Shooting with Cops and SWAT Dudes

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hey guys welcome to another episode of one take so we're out here at shot show and one of the things that we like to do is leave Vegas leave the casinos leave the floor and actually go out and shoot which is something that I believe shacho should be a little bit more about so we're out here in the desert at a undisclosed location and we're joined by some super awesome people people that we shoot with throughout the year and we produce different content on the internet so I just want to run through and let these guys introduce themselves and gal and we'll get going start shooting so Steve Steve that's that's me i'm steve i work at t-rex arms worked there for the last couple years with luke charles drew and the rest of the guys ryan cop 13-years dad and a shooter buddy dawn prime marine current Ellie Amy parole officer and firearms trainer outside of work and yep so we're going to be running through some drills mainly with handgun if we get to some rifle stuff we'll get to that but this is this is the kind of training we do when we're on our own and we're just going to show you guys what that looks like when we get together as a group this isn't like special stuff we're just doing for YouTube this is literally the exact same stuff we do and get together and a lot of these drills are things that you guys can do in a you know at an indoor range or at a basic range where you don't have you know something super big and fancy so this is just the normal fundamentals basics that we do all the time and we just want to show it to you guys so let's get going all right so the first thing we're going to do is really simple build drill seven yards six rounds into we'd have a piece of papers taped on top of the USBs a target we're going to show the hips and the timer for this one for all of us you can get a baseline for what we're doing Ryan you want to explain why you like this drill so much as a like a cold start drill for like some of your guys and yeah so the philosophy behind the bill drill for me at least in the a little bit of experience in law enforcement that I have is you leave briefing you could pull someone over and you're approaching that vehicle and the dudes gonna potentially pop out you could get into a foot pursuit where you come around a corner you have someone there again around accountability is huge but data-driven performance would state that a large majority of officer involved shootings include high round counts and we're not training guys enough to control the natural response which is gonna be a high volume of fire to begin with the whole standard on this five-yard line and to the body one of the you know one of the one of the head is just doesn't seem logical to me that a guy in that stressful situation is going to remember to just shoot two and then assess and hit the head when you're getting rounds flung at you it's been natural and it's you know it's data driven to watch hundreds upon hundreds of shootings per year of guys really laying down high volumes of fire so I think it's important that we learn how to control the gun and manage the recoil and get those effective rounds on target and the data-driven is always high-intensity close distance that's one thing that doesn't get worked on because dudes want to look cool at 25 yards and put bullets in that size of a target well in actuality this is what's like what he says data-driven is right here yeah all right let's do it seven yards will check hits I have a sharpie we can mark them up we'll see what happens all right shooter are you ready ready stand by one nine one that was it what one nine - sup - I've got one off right here and that was my second shot yeah was that a one nine all right who's up Amy well the shooting the same one one in one on the right slight and then uh six when we have been high yeah I think it was up here a little bit I was in a two three or the first shot of a one one seven Oh Joe you're ready bye all right - one eight well struck so Mike's kind of like we talked about but this group right here this is your you were going your control like 89 upset your group is like this obviously you have this area to shoot inside of you could have done this sub - all right good I like to go again we want that doing that 90% I could definitely sped it up gone for a sub - could have picked up a cycle but again what I'm looking for is a control metric and that was my 90% says a to 1/8 promote oh six in a nice little group all right sure already good stand by that's a 2-1 five all in got one two three four five and six again nice little group right in the center and then we've got Steve last one it's a two one five one point you shoot already stand by that's in a 204 minute you guys crushed it first shot in 99 I want to say it might be the fastest four shot and then we had one two three four I thought they were rolling they all landed five and the six is like mixed in here with her all we only have two that are out now I was in a 204 so yeah the time to kind of look for for this drill is like seven yards six a zones in sub two is kind of the standard there's dudes that are doing this with like a 2011 erase gun and one point six and seven stuff like that we're all running blocks of various configurations Amy you've got irons we all have dot you have orange and Ryan's got irons and the rest of us have dots so now it's your any particular you guys want to do if not I want to go ahead and just get a real fast starting between both these targets now let's just back up a little bit like ten just real simple we're going to shoot we have spread paper all right so what I like to do if I don't have a bunch of targets but I want to get some like transitions in I only have my two stands what I like to do is do a drill where I land two rounds into each target and I'm transitioning to back and forth with each target twice so we're gonna do this eight rounds it's two rounds on each so it's starting on one you can pick whichever it is one two one two one two one two so you're getting three or four whatever it's early in the morning transitions in obviously these are short transitions it's nothing crazy you may get into that later but we're also going to track her accuracy and then we're also just gonna try to get through this fast fast moving and then fast shooting or obviously the shooting stand depend based on target size and target distance so I'll go first eight rounds two two two two and then uh we'll go through this real quick are you ready ready stand by alright so that's all on eight and that's in a three three eight we won't write there all right mojo oh yeah all this stuff will run from here alright Amy you ready yeah the ami is ready stand by for three all right mojo there's super simple drills there's a lot going on you're a damn by your time with eight and you had one on D I want to stay on the left I lost I lost all probability so far yeah it's all harder because you're not just shooting the same like a different target for each you're going back to the like the same one all right Ryan are you ready stand by good four three all right Steve we're skating through these real fast because there are five of us shoot already great standby attacking those transitions obviously a big thing that I'll do a video on this in the future but really transitioning fast as soon as you've fired that shot like coming off of recoil having that processing to be able just go next target and eyes leading gun follows obviously this is a really short transition it's shoulder width it's not it's not too difficult but there's obviously the processing going between both that's good because you instead of like keeping your arms locked out the whole time he's driving you kind of respect the gun a little bit more and I so I need to apply that that's actually stationary anytime I'm out doing something stationary trying to isolate or whatever it is I'm doing station I want to make sure I do it in a manner that translates the movement cuz like you guys because when you shoot you stuck the gun in and move anywhere you're not your point for David driven practice you know based on your practice off things you actually see happening in you know occurring naturally movement is the other part of that right so we've got the distance we're generally in very close there's that you know what you say the the natural response of you know where you're dumping more than a couple rounds at a time but people are moving their feet no one's standing still so anything I do station I want to make sure I can translate that to movements having the gun here to where I can manage there about yes the other thing we did really well and you can't see the targets but it's a really good there's no flocking they're all on the paper we stopped on each individual target but as soon as we were done with that second hit we followed the site over to the next one so nobody was moving fast too fast through the transitions we're getting our hits and then moving yeah yeah yeah cuz a lotta Slee what a lot of people start doing these transition drills and they start pushing the speed coming across they don't push the discipline of stopping on that target and they blow past and that's something you see like Delta's on the right side or they shoot too early you know on that target man I like to sandwich no shoots if I have like someone doing that I'm like alright well there's a no shoot so like there's a penalty if I really Drive the gun too fast and I'm not disciplined in stopping I'm like tracking that side and then taking that shot well part of that is again if you if you're aggressive and speedy on the transitions you have more time to pick up the sights obviously if we're just tracking one two one two that's gonna be a little bit different than one two one two that's like oh the same time but obviously getting your sights on target yeah well see you do a moving things out here we have unstable ground - that's good three it for two at ten and then three at seven something like that short yeah I probably know what I want to induce reload so I'm gonna actually go ahead and do it I'm gonna start some mess with the mag I don't know like again like because everyone always like mentions your range like it must be nice to have that range but like where we are right now this is cool because like anyone can come out and do this like everyone's got BLM land where they live I know about you guys but like we'd be in the desert right now yeah so this is definitely stuff that could be done you could buy the target stands like 30 bucks 20 bucks each get some cardboard and you could actually do this essentially what mojo saying is if there's a will there's away absolutely don't make excuses all right one of you can show like what's up I'm not gonna go first okay what is what is this so I think z4e me the idea is we're gonna start from back here yep we'll drop you can come up and I don't you take these on the move you just can't shoot these two hits forward of the 10 yard line so you gotta deliver two and then run up delivery and the idea is kind of like envision USPSA boxes so we don't really want to take these on the move what we're focusing on is coming in and out of the position kind of floating in and out versus that kind of goats top because so you kind of want to like float in and have the gun up as you cannot be fully locked in cuz obviously a lot of people they get this we're taking the shots we want to make sure we have a stable platform to do so yeah so obviously that's like a that's a big one to take into consideration here now we'll see I guarantee we're all talk about this we're gonna see like different ways of doing it I do that are gonna stop dudes are gonna slowly walk and move at the same time and set into the positions differently so two and then three two and three all right now we run out so we have some except deceleration those force shoot already stand by 5:17 that couple hi one of the neck and one on this side all right mojo I have I don't know how many rounds you always shoot the reloads later yeah I put it whatever [ __ ] already a standby all right let's go just two then three 553 with us now and this feel of soft because the amount of space we have to get done there's not a lot there's very little Steve but you're right you were Steve your absolute something you need to begin Jiri standby for 73 Lube just gone up a little bit oh no we do it again I don't want that I don't want that uh yeah we will slip there it's all a big thing here that I'm trying to do is like some of you guys are running up to it and then driving the gun out and you're losing probably about half a second versus really starting to get on the gun and then stopping or what Steve did he took a rolling shot he placed his foot went one two and then was already into it you're getting lower than we were - yeah let's do this again yeah all right trying to like get on this side a lot sooner okay probably like I'm trying like right here okay I'm like already on this side soon as I'm there I can start shooting sooner okay it's not necessarily shooting faster yeah we got that space you're aware of it so then your focus can be back out here so you already know where you're gonna stop at your role yeah you're right on yeah but no like I don't know yeah yeah I'm accountable Fiat what are you saying I'm accountable frame around that I fired Emily so like I'm I'm obviously more stable here than I am doing that so I'm about to do it in a manner to where now you're set up to leave that position absolutely like what do you find a position like you're in a gunfight at work you get to something you start delivering rounds now that's not a position of advantage it's time to move kind of absolute now you can apply that like competition style footwork to I can get the heck out equation time shifts off yeah mount the gun quicker into myself a precision but I mean obviously I have to stop the momentum which is why I chop step a lot so that's the first is like taking off a hundred percent and all ascend I'm like it's not the top step that's when I move it's like I'm yeah this is a harder movement because it's so short like this would be way easier if it was like this box or like shooting from here and then shoot it's realistic I mean oh yeah that's like the car kind of doing sort of the same thing again super simple got him that was Depp obviously this will be you know harder for more rain just to be able to do yeah but as soon as I'm like Don same thing with like the the transition if you were doing earlier soon as I'm done with the target I'm off I see a lot of people you guys probably do too like at work and stuff when they're making the decision to move they're just kind of like taking their jolly time where's like from here we got you know 10 yards like I'm gonna try to get to that position as fast as I can this is hard like angle so I get placement once I get there and positioning obviously setting me up for that stable base so I can take that shot it's pretty pretty important so do you plant your outside foot as you come in here um yes so for this transitioning side I will plant and then drive hip so I get the last second so I try to keep that wide base like could I take my shots like this yes but like very unfavorable so I'm really going to try to like pay attention to the planting and then what I sometimes do is actually sweet back like this and that actually ends up twisting my hips right to where the target is and then I'm sad but we'll see if it actually like works out the way I want so it's the creeks that round out a little bit so like versus taking in warm again what we talked about your last one take where like we can get like lucky with the one or two shots make it like four or five or four four for each so again setting up with that wide base outside foot and then I'm just spitting this foot back to really drive my hips towards that next target and then I'm set all right he's up oh thanks keep losing that I didn't set my bags up properly [Applause] holy cow all right Steve yeah you floated out of that last shot to start going gin ready yeah bye all right cheer ready stand by there's no advantages in the real world game the gunfight right you're a semi like really notice here is when you were done with this position it was from like all four and then you went and you were just tracking like this position and it's probably cuz you were like really thinking about your footwork driving this position you were just like place place place place place now you didn't look up at the target until you would like reach this spot so one thing I want you to try this too and all I want you to do one two is look to where you're going and then immediately go target target target because what that ends up doing is that allows you to set up your base more consistently because obviously this goes for anyone if they're stirring up their base then they come up they realize oh I didn't set up my base for like that wide of a transition or one over there because I wasn't watching it as I got into here you get to here you go here you come up and you're like oh wait the targets over there so go ahead and take one glance and then immediately go and I make a lot of verbal as a reminder if I do that and then it's target so it's lonely like position target target target target I notice here plant and then I can start shooting for consistent yeah just do two and two cheering yeah my target target target okay much better the same thing looking for the position looking up and you're still gonna lie in that position just fine you just seen it all right you want you guys want you guys want to talk about something briefly um probably I mean I want to touch it like earlier we were talking about like data driven stuff as well but to play devil's advocate to that the reason why we shoot up to 25 is like my mentality is if I could do a builder at 25 quickly and efficiently you have a new yorks is a joke yeah that's why we do it um it's not necessarily because oh we want to basically because Brandon what are you talking about it's completely true again we want to do what you do want to push the standards at the range and yet ourselves accountable and make ourselves better because again the target play gets smaller as you go back so that's one thing and I kind of want to try something a little bit further distances just look for to maintain that round accountability type deal yeah we could definitely do some transitions or some movement stuff I just don't I'm not creative like I don't while I'm putting you on the spot oh man it's weird too far away from the targets cuz we don't have a lot of time to run back and forth is we just use the head yeah so a couple different options there we can start at the three yard line run back to the ten and deliver one or two or we can move forward and deliver a head shot but let's try something else oh my good looks like what you just did I like that cuz we're moving forward like in depth I kind of like that yeah see you guys would you guys be willing to try like it a couple rounds of the head shot from its far distances moving up slowing it down and then freaking burning it down at the so and then the second can will be at five and one of the things is also is like me and speed of mechanics yeah so because we're at a further distances we usually see people like alright about 25 yards then they take their gun out really slowly this is like the problems that I've been seeing with a lot of people like we especially in qualification they'll take their sweet time okay yeah yeah another quick translation between this training in the real world - for cops that do this type this type of stuff is know your abilities don't take or attempt to 15-yard headshot if you know you can't get out and train know your capabilities don't do it once in a two hour training day do it multiple times build up that level of consistency consistency which will then translate to confidence because the round accountability for our community is huge it is for people who just carry CCW as well when you start firing rounds into the public you're accountable for where they go so train train this stuff to a level that's consistent so you know what you can do and don't out drive your headlights if you're not capable doing here to the head I guess and then no no no we're shooting this guy who's clean [Music] from here and there's three to the ED we'll do three six six moving reload I'm probably not gonna do any more I want to jump really good Emily hey Chinna Reddy damn I did not get the three are in so we're not gonna be able chickens and all these cuz we're running out of time but you are good alright next year sofe right now close to the box do it again cheer ready 306 standby nice right [Applause] Ryan way to go dude alright now we're gonna do a little confidence drill Ryan's gonna stand next to the target while I do this his head next to mine we're gonna get all spats not for the record he did it with Ironsides alright shooter are you ready stand by it didn't it didn't count the rounds down there okay no they don't okay who's up alright is that already because you're tense you get to relax lose your mom alright Steve oh no fair and stop I win I was thrown out to cheer raised am i yeah so what I'm here and that's much bigger target yeah I've got a little bit like less acceptable try make sure and still be confident yeah that's good how many minutes two minutes alright let's do just real fast I just want to get a sometimes down single shot draw what kind of holster you running level to the new PS RTS cool he's got a level two holster we're gonna do a single shot white paper from here at five yards just get sometimes up sure head head okay we got one hit there shooter ready a standby we'll go three each standby nine seven standby 102 sure real quick shooter ready standby 118 standby 112 standby 113 super consistent across the board we're looking forward all right Ryan yeah it's raining level to standby an 8-iron standby 101 so big thing just a note real quick like we're doing a one-shot draw a super isolate but the big thing here is none of these guys are like bringing the gun back as soon as you don't that one shot they're leaving the gun out in case they had to shoot more I'm building that good habit to fall through Steve 30 seconds 30 seconds will go fast fine we do it yeah by nine eight stand by nine three stand by ready yep stand by stand by all right guys well that's uh these happen way faster like when around here doing them we have about thirty minutes because our sony camera records to like twenty nine fifty-nine if it goes over that it's considered a film cinematography camera and then the price gets jacked up so that's why we are we have a limitation as far as our one takes going to only twenty nine minutes to get the content that we're doing for one of these but you know we did you know a few different drills talking about some different things from you know a law enforcement perspective and then doing some like competition style shooting but the end of the day this is all just it's all shooting it's finding sites it's pressing triggers it's the same regardless of wherever you are whatever you're doing there's slight techniques that can vary but do you guys have any any closing thoughts it's cool um like obviously every time you shoot with people I've never shot with you before I mean it was awesome to see you shoot finally it's really good so this is kind of nice we saw different ways of how the similar thing similar things were done so which was kind of nice like we had an end state we all met the end state and we all did it differently and it's cool to kind of learn from each other and cuz like people aren't understand like a majority the rainy days it's spent talking yeah we're learning with respectives we're learning how Steve does things like Steve was really um harping at me like hey get the gun out before position when I'm so used to like getting set up in the position that getting the gun out and working the sights like getting it out that way and so I definitely have something to work on now and so it's really nice to get a variety of shears from different backgrounds together to accomplish one simple goal which is sights on target pull trigger boom and then accomplish that mission so it was really cool shoot with you guys today I loved it it's awesome yeah I'll second that all great shooters I've found it better to within my growth in the shooting journey to surround myself with better or you know like-minded individuals so that I can grow set your standards high when you're training I mean don't come out and say hey I'm gonna do you know a 10-second bill drill if you have to start there that's great but as soon as you accomplish that task you need to you know start moving it you know raising those standards continuing if you're that guy that's the good shooter and you see deficiencies around you you know bringing the community up by bringing those dudes in with you to help teach them stuff you know I reached out to you know law enforcement guys and civilians alike or those that aren't in their law enforcement arena to make myself better so that people can depend on me because you know this is where I can fail I can't fail out there I'm gonna let myself or someone else down so again large in part the way we're looked upon by the community right now is probably not in the best light and I think it's important that through our professionalism and dedication to the craft we change that that tone and and not only through shooting but who we are as people raised that that social standards so that we can start to be looked at again as you know valued members of the community and doing the right thing yeah oh my god talk anymore anytime later oh I saw a lot of good shooting today and I noticed none of us were really shooting at full speed you we showed you some of the targets but the hits were all really good but we did at that points go between ok this is my 80% where I'm sure to get my head and then there was a little bit of pushing we missed the target a couple of times today but we were pushing I mean a head shot at five yards and 0.79 and you Nick to the side of it you're pushing yeah but one one way to get out guns like Ryan said is to miss so you have to have that accountability I probably went slower than I normally do today you know and I'm amongst really good shooters but that's important to keep in mind to is shoot for your capabilities just because I'm surrounded by shooters like this I didn't go faster and miss just to give the speed think about what you're doing get the gun up and what happens between here and here is so critical you have to pick up that sight before you pull the trigger it's great to be out with these guys don't get to see these guys very often so it's always a treat to be able to hang around him and then being able to meet Amy in person and shoot with her has been has been great each of these each of these people are still you know active law-enforcement they're there in the job they're still affecting that community or that group of people within a community and one of the things when I was leaving law enforcement I saw a lot of guys who just poor attitude toward it not I don't want to sound over negative about that but what I like to see about these individuals here is that each of them are a positive role model they care they have a higher standard of care for themselves and then that's contagious each of them is setting positive examples you know in the respective areas and then you know with the social media which is great it's a great tool for being able to affect more people and spread that that standard of care that each of these individuals and bodies so that's it's always a always a pleasure to be around you thanks Dean and what is your why you don't I mean like that's like one of the biggest things like why do you got a dream like you could be the reason why someone comes home tomorrow you know I mean that's that's why we do what we do and that's why we strive for like what Ryan is saying that high level and that high standard of training so if you understand your well I think if you really dig down deep and the way to sit down for a little bit and like really ask yourself life that you'd be on it exactly be honest with it why am i doing what I'm doing I'm not here for them to get faster splits or whatever the case I don't care less about that but if this if it ends up that I'm tested tomorrow I want to make sure I'm ready and this should not be a second thought this should be like or this should be just back in my head because I want to focus on his right there so again what is your why understanding that and I think if you do that it'll driver training in the more positive direction so moving forward something that I appreciate extra with everyone here is you know these aren't shooters in the community who just you know they come out and shooter to range go back to their job but these are you know these are folks that are on the internet they aren't producing quality content they use Instagram and I know there's kind of a stigma that anyone who has an Instagram immediately has less credibility because somehow Instagram is different than every other media platform on the internet but there's no difference between Instagram you know having a presence there or having your own website where you produced and published the same content so I'm going to put the Instagram accounts for you know everyone here down below but I encourage you guys you know follow everyone here or at least check their account because everyone here is posting you know educational content on there it's not just you know flashing pictures of cool guns that up and some because you know people do like that and it can inspire them to go out and get proper equipment but everyone here is posting like quality content regarding shooting sometimes it's not like the coolest thing and flashiest thing to go and watch but it's on Instagram which is a great platform to get information out to a whole lot of people and I think you know more people more prosciuttos and law enforcement as well you know can be using that to benefit the community so that's something that I really appreciated about everyone here there's a lot of you know folks out there they go to the range with other shooters they don't have a presence and they don't necessarily have an additional way to give back to all of you guys but everyone here you know they have that so it's just something that I want to put out there to you guys so you can keep up with you know mojo Ryan Amy and Steve and see what they're doing Amy's out in Alaska where it's cold so she posts a lot of content shooting in the snow just awesome we're all here it's pretty warm out you know like cold you know frigid hands she'll be out there and it's not like how much snow so she's out there shooting bees but in you know extremely cold weather so that's something that's super cool and then obviously you know I live somewhere it's warmer so I'm gonna really have that problem so but anyway hope that was helpful for you guys you're seeing some of the drills like we're gonna keep shooting now that this is done and we're gonna keep doing the same thing because we're here to better you know ourselves as shooters as instructors law enforcement guys so that you know we can be better serve you guys the community more effectively and that's what it's about so take care of train hard be saying to be a t-rex wings on another internet burned down
Channel: T.REX ARMS
Views: 899,470
Rating: 4.8909507 out of 5
Keywords: police, swat, law enforcement, shooting, glock, milspec mojo, amy 556, trex arms, lucas botkin, lucas trex arms, t.rex arms kydex, safariland, sof, special operations, handgun shooting, pistol shooting
Id: GlPckDqa-Qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 54sec (2334 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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