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what's up folks this is prepper princess today i'm going to talk to you about why i absolutely despise shopping you have heard about it everywhere retail therapy shopping addictions things along those lines now something that you all don't know about me i am a virgo a virgo is an extremely logical person i am like spock every decision i make is logical and not emotional when it comes to my finances because finances are not emotional for me they are a tool so let me just first and foremost say that i have worked in retail in one form or another most of my life one of my previous jobs i am now allowed to say it i was in contract with them for a full year where i could not say anything about them on any social media platform is restoration hardware also known as rh i love rh i tried staying with the company when i moved but the commute just would have been too much they are an amazing company i can't even begin to tell you how much they taught me about what true customer service is and i think that they spoiled me a little bit in the fact that now i know what customer service really is so let me first and foremost talk about shopping i hate shopping i absolutely hate it and i don't unders it actually brings me anxiety to go to a store they are overcrowded there is no customer service there is no such thing as customer service anymore except for with restoration hardware i i simply believe that it does not exist you ask someone where something is and they treat you as if you are inconveniencing them while they're on their phone at work playing that bird angry birds i don't know texting their friends being on social media and i think that that is unprofessional and i don't like asking anyone for any help for anything at any store ever because it just makes me feel like a horrible person just based on the way that they look at me then i go and i i get a product that i need and i take it up to the front register where i then have to wait in line for the privilege of purchasing their product in their store whereas you know people say it used to be customer service maybe in the 1800s when all you had was a general store and maybe one customer would come in at a time and the one person behind the counter would talk to you while you were there that's maybe what customer service used to be but in my lifetime it has always been as horrible as this and then they don't typically when you go to places sometimes they don't even have cashiers uh they don't even have people so you have to wait in line for the privilege of spending your money on their product and then there's nobody to help you you have to do it yourself okay i have to do it myself and i have to pay you to do it myself okay great great okay gotcha i understand if you have any sort of questions about a product each store now has hundreds of thousands of products and there is no way that any person who works at any of these places is going to know everything about every product so if you have any questions about product nobody has the answer the only thing you can do is pull out your phone and google it and hope to get the right answer so there is no product knowledge there is no customer assistance i just don't i don't understand it and then another thing which is really important as you as i've downsized from my three bed two bath to a two bed two bath i had to get rid of two thirds of my belongings or at least at least half so once you buy an item it's um it's hard to get rid of the item take furniture for example a couch so say you go and buy a couch i call it a sofa because of restoration hardware training but you go and purchase a sofa and you pay a thousand dollars let's say you want to upgrade your furnishings and you want to get a different 1 000 sofa so you're hoping that you can sell your old sofa for half of what you paid for it it's in perfect condition it's comfortable it's beautiful so you try and sell it for five hundred dollars well nobody will buy it for five hundred dollars or four or three or two or one or take it when there's a free sign because nobody wants furniture you actually have to pay you have to pay to get rid of it you have to take it to a dump and pay a fee to get rid of it if the thrift stores won't take it and thrift stores generally a lot of them won't take large pieces of furniture anymore so the second you buy a product after going through the horrible experience of buying it then trying to get rid of it so you can upgrade you can't even get rid of it so what's the point in spending it in the first place so like you literally have the hardest time getting rid of the thing that you went through hell to get all right so i'm sure you're like what about online shopping okay let's talk about online shopping that i also hate so you go to hmm what's a place that you could shop for stuff online amazon so you go over to amazon and you're like okay um i'm gonna look at i can't socks i'm gonna look at socks right i need new socks you go look at a cheap pack of six packs of socks for ten bucks right you put it in your cart and then first of all you're like wait maybe i need some shoes to go with my socks and some new pants and a new shirt and a new necklace and some new scarves and i do need some hats so instead of getting the socks you're getting in it you're you're spending way more than you expected to pay when you first went in there and let's say that you don't do that okay let's say you just put it in your cart and you're gonna you're gonna stew it over for a day and you're gonna think about it for a day that's one to three days within that one to three days do you ever notice in your search engine that whether you're on amazon or not all these different ads for socks and shirts and shoes and scarves and hats and necklaces and jewelry all start popping up just because you looked at these socks for two seconds on amazon yeah they've got your information folks they've got your search history and your address and your name and they know what type of bottled water you drink and they have your credit card information they give you a buy now click option and now they're starting with buy now pay later options which is even worse but every single shopping experience i have is pretty darn horrible i hate it i hate going out there oh memberships oh my gosh costco memberships sam's club memberships oh my gosh so you want me to pay you for the opportunity to purchase your products in bulk for a single person and then i go up to the cash register i have to wait in line for an hour and then when you finally do check me out you don't have any bags i have to use boxes or just throw it in my cart or bring giant storage bins with me because you don't even have the audacity to give me a bag for the stuff that i just paid 300 for in your store everybody needs 24 cases of toothpaste at a time i mean of course we all know that look every experience i've had shopping has been horrible in fact i don't even go to thrift stores anymore believe it or not so the only time i i haven't gone to a thrift store in a year in in over a year or any other of any store other than groceries because i have to eat but i'm not going to go to a thrift store to see what they have on sale because that that's the recreational shopping in us happening right so we want to do the recreational shopping but we don't want to pay full price so we go to the thrift store and recreational shopping is when you don't even need anything you just go to look to see what they have to see if they have anything that you didn't know you needed right i've been there and i've done that i'm not doing it again yeah so let's say i need a new pair of pants and i go to the thrift store i'm gonna go to the thrift store i'm gonna get one new pair of pants and then of course they have buy two for ten dollars i don't wanna buy two i came here for one pair of pants and that's all i'm gonna do well here's a coupon for your next visit oh no no i won't be needing your coupon i won't be back in time for it to expire that's how i work that's how i roll and i hate it and the same sort of goes for restaurants at this point too i'm not talking about mcdonald's and taco bell that used to be when i back in my day when gas was 98 cents you could go to a mcdonald's and get 49 cent cheeseburgers on tuesdays and no 20 29 hamburgers and 39 cent cheeseburgers on tuesdays you'd go and get like five of them you'd be the happiest little pig in town and now it's like you can't get those things anymore you know you go to mcdonald's and now it's like 17 for a big mac meal i might be exaggerating i don't know i haven't been there in a long time you go to kfc it's the same thing that'll be that'll the first window and you give them your money and then they like throw your credit card back at you and then or your debit card and then you go to the second window and they throw the food and drink at you and you're so fat you're like oh my god slow down i can't just let me put it in the passenger seat before you shove the drink in my face you know they have to keep you know they have to go fast but that's not something that i look forward to and then when you have a sit-down restaurant you have a waitress who's super sweet to you to to get your money but the food's awful and it took an hour to get your meal and i know it's not the waitress's fault it's probably you know bad management's fault but god i don't want to sit down and wait for a half an hour to an hour to get my meal meanwhile i could be in the middle of a conversation with my best friend and the waitress walks rock walks up at the most important part of the conversation and interrupts me everything going okay can i get you more water would you like more coffee geez waitress i know you're here to do your job and you're doing a great job but that was like the worst possible time you could have interrupted me so yes i don't like shopping i know that my brain is probably has like some sort of malfunction in it compared to the rest of the united states but again i am spock i think in complete logical terms i do not think emotionally and in logical terms shopping is stupid all right folks don't forget to check out my book living on almost nothing i will leave a link in the description below and don't forget whether you believe you can or you believe you can't you are right prepper princess out rocky can i kiss it oh such a little traitor
Channel: Prepper Princess
Views: 73,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shopping, Budget, Finance, Wealth Building
Id: wmURnckYaBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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