Alternate Universe Snacks Taste Test

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I like how normal Rhett sounded when he said: "Get your foot into your mouth."

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/BurnZ_AU 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

"I put my tongue in the worm hole, and nothing happened"

I love Josh.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/lts_talk_about_it_eh 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is the season end. The intro changes every 3 seasons or so..... So next season new intro right??

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/06KNight06 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

I also love a good Barbs and Jade episode. They look and act like their owners so much

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/chowler 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

The had to haggle with a Halfling for that Bud Heavy.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Transcendentist 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

I get an error message when I try to watch it. I need to sign in with a “G Suite account.” Was too busy to watch it yesterday, does anyone have a way to see it?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/awesomeM3 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Would you put your tongue down a wormhole? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat electronic music) - Good Mythical Morning! - And welcome to final week of Good Mythical Summer. Now after this week, we're gonna be taking a quick, one week break and then we're gonna be back with Season 18 of Good G Double M. (Rhett and Link laugh) On Monday, September 14th. - Good, Good Mythical Morning. Yeah, I get it. All right, what's the most mythical thing you can do in 2020? - Make a time capsule that contains only body hair that you've collected from your loved ones. - Right, but the second thing is vote. That's why we are launching a new effort that we are calling Vote Like a Beast. - Bam! - Link and I will be voting in November, we wanna encourage all y'all Americans out there watching to do the same, so please check out the site that we've created, - Yeah, voting like a beast means educating yourself so you can vote according to your conscience and really make a difference 'cause the process of voting, it can be intimidating, it might even feel like a burden to you, but we wanna do everything we can to help remove any obstacles in your way that keep you from taking part in the voting process. So we've created this site to help equip you to not only know how to vote in your state, but also to find out how your passions align with specific candidates on your specific ballot. - Again, that is, check it out. - Bam! - But today, we travel to the multiverse. Now scientists continue to debate if alternate universes can exist. Well, guess what, they do. We've been there. And you know what, we've been there before and we went back today. - Did we check to see if these alternate universes have established world piece or cured cancer or found a way to wash the very center of your own back without any assistance? No, we did not. But we did get a load of their snacks. - Yes, we did. It's time for part six or Multiverse Munchies. Now we believe if we can dream up a snack with our simple human peanut brains, it has to exist somewhere in the multiverse. - Has to. - So using the resources at our disposal, we have once again, reached into the multiverse and come back with a series of snacks that do not exist here in our dimension. - Now we're gonna be holding these inter dimensional snacks to the same standard as we do our normal snacks, and that is a very high standard, Rhett. We're gonna try each one and we're gonna decide if it is from a delicious dimension or if it is a snack offension. - Now, okay, our universe what I consider to be the most refreshing candy, the York Peppermint Pattie. A disc of peppermint confection surrounded by dark chocolate, but there exists a universe in which people only find refreshment through the other white meat and that's why they have, Pork Peppermeat Patties. - I mean, you can tell it's real just by looking at the packaging. I'm telling you, we're going to places you didn't know existed and coming back with a chocolate covered pork puck. - Because you just can't-- This kind of thing just can't be made. - No. - It's like, you can't just make this. With like a printer and things. - No, if you did, it wouldn't look this good. - It wouldn't look like the real thing. - So in this alternate universe there are no vegetarians, okay? There's only carnivores with a sweet tooth, so they love this kind of stuff. Now in the 1940s, when our York Patties were sold in PA-- What's PA? - [Both] Pennsylvania. - Each patty had to pass a snap test and if they didn't snap cleanly down the middle, they weren't packaged for sale. Otherwise they were packaged and then everyone was like, why are all of them snapped in half? - Yeah. I guarantee you they don't do that anymore. - It doesn't seem-- So let's snap this pork patty. - That's like throwing a witch into the water and if she floats, she's a witch, and if she sinks, she's innocent. It's like, either way-- - It's a lose, lose for her. Well hey, so far, so good. (crew laughs) Mine really snapped. Dink it and sink it. So it's pork and a whole lot of black pepper. - [Rhett] Lot of pepper. I like a lot of pepper though. - I do too. I like black pepper on my salads. - Boy, that's unusual. - Is it? I thought it was. No, it's not unusual at all. You said it like it was unusual, that's why-- - I know. I thought it was. - That's why they come up with the pepper thing when you get a salad a lot of times. Would you like pepper on your salad? 'Cause it's like-- - I just thought they heard about me. (Rhett laughs) This is strange. But I like it. - It kind of tastes like the sausage from a sausage biscuit and you tried to put a pepper and a salt packet, but you weren't thinking and you grabbed two pepper packets. (Link exclaims) But you were like, oh, I kind of like it. Especially as men get older, something happens with their tongues and they want more pepper. That's why like a crazy, peppercorn steak, that's like an old man steak. - Like pleasure spiked with pain. - Pepper just covers the whole thing. And we're getting there, we're getting up there. - [Link] Pork Peppermeat Patties, is it a delicious dimension or a snack offension? - [Both] Delicious dimension. - Bud Light is a beer. - True. - Adults drink it in order to not feel guilty about their caloric intake, or about tasting something that's good. - Right. - But in another universe, calories don't exist and they care mostly about how much something weighs, and they've got Bud Heavy. Look at that. - [Rhett] It's heavy. - It is considerable larger, but also even a lot more heavy than you might think something of this size would be. - That's like four to five pounds. - That's a good workout right there. - Let's see what the dink sounds like. - I'm working out my creltoid right now. It's somewhere in here. - Creltoid. (beers dinking) (Rhett and Link laugh) Whoa, hey, there's some thick liquid in there, listen. Do that again. (beers dinking) It's like two pieces of wood hitting each other. - Yeah, it's solid. (Rhett laughs) Let's give it a nice little tasting. It's thick, it's syrup. - I haven't gotten any yet. I did all that and didn't get any. - It's like a-- Whoa, it's molasses. Okay, which now I understand why you've given us these glasses. Look at this. - Glasses for molasses. - That is some syrupy-- You know if I didn't know better, I would say they just took a bunch of Bud Light and just reduced it down into a syrup. Wouldn't you say, Josh? - [VOICE] I haven't been to the dimension, I'm not sure. - Yeah, that would just be my best guess. - [VOICE] I put my tongue in the wormhole and nothing happened. (Rhett laughs) - Look at that, it takes a while. It takes a while to pour one up. - [Link] Look at how it's even misshapen when it comes-- - [Rhett] I think that's just a hair you got. - [Link] Look at that, what's happening? - [Rhett] You got a hair. - [Link] It's bending. - No, there's a hair. - Do you see that bending? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, 'cause there's a hair down to right there. Stop pouring. - Why is there a hair? - Stop pouring. - [Link] I can't stop pouring. - And let the hair remain. (Rhett laughs) You thought that like physics was happening and just a hair was happening. (Link groans) And every Bud Heavy has a special hair. That wasn't hair. - It wasn't hair. - It was a strand of super concentrated Bud Heavy. - It was beer hair. - Beer hair. Let's see what it sounds like when you put two glasses of Bud Heavy together. - Cheers. (glasses dinking) (Rhett laughs) - I love this universe. - It's like motor oil. - All right, chug the whole thing. (laughs) You'd be so sick, man. - It's very sweet. (exclaims) I mean-- - I kind of like it. - They don't care about calories, yet they have something that's like a dumbbell in their hand. Maybe that's why they don't care about calories. 'Cause everything's heavy. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, this is a true high gravity beer. - It's kind of a cool give and take here. - I sort of like it. - It's just, it's undrinkable. - Well, think about how long you would have to hang out with your bud enjoying a Bud if you each got one Bud Heavy. I think most people would probably split it. - So it's like quality time. - Two guys, one Bud Heavy is the most popular video in that universe. - Eight hours. Bud Heavy-- - [Both] Delicious dimension. - As you know, we're big fans of Ben and Jerry's, but when we tasted every single flavor of Ben and Jerry's, we actually gave Phish Food a pretty low score, it was in our top 10 worst, so our least favorite. - Bottom 10. - Our bottom 10. - Yeah. - But you know what? We heard there's a universe that has a Jen and Berry's Fish Food ice cream, so we thought maybe this would be an improvement. - So they don't believe in puns, this is actually F-I-S-H Food, here. - Well actually, you know what, puns are illegal. All the prisons are just full of suburban dads. - Vanilla ice cream with scrumpt-u-ous fish flavor. - [Rhett] Scrumpt-u-ous? - Scrump-chi-ous. - How about just scrumptious? - Seaweed and real fish. Real fish. - This sounds like something you-- - Scrumpt-u-ous. - Sounds like something you're gonna love, Link. - [Link] There's like a-- I think that's a purple looking piece of fish right there. - You know, Ben and Jerry do exist in this particular universe, but they're just traveling magicians. I mean, I guess that's bad. You can make a good living doing that. - Lots of seaweed. - Not right now though. I wonder if they got COVID in their universe. - Oh my gosh, I'm afraid to-- Give that a sniff. Smell of that. - Can you do-- Oh, you know what, Stevie told us, you can do that. You can do video conference magic, because one of your friends hired one, right? - [Stevie] Yeah, you can do video conference magic. - Let's get in on that. Can I have a spoon? - [Stevie] I do believe you turned down when I had offered to bring the video conference magician in but I will note this. - We were thinking of the team, Stevie. - I didn't turn it down. - I will note this. - That wasn't me. (Link coughs) - Come on, universe. Stop speaking to me. - Oh gosh, that's really strong. (Link groans) - Well, you've been breathing it so much. You've got more than me. (Rhett exclaims) (Link gags) (Rhett coughs) - Very oceanic and non-scrumpt-u-ous. - Oh gosh, I gotta eat some of this real Phish Food from our universe. (Link exclaims) To balance that out. - What are they thinking over there? - I don't know. - Don't go back to that one. Jen and Berry's Fish Food-- - [Both] Snack offension. - In our universe, Handi-Snacks are an iconic spread it yourself treat enjoyed by children who use their grubby little hands to rip them and dip them. However, our final snacks comes from an alternate dimension that is anatomically different than ours. They don't have Handi-Snacks Premium, but they do have Footi-Snacks Tedium. - Yes, here's how this universe works. They're so good with their feet that their hands actually evolved into another pair of feet. - So their feet are feet, but their hands are also feet. - Hands are feet. Kind of like a horse or any four-legged animal. - But not, because they're very dextrous. - But it's still a little tedious. - Yeah, there's some tedium involved. So you can use your hands to explore it first, but-- - Just to open this up. Here, grab a Footi-Snack. - [Link] There's a Footi-Snack. Look at that, that's nice looking. - Okay, get your feet ready. - Yeah, 'cause we wanna fully immerse ourselves in the experiences here. I mean, first of all, if you were to put it back in the box-- - Well, that's a problem. - I'd have to like get it back out of the box. - Don't crush my Footi-Snacks getting to your Footi-Snacks. - Okay, well, maybe you can-- You're over there, just dump that on my side here. - Oh, you got them all out. - Look at that, plenty. - [Rhett] So how in the what do we-- - WikiFeet, here we come. (chuckles) Footi, Footi, Footi. - [Rhett] Are you getting that? Are you able to-- I can't even really scrunch my toes. - Oh! Ah! Yeah. - What? How did you do that? - I just kind of raked my foot over the top and now, oh, I got a cramp. Oh gosh, this is very-- - The angle. They probably don't do it on a table. They probably do it on the ground. I can't even-- - When you start with the cheese, then there's like cheese all over your foot. - [Rhett] I've been using both feet and having no luck, - Gotta just grab this. - I can't even begin to grab. I just keep turning it over. You know what, I'm gonna have to cheat a little bit. - The problem is the cheese is so-- - I'm moving on to this step. - Oh, you are? - Just dip it with my foot. - All right. Let me do that too. - [Rhett] Hold on, let me get a little more cheese. - Is this what you wanted? Is this what you wanted? Here, it'll be a lot easier if you just eat-- Look at that, just eat that. - I don't want to. Oh, it's sticking to your toe. It's just sticking there. (laughter) Get your foot to your mouth. (Link groans) (laughter) - Well, you know, now that I got it in my mouth, it's good. Everything up until the point it was in my mouth, I was unsure about. But when I put that little cheese stick in my mouth, I was like, I get it. - Yeah, it tastes so good. - [Rhett] So Footi-Snacks-- - [Both] Delicious dimension. - There's nothing like toe cheese in between the toes. - I'm gonna enjoy the rest with my hands though, because you know what, I got them. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - I'm Simon. - And I'm Ashley. - And we are in Queens, New York. - [Both] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Yes, sir. Click the top link to watch us taste frozen dog treats from this dimension with our puppies in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. Make your voice heard and vote like a beast. Visit for all your voting needs.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,838,501
Rating: 4.8987994 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, gms2020, good mythical summer 2020, alternate universe, snacks, fish food, phish food, bud heavy
Id: lzgEh7bMUFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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