to the dude printer 5000 to keep it safe from either the Germans or a surprise French attack it means the Bellas has a brilliant opportunity to attack so wabam our first fight is upon us we have 5831 troops against the enemy's 904. now whilst that might sound like an overwhelming Advantage you have to remember that the enemy forces actually have weapons and shields this makes them vastly more powerful but what the enemy doesn't have is a commander and commanders are very powerful and there we have it the fight is over it's a clear Victory although the enemy did manage to kill 1236 peasants which um yeah that's kind of a little bit costly overall though it doesn't really make much of a difference our army is still in a very good shape to continue fighting and there's no enemy forces nearby that we need to be worried about so with that this settlement is ours now in our actual City what we're going to want to do is take all of our healthiest boys and actually take them out of the city because we need to continue fighting also we are now ready to attack our next settlement over here in limonim here what we'll do is attack them and auto resolve this time it was much better a clear Victory they only managed to inflict 354 casualties on us and with that The City Is Ours and we can immediately begin the process of retraining a lot of our men oh no we have a few problems number one ghoul attack dude Prince of 5000 but that was fine our station peasant force was more than able to repel the main issue is that the French are forged in the lines with the Germans which means any day now we can expect Germans to attack there was one good thing that came of the defense a new follower has appeared and followers can be moved from character to character which means we can pick up this famous warrior and move them from our faction leader over to our main fighter this is going to give all of our troops an additional plus one morale a leader in extra command and some decreases in training costs this is very very good right now even though Gaul has a few more settlements remaining I'm going to make the executive decision to try and go for their Capital so we're moving our entire stack of 22s and marching them deep into the ghoulish lands leaving our new settlement of the French relatively undefended still by giving it some peasants all should be fine right now we're in a pretty decent spot here where the ghoulish armies are very much spread out but I want to draw them into a pitched battle on a field oh my goodness we actually have a clean shot here okay uh ghoul for some reason made the very silly decision to move their armies outside of their Capital meaning we should be able just to assault it straight away without even needing a battering ram despite the fact that it's defended by heavy Swordsmen and warhounds I think we should still have this okay the auto resolve is not looking in our favor at all but when there's a will there's a way ladies and gentlemen oh it was a clear Victory oh yes I mean it was a very costly clear Victory we lost 2 000 men but it matters little when you've captured the enemy's Capital look at that oh yes and in this settlement we can even build a blacksmith give all of our peasants an additional bit of fighting strength oh and the ghouls did not like that yep they've come back and they want some Revenge unfortunately for them a lot of our peasants are now even stronger than ever but you see after gaining a little bit of experience because they've done so much fighting they're now getting better at it and each bar of experience increases their Total Defense their defense skill and their melee attack by one which might not seem like much but it is actually huge when combined with the other additional advantages our lovely commanders giving them we actually have some pretty powerful little units alright so we're getting attacked by Barbarian warbands once again in our settlement but this time we will fight it and I will personally choose to fight it manually just to show off how great my peasants now are right here come my giant swarm of peasants barreling out of that gate look at them all with their torches oh my goodness if I was a Frenchman I would be a little bit scared by all of these very very grumpy Brits charging now what will we do with our grumpy Brits well we're going to form them up into a glorious double ranked line and charge them towards the enemy Meanwhile my lovely Commander is going to stand by here and provide lovely morale Buffs and also morale penalties because the enemy do not like looking at chariots oh my goodness the enemy is just routing now right well that's a good sign it means they're panicking and it actually does make them quite vulnerable to getting charged so I'm going to do a few charges with my lovely commander and in doing so that should Panic up some of their Swordsmen but I don't understand do too much fighting in case I accidentally do lose you know my faction air because here's the single reason why our peasants are able to fight so well but if I can slow down these War bands long enough for my peasants to arrive we're in the money come on men charge all right lovely stuff my chariots appeared to have distracted the enemy long enough for the peasant swarm to arrive oh the fools right so all I need to do is bog them down with the Chariot and then the peasants running in from the rear should be enough to turn the tide ah the Swordsmen have decided to do one last grand stand good for them although immediately they're shaken and the friends next to them are wavering so that's an immediate double route which means our peasants are going to get so many kills from this good stuff my peasant friends good stuff right these two peasants from the rear need to run in and make sure there are as few survivors as possible lovely stuff glorious success chase them down chase them down lovely so with that the enemy managed to kill 16 of our men and we killed 501 who said peasants weren't effective alright so I've upgraded my peasants even further they now have the first tier of weapons upgrades meaning they get an additional melee attack they are now up to three melee attack now it is still terrible but it's still quite exciting they are now only four melee attack behind the basic warband unit I mean this basic warbat unit should be cutting down our peasant if for some reason the game doesn't work that way and peasants are a little bit cheesy right we're back at after 13 turns of being at war with Germany they have offered one of the greatest trade deals I've ever seen give us 1470 gold or we will attack you I have no idea why they think I do this I mean if I give them that money all they're going to do is build an army and then attack me with that Army gosh the German AI is just truly fantastic right okay we have a potential big battle ahead of us the ghouls have amassed their forces into one giant 20 stack led by segovax of Alicia himself this man is a um he's an okay Commander he's not the best but the issue he's going to face is that we are going to crush him I will March in my supporting forces I then have bellownus issue the attack annoyingly my other Army apparently isn't in reinforcing range and his are however we can just simply select Fight Night battle and in doing so he no longer has any reinforcements that said we are still very much meant to lose this fight but bellinis the Conqueror is going to find a way my friends let us begin this is the ghoul's last stand their greatest army they've ever built a full stack of men versus a full stack of peasants it is scientifically impossible that they could lose alright so here's our field of combat perfectly flat and straight lovely I do believe the enemy settlement is off in that direction but it matters little in order to fight what you want to do is simply group up all of your forces select them into a double rank line that way all of our flanks are secure then we're just going to move them further forwards and finally we'll be using our general today of course in order to inspire our forces lovely stuff right the battle is upon us the enemy have gone for a very very wide line which is lovely and intimidating however it is not going to work all we need to do is simply win on one flank and as soon as we can start routing the enemy forces that's it game over right I'm deliberately taking this battle very slowly but we've already seen some immediate success the enemy broke off one light infantry warband which we wrapped up with two peasant units so that's a quick easy defeat meanwhile over on the right flank we have something a little bit more explosive the enemy are going to be committing their Barbarian Cavalry in at the same time I think I've bogged down three units this unit's definitely routing and dying so is this unit and this one has also just decided to break as long as our front line holds we should be in a pretty comfortable position oh my goodness and wow look the Barbarian Cavalry charged in and immediately routed that was very silly of them and look at this the warband is fighting defeat seems certain only a military genius could win what what the heck game I don't think it's meant to be like that but hey anyway we'll do uh One charging here on the flanks and then turn these men around and let them continue to route right our men are going to be charging in oh and we can get those Druids killed off as well right meanwhile on the Left Flank our forces appear to be doing a very splendidly good job although I want that Barbarian Cavalry dealt with because Cavalry is such a big issue right once again we've immediately engaged another warband and they're about to break which is going to break all of the other warbands around them in simultaneous fashion which is very effective alright Left Flank has also just been completely defeated and routed this front flank as well has also collapsed oh dear it looks like a full Mass Retreat from the enemy this Barbarian warlord though is very dangerous and yet for some reason he's just not even doing that great Against The Peasants that is really bad all right let's charge in some peasants from the rear make sure we can get him bogged down right glorious success we've routed most of these peasant War bands here the enemy Army is down to just 800 men I want to make sure none of these Druids escape and I also want that enemy general defeated he's doing a pretty decent job with his car recovery but when my warlord charges in in his own glorious Chariot we should have it look at these poor enemy units look at how many Negative debuffs they have distraught over a number of casualties fleeing in panic and oblivious to the world unhappy frightened by chariots concerned about fighting chariots they are just absolutely broken right and there we go the enemy General's routing with that he is now completely vulnerable to even peasant units knocking him down our two Brave peasant units did fight that enemy general which is very very impressive but overall a grand success from our men glorious success indeed all right go on Charis chase down that routing King send in some peasants as well to bog him down a bit yes come on capture him go peasants go pursuing yes they've actually done it look at that the peasants took out some horses we did it that should be the enemy General dead yep enemy General has fallen oh segovax of Alicia has gone glorious success The Last Stand of the ghouls has been crushed there we go we have crushed the enemy that was a heroic Victory my goodness that was free 2500 kills to only 600 casualties very successful indeed so that was a complete stack of enemy units that realistically should have definitely won but I'm afraid our commander is just too good ladies and gentlemen trade increased Superior Commander oh he has earned that and now we can just continue to fight with these retreating ghouls fight a night battle oh he's up to 10 command now his troops were just not even route that's gonna be insane look at that they only inflicted 12 casualties what a glorious success all right Ghoul Now wants to ceasefire but they are completely bankrupt no Gaul I will not have a ceasefire until you are just simply reduced to whatever you have left in Spain and oh Gould are trying to Sally out of their Castle you know what I think this is an auto resolve I can't see how I'd be able to do a better job than the auto resolve even though I know it's not meant to be in our favor but clear victory that was so silly why does it work like that all right let's occupy it there we go potavium is now ours oh ghoul you silly silly fools right the ghouls have gone for one last attack they wanted potavia back which is going to be a little bit of an issue they've sent over a decent Force but when you improved peasants are here say hello to her peasants with armor they now have an armor of four a total defensive nine a melee attack of six and oh so much morale look at this look at how many casualties they can inflict 732 and so many of our forces are healed as well look at that all these peasants just getting so many kills it is brilliant and so logically my Army is going to continue chase down the enemy and steal this city over here so with my Army in a very comfortable position and goal pretty much completely defeated I think it's time we take some peasants and March on Rome well we knew this time would come eventually and it looks like the Romans are posturing to attack us the house of Julia have said their demands give them 950 gold or they're going to attack us now of course we are going to decline and call their bluff if they do come and attack us then that's on them but it'd be a very silly decision considering I have my full belliness the Conqueror Army stationed right over here and he's all out of ghouls to slaughter right the greatest battle of our time is upon us Wellness the Conqueror has intercepted an army of race that has quickly laid Siege to one of our cities in total we have almost 6 000 peasants facing down 3 000 fracians now of course I could manually fight this battle however I would probably lose because flaxmen are obscenely good these heavy infant tree can just do one swing and probably take out 20 peasants consequently this is a very easy Auto resolve because oh my goodness that is a one-sided effect if I were to fight this fight I'd have definitely lost a few thousand troops but no apparently my peasants are just really really good at their job good stuff my lovely peasants that's a bunch of phrasians we've scared of that'll serve them right for declaring war on me I think I've proved just how powerful my peasants are so I'm going to build up a few stacks and then lay Siege to Rome the most powerful and fierce province in the entire game defended by some terrifying units right the era of the Great War is upon us not only is frace attacking us from the East although to be fair we have just repelled them we're also being assaulted by the Germans on the west they've marched in from their Holdings in Spain and oh my goodness do they have a lot of armies headed straight towards us well I think the best way in order to handle this is to take out their economic base which means we need to seize Northern Italy as we'll most definitely upset the other Roman factions but honestly it does not matter in order to do this I'm going to form up two stacks of peasants and it's a good thing I was building up my defenses in Spain because I knew that these Romans were on their way now Romans are no laughing matter as you can see already in the auto resolve bar they are vastly more powerful than us they have War Dogs they have a whole bunch of volatas all of these are perfect counters to peasants however uh not in the auto resolve so we'll bam that's our first Victory down here so but set on all sides the mighty Brits once again marched to war and Rome must be conquered as fast as possible okay and annoyingly following this war the entirety of Rome has now declared on me that includes the house of skippyi and also the actual spqr Senate of Rome not fun at all but alas we will still triumph over our enemies meanwhile the Julia who were currently at war with want us to pay money to them come on we're at war with you literally no point oh okay they are actually going to attack us straight away fight maybe there was a point anyway straight into the Julia Capital we go because of the incredible quantity of peasants we have we can actually build up a huge amount of Siege equipment very swiftly once one Army sieges there were going to immediately move on to suggested with the other lift the siege of media alarm like so in a glorious clear Victory and can this Army survive up against this giant horde of Germans I mean it's 13 stacks of peasants it's almost an equal fight but you know what I think the auto resolve might side of me yep oh my goodness it did should it have done that definitely no but did it yes and you know what that's all I need but I hope and a prayer the Germans just got defeated in the silliest way possible and as expected more Roman armies are beelining their way into southern France these armies are giant endless quantities of her study war dogs and ballisters truly a sight to behold but how will they afford them when I start stealing from their bread basket and booting these Romans once and for all right in an effort to protect our city here we're going to have to start barreling as many reinforcements into it as possible this giant Roman stack is on One mission that is to seize this settlement luckily though they're about to lose their Capital which might mess with their AI a bit is this their faction leader no it's their faction air Lucius Julius well he's about to die today and what can only be described as a clear Victory and you know what let us exterminate the population of this settlement perfect oh my goodness and here's the actual faction leader over here oh dear oh dear oh dear well you know what I think this is when we have to fight manually the flavius Julius himself aged 52 thinking that the britons would be an easy Conquest well just like Julius Caesar himself he is vastly underestimated the prowess of the Britannic tribes so with them we came for a fight as the big bad guy himself now hides and cowers Behind the Walls of his Roman settlement let us begin first wave of peasants there second wave there third wave here let's bring down that wall and we've captured the enemy Gates which is wonderful so with the walls now conquered it's time for me to work out the best way to defeat this Roman and I think it is just going to be one big massive below we send one blob up the center and one blob on a flank keep the general not too far behind and hope that his morale Buffs keep everyone in check oh dear and here comes the actual General he is here and he is grumpy 122 enemy heavy Cavalry a very terrifying sight indeed but if we plow enough peasants into him logically anything's possible as popping a cheeky little morale buff and oh my goodness yes some of the enemy Cavalry does indeed appear to be going down 105 they're down to now what we definitely need to do is try and get behind this enemy unit as fast as possible if we can do that oh no my general is dead oh no no oh beans oh beans okay with that our forces are going to Route we need to get on this enemy General very quickly come on no the Barbarian warlord why you fool oh dear oh dear dear his his men are charging his men are charging oh dear well we can try and fight the histority I guess and there we go my men just immediately around we have been defeated oh oh no well 2 000 peasants just got massacred that day what a shame serves me right for underestimating the actual enemy I completely forget how inflated the auto resolvers made our forces all right once again we're now attacking suggestor again this time not making the same mistake Auto resolve there we go clear Victory we've done it let us cheekily enslave the population alright and once again my giant peasant Army is ready so we will begin our march on Rome all our Stacks are going to start heading towards there but first a few of the Roman Senators decided to stand outside of their city which was a little bit of a mistake so abbyus pompeus and Heron as Agricola are going to get evaporated here and because the night battle I will max out my command even my peasants now won't run from heavy Cavalry and fantastically the expected result that we were looking for of the Roman army challenging southern France has occurred they basically panicked and they're trying to move their armies back to the mainland however by that time it's going to be far too late oh and here comes the Roman attack well it's too late because I've stacked up 20 units of peasants in that City so good luck trying to take it I mean sure if we manually fought it I would definitely lose but the sheer volumetric quantity of peasants just kind of shifts the odds a bit so all 20 peasants Sally out an attack oh dear defeat is a distinct possibility I think you'll find it's not quite the case oh my God it was this is our first draw a draw my poor peasants right reinforcements are needed we might actually need a general for this fight so I'm marching one down oh my goodness there are now three stacks of Roman armies right here on our front line dear oh dear what a predicament we find ourselves in luckily I've been able to summon a stack of peasants from scratch although I don't know if it's going to be enough to save the city but we can always just bypass this because I'm about to Siege Rome in what would be the most epic battle of all time if it weren't for the fact that I'm about to Auto resolve it because there is no way my peasants would actually win so bam there we go clear total Victory Rome is ours and we will exterminate its entire population seventeen thousand people are about to learn what the definition of a war crime is or bam and with that ladies and gentlemen Rome has been defeated by nothing more than a rabble of unwashed peasants picked from the streets of Croydon given a vaguely pointy stick and told to run in a direction and over many generations are peasants smashed it this is what a peasant is meant to be for defense free armor one melee attack one charge and one defense skill while our Valiant warriors on the front line have seven defense skill and eight attack they are fantastic so we're bam if you enjoyed today's video make sure to give it a like and of course I'm sure you must definitely believe that peasants are the most overpowered unit in this game they're affordable they're Expendable and they're highly replaceable as always a massive thank you to each of one of our lovely amazing patrons and YouTube channel members for funding today's video and if you're sat there wondering what to watch next well look no further than this video chosen by me to be perfect for you anyway I'll see each and every one of you in the next one have a glorious day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,440,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, the spiffing brit, Rome Total War Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits, rome total war, total war rome, perfectly balanced game with no exploits, strategy game, rome, roman empire, peasant, roman legionary, who would win, meme, funny, rome total war funny, gameplay, game, rome total war gameplay, exploit, glitch, bug, war, total war, strategy, steam, steam game, memes, warhammer, spiffing brit, rts, rome total war remastered, steam sale, Total War: ROME REMASTERED
Id: ANDvj6S-hg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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