Will It Sushi? Taste Test

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- Today we ask the age old question. - Will it sushi? Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) (fire roaring) - Gooooood Mythical Morning. - As you know, on this show we like to frequently ask the question will it to find out if things will. And today we're asking that question about sushi. And I am very excited about this for two reasons. Reason number one, I love sushi. And reason number two, Link hates sushi. - I do. And you know what? Typically sushi has raw fish in it. So there's actually hope for me today. I am hopeful because we're replacing the raw fish with other things to see if they will roll up into sushi in a way that can be palatable even for me. - We'll see how you do, Link. - Hmm, I don't think it's gonna end well. It's time to find out. - [Both] Will it sushi? - Okay, Link. We know that you don't like sushi, but what if we replace the sushi with something that you love? Cereal? - Will it sushi? - All right. (laughs) We're starting off on a good note, man. That's beautiful too! Look at this, guys! Hold on. Is that seaweed wrapped around it? - Oh, that might be, 'cause Link doesn't like seaweed. - I do not like seaweed. - Well, hold on now. When you eat sushi, the proper way to eat it is with the chopsticks. And also you're supposed to eat an entire piece. You gotta eat the whole thing. - I mean, it just smells like the sea. But this one's got a little cereal center. What cereal are we working with here? I discern a Frosted Mini Wheat. - There's definitely a Frosted Mini Wheat in there. We got some Cocoa Pebbles and we've got some Cocoa Crisp. - I'm gonna dip this in my milk and try to ignore the fact that there's the seaweed around it. Seaweed's very strong. - Seaweed's coming through pretty strong. - I know. It's like, yeah, this might ruin cereal for me. I don't wanna do that. - I don't think that's possible. - [Link] It's like sushi for babies or immature people. - We call this one the Cereal Roll. - Huh. Dink it. - The fruity comes through. Very fruity. That's a big bite. - Yep. Welcome to sushi land, man. - I just got off the ship on the island of sushi land. - I'm the captain. - I just don't like seaweed, but I love cereal. They're having a battle in my mouth right now. - I gotta tell you. I love sushi and I like seaweed, but when it's paired with other things from the sea I love it. When it's paired with this? - Not good. But I think we have enough information to make a decision. Cereal. Will it sushi? No. (buzzer buzzes) Many sushi menus have a Rock and Roll roll on them, and so do we. Inspired by the living legend of rock and roll, Elvis. Will is sushi? - You just said living legend, so you're keeping the dream alive. - Oh yeah. We proved it. Oh, look at this. - So you're telling me that Elvis himself, some of his body, is in this? - No, we did not roll Elvis up in some seaweed because, as we stated, he is living. - Right. - This is his signature sandwich, which is peanut butter and nanner with some bacon on top. - Now this has the soy sauce. We are going with the soy sauce on this one. But as you can see, Link, that wasabi hasn't gone bad. It's just peanut butter. And again, I'm hopeful. This could do it for me. - No, hold on. No, no. You wanna put the peanut butter onto it before you- - Oh, really? Is that how you- - Yeah, listen. Welcome to sushi land. I'm the captain. Everything will be okay if you just listen. - I mean, that looks good. - I mean they already call this the Rock and Roll roll. Let's call it the Rock and Roll Roll roll. Let's add a roll, my friend. - King of Rock and Roll roll. - Roll. - Roll. - Three rolls. Could be four rolls. - Roll. - King of Rock and Roll Roll Roll roll. - Dink it. - Roll, roll, roll your boat right to Graceland. Oh! - Hmm. - Hmm. I taste every part. The Elvis combination really pushes the seaweed to the side. - Mm-hmm. - Which is one of my favorite songs from his time in Hawaii. ♪ Pushing the seaweed to the side ♪ (Link laughs) - It got him banned in a couple of countries. - He's not allowed in Hawaii anymore. (Link laughs) I think the seaweed actually complimented this one a little bit. It made me feel like I was actually on vacation with Elvis and he'd, like, "Look, you need some sunscreen?" (both laughing) I would pay $1000 to rub sunscreen on Elvis' belly. I'll bring the sunscreen. You got it down now. - I got it down. And you know what? It's great. This can be in restaurants. - [Rhett] It should be. - Elvis King of Rock and Roll Roll Roll Roll roll. - Will it sushi? - Yes. - One of the problems with sushi is that it just doesn't fill me up. But what if we make the sushi itself fully loaded? Fully loaded baked potato. - [Both] Will it sushi? - Oh yeah. Oh yeah, oh yeah! Okay, so we've got all the ingredients that you would normally enjoy in a fully loaded baked potato, including a piece of the potato skin on top. Potato in the middle, cheese, sour cream. We've got the green onion and then we've got some sour cream to dip it in, and there's also bacon bits thrown into the mix. - Man, I'm tempted to put like a strip, a medium rare or rare steak over the top of this. - Do you put steak on your fully loaded baby potatoes? - Well right beside it, you know? Steak and taters. - What about, you got, okay. - What about, what about. You gotta grab this. See, look. I've got my chive nestled under my chopstick and then we got some sour cream. - And I think you should go deep into the sour cream. - [Link] Yeah, 'cause we gotta lubricate this voyage. - That's right. We sure do. Those belts are squeaking. We gotta lubricate it. - Lubricate the voyage. Dink it. - Fully Loaded Baked Potate Roll. - And sink it. - Oh yeah. (Link laughs and speaks indistinctly) With my mouth, I can't talk. - My mama used to do that too. She'd fully load a baked potato every time you turn around. - Boy, that was beyond decent. - It's really good. What would make it a 10 out 10 is if it came out sizzling like fajitas. - Like a fajitas. - Yeah. - Like really, really hot, you know what I mean? - With a medium rare piece of steak draped over it. - You know what? We can add it to the menu. With steak, extra $11. How's that? I love it. - Yeah. - Fully loaded baked potato. Will it sushi? - Yes. (bell dings) - Now let's get festive. The question is, can we sushi-ize the most famous meal associated with a holiday? Thanksgiving. - [Both] Will it sushi? - Yeah, it's never too early to celebrate Thanksgiving. Because it is early. I wanna acknowledge that. But again, is it ever too early to be thankful and to eat? I don't think it's too early to be thankful. And I also think that this is something that is done in a lot of places, right? Because this combination of ingredients makes a lot of sense. - It's magical. - It tastes good. - This has Turkey dressing, not stuffing, 'cause it was never inside of the bird. Cranberry sauce. And of course rice and seaweed. - Yeah, you gotta have that. - We call it Rolls-giving. Dink it. - Dip it in the gravy, man! - Oh, I almost forgot! - What? After all that! - You know what, gravy? I am sorry, that I forgot about you for a second. - I feel like you gotta do both sides of it honestly. - Oh, okay. Dip it. - Look at that thing. - Dink it. - Encased in gravy. - Drip it home. - Yeah. Mm-hmm, I am thankful. - For what? - I'm thankful somebody dreamed up this combination of flavors. - I'm thankful, especially for gravy. - Yeah. I mean, let's do the math here. Turkey plus gravy, plus gravy, plus gravy, plus anything else equals something awesome. It's a long equation. - Yeah. They're not gonna put that on the SAT. - No. - I think the answer is very clear here. Thanksgiving, will it sushi? - Yes. - So where's the first place you'd go after Thanksgiving? The bathroom. And right there in the bathroom is the most used roll of all time. Toilet paper. - Will it sushi? - Okay, we're doing this. - We're doing it because, and here's why we're doing it. As we have discussed many times on this show, the future is bleak. The world is not looking good right now, people. There's too many of us. There's not enough resources. We're gonna end up having to eat this kind of food. - In what apocalyptic world do you intend to live in where you're gonna be eating sushi with toilet paper encasing rice, seaweed, more toilet paper, and what appears to be twigs? What? - That's shavings from the cardboard roll. Listen. - No! - I know you don't wanna believe this, but there's nutrients in here, man. Every time I turn around, my dog is eating something that doesn't seem nutritious, but she's still alive. - That's not conclusive. - What do you think this is made from? Trees, man. Trees is plants. Plants is vegetables. - Plants is food. - Vegetables is food. - Hold on. Let me make sure I got this crazy- - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Toilet paper is tree. Trees is plants. Plants- - Is vegetables. - Is vegetables. - [Both] Vegetables is food - Worked our way right to it, didn't we? - [Link] Okay, you're right. - And the soy sauce will still be good. - All right, so I'm going hard in the soy sauce right now, baby. - Yeah, you want to get it really, really saturated. - Oh my goodness. - You know what? I know you don't like it, but sometimes if there's a really difficult piece of sushi to eat, putting the ginger onto it, and I'm gonna go wasabi on this one too, which I haven't done yet. - Okay, I'll do that. - [Rhett] Which I would definitely advise. - Yeah, I'm doing that. - Yeah, more. You want more than that Link. - Right, right. - Yeah, 'cause it's very weak. This is a weak one, I can tell. - And then tongue down on this puppy? - Yeah, you can do that. - Here we go. Sauce it and roll it. - What do we call it? Toilet Paper Roll. I mean, that's simple as that. - Yeah, Toilet Paper Roll. Dink it. Turn it up. Whoa! (crew laughing) Wasabi! - Yeah. (Link yelps) - It'll pass. (Link yelping) It's very intense. It'll pass. (Link laughs nervously) This too shall pass. - Oh! - You never had wasabi before? - My sinuses! - Oh yeah. It'll clear you right up. - Oh, I'm crying. - But it's good, isn't it? - No, it's not good! (Rhett laughs) I will say this. I feel very awake right now. - Yeah. That's the best part of sushi, man, is the wasabi. - I mean, I knew wasabi did that, but I didn't know that that little amount did that much damage. - Well, you put quite a bit on that. - Okay, so toilet paper roll. Will it sushi? - No! (buzzer buzzes) Now I'm told one of the more popular sushi rolls is the spider roll. But what if we took that literally. Spiders! - Will it sushi? - Bring it in. - Haven't seen these. - Oh my gosh. - Oh my freaking reality. This is edible zebra tarantulas, salted. (crew laughing) You got this stuff from a can? - Guys. I hate you. (crew laughing) - [Link] This is a nice touch right here. - Spiders are amongst my least favorite things. Not just to eat, but just to be in the presence of. Look how big that freaking spider was. - Is it dried? It's hairy. - Yeah. - I would say I'm gonna go with that wasabi, but I'm not going back there either. - I don't know if I should put anything else that makes it take longer to get down. But I definitely feel like I should dippy dip. - Just grab it, man. Just grab it. We gotta get going on this. - I already grabbed it, but I had to put it back down. - Grab it. Come on, let's find a way. - Didn't you eat a whole scorpion? - [Link] Yeah. - And then you ate a live beetle. - Yeah. - I lucked out and didn't have to do either of those things. I feel like you've got proper training for this. - Luck be a lady. - I want to quit right now. I wanna quit life. - (sighs) This is what we do, Rhett. - Why? - So that other people will know if it's worth doing. - Mm, you're right. We're doing a service. - Yeah. - When you remind me of that, it doesn't help. - Like there's sushi chefs wondering this. - Welcome to the show, sushi chefs. - Welcome to sushi land. - Oh gosh. (groans) - Oh gosh, oh gosh! All right, let's get pumped up, man. - Yeah! It's just a spider! - This is what we do. - I'm a human. I eat animals. (groans) - These legs are hairier than mines. - Can we come up with an equation? - [Both] Spiders is animals. Animals is pigs. Pigs is bacon. - Bacon! - Spiders is bacon. - [Both] Spiders is animals, animals is meat, meat is pig, pig is bacon. - Dink it. (Rhett laughs mischievously) Tarantula roll. 3, 2, 1! (Link screams) - It's bacon. - Spiders is bacon. - It's like a seed in there. Spiders got seeds. - Spiders do have seeds. I feel the seeds. - I wanna retire. You know, it doesn't have a lot of taste. Spiders is bacon. - I'm just trying to crunch and munch. - Okay, now it's starting to taste like spider. Yeah, hmm-hmm. - What's it taste like to you? (Rhett retches) (crew laughing) It was deep within the bowels. (Rhett retches) Pick up your trash can, man. (Rhett retches) (Link laughing) - I failed. You have to go on without me, man. - I'm gonna leave you here on sushi island. - Are you about to swallow it? - I'm trying to. - Good gracious, Link. - I'll come back for you, man. - My body said no, man. I was trying so hard. Did you- (Link retches) Okay, you can do it! You can get, oh gosh. It's so unpleasant. (Link groaning) - (laughs triumphantly) I made it off the island! (crew clapping) I did it! - Oh god, so proud of you man. - Spiders. Will they sushi? - No. Thanks for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - You know what time it is?. - [All] We are Dallas (indistinct) and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality! - If you wanna bring Will It into your own home, you can get the Will It posters, volume one and volume two, available at RhettandLink.com/store. Also watch Good Mythical Crew this Saturday, where you can see Mike and Alice go to sushi school. - Did they learn how? Click through to Good Mythical More? That's what it's called, where we're gonna have the crew come in and eat some of this stuff with us. - In a world where cats meow sirens. - In a world where cats meow sirens. (imitating siren) - Is that a siren or is that a cat? I don't know. I'm in a world where it's the same thing and I never know if I should be pulling over or if I should be petting something. (Rhett meows) I'm always confused. - Well, this guy's been through a lot, so I think he's quite a champ. So I think this is nothing to him. - Oh, so you're gonna make him eat a spider roll? - Yeah, I think you're up and going all the way. - Oh yeah. - Oh yeah? - Yeah! (all laughing)
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
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Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, rhett and link vlog, vlog rhett and link, season 10, will it sushi, will it sushi taste test, will it sushi taste test rhett and link, will it sushi taste test gmm, will it sushi taste test good mythical morning, good mythical morning will it sushi taste test, gmm will it sushi taste test, rhett and link will it sushi taste test, rhett and link taste test
Id: UPUnpPxYf8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2016
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