Will It Sausage? Taste Test

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👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/7echArtist 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

That blue Hawaiian sausage is the most disgusting looking thing I’ve seen in this show.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/SwaggiiP 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

Does anybody know what was going on with the length of the More? It felt like it cut off really awkwardly, like there was something else we were supposed to see but didn't get to.

Not that I care, I was amused nonetheless, but it felt off.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/GeologicalOpera 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

I get wanting to do weird things, but the nail polish one is just too much for me!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

I'm curious about something. Why didn't they invited Jimmy Fallon back for this episode since he was there for Will it Hot Dog? After all, a sausage is just a glorified hot dog and it doesn't even stay inside of you for very long.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/sweetjiji 📅︎︎ Oct 25 2019 🗫︎ replies
- Today we ask the age-old question. - Will it sausage? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good Mythical Morning. - Our novel, The Lost causes of Bleak Creek is coming out October 29th. Right around the corner and you have until November 2nd to win a trip to eat barbecue with us and the crew. - What you can do that? - Yes. - Go to bleakcreek.com to buy the book and enter for your chance to come to our Pig Pickin' in Los Angeles and that's not for one, but two lucky winners and their guests. - And yes Bleak Creek Conversation Show tickets and all previous pre-orders count as proof of purchase too. Void where prohibited, no purchase necessary to enter, full rules are on the website. - Okay, it's Oktoberfest season y'all and to help celebrate the number one and only German holiday we know of, today, we're shining a spotlight on das nobel sausage. - Okay, here's a fact to take comfort in, you're always just one degree of separation from sausage, since someone you know has definitely eaten one, but no one, I said, no one has ever sausaged on these sausages we're tasting today, it's time for. - [Both] Will it Sausage? - Now, classically sausage is ground meat du jour encased in a tube of animal skin or intestine. It can be grilled, boiled, fried, served in a bun, over rice, over peppers, with mustard, sauerkraut. Your sausage options are boundless. - But by the end of this episode, we might want to amend that statement to create bounds, but first, let's start in a happy place. The first sausage brings the party to your lower head hole, it's birthday cake sausage. - (wooing) - And look at it, Josh, what have you done? - [Josh] Make a wish. - [Both] (blowing) - [Josh] Okay, so what I did is I took extra firm tofu and then we wanted to make it a vegetarian sausage and I blended that with funfetti cake, more sprinkles put that into an actual pork intestine casing. So it's not vegetarian. - Good. - [Josh] Then it's in a bun cake bun with some candy coconut relish and a honey mustard buttercream. - Honey mustard? - Buttercream? - The most impressive part of this, I gotta say, is the bundt cake bun, I mean, has that been done? Has a bundt cake bun been done? - [Josh] I don't know if it has. - I think the answer is about this much. - [Josh] Yeah, pretty much. - I don't know, Rhett, I think this sausage itself is pretty dang impressive. If I were to squeeze this. - [Rhett] Well, why would you do that? - That's like a cakey, the tofu scares me, but. - Well, if the tofu scares you, okay, that's where we're at, ladies and gentlemen. I'm gonna just take a bite of it. - Okay, dink it. Clink, and you know what? If it's your birthday, this is for you. - Well, the sausage casing. - It's got a pop to it. - It has a flavor to it as well. - [Link] Or maybe it's the sprinkles that have the pop. - The sprinkles have a crunch, it's almost like, man, birthday cake alone would be better. (laughing) - Right. - You know what I'm saying? - [Link] Look at this thing guys. - [Rhett] And it's just so mushy. I mean, all the cake has been digested, not digested, but ingested, and now I'm just chewing on some intestine. - Yeah. - And that's not a good birthday, is it? Maybe it is a good birthday. - Yeah, this is. - No, it's not a good birthday. - It's difficult, isn't it? I wanna love it because it's predominantly just a cake experience. - The cake is so good. - It's just bit, 'cause the casing. - It's so moist. - The casing doesn't go with cake. It just really, it breaks it all up and it makes me unhappy to get older and you don't want that on your birthday. - You want a happy birthday, you don't want a sad birthday. So birthday cake. - Unfortunately. - [Rhett] Will it sausage? - [Both] No. - Lately, companies have been turning meats into chips. You get steak flavored Ruffles, maple bacon Kettle Chips and even Korean barbecue Lay's, but what if we turned chips into meat? We're calling this the Frito Rezo Sausage. - [Link] So we got some Fritos happening, but I'm sure there's a lot more. - [Josh] Oh, there's a lot more. So we made a homemade chorizo using spices, Guajillo chilis in achiote paste and then a whole lot of chili cheese Fritos ground in with pork and then we have a Frito crunch bun with honey barbecued Fritos. And then some Frito infused nacho cheese and chili. And then, of course, Frito crusted jalapenos on top. - [Link] Okay. - Do you wanna go just straight up sausage? Oh, you wanna take it off and get into the bun? Oh, so you can have a full bun bite. - It smells good, yeah. - This is not going to have the birthday cake situation. - Take a look into there. - [Rhett] Because it's, you know what saying? - Savory. - It's savory all together. - This is set up for success. - I'm pushing this down, so I can get it all even. So I can get a jalapeno and everything in a bite. - I've done that there. All right. (crunching) - Okay. - All the consistencies are lining up with what you want. - [Rhett] The crusting, Frito crusting on the bun even. - This is good. How is it with a second bite? You starting to get that chili? - Oh, man. - Start to appreciate the-- - [Rhett] I like the way the wiener just comes out of the bun, like, "Hello, good morning." - "Hello." - "I need to pee." (laughing) - Is that how that works? I guess so, I'm just gonna taste a little bit of this sausage alone. - [Rhett] That's what I just did. It's working, this one is working. - It's working, it's working and it's working it. - Every Frito. So Fritos, will it sausage? - [Both] Yes. - We love Hawaii, been there, you've been there twice. - Yes. - The food, the scenery, the fact that aloha can mean hello, goodbye and call a plumber. - Right. - So let's combine all the best of Hawaii into a brand-new sausage, we thought. Say aloha to The Cocktail Wiener. - [Rhett] Oh, gosh. - I mean, this is a Hawaiian drink, but oh my goodness. - And that's a big ol' - [Both] blue sausage. - Man. - Josh. - [Josh] Hi. - Why Josh? - [Josh] Oh, I try not to ask that question anymore. - What makes this Hawaii? - [Josh] So it's a blue Hawaiian drink. It's a tiki drink that I believe was invented, actually, in California, but it's blue curacao, rum, pineapple juice. So we infused all those flavors, along with some coconut, into the sausage, should be a little bit sweet, little bit savory. - You can teach your kids about displacement of water. Hey kids, look what happens when I stick my wiener in this water. (laughing) This one's got a blue drip, which is definitely a symptom of something. Man, how am I gonna do this? - The Blue Drip, that was my nickname in high school. (laughing) - Okay. - Man, I'm just having fun. Whoa, I didn't expect to see that when I turned. I like the way you're supporting it like that. Oh, gosh, I'm not gonna look at you when this happens. (splatting) Oh, come on, man. Hold on to your wiener. All right, here we go. - Such a large. (laughing) - You think that's a large? - Might get drunk on this wiener. - Now, hold on a second. - [Link] What is that sweetness, that's coconut? - [Josh] And there's candy and pineapple actually in the sausage link itself. - Candy pineapple. - It reminds me of one of those congealed salads that you'd get at a family reunion. You know what I'm saying? - Yeah, I mean, the expectations definitely need to be adjusted from sausage-dom into some weird aunt making a weird smorgasbord. - But I will say, if you bring this particular dish to the family reunion, you are not being invited back. You know, so the form factor is an issue. - If the family was blindfolded, you know how you go to some family reunions and everybody's wearing blindfolds. - When it's at a secret location. - I think it's starting to-- - I like the taste, I like the texture, I like the way it looks and I like holding a big blue sausage. - It's good. - So blue Hawaiian cocktail, will it sausage? - [Both] Yes. - Last year, New York saw more dinner sausages than any other state. Yes, we know, that's a fact. And New York is known for lots of other things, like it's pizza and it's rats. So we're hoping we can combine all of those things into a brand new New York style sausage. We're calling this the Pizza Rat Wurst. - What's the pizza rat up to these days? Maybe making these. - I don't know what the lifespan of a rat is, but he's probably dead. It's a rough life in those sewers. - [Link] This looks promising, this dip looks suspicious, gray. - Okay, Josh, what happened here? - [Josh] What I did is I took a nutria meat, which is essentially a large rat native to Oregon, and sitting in a little personal pizza that you can fold up around it with some crushed red pepper and parm and then we got rat ranch. - What is rat rat ranch? - [Josh] Ugh, rat ranch? - What's in rat ranch? - [Josh] Yeah, rat ranch, so it's ranch mixed with some reduced rat drippings. Not droppings. - Reduced rat dripping. - It's cooking juice. - Yeah, rat droppings, yeah, can be a problem, so I'm shifting the wiener over a little bit. - But the pizza itself is not suspicious. - [Josh] It's DiGiorno. It's not suspicous, it's DiGiorno. (laughing) - You want rat ranch on yours? - [Link] I'm a go. - [Rhett] You're going down? You're gonna go down. (laughing) - I'm a open the end of this up. - [Rhett] It just looks like sausage. - It just looks like sausage. - [Josh] Like my daddy always said, meat is meat. - It's got a scent that's a bit. - I'm just dipping a little bit, I'm just getting a little bit a' rat ranch on the end there. - [Link] Okay, yeah, I'm not getting a lot on there. - You wanna dink it? - Man, we're gonna have to go really smush. Dink it. And sink it. - The pizza's not bad. - Actually the pizza is kind of bad. - It's really the thought of a large rat. - I don't think we're just assessing this sausage, I think we're also assessing our entire lives. - It has a gaminess to it, for sure. - [Link] I'm a big man sausage on my pizza and that really helps me out. - But not like this. - There is a bit of gaminess, but I think there's more fun than gaminess. Hey, I'm eating a rat. (laughing) - Well, let me just try it by itself. - Oh, gosh, I don't think that's fair if you don't like. 'Cause I'm liking this and I don't wanna eat it without the pizza. - That really puts it in perspective for me. - [Link] What? - You ate a rat's tail to impress a woman one time. No, you ate a worms anus, but you carried a rat's tail in your backpack. - Yep. - You didn't eat it though. - You almost tricked me. - I'm playing with your memories. (chuckling) - Yeah, that's. - It's not bad though. - It's not weird, but it's not bad and when you pair it with the pizza, it's fun. - Yeah, I think if you bring in your low expectations to this, you could be surprised. - [Both] Pizza rat, will it sausage? Yes. - We've proven that we are not afraid of beauty products on this show. - Man, I look like The Tin Man. - Look, this eye won't open. - That's incredible. (laughing) - But sadly, beauty products only go skin deep. Unless of course, you were to swallow them. So that's what we're gonna do, we're gonna eat some beauty. We're calling this The Polish Sausage. - Ah, so it's spelt like Polish. - [Both] But sounds like polish. - [Link] Look at this. - [Rhett] There's a word for that. - [Link] There are some freakin' colors going on here. Look at all the array, oh, my gosh. I see nails. - There's actual toe nails. Okay, Josh, are those yours? - Toe nail clippings. - [Josh] Uh, no, they're Chase's. 'Cause they were longer and looked better on camera. - What's going on with these sausages? - [Josh] So the sausages are made from pig's feet 'cause you put nail polish on your feet. Yeah, you guys get it. And then we put a bunch a' red nail polish in it as well. And then it's been painted with a panoply of colors. And then we also have a purple polish sauerkraut. And then there's a, what is that, a coral yellow mustard. And then, I believe, a cyan wholegrain Dijon. So feel free to mix and match, take what you want. - This is all nontoxic polish. - [Josh] Yes, it's made for children. - Made for children to eat. - And this is gonna help us here, being able to dip in this. Now, oh, gosh, look at the back of it. I see why you painted it now. That's just disturbing looking. - [Josh] You're welcome. - I'm not eating Chase's toe nails. Just gonna go ahead and say that right now. - Yeah that aint gonna happen. - There's something wrong when I draw the line. - That aint gonna happen. - [Josh] We do not accept substitutions. (laughing) Oh, gosh. You wanna pick up your pig's feet sausage or you wanna cut in half? - I mean, sure, let's see what we're up against here. Oh, wow, there's a lot of gelatinous stuff in there. - [Josh] Yeah, it's all the pig's feet. - You just ground up pig's feet? - [Josh] Sure did. - [Rhett] So it's got the cartilage and everything in there? - [Josh] Big time. (throat clearing) - All right, grab that half there. I really think we gotta lean heavy on this Dijon. - [Rhett] Oh, sure, yeah. I'm getting a little bit of the kraut too. - Yeah, little bit of that kraut. - [Rhett] Just stick it right there on top. - [Link] We gotta do something for the mouth feel of this thing. - Mouth feel, it's all about the mouth feel. - Not gonna think about it. Dink it. - [Both] And sink it. (crunching) (spluttering) - There is nothing good about what is happening in my mouth. (gagging) The temperature, the texture, the taste, the idea. (gagging) The purpose. (gagging) It's all misguided. (spitting) You made me spit it out. - You're blaming that on me? You just ate pigs feet in a sausage and you're blaming it on me. (spitting) Did you like it before that? - You know what, I was getting there, but then you made so many guttural noises. (spitting) - [Link] Well, nail polish, - [Both] will it sausage? No. (buzzing) - Now, we know. - (spitting) We know what? (laughing) - That that's not a good idea, let's never look back. - Hey, there are some good ideas. One, is turning rats into sausage. There's an idea to take care of the rat population in New York City. And also Fritos make everything better. - Thank you for liking, commenting and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - Hey, I'm Christian. I'm from Gothenburg, Sweden. But right now I'm in Landshut, Bavaria in southern Germany and it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality. - Did his accent totally change in the middle of that? - No, I don't think so. - The first half, I thought he had a southern accent. (laughing) Well, that's all in your head. (laughing) Click the top link to watch us try a special Long John Silver Sausage in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the wheels gonna land. - [Narrator] Mythical Wristbands in assorted colors. Now available at mythical.com. Collect 'em all.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 4,340,163
Rating: 4.9181528 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 16, will it sausage, taste test, rhett and link taste test, good mythical morning taste test, birthday sausage, birthday cake sausage, weird food, food combinations, will it?
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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