MONEY RACE Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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it's probably about four oh both five one of the boats that don't know i just got another one okay oh i just got another one finally oh my goodness no it's like a tsunami it's wild it's wonderful we're back again who's playing this time me or you they've all been requesting they've all been requesting for you to play uh do you think you would actually let me play yeah make sure you subscribe and hit the bell notification so you find out if she lets me play or not do it getting here later in the evenings like we have the past two nights because of the actual auctions basically there's only a couple sides set up still versus when we come first thing in the morning so this is what really we have to choose from this one has the most money for the least amount of buy-in i think this is like a race kind of we should do it as a race we should you should pick you should pick which one is gonna go over first and i'll pick which one let's go one two three four five and everybody below pick which one out of one two three four five you think is going to go over first which one are you saying george george just picked one she's picking one because she always goes to the left so then i'm picking two because she never goes middle no i'm picking five i'm picking five she's going to go right 25 start here we go i guess he didn't want to play here we go here we go she did not let me touch the bag he wanted to play the i don't want to play card and and let me play you must not feel like winning tonight hashtag falls must not feel like winning tonight she said no back for you she said like number one just went forward number one just went forward again i just lost a porter where'd you lose it in that playing field in that guy's place oh the second one just moved oh it's almost a tie may not be a tie for long if elvis is singing elvis come on elvis make number one go forward i have a feeling she will not be playing to the right for my number five can i change my guess well you went with number two i went with number two first and then i went and then you changed your mind you've already changed your mind once how many times you're gonna change your mind well are you gonna play to the right side eventually yeah you know the rules you know the saying all right i'm gonna stay with number five then oh look what happened to number two number two kind of just number two kinda it's like oh yeah and on a sand bar these are those little boats that we saw last time this is like a little boat a little regatta yeah they call it regatta don't they little money boats little regatta that's what it is it's a regatta race point the coin are moving would you call it a regatta race yeah [Music] the point what are we gonna do if the coins fall on the actual boats eventually they'll surface right i don't know eventually it'll move this way i'm not good at predicting the future it's all about gravity oh boat number three just moved a little bit if you oh boat number three and four if you got boat number three and fine you got both number three boat number three is heading into the lead that's a boatload of boats boat number one's ahead by a stir might be a bow i don't know could be a starboard ladies and gentlemen this is the race of a lifetime here would you say these boats look like the speed boats the camp trusted you with at the age of 16. my first job driving speed boats at 16. yeah no the speedboats were much nicer they were bothering yeah but were they made out of money i don't think you can get any better than that no not for uh it's not for me that was my last quarter definitely not made out of money all right vote number one is in the lead boat number two is behind boat number three is in the race boat number four and five heaven she's given no attention to it's looking pretty weak only 75 cents fell but you know what there was a quarter in the corner of my lucky bag oh you still have all this dollar actually we're going to have to decide you want to put this one in the compilation of losses because they will remember one or two quarters solo can do a lot of damage so let's see what happens at the beginning of the setup this is something i always lose i'm out all right there's not many other setups everything's been played so another buy-in the house one ladies and gentlemen as embarrassing as this sounds the house just won guess what i'm playing with lucky sock we that was a loss but there are no other fields open for us to play they've been played or somebody's on them so this is what we're doing george was playing to the to the i always play to the left i'm gonna play to the right and see if i can get boat number five to fall first this should be pretty epic here we go she was trying to win see if we can get if he can get both five to catch up with boat number one uh four or four five just completely and totally dominate all right i am dropping coins here left and right out of lucky sock there's already a hole in it that needs frankenstein already lucky bag 2.0 was starting out it's got a couple pinholes already i feel bad for it jeremy's taking his time because he doesn't want to clog up the machine like he has with excitement in the past because i want to win i'm going to take five just you still have a long ways to go before you catch up with my boat not after this push come on yeah no push for you come on [Music] come on give me a good question one quarter give me a good push nice okay that's good good good good i told you once number five was moving you guys see this boat number five oh one of the one of the walls is about to fall i feel it i feel it there it goes oh dominic you chose boat number two if you chose boat number two or you made it above the sandbar i'm not sure i honestly didn't get crushed i'm confused if i go middle what if i go middle yeah boat number two made it above it like pushed its way up to the surface if i can go middle and get some of those coins let me see what i can do all right i'm gonna see what i can do i just want to see it's experiment time don't won't get water i'm still in it i'm still in it i think i might have more than three four doing better than me [Music] i got lucky with the three-quarters and the one hit in the corner of my bag do you know what a water spout is of a whale no a water spout on like a body of water yes what is it go ahead and explain your your definition oh you got some quarters to drop it's uh it's basically a act of god that creates all kinds so it's a tornado on water did i ever tell you about the time when i was on lake erie and the water spout there were three water spouts and i was out in a sailboat with the family of a family well there was i didn't tell you this story didn't you have two families i didn't tell you this story you may have i was stuck in lake erie in a in a sailboat during a water spout like the water spout went right by me oh no a sailboat no i don't think i didn't tell you about that no every boat story you've ever shared with me has always been on that speedboat no this wasn't a sailboat yeah sailboat's new do share do share i'm not sure if you're ready for this i may not be ready but i think the viewers at home are ready all right i'm going back to the right and to the middle just to see what happens i'm getting quarters oh this the wall on the far right it's bending it's bowing it's gonna fall next oh something's about to happen look at that that was awesome [Music] did you see that that pusher's looking a little bare right now [Music] because all the corners just fell my number five is still in it all right yeah it hasn't moved much going middle number number one's getting wedged between both walls all right boat number one is almost out of the competition boat number five is definitely in it boat four is back behind i don't even know where the other ones are but if you got boat one four or five you're still in it oh yes you are she's back in it 14.50 are we just gonna switch and take turns because that's what's happening right now um i guess that's the way it's happening because sharing is caring right [Music] or when an egyptian comes at you with a big knife the sword you just give up the money but one just moved twice two times did you see it oh come on why aren't you playing to the right because i'm going after boat one i gotta rescue the boat it's gonna be squished soon i don't wanna rescue the boat that is how i got trapped in with an actual water spout on lake erie so the executive director took a whole bunch of senior citizens out towards pili island which is canadian border and um this on lake erie heli [Music] [Music] they come out of nowhere they literally come out of nowhere and it's like this huge dark cloud just came out i've never seen one in lake erie i've seen one i see one in worcester all the time i saw one in marblehead today uh so what happens is these storms come absolutely out of nowhere and he had them out on us on a sailboat so another fella nice number one is getting crushed in there so another employee and i took out a speedboat we gave you number one we gave the speedboat to the executive director on his fundraising trip we said you take the speed boat in you get everybody to safety we will sail the actual boat in so that was the goal was to sail the actual boat in but the storm came in too fast [Music] but you're still getting more push 15 25 and elvis is singing i gots to go okay we're gonna go we're gonna go we're definitely going to the right all right he's gonna go to the right vote number five still has a long way to go before catching up with my vote vote number one so we drove the speedboat out we got all the senior citizens and the executive director on the speedboat jared and i were out on the sailboat we attempted to sail the vote in fast enough to miss the storm but those storms move so fast there's no way to actually be the storm storm's going to win every time so at one point we got into the bay on kelly's island and there is a bay area you've seen that nice and we decided the only thing to do was to take oh nice place to bounce take the 40-foot metal mast down because we were watching lightning hit the lake everywhere and we thought the only thing it was smart to do was take the metal mask down and then get down in the sailboat throw the anchors and then ride ride the actual ride the storm out so as we're trying to take the mass down i'm going middle i want to push those coins as we're trying to take the mask down he's going for the lightning is literally striking the lake everywhere everywhere around us in one of these massive so scary and the little sailboat is being tossed to and fro this the setup actually reminds me all right i'm going left i'm going left just for support oh wow four quarters your boat is so buried i just need ammo it is but you had a really good fish so we've tossed the anchors down come on oh there's a good push we tossed the anchors down we have two anchors tossed them down and we're assuming you have your life vest on as well because safety first that would be a very uh wrong assumption so oh nice push nice push so we we go out in the storm and we try and get the mask down this is a 40-foot metal mask you got we're out in the middle lake erie so we are a lightning rod we literally are lightning this is one of my near-death stories that i tell you all the time i can't believe i haven't told you this one yet not the sailboat the sailboat mast will not come down it is stuck oh what a bounce it is literally stuck and cannot get the mask down and there's lightning i'm watching lightning strike the lake hundreds of feet all around me hopefully we can strike a win here [Music] 16.75 let's see what lucky bags just remember if your boat beats my boat i set you up big time there you set the stage for me so we dropped the anchors right we literally had two anchors but the anchors were dropped and sand we have a mask and we got lightning striking all over jared was my supervisor no joke no joke jared starts crying falling crying at the time well i was 17 he was 18. the hails puts two teenagers out in this so jared's crying i'm like dude he's an adult he's officially an adult like dude he was supervisor of the waterfront like dude this is amazing think of the stories we're gonna be able to tell someday and he's crying i'm like you go under the sailboat it's like we took the sails down i was like you're cold just put the sales wrap around you i go out to see what's going on there is a water spout which is a tornado it is a tornado when a tornado is over the water right in everything to the left it's either a hurricane which is huge or a water spout which is smaller i literally watched a water spout go right by us with lightning hitting everywhere oh my goodness i'd be crying sail boat because it wasn't anchored in the sand the sailboat because it wasn't anchored in the sand just kept turning and turning and turning it was literally like being flushed down a toilet so that was my that was my toilet experience and as soon as those storms come up on the lake they disappear on the lake so after being flushed down lake erie's toilet literally with with the actual storm and the whole deal we sailed the boat back in it's sunny like crazy there's sun out we sailed the boat back in mother nature was playing with your emotions the executive director the executive director this is the best part he goes the executive director literally tells us he goes good job guys um we had our eye on you the whole time don't worry you are safe you can have the rest of the night off here's 20 bucks go get pizza so i gave my life for twenty dollars that night slice of pizza 22.25 and a hundred dollar boat elvis is singing here we go would you say boats my goats does that apply i don't think i would say that but i am going to tell you i'm going for number five shout out to eva who made lucky bag and lucky socks 2.0 we love them so much vote number one vote number one number one it has no hope vote number one is like it's gonna be like a pancake by the time it by the time he gets to the hopper it's gonna be a pancake for all of you you who chose boat number five that you come with me i just wanna i wanna say thank you for choosing vote number five barely moved but going back to boat number one it's gonna look like a paddle boat by the time it makes it out of the hopper vote number five is women in this regatta but look at the wall to the left of boat number five it's gonna crush there's a there's a very high chance of it being crushed oh no i got a wall falling down on it as well nice push look at that setting you up i got a plan this is gonna work jeremy's the man with the plan [Music] are you gonna share your plan are you gonna keep it to yourself in case it doesn't work okay there you have it he's gonna keep it to himself why why would i share that in case it doesn't work that's why he's gonna keep it themselves borderlands oh i set you up huge nice i just set you up huge why thank you sir thank you so very kind of you oh this is my plan is working my plan is working the wall is coming down and the boat will be released to sail the seas all right i'm getting number five get it get it get it i won't share with you my plan i might share another story i'll just be the side cheerleader i took george to kelly's island and to the camp where i worked i've shown her all these stories yeah well i don't remember the sailboat story i might not have but you worked on the island for how many years all of my teenage years and then my early 20s so you were like what seven years uh combined total i don't know we've only known each other for almost two years and you have seven years worth of stories i don't think you've told them all to me really why do you keep telling me i repeat everything really why do you keep telling me i repeat everything are you a parrot parrot now really should i start calling you polly why do you keep telling me i repeat everything you like to repeat yourself because as as a teacher you always say repetition come on come on come on number five number five number five barely move okay but number one isn't in there either let's pull lucky bank 2.0 holding 25.25 i appreciate the setup now i'm gonna set you up uh there ain't no way you're getting vote number one out of that yeah as as sad as it sounds vote number one vote number one is definitely true yeah it sure is boat number five on the other hand still has a little bit of a sailing area through the canal there but if your boat falls if your boat falls i'll give you full credit and props i still think boat number five will get crushed did i ever tell you when i would go outside of the bay in the storms and i would take the speed boat and i would go out to the six seven eight foot waves and i would do superman jumps over the waves and i would have to hold on i would jump so high in the air with the speed boat i would have to hold on to the steering wheel and i would be up in the air like motorcyclists or mountain bikers and they do the superman i would be doing that with the boat that wasn't damaging to the boat it's very damaging to the boat i got big trouble and it's also the funnest thing in the world oh my goodness it's so much fun yeah oh no you can't see so you treated the speedboat like a jet ski i once you you always have you always have a reserved gas tank in case you run out of gas i you know what i should not finish this end of the story let's just say this because do you think it'll upset a lot of boaters um i'm just gonna say that i wasn't the only thing superman but i could fly something else on the ground wow that was incredible that was right when elvis started singing do i get a thank you or should i just say you're welcome excuse me did you say something i'm setting it up for you setting one up i don't see five five moving on you're gonna be playing next i got you a bunch of george ammo i don't see boat five going anywhere no it's not and i've even i'm more than going to the right i'm switching up i'm going left right left left left right b a b a start bow boat one and two one and five [Music] is superman out there oh my gosh i had so much fun superman you know how to do the superman it's a dance move no have you seen the color of my skin yeah you are pretty white you've got some total dad moves on i do have some dad moves and superman ain't one of them rhythm and rhymes you weren't born with it yeah i ain't got it oh come on boat number five is like the only boat i don't even know where the other boats if those even count they have to two and three are right there where right there you're you're claiming those as two and three wow she says two and three are there so if two and three go you guys are still in it if two was your pick or three what's your pick number one is where that gas tank was after i was jumping waves all right that was my last quarter down under i got some really good pushes 43.25 time to get a boat okay george's boat i still haven't gotten a thank you for what for all the coins thank you i'm gonna play to the left this is your thing okay i'm gonna play to the left i'm gonna play all the way to the left and we'll see what happens are you playing the left so that the wall to assure that the wall will crush my boat more or less more left that's what i thought that's part of your your evil plan what's so eagle about it because you don't want me to win what's wrong with that [Music] i play to the right and to the left never once have you ever said i really want you to win therefore i'm going to put mousetraps on your hands i've also never said i'm trying tired of winning here you can win now jeremy [Music] who's more competitive near you oh nice bush uh me i always say participate don't dominate you go dominate don't participate i will crush you that's what's going through my head but now that wall is about to crush my boat that's the goal that's what i get [Music] we're trying to be terminate try to be terminator [Music] come on look this thing is on the edge oh nice nice nice got a bunch of george's to fall down the boats in the center are moving [Music] yeah boat number one is dunzo it's totally done though [Music] oh oh come on come on we won't be able to see boat number one fall [Music] i think you might be able to oh your wall just fell on board all right i knew that was going to happen official folks how could you vote number one has been crushed and boat number five has been crushed so you definitely won't be able to see the boat fall it'll be pushed with the tower uh point [Music] nice getting some really good pushes oh you're in this now you can thank me later for this setup thank you thank you sir i'll thank you now i'm always your side cheerleader you gotta give me that you know my my infamous cheer you know the cheer the death battle process no the one where i go give me a p give me a u give me an s give me an h what's that spell [Music] rapid fire no i have no idea what you are you speaking egyptian again and i'm the one with the bad memory man so one is definitely in there five is in there what do we have left two and three yeah let's pull 48.50 not bad did i say thank you no i did no well if you didn't hear it earlier i just did again what do you need some q-tips to clean out that earwax since you're having a hard time hearing me or is that are you blaming it on age did you say something yeah he's old i was right when i said basic vanilla grandpa did you say lasik lasik vanilla grandma i want boat number one nepal it still counts once it falls down the hopper right yeah if it falls in the hopper it counts for sure it's on the edge i'll be smashed in the wall on the edge yeah it'll definitely fall down with the the wall of quarters i'll be shocked if we could see it or if the quarters fall first and then the boat surface resurfaced let's go down the middle this is a tough one now let's see what nobody did a challenge yeah nobody played it obviously you went in and lost it yeah i did lose we made snow blues at big [Music] 11 money boats and i'm assuming they're all single 100 bills if we can get all 11 we're doing well if not chalk it up to another loss [Music] if you can get the left or the right walls to push so we have enough ammo [Music] we can certainly get and rescue all 11 votes announce the search and rescue mission of course did i ever tell you about the time did i tell you the time me and paul almost died out on lake erie trying to save somebody i told you this when we went up to the island i don't think so all right another huge storm came in another are you sure you're not a cat you have like nine lives or something this is a whole nother day and we saw something out in the bay in lake erie this huge storm i mean you're getting new days when you're getting seven eight foot waves in the bay in lake erie it's a huge storm so we saw something bobbing out in the bay and we had to pull all the boats in the whole deal and i swear paul there is somebody out there we have to go out there and paul goes no we are not going out there we're not going to die and i went if it was you out there is that what you would be saying you don't want me to come rescue you and he's like fine and so we back we back goldie goldie was the jeep and we put one we put my speedboat in and then which was the sunsport and and we were in such a hurry to go save this person we forgot to put the plug in the boat any of you boaters if you don't know it there's a rubber plug in the back of the boat that allows all the water to drain out afterwards you also have a bilge pump that pumps water out but if your boat is filling with water because you have no plug your boat will be on the bottom of the lake and also we started out jumping waves but then the boat got heavy and heavy and heavy and we couldn't figure out why it got heavy because we forgot to put the plug in so we drove all the way out we drove all the way out where we found somebody bobbing guess who it was guess who it was your supervisor i'm just gonna call him mr electric because it was an electric wire spool bobbing in the waves and paul's like you idiot you made me almost sacrifice my life for this we are gonna die so we got out there it was an electrical wire spool that i thought was somebody dying and then we were actually the ones that were gonna die because the boat was taking on water so to get the water out of a speedboat if you don't have a plug-in number one you have to run the build pump and that pumps it out the sides number two if you go fast enough then the force will just spit it out the back but when you have seven and eight foot waves to go fast enough remember my superman jumps yes you have to superman jump everything and paul was a very that we used to call him cautious paul and i'm anything but cautious so paul was very very very cautious i had to jump the waves to get the water out of the hall of the boat to get it back to safety for us to save something that didn't even need saving and then we were the ones that almost it's just crazy it was a rescue issue gone awry lesson learned you'll use binoculars next time hails no 7925 rescue mission continues on i got a new plan i'm just gonna rapid fire in the middle and see what happens i can see vote number one where it literally is on the edge all right i'm wrapping fire boat number five is definitely sandwiched between the two walls i don't think it's moved at all really not even a little bit you know maybe just a smidge but boat number one definitely made its way to the edge all right i jammed up i'm gonna go rapid fire again you definitely won't see boat number one fall the quarters will fall with it and then it'll cover it getting good pushes getting really good pushes [Music] that's my favorite push right there when the quarters all fall and they align and then you get borders to fall from everywhere just like that [Music] i just gotta get the boats to fall this one is so tough yeah this one has on touched we've gotten one boat to fall so far the next boat to fall will definitely be boat number one oh come on my rapid fire is way off i think we need people shaking with us at home yeah we haven't requested it in a while that's why and shaking his hips everyone at home should shake shake shake [Music] come on i think i can get the middle boats yeah you can definitely get them [Music] for longer than anticipated the last time we were here we were at that one for almost two and a half hours it didn't even but the crazy part is that it didn't even feel like yeah that's because you're at home and i'm out getting up early driving everywhere all over ohio coming back you choose to do that you could work it from home like me and help me list on ebay here comes a nice push going for the middle boats that's what i'm doing i'm going for the money in the middle [Music] oh you just had a quarter bounce and it hit one of the boats and it flipped over that's right that's how i roll was space down and now it's up in the air that is hot it's like standing straight up [Music] those are the pushes i like there goes [Music] come on [Music] you got a little bit of a fogging going on to the right yeah i i'm i'm rotor root area right now i'm working on the roto-rooter here you know my uh my brother george used to work for rotor oh you knocked those money boxes you had your quarterbacks and then knocked the money boxes off into the into that playing field wow too bad they didn't come this way that would have been nice huh like if it happens it happens i always kind of thought it was just for decoration i mean i'm sure maybe it's intentional i don't know but i like it oh wow that boat in the center yeah it's definitely gonna fall [Music] i for sure thought boat number one would fall first but the guy in the middle middle he's definitely gonna fall get it get it get it holy cow it's raining george's come on [Music] oh elvis is singing kinda gotta get it now come on let's see what we can do [Music] come on just get that boat get that boat you just need one more good push and it'll fall i'm working on it right now i'm working on it come on get in the hop i got it so close that's it i'm out of quarters all right let's hold it 89.50 that's a little too much george for anyone a lot of george ammo i'm gonna go for that boat in the center you're gonna boast the goats [Music] ain't getting any pushes yet oh it just moved a little bit about to happen [Music] finally finally we're going to get another boat finally we're going to get another boat oh my goodness oh finally oh my goodness finally a few inches later that's what i'm telling you it's going to be my vote first if i got him singing on my side vote number one is right there quote number five is right here which will fall [Music] and a chair how about some caffeine thank you elvis oh my goodness do you think boat number one will fall next uh not if i have my way with it i'm going all oh i think boat number one will fall next uh once you go right you finally go right who thinks the left are moving [Music] so i just fight through the paint [Music] that was crazy so other boats might have fell but we're gonna go vote five one over one join the party and it didn't fall with the rest of the corners like i can't believe it i made my predictions oh there goes nice okay runner up is boat one runner up finally it could be some of the other boats but i don't know you really didn't keep track of them oh my god the two that are down there might be the ones that were on top [Music] i just figured they were all the ones that were on top oh it fell into a hopper what oh your boat fell into the hopper somebody said that into the hopper two boats are about to fall at the same one time got one this regatta is on it is on okay i still got plenty of ammo left too okay if i can wrap [Music] there we go here we go here we go here we go are you just singing a few inches later [Music] soon soon we'll be able to go home or do you want to stay and play we're just going to stay the night oh you just dropped it finally dropped it finally dropped it i say we need to go get dinner it's almost 1 11. that's a late dinner do you mean like a midnight snack no i mean dinner i haven't eaten anything you call me hangry and then you yeah you're definitely getting angry i could drop the mic and get some food in your belly i thought we'd drop quarters on legs we're dropping both well we did drop mike too didn't we we're dropping george's definitely we definitely did definitely did come on i need an awesome push give me a pretty push i need that last boat oh this might do it this might do it this might be it [Music] come on elvis save us elvis help a girl out elvis this man's getting angry we can't have that oh it moved it moved it didn't move it finally moved it did move though [Music] oh man i moved again man this has got to be the toughest one ever yeah it's definitely not easy [Music] come on [Music] my goodness it's like i feel like i need to teach teach somebody how to drive that boat [Music] with no training that the person on that boat had zero training come on [Music] this brings back the bokeh days oh man so close here comes something [Music] it's gonna fall it's gonna fall any minute it's moving it's just not falling [Music] definitely right on the edge right on the edge this is just insanity i need to sit down for a few hours after a few hours of standing here man but i think i told you every single boat and story i ever have except that one time that boat that boat is definitely egyptian it's stubborn then it must be it must be a basic vanilla grandpa too because it's pretty stubborn do we really want that boat that bad yeah it's right there it's right there we can't walk away now right there and going nowhere literally nowhere if i end up playing all the quarters in my bag and it doesn't fall then let's just walk away [Music] that thing is not budging look at the pushes and that thing won't move we've gotten some sweet pushes and it barely moved oh it didn't move it moved it moved it jiggled and elvis is singing something might actually happen something might happen i was happy come on get it get it get it get it get it get it no i thought we could count on elvis come on elvis i need it it jiggled it's right on the edge it's right on the edge and it did jiggle a little bit apparently not enough wiggle it just a little bit come on drop already drop it moved a little [Music] this is so crazy it moved a little again it's moving but it's not moving quick enough yes oh it's so close oh my goodness finally victory [Music] every shipwrecked boat 11 banana balls three hours later eleven hundred how'd you do on quarters i got 178 25 and quarters not bad now it's time to get some num nums and a nap [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 243,230
Rating: 4.9093714 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: mGC2JHi1phk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 55sec (3055 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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