Winning Handgun Skills // May 2020 S12 Event

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how many here feel like they might not be strong enough to shoot the gun fast I'm going to show you that you can see make sure how would you guys who's carrying appendix raise your hand [Music] for into you guys have clean targets that means any sins you know that are you from the hip [ __ ] then I hit did it work don't worry about it we got you relax it's okay it's okay it's okay get to drawings we're gonna get two systems for how we load and unload these guns how we present it how we do all that safely and then we'll start compounding that [ __ ] present your gun Shane go ahead and load and come back to the holster cool roll back so we talked yesterday about what your goals are I have goals for you that we will send you away with the ability to teach yourself this stuff so that you're not wasting time on the range listen up guys so because we're training to use these guns and violence if we're talking safety we can be safe we can just put these guns away unload them take them to a chop saw sell them throw them in the creek and they're safe right we can't you can't make thing that's made to put holes in flesh safe you are safe or unsafe agree or disagree so it is our task to not only know what's here but what's there we've got a mile all the way back to the road of nothing so we know we're safe these nine millimeters if you shoot over the trees are not gonna hurt anything but is that a good practice no so we're gonna be completely cognizant this whole weekend of what's around these targets as we start doing some of the medical stuff it's going to become even more apparent because there's gonna be a cacophony of noise and going on around you if a piece of brass goes behind your glasses down your shirt into your partner's shirt it will hurt a little bit it will leave a little burn is it better for you to get a little burn on your face or to point your muzzle at everybody okay when I tell you look left and right it is not just me telling you that because I've memorized saying that if one of you dudes has left your ears like this and you look you can say hey Mick your ear oh [ __ ] I forgot where your glasses are up on top of your head we're here to look out for each other I don't know how many times I've seen dudes shooting and all of a sudden they realize that their ears are on their head and they're doing this with a loaded gun we're not doing that yeah if you drop something there's no range fairies coming to steal it leave it there and we'll tell you look left and right when all the guns are holster go ahead and scoop your gear we're gonna have you guys shoot a group you've got this whole target zone we're gonna shoot evens first then odds one group the context of a group is what you want to tight as group as possible and what has to happen to do that consistency good sight picture good trigger prep all that good stuff we're not going to talk about that right out of the gate we want to make sure that you're doing it what you're doing and we'll see it tightest group win something off that prize table so the tightest group you've got this whole white zone will go at five yards that's that second line that's pretty darn close at five yards the first group of shooters shoot the top quadrant of this paper if you do a pretty decent job you'll leave the bottom half of the paper for the odds I'll give you one pro tip the first bullet hole becomes the target right yes yeah so no matter if you if you throw one all the way over here the first bullet hole is the target yes what's the target all we're looking for is the good 10-round group eyes and ears range is hot [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when you're done roll off when you're done roll off Soho you're done when you're done roll off the line if you're done oh they need to reload yeah all the guns holstered looks like Mississippi took it yeah we got like an inch and a half group down here so here's the here's the good news everybody did that safe here's the bad news these guns are capable of putting every bullet in the same hole at this distance with the worst ammunition on the market every bullet in the same hole they're capable of we're not gonna pick on anybody but if this is happening where was the muzzle when that round went off right there right where was the muzzle when that round went off how about that one so there's no mystery there right we're gonna really quick all get on the line when I tell you to and we're gonna unload and we're gonna do some dry fire for a minute the best shooters in the world dry fire dry firing is not just pressing a dead trigger dry firing is pressing a dead trigger but if you're doing it right you are training in the correct movement everything we do with these guns we're learning something right or wrong learning training and graining so every time I touch this gun I I want to do it the way I would want to do it does that make sense if I wouldn't do it here why would I expect to do it there as we talked about yesterday yes if I wouldn't train it here why would I train it at all because the purpose is that I want to be good with this thing to save life yes so every time I touch this gun I've got a firm master grip so we'll just going to start working through this what's a master grip high and tight to the gun there's no extra space the way these guns work is we are dominating it through leverage through friction between our skin and the gun in order for there to be friction you got to touch it so the more skin you can apply to the gun the better friction coefficient you could get agree or disagree yeah Paul's going to do an awesome block on recoil mitigation but if we're not making if we don't out of the gate have this high grip we're just shortchanging ourselves so this is this guns going to go off that 9-millimeter or whatever is in your gun is going to send that recoil impulse back towards you your job is not to stop it from happening it needs to happen otherwise the guns not going to cycle yes so high and tight as we're coming out of the holster I'll work today in this and tomorrow from the appendix I want a holster that allows me these touch points so this is dry fire 101 touch points look at the knuckle of my right finger versus the knuckle of my left yes you see that even from down there that's probably 10% fatter that's just tissue right from slamming into the same spot over and over so that's a touch point if I don't touch that I train myself that I don't have a good grip this web of my hand I've got a little chunky bit of callus there from it touching this part of this pistol so before we even draw the gun out of the holster ensure that you've got a master drip now are you gonna fix that in five seconds this morning no but throughout the weekend we can work on it how we know that was that it's working as the target starts to change that's why we want to paste these targets often and we will if you've just got holes everywhere you don't know where the bullet holes are going then you're not able to take back data yes so master grip the gun comes out of the holster this hand from years of doing it came to the centerline of my body now as we say always do it a certain way that might not always be a certain way I might be holding one of one of you tomorrow drawing a cert gun right or drawing the the sim gun so I can't always bring this hand here especially if it's tied up with you so I need to be able to draw this gun with one hand yes I might if I'm if I'm it concealed like some of you guys are I might have to be able to get on the gun with just one hand yes if I always do it this way I'm when this hand is now around one of your necks yes or fishhooking you yes so we got to think about that can I do that this this way could you could you get the gun out when you're on your back and we're gonna do that so I got that master grip the gun comes out of the holster is presented today towards the target because that's where we know we're gonna be engaging this hand because it was at the centerline of my body can join with the gun yes so let's come up a little bit come up in V up so you can see me step this way in that way I'll use the cert for a minute and then we'll shoot so what we're gonna do I'm gonna have you clear your guy's guns out in a minute I'll do it I'll do it with the cert here for a minute but we're gonna have you access the pistol present it towards the target you're gonna join your fingers a very simple way Carl come here cuz you need this on your left hand so your left hand was kind of bouncy on the gun so this chunk of index finger somewhere in here everybody's hands different every guns a different size every hands a different size so we can't always say this knuckle that's why things where people explain where to put your index finger our [ __ ] your hands are not the same as my hands right so it's we're trying to formulate what works best for us with the gun that we choose which is why it's important that we choose a gun that works for us too we might buy a gun that looks a certain way or we like how it shoots but you give it to your wife or somebody else and they don't have the same result so as this hand joins the gun think of a karate chop whoa Wow see that just a little karate chop there's no you're not there's not a strike to the gun but I got that touch point and as that happens what one thing I did is I've taken any space out what's better that or that that or that yeah so if I'm touching it I'm touching it I can't go any deeper like Super Troopers right I can't pull already farther sir so if I'm touching I'm touching and then there's a little trick to this that looks pretty good right look pretty good but check this out yeah yeah all that's happening is this just that so what happens to that tendon when this happens yeah tighten it's got it's at a set point now I can't go any further and when I grip this is all locked out Paul's going to go into that tomorrow but I want you to get good reps with this here yeah it's this isn't this isn't anything complicated if you think this straight line a great across like I'm pointing at Z with my thumb versus this not the Fonz pointer guy not the Fonz pointer guy touch rotate and grab on to the gun yes this hand is gripping the gun it is an active participant in this process Robbie Latham one of the greatest pistol shooters of all time he goes by the name sorry I just spit the great one and people asked Rob how much do you hold the gun he says about as hard as I can with this one of the bout as hard as I can with this one well I was always told hold it like a bird that you don't want to get away but like an old that's an old NRA thing hold it like a bird about tada you've heard that tied enough that that it won't get away but you know not not hard enough to kill it or somebody else says a firm man's handshake we've all got different hand sizes and structures I can hold a gun pretty good there's a cool picture of him on the internet was a Glock 17 yeah him with a Glock 17 with the mag out squeezing it so hard that the magwell was a parallelogram yeah he just squeezed it without a magazine in it he was in those days doing a lot of powerlifting [ __ ] but his magazine well was like remember that old cartoon Lenny in the rabbit so we're gonna work on that that how those hands join really nice thing about this process is when I holster this gun check this out so I'm done shooting I can come back in this hand just stays right here another touch point I use this chunk of meat just it's there I know it's touching if it's here it's not in front of a muzzle so there's a safety aspect to this right so as that gun comes back in this guy just says alright I'll see you later it was a good time okay cool and it goes in there and then when I come to draw out again hey I'm going to get the gun okay I'll meet you in the middle yeah that's it this these movements if done right look really effortless they look there's not a lot going on yeah so I'm gonna clear this gun out master grip I draw just like I always draw remove the source of ammunition store it on my body cycle cycle lock the slide to the rear visually and if needed physically inspect the chamber do I need to shove my finger in there when I watch the round fall out no we want redundancy but I don't need to be stupid if I saw the round fly out and I see the empty chamber I don't need to shove my finger in there just to do it that's stupid so we're not gonna do that I saw the round fall out so the guns empty slide forward for me decock thumb check and then was safely holster the gun so now I'm in dry firing mode so for me guns empty I can press the gun out pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure guns gonna go off when you're unloading why didn't you hold it down like it's a quiet little secret that you don't want anybody to see so I thought you wanted to do that it's a secret gun right it is a secret oh you got to keep away the point Z's making and this is something that if you watch enough people do things I love watching body language you learn a lot a couple of you guys came in last night all sheepish because it's a bunch of dudes just like high school man I hope they're not gonna judge the shirt I have on there's not enough American flags on it I got no camo on I've got no overt veins on my forearms like some of these guys they might think I'm less than you know what I mean you see it I saw it on a couple of your faces I see it on your right now they saw it so when we see you with the gun and we're telling you to do stuff what Z's saying is you're like this and it's not because that's where you want the gun it's literally your body language is telling us I don't know exactly what I'm doing and I don't want to look less than so our mindset is that we're training with these things to win a fight so we hold the gun up here well couple think about this right now if I came around today is Jeff Hall's birthday where's Halsey we're gonna sing to you later so it's Hall Z's birthday it literally is his birthday come here you son of a [ __ ] what love you if I write now had cake and I said to hold his birthday let's all have cake vegan cake dairy-free no good stuff at all but it was still thick cake and we walked around and we handed you cake how would you eat that cake right now pretend close your eyes for a minute imagine that we just walked around and handed you cake how I hand it to you we're close your eyes eat the cake right you know nor would you be like this this is good cake nor would you be like this right you're just gonna probably sit right here if we're gonna have lunch out here tomorrow on the range none of you are gonna sit down here with your sandwich right you're gonna just sit like this oh man this is really a great time these jokes are amazing right and you're gonna have a good time eating right here it's comfortable the t-rex arms see how this ties together what the guys were teaching you earlier you're just right here so with these guns cert gun with these guns this is just comfortable when it's comfortable you're efficient and when you're efficient you're fast we're gonna start working through this the best way to get better at this is repetition so we're just gonna be relaxed the other thing is imagine right now everybody wherever you're standing look at that large tree right there the tallest tree that's straight behind the range on the count of three the first person to touch that tree gets a million dollars think about this on your mark you'll get a million dollars cash on your marks get set think about it come on do what I'm telling you you're not gonna really run anywhere how a couple of you got it right you've squared off to it you you've moved right towards it because I got to go there I got to go there your center of gravity dropped you probably felt your weight come up onto your toes a little bit feel your body weight come onto your toes this is for real if we're doing this we're doing it so as I'm presenting this gun I'll feel my weight come forward my knees slightly flexed I can move from here I can do whatever I need to do I'm not gonna stand here and do this did you hear that did you all hear that we are preparing to fight make no mistake so wrap your brain around that all right I don't need to pretend either this is good I can do [ __ ] from here I can kick you I can headbutt you I can do whatever I need to do every time we touch the gun we're learning something I'm gonna load this gun so this gun is empty I'm gonna present it to the target I'm not gonna shoot but we will put our eyes and ears on right now present the pistol to the target my slide is already locked back if it wasn't I would lock it back this is a good time as Z's buddy Karl likes to say to do like a quick systems check I'm doing an administrative load sites loose nothing's falling off the gun there's not a popcorn kernel that fell in there last night yes understood so this is not we're not going to do this every time our gun goes empty this is right now I've got all the time in the world I'm setting this thing up because I want to find it in the best condition possible which is loaded but I find it I mean that I'm training every time this gun goes in the holster that it's the way I would have to fight with it yes do any of you leave with three rounds when you go out of the house it's gonna put three in today and see how she goes force a reload no you would top the gun off if you're smart you take the mag out and shove one more in after the guns loaded correct so that's what we're gonna do so I've got this master grip in this cake eating space look I'm holding that magazine something else if I am training with this gear that I carry this magazine is in my pocket seat locked tug tug cycle for me I'm gonna press check I only saw one or two of you press check well press checking stupid is it this weekend we will have at least 5 10 maybe 20 of you load your gun and then it go click well thought it was loaded yes so this is kicking the tires I'm making sure everything's good because this is the condition I want to find it in so I know it's loaded if you've got a Stryker gun after you pull that action back and all you're doing guys is just opening it enough to see you're gonna make a little fist you'll know your gun you know good a good carpenter knows his hammer if you shoot enough you'll know if it's in battery or not if you don't make a fist tap tap that's it nothing hard tap tap thumb check in holster when we're press checking these guns I can grab this slide I can pull back just enough to see brass if you're shooting these 92s that are now sexy you've got these little levers here you can hook onto if you bring that gun in towards your body and grab overhand and it's up against your titty and I pull back I don't have space for that to happen do you understand did you all see that so if I come right up against my body here I'm just pulling back that far this is a fine movement I'm not I'm not doing anything crazy I'm just looking for brass every time I load the gun administratively this is not a bad process you shoot enough you'll know what's going on this is a fail-safe it's a fail-safe if Z are Paul's on top of you caving your head in that's not a good time to find out that your loading process was not robust that your last thought could be I wish I would've spent some more time practicing to put that gun in the holster loaded because I just blacked out and now I'm dead yeah that's not a joke that's not a joke so this weekend if your gun comes out of the holster and it goes click think about it that's exactly what would happen the day I needed it treat every gun as if just loaded guns always loaded but that's good for safety and that's where you should do it but does that mean it's actually yeah do you need to know that yes the unwritten rule of firearm safety is always know the condition of your gun always know it however you do that in the safety and environment that you're in that's on you but always know not trust what are you doing if Nick handed me a unloaded gun and he checked it what would I do oh no because I don't yeah if I trust that's one thing I need to know I don't know just because he knows it doesn't transfer over to my brain I look at see and then people say that loaded chamber indicator well the machine always can you rely on every machine to work every maybe that's right we're fallible so no I don't know that's my my philosophy on the on the apprentice check right if I didn't see it up I do know and I see 4s that's fine but if I don't see it then I want to know especially if I'm captain on this for the context that we're training for the argument often is well that's how if that's what I'm training that's what I'll always do does anybody ever heard that argument you know in a fight I'll end up doing that well in a fight that statistically any of us any of us would ever be in with a gun you're not reloading it statistically that's a fact and we can run those numbers later if you want to but how many of you get in your car and can drive 80 miles an hour on the freeway how many have how many of you have taken that same car through a school zone or a drive-through yeah you you control it you control it and that's what we're doing you in self-talk is really good here I am ensuring a very well or a very good loading process seat locked ugh cycle that's why we are saying that so I'm gonna unload this gun again and then we're gonna do it together remove the source of ammunition store it on my body I've also don't have magazines in weird places for me I train with my spare mag in this front left pocket that's how I train I'm not telling you to do anything so when I'm out here I wear these pants and this is just a dump pouch for me I'm not gonna walk around with three or four magazines so what I do assists them if I take this magazine out and I haven't put my neo mag back in this morning I put a new one back in there cuz that's how I carry my [ __ ] period why would I do something different make sense so remove a source of ammunition stored on my body cycle cycle cycle cycle if you need to i watch that fly out it's an empty yeah slide forward hammer down thumb check holster so we're all gonna do that we're gonna find all kinds of rounds on the ground weekend cost of doing business it's okay we're not gonna spend a bunch of time chasing there's gonna be twenty dollars of bullets in the grass oh it's okay guys who's carrying appendix raise your hand or whoever carries appendix of one problem with appendix carry as we are violating a safety rule right you are pointing a gun at all parts of your body all day long especially if you sit guns are often negligently slash accidentally discharged into people when they're holstering or drawing period statistically speaking that's about the most dangerous time for most of us to be handling a gun is in and out of the holster when we're holstering a gun there's maybe a 1% not even a fraction of 1% that you may ever need to quickly holster a gun can you guys think of a good scenario where you have to rapidly shove this so back in the holster you needed it you needed it what do you need a gun for yeah something very bad not to kill but to stop so I'll stop using that angry language now we're using a gun to stop some kind of unrighteous violence against us with righteous violence meaning right not religious but right so if you needed to shoot somebody or something like a rabid dog or something put it at it up that's weird right that's weird I want to be really mindful about it [ __ ] this terrible thing just happened is there any other terrible things that are happening right am i okay are you okay okay do I need to do anything to this okay it stopped back up because I just put 9 rounds into that guy because that's what those guys trained me to do now I'll holster I'm gonna breathe because I'm gonna be super adrenaline I did the worst thing I've ever had to do if i'm a boy i'm gonna put my to the breeze i'm gonna pull my shirt up and i'm gona safely ian's just locked onto my just sick avert your eyes tip to the breeze say twe holster if I'm here same thing I can look okay I mean think about this think this is silly but think about it you guys all got eyes and ears on I mean look how easy it is for me to shoot my own foot the ground some else I mean I'm gonna be really careful slow down breathe it's a good spot to breathe you just did something very bad breath is what controls your heart rate breathe tell yourself breathe we're gonna get keyed up today we're all clear now right listen to me all we're work we're gonna just work some draw strokes I'm gonna give you a whistle all that you're doing is presenting your pistol out in front of you gaining a sight picture that might be a dot it might be your sights and pressing straight to the rear your then if you've got to here's a problem with dry fire if I draw my gun a thousand times and I rack the slide after every dry press and go back to the holster what did I just train think about it you just trained to draw your gun shoot in cycle the action that's why that kind of dry fire is dumb really good shooters like world champions they press a dead trigger don't draw psycho press draw cycle press that's stupid on the whistle you are gonna draw present the pistol out in front of you get a perfect sight picture pressure pressure pressure on the trigger till it breaks and then safely recover to the holster ever you've reset the slides everybody any questions on that all right we are cold we are cold nobody's guns are loaded nobody's guns are loaded remember no you're standing like this right now this is what you were standing like get aggressive all right you're back in the holsters it's okay no no relax feel I know two or three professional shooters that run this grip like this where the thumb that's dominant is below this hand I know two or three guys I know a thousand that run the gun like this so the easiest way to build this grip these thumbs do nothing in shooting we could cut your thumbs off they're not pushing on the gun they're not doing anything they're just they're in reality you're just trying to keep them out of the equation who remembers the Fonz you know AE so as you're building that grip building it meaning in greening what it's supposed to be thumbs up and out of the way it's only up and out of the way because I'm making this area available for me to touch it in order to in order to create friction I have to touch it if I'm here I have no friction see all this meat is not on the gun if that thumb comes out of the way now all of this meat can go against that grip panel I have circumferential pressure around the gun I am a vice of meat in bone in sin you understand look look questions finds karate chop and just roll your hand this is [ __ ] you dry fire you sit there and do this with an empty gun in your basement without alcohol don't even press the gun out if this isn't right fix it right here okay what did he tell me thumb up karate chop and I can do all this without a bunch of tension in my hands so that I'd get that set correctly feel that so get it right right here a couple of you are also having that non-dominant hand hanging out here because you're accessing the gun bring it right up right now take your if you're right-handed take your left arm and just put it like this on your side just do it and you might come up with your own way some guys teach this this is great because you may be doing this to access your pistol yes but right now I know one thing I'm not going to shoot this I know something else it's right where I need to be to press the gun out so has this gun has the right hand or left hand for Dan goes to the gun the left hand comes right here yes right here that's it right here so one one I've got one hand on the gun don't draw your guns yeah you understand questions comments and we'll keep working through that guys gonna hand this off to Paul for a minute because I feel like what I'm looking at here there's enough of you that we want to get this draw stroke squared away so we're not getting bad reps here's what I'm going to do we're going to start working on building a recoil management and mitigation we'll do it now since we have everybody empty okay it's going to be partner drills so we're gonna work together so we'll work one person will be actually doing the performing the function or the action the other person will be coaching you through it with this kind of stuff the the the better we are at coaching others we become better coaching ourselves make sense first thing we want to work on is let's get let's take a look at our position because the body is gonna be what we want to do we want to put as much body behind the gun as possible none of these pistols are able to push this around it's just a pop gun later on we can show you that and put our hand with um behind the slide press the trigger nothing happens I mean gun goes off but my thumb doesn't go flying off okay so it's just a pop gun so that's the first thing is mentally we have to get over the fear of what's going to happen when this thing goes off a couple feet away from our face makes sense recoil begins here like everything else so a managing that recoil and running the gun fast starts up here think about the NFL you have two large mammals crashing into each other at high speeds how do they stand when they're getting ready to get it on right they go they got a good three-point stance they're they're ready to launch right they don't do this like you don't see anybody doing that you don't see anybody taking like a fencing position anything like that they're brace for impact and to give impact so they're set up to impart shock or force on another human being so that's what we want to do with this pistol rifle subgun shotgun whatever it is that I'm shooting I want to be braced up so that I can drive it out here where we can have kind of a pristine training environment I'm always gonna put my feet just like Mickey said if somebody said hey we're gonna race I'm gonna kind of stand like this right I might even exaggerate a little more because we're really gonna go so I'm gonna have my nose out over my toes I'm forward and I'm up and ready to go okay how many are instructors they ask you that okay how many are known as the gun guy or the fighting guy in your circle probably everybody right so who do they go to when they want to know something the people in your circles that don't know how to shoot don't know how to fight they probably call you right I can't tell you how many times a week I have somebody who's just a buddy or something like that like some dude oh to find you from you know on Facebook or whatever from way back in the days like oh I see you do that jujitsu what do you think about Krav Maga you know or some you know what I mean but there because they think you're the expert so in essence you are the instructor so you might have to instruct people or you might have to assist a family member or a friend who doesn't have the ability to do this right makes sense think about a population that might not be able to do this we got a whole bunch of them man we got guys that got banged up who've been at war for however long 18 19 years we've got groups of guys that are in wheelchairs and other situations so if you can't do this the next thing you want to think about is I want to crunch my ribs into my hips all right so I want to kind of crunch down what's that do that braces me behind the pistol or behind the weapon so that braces meet up behind the gun makes sense so that's the next thing we want to do is we want to crunch themselves down like that then what we're gonna do is we want to make it so that our arms don't move our hands don't move okay does it make sense so Z first exercise we're going to do and I just want you guys understand how many here feel like they might not be strong enough to shoot the gun fast like you could admit it if you don't right yeah that's cool I'm going to show you that you can you can control this pistol from lifting right it's a very simple thing so if Z and I are standing here and we're going to shake hands right I want you to do this with your partner so you can see it doesn't matter you have all the street in you already you guys ever tried to put a baby into a car seat or a baby into a highchair and what happens pretty strong they don't want to go so that means that strengths been there since you were a child you got it in you it's all tendon stuff Mary so here's what's gonna happen I'm gonna take Z stung and I'm gonna put it right there I'm gonna try to bend his hand backwards and he's not gonna let me right I'm gonna do it with both hands he's not gonna let me is that enough to stop a pistol from doing this right come on Katie right all right don't let me pin your hand back look was it trying pretty hard right okay go again both hands right don't let me bend the sandbag did she take a step back her body move back but did her wrist Bend is she strong enough absolutely right problem solved all right so if we can do that we can keep that gun from going like this make sense all right so that's the first exercise I want you to do because that's one of the first things we're going to work on doing is setting our wrist we want to have kinesthetic exercises make sense I don't want to just have this esoteric thing of like Mickey was saying like we're not one of my first shooter instructors said ah 40 60 so grip the gun with 60% pressure here and 40% here was like I don't have a gauge anywhere in here where I can look at and see with them you know so what we want to do is we want to have kinesthetic exercises where we kind of know what it feels like to lock all those tendons that makes sense all right so that's what we're going to do with that we're going to do that same exercise again just like that I want you to just take your partner's hand and take turns so I'm gonna try to bend Katie's thumb back to here right like I'm not don't go fast don't be a dick right don't be like a wrist lock type thing I'm just applying prep yeah and she's locking out and then she's gonna do it to me she's gonna yeah and I'm just gonna lock it out makes sense all right let's go grab your partner and let's do it grab somebody and shake their hand don't let them bend your hand back don't let them bend your wrist back don't go anywhere stay close because we're right back at it go back and forth work on a little bit do it right okay so now what's the other part of shooting right hand left hand we're going to we're going to marry the hands on the gun so I want to be able to do that with both hands so we're going to do the same exercise left hand right same exercise I'm just gonna try to Benzies thumb back into his arm he's gonna try been mine back don't even try someone impossible alright so good so let's do the same thing left hand because the left hand is it's really the driver right so we want to have that left hand locked in so learn how to lock all this stuff up and don't let it Bend this is magic right here you guys literally it's magic running six shots a second out of the gun and keeping them in a fist size group at ten yards this is all you're gonna do right here all right you guys got it makes sense right okay cool so go ahead now and here's what's gonna happen so we're gonna stay like this and you guys are like what's this got to do with shooting a gun I don't have a gun in my hand it's got everything to do with it okay so the next thing we're gonna do is he's gonna have his hands out as if to shoot so go ahead and extend extend his hands out we're gonna get everything else put together here before we start going with the gun in hand so he's got all that I'm just gonna try to like just Bend that and see what's happening nothing it's locked in you guys like Ozzy's athletic of course you know alright so same thing I'm just gonna take my hand here so I'll see you guys demonstrated like this and I've been in classes where guys do this and and that's cool but that's really not what's happening with recoil right so what's happening is it's trying to lift and it's trying to push especially if you're running fast it's a steady push back right so all I want to do is I want to put my hands right here so I'm going to do this doesn't Bend and I'm gonna do this right so if I do that see how he falls forward a little alright so while he's doing is he's just kind of doing like a passive forward Drive alright and it's all coming from here to here right also from the feet so I'm gonna look at his toes see if his toes come up those are coaching cues right so I'm looking at his toes they're staying down and he's driving in all this is staying tight if it's a if it's same-sex and they don't mind you pushing on their chest because what you want to think about is pushing your chin into the target or your sternum into the target that helps with the forward Drive that helps with that passive drive so what I'll do is I'll go here right that's good push here and then I'll let go the hand right and I'll go push with your chest so I can kind of feel that or I'll put my hand on their back I'll go yeah because I can feel their back go forward makes sense so based on how people want to be touched because we're touchy-feely until we're not right so yeah well good yeah yeah yeah it's all gonna come together right so we're gonna lock all that down driving that in right and then so the exercise is gonna be this don't let me bend his wrist back right and then I'm gonna try to push him back and watch his toes and make sure he's driving forward not rocking back home yeah not rocking back right and that's all coming from rib to hip that's the that's the driver there because if you're sitting in your car you're sitting at lunch or whatever it might be or or you know god forbid you're in a wheelchair or something like that you still need to be able to defend yourself you still need to do it over to burn somebody down make sense all right let's do that now grab your partner let's go through that pointing those fingers out like that yeah don't worry about your fingers yeah see you make sure make sure dance we're stating Ben's real quick there we go and then I'm gonna push here right and then once I get off of that then I'm gonna put a hand right here so I could feel that right where he can't drive alright guys ready I know we're going through this quick but it's so we can get you guys we're doing the groundwork so then we can get you gunned up and get you going live right so next things gonna happen is Z's gonna drive the gun out or his hands out rather he's driving his hands out now you could do these exercises excuse me anywhere correct like I can do this anywhere I've actually done this in hotels stuff when I'm traveling if I'm traveling to teach jujitsu sometimes I won't travel with a gun because it's just it's just a hassle you know so I'll be in the hotel and I can still like on the table top or on the dresser or whatever it is I'll put my hands like this and I'll just push down so I develop that kind of that force of stopping the lift yeah right so I'm going to shutting all that down so we got this we got this what else happens on recoil so the bullet goes out of the rifle or out of the barrel like this right so what's that mean equal and opposite means right so when we're doing this so I'm gonna push him back a little bit we try to bend a little bit and then I'm going to try to move them around like this don't so relax as much as possible don't go like this because if he's all locked in and tight all this stuff's gonna just going to go right so just a nice easy spin yeah just to get him used to that downward crush so that the arms don't move around too much okay so basically we're creating this platform where the pistol or the right for whatever it is that we're shooting is this going to be locked in and can't lift can't spin out can't do any of those things it's not gonna push us around that makes sense all right man let's work on that now one for one back and forth so here's what we could do now so this is that new poly eighty slide I just put on so won't know we're doing man it's sexy isn't it yeah I feel like a better shooter already so probably him all right so slides here so the pistols gonna do what right action reaction slide goes back that creates lift correct so when the side goes back that creates that lift so that's what we're battling the way we battle that is we put a stop right here I'm going to put a chock right here put some sort of shock right here and I want to put a chock right here all right think about this how many drive trucks where I've ever driven a truck or taking like your CDL all right when you take your CDL what do they tell you to do when you park the truck chock the wheels cuz you could set the brakes hard as you want but there's still gonna be a little creep because gravity is a thing right so I can crush all day long and this guns still gonna move around right like I I don't know if I could do any more but I can grab this thing and just crush it to the so the frame deforms right but it's still gonna move but if I put a Chuck right here and I put a chock right here it's not gonna move where it's least not gonna move as much makes sense also it's gonna track straight up straight back bless you you got the runner all right so that's what we want to think about so I want this motion remember what we did here that locking that wrist that's this chock right there that's chocking that puppy right there that's not letting that thing move all right this motion same thing on this hand but it's going to be the pinky because if I lock this part of my hand and don't let it move the pinky is not going to move either right and where's that pinky right there the other place that I want to chop the gun so it can't move makes sense I'm gonna take you through it so what's going to happen is he's gonna hold the gun I'll let you touch my Polly gently all right so I'm gonna get on this side as he he's gonna you see what's happening here so he's gonna push the pistol out now gonna drop his left hand off right now because we're gonna learn to isolate first so like a chain like a like a chain right strengthen all the links to change stronger correct so I'm gonna strengthen all the links so all I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come up underneath right here and I'm just gonna try to do this basically what I'm doing is that I'm trying to mimic the motion of the slide going backwards creating that energy right there and he's not letting me bend it now we gotta know how to press the trigger correct while maintaining this level of tension in our joints and connective tissue and all that good stuff so what I want to do is I'm going to do that and then let it go I'm gonna tell him consciously maintain that pressure and press the trigger go ahead and press all the way through yep just scare em off all right so there so lock it down again don't leave me with a gun all right press the trigger good right lock it down don't move the pistol press the trigger got it so we're just doing it right here only for our first exercise I want you to do five reps each so five reps each just like that now what's happening for me what am i learning all the performance points of this particular technique or approach to running a gun correct making this making sense makes sense all right because I'm talking him through it what am i doing to my brain I'm programming my supercomputer to remember these four performance points when it's my turn to run all right one more time all right we'll see where I'm at right I'm not out here I'm right here my hand is right here on his shoulder if need be all right when we go live I want you to put your hand on the shoulder right here don't let me with a gun lock this Drive that all right the trigger good lock it down don't move it and press the truth got it yes sir make sense all right man listen up real quick will you feel some fatigue from doing this yes yeah right like I tell people in jujitsu CrossFit whatever it is if you know when I was working as a personal trainer I would tell people all the time you're gonna feel fatigued welcome that right instead of having the mindset of you know this sucks so bad have the mindset of this is awesome this is what habituation adaptation feels like this is what it feels like when I'm changing myself right so start thinking that way that way you'll welcome the fatigue rather than dread the fatigue makes sense because you never know when you're gonna need to have that mind every time we do something like that it's another deposit into our mindset bank account that you never know when you might have to draw upon so everything you do do mindfully do consciously so that when the day comes you got a big old fat roll so here's what I want you guys to do the person who's on the line who's gonna work first I want you to go ahead and present the pistol to the target so go ahead and bring the pistol out drive into the target all right got it okay now the person that is next to you that's gonna be your coach go ahead put your hand on their shoulder if there are right-handed shooter you're gonna be on the right side all right now right-handed shooters drop your left hand off with a pistol and you're gonna you're gonna manage this pistol with just your right hand it's it's doable we've already seen it right everybody here was able to keep your hand locked and nobody could bend your hand back so we're good all right you're plenty strong all right so here's what I want you to do you're gonna bring your hand around front just like I did with Rosie you're gonna bring your hand around front just like this right and you're just going to try to push that basically just like we did with the handshake drill bend their hand back once they can lock that down then you're going to tell them to go ahead and press the trigger when they press the trigger they want to maintain that same tension that same feeling as they press the trigger so they get used to running the gun like this makes sense yes all right let's do it five right one of you does not get it just raise your hand yeah I want you to get it man so some doesn't make sense tell me we get that give it that little gift but if you can't be deaf ripping the trigger and see how you leave it back hey guys remember stand like you're gonna fight stand like you're gonna fight don't lean back keep your body behind the gun keep okay how'd that feel everybody good to go okay cool so we're doing this really quick kind of moving through it ordinarily we would take about an hour or two just on this because you can never spend enough time on the fundamentals and and when it's time to get rocking and rolling you want to keep that dot or that site where you need it where you need the rounds to go and you want to be as efficient as possible about doing that and the only way to do that is just I think was max Michelle on Mickey's podcast had talked about just his uh his practice routine is pretty kind of rudimental or fundamental not a lot of fancy stuff but guess who's a winner you're world champion more than anybody yeah so that's what it comes down to right who executes the fundamentals at the highest level under resistance so that's what we want to do so next up now we've done it with our right hand we're going to do the same exact exercise but with our left hand running the trigger now why might it be important to do that with your left hand yeah right so if you have to shoot with your left hand you know how to shoot with your left hand another thing happens when we start running the gun left-handed is that anybody ever have injuries to their right hand and you have to shoot left-handed for a while and then you come back to shoot and regular again you're like holy cow man like rifles not moving you know and what happened was your left hand had to take a more dominant role you woke that bad boy up all right so it's kind of like if you know if you got to brush your teeth with your left hand for a month because of an injury or something that first couple days may be about to put an eye out with that toothbrush right by the end of the month there's really no difference so that's what we want to do so we bless as your practices as you're practicing with your offhand you're less confident with that hand right so how much more do you focus on what you're doing so that drives that point home a little bit better yeah yeah so there cuz we want to lock all this and so learning how to do that with the gun in the left hand helps because when we would go back to it's gonna be easy when you go live with both hands on the gun it's gonna be easy now he's gonna have the pistol in his left hand so that means I'm gonna be on the left side of his body correct so I'm gonna be on the left side my hands gonna be by his shoulder that way I don't I don't get out here in front of the muzzle same exact exercise I want to come up underneath and I'm gonna try to bend that back right and then press the trigger right I'll slightly slide for him don't let me bend your hand back keep that locked and press the trigger good and then lock it down then we bend your wrist back and press the trigger got it all right that's what we want make sense yes all right guys let's do it same rotation again four or five reps on each person there you go how you seeing it right like there you would you fight me saying liked it how would you if you're gonna fight your right now all right so I'm standing in front of you and I'm like hey guys what's your non-dominant hand doing some of you guys have weird contorted [ __ ] with your non-dominant or they're not in an on hand that's being involved do something with it hook a pocket lay it to your belly make a fist and draw to your sternum don't just put have it in some weird twisted position at your side shooting is a pleasurable experience if you do it well and by doing all this dry work our live-fire work is more fun we can do more adventurous things we can have more fun with it because you guys are able to keep the rounds where you want them to go rather than you guys press a couple rounds off look at the target or like hmm hate shooting I'm not good at it but this is how we get good at it and it's more fun like any skill we do right we're gonna do it with both hands on the gun but I'm gonna jump ahead a little bit with you guys and we're gonna go ahead and add in the next step of mitigated recoil so he's gonna drop his left hand off I'm gonna get to the right I'm gonna do this one more time because I'm gonna hide that rep in there get him to reconnect with that make sure that that ground gets covered one more time a little more of that what's it called yeah there's a scientific word for it my landing or something but I want to make that thicker that connection between Milan I want to make that connection thicker between the nerves and the brain all that good stuff so right in here I'm gonna go one more layer across there and now right I'm gonna push back on them a little bit and watch his toes there we go so I'm gonna try to do this and I'm gonna push back I'm gonna tell them they drive into me don't let your toes grab the ground with your toes all right press the trigger now when I take my hand off the gun he's driving driving driving right don't do that because it's funny and all that good stuff until his hand goes like this and reliably puts it extra hole in your foot right so be cool so dollar we bend your wrist let me push you back I'm watching the toes on what the toes come up good contract from here to here good and press trigger there it is one more time don't bend your back don't we pusher I'm watch his toes there it is oh he jump the gun I got my sight picture kind of gravy all right make sense all right so what are we working on now we're working on the flip right shutting that down but what else is happening yeah if you're running in AR what's going on with that bolt ding ding ding ding ding in your ear right that buffer is bouncing around you're running a pistol what's happening right so now we are training ourselves can aesthetically we're building awareness of what's going on in our body that we need to do to make the gun stay here all right so a couple mental pictures push your sternum into the target or push your chin Matt Burkett in one of his classes he told us push your chin into the target that way you don't drop your head because what will happen is guys will do this right and that's not the best way to see the sights sight system so push your chin into the target that keeps your face up so you're using the full visual you know as much of your visual capacity as possible another way to think about it is is I want to feel like you can feel like I'm trying to push the gun down into the ground like the guns trying to lift off and I'm trying to like push it down trying to like route it into the ground make sense either one of those seems to work for folks as far as making some sort of connection got it ok wrist let's go grab a partner five reps each switch back and forth let's knock it out you guys be patient like I said when we go alive it'll be more fun and we're gonna go live in a little bit are you guys seeing the sights as you're doing this are you just pressing the trigger - yes or no sights are you seeing it's nicer dot how are they aligned equal height equal light because that's all part of these repetitions all right everybody getting it okay here's the deal you already know the exercise so as soon as you get done with the right hand and you've changed positions change places switch up left hand only same exercise left hand only lock it down don't let him push you back don't let it move you around keep it locked down [Music] all right so as soon as you guys get done with your last of the five good and holster up and we're gonna go both hands on the gun kind of jump ahead so let you guys go alive in a minute have some fun all right you guys ready all right so here's what's gonna happen I'm gonna go both hands on the gun but first we're gonna do one more completely dry exercise no gun in hand all right so here's what's gonna happen he's gonna have his left hand out right and he's going to turn it just as if to push the pistol just let's see if he were driving a pistol one of the things like Mickey was talking about with your thumbs on the side of the bore line what's that what's that indicate to you wherever my thumb goes the round should go correct if my thumb is in line with the bore line wherever I'm pointing so here's another thing about the skies and reps every time you get on an elevator you do that you just push the bore line every time I wring somebody's doorbell or anything like that you know if I'm trying to annoy somebody I'm just pushing my bore line right so but that's the bore line of your pistol for both hands correct all right so always get those reps in when you can now his pinky right is what needs to lock down the front strap correct so we've been doing all this kind of stuff we're going to do a little exercise with isometric tension and what I want him to do is he's gonna pull back with his shoulder through the pinky so I'm gonna lock this in I'm gonna pull and he's gonna pull back yeah right so I'm gonna get right here he's gonna lock all this down and he's gonna pull back with his shoulder and I'm just gonna try to pull him and see how he's locking this down if he can do that he can lock down the front strap of a pistol regardless in the caliber it's not gonna lift makes sense because again we're using the bigger joints and muscles rather than the smaller joints and muscles make sense all right so it's a little more fishing all right so let's do that now get your thumb out there your left hand out and your partner's just gonna get in front of you he's gonna grab that that pinky just like that he's just going to pull and I want you to consciously pull back with your shoulder but think about pulling through the pinky all right let's do it think about using your shoulder think about using your shoulder to pull the pull back on the pinky there do it like a fist instead of flat so keep your hand as if you're gripping epistles all right everybody getting it you're gonna bring the pistol out and you're going to marry your gun your hands together around the gun gonna create that wrap that Mickey was talking about around the pistol I want you to go ahead and extend out and now what I want you to do is I want you to your coach is going to take you through the entire series that we just did with the pistol out with both hands on the gun empty gun all right and I'm gonna be right here I'm going to try to bend the wrists wrists aren't bending right I'm gonna try to push him back a little bit right and then I'm going to tell him pull back with your left shoulder through your pinky right and then press the trigger right I'm gonna cycle side form work one more time try to bend the wrist let me bend your wrist let me push you back a little push pull with your shoulders and press the trigger good and in cycle slide all right yeah there we go push back and push pull with shoulders and press the trigger good make sense okay so that's what we want to do now right about five or six reps be patient we are about to go live it's about to get fun be cool all right all right let's go [Music] look at me next time you holster it put your pelvis out three salad reps set all the performance points lock the gun down nice and tight do not let that gun move keep it locked down all right I'm ready when I tell you to we're gonna go ahead and load and make ready all right so when I tell you to bring the piss up just like Mickey took you through the loading process right ring pistol out elbows in got up here right where you can see everything see what you're doing magazine in however even if you like slide verify that it's loaded and I want you to holster and stop there make sense all right go ahead and load Nick ready we're gonna walk you through it remember present that pistol to the berm lock the slide to the rear visually and if needed physically and inspect the gun is it in good condition grab that magazine with a good index or about it remember member that's you that means you you've already done it run that slide forward and I was a good time to get a press check out of the way get a press check in there keep your guns up all right hold show up when you're ready when the gun is ready to go holster right so we're into three yards so remember guys at the three yard line marksmanship matters well right now we're focusing on one specific aspect right so it's a set principle right specific adaptation to a posted man so what I am demanding of Z is maximum recoil mitigation okay what if we wanted to work on marksmanship that would be a different thing correct so don't get spun up about oh I'm only three yards away of course you know I got a good room for whatever we can do this without the targets because what's going to tell you if you're managing recoil for it correctly what's going to tell you that yeah your sight picture is not going to move if I can see the dot or the front post just pulsate guess who's rocking and rolling all right so one hand on the gun he's gonna drop his left hand off right because we want to challenge yourself I'm gonna come up underneath it's important how to do this correctly because we are alive all right left hands on his shoulder if you guys can't see yet my left hand is on his shoulder my right hand comes up underneath I don't go like this I don't go like this like up underneath right to his hands just like that I'm going to try to bend his wrist back and I'm gonna try to push him back don't let him do either so we bend the wrist don't we push it back I'm gonna take my hand up so far one there we go I'm watching this I'm not watching the target other thing you can do is I could pick the spot on the other side of the pistol and see if it interrupts my line of vision that means the guns lifted too much makes sense alright so don't really bend your wrist let me push you back so I move around find one good holster up we're gonna do that for 10 rounds just like that one at a time make sense yes sir all right why don't we need to do it that way correction right quickly correct mistakes all right what did Darwin say about survival of the species survival the most adaptable it's the survival the most adaptable the most adapted was the one that can most quickly correct a mistake before it's failed or becomes a design flaw two gets passed down so we want to do these one at a time only four down right because I can't have you do this right so I can't have you go like this okay good right I can't have you like just like what just happened none of them don't remember watch anything is this loud for a second it makes sense so I'm gonna be able to lock the gun down right here makes sense so that's what we're trying to work on is the ability to immediately correct myself as I'm going so I'm always learning makes sense yes all right all right soon as we Z and I are off the line sister finish Suzy and I are up the line we're going to do that exercise one round at a time ten rounds then switch makes sense all right self correct coaches correct let's go when you are ready at your speed go to work let's go [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] that point target our preferred mobile target Stan super lightweight polymer the designer of this product used to work in the automotive industry so he knows what he's doing the polymer is not only super light but it's super durable and if it does happen to get shot by an errant round it won't crack it just punches a clean hole we've got good shooters I actually don't have one that's been shot he just told me three different locations for different target widths these are friction fit and as I said we've been demoing these for over a year they work fantastic so totally sturdy 1x2 fits in there if it's windy breezy you can either put a weight here or they supply some long railroad type spikes landscape spikes you can just push them right through into the ground pound them in whatever you got to do works fantastic super lightweight and not going to rust rot or anything like that hex point targets [Music] watch did it go flying off die did you die right MP KC comes out point is this gun should not be able to push you around it's just not that powerful you are way stronger than this thing is alright like don't make me break out the conversation about how you descended from people to kill big hairy beasts with little pointy sticks right like that DNA's flowing through you act like it right like you're badass happily grab this thing it's just a mechanical thing dominate okay alright so right hand only what's that mean now left hand same drill left hand only ten rounds got it I don't have ten rounds in my gun well you'd have to reload them yeah sounds like probably so what happens when you live with the Lockean is that this is gonna wake up our left hand make it take a more dominant role rather than just always just me the support hand okay all right good let's go to work up on the line oh it's first let's go guys if your gun goes empty and you're gonna play your ten rounds what has to happen you got to reload right ten rounds and then switch so odds for your 10 rounds coached every single round is coached and then switch evens are on 10 rounds every single round is coach right think about the benefit of that how often do you have every single round every single trigger press is coach that's pretty awesome right so let's take advantage of it make it a learning experience where we can kind of exponentially push ourselves up higher right all right think about it this way yeah an athlete come in who trains in group classes does pretty well drinks for six months you have another athlete comes in trains group classes for six months but also gets personalized instruction once a week who's going to be better that's been done at six months the guy with the private private instruction a personalized instruction because his game is being tailored and coached specifically to him rather than a generic track the leg trap the arm hand on the hip look away bridge up and over but if I individually can take time and work with somebody I can adapt that technique specifically tailored strengths and weaknesses and that's what you have the opportunity to do right here right now got it hey so if your coaching coach even if you feel like that person knows more than you just go through exactly what Paul told you to do all right I'll check it all right checking the wrist not bending moving around all right I'm looking at his toes checking everything all right once I feel like he's got a stable platform everything's good press the trigger right and tell him it's not called on no more than him or I'm out instructing them you're just going through the procedure that Paul told you to do so you're also relaying that information to them you're helping them practice yeah you're doing it for yourself too right right because ultimately we're our own sub we have to sell coach ultimately wearing our own coaches correct so Mazal learn how to do it man all right let's go let's go to work [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] got surgery try to bend his wrist already bend the wrist we're locking all this in pinkies pull it up and tight right let me push you back now give me a little push pull to the shoulders send three one two three yeah go move around six [Applause] who said there'd be mad alright ready so I know he's running a Glock 19 so I know we're getting near to the bottom of the mag right so what should we do now we're just gonna dump the rest alright make sense you guys see how that works your if your gun goes to slide lock reload like you would reload dump the mag straight to the ground it doesn't do you any good and your gun go through the reload process properly understood yes you guys got it alright so what are we doing now now we're diving into the recoil mitigation side of it over multiple strange there are multiple rounds during a string right so rather than just fired one having time to assess or through my checklist all right what do I need to do what didn't I do what should I do that's we're past that now so now I want you to just lock it down dominate that gun don't let it move and just press the trigger as many times as they tell you to all right do not don't do this right eyes and ears don't do this so your coach that do this all right and my mi mitigating recoil when I do this they might testing myself ready to go beyond my perceived limits said I understand what I'm capable of makes sense if you never push yourself over that edge wonder where the edge is man fire walking tonight [ __ ] yeah you living your life like a [ __ ] right so step up over that edge and see where you start to fall apart you might surprise yourself though that's the other side of this you might surprise yourself and rise oh well I've been holding myself back for so long I could have been running harder I could have been doing better but I've been holding myself back because of some range rule or whatever it is preconceived perception of myself and my abilities makes sense we want to figure that out here right all right on the three odds are up first two hands on the gun coach dictate the pace of fire if they go slow make them go faster [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] that's why you're driving we're gonna go a little faster how many feel like you went as fast as you could possibly go let's still keep rounds on target all right so we're going to do an exercise let me do this how important is trigger control very okay cool z come on Z's gonna lock you guys out he's gonna lock it down and get ready to rock and roll here's what's gonna happen no figure of cure he's gonna lock anything down I'm gonna run the trigger for him ready so he's gonna lock all this down gonna push you around back lock back in there ready I'll see what my thumb is [Applause] did you guys all see what this happened alright let's do it again ready he's gonna lock it up watch what's gonna happen now I'm not going to just sit up I could do this right so slow down ready like dim room ready my phone stays away from the slide my finger goes into trigger did we miss the turn no blue all day sorry makes sense no matter control never matters of course not but what we are saying is at certain distances at certain times to beat you to your highest level performance you might need to focus less on trigger more on grip and lock it things down okay so you get past that mental hurdle what we're gonna do is you're gonna do exactly what I just did to Z your thumb is going to be down low on that the pivot point of their wrist right so you can't see position yourself so that you can see what's happening so we're going to go through all the exercise that we just did right don't push around the move around we've been wrists on the perspective my thumbs going right there and then I'm going to press the trigger why do I put my thumb on hand on his hand to press the trigger alright so I don't do this okay don't ask me how I know okay so don't do that so I want to be right here my thumbs right here and I'm gonna press that trigger for him so the two things he understands that he can lock that gun down so all he has to fight the song is locking it down and watching the slide and the sight cycle that's all he's got to worry about the other thing that it teaches him is you can go faster make sense all right let's do it odds on the line evens your coaching you're working the trigger communicate to each other I'm watching some of you guys they're just going through this running rounds this is how this is you are now doing like the highest level [ __ ] people do with guns in training right now manipulating somebody else's gun communicate with each other verbally visually whatever you have to nod make sure that you're paying attention to each other yes yeah make sure make sure we're taking all so that's coaching right so gives you an opportunity to coach so you get a chance to go through all the cues again for yourself as well correct okay guys odds that are on the line ready to shoot go ahead make ready coaches get set from here on you're working on your own pace go to work [Applause] [Applause] stays in the holster do you feel like this has been a fisherman off do you feel like you have you feel like you have better recoil mitigation or at least have a plan to work for its better recoil medication probably better than what I was given when I first started shooting which was gripping hard you know like you don't think you know so so yeah so we're going to go through one more mag I want you to go through with your punch now now that you understand you can probably run the trigger faster the trigger the the smooth press back and then flip to release probably isn't as important at this range as much as just putting it on right as fast as possible as accurately as possible I kind of think of it as the equivalent of like a load of buckshot hitting them right in the chest I am eight rounds in like a little less than a second or a little over a second it's possible it's doable right so eight rounds right there would probably be at least a plan changer it's not a game changer all right so think about that now also think about what Farnam talks about you guys know john farnham is right so defense training is yeah so look up john farnham the old school dude but he always he made a good point one of his classes this there's not much greater than this correct so what's the difference in this and this or that group here or that group here what's the difference my head has been trained since the police academy that a headshot needs to be slowly carefully made right to to the body come up to the head right we're talking 90s right the police again [ __ ] to to the body come up to the head for one carefully and there was he actually a cadence that we were taught which was quickly carefully then farms like if you can dump six rounds right here in under two seconds and keep them in a fist size group that's the that's their face probably a fun step make sense it's all about unplugging those limitations right okay odds you are on the line odds you will be shooting you will be running the mag evens you will be taking them through the cues and dictating their pace they aren't allowed to shoot anything less than four rounds at a time makes sense how many bags you have 18 round mag Luther three rounds per guy listen bags three three three mags three bags per iteration so here on the line you're going to run yourself through three bags do you have 24 anywhere from 24 to 36 opportunities to bolster your confidence that you can successfully index and drive this pistol into their chest or face make sense you are yeah shooters gonna run the trigger the purpose of the other exercises wants to do what yeah medicate folks completely on recall and also disengage our marriage to trigger control results always paramount sometimes it's not and that's okay right Robbie Latham says what index is the most important part everything else comes after that index first make sense all right guys eyes on the line let's do this go ahead coaches get set eyes and ears [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] squeeze with the target everybody like if your hands are hurt right if your hands head boxing fracture on this hand so you know we're trying on the back end so you can see the scars and stuff where my hands are put back together that kind of stuff happens does that all of a sudden negate my right to life my my right to defend myself right so as coaches and as trainers and as self coaches we have to figure out how to work around so that's why I really started figuring out what the pinky's all about with this right so eyes and ears I want to show you one thing watch one last thing right so watch watch the gun not the target okay I'm not I'm not going tika right I'm not Sabrina [Applause] the gun sit nice and flat yeah what was I doing chopping so did that involve a lot of grip strength no sir no right I just had my fingers like this on my think I'm just getting in front of what I know who needs to live and I'm shocking it so if you can't squeeze right so think about this like my hands just been fixed I got to go back to work first thing they want me to do before I go back to work so I got a qualify so I gotta go down the chute by fifty rupees please cooperation so when it's time to shoot like that it became crucial that I could do this make like a scene with my hand with my shoulder against the bottom of that front strap and that kept the gun flat weight sense all right so even if you're hurt you still will be able to defend yourself just still be able to run your gun at a high level no doubt about any questions yeah no questions okay cool guns still holstered charge up your magazines get back out here and he's gonna eyes and ears so my gun just went empty right that's a slide lock reload yes if I just shot a bunch of these rounds ba ba ba ba ba I can retrieve a fresh magazine and do this right what's that called tak reload or tak magazine I call it I can do that I'm dominating the muzzle I'm deciding when to reload just had me shoot 15 rounds I might only have one left in the pipe he just had me shoot eight rounds I've got a tiny gun that's your new magazine look drop the one that's in the gun into your hand I'm not discarding this there's ammo in it put it in your back pocket have a plan where it's going we'll work through it all right let's do this I'm gonna give you two numbers first number goes in the body the second number goes in the head period Oh demo it once check it out watch me watch me watch me I'm gonna go with them look st. Louie hold it I'll say more soaring whew don't like that don't like that laser four and two I just shot a bunch I'm gonna tack mag yeah what'd you say from the hip [ __ ] you guys got to sit back here and make fun of me we cool we cool I told you to watch out for Drew he will break your [ __ ] I've seen it happen it's my friend shut up ready Hey this is this is just getting reps in on the whistle two-in-one safely recover to the holster when you're done we're into five and two [Applause] dzifa said it Zija said it did I hit did it work that's an old-school range ISM but tell yourself did I hit didn't work is he down does he have any friends six and six six and six that's more than the capacity of my blaster figure it out [Music] [Applause] run downrange paste any misses that are outside of now listen before you paste him I want you to count them so look I shot first on this target or this one I had this I think that was the first round I fired so I owe five count them and then paste the misses so then you got you guys any of your sins go pay for them back behind the ten yard line so the other line can get up and do their bit of business paste them and then get out of there roll back so that the other line can get in let's go let's you guys have clean targets that means any sins we know that are you your transgressions will be laid bare we're running it boys we're running it listen to me when you finish pause with your gun out and all of you listen to me pause after your three rounds ready listen with that gun out with that gun out listen did I hit did it work did I hit did it work do I need to shoot again did I hit did it work say it through it again two and one ready make it up Tom stop fix it grip thumb up drive this hand up this piece of meat this take this up higher on the gun just this give me one reload reload did I hit didn't work does he need another form in - what's out there six in three how many down there how many of you about to do [Applause] you know what I'm not hearing did I hit did it work does he need another six look at that index finger show me a good grip show me a good grip show me a good grip don't shoot just mount the gun nope so just go slow brother until your until that grips burned in don't go faster than you can steer what's happening listen up all your guns holstered scoop your gear we're swapping the line if you've got misses paste them where's my other line get backed up let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go come on that means now target Elevens got a couple misses that need pasting anything that's not in that box come on let's go fellas come on we've got one more thing to get through and then we're gonna double time up for lunch lunch eat I'm per simple we're all going to just take one step to the right as we draw so without firing everybody's on the line without firing a couple things you have a target in front of you there's a number on it Katie's is eight when Katie steps to the right she's still shooting get ate understood we're not gonna get super athletic right now but we're just going to make sure that you can link together your feet your eyes your hands let's go into this later but I just want to start linking your feet together without shooting I'm gonna give you a whistle draw just take a step and draw and present your pistol out and then recover to the holster and stay where you're at to the right and then I'll have you go back to the left you understand breathe breathe Katie fix that grip that left hand was that finger was dangling in the breeze safely recover to the holster stay where you is safely recover to the holster going to the left good job time on that holster I saw that bro ready going to the left no fire no fire feel good going live going live I'm gonna tell you how many rounds ready going to the right going to the left guys as you're manipulating those guns were should your trigger fingers be high register when you're coming out of the holster when does your finger go on the trigger is there ever a good time like an excuse to point a gun at yourself yeah you literally can train really good movements he'll tell you it could happen he seems seeing it happen when [ __ ] gets crazy but do you train to that standard no you train to the standard of excellence and if [ __ ] goes a little sideways you've trained in redundancies so a couple of you are drawing and stepping over your leg that gun is coming out and going towards a target away from you go the other way go back to the right see would you demo it please watch Z watch Z watch Z right go to the right z point is safe muzzle control good recovery to the holster when you're done mindful mindful it's not about fast or slow it's about having a reason go to the right two to four rounds Derek you drug that gun in faster than you drew it you've compressed that thing in like it was on fire then I hit did it work think about this who loves somebody who loves somebody so think about you're here for that somebody you're here for that somebody if I drag that gun in too fast that somebody could die if that somebody is you if you're a selfish son of a [ __ ] that's still okay pay attention did I hit did it work me dragging this gun in I have two law-enforcement friends that both were shot after they killed the bad guy guess what he wasn't dead and one of them had completely reholster the next thing you know he was getting hit in his chest body armor luckily sorry did I hit did it work hey mites you need to tack lag before you recover to the holster hey guys what's important in this process right out of the gate you got to identify what you're shooting at you got to get a good master grip that we just worked on all morning on the gun so before you even start whacking on that trigger what happens if we don't have the good grip what do we already figure out yeah so in if it requires you to kind of go slow and get everything lined up how you want it and inspect it do that we didn't say shoot as fast as you can let's go the other way so one more time one more time one more time you're ready going to the right Jeff are you shooting an FS that's why you got that safety issue right fine one more time going to the left I want to hear when you're done what come on men woo why you guys are right there on the line face the treeline present your pistol to the berm remove the source of ammunition stow it on your body cycle cycle cycle and lock the slide to the rear visually and if needed physically inspect the chamber after you've done so run that slide forward and holster up Mick and Mick I'm rolling Hey no sorry dude yeah I had my ear Pro on ha ha ah just kidding I didn't actually I could hear him does these things have awesome audio these are my my newest addition to the ear Pro family here the fricking Pro Gold 230 decibel reduction so people are saying to me like dude a little big well first of all I can't help it if mine are bigger than yours okay relax can't help it but in reality why are they big well super decibel reduction so if you've got something that slimmer like the ones you normally see me where they work good these just have five six seven more DB reduction that's a big deal when you've spent your life like I have around noisy things on gun ranges heavy equipment etc every little bit counts
Channel: CarryTrainer
Views: 479,161
Rating: 4.8389602 out of 5
Keywords: handgun skills, crazy handgun skills, handgun safety, handgun safety for beginners, handgun training, amazing pistol skills, basic pistol skills, best pistol skills, pistol skills, carrytrainer, ccw training, concealed carry training, firearm (sports equipment), how to shoot, how-to, new shooter, recoil control, recoil management, recoil management pistol, s12 nashville, shooting sport (sport), shooting tip, tactical training, tips, training
Id: -Xs-u_d3x7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 6sec (6726 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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