CCW Scenario Training | S12 Nashville, TN 2019

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] good morning right now I'm gonna shop boy I know you've got some more hitter come on and exercise so you're about to see ordinary everyday people preparing to do extraordinary things and by that I'm talking about force-on-force training this is at the last s12 event December 2019 a couple things I want you to think about a lot of folks out there teaching force on force these days and in reality all they're doing is playing cops and robbers with toy guns or practice guns that's not what force-on-force training is all about it is meant to push the practitioner the student to a point of decision-making while maybe some stress is involved it also does things like shake out your gear is your gun gonna fall out of the holster can you really execute a task or a skill that you train in live-fire on a flat range when there is real aggression against you that's the key real aggression a couple other things I want you to think about it's really easy to look at the screen and make judgment calls he or she should have done this or done that see the thing is the camera that we're talking to you on right now doesn't work like the human eye iemon focused what's behind me is in focus our eyes only see things in one focal plane clearly that said we also have a tendency to only have so much operating power with our brain especially under stress it's really easy to see a closed-circuit TV camera or even a video like this or with what you're about to see a big 180 view with multiple shots zoom pan good audio all that good stuff and you can pause rewind and view it over and over again keeping in mind the person in the scenario even though this is training got to do it once and they only got to see what was there in front of them if they didn't look or something came into their line of sight too quick that's how it works in the real world that's why we're not playing cops and robbers in laser tag and paintball games something else the guys that are instructing this course are some of the best in the world Paul sharp SBG Jim one of the greatest jujitsu instructors maybe around one of the founders of Shiv works we've got Z Durham Z is a fifth group Special Forces soldier as well as a black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu as well we've got a handful of other Green Berets and and specialize lon horsemen officers you're going to see my friend Scott Puckett in this video lifelong military and law enforcement guy with much training in this area something else to keep in mind this area this entire property during this training has been sterilized during these force on force scenarios I want to tell you this because if you engage in this kind of training I want to make sure that you ensure that you are expecting this from whoever is hosting this training sterilization means that any real weapon is removed from the area this includes pat-downs it includes second and sometimes third checks we do this because people die in this type of training often just do a little research and you'll see it if somebody leaves the area to go use the restroom and they come back they're checked again you have to have systems in place to keep people safe and you have to have a plan and how to implement those systems otherwise it's just playtime leave your comments enjoy understand this is just a snippet of what goes on over this forty hours of training be good be well don't be [ __ ] because I give you a gun does not mean I'll take your hat so why are we here why are we why are we doing this training what's what's your goal what's the real goal what are we always sick to live right you have to keep living I'm not putting you in these scenarios to force you to like have to have like a Wild West shoot oh we could do that and just play airsoft games trying to get you to think right that's what they told you today thank her before anything so you carry a gun every day so don't think because I just handed you that you have to go walk and use it it doesn't mean you don't have to but it doesn't mean that you have to it's an option correct means it's just like every day you got a gun so this is a convenience store you've never been in it but I'm gonna tell you them up on doorway there were those two orange cones are there's a yellow strap on the ground that's delineating the rear wall and the left wall of the store just so you kind of know where our end is a deck which we have some shelves set up with coffee and cookies and things like that and there is a cashier with cash register and you'll see I am NOT a role player I'm overseeing it okay so you have to look at me like I'm gonna try to do it I say and exercise the exercise is done cease fire cease fire all right so come on up to that booth we go all right enter now and exercise what do you think you could do different or better into the register put your hands out put your hands out give me the money what are you doing hurry up I don't want you ringing stuff up what are you doing you got down in line he didn't he bit it I'll survive first right focus on you so I wasn't being threatened really along the way till them yeah perfect if you try to use it before somebody else you went hands-on okay here we go well I gotta say so far that was the best wise oh did you is you getting hit was that from other tourniquet come here right now get this register open I'm gonna shoot France all right ready again sharp no son oh yeah yeah 50/50 again great so now we got a little the stakes are a little higher because you already know you got the night then play what you can all right and well before keep these hot washes because we're getting backed up what do you think you did raha did right not trying to you know lays down that you know immediately I gotta shoot somebody honestly because she was ready when I went for the you know the shot like I had to wait until she was clear from the table to at least but then as soon as I rolled and started she spotted it immediately tourniquet I'm Brenda so so when I when I rolled and started to engage I mean she was all over my but then the way he was moving I never felt like I could you know fighting to keep it down her like hell and I couldn't get you know I just can hear could pin in here and around we shut down visibility to pivot keep tsunami instead of doing the past yeah get around behind him yeah this belt get a run behind him seatbelt it and that kind of gets me to pass yeah yeah cuz then you know behind him right a little less dangerous yep yeah thank you you're gonna hang put here okay you rule out don't give us begin scenario and incident okay if we say in scenario everything stops immediately no matter what you're doing okay okay here's your gun don't press check it or anything because then all the pellet will just fall out I'm going to Pat you down make sure you don't have anything hold on to this we're headed to meet friends for drinks and are making a stop at a sidewalk ATM and an urban you can borrow okay you know where the basketball goal is right it's got the pole at the bottom it's wrapped all you're going to do is walk straight up to that and withdraw your money from okay sound good yep any questions hey man do not move give me the money out of the register do not do I get some money man I broke pants out I broke down here about a couple days ago I sleep in the morning you help me some money I know you've got some money got some nice clothes on come on man help me Oh mailman just give me some what you got good you got gone oh you got a gun oh oh why you got a gun so you're on your way home this is a convenience store you've not been in it before so whatever you know you beat the two orange cones are the engine you gonna shoot me oh I ain't hurt you - go on I won't hurt you I just need some money you don't guess on up out of here give no damn money I don't want to see your white ass over there anyway go get down don't take any questions so I get in a scenario like that in real life you sort of were messing with here yeah sure where you possibly would be carrying a gun am I in the wrong to do what I did because I Ops III exposed I flashed a weapon at you I didn't pull it I said brandishing a weapon do I get arrested for that if you turn around and we'll call the cops or start freaking out on a day location right right the activity or movements if you will right behavior of the individuals who's coming in using a threatening way if you can articulate all that did you shoot me no I'm unarmed right did you know what right did I make movements yeah I was on it I was trying to see how far I could push yeah but again in that scenario [Music] sometimes distance is your friend here did you never know what you do [Applause] picking up where we left off this morning you know that last iteration will be 50 we a weapon access all that except now we have airsoft and so we can make it count all right so this is competitive and non-consensual so I'll tell you wouldn't stop all right and we're just working through until themselves in from which is an armed adversary okay so before can keep working do not comply you would do it really not to kick you in your face Robert okay yeah you were off this is why sheet oriented back to you so you were telegraphing as you were crawling across was now your closing distance right why am i closing distance if I'm not trying to attack that's signalling that I'm trying to attack her right I'm sorry I've started mounting my counter-attack and from the time that you mount your counter attack you've got to go so you were counter attacking but you aren't doing anything hey we're coming [Music] worker [Music] once you decide to go you kind of got to go with something I said to you over and over we're not putting you into games she's pointing a gun at you you said her hand on a gun and start making furtive movements I mean if somebody did that if somebody did that to you and you saw me doing this what do you think I'm doing yeah so she thinks this guy's got a gun man it was isn't this isn't no one a problem this is the problem where we like look at footage and say here's what they should have done what I was trying to do was what I was trying to do was that right yeah yeah here's what I'm going to tell you you're headed to meet friends for drinks and are making a stop at a sidewalk [Music] [Music] okay then do you want some no look man I'm cool with it okay if you to Poland's I ain't gonna hurt you man I just need some money I know you cops get paid a lot watch down I'm cool man no no what do you think you did Wright brothers pull that mask on take the blaster nobody died I dig it that's there's tops what else what if his is what the patient guy in his right mind but what if he wasn't a patient guy anyone in his right mind he just wants the money right yeah but you wouldn't listen man I know you got money I know you got someone get us the money give me some on better back off [ __ ] come on better back your money back no money no agenda strip down money right now do some money why you got that gun I mean why you got that gun why you got that gun huh why you got that gun you'll sue me so Ben I don't [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're not gay here all day yeah Oh give me some damn money give me some and exercise cuz you got it goin just mean you're safe look at that yeah you good yeah alright well we learn for this why do we carry these guns why are we doing all this training perfection why're wily one protecting - what do they go alright alright pause here just cuz you have a gun doesn't mean you're safe him Stan you gotta know how to keep that tool on you gotta protect that tool go weapon retention starts from from the moment I popped up on you what could have happened what could have happened a gun yeah exactly that's what basically I just if there's one there's more right there's always going to be moved right away okay again don't beat yourself up this is what we're here for this is about learning experience there's no right or wrong it's a desirable versus less desirable experience this is about taking something with you and having that experience to say I've seen this before Shane's been saying it to every one of them [Music] so each of you guys guess there's a dominant group that's here you're gonna yep I mean we're gonna go what the objective is to access the tool and in the end the problem all right and I'll tell you when to stop okay all right ready and go I know peeler coming in yeah all right nice simply [Music] [Music] so literally all you're gonna do is walk up to your ATM machine and get out your money on the way to get drinks with your friends thank you for coming in tonight this is quick-draw Tony here [Music] [Music] take man hey what's up money look here dude I got honey some money all right end exercise right here I bet part right here so few weeks and I ran out again I warned if I got flu are you I need the money now I need the money now looking very good I know I know will you help me out okay well let's talk what do you run up the street what I'm I'm right here yeah no well that goes it dream up there I'll meet you up there okay well I do back his money well I mean cuz I don't I don't I don't you know I got nowhere to be you know no y'all boo boo get down what do you got some in your pocket funny end exercise drink wine beer occasionally yeah I mean hey hey you know get someone there you listen you better look why don't you just let me go okay I won't do what you do your mother died with you stay put well I'm not at all okay oh we reason to now we you criminal yeah I'm not gonna let you do that I'm here they're trying to reason with me too much you know this oh yeah come I say I'm gonna kill you he'll do this at that point maybe I might so I got something to do but a cop to do to a criminal is like an [ __ ] yeah good a problem man I mean I ran out of gas by sleeping apart from a couple of weeks and uh you wouldn't ever get games you know man whatever the gas things ain't got no money man if you could just just help me out I appreciate for me now I'm sure they got no fixed income morning man nice guy some FBI man have a good thing wanted to take you to assess what's going on here yeah about a half a second I suppose why did you continue to walk in because that was the exercise I figured that we need to do whatever you need what would you hand out in real life what I done in real life impossible I just walk right by walk like going oh yeah walk in no like kept going you probably caught the compensate you know it's a robbery store for your response so this in training the whole goal is to do what when you do in their life and it's a threat assessment their mindset on how how can I bet have a good time go ahead and enter the stores seat is open hey man I see you got some warning out of this I've warned if I could get some guests cuz I'm out okay I get some money from me I should give you some money man give us one of that doggone money I know you gotta look at you got faster clothes off give us more money [Music] hey hey Maggie don't shoot me why you go you gonna show me ain't I have no box I'm just tryin to get going I just won't [Music] good I drew on the already go ahead sorry 50 then 50 ready and go it's over okay okay you got you got you got going today clean here would you only wake up you got nice in the sack yes [Music] let's see you man all right it's over again [Music] only because we can't shoot you so you're the last one go check it out absolutely good thing you're stopped take off your hood what do you have got any questions actually no okay I didn't want to draw on it because he didn't show me that he was ready to draw guidance I'm sure he had a weapon so sooner first of all did you feel it anyway listen there's no it's not right and wrong again this is our burglars less dog well here to teach you I'm good yeah walk it into this thing was a tunnel of bread I mean I'm bought absolutely sighs so what would you what was your first instinct go to another ATM and a very good Bravo brother brother broke up why didn't you do it tonight why is if I I mean in my normal life I would he tell you good but in normal life I would not have gone to that absolutely correct that's very probable I saw two people but here's a threat in normal life would you carry your gun like that thank you okay okay now the force-on-force the idea force on force is what to prepare for a woman and again learning experience yeah one you'll never forget would you agree oh yeah okay that's what that's what's all about what was another obviously being concealed and then what else I was trying to verify before I once I saw you see this and I even told you hey look you got a gun yeah but I saw you and you kept favoring down here I'm like is he gonna go I don't want to be drawing a gun out so you wanted to have a gun fight with somebody the middle I do I wanted to make sure to have your back to me before I drew it I'll let you know I paused and let you come up with something even more than that yeah brother so you got sucked in yeah you got sucked in so what we will be fond here is a bias okay not the only one with it that's it this is happy too today okay all right you learned some awesome skills in there but then you get sucked into a bias all right you feel me you understand overall with us it fix it so when you learn these skills right so you won't have to use them got me but if you have to use them at an ambush situation which is essentially what we turned it into yeah if you want to help help us out on the scene what we turn to central as well but it's not you in which sucked you in a scenario I got sucked you and get nice and close you got me no boy now okay social etiquette out the window in this situation because I can sit here an ambush tunnel that I come up and it's not much to ask somebody like if you come up to me and I don't know you I still people before they snuck up while I was in my car I don't know where another 8 anyway I'm sorry freaking up on ya so you should be don't sneak up on me even if you're not ready for something what's real situation I still come up and I'm like hey man I got it I'll help ya stop getting in my space here right we're in the dark I don't know anybody here that's got to understand if you eat being reasonable tonight hey back up man you want me you want my help go chill all right let me guess he's he's looking for secondary yeah I'm looking to three cuz if there's one there's more than just two yeah I'm not getting in a corner right exactly so you get so good one other thing before I say that it's East weakened right you can tell oh you're something wrong with him right he's got his hands in his pockets what if he's got a needle and you're not what is the one thing you want right thanks I think you're doing so my life you're not getting any distance cuz you're staying right here yes I'm as I'm coming closer you're just right here that's all it takes us him to do that's yep and then you're gonna go for your gun and then you're gonna drop it on the ground so remember just you're the best thing you can do keep space I just got again are you what's the scenario right scenario dictates are you by yourself are you with other people is your family in the vehicle you got me there's no look there's no reason like there's no it's not worth dying that's not a hill I want to die on you got me a petition you if you made the right you said the right thing but you just didn't do it be an act upon it get something in this scenario it's a learning space exposure I literally said it right here is a priming city look Amen if you would have lost your gun and just right then been killed on the street yeah all this training was for nothing so this isn't you know to get this kind of training tumbly so good job these guys yep head to the grassy knoll you're gonna go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] three
Channel: undefined
Views: 21,541
Rating: 4.948905 out of 5
Keywords: ccw, concealed carry self defense scenarios, concealed carry training scenarios, deadly force scenarios, realistic self defense scenarios, self defense scenarios, airsoft training, airsoft training for real guns, carrytrainer, concealed carry, concealed carry tips, concealed carry training, firearm training, s12 event, s12 nashville, scenario based training, self defense moves, self defense techniques, self-defense tips, what would you do, when to act in self defense
Id: 0QHz0xDtNsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 59sec (2759 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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