Chewy Crunchy Food vs. Crunchy Chewy Food Taste Test

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feel Josh really skewed the last one by including pop rocks with the Shrimp, As I doubt those who voted in it thought they would be part of the dish at all and not just a regular crunchy dried shrimp. Why he thought it was a good idea I don't know.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Cobraninja97 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rhett: attempts to feed Link

Link: Huh-uh.

Rhett: feeds Link anyway

Growing up is optional :)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/toadpuppy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Whatever put them in that mood today, I wish they'd do it more often.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sneakynin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

So keen to try crunchy pancakes! That’d be awesome

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Carolineh90 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can someone tell me what they were saying they couldn't joke about?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/not_a_library πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I thought it was applesauce at first on the pancakes, and now I want applesauce on some eggos.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/deadmallsanita πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Did they change the thumbnail of the video?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Arevilo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have an extra ticket for this Saturdays live show in Funner, CA if anyone wants to tag along.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jons_myth πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Where, oh where, can I get Rhett's shirt in this episode? My hubby said "that's the one Mythical Morning shirt I would wear" and I want to get it for him for Xmas. I can't find it in their merchandise. HELP!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Snoozy_Suzy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Are chewy foods crunchy better than crunchy foods chewy? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat digital music) - Good Mythical Morning! - Last call y'all! The final leg of our tour is happening now. It's a musical comedy tour. We're gonna be in Albuquerque, Phoenix, Sacramento, and Valley Center, California in the coming days, and we want to see you there, so get your tickets at before they're gone! - Now we've made cold food hot, hot food cold, wet food dry, dry food wet, spicy food sweet, and sweet food spicy. As it turns out, the possibilities really are endless! - Until the possibilities end. But that ain't gonna happen today because we've got a swip-swapping, show stopping, flipity flopping, brand new food switcharoo, crunchy and chewy foods! It's time for Chewy Foods Crunchy versus Cruchy Foods Chewy! Which will we like and which will make us spew-ey? - A few weeks ago we posted a series of chewy food crunchy versus crunchy food chewy mash-ups and you voted on those, deciding which one you thought we would like better. Now, if you wanna take part in that kind of thing, you gotta follow us on Instagram. Now we're gonna find out if you were right, and the prize at stake is for you. - Yeah, you're gonna get a point for each round the majority of you guessed correctly, predicted what we're gonna prefer correctly. If you get three or more points, we're gonna give you an appreciation haiku in Good Mythical More. If you don't get three right, we're gonna post a photo of us holding a loser potato on our Instagram, and every one of you must comment with a sad face emoji on that photo, identifying yourself as the loser potato that you are! - Okay, now let's get chewing and crunching. (peppy rock music) Okay, we're kicking things off with the most quintessential chewy and crunchy things we could thing of, gum and Cheetos. - [Link] Look at those Cheetos. Let's save these a second 'cause I can't imagine what a chewy Cheeto's gonna be like. Like, crunchy gum - You're not gonna have to imagine in a second, Link. - [Link] Let's go with this. So, there's Wrigley's wrapping, is that Wrigley's? Josh? - [Josh] Sure is. - Is that Wrigley's? - [Josh] One of the best gums in the game. - [Rhett] I'm gonna just put it in my mouth like I would a stick of gum, which I just usually just take the whole thing (crunching) (crew laughing) - Oh my goodness. - My mind is confused! Because my body is telling me to swallow but my mind is telling me NO! - Nope! Don't you dare! - Oh yeah, I can't do that anymore, sorry. - 'cause of rights issues. Um, it's kind of like eating a peppermint candy. - Is it okay if I eat it? 'cause I am eating it. - [Josh] Yeah, do what you want. (clinking) - Um, it's still gum though? (spitting) - [Josh] Yup! (crew laughing) It's the whole stick. - Yeah, it eventually becomes chewy. - Oh, there it is. - Yeah, it still turns into gum. Um, which is not a critique. - I quite! I quite like that. - Yeah, it's (crew laughing) it's pleasant. It's like eating fossilized gum. - I don't know if I don't know if that was evident until right now but I quite like it! (crew laughing) (can clanking) Let's have chewy Cheetos. - Okay, oh my gosh, they're so long! - [Rhett] What, is this like a gummy worm? - [Josh] Ish, what we did is we blended the Cheetos and then we pounded it with a little bit of rice flour, essentially to make a Cheeto mochi, and then we covered that in cheddar cheese dust. - Um, it really tastes exactly like a Cheeto. Scarily like one. - Well sure. - And I like gummy things. - It's a gummy Cheeto, it's really messing with my brain. My taste buds like it, but my MIND (laughing), um - Can you joke about not being able to joke about something? 'cause I think that's what just happened. And that's okay. - That's okay. - Yeah. Oh, is that okay? Sorry. Not okay. - Um, but when you said mochi, that actually gives me a filter through which to enjoy this even more. - The mochi filter. - Because when you say gummy that implies, like, candy but mochi can go savory, right? - Anywhere, your mouth (crew laughing) - So we need to choose. - I'm having a very difficult time. - I know. - I don't think it's ever been this unclear for me. - Yeah. (clanking) - Um I gotta think that this is a little off-putting, it was surprising, there's not really anything off-putting about crunchy gum. - I think this is surprising, it's innovative, it tastes amazing, and I like mushy things. This ultimately, it does eventually just become gum. This is an entirely new thing that is completely enjoyable. - Okay, if you feel that strongly about it, I do not feel that strongly, I like them both. We can go with Cheetos. - But it makes it difficult for you, right? Let's see what the Mythical Beasts had to say about this. Which one did they think we would prefer? - [Woman] So, the Mythical Beasts were also pretty split, but 54% of them thought that you'd like crunchy gum better. (buzzer blares) - Ooh, guys I know it really came down to the wire and it's on me, but you were wrong. (peppy rock music) - All right, we're taking a little trip to the mall food court, and we're gonna gnaw on a crunchy Cinnabon roll, and a new item at the food court, Taco Bell, the Chewwrap Supreme. - Now, is this in a plastic bag I have to remove (Link laughs) or is that the item? - That's the wrap. - [Josh] No, that is the full item. - That is the item? (laughs) - Try to pick it up. - [Rhett] Hold on, is it okay to eat? - [Josh] Yeah, have fun! - You know how you'll see pictures of deeps sea creatures, like laying flaccid on a beach? That's what this feels like. - Like a blobfish? - Yeah, it's like, oh well you know, it's actually beautiful when it's way down there but then when it's (groans disgustedly) - [Rhett] Get a big bite, really go for it. Bite bite bite bitebitebitebite! Oh gosh, look at that cross-section. Let me get in the other end. (crew laughing) Wow. You know what? Some people out there can't crunch anymore. - You talking about toothless people? (crew laughing) - Uh huh. - Taco Bell for toothless people! Line up! - The toothless menu. - I gotta chipmunk this 'cause it's nasty. - Hold on, the first 90% was unpleasant, but once I swallowed it was just like I think I just had Taco Bell! (laughs) (crew laughing) - Yeah (laughing) it makes it easier to swallow if I were willing to do that. You gel-capped a fricking taco. - [Josh] It's actually Vietnamese rice paper rolls. - [Rhett] Oh, look at this. - [Josh] Yeah, it's like a soggy spring roll. - [Rhett] Look at this thing, it's layered. - Layered Hamilton? (crew laughing) Now we're doing this again. (crew laughs louder) - It's just when it's difficult to share. Yeah, yeah, this will be good, this'll be good. Just bite hard, really bite hard! This ain't on the toothless menu, this is on the tooth menu! Cinnabon, tooth menu! (crew laughing) Ow! - Yeah, you gotta break an incisor. You gotta watch yourself. (Rhett groaning) (bun clanks on plate) - [Link] It's basically a cinnamon crouton. - It's a tad dry. - Once it rehydrates - It's kinda nice - It's pleasant. - It's actually more cookie-like. - Yeah, there's no way we're doing this, right? - I do recommend this for, you know, a certain crowd. But I do think we prefer the crispy, crunchedy cinnamon roll. - All right, people, what did you think? - [Woman] So 76% of Mythical Beasts thought that you'd like the cruchy Cinnabons better. - Yeah of course they did, that's so obvious! Why did we even do it? (peppy rock music) - On to the most important meal of the day, breakfast! Which will we like better, crunchy pancakes or good old Cap'n Chew? - Crunchy pancakes, hey, heyheyhey what you doing? This is my thing! (crew laughing) - Sorry, hehe, yeah, you've gotta have something. (laughing) - I'm good at it man, right there. - Okay, here's a spoon. Mix it in. - [Link] Oh my gosh. - [Rhett] It looks like mac and cheese, you know, that's what I would think it was. - Dink it and sink it. It's a sad, sad morning. - Oh it's not that bad, no. - Well it doesn't taste bad. - You have specifically, I have heard you specifically complain about Cap'n Crunch hurting the roof of your mouth. (crew laughing) Did that hurt the roof of your mouth? - Well you know, Rhett, you're right, it is safe. It's the safest Cap'n Crunch experience I've ever had. - But it's just okay, it's not great. Crunchy pancakes. - [Link] How, oh my gosh, it's all together. - So, um, is that butter? - [Josh] Yeah, it's actually butter that's been dehydrated in maltodextrin, and then that's actually maple syrup that's been reduced down to its hard candy form. - Oh I like that stuff, the Canadians just eat it straight. - [Josh] Oh yeah, they do a lot of stuff up there. - Yeah. - But they're nice about it, so they get away with it. - Did you mean to make this syrup look like the Eastern Seaboard? (crew laughing) - [Josh] Yes. You can see the Chesapeake. - It's little Florida down there. - Okay, I'm gonna put my dehydrated butter back on there. Dink it. - Now, again, I don't want to break a tooth. Oh, wow. - There's just something about crunchy stuff that you immediately just make it candy, you know what I'm saying? - Yeah. - Like a stroopwafel? Like you can have a crunchy stroopwafel. This is in the stroopwafel family. - It's like an American version of it. - I bet you this thing can go quite a distance too. - You gotta pull that off first? Why wouldn't it go a distance with that on it? - Gotta be heavier maybe. - Yeah, there's something fun (pancake clinks) (crew laughing) There's something fun to this. Did somebody lose an ear? - Oh, what did I hit? - [Josh] Microphone. - I hit a microphone. Hopefully it was on. - So, we're voting for the pancakes, because it's just, it's just plain fun. - It's good, this could work. - A little bit of danger goes a long way. Yeah, you might cut yourself, but I think it's much better than this boring stuff. Did you agree? - [Woman] Well, 69% of Mythical Beasts thought that you'd like crunchy pancakes better! - Yep, yep. (Link claps) - You guys are back on track! - Yeah you are. - Two out of three! - You might win a prize. (peppy rock music) - And finally, we have some crunchy shrimp cocktail with crunchy cocktail sauce versus one of the crunchiest fruits ever, vegetables ever (crew laughing) celery, in a chewy form. - [Rhett] I don't even know where to start on this. - This is weird. - What's the green goo? - [Josh] Uh, so that is actually celery flavored gummy that we've encased the celery in to give it that chewiness. - Okay. - You wanna start here? - Sure. - [Rhett] It looks a little more straightforward. - [Link] It looks like a dead green bean. - And then, how did you get it to be chewy? You just? - [Josh] So we parcooked it, and then we dehydrated it, to kind of draw some of that moisture out but keep the fibrousness. - You're dripping. Do you like celery? - Um. - Without peanut butter on it? - In some, dipping it in something. - Oh gosh. Uh uh. Oh. Uh uh. - I don't quite like this. - It's a little sweet. - [Josh] Yeah, a little bit. - Um, but then it's mostly just celery-y. - It actually takes the celery edge off a teeny bit. - You think that celery's got a lot of edge? - Yeah. (crew laughing) Celery is one of the edgiest fruits. (Link laughs) (crew laughing) - Oh my goodness. You know what? It could be worse. - 'cause as a person who doesn't like the taste of celery, wouldn't you say it's better than regular celery? - I agree. - Yeah. See, there you go, it made it better! - It feels like a candy in like, Tokyo or something. - WOAHHHHHHHHH- - [Link] I just wanted to hear it today. - OHHHHHHHHHHHH - And this is dried shrimps. - [Josh] So it's actually been fried and then dried, and then refried. - [Both] Fried and then dried and then refried. - I needed that today, thank you. - [Josh] Now, they're meant to be eaten whole. - [Link] Because it's all crunchy, you might as well eat the tail? - [Josh] Exactly. - Now how do you, oh the dip. - [Josh] And then you're gonna wanna mix the pop rocks into the cocktail sauce with your shrimp. - [Link] Oh pop rocks! With the what? - [Josh] With the shrimps. - [Rhett] Just, yeah. - Whoa! - [Josh] Yeah, there you go. - Look at that! You hear that? This is an experience! You hear that? Wow, this is something that - Did you know that was going to happen? - No, he said you needed to mix it! - Oh I like it when the food talks back to me. - (clicks tongue) And (clicks tongue) (crunching) (crew laughing) - I feel like I might be dealing with this for a while. - Yep. - Like, tonight. (crew laughing) (Link laughs) - You know what I'm saying like - It'll still be in your mouth, you mean? - Something in the throat. - Yeah. - Like a shrimp shard. - Boy, I'll tell you Josh, this is a cup full of fun. (crew laughing) But it's a mouth full of nasty. - [Josh] Eh, yeah. - You know, it really flips the script once you try to eat it. I'm not gonna vote for this. What do you say, sailor? - I've sailed many a many a sea (crew laughing) (Link coughs) but I'm pulling in to celery harbor. - Yeah. All right guys, do you get the haiku? Or the loser potato? - [Woman] 78% of Mythical Beasts thought that you'd like the crunchy shrimp cocktail better! - (laughing) Losers! - Yeah, it's just not that good. This is a fun, fun, little outing. - Go to our Instagram where you can see yourself and you're represented as a loser potato, that makes sense. (Rhett laughs) - Yeah, comment on that, you deserve it! Great job guys, thank you for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - Hi, my name is Diego and I'm from Yucatan, Mexico and this is my first time eating Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and it's time to spin the Wheel Mythical. Mmm, tasty. (Rhett and Link laughing) - He's like, you were right, it is good. - I'm glad we were here for such a monumentous occasion! - Click the top link to watch us figure out which chip has the most satisfying crunch in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land! - [Link] Why complicate things? Just head to and buy the Mythical Minimalist Set.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 4,713,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 16, Chewy Crunchy Food vs. Crunchy Chewy Food Taste Test, Which Chip Has The Loudest Crunch? (TEST), crunchwrap supreme, taco bell, gum, pancakes, crunch, crunchy, chew, chewy
Id: 5jCheDCLuLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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