5 Tips for Shooting More Accurately With A Handgun | Episode #68

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all right guys what would you say if I told you that I could give you four maybe five tips to make you immediately shoot more accurately number one a good master grip what's a master drift the master grip is how you your flesh interfaces with the weapon with the tool I'm gonna show you with the Langdon beretta and I'm gonna show you with a boar sight solutions Glock and maybe I'll grab a little small pistol two main thing you want to think about is high and tight I want no space between flesh and the trigger guard I want no space between flesh and the beaver tail or whatever the back strap of the gun looks like I'll show you on a Glock as well I want that gun to be locked in and the master grip means that every time I come out of the holster or I come up off of a table on a range that grip is locked in the same way every time that same way is going to give me repeatability so that when I put a gun out in front of me pressing a pistol out it points to the same place each and every time really quick going to show you what that looks like with that strong side with a Glock so I don't have that big beaver tail with this but I'm gonna push that gun up tight no space no space now what do we do with our other hand rather than just keeping it straight we're gonna can't it forward slightly some guys will tell you super aggressive look all of our bodies are not made the same thing you want to think about is you want as much flesh on the grip panel as possible this is part of the reason little guns are harder to shoot so check it out my wrist is straight now I slightly can't it forward see how I can get this chunk of meat up higher what's that going to do leverage it's gonna help me control that gun I'll show you on the Beretta again I've got all that grip panel hand straight versus canted forward that's a big deal so when you are dry firing I'm gonna grab a little gun here when you're dry firing you want to ensure that you are in graining these good habits so little gun same thing the the thing you want to make sure of is there are controls on these guns different different guns they have different controls but they're in there in different areas you make sure that your grip is not so high I see guys that are so concerned with recoil control that they now impede the proper motion of the slide you don't need to get that high part of it is the way in which you grip it I've had students one guy in particular that is a big muscley dude I'm guessing 275 6-4 and he puts his non-dominant hand so high to try to control the gun that it impedes proper slide function I'm 6 foot 195 and you guys watch what happens when I shoot you don't need to be on top of the gun so number one a good repeatable master grip go check out our other videos on grip a good one that we've done is called recoil control like a monster we go over that grip in detail number two to better accuracy these bumps on top of the gun this one in this one you need to use them they're called sights I'm being a smart aleck but guys we have an issue a lot of folks where you don't know what to look at if you're shooting for pure ragged accuracy I'm talking about accuracy that's what this video is about you need to line these sights up how do you line them up so my friend sang made me these years ago rear sight right front sight we want those tops lined up equal height equal light equal light meaning here if you don't have a good focus on this front sight though you're not gonna see those details so you can't just put the gun out in front of you and let it wander on the target you need to ensure that those suckers are lined up make sure that you see them in good clear focus in order to for this to work front sights gonna be in good focus rear is gonna be a little fuzzy we did a whole video on that which you can go watch here on the channel and then when you put them on the target shift your mental focus I've got a good master grip I've got those sights lined up perfectly don't press the trigger until you see the sights on the target I know that sounds really silly one of the things I see with students in class constantly when they're missing we talk ok we've gone over what you and I just went over and when I see them miss I say did you see your sites on the target I don't know well if you don't know then you didn't see them there so choose not to press the trigger until the sites are aligned when you're practicing even if you're if you're shooting groups on the range and you're trying to work on getting better accuracy if if you're getting tired stuff's bouncing around you're having a hard time seeing put your finger straight straighten it out bring the gun in breathe relax relax if you're trying to force yourself to just alright I've been out there forever I'm gonna take the shot BAM you're not gonna have a good result in what you're really doing is you are in graining more bad habits so in the context of accuracy demand from yourself the things that support accuracy does that make sense now come step three rigor we've got a couple different triggers we're gonna look at but here's the trick and when you drive fire when you're working on that trigger press ensure you got that good master grip you're high tight how hard do you squeeze hard it should be tiring when you squeeze or press that trigger think to yourself straight back straight back straight back think about not moving anything if you're squeezing or pressing the trigger and there's a bunch of movement happening to the muzzle ie the end of the gun where the bullet comes out you're gonna be missing targets when you are firing for real that's that double action we'll check out this Glock so I've got good sight alignment press press press that's another way you could look at it I say that to myself a lot but good alignment press press press make sense little gun here like the car good alignment press press press long trigger pull on that we could look at a double action revolver empty alright so good sight alignment press press press press press press press press press press if you are not in graining the ability to push that trigger straight to the rear without disturbing the sights as soon as you put live rounds in the gun they're gonna go all over next thing body posture so a lot of guys get really wrapped around the axle of how you should stand we're talking about accuracy here not recoil control you guys maybe have seen videos where I stand on one foot and we shoot targets quickly if once you know how to hold the gun body posture with a pistol 45 caliber in below is not that important because there's just not that much recoil in a little handgun even with a gun like this I I could stand on one foot go and go like this boom boom boom boom and hit targets what's happening is I'm not pressing the trigger until those sights are aligned number five regardless of if you're using onions or a red dot ensure that you are talking to yourself through this process this sounds goofy to some people but here's what this looks like to me so I'm on the range I pick my gun up I load seat lock tug I forcefully cycle the action I'm gonna do a press check and we can do another video on that if you don't know why I want to make sure that guns loaded if I'm gonna come back to my holster I do that if not and make sure I have my grip whatever my target is I press out and I think to myself all right I've got a good rock solid grip I've got perfect sight alignment my fingers on the trigger where I want it press press press good shot now notice I'm not popping my head up because if I'm shooting I'm not gonna do that so now I'm back on the target and I'm good good press press press site alignment looks good I'm ready for another press press I'm still feeling good site alignments good press press starting to fatigue finger straight come in shake it out and I go through this mentally very simple stuff if you want to get really accurate with a gun if you want to be able to have laser-like pinpoint accuracy and focus have a repeatable master grip utilize the sights make sure the sights are aligned properly on your gun so you might want to zero it might need to zero it will do another video on that ensure that you are pressing that trigger smoothly and straight to the rear ensure that your body posture is setting you up for success little forward weight bias may be helpful but I don't want you to get wrapped around the axle on stance more importantly is that you're comfortable in the context of accuracy and then five reinforce everything that we're doing in our training reinforce it verbally and mentally who cares what other people around you might think that is how champions become champions that's how winners become winners guys if you dig these videos subscribe share them with your friends we dig doing them for you we appreciate the support that we get from you it means a lot to us that you spend your time learning with us let us know if you have any questions let us know if you have any comments or concerns if you don't like them keep those to yourself but on a serious note we've got a lot of awesome classes coming up they're always on the calendar at Carey trainer comm we've got a great Instagram account if you have not yet seen that we've got a lot of short little tips and tricks over there be well tell somebody you love them don't be a [ __ ] be well
Channel: CarryTrainer
Views: 1,321,597
Rating: 4.9318132 out of 5
Keywords: how to shoot more accurately with a handgun, how to shoot more accurately with a pistol, shooting more accurately with a handgun, handgun fundamentals, handgun shooting fundamentals, handgun shooting tips, handgun tips for beginners, handgun training, handgun training for beginners, handgun training techniques, tips for better handgun shooting, better shooting pistol, carry trainer dry fire, carrytrainer, pistol tips, pistol tips for beginners, pistol training
Id: fHr9kt2VwY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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