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what is going on YouTube I am prepper princess the author of living on almost nothing if you are interested in purchasing my book I will go ahead and leave a link down in the description box below so today I want to talk to you about the 10 reasons that I will never have another regular job we have all heard of The Quiet quitting movement which is not really quitting it's pretty much just doing your job requirements and we're in a huge you know not a recession but like we're companies are trying to get workers and nobody wants to work and I want to shed a little bit of light on as to why I will never go back to a regular job again I tried for the last time in Arizona and it's never going to happen again let's start with number one the treatment of employees by the customers in the complete loss of dignity that comes with it uh if you have ever worked with the public you know that recently in the last 10 years or so um we use the term Karen's and Darren's um and I don't you know it's the only way you can describe somebody you had to come up with some sort of word um but people have gotten completely out of hand not just entitlement but demands and you know companies don't really back up their employees when it when a customer gets out of hand so customers now go into stores and fast food restaurants in restaurants with these labor workers and they know that they can treat them like absolute filth like dirt not even as good as they treat animals they can just treat them like the worst thing on earth and um the company is not going to back up the employee the company's not going to do anything about it and unfortunately we do live in a world where three percent of the population is Psychopaths and three percent of the populations are sociopaths so six out of 100 out of a hundred people that you are helping are completely bat poop crazy and are going to do anything they can to ruin your day so every time you help 100 people which is probably for most people would be in one day you're going to get six that are going to ruin your day and they're gonna enjoy doing that number two treatment of employees by management that is treating their employees like children and I'm going to give you real life examples here um okay so if you've ever worked in a call center or in the public if you're in a call center you literally have to log into your phone and out of your phone otherwise the calls just automatically come in once one hangs up you just hear a beep in your ear and you're kind of like okay and the next call comes in so if you want to go to the bathroom you have to log out of your phone you have to ask for permission to go to the bathroom when Nature Calls Nature Calls you just gotta go well you know and they and most of these companies only give you three minutes to go to the bathroom I had this one guy I felt so bad for this guy he obviously went to the bathroom to poop and he was gone for like eight minutes not a huge amount of time you know we get 15-minute breaks but he was gone somewhere in the middle for like eight minutes he comes back in the management in front of everyone totally unprofessional he was like hey man you clocked out for a bathroom break like eight minutes ago and he's like yeah man I was going to the bathroom it's like well you can't take more than three minutes for a bathroom break this poor guy his face was bright red he was embarrassed all the heck and management it just like he didn't like really really um also at a company I worked for um I guess too many people were spilling their coffee mugs at their desks management sent out an email with a link of company approved cups that you could bring into the workplace and I kid you not they were adult sippy cups it's a thing like the kind that they use at like medical facilities and convalescent homes those were the only approved cups that you talk about treating employees like children so from that point on foreign [Music] was coming into work literally with a with a sippy cup with a sippy cup guys Rocky that's enough anytime anybody walks by uh even on the sidewalk outside the dogs will go crazy uh number three office company culture and backstabbing now I don't know if you know this working in an office environment is in fact like being in high school sorry about that people will in fact go to management and go to the HR our office and if you have a vacation day requested off that they wanted off they will try to get you fired so that you so that they can get your vacation day essentially I can't tell you how many times I was called into HR for the most ridiculous things you've ever heard um someone at some point said that I was making sexual comments about something I don't I literally had no clue what she was talking about and like I still to this day I'm trying to figure out like if I said something I would have admitted it but I had no clue what she was talking about another time I was talking to a co-worker about Uber black and I got called into the HR office about racism because I was talking about Uber black and they assumed that I was talking about the race of black people like it made no sense it made no sense I guess that they just wanted me to get fired or wanted me to get in trouble I don't know why but that is like something that is something they do they just like go in circles and they just do it to everybody it makes no sense to me at all but then again I'm an adult upstairs um then we move into the the company policies uh for vacation time off so most places where you work in the public where you work a low-wage job you have to go into the computer system and request the day off and about 95 percent of the time it's automatically denied and you can't do it more than three months in advance so if you want to plan a big trip to Paris or Italy you have to be working at the company for like three years before you can even accumulate enough vacation time to go and then you were you can't request it off more than three months in advance so you're only given a very short time frame in order to plan that huge vacation and if somebody already has those days off you can't go you simply can't go uh number five working nights weekends holidays mandatory overtime so I can't tell you how many times I mean I've worked two jobs my entire adult life until very recently I can't tell you how many Christmas Eve Thanksgiving Christmas Eve Christmas New Year's Easter birthdays anniversaries I have had to miss because I was literally not allowed to not work that day and it wasn't just me it was everyone I don't and then it's so funny you have you work Black Friday the day after Thanksgiving so you now it's Thanksgiving like they started on Thanksgiving and if you are not there on Thanksgiving or the day after Thanksgiving you are automatically fired and then you have customers coming in going really sucks that you you know it's really messed up that you have to work on a holiday like this it's like you're standing right in front of me you're the reason I'm working on this day quit shopping on those days and maybe you know normal people will be able to spend some holidays with their families um number six setting new standards that are not in your job description so I've had this happen countless times and it's not always about the job description so job description will change on a dime and you'll be given new responsibilities with that we're not in your job description and you have to just do it and you know you don't get a raise are you kidding that's ridiculous but um there was a new standard there was a new uh dress code policy that came into effect my hair is up in a bun and it's almost always up in a bun I got called into the office telling me and they told and I was on in the dress code they told me that not that it was mandatory but it would be I would it would be better looked upon if I wore my hair down and curled it every day and that my shoes needed more shining like my I shined my shoes but they weren't shiny enough so I just went out and bought a pair of shinier shoes but telling people that it's not you're not against the dress code but we don't like the way you wear your hair that's um but they couldn't phrase it like that or they could be sued they couldn't reprimand me for it or they would be sued so nothing came about that but I think it's pretty messed up that they didn't like my hair anyway and that's not even talking about the jobs where they just added stuff to my job description um number seven throw away employees layoffs and Outsourcing the only two jobs I have ever been happy with I mean happy I was excited to go into work I love despite all of the other bad things about the policies and the sippy cups and everything else two jobs I've had in my entire life and they were both outsourced one was outsourced to another country one was outsourced to another state and they did not care they simply put me in a different department that I hated and told me that I had absolutely no say we're moving you over to this department starting tomorrow wait a minute I've been in this position for five and a half years and you just asked if I would wouldn't mind being the supervisor last month why is why is this changing oh we're moving it to a different state great different location I appreciate that so if I would have taken the supervisor position I would have been terminated or demoted awesome um number eight unwanted promotions without any notice or Choice yes I have had this happen have you ever worked in a call center and hated your job just being yelled at by every single customer but since you do such a great job we're going to give you the new escalated phone calls of all of the escalated customers and by the way you're getting a 12 cent an hour raise I don't want that job well that's too bad you're going to take it or we're going to let you go thanks that wouldn't scarred me for Life by the way yeah working at a bank for escalated customers and then working for uh Comcast or Xfinity with on the escalated customer line lost all faith in humanity all of it all right so what do we have L what else we've got number nine promotions that you do want but you're passed up for someone else less qualified and they make more money than you they've been at the company three months and you've been there for more than eight years I had this happen so I was at the company for eight years I had people begging and begging and begging me to apply for a supervisor position once they became available and I One finally became available I was interested in I applied for it they gave it to this guy named Ricky or Richard he went by Ricky and by the way my metrics I was literally number one in the company metrics uh phone time customer satisfaction surveys uh breaks lunches on time uh no vacations no sick days those are metrics um and he had been at the company for three months and um I was there for about eight years at that time and they gave it to him instead of me and he had he was like 20 years old so he had like no experience this was his first call center job they gave it to him and they also paid him four dollars more an hour than they told me than what they told me they were gonna pay me um so that really sucked and they say that uh what is it equality in the workplace male men and women I I can't I don't agree I did completely disagree um number 10 horrible yearly raises you get 15 cents an hour raise and they tell you that you're lucky to get it or you're working there for two years and you get no raise at all and they tell you that you're lucky to be there had that happen I actually had one where they changed my schedule without my permission and I actually lost 15 cents an hour because there was a extra pay on Sundays and then I lost that extra pay on Sundays and I actually got a pay cut after working there for two years which so I was back to not just back to two years ago it was like 15 cents less than what I made when I first started two years ago and they said suck it up buttercup you know sorry nothing we can do uh and then the last company I worked for the very last company I was there for a year and a half um I was there for a year and a half and the department that I worked in was supposed to have four people two full-time and two two part-time two full-time and two part-time I was there full time and we had a horrible co-worker that made um made it literally hell on Earth to work there I had outlasted everyone everyone else quit um anytime they got a new hire in they quit within their first week because of this other employee who was a snake I've never met a worse person in my life um and so they there came a point where they they came and they talked to me and they said we're not hiring for those three positions we're just not going to fill them and and I was like but it's just me and they said yeah you can do it you can handle it and I said well can I get a raise because I'm doing the the work of four people and you're not going to fill those positions um can I get a raise no no raises this year I quit the next day [Music] um and I don't feel guilty about it I don't feel guilty about it at all I've been taken advantage of so many times for these low-wage jobs that treat me like a child and treat me like I'm lucky to have them well no they're lucky to have me and I'm simply done I'm not going to go into that environment again and realize that you know I'm wasting a third of my life on companies where I'm not even a number to them you know most of probably a hundred percent of these companies nobody would even remember my name if I went back into the into the call center or into the store and I'm done and the truth is is that um I make enough off of my rental properties and my dividends where I don't have to ever work again um and and I'm going to keep it that way YouTube is a really great side gig so that I'll count that as a job sure um but I'm I'm not going to go back to that literal hell on Earth it is my own personal hell I would rather um eat from food banks and live without electricity and without a car can you tell I'm upset sweetheart I love you you're a good girl I would rather live off of food banks and ride a bike and walk and not have a car then go back to a normal job now that's not to say that I Won't Do seasonal jobs part-time jobs side hustles you know doordash Hub Grub Uber seasonal stuff like maybe a spring or Christmas time you never know I I sometimes get the I wanna I want a job kick it it happens sometimes so maybe I'll get one of those and who knows maybe I will find a job that I love so much that I will want to go back to full-time work but the likelihood of that happening is almost none tell me what you guys think in the comments I mean have you all lost complete faith in humanity uh when working in the public I mean seriously I know that I I can't there's no way I'm the only one who feels this way all right folks do what you can with what you've got prepper princess out here that one's up on uh goes through that drive window guys walking right there oh yeah yeah that side there we're clear of 1127 King Road 1122 Queen Road same problem
Channel: Prepper Princess
Views: 391,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: low income living, extreme money savings, poverty living, quiet quitting
Id: G31i6NA3Pho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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