Recreating REAL BRIDGES in Poly Bridge 3!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to polybridge 3. today we're going to be creating some of the world's most iconic bridges in poly Bridge 3 and seeing how each one works and whether poly Bridge 3 allows them to Stand Tall or fool like an architect this episode we're looking at three iconic American Bridges but for future Bridges when your suggestions in the comments below okay so let's head into the sandbox and I haven't really touched the sandbox too much I mean I did beat the world land speed record in here but I haven't actually built any Bridges so first off we need a theme so I think for this one rocks will do yeah that looks sort of where we want to be uh but that span it's only 12 meters long so we need to expand it a long old wait perhaps we can try and go for a hundred meters ban although it's not quite 100 meters and you'll see why in a second so let's get building for this first Bridge we're gonna be needing the foundation which is poly Bridge 3's brand new material and so essentially I'm going to be placing the span into three so I think we probably want to do like that there then if we copy that over to this side what square is it in one two three four five gotta love the background grid makes things nice and easy so there's our foundations so that's where our bridge will actually come out of the water um and this is going to be the biggest clue for what this bridge is going to be I'm going to select the Red Steel material because essentially that's what this bridge is mostly made out of so if the root is gonna be like that level I think we'll do that sort of thing and then just copy that up lots and lots of times so next up we actually need the road so I'm gonna use the line tool but I'm gonna do a slight bit of a curve so we go from that point over to that point we don't put that much of a curve in we just want a very very small one so if we do something like that and then this is going to be the world's longest hmm I'm out of breath now but that is our rodent next up I think I just want to copy this road down actually so we go down probably about that far and then we don't actually want road on the bottom we're going to be replacing that with steel which could take some time and then we're just gonna wanna cross brace all of these up so I'm literally gonna do that and then I'll come back in the other direction so it's a proper cross breeze so that's gonna support the road sort of it sort of means the road has a bit more strength and it shouldn't snap of course they shouldn't is the key word here I feel like this is a lot of bridge for poly Bridge 3 to handle and it's a very very long span a hundred meters but yeah I'd imagine from now you've probably guessed that this is the Golden Gate Bridge really which is a huge suspension bridge um and I feel like to be honest I probably need to cross-breast these as well because these pillars they're going to be taking the entire weight of all that material you can see so that looks pretty good if I copy this rotate it to the other side then we're sort of nearly there we just need to put the cable in now for the cable this is this is the most essential part of a suspension bridge oh really is that so because basically all the weight of the road beneath it hangs from these cables so if we go for something like that then what we want to do each of these nodes we just want to draw straight up using the grid and then just connect like that so basically you can see this road and Truss is going to hang from the wire above then this bit gets a bit tricky because we're sort of overlapping so I think what I'm gonna do here I'm just gonna I'm just gonna hang from the top pillar itself but with those in we can then join them all together and to try and use steel I imagine this is just gonna break completely but uh the actual Bridge it is cable it's just like painted red if we copy that to the other side join them together and you can sort of see how this is gonna work because if you imagine all that weight in the middle is going to pull down on this wire above but obviously at the moment it's only connected to this Tower so the towers are just gonna fall to the right I mean I can probably press play so if we watch in super slow motion you can see as the weight of the middle pulls down it pulls the two towers inwards and that is because we are missing a fundamental part of this bridge the other side so what I'm going to try and do is grab this cable copy it and shove it over this side yeah now you can see with the Curve how much higher it is so instead we'll draw this curve again now I've added an anchor Point down there just to hold the cable in place but we basically just want to do what we did before so we've drawn that we just do the straight up cables to go from the road straight up to where the wire meets and we connect them with steel which only just read reaches that's why I haven't used steel as the vertical cables because they've got a length limit in this game looks like they just about work here we'll probably have to replace them with cable to get the actual strength assuming this will even work without turning on braking on but yeah let's copy all of that to the other side boosh then let's see how much of a disaster this is gonna be oh yeah noise surprise they're completely completely fails so if we watch this in slow motion with the stress on you can sort of see it's just so much weight coming down these cables because think about this the entire Bridge all the road all the cables it's all coming down this Force here down this pier and you can literally see that at the bottom it just goes bright red and then these bottom pieces just absolutely obliterate I wonder actually if I were to try and make these Stronger by using like muscles I imagine it will end up that all the pieces I'm gonna need to replace the muscles that's the next one that's gone so again we'll muscle that all right so that oh that's working a lot better the bottom the bottom cross braces are then going so what if we could make this even more muscly by doing that so or you can see the stress it sort of went through but then it survived okay so where's the next broken also over there what's he doing over there I'll tell you what let's just replace all of that section with what we've done over this side but yeah we're sort of at the point where you can see that road there just absolutely pops and that might be because there's so much movement in this so I tell you what let's just delete this entire Tower and then replace it with the new Mega muscle version now it's worth noting the the road under here it's not actually connected to the pillars like the only way the road is connected to the pillars is through the cable on top but right with those in let's see is that any better oh it's definitely holding together a bit more but uh not a lot remains now see what brought you broke down there what are you doing breaking okay so I made a little tweak down there let's see oh this is getting close now this is actually getting close so what actually broke was just the road and a few little bits of Steel okay okay I'll tell you what I should probably disconnect that because essentially bridges in real life they have an expansion joint because Bridges they're designed to move like if you try and make something rigid and it wants to move it's gonna break if you allow it to move slightly it'll be a lot stronger I think what's happening this road is trying to stretch a little bit so if that wasn't connected if we just had our road going to like there and then I just move it fairly close I'll do that cable it up to the top mirror that to the other side and then I think the road is going to be less inclined to snap oh but uh the rest of the bridge uh you could argue more so inclined to snap if we go back to having these connected I mean there's so much movement of this bridge I'm not sure we're gonna be able to do this uh one other thing we are definitely missing on this bridge it's the cross braces that's probably making all the difference now the only way to get cross braces in this game is to use road but if we just rode across all of these then suddenly we have a much more realistic looking Bridge except the road is still getting annihilated oh and that extra weight has made everything break oh dear I shouldn't laugh I'm an engineer however if I were to use my engineering brain we can just come down to here pick that and then we should be able to add a load of vehicles as well as some boats and planes and then we have the Golden Gate Bridge recreated in poly Bridge three yes didn't quite work as intended but no we were close we got close I think so comparing it to the original there we go wait I'd say we did a pretty good job although one of the harder ones to get right in the game no doubt anyway for the next Bridge we start a brand new level again we need to make this quite a big span I think we'll just go 80 meters this time again we want a curved road but this one is a lot lot taller so it will oh what happened Tracer what what do you mean Trace aborted I said wait what's going on here yes it's working to the end right so that's all that done and then how this bridge compares the one before this is a cable stayed Bridge which a lot of people get confused with the suspension bridge but they're very very different and I'll show you why so let's just find where the middle is so I've just marked the middle there all right then for this one we're going to be using the foundation oh which don't go tall enough what if I bring the sea level up a little bit I raised foundations then no okay we're gonna have to lower the bridge a little bit right so if this one the the the ends of the bridge are sort of on foundations so we can literally just do that which should mean the majority of the bridge is very very strong and essentially your span just goes from there over to there so it's a lot shorter however for this next section we're gonna need two foundations as close as they can go together I guess sort of like that and then we're gonna have to build a pillar with this because we're going to be doing a cable stayed Bridge all right so we'll build the pillar and then I'll show you how a cable Steed Bridge Works compared to a suspension so essentially you have a pillar in the middle which I haven't built yet I'm gonna have to build that afterwards because of how this game works but essentially the road is supported by going up to the cable and you want to go sort of in a 45 degree angle so if we just go from each bit of Road up to where our pillar's gonna be then we end up with this then we can do like a straight across line just so we can Mark out where the cables go on the opposite side essentially we have that then just cross it up to I make it a lot stronger and then we take our cable from the pit down to the road which means you end up with this sort of thing and if you remember the suspension that had a cable that sort of went along like that and the road hung from that cable on this one we're connected directly to the pier and the easiest way to explain how this works is by trimming it down so imagine we've only got that bit when we press play you can see the cable is holding up the road on either side so if we add another bit of road we just stack the same thing on top so when we press play again the the road is just hanging from the cable ignore ignore that guy and so essentially as long as this is symmetrical as long as the weight on the right matches the weight on the left then that is how a cable stayed Bridge works the cable helps the bridge stay in place so now we just want to copy that mirror onto the other side and then we have our next bridge Tampa Bay's Sunshine Skyway Bridge the beautiful cable stayed Bridge allowing our police car to get to the other side and if we turn the strap rest on while we watch this let's slow the speed as well you can see where all the force is it's at the bottom because all the weight of the bridge of the car everything is coming down this pillar and obviously the lower down the pillar the more weight there is from the from the weight above uh you can sort of see as well can you see like that side goes red and then as the police car goes on to the other side the other pillar goes redder that just sort of shows how the weight is moving so the pillars moving left then it's leaning right that one's leaning left then it's leaning right very small amounts of movement but they do make a big difference when you're designing Bridges so that is two Bridges I've done I've got one more for you and this one could be one of my favorite Bridges I did actually build this in poly bridge too and if I remember correctly it did actually work so it'd be interesting to see whether it does work in poly bridge 3. but for this one it's all about adding to rain because I'm trying to make a huge Gorge so essentially we just duplicate terrain and then just keep going down like that then what once we get to just over halfway then we start making the the drop a little bit shallower so we want to go a bit wider than we are dropping down so we end up with someone like that the question is can I copy this to the other side and save a lot of time bum well okay I'll just move all these manually by hand right and then we end up with something like this and you can see school bus is gonna get to school oh my goodness I guess we're being spontaneous but unfortunately River at the bottom hence we need to build a massive Bridge across here so first off let's grab my favorite tool go across there I feel like on this one again I do probably want a very very small Arch so I reckon something like that will just into place and then we're going to be using steel for this because it's gonna have to be a very very strong bridge now the road isn't going to be strong enough as it is so like the Golden Gate I'm gonna have to trust underneath it so I think if I just copy that go straight down to there and then as before replace the road with steel you then want to add cross braces under here so basically we're just doing an under truss so that's all that done I will just cross brace so we've got we got the force being spread along more axes so we copy that to the other side now obviously if we press play that just collapses but this is why this is one of my favorite American Bridges we're gonna build a huge Arch underneath to support the road above so the best way of probably doing this is I think if we support every other beam so I'm just marking these with a bit of Steel so one two three I think this third one if we go straight down I think that's where our Arch is going to start from same on this side so let's just shove some anchors down so I want one for that bit probably there one down there and then this is gonna be where the arch starts so I'll probably need two down here so I guess we'll do something like that and then I'll do the same on this side then if I just delete all these markers we should be able to draw our Arch from that point over to that point and then if we just raise it up to like there or that is exciting me that is exciting me now before we build our Arch we're gonna have to connect the the bridge pieces to it so I'm going to start from this side I'm just going to do muscles from all of these down to the the anchors that I just did so you got those in place to go down to this one you can see it's going to be way too tall so we're gonna have to use what I like to call Mega muscles which is essentially doing that sort of thing just allowing our muscle to reach we should be able to go every other Road and then connect vertically down to the arch right nice then you can see our steel pieces they won't actually reach across there I mean it will reach on that one but it looks like we're gonna have to go like every other and then thrust this up in order for it to reach so I'll just go to the middle of each one do the same down this side we're marking with the cables then we're drawing the top of the arch in steel then we can finally remove that and then we should be able to get our arch in now so if they go from there how far roughly is it to that way 0.63 meters according to that so what I reckon I'm going to do I'm just going to come down 0.63 you're not 0.63 0.63 I'm trying to be perpendicular to the arch right then if I do another curve and then I should be able to go through my markers try and make it symmetrical so something like that looks good then I think what I want to do rather than going like straight down on everyone like that sort of thing I think I actually want to do like a trust to the middle so I want to do that sort of thing and then just connect all of those together I think this will be a lot stronger way of doing this so after trusting all of this up we end up with a massive Arch like that so all we need to do now is replace these marker cables with steel muscles and mega muscles depending on how long they are so down to that one oh I think we can get away with just a muscle so may as well just do a muscle because it will weigh less so I think we'll just go along doing this if we don't need a muscle we'll just do vertical pieces like that but then we end up with this and now I haven't actually tweaked these like all these muscles are pretty they're pretty messy and stuff but oh my god it works it works oh stress is going up stress when it's a 99 I'm pretty sure oh no something popped down the bottom but it worked okay that was honestly really really surprising let's uh let's try and neaten this up a bit all right so that's made the bridge lighter is it as strong oh no look that bit that bit popped down there I've seen the seams gonna happen on that side yeah okay yeah so if we watch this with the stress on you can sort of see like the stress is the very bottom of the arch and then as it goes over to the middle it swaps to the other side so yeah it's just those bottom two pieces so I reckon if we just replace those with muscles then the New River Gorge Bridge is completed and comparing it to the original I've I think I've done a pretty good job there considering it works legitimately as well no Unbreaking needed that man it's an 80 meter span remember this thing is huge so yeah one of my favorite bridges in the world although not as well known as some of the more famous ones absolutely love this one but yeah I hope you guys enjoyed that was quite a different sort of video than our usual let me know what you thought in the comments if you have suggestions for future Bridges I should try and recreate let me know in the comments but for now I'll say peace love and Bridges bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 649,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poly bridge 3, pb3, new poly bridge, bridge building game, rce, real civil engineer, real civil engineer poly bridge 3, professional plays poly bridge 3, engineer poly bridge 3, polybridge3, pro engineer plays poly bridge, real engineer plays, real engineer poly bridge 3, poly bridge 3 number 1, poly bridge 3 #1, poly bridge walkthrough, poly bridge guide, poly bridge 3 guide, poly bridge 3 walkthrough, bridge, poly bridge, pb3 foundation, new material, pb3 new material
Id: nQ2aiPv1-4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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