S12 Pistol Training: Part 1 | Nashville, TN 2019

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[Applause] so real quick look at me if I say mount your gun this is mounted if I say compress it in so we're compressed low ready high ready what's this called what's this what's this what's this okay good I'll say eyes and ears eyes and ears this you're looking you might John may have forgotten that they're on his head oh [ __ ] and then what happens is he's got his gun out and people start shooting and John goes and a lot of gun I've seen it happen I'm sure many of you guys have so we're paying attention to make sure hey man it's my training partner being sick positive control of the gun put the front sight out of that dot do it how's your grip now is your time to fix it your whole job in the world is to hit that thing right now put your finger on the trigger your focus is on that site and now tell yourself I'm pressing straight back straight back straight back begin one shot that's it finger straight after the one shot when you're not on the line meaning it evens up in ABS behind odd pay attention to what's happening but jam your legs keep your mags Jam we don't want to say the top mags and it takes seven minutes or 10 minutes you should be able to fill five or six magazines in a minute the half damn and pull and shove them back in the mag pouches agreed did you hit her did you miss I should have heard 12 or 13 replies press the gun back out see that front sight or that dot put your finger on the trigger and press straight back straight back straight back straight back for the women but I know there's a man all right we're stupid when it comes to egos right so if I get on the range and I'm telling and we yell at this drill hey we're gonna do a build drills you know we're gonna go from the holster and shoot five as best we can and as accurate as fast as you can be accurate right you'll hear that a lot put your finger on the trigger that non-dominant hand that non-dominant hand should have a good grip it should be clamping down it should be a little bit uncomfortable if I came hey instructors have them remove their non-dominant hand put your non-dominant hand where their non-dominant hand was and clamped down on the gun with the pressure that you would suggest you may feel different things I put a ton down so Jon drop your left hand feel that and I hear Robert here he pull that we blaze it down I'm like well that's let it go faster that man fast I gotta do it right but then I pull it out and I blaze it down but it's nowhere where I wanted it to be what does that tell me so there's Robert space speed or ability have anything to do with me that is that more pressure than you've been giving I want to hear 12 or 13 responses is that the same amount of pressure or less pressure more what's that tell you don't hold it like a [ __ ] I can try to mimic that all right and look stupid and miss a lot and waste a lot of bullets I know I can put my ego in check and be like I'm competing with me that's it so this is my level I'm gonna shoot as fast as I can do it accurately and definitely safely right and that's where I'm at all right there's no it's neither good nor bad necessarily it's just that's where you're at each shot counts every one of these shots is is start-to-finish the only thing you should be focusing on put your finger on the trigger when you're ready and give me eight more shots make each one count [Applause] [Applause] every one of y'all got a different ability different backgrounds different skill sets different things and maybe your vulnerability or or you may be very good at all right that's that's a good thing that's not up you're better than me at that I hate you think that's a hey we got a network of people that know different things and it's good to have a network of people that put your finger on potato see your sites let me get my finger in there with you sites yeah line them up line them up line them up line them up line them up line em up this other hand needs to be tighter okay clamp relax these elbows a little bit who's getting good hits in order to make progress you got to feel you must feel we're in a contained controlled environment where we can feel safely right so let's fit let's fill this it's okay we're gonna learn from that we're gonna build on that we're gonna be better for that false confidence and overconfidence we all have a little bit that in certain areas of our life we all have a little bit of hay who tells you when to shoot yeah who tells you when to press that trigger yeah you do I might be giving you the command or one of the other guys or gals might but it's you that says when that trigger breaks who tells you when to quit who tells the bad guy when to quit who does so who gets to tell you when to quit nobody does right you decide when to quit so don't for a second think you get to tell somebody else when to quit so get back on your sites press that trigger down and get the hit Z's talking about a couple of you guys pinning your trigger don't be so focused on what happens after that shot breaks send the shot downrange and reset that trigger to get the next one you dig mount your guns same thing that that last crew just did all that matters right now is that you have a razor-sharp focus on that front sight get the slack out of the trigger so come to that wall front sight or dot should be where it needs to be to get this hit now it's not slowly it's without disturbing the sights press that trigger straight back straight back so let me see take that thumb and throw it up to the sky you've got probably the biggest sausage fingers on the line here try that this yep straight back straight back back hold four whole so let's see what you got going on here finger straight empty confidence is this this is what was taught to me I didn't make this up right psych psych coach performance coach taught us this he said competence meaning the tactics techniques skills procedures that you have right competence is part of it and in preparation that's the physical the mental the emotional the social this guys over here watching me I better do good being able to perform under that stress press it back out I want you to you don't need me to give this speech again go seven eight shots what should you do if your gun goes empty reload it reload it what would you leave home with three rounds in your gun would you go on duty with four rounds in your gun No so if top that gun off and get it back in the holster when you're done with it that's an administrative process when I say dominate the gun don't dominate it like your weird relationship with that guy from the office I'm saying have a plan that that gun when it comes out of the holsters in the condition with which you would want to fight in make sense competence preparation those two they all have input for your confidence now if I've got the competence but I don't have the preparation that he calls overconfidence if I have the the preparation but I don't have the confidence I can tell it's false code right so either way we've got a little bit of that well it's at some point in time we probably did something like well I'm pretty sure I could still do that again and then somebody put you to the test right oh well maybe I was a little overconfident there all right we have that to a degree you have that to a degree all right let's go seven eight shots make them all count just let those bums quote line them up again stay on the site stay on the site stay on the sites stay on the sense dance sites but what I'm trying to do is you want to get an acceptable of out of confidence an acceptable amount of preparation which is inherent when you're putting people out here and you know any physical stuff we do with the preparation part all right and have acceptable capability acceptable capability am I gonna win this Olympic shooting contest maybe not but can I put together some of that mindset portion some of that composure portion the competence that I have and the physical abilities the emotional control their mental control that I have good enough where I can do what needs to be done for that particular job all right you don't have to be the master at everything we've got to be able to put it together to have acceptable capabilities all right you're not gonna have that you're not gonna have that unless you put your ego aside and pay attention and do what must be done despite anybody around you so let's talk for a brief minute so that we don't instill bad habits ammunition management what are your jobs with the gun I've decided that I've got to top the gun off how do I do that grab a fresh magazine drop the diminished one into your hand seat the new one for me I got to drop the hammer holster now what am I gonna do with that if I that's the only one I got I'm gonna keep it if I've got a foal or one I'll put the full one into my number one mag pouch so if you've got a belt on always have the fullest ones to the front the empties to the back what do you do with empty mags drop them well reload them but we drop them to the deck there's no reason to and if you put it in a mag pouch you're gonna Eve and eventually put it in the gun what's that called what I just did [Applause] yeah tack magtec reload this is you managing your gun you ever watch out good cook with a knife like oh that's cool or a carpenter with a hammer or a saw he's dying Tony he's dying he's dying Jodi can you please pretend like you're correct repetitions everything we're doing we had a conversation Z and Paul and I last night about our friends Super Dave Harrington super dave says everything's important everything matters do the right thing at the right time every time sounds like a mouthful but each of these processes is what builds in a guy that wins or a gal that wins and we're going to start now exposing ourselves the more recoil so as you're reloading and stuff start to think about how does this look in my hand this is not a fundamentals class we're not going to have the time to sit and milk you and coddle you with some of this stuff if we see it we'll correct it but the bottom line is like this then we don't learn from it in this situation is just above the knee is it high in pipes is it that tight probably not it might be kind of tight is it tight on you fairly tight okay but we need to go high and tight just because we get under a little stress you know don't start letting those standards go because it is life safe and stuff it's just like you draw our gun and we start taking some shots well if we needed those first two shots to hit or our family or ourselves are going down we just messed up you have to be able to perform it like this and this isn't stressful you know that right it's relative hey guys if some of you are having a problem building a good grip when that when that gun gets presented out in front of your body I'm stepping forward a little bit look at this just take this hand like a karate chop if you're having a hard time doing this and put those fingers up underneath the trigger guard and just roll it forward see what it looks like see that I just put this up against the trigger guard and roll it forward you see that yes let's do it again give me two where's your [Applause] check it out where's your nan your support hand where should it be when you're drawing it depends but if I've got to access a gun here I'm probably going to be pulling my shirt up right if I've got a coat or something on I'm gonna have to sweep that out of the way and get on to my gun but if I've got nothing on I probably don't want this hand just dangle in here right I don't want to like get the gun up and then bring that one to the party have them meet each other in the middle right gun comes out of the holster when it's in the center line of your body just join them here join them right here cuz I can build that grip eyes and ears I can build that grip here and shoot you know that's what we're looking for all the way out I'm ready to shoot if I have to I can retain it strike you in the face with it control it right don't have that gun out like this and then bring your hand to it so go slow if you have to can think okay joined I can go out see that you know I could do it right here in front of me what's your job with the gun put rounds on target keep a good solid grip on it dominate it by keeping it loaded up safe not put holes in people or things that don't need holes give me three rounds [Applause] would it be better to have very simple processes that give you the result that you want or just do different [ __ ] each time what's better simple processes that give you the result you want or do [ __ ] different each time ya have a basic process after you're done shooting assess what's downrange this is cardboard except we're simulating to fight did I hit did it work do I need to shoot this person again does he have friends is he alone am i hurt tell these things to yourself you can do that while taking oxygen in breathe tell yourself all right everything's good let's get this gun gassed up safely holster give me 5 rounds [Applause] did you guys just hear those four rounds rip from the left side of the range that's Paul's gun you that's Paul's gun shooting down there that mMmmm you've got that whole big target you hear that that's Paul's blaster down there you got that whole target this isn't your no longer group shooting your group shooting in a area as big as that printer paper run the gun as fast as you can drive the sights back to the target how good of a stance do you need stepping out so if we have the ability to put some weight on to our toes would that be beneficial so think about this if I said the first guy to that tree line gets a million bucks how would you stand if I said right now first guy to the tree line gets a million bucks when I say go how would you stand yeah you feel your weight dig forward your toes that dig into the earth put your weight a little bit forward get that gun up and run it so your job if you're shooting quickly like that even if it's just shot shot shot his solid grip and just push the sights back to the target people talk about recoil control like these little guns are gonna push you around there's nothing it's a little tiny cartridge just hold onto it and press press press five more shots on the whistle you put the gun away Josh do you have an empty gun in your holster [Applause] who just shot 10 rounds and didn't top their gun off who just shot 10 rounds and didn't top their gun off that's the last warning you get and then push-ups will be paid give me six hey guys check this out everybody holstered and safe us instructors are gonna do this to you I'm gonna slap on your hands like you just did with him watch Paul's body posture if you can't see position yourself where you can watch Paul's body posture people pay him to travel all over the country just to do his recoil management work so watch his body look at his feet what are you seeing his feet when he's shooting watch his feet what what watch his whole frame and just take note of what you see and don't see do it again please [Applause] hey does anybody notice you you actually see his muscles are like tensed up he's locked into a big like Eiffel Tower of meat in iron a big a big meat Tower twisted steel and sex appeal so just mount your fists like heat so what look at this this is what we're gonna do to you we're gonna walk up it's going to drive on you that's all that 9s balls doing stands great now did you see that when I took my hands off he fell into me he's running that gun hard now look at this hmm just dig your toes into the earth so get back on the line the instructors gonna come and just slap your fists a little bit no gun needed no gun needed just mount your hands [Applause] come on up guys come on up then Brown you shooting it all you guys notice some of you heavier guys thicker dudes can be more static right you thinner guys or more watery guys might have to get more aggressive it's physics and [ __ ] try to try to pull your ribs down into your hips so if you're sitting in a car sitting in a table whatever it is I've had guys in wheelchairs in classes right because yeah some of them didn't get slapped a lot of guys in wheelchairs and sometimes they can't contract from belly button down but they can contract from ribcage to wherever so they focus on pulling the ribs down and that helps them to get that and then the gun doesn't if if you're having a hard time where it feels like it takes a while to put your dot or your sight back into the target you're probably being loose behind the gun more grip if you talk to really good shooters every one of them grabs the gun hard and is aggressive behind it none of them are willy-nilly in you know everybody that shoots well is you see guys like Bob Vogel who's built light like I am literally is like put a pop-can in his hand he'd probably crush it and explode like a closed pop can that's how hard he's gripping and he's behind the gun yeah I don't want to fixate on isosceles and [ __ ] because later we're gonna be doing this and all that [ __ ] goes away dig how do you get the gun from one hand to the other or shoot with just one hand what do you got to do you got to still point the gun not fire and you still got to just point the gun at the target so we could talk to you about canting the gun and things like that we're going to be shooting in so many positions that we're not going to be able to do target practice shooting so look I'm dominant hand on the gun what changed same thing this way if I'm on the ground [ __ ] might change so we're gonna work through that in just a second good job I don't want to see this this is what we don't need to see eyes and ears this is what we don't want to see I don't need all of that confirmation right just shoot when those sights are on the target on the whistle give me six so if we start telling you hurry up it's probably your being loose behind the gun [Applause] oh oh I hear some fast guns I hear some fast guns so ready positions hi ready compressed ready low ready position soon which is not really a ready position but it's a position that you would carry the gun in maybe a temple index there are all positions that you are going to have the gun in because you don't want it in the holster right you feel something is going on that you need it in your hand what's the one thing that binds all of those well how about how about that you're ready right you're ready you're ready there's some reason you don't want to point a gun at this person you don't know why you don't know if they need to be shot yet so you don't just point a gun at them right we're gonna work through these ready positions low compressed high now if I'm trying not to point a gun at target tens head this is legit I'm not pointing at his head I might want to buy myself all the time in the world to just drop the gun so it doesn't have to be 45 degrees right because if he's on the out in the yard with me he might not want me to be so regimented that I always point the gun one perfect way right this is just normal thinking [ __ ] so we just want to make sure that you understand that it's just you pointing the muzzle where you want it pointed in not pointed come back to the high ready without shooting press that gun out and get a sight picture does that look good instructors yeah show us the low ready low ready without shooting mount the gun and get a sight picture doing a couple times on your own without shooting from a low ready low meaning right now with the context of what's in front of us if your gun went off negligently errantly by some cosmic design it would not hit that target or the feet if it was a human being right [Applause] if you are keeping all of your rounds in that paper and you're not an expert shooter speed up it's okay to miss one or two we are training you will learn I would rather you know why you missed though then not know why you hit if you're just hitting errantly and you have no idea and can't replicate it that's [ __ ] so pay attention to the nuances of what's happening in your body who else feels blessed that the day is like this in this couple of weeks before Christmas [Applause] and then compress that gun and compress that gun in listen to me you've got that gun compressed in you would never do this with an adversary eight yards away from you it would make no sense so later we will be on the target you have this gun pressed in because some is an arm's length away from you you are retaining that gun that is what retention is drive that gun out and run it give me six [Applause] I just why do you want to win because you'd like to be alive man that's the only reason any of us are doing this you like your family alive put the same intensity into this if you knew if your failure to do it right would mean the life or limb of your loved one Tek bag if you need to talk Maggie if you need to and return to the holster it may seem boring doing the same thing over and over again who do you think is gonna win a fight a guy that can draw a gun and hit something like a man sternum over and over again every time or a guy that might be able to who do you want fighting on your behalf if you are not getting that gun gassed up and I'm caught I'm giving you like at least enough time to tack mag without having to hurry up and if you have to do it after the whistle you're not doing something right run the gun your only job is to make holes where they belong keep the gun gassed up and not point the muzzle at things that don't need holes in it period high ready give me 6 compressed ready compressed ready I have a feeling that some guns are about to go empty watch that muzzle niko downrange buddy how many of you if if if Z was shooting at you would stand like this like a like a toy soldier would you just stand here I'm guessing nobody right so what we're doing here this is purely mechanics right making holes in paper ringing steel mechanics mechanics so when we start talking about the T triple Steve stop getting away from danger moving off the axe so to speak if we can move they can move give me six in order to hit something what has to happen very basic don't make it hard and even that doesn't have to happen the bore remember we said that dr paul you just saw me shoot from the hip my muzzle this has to be pointed at what needs a hole in it at the moment that the trigger breaks within you know some microsecond [ __ ] because of course the things got to leave the barrel right that's all that's got to happen so sites front sight rear sight equal height equal light at this distance ten yards and n do you need a perfectly refined sight picture where everything's lined up everybody agrees if you've got your dot and it's bouncing around on the paper you're gonna be good if you press straight back as long as that dot stays on the paper yes or no yeah how many of you would bet a hundred bucks that your guns topped off right now in the holster without having to look at it everybody you got an empty chamber well at least you know how many of you have two if I told you hey let's have a competition real quick would you have two would you have to draw impress check before we had the competition it's okay if you have two but why do you have two well you have you have two because you know the process that ensures that it's loaded up when you put it away exactly very simple just do it before and then you know it's ready to go done top all the mags let's page all the targets we're gonna run a very simple drill I borrowed this one number of years ago from Frank Proctor's silly easy and it looks stupid I'm not gonna fire but I'm gonna kneel down so you can see me and all that you guys are gonna do standing so you're gonna press out and you're gonna move your gun yes I'm doing this my front sight is locked solid in the rear cuz this is all locked out I'm not doing this this is locked my head you see is all moving as a turret don't worry about moving moving any crazy amount but all I'm doing is really moving the from stick to stick stick to stick and as we start this I'm gonna have you just thank you just dry go boom boom boom boom saying when you would fire dig you're not stopping it's not this boom move it's boom just moving through the the objective here all you're trying to get out of this is telling your brain that's what I need to see to get that hit now there is a little bit of leading up here just like almost shotgun shooting that you have to be prepped on that trigger if I don't start pressing the trigger until I'm in the center of that paper by the time the gun goes off the grounds are going to be impacting over here right so it's gonna go boom boom boom boom boom battery's going you get the point though eyes and ears we'll do it live I see the sights if you're looking at the paper you're missing it not hard all I'm doing the same thing that we did back here seeing the sights and just pressing the trigger when they're a superimposed right this is best-case scenario right black site big red glowing plastic in a white paper doesn't get any more contrasting right so this is us training our eyes to see the image so we want that image so indelibly burned into our brain that when we see it upon somebody's face ah I see what I need to press straight back right you don't need to think about all this lining up [ __ ] so we're gonna do this without firing present your pistol to your target get a sight picture start moving that gun left to right what we are looking for is just that you're keeping that gun in movement I don't care how fast you go you're just training yourself to keep that gun moving you dig a trick to this is that so normally if you're shooting irons what is your focus if you're shooting a dot what is your focus target right that's why they're so fast one focal plane when you shoot enough you start to see two or three things at once you see your sights superimposed over that target and you almost lose focus on both of them that requires a lot of repetitions for your brain to recognize fuzzy [ __ ] so when would you be pulling the trigger start that in your brain boom boom boom boom you're right now what are you doing right now this is dry fire you're doing it without ammo is your body posture as you would fight is your grip as you would fight because if you wouldn't do it in a fight or with live ammo don't put it into your head in this dry fire agree or disagree going live going live I want two hits while the guns moving do not stop the gun does everybody understand what they're doing I know a bunch of yous frame with us and done this before [Applause] [Applause] let's do another - lets do another - let's make sense easy-peasy do you see on the head there is a small box about 1 in 1/4 inches by 4 inches can you all see that so that is mimicking the ocular vault the spot that you can slip a bullet easily into the skull of a human being that's your target on that head so if I say head that's what you're shooting for don't feel all happy if you nip the corner of the head you missed so I'm gonna tell you body head just we're gonna work through the whatever's left ammo is on your body right now then we're going to paste these and the other group is going to get up I'm gonna whistle you're gonna mount the gun we'll start with two body one head easy let that magazine fall to the deck when the gun goes empty two one do it good job John [Applause] recover the answer when you're done we cover little holes for when you're done we're doing it again recover the holster you shouldn't need me to keep telling you that now so now where's your gun belong when you're not shooting yeah you don't need it out so once you get it topped off for whatever you got to do holster up I want four then four for then four shoot as fast as you can pull the trigger or as fast as you can see the sights and pull the trigger which one is it [Applause] how you doing on those headshots oh they're good down there six and six right John did you make up those misses I just watched up here you owe us two push-ups per head Mike so when we are done before we paste those holes will be there for us to see well wait the last line didn't get that not everything in life is fair [Music] we're gonna go 6 & 6 6 & 6 that's a potential for 12 push-ups let's do it let it work [Applause] Nik and make I'm rolling hey no sorry dude hi yeah I had my ear Pro on ha ha ah just kidding I didn't actually I could hear him does these things have awesome audio these are my my newest addition to the ear Pro family here the the frickin Pro Gold 230 decibel reduction so people are saying to me like dude with a little big well first of all I can't help it if mine are bigger than yours okay relax can't help it but in reality why are they big well super decibel reduction so if you've got something that slimmer like the ones you normally see me where they work good these just have five six seven more DB reduction that's a big deal when you've spent your life like I have around noisy things on gun ranges heavy equipment etc every little bit counts
Channel: undefined
Views: 21,745
Rating: 4.90378 out of 5
Keywords: s12 pistol training, pistol training, pistol training course, pistol training drills, pistol training drills for beginners, pistol class, s12 2019, s12 event, s12 nashville, carry trainer s12, ccw training, concealed carry training, firearm training, handgun training, 2019, carrytrainer, paul sharp, paul sharp self defense, zee durham
Id: YVSnT7CrQhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 8sec (2528 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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